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New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (1) Hydrobryum japonicum, Balanophora subcupularis, Rhopalocnemis phalloides and Sonerila laeta PDF

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Preview New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (1) Hydrobryum japonicum, Balanophora subcupularis, Rhopalocnemis phalloides and Sonerila laeta

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. 81: 324-331 (2006) New or Noteworthy Plant Collections from Myanmar (1) め,drobηumjaponicum,Ba lanophora subcupularis, Rhopalocnemis phalloides and Sonerila laeta Nobuyuki TANAKA\ Siro KOBAYASHI\ Tetsuo OHI-ToMAb and Jin MURATAb aKochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden,4 20ι6,G odaisan,K ochi,7 81-8125 JAPAN; E-mail: [email protected] bBotanical Gardens,G raduate School of Sciences,th e University of Tokyo, 3-7-1,H akusan,B unkyo-ku,T okyo,1 12-0001' JAPAN (Received on May 13,2 006) In the course of floristic research of Kachin State,n orthem Myanmar,H ydrobryum japonicum Imamura (Podostemaceae),B αlanophora subcupularis Tam,R hopalocnemis phalloides Jungh. (Balanophoraceae) and Sonerila laeta Stapf (Melastomataceae) were collected. These species are new to the flora of Myanmar. These materials may suggest that the flora of uppermost regions of Myanmar is closely related to Sino-Japanese or Indo-Chinese floristic region rather than Indian one. Key words: Balanophora,H ydrobryum,M yanmar,R hopalocnemis,So nerila. In the course of ongoing inventory work Myanmar (Burma) stretches from the for the floristic analysis of Myanm Southeastem Himalayas to the Andaman 征 (Tanaka 2005),t wo expeditions to Hukaung Sea,a nd encompasses great topographical Valley Tiger Reserve,K achin State,t he and climatic extremes that have given rise to northemmost State of the country were c a complexity of habitats and ecosystems. 訂- ried out in September and December 2005. During the expeditions Hydrobryum jαponicum Imamura (Podostemaceae), Balanophora subcupularis Tam, Rhopa- locnemis phalloides Jungh. (Balano- phoraceae), and Sonerila laeta Stapf (Melastomataceae) were collected. All these species. are new to Myanmar. The impor- tance and characteristics of these collections are noted below. The top set of the voucher specimens was retained in Tanaing Office, Forest Deptment,Ministry of Forestry, 但 Union of Myanmar. The duplicates are de- posited in the herbaria of Makino Botanical 。日 110 120 Garden (MBK) and the University of Tokyo (TI). Identification of the host of Fig. 1. Distribution of Hydrobryum }α!ponicum Balanophora subcupuralis was based on (emended from Kato 2006,fi g 1). New locality in morphology and cpDNA sequence. Myanmar is indicated with open circle. -324-ー ∞ December 2 6 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 6 325 Fig. 2. Hydrobryum japonicum. A. Rheophytic habitat in Shinbweyan. B. A large rock with H. japonicum (yellowish colony in the central part). C. Plants enlarged. 326 植物研究雑誌第81巻第6号 平成18年12月 Accordingly,M yanmar constitutes as ignifi- cant component of the Indo-Myanmar Hotspot in terms of both land eaand 紅 biodiversity (van D詰ket al. 2004). On the other hand,K ingdon-Ward (1916) pointed out the existence of the Myanmar-China (Yunnan) floristic region,O hba (1975) also supposed this relationship based on his taxo- nomic study on Sedum of Myanm 紅. All of the four species reported here have their main distribution range east of Myanmar. Accordingly they suggest that the 100 110 120 130 flora of the uppermost regions of Myanmar is closely related to Sino-Japanese or lndo- Fig. 3. Distribution of Bαlanophora subcupuralis. Chinese elements rather than an lndian one. Sold circles are based on the herbarium speci- From this point of view the continuous series mens cited in Tam (1982). New locality in of this study in this area will be important to Myanmar is indicated with open circle. reveal the floristic relationship between Myanmar and its neighboring regions. cIose to B.かngosaJ. R. Forst. & G. Forst. Hydrobryum japonicum Imamura in subsp.