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Preview New or Noteworthy Plant Collection from Myanmar (6) : Ranunculaceae of Mt. Victoria, Chin State, Myanmar

J. Jpn. Bot. 85: 199–212 (2010) New or Noteworthy Plant Collection from Myanmar (6): Ranunculaceae of Mt. Victoria, Chin State, Myanmar Nobuyuki tanakaa,*, Yuichi kadotab and Jin muratac aDepartment of Botany, Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden, 4200-6, Godaisan, Kochi, 781-8125 JAPAN; bDepartment of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1, Amakubo, Tsukuba, 305-0005 JAPAN; cBotanical Gardens, Graduate School of Sciences, the University of Tokyo, 3-7-1, Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0001 JAPAN *Corresponding author: [email protected] (Received on January 27, 2010) In the course of a floristic study of Mt. Victoria, western Myanmar, 84 specimens of Ranunculaceae have thus far been collected. As a result of identifications, the enumeration of the family occurring in Mt. Victoria are presented here for material for the Flora of Myanmar. In total 17 taxa in the Ranunculaceae, belonging to the genera; Aconitum, Anemone, Delphinium, Clematis, Ranunculus and Thalictrum, were recorded from Mt. Victoria, and of these Aconitum jin-muratae Kadota & Nb. Tanaka, Clematis pseudopterantha Kadota & Nb. Tanaka and Thalictrum tamurae Kadota & Nb. Tanaka are described and illustrated as new to science. Anemone tomentosa and Delphinium caeruleum are newly recorded from Myanmar. (Continued from Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 60: 171–174, 2010) Key words: Myanmar, new record, new species, Ranunculaceae. The Natma Taung (Mt. Victoria) National and Kljuykov 2004, Tanaka et al. 2010a, 2010b, Park is located in the southwestern part of Yukawa et al. 2010). Myanmar, in the so-called “Chin Hills”. Mt. Six types of vegetation can be recognized Victoria (21˚12´N, 93˚35´E, 3053 m) is the in Mt. Victoria. They are; tropical deciduous highest mountain in this range. To the north, the dry forest, mixed evergreen broad-leaved Chin Hills connect with a taller mountain range forest, fire preclimax Pine savanna, temperate of which Mt. Hkhakabo Razi (5881 m) is the semi-evergreen forest and subalpine meadows most famous peak. Mt. Victoria is regarded as (Kingdon-Ward 1958, Mill 1995). an ecological refugium, offering a temperate Thus far a checklist of mosses in Mt. Victoria climate that is absent from neighbouring regions. was published by Tanaka et al. (2003) that It is estimated that there are about 2500 vascular recognized 152 species from Mt. Victoria. Of plant species in the Chin Hills (Mill 1995). these, 53 species were newly recorded from Indeed, a number of endemic and relict species Myanmar (Tanaka et al. 2003). However critical have been found in this area (Hutchinson 1917, floristic inventory research of flowering plants Cowley 1982, Ikeda and Ohba 1995, Pimenov has never been carried out since British colonial —199— 200 植物研究雑誌 第85巻 第4号 2010年8月 times. Type: Aconitum bullatifolium H. Lév. [= A. Field expeditions to Natma Taung (Mt. duclouxii H. Lév. (Kadota 2001)]. Victoria) National Park were conducted by a 1.1. Aconitum jin-muratae Kadota & Nb. team from the Makino Botanical Garden and the Tanaka, sp. nov. [Figs. 1–2] Botanical Gardens of the University of Tokyo, Affine Aconitum duclouxii H. Lév., sed in cooperation with the Forest Department, laminiis nectariorum leviter inflatis brevioribus, Union of Myanmar Ministry of Forestry, since calcaribus nectariorum incurvatis, bracteis 2002. This paper