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Preview New or Noteworthy Plants of Japanese Bambusaceae (9)

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 67: 286-290 (1992) New or Noteworthy Plants of Japanese Bambusaceae (9) Sadao SUZUKI Sakura City,C hiba Pref.,28 5 JAPAN 日本タケ科植物新知見 (9) 鈴木貞雄 佐倉市・・・・・・・・ 285 (Received on March 9,1 992) Two new species,S asa minensis S. Suzuki and S. miakeana S. Suzuki are described. The taxonomic position of Sasa maculata Nakai is corrected. Sasa mayebarae Nakai is synonymous with S. tokugawana Makino. New rank for Pleioblastus shibuyanus f. pubescens (Makino) S. Suzuki is proposed. (Continued from J. Jpn. Bot. 66: 194-198,1 991) 24) Sasa (Sect. Monilicladae) minensis S. folia culmi 20-25 cm longa,5 -7 cm lata, Suzuki,sp . nov. ramorum 19-21 cm longa,4 -5 cm lata,o mnia Sasae tokugawae Makino bene affinis sed ex basi rotundata vel rotundatocuneataapice sub- ・ qua vaginis culmorum pilis densis patentibus subito acuminata supra glabra subtus glaucina longisque cum retrorsis minutisque mixtis obsitis pubescentea,ma rgine setulifera,pe tiolis 3-7 mm distinguenda. longis glabris vel supra ciliatis,h ieme bene Culmi 80-120 cm alti,3 -5 mml ati,s upra albomarginata; setis oralibus evolutis plerique medium raro eb asi ramosi subrobust .iInternodia decideratis saepe ab initio nullis; ligulis brevibus glabra. Nodi valde incrassati,gl obosi,pi lis retrorsis 1-2 mma ltis apice truncatis,d orso minute minutisque puberuli saepe pilis longis pilosi. ciliatis,ma rgine fere integris. Vaginae culmorum persistentes,in feriores quam Nom. Jap. Mine-zasa (novふ internodia fere sesquiplo breviores,ba si globoso Hab. Japan. Honshu. Pref. Yamaguchi: ・ inflatae,c um superioribus pilis densis patentibus Hinaga,O mine,Mi ne-shi (N. Miake 56024,Ju l. longisque cum retrorsis minutisque mixtis obsitae, 28,1 981 -holotype in TI); Hara,N ishiatsuho ・ laminiferae, laminis inferioribus anguste tri- cho,M ine-shi (N. Miake 56023,J ul. 28,1 981). angulatis 4-10 mml ongis,su perioribus ovatis vel Pref. Hiroshima: Shitami,H 王i培gおash姐iihiroωshima.寸li oblongoovatis 15-30 mm longis, apice (T. Seki 121,N ov. 21,1 973 -syntype in TI). ・ acutissimis,s ubdeciduis. Folia in apice culmi et Aodake Hill,al t. 400 m,A kagawa,S hobara-shi ramorum 4-7,l anceolatooblongased folia (T. Takeda 4049,J ul. 7,1 984). Shikoku,Pr ef. ・ infima ovato-oblonga,s uperma late lanceolata, Ehime: Joju,Mt . Ishizuchi,al t. 1400 m,Sa ijoshi ・ -286一 October 1992 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 67 No. 5 287 (M. Fujita 1483,Ju l. 25,19 84). Mt. Ishizuchi,al t. 1968 -syntype in TI); the Hirashimizu Shrine, 1490 m, Omogo-mura,K amiukena-gun (M. Yamaguchi-shi (N. Miake 56015,J ul. 4,1 981). Fujita,2 196,O ct. 24,1 985). Pref. Hiroshima: Hokotoriyama,A tomachi, ・ Distr. The Sanyo districts of Honshu and Hiroshima-shi (T. Takeda 4966,N ov. 20,1 988); Shikoku,J apan. Amidayama,Y uki-machi (T. Takeda 4939,Se p. This new species is most allied to Sasa toku- 25,1 988); Ichiba,Sh obara-shi (T. Takeda 4961, gawana Makino in having the leaves pubescent Jul. 2,19 88). Shikoku. Pref. Ehime: Tsuchigoya, beneath and densely pilose culm-sheaths,b ut alt. 1630 m,M t. Ishizuchi,S aijo-shi (M. Fujita differs from that by the villose culm-sheaths with 298,Au g. 21,19 80); Mt. Heikedaira,al t. 1490 m, patent long hairs mixed with retrorse minute ones Uma-gun (M. Fujita 1791,Se p. 23,19 84); Mitsu- contrary to only patent long hairs in the former. mori Pass,alt . 