かngosαdistributedin the coastal Bot. Mag. Tokyo 42: 376 (1928). easand on the islands in the Pacific region 征 [Figs. 1,2] (Murata 1988) and distinguished only in the This species was originally described from smaller size of the inflorescence (especially Jap an but is mainly distributed in Thailand of the male flower) than B.かngosa.This is and adjacent eas(Kato 2006). This is the the first record from Myanmar and is the 紅 first record from Myanmar and is the westem limit of the distribution of this spe- westem limit of the distribution of this spe- cies (Fig. 2). This species is common in this cies (Fig. 1). area and usually grows on the ground. In ex- Voucher specimens: MYA NMAR. Kachin State; 佐emecases,h owever,t he rhizome attached Tawa Hka (River),3 m iles from Shinbweyan toward to the aerial roots of Byttnel・iapilosa Roxb. Pansaung. 26043'33"N,9 6011 '55"E,al t. 200-210 m, (Sterculiaceae) extends up to 3m high above on rock by stream,6 D ecember 2006,J. Murata & al. the ground and many inflorescences were 040671,0 41232 (MBK,TI ). covered by the thick climbing stem of the host. Balanophora subcupularis Tam in FL Fujianica 1: 602 (1982). [Figs. 2,4] Voucher specimen: MYA NMAR. Kachin State; Tawa Hka( River),3 m iles from Shinbweyan toward This species was described recently (Tam Pansaung, 26043'25"-33"N, 960 11 '50"-55"E, alt. 1982) in comparison to B. hainantensis 200-210 m,6 D ecember 2006,J. Murata & al. 040882 Masam. (=B.αbbreviata Blume). It appears (MBK, TI); 8-9 miles from Shinbweyan toward to be similar to B.αbbreviata,w hich is also Pansaung, near the border of Sagaing Division, distributed in Myanmar,bu t distinct from the 26046'47"-47' 15"N,9 60 12'26"-34"E,al t. 900-1100 m,7 D ecember 2005,J. Murata & al. 040913 (MBK, latter in the reddish color of the aerial p t 訂 TI). (white in B. abbreviata) and the number of locules in the synandrium (usually four vs. Rhopalocnemis phalloides Jungh. in 16-20 in B.αbbreviata). Actually,it is very Nov. Act. Ac. Caes. Leop.-Cur. 18,S uppL ∞ December 2 6 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 6 327 Fig. 4. Balanophora subcupuralis. A,B. Habit on the trunk of Byttneria pilosa Roxb. (Sterculiaceae) up to 3m high above the ground. C. Male f10wers enlarged,s howing tetra-or trimerous petals and anther locules. 1: 215 (1841). [Figs. 5,6] study fill the northem p tof the gap. 紅 This species is thus far known widely Voucher specimen: MYA NMAR. Kachin State; 8- from Eastern Nepal to Southeast Asia as 9m iles from Shinbweyan toward Pansaung,n ear the shown in Fig. 3. However,t here is aw ide border of Sagaing Division, 26046'47"-47' 15"N, 96012'26"-34" E,al t. 900-1100 m,7 D ecember 2005, gap of distribution extending from Bomeo, J. Murata & al. 040914 (MBK,TI ). north-westward to Malaysia,L aos,T hailand and Myanmar. The materials collected in this 328 植物研究雑誌第81巻第6号 平成18年12月 leaves,a nd (4) purple leaves with white spots. These four types efound within the 紅 same population (Fig. 7). Voucher specimens: MYANMAR. Kachin State: northeast of Shinbweyan,al t. 170-200 m,2 6041'51"- 43' 12"N,9 6012'27"ー13'6"E,9 December 2005,J. 恥1urata& al. 040937 (MBK,T I)~ Mt. Jun Buu,2 5 miles south of Tanaing,2 6001' 13"-17"N,9 6041 '27"- 33"E,al t. 245-250 m.,f1 00r of evergreen forest by stream,3 December 2006,J. Murata & al. 040627 (MBK,TI ). Distribution: China (Southem Yunnan Province),M yanm 訂. Thanks are due to the following personnel in Myanm fortheir rangementof our 訂 訂 field research: UT un Nyo,di rector of Nature and Wildlife Conservation Division; U Aung 110 Din,as sistant director of Na ture and Wildlife Division; U Soe Win Hlaing,d irector gen Fig. 5. Distribution of Rhopalocnemis phalloides 同 eral,Fo rest Deptment,Union of Myanmar (emended from Hansen 1976,fi g. 6). New local- 紅 Ministry of Foresy.Thanks are also due to ity in Myanmar is indicated with open circle. 