treats the Ranunculaceae foliaceis positis supra media pedicellorum, of Natma Taung National Park mainly based folliculis longioribus, foliis herbaceis, laciniae on our specimens collected in the course of anguste lanceolatis differt. the inventory studies. In total 17 taxa in the TYPE: MYANMAR. Chin State, along the Ranunculaceae, representing six genera; roadside near the Chin Village Resort, the Natma Aconitum, Anemone, Clematis, Delphinium, Taung National Park, alt. 1750–2700 m, flowers Ranunculus and Thalictrum were recognized. deep blue-purple, 3 December 2002, J. Murata, Of these Anemone tomentosa and Delphinium N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, T. Nemoto, Y. Iokawa, caeruleum are newly recorded from Myanmar, F. Shimozono, Hone Man, Ling Shing Maung & and three species, Aconitum jin-muratae, Cho Cho Win 025165 (MBK–holotype, Fig. 1; Clematis pseudopterantha and Thalictrum TI, TNS–isotype). tamurae, are described as new to science. The An erect, subscapose, pseudo-annual, 40–90 key to the taxa occurring in Natma Taung cm tall. Tuber narrowly ellipsoidal, 2–3 cm long, National Park is provided. 1–1.5 cm in diameter, blackish brown. Radical leaves persistent at anthesis; blades roundish Key to the genera in Ranunculaceae reniform, 6–10 cm long, 8–16 cm wide, ternate, occurring in Natma Taung National Park herbaceous, shallowly cordate, glabrous on 1. Flowers zygomorphic; fruits follicular both sides, with veins slightly projecting on 2. Upper sepal not spurred; petals clawed the abaxial side; lobes deeply divided to 1/2 ....................................................1. Aconitum from the base; laciniae narrowly lanceolate, 2. Upper sepal spurred; petals not clawed acuminate, 2–3 mm wide; petioles 10–30 cm ................................................2. Delphinium long, glabrous, vaginate at base. Inflorescence 1. Flowers actinomorphic; fruits achenial narrowly racemose in indeterminate condition, 3. Inflorescence with involucre 8–30-flowered; bracts foliaceous, 1–6 cm .....................................................3. Anemone long, 0.5–6 cm wide, diminishing in size from 3. Inflorescence without involucre the base of the inflorescence. Flowers ca. 2.5 4. Petals present .....................4. Ranunculus cm tall, deep purplish blue to blue, sparingly 4. Petals absent villose with smooth-surfaced patent hairs on the 5. Stem twisted .......................5. Clematis abaxial side. Helmets sickle-shaped navicular, 5. Stem erect ........................6. Thalictrum ca. 15 mm long and wide; beaks relatively long, projecting forward; lateral sepals obliquely 1. Aconitum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 532 (1753). obovate, ca. 15 mm long in diameter, devoid of Subgenus Aconitum long, pollen-collecting hairs. Pedicels 1–4.5 cm Sect. Bullatifolia (W. T. Wang) Kadota, stat. long, ascending at an obtuse angle, villose with nov. smooth-surfaced patent hairs, bi-bracteolate; Ser. Bullatifolia W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. bracteoles elliptic to trilobed and foliaceous, Sin., Addit 1: 93 (1965); Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 1–2 cm long, 3–15 mm wide, situated above 27: 193 (1979). the middle of the pedicels. Nectaries glabrous; August 2010 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 85 No. 4 201 Fig. 1. Aconitum jin-muratae Kadota & Nb. Tanaka. A-I (Holotype, Murata & al. 025165, MBK). A. Lower part of the flowering plant. B. Basal leaf. C. Upper part of the flowering plant, showing inflorescence. D. Flower. E. Helmet (upper sepal). F. Petal. G. Stamen. H. Gynoecium. I. Follicle. Scale bar represents 3 cm for A–C, 5 mm for D–E, 3 mm for F–H, and 1 mm for I. Drawn by M. Nakajima. 