1350 m,Um a-gun (S. Suzuki 9683, 25) Sasa (Sect. Monilicladae) miakeana S. Aug. 7, 1981); Mt. Myδjin, alt. 1380 m, Suzuki,sp . nov. Kamiukena-gun (M. Fujita 711,J ul. 12,1 981). Haec species Sasae minensi S. Suzuki affinis, Distr. The Sanyo districts of Honshu and sed ex qua foliis glabris distincta. Shikoku,J ap an. Culmi 60-90 cm alti,3 -5 mml ati,s upra This new species is most allied to Sasαminensis medium vel eb asi ramosi,su brobusti. Internodia S. Suzuki in having villose culmsheathswith 圃 glabra. Nodi valde incrassati,gl obosi,pi lis retrorsis patent long hairs mixed with retrorse minute ones, minutisque puberuli saepe pilis longis pilosi. but readily distinguishable from the latter by the Vaginae culmorum persistentes,in feriores quam glabrous leaves. internodia fere sesquiplo breviores,ba si globoso- 1h ave named this new species in honor of Mr. inflatae,c um superioribus pilis densis patentibus Nagato Miake,a botanist in Yamaguchi Pre- longisque cum retrorsis minutisque mixtis obsitae, fecture. laminiferae,l aminis inferioribus late lanceolatis 26) Correction for the taxonomic position of 5-25 mml ongis,su perioribus oblongo-lanceolatis Sasa maculata Na kai 20-35 mmlo ngis,a pice acutissimis,s ubdeciduis. 1t reated erroneously Sasa maculata Nakai as Folia in apice culmi et ramorum 4-6,la nceolato- as ynonym of S. nagasei S. Suzuki in myp revious oblonga,2 0-25 cm longa,4 .5-6 cm lata,b asi paper. 1w ould like to correct that treatment as rotundata vel rotundato.cuneataapice subsubito fol1ows: ・ acuminata utrinque glabra,m argine setulifera, Sasa maculata Nakai in J. Jpn. Bot. 11: 814 petiolis 3-7 mm longis, hieme haud vel (1935). Suzuki加J.Jpn. Bot. 66: 195 (1991)加syn. angustissime albomarginata; setis oralibus male Sasa nagasei S. Suzuki in J. Jpn. Bot. 58: 18 evolutis saepe ab initio nullis; ligulis 1-3 mmal tis (1983),sy n. nov. apice truncatis,d orso minute ciliatis,m argine 27) Taxonomic position of Sasa mayebarae integris. Nakai Nom. Jap. Miake-zasa (nov.). Nakai (1935) reported ,Sα'sa mayebarαeN akai , Hab. Japan. Honshu. Pref. Yamaguchi: (sect. Crassinodi) based on the specimens collected Kanagokei,At omachi,Abu-gun (N. Miake 8041, by K. Mayebara at Isshochi,Pr ef. Kumamoto. 1 ・ Aug. 3,1 969 -holotype in TI); Masutani, (1975) treated it as as ynonym of Sasαelegαntissimα , Mutsumi-mura,Ab u-gun (N. Miake 559,Au g. 20, Koidz. 