住 Dr. Masahiro Kato of Na tional Science Museum, Tokyo, for identification of Hydrobryum. Sonerila laeta Stapf in Kew Bull. 1906: This research is partly supported by a 73 (1906); Guillanum in Bull. Soc. Bot. Grant-in-Aid from the Japanese Ministry of France 60: 404 (1913); Fl. Reip. Popul. Sin. Education,C ulture,S ports and Science and 53(1): 261 (1984). [Fig. 7] Technology to Jin Murata (17255004) and a Sonerila is the only genus that has Grant-in-Aid from Kochi Prefectural trimerous flowers (except for the monotypic Govemment. Stussenia C. Hansen and Lithobium Bongard) in the Melastomataceae and con- References sists of about 100-175 species in tropical Cellinese N. 1997. A New Sonerila (Melastomataceae) Asia (Cellinese 1997). Sonerila laeta was from Central Kalimantan,B orneo. Novon 7: 103- described from cultivated materials germi- 105. Hansen B. 1976. Balanophoraceae. Flora Malesiana 7: nated from the seeds collected by E. H. 783-805. Wilson in 1900 from China and details of its Kato M. 2006. Taxonomic studies of Podostemaceae original locality in China is unknown (Stapf of Thailand. 2. Subfamily Tristichoideae and sub- 1906). Thus far this species has been known family Podostemoideae with ribbon-like roots. only from Southem Yunnan Province, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 57: 1-54. China. This is the first record of this species Kingdon-Ward F. 1916. On the Sino-Himalayan f1ora. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 27: 13-53. from Myanmar. Murata J. 1988. Mo叩hologyand distribution of Leaves of this species show remarkable Balanophoraβmgosa J. R. et G. Forst. (Balano- color variation. Four types of leaves were phoraceae). J. Jpn. Bot. 63: 201-210. observed in the field; (1) green leaves (2) Ohba H. 1975. On the genus Sedum in Burma. J. Jpn. green leaves with white spots,( 3) purple Bot. 50: 353-361. December 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No.6 329 Fig. 6. Rhopalocnemis phalloides (female individuals).A ,B. Habit. C. Transverses ection of the surface of inf1orescence,s howing minute female f10wers covered with caducous scales. Stapf O. 1906. Decades Kewenses XL -XLI. Kew van Dijk P. P.,To rdoff A. W.,F el10wes J.,L au M. and Bul1. 1906:7 1-78. Jinshuang M. 2004. Indo-Burma In: Mittermeier R. Tam P. C. 1982. Balanophorαsubcupuralis. Flora A.,G il P. R., Hoffmann M.,P ilgrim J.,B rooks T., Fujianica 1: 602 [in Addenda (Diagnoses Mittermeier C. G.,L amoreaux J. and Fonseca G. Plantarum Novarum)] A. B. da (edsよ Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Tanaka N. 2005. Plant Inventory Research: Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Contributions to the Flora of Myanmar. Acta Terrestrial Ecoregions. CEMEX. pp. 323-330.Ag r- Phytotax.G eobot. 56: 21-26. upacion,S ierra Madre. 330 植物研究雑誌第81巻第6号 平成18年12月 Fig. 7. Sonerila laeta showing characteristic colour variation in leaves; green with white spots (A),d ark purple leaves without spots (B,le 白),and green without spots (B,r ight). December 2006 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 81 No. 6 331 田中伸幸 ,小林史郎 ,大井・東馬哲雄 ,邑田 a a b 仁 .ミャンマー植物についての新知見 (1) b 勾Idrobηumjaponicum,Ba lanophora subcupularis, はB.jungosa ssp. fungosaリュウキュウツチトリ Rhopalocnemis phalloidesとSonerilalaeta モチに最も似ており,植物体の大きさ,特に雄花 日華区系の西端としての南ヒマラヤの植物多様 の大きさの違いで識別されるにすぎない.リュウ 性を解析する一連の研究で2005年の雨季終盤から キュウツチトリモチが太平洋地域の沿岸や島に分 乾季初旬にかけてミャンマー北部のフーコン河谷 布するのに対し,本種は内陸に分布する点で対照 野生トラ保護区の植物相調査を行った結果,カワ 的である.現地では通常地表付近の根に寄生する ゴケソウ科のHydrobryumjaponicum,ツチトリモ が,ーヶ所,つる性木本である Byttneriapilosa チ科の Balanophorasubcupularisおよび Rhopa- (アオギリ科)の空中に出た根に寄生している場 locnemis phalloides, ノボタン手トの Sonerilalaeta 所があり,地上3メートルの高さまで幹が本種に が生育することが分かつた.それらについての知 被われていて壮観であった.ミャンマーの産地は 見を以下にまとめる.これら 4種はいずれもミャ 本種の分布西限である. ンマ一新産であるが ミャンマーより東の地域に Rhopalocnemis phalloidesは従来, Fig. 3に示す 主な分布域を持っており ミャンマーと日華区系, ように東ネパールから東南アジアにかけて広く分 インドシナ区系との関係を解析する上で重要な資 布することが知られていたがボルネオ島,マレー 料と考えられる.こうした植物相の関連について シア,ラオス,タイ, ミャンマーと続く分布の空 は今後の継続的な調査で情報が蓄積されるにつれ 白地帯があった. ミャンマーの産地はこの空白地 て次第に明らかになっていくものと思われる. 帯の北部を埋めるものとして注目される. Hydrobryum japonicumカワゴロモは日本産の新 Sonerila laetaは中国から 1906年に記載された 種として発表されたが,最近の研究でタイとその もので,現在までに中国植物誌で雲南省南部にの 周辺地域に主に分布することが明らかになってい み分布が指摘されていた.この調査により本種は る.ミャンマーの産地は本種の分布西限である. ミャンマー北部に分布することが明らかとなった. Balanophora subcupularis は 1982年に B. (a高知県立牧野植物園, αbbreviataと比較して新種記載されたが,実際に 東京大学大学院理学系研究科附属植物園) b

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