202 植物研究雑誌 第85巻 第4号 2010年8月 Fig. 2. Aconitum jin-muratae Kadota & Nb. Tanaka, glowing on sunny glassy slope at an elevation of 2400–2500 m of Mt. Victoria, Myanmar. blades oblique, 2 mm long, 1 mm wide, slightly laterally lamellate. inflated; spurs saccate, incurved to 180˚; labia Additional specimens examined: MYANMAR. Chin 2 mm long, shallowly bilobed with reflexed State; along the roadside between Mt. Victoria and Mindat, the Natma Taung National Park, alt. 2750–2500 m, flowers apices; claws ca. 18 mm long, intensely blue, 3 Dec. 2002, J. Murata, N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, T. incurved. Carpels 5, densely covered with Nemoto, Y. Iokawa, F. Shimozono, Hone Man, Ling Shing smooth-surfaced ascending and/or subpatent Maung & Cho Cho Win 025523 (MBK, TI, TNS); Mt. hairs. Stamens glabrous, devoid of staminal Victoria, Natma Taung National Park, ca. 2400–2500 m teeth. Follicles 14–17 mm long; seeds obconical, alt., 5 Dec. 2002, J. Murata, N. Tanaka, T. Sugawara, T. laterally compressed, ca. 2 mm long, bi-winged, Nemoto, Y. Iokawa, F. Shimozono, Hone Man, Ling Shein August 2010 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 85 No. 4 203 Man & Cho Cho Win 024697 (MBK, TI, TNS). and the entrance of the trail of Mt. Victoria, ca. 1730–2000 Distribution: Myanmar (Mt. Victoria). m alt., 2 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 024857 (MBK, TI); along the roadside near the Chin Village Resort, ca. 1750 m Currently known only from the type locality. alt., 3 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 025161 (MBK, TI); along Note: Aconitum jin-muratae is similar to A. the roadside between Mt. Victoria and Mindat, 2500–2750 duclouxii H. Lév. (Kadota 2001, Li and Kadota m alt., 3 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 025527 (MBK). 2001) but is distinguished from the species by Distribution: India, Bhutan, Nepal, and having slightly inflated, shorter nectary blade (2 Myanmar. mm long vs. 5 mm long), large (1 cm long or Note: This species has thus far been recorded longer), foliaceous bracteoles situated above the from India, Bhutan, Nepal, and China, and is middle of the pedicels, longer follicles (14–17 newly recorded from Myanmar. mm long vs. 10–15 mm long), herbaceous leaves and narrowly lanceolate laciniae. 3. Anemone L., Sp. Pl. 1: 538 (1753). Ser. Bullatifolia W. T. Wang is here treated Key to the species as a distinct section within subgenus Aconitum 1. Leaf blade ternate ....................1. A. tomentosa of the genus Aconitum as already mentioned 1. Leaf blade 3-sect (Kadota 2001). Sect. Bullatifolia is characterized 2. Cyme umbellate, 1–5-flowered by having subscapose habit and the occurrence ..................................................2. A. demissa in montane forests (evergreen woods dominated 2. Cyme compound, 1–3- or many-flowered by Pinus roxburghii, P. yunnanensis, Quercus 3. Caudex branched, erect; cyme many- semecarpifolia, etc.). The other species with flowered .............................3. A. rivularis such growth form as subscapose or scapose habit 3. Caudex not branched; cyme 1–3- are exclusively found in alpine meadows of the flowered Great Himalayas and Siberian high mountains 4. Pistils and achenes ellipsoid, compressed (e.g., Aconitum hookeri (Brühl) Stapf and A. with distinct lateral veins violaceum Jaquem. ex Stapf in Himalayan .........................................4. A. rupestris mountains, A. biflorum Fisch. ex DC. in the Altai 4. Pistils and achenes ovoid, not compressed mountains). without lateral veins Sect. Bullatifolia is distributed chiefly in the ......................................5. A. obtusiloba Lesser Himalayas and consisted of five species: A. duclouxii H. Lév. (Myanmar and SE. China), 3.1. Anemone rupestris Wall. ex Hook.f. & A. ferox Wall. ex Sér. (E. Nepal and SE. Tibet), Thomson, Fl. Ind. 21 (1855); Bowles & Stearn A. funiculare Stapf (E. Nepal and Bhutan), A. in Journ. Roy. Hort. Soc. 72: 298, 308 (1947); H. nagarum Stapf (E. India, N. Myanmar and SE. Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya: 87 (1966); Fl. China 6: China) as well as A. jin-muratae. 323 (2001). This species is commonly growing on sunny Specimens examined: Mt. Victoria. 2900–3050 m alt. grassy slopes and along the roadside in semi- 21˚13´00˝N, 93˚55´23˝E, 9 March 2002, J. Murata & al. evergreen forest of Mt. Victoria between 2400 022879 (MBK, TI); 14 Aug. 2002, Ling Shein Man & Cho and 2700 m altitude. Cho Win 024369 (MBK, TI). Distribution: Nepal to Bhutan, Tibet, 2. Delphinium L., Sp. Pl. 1: 530 (1753). Myanmar and China. 2.1. Delphinium caeruleum Jacq. ex Camb. Note: This species is growing on meadow in Voy. Inde. 4(Bot.): 7 (1835–1844). around the peak of Mt. Victoria, and recorded Specimens examined: in pine forest, ca. 5500 feet, 4 from Myanmar by Tanaka (2005) for the first Nov. 2002, Ling Shein Man & Cho Cho Win 024445 (MBK, time. TI); along the roadside between the Chin Village Resort 204 植物研究雑誌 第85巻 第4号 2010年8月 3.2. Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC., Myanmar and China. Syst. Nat. 1: 211 (1817); Hook. f. & Thomson Note: This species is allied to the Sino- in Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 9 (1872); Hand.-Mzt. in Act. Japanese floristic region, and newly recorded Hort. Gothob. 13: 176 (1939); H. Hara, Fl. East. from Myanmar this time. This is the southern Himalaya: 87 (1966); Fl. China 6: 316 (2001). limit of the distribution of this species. Specimens examined: Mt. Victoria, ca. 2300–2450 m alt., 3 June 2002, N. Tanaka & al. 023217 (MBK, TI). 3.5. Anemone tomentosa (Maxim.) C. Pei, Distribution: Himalaya, south to Sri Lanka, Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Myanmar and China. Sect. Bot. 9: 2 (1933); Hara, Fl. East. Himalaya: 87 (1966); Fl. China 6: 317 (2001). 3.3. Anemone obtusiloba D. Don, Prodr. Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc. Fl. Nepal 194 (1825); Hook. f. & Thomson in var. tomentosa Maxim., Fl. Tangut.: 7 (1889). Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 9 (1872); Lauener in Not. Bot. Specimens examined: along the roadside between 56 Gard. Edinb. 23: 181 (1960); H. Hara, Fl. East. miles point and Mt. Mow Bi, ca. 2400 m alt., 17 May 2004, Himalaya: 87 (1966); Fl. China 6: 326 (2001). N. Tanaka & al. 030668 (MBK, TI). Specimens examined: along the trail to the top of Mt. Distribution: Myanmar and China. Victoria, 28 Feb. 2004, N. Kuroiwa & al. 030285 (MBK, Note: Thus far this species has been known TI); along the roadside, ca. 2300–2750 m alt., 4 June 2002, only from China. This is the first record from N. Tanaka & al. 023511 (MBK, TI); along the trail to the top of Mt. Victoria, ca. 2750–3050 m alt., 3 Dec. 2002, J. Myanmar. This is also the western and southern Murata & al. 024929 (MBK, TI). limit of the distribution of this species. Distribution: Kashmir to Bhutan, Tibet and Myanmar. 