288 植物研究雑誌第67巻第5号 平成4年10月 As mentioned in myp revious papers,in south- to Pleioblastus shibuyanus Makino ex Nakai except western Honshu,S hikoku and Kyushu,th e sect. for pilose nodes. Therefore 1( 1977) combined the Moni1icladae becomes smaller and thinner,th ere- former to the latter as P. shibuyanus f. pubescens fore confused with the sect. Crassinodi. In the (Makino) S. Suzuki. recent reinvestigation of the type specimen of Sasa Recently 1f ound that A. variegata var. viridis mayebarae Nakai in TI,th e culms are fine (65 cm f. pubescens has broader and somewhat thicker in length and 3m min diameter),bu t one among leaves than those of P. shibuyanus Nakai,an d is 4s heets shoots out two branches at the upper part distributed in the western Honshu,Sh ikoku and and bears two winter buds at the lower part. It is Kyushu while P. shibuyanus Nakai in the Kanto surely am ember of the sect. Monilicladae not of and the Tohoku Districts. Then it is better con- the Crassinodi. 1id entified it as Sasa tokugawana sidered to rise the former as varietal rank of the Makino by pilose culm-sheaths with long hairs and latter. For the name of this variety 1p roposed to pubescent leaves beneath. adopt P. shibuyαnus var. basihirsutus S. Suzuki Sasa tokugawana Makino in J. Jpn. Bot. 1: 34 (1980). This name was given to af orm of this race (1916),2: 8(1 918),58 : 359 (1983). Nakai in J. Arn. with densely pilose nodes and slightly pilose only Arb. 6: 150 (1925). Suzuki in Jap. J. Bot. 19: 101 at the basal parts of culm-sheaths (limited about (1965); in Hikobia 4: 328 (1965); in J. Jpn. Bot. 3c m) with subdeciduous long hairs whereas P. 58: 359 (1983); Ind. Jap. Bamb. 166,pl . 49,34 7 shibuyanus f. pubescens (Makino) S. Suzuki (1977) (1978). Kobayashi in J. Jpn. Bot. 64: 271 (1989). is densely pilose only at the nodes. The differenαS, Sasa mayebarae Nakai in J. Jpn. Bot. 11: 373 however,s eem to be of little importance. (1935). Suzuki in Hikobia 7: 107 (1975); Ind. Jap. Sometimes intermediate forms occur. Bamb. 357 (1978),in syn. sub. Sasa elegantissima Pleioblastus shibuyanus Makino [in sched., Koidz.,sy n. nov. Herb. Univ. Tokyo,ut shibuyana] ex Nakai in Specim. repres. Kyushu. Pref. Kumamoto: Rika Kyoiku 15: 70 (1932),n. n. et in J. Jpn. Bot. Isshochi (K. Mayebara 2320,S ep. 30,1 934 - 10: 197 (1934),cu m diagn. Latin. Suzuki,In d. Jap. holotype in TI,is otype in KYO). Bamb. 318,p l. 125,3 70 (1978). Distr. Pacific side of central and western NiJフ'Ponocalamusshibuyαnus (Makino ex Honshu,S hikoku and Kyushu,J apan. Nakai) Nakai in J. Jpn. Bot. 18: 364 (1942). 28) New rank of Pleioblastus shibuyanus f. Distr. Kanto and Tohoku districts of Honshu, pubescens (Makino) S. Suzuki Japan. Nakai (1934) described Pleioblast;ωshibuyanus var. basihirsutus S. Suzuki in Hikobia 8: 348 Makino based on the specimen collected by (1980). 恥fakinoat Shibuya in Tokyo. This type is pre- Arundinaria variegata (Sieb.) Makino var. served in TI. Ont he other hand,M akino (1912) viridis Makino f. pubescens Makino in Bot. Mag. described Arundinaria variegata (Sieb.) Makino Tokyo 26: 16 (1912). var. viridis Makino f. pubescens Makino based on Pleioblastus pubescens (Makino) Nakai in J. the specimen collected by himself at Mt. Hiyei, Jpn. Bot. 9: 219 (1933). Kyoto City. Thep lant has glabrous culm-and leaf- Pleioblastus tectus Koidz. in Acta Phyt. Geob. sheaths,pi lose nodes with long or short hairs and 4: 15 (1935). pubescent leaves on both surfaces. It is very similar Pleioblastus shibuyanus Makino ex Nakai f. October 1992 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 67 No. 5 289 pubescens (Makino) S. Suzuki in Hikobia 8: 66 初めてである.これら両種は山口県と広島県では (1977). 低地に生えるが,愛媛県では石鎚山系を中心とし Distr. Southwestern Honshu,S hikoku and た高地にのみ産し,同節のほかの種とともにやや Kyushu,Ja pan. 小形で,葉もすこし狭い. 26)私は前報でマキヤマザサSωαmαculatα s. 1w ish to express my sincere gratitude for Nakaiをヒダノミヤマクマザサ nαgαsei S. Su- zukiのシノニムとしたが,それは誤りであり,後 supporting this study to Messrs. N. Miake in 者が前者のシノニムであるので訂正したい. Yamaguchi Pref. and M. Fujita in Ehime Pref. 27)熊本県一勝地から報告されたマエパラザサ Thanks are also due to the curators of herbaria of Sαsa mαyebarae Na kai (ミヤコザサ節〉は私は the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University for これまでミヤコザサ節のタンガザサS.elegαntis- giving me permission to examine their valuable s~mαKoidz. のシノニムとしてきた.しかし前報 speclmens. にも述べたように,イブキザサ節は日本の西南部 ではいちじるしく小丹3イヒし,そのためミヤコザサ References 節と紛らわしくなることがよくあるので,東京大 Suzuki S. 1961. Ecology of the Bambusaceous genera 学のマヱパラザサのタイプ標本を再検討した.そ Sasa and Sasamorpha in the Kanto and Tohoku の結果,稗は高さ65cm,直径3mm程度で繊細であ districts of Japan,w ith special reference to their るが, 4本のうちの 1本は明らかに上部に 2本の geographical distribution. Eco1. Rev. 15: 132. 一一一一一1978.Index to Japanese Bambusaceae. 384 pp. 枝と下方に2個の冬芽がある.それはイブキザサ Gakken,T okyo. 節の発育不全型であり,稗鞘に開出する長毛が密 一一一一一1991.New or Noteworthy Plants of Japanese Bambusaceae (8). J. Jpn. Bot. 66: 194-198. 生し,葉裏に毛があることから,まさしくトクガ ワザサSωα tokugαωαnαMakinoに該当する. 要旨 マエパラザサは原記載に示されたミヤコザサ節の 24)新種,ミネザサSαsα minensisS. Suzuki ものではなく,イブキザサ節であり, トクガワザ はササ属イブキザサ節の1種で,稗鞘に長毛が密 サのシノニムとなる. 生し,葉裏に毛があることで, トクガワザサs. 28)牧野富太郎博士(1912)は京都市比叡山の tokugαωαnαMakinoによく似ているが,それは ネザサの1種で,稗鞘と葉鞘に毛がなく,節に長 稗鞘に長毛だけが密生するのに対して,ミネザサ 毛が密生し,葉の両面に毛があるものをケネザサ は聞出する長毛と逆向する細毛が密に混生するの Arundinαnαυαriegαtα(Sieb.) Makino var. で,容易に区別できる.見明長門氏が山口県美祢 uiridis Makino f. pubescens Makinoとして発 市で発見され,地名にちなんでミネザサと命名し 表された.また中井猛之進博士 (1934)は牧野博 た.ほかに広島県と愛媛県に産する. 士が東京都渋谷で採集され,ラベルにシブヤザサ 25)新種,ミアケザサSαsα miakeαnαS.Suzu- Pleioblαstus shibuyαnαMakinoと記名された標 kiはミネザサに酷似するが,葉裏に毛がないので, 本をもとにしてシブヤザサ P. shibuyαnus 直ちに区別できる.これも見明長門氏が山口県阿 Makino ex Na kaiを正式に発表された.それは 武郡と山口市で発見され見明氏を記念してミア 牧野のケネザサにきわめてよく似ているが,節と ケザサと命名した.本種もまたほかに広島県と愛 葉の上面が無毛であることだけが異なる.それで 媛県に産する.ササ属の種のなかで,稗鞘に聞出 私(1977)はケネザサをシプヤザサの品種に移し, する長毛と逆向する細毛が密に混生するものは, 学名をP.shibuyαnus f. pubescens (Makino) S. ほかの節,すなわちチシマザサ節,チマキザサ節 Suzukiと改めた.その後,ケネザサはシブヤザサ およびミヤコザサ節ではそれぞれ見いだされてい とは節に長毛があるだけでなく,葉が広く,かつ るが,イブキザサ節ではミネザサとミアケザサが やや厚く,またシブヤザサは関東と東北地方に分 290 植物研究雑誌第67巻第5号 平成4年10月 布するのに対して,ケネザサは近畿地方より以 り上方3cmくらいまでの聞にやや早落性の長毛が 西,四国,九州に分布することがわかった.そう まばらに生えているものである.しかしそれはケ なるとケネザサはシブヤザサの品種よりは変種と ネザサとの聞に中間型があり はっきり区別すべ するのが適当と考えられる.変種のランクでは, きほどのものではないことがわかった.そのため すでに私 (1980)が報告したサヤゲシブヤザサP. 私はケネザサの変種名に従来のサヤゲネザサの shibuyαnus var. bαsihirsutαS. Suzukiがある. 学名をそのまま使用することを提案したい. それはケネザサによく似ているが,稗鞘の基部よ

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