4. Ranunculus L., Sp. Pl. 1: 548 (1753). Note: This species dominates on alpine Key to the species meadow of Mt. Victoria at 2800–3000 m alt. 1. Plant diffuse, 3–15 cm tall; flowers 0.8–1cm from December to February. Two types of in diam. .........................................1. R. diffusus flower color (blue and white) were recognized in 1. Plant erect, 30–40 cm tall; flowers 1.5–2 cm this area. in diam. .....................................2. R. siamensis 3.4. Anemone demissa Hook. f. & Thomson, 4.1. Ranunculus diffusus DC., Prodr. 1: 38 Fl. Ind. 23 (1855); Hook. f. & Thomson in (1824). Fl. Brit. Ind. 1: 9 (1872); H. Hara, Fl. East. Specimens examined: along the roadside between Himalaya: 87 (1966); Fl. China 6: 321 (2001). Mindat and Mow Bi Township, 17 May 2004, N. Tanaka Anemonastrum demissum (Hook. f. & & al. 030830 (MBK, TI); Mt. Victoria, 2750–3050 m alt., 9 Thomson) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. March 2002, J. Murata & al. 022024 (MBK, TI). 8(2): 165 (1973). Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Anemonastrum polyanthes (D. Don) Holub Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and China. in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8(2): 165 (1973). Anemone bicolor H. Lév. in Bull. Geogr. Bot. 4.2. Ranunculus siamensis Tamura in J. 24: 42 (1915). Phytogeogr. Tax. 28: 15 (1980). Specimens examined: along the roadside between the Ranunculus japonicus Craib in Fl. Siam. Chin Village and the entrance to the trail to the top of Mt. Enum. 18, non Thunb. (1925); Finet & Gagnep., Victoria, 7 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 025188 (MBK, TI); Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 1: 10 (1907); Gagnep., along the roadside between Mindat and Mow Bi Township, ca. 2400–2500 m alt., 16 May 2004, N. Tanaka & al. Suppl. Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 1: 12 (1938). 030800 (MBK, TI). Ranunculus napaulensis DC., Prodr. 1: 38 Distribution: Nepal to Bhutan, Tibet, (1824). August 2010 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 85 No. 4 205 Specimens examined: along the roadside between 5.2. Clematis pseudopterantha Kadota & Kampetlet and Ook Pho Village, the Natma Taung National Nb. Tanaka, sp. nov. [Fig. 3] Park, 2 Dec. 2002, Murata & al. 025436 (MBK, TI). Affinis Clemati pteranthae, sed foliis Distribution: India, Nepal, Myanmar, triternatis, foliolis terminalibus brevioribus apice Thailand and Indochina. acuminatis, sepalis intus glabris, alis sepalorum angustatis differt. 5. Clematis L., Sp. Pl. 1: 543 (1753). TYPE: MYANMAR. Chin State, in pine Key to the species forest, ca. 5500 feet, Mt. Victoria, Natma Taung 1. Leaf blade ternate National Park, 4 November 2002, Ling Shein 2. Cyme axillary, panicle-like, 1–many- Man & Cho Cho Win 024432 (MBK–holotype; flowered; flowers 1 cm in diam. TI, TNS–isotypes). .............................................1. C. siamensis A slender, herbaceous climber. Stem 2. Cyme axillary, 2–4-flowers come out brownish green, prominently 4-angled, deeply with leaves; flowers 1.5–10 cm sulcate, sparingly pilose with curved hairs. ...............................................2. C. montana Leaves opposite, triternate, deltoid in outline, 1. Leaf blade pinnate 10–20 cm long, chartaceous, sparingly sericeous 3. Cyme more than 5-flowered on both sides; terminal leaflets narrowly ovate, ......................................3. C. buchananiana 2–4.5 cm long, 1–2.5 cm wide, coarsely dentate 3. Cyme 3–5-flowered to shallowly trilobed, acuminate at apex, 4. Stems strongly angled; sepals abaxially cuneate to rounded at base; petioles 3–6 cm winged ..................4. C. pseudopterantha long, furrowed, almost glabrous. Flowers in 4. Stems grooved; sepals not abaxially November, ca. 1 cm in diameter, white outside winged .............................5. C. greviiflora and purplish inside, hermaphrodite, pendulous. Inflorescence paniculate cymose to simple 5.1. Clematis siamensis Drumm. & Craib. cymose, 3–5-flowered or solitary, 3–10 cm in Kew Bull. 1915: 420 (1915); Fl. Siam. Enum. long, axillary; pedicels 2–4.5 cm long, pilose 1: 15 (1925); Shimizu in South-east Asian Stud. with flexuous hairs, bi-bracteolate; bracteoles 8: 178 (1970); W. T. Wang in Acta Phytotax. Sin. foliaceous, 1–1.5 cm long, ca. 5 mm wide, 39(1): 10 (2001). trilobed, situated at or above the middle of C. acuminata DC. var. sikkimensis Hook. f. the pedicels. Sepals 4, ovate-oblong, ca. 1 cm & Thomson in Fl. Brit. India 1: 6 (1872). long, 3–5 mm wide, blunt at apex, glabrous C. sikkimensis (Hook. f. & Thomson) on both sides but densely tomentose along the Drumm. ex Burkill. in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 10: margin, suberect and slightly recurved at apex, 229 (1925). clearly winged on the abaxial side; wings 3, less Specimens examined: a road between the Chin Resort than 0.5 mm wide. Stamens 10–11 mm long, Guest House and entrance of the trail to Mt. Victoria, alt. slightly longer than the sepals; anthers introrse, 2100–2300 m, 93˚57´30˝E, 21˚12´00˝N, 29 Feb. 2004, N. less than 2 mm long, broadly linear; filaments Kuroiwa & al. 030330 (MBK, TI); along the roadside, the 8–9 mm long, densely hirsute, slightly dilated; Natma Taung National Park, 7 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. connectives shortly exerted. Immature achenes 025650 (MBK, TI); at the foot of Mt. Victoria, ca. 1800– 2000 m alt., 2 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 024553 (MBK, narrowly obovoidal, 1.5 mm long, densely TI). hirsute with ascending hairs, dark brown; styles Distribution: India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, 8 mm long, grayish plumose. Thailand and southwestern China. Distribution: Myanmar (Mt. Victoria). Currently known only from the type locality. Additional specimen examined: along the roadside, 206 植物研究雑誌 第85巻 第4号 2010年8月 Fig. 3. Clematis pseudopterantha Kadota & Nb. Tanaka. A. Part of stem with leaves and inflorescence. B. Flower. C. Stamen. D. Achene. E. Enlarged achene with plumose style. Scale bar represents 3 cm for A, 5 mm for B, 3 mm for C, E, and 1 cm for D. Drawn by M. Nakajima. August 2010 The Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 85 No. 4 207 the Natma Taung National Park, western Myanmar, 2300– Phytogeogr. Tax. 28: 14 (1980). 2500 m alt., 7 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 025631 (MBK, C. wattii Drumm. & Craib in Kew Bull. TI); along the roadside, north of the Natma Taung National 1915: 421 (1915). Park, 93˚47´35˝E, 21˚25´40˝N, 7 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 025232 (MBK, TI); Esakan (Mt. Victoria), 6000 ft., 16 Specimens examined: along the roadside between the Nov. 1956, F. Kingdon-Ward 22858 (BM). Chin Village Resort and the entrance of the trail of Mt. Victoria, 2 Dec. 2002, J. Murata & al. 024884 (MBK, TI); Note: This species agrees well with the Ka Tar Yu village, 15 March 2003, Ling Shein Man & diagnostic characters of ser. Acutangulae W. T. Cho Cho Win 025742 (MBK, TI); near the guest house of Wang [in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 31(3): 220 (1993), Natma Taung National Park, 8 March 2002, J. Murata & type: Clematis acutangula Hook. f. & Thoms.] al. 022011 (MBK, TI); Mt. Victoria, ca. 1650–1800 m alt., 21˚11´31˝N, 94˚02´23˝E, 8 March 2002, J. Murata & al. of sect. Viorna (Rchb.) Prantl and should be 022858 (MBK, TI). treated as a member of the series. Among the Distribution: India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, species of this series, C. pseudopterantha is Thailand, Vietnam and China (Yunnan). close to C. pterantha Dunn from Yunnan Prov., China, but is discriminated from the latter by 1) 5.4. Clematis montana Buch.-Ham. ex DC., triternate (3-ternate) leaves, 2) shorter (2.5–4 cm Syst. Nat. 1: 164 (1817). long) terminal leaflets with acuminate apices, 3) var. montana sepals glabrous on the adaxial side, 4) narrower Specimens examined: along the roadside, Mt. Victoria, wings of the sepals, and 5) trilobed bracteoles ca. 2750–3050 m alt., 6 June 2002, N. Tanaka & al. 023550 positioned at the middle of pedicels. This & 023553 (MBK, TI). species is also distinguished from C. acutangula Note: Two varieties of C. montana were described from Khasia Hills, India, by 1) flower recognized. Var. montana has glabrous ovaries color (white vs. brownish yellow; Hooker and and achenes. Thomson 1872, W. T. Wang 1993), 2) leaf division (triternate vs. ternate to biternate or var. glabrescens (H. F. Comber) W. T. Wang rarely simple), 3) leaflet shape (narrowly ovate & M. C. Chang, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 15: 351 vs. ovate), and 4) pubescence of sepals’ outer (1993). surface (glabrous vs. hirsute). Grierson and C. monatana var. trichogyna M. C. Chang in Long (1984) mentioned that the flower color Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 28: 359 (1980). of C. acutangula was ‘purple’. However, their Specimens examined: along the trail to the top of Mt. description is contradictory to the diagnosis of Victoria, 2750 m–3050 m alt., 24 April 2003, J. Murata & the species as stated above. The description of al. 029126 (MBK, TI); along the trail to the peak, ca. 2900 m alt., 24 May 2004, N. Tanaka & al. 031170 (MBK, TI); Grierson and Long (1984) seems to be due to along the roadside between Mindat and Mow Bi Township, misunderstandings. ca. 2400–2600m alt., 93˚47´E, 21˚33´–34´N, 18 May 2004, In BM, there is specimen which was N. Tanaka & al. 030733 (MBK, TI). collected by Kingdon-Ward from Mt.Victoria Note: Although C. montana has been during his last trip to Burma in 1956, and recorded from Myanmar, this study revealed it has been identified as C. acutangula, that C. montana var. glabrescens is distributed however, it coincides with this new species, C. in the country. Var. glabrescens is distinguished pseudopterantha. from var. montana in having minutely pubescent ovaries and achenes. 5.3. Clematis buchananiana DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 140 (1817); Hook. f. & Thomson, Fl. Ind. 10 5.5. Clematis grewiiflora DC., Syst. Nat. 1: (1855), ut “C. buchaniana”; Hand.-Mazz. in 140 (1817); Hook. f. & Thomson in Fl. Brit. Ind. Acta Hort. Gothob. 13: 192 (1939); H. Hara in 1: 6 (1872); Bot. Mag. t. 6369 (1878); M. A. Rau Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 2: 14 (1979); Tamura in J. in Fl. Ind. 1: 66 (1993). 208 植物研究雑誌 第85巻 第4号 2010年8月 Specimens examined: Lower to upper montane rain glandular-hairy. Cauline leaves 3–4, triternate to forest around Kampetlet, Natma Taung National Park, quinqueternate; blades yellowish green adaxially, alt. 1810–1950 m, 23 April 2003, J. Murata & al. 029617 glaucous abaxially, 3–10 cm long, 2–8 cm wide; (MBK, TI). terminal leaflets obovate to broadly ovate, 10–18 Distribution: India, Bhutan, Nepal and mm long, 5–14 mm wide, shallowly 3–5-lobed Myanmar. in the upper half to tricuspidate, herbaceous, Note: This species has been recorded from Chin State (Kress et al. 2003), and this study almost glabrous adaxially, glandular-hairy confirmed this distribution record. abaxially, shortly cuspicate at apex, cuneate to rounded or shallowly cordate at base; midribs 6. Thalictrum L., Sp. Pl. 1: 545 (1753). and lateral veins raised abaxially; petioles 1–2 Key to the species cm long, densely glandular-hairy; petiolules 1. Plant glabrous; flowers yellow to white; 3–7 mm long, glandular-hairy; stipules 7–12 achenes sessile ........................1. T. foliolosum mm long, brown, membranaceous, vaginate; 1. Plant glandular pubescent; flowers pinkish stipels absent. Inflorescences terminal or purple; achenes with recurved stipe axillary, panicle-like racemose, 10–20 cm long, ......................................................2. T. tamurae 3–10-flowered; bracts foliaceous, ternate to biternate, sessile; bracteoles narrowly elliptic, 6.1. Thalictrum foliolosum DC., Syst. Nat. 5–10 mm long, 1–2 mm wide, caudate at apex; 1: 175 (1817); Hook. f. & Thomson in Fl. Brit. pedicels 1.5–4 cm long, glandular-hairy. Flowers Ind. 1: 14 (1872); Fl. China 6: 290 (2001). August to November, 1.2–2 cm in diameter, T. dalingo Buch.-Ham. ex DC., Syst. Nat. 1: pendulous. Sepals 4(–7), narrowly ovate- 175 (1817). elliptic, 7–12 mm long, 3–8 mm wide, pinkish Specimens examined: Mt. Victoria, Natma Taung purple. Stamens 10–20, 5–6 mm long; anthers National Park, 31 July 2002, Ling Shein Man & Cho Cho narrowly ellipsoidal, 2–2.5 mm long, yellow; Win 024301 (MBK, TI). filaments filiform but slightly dilated at base, 3 Distribution: India, Nepal, Myanmar, mm long, pinkish purple; connectives 0.5 mm Thailand and China. long, exserted from the anthers. Carpels 6–10, Note: This species is very common between glandular-hairy, stipitate; stigmata narrowly 1500–1800 m altitude in Mt. Victoria. triangular-oblong. Achenes 3–5 per flower; bodies ca. 5 mm long, obliquely narrowly 6.2. Thalictrum tamurae Kadota & Nb. obovoidal, recurved, compressed, glandular- Tanaka, sp. nov. [Fig. 4] hairy, with 3 prominent veins, stipitate; stipes Affine Thalictro reniformi, sed achenis 1–2 mm long, recurved; beaks (persistent styles) recurvatis, carpellis paucioribus, sepallis anguste 2 mm long, straight, not hooked at apex. ovato-ellipticis et staminibus brevioribus differt. Distribution: Myanmar (Mt. Victoria). TYPE: MYANMAR. Chin State, along Known only from the type locality. the trail to the peak of Mt. Victoria, Natma Additional specimens examined: MYANMAR. Chin State: along the roadside at the forest edge, in semi- Taung National Park, ca. 2700–3050 m alt., evergreen forest, sunny place, Natma Taung National Park, 3 December 2002, J. Murata, N. Tanaka, T. 2420 m alt., 21˚13´21˝N, 93˚58´43˝E, 12 Aug. 2008, K. Sugawara, T. Nemoto, Y. Iokawa, F. Shimozono, Fujikawa, K. Kano, M. Matsumoto, S. Yasuda, Ling Shein Hone Man, Ling Shein Man & Cho Cho Win Man & Hone Man 053405 (A, MBK, TNS, TI). 024590 (MBK– holotype; TI, TNS–isotype). Note: Thalictrum tamurae belongs to ser. A perennial, glandular pubescent herb, 0.6– Violaceae W. T Wang & S. H. Wang [in Fl. 1.2 m tall. Rhizome unknown. Stem suberect, Reipubl. Popul. Sin. 27: 620 (1979), type: slender, 1–2 times branched or simple, densely Thalictrum delavayi Franch.] and is characterized

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