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Preview New Opportunities Russian Edition Upper Intermediate. Students' Book

Russian Edition TONTENTS Er**ns':k iltsa r:dt ask in the lessonsa re higi'tliEhtedin btue Grammafro cus 1 Autobiography1 p.ot1 2 WhoA reY ou?1 p.s-r; 3 Nationall dentity (p.10'11) ReadingS trategies:R evision Revisioonf all tenses( gapf itlinq, ListeningS trategies:R evision Warm-u(pp .5) VocabularyW: ordbuiLding rultirle-choicen, tal:chniq ) Listening: (T/F,q ap fittine) Listening(m: atching) Vocabutaryl:v lulti-parVt erbs VocabularPy:e rsonaLity Function:P references LanguageA wareness1 Determine(rps. 14) 5 A ComicN ovel1 p.lo'lz; 6 CrazyB ut True( p.t8-1e) 7 What's So Funny? (p.20-21) Fi*aii! n g St rat*gier;: Pastt enses,P astP erfecCt ontinuous VocabutarMy:u lti-parVt erbs Warm-up( p.i5) A.lsLoicrinngt- i qu esilcrs (matchingg, apf illinq) ListeninSgt rategieAsn: srlerinngl- c Listening(:m atching) quesrioirs Vocabu[aryL: aughter Vocabulary:C oLLocations Listening(n: -cq ueslions) FunctionT: elLinjogk es LanguageA wareness2 Continuouasn dS impleT enses(p .25) ReviewM oduLe1s a nd2 (p.26-27)€u lture Corner1 TheH istoryo f EngLis(hp '28) 9 Street Art 1p.so-st1 10 BodyL anguage(p .32-33) 11 Branded (p.ja-35) i':,iai ; ;t,j 5xlia{.49i*5: Retativea nd particip[ec lauses Listening:( matchingg, apf iLlingT, /F) Warm-up( p.29) :''t.ti-:i_ II ll I; +..c : :tq,: a rrCp ; i: g r.tp lt: Vocabulary:M uLti-parVt erbs Listening:( matching) Vocabutary: moke, get, hove i)r'.) !-i;teni*5: i#i:*tir:E: 4nt"s:.lngT ,/F quesrions Reading: Vocabutary0: pin ion adjectives Function:il tsciibingp eclle 13 Poetry@ .<o-al) 14 WrappedU p 1p.<z-ts1 15 Music@ .aa-as) ReadingS trategiesR: eadinPg oetry The Passive Listen! *g Strategiesil ',1atcnhgi peoplea ndo pi;rions Warm-up(p .39) ii';/Fr,n atclring) (matching,s entence Listening(:m atchingc,a tegorising) Vocabutaryld: iomatic[ an guag e tran sformaiion) Listening:( matching) Vocabulary:M uLti-partV erbs VocabularyD: escbrii n g beautY Function:A qreeinga nd Disaqrceing LanguageA wareness3 Pronoun(sp .49) ReviewM oduLe3s a nd4 (p.50'51) CultureC orner2 Peopleosft heR uss'aFne derati(opn. 52) 17 Eureka! (p.5a-5s) 18 Futurology (p.56-s7) 19 Artifi ciat Intelligence 1p.la-14 ill*frd i iiff Stsat*gi*s: trin:;werr:i g T/ F Thef uture,F utureP erfect, Listening:( answeringq uestionsg, apf ilting WLisatremn-iunp(gp( :m. 5a3t)ching) Vt$oecSalbruc[nasryC: ompoundw ords F(mutautrceCh oinnggtia,n puf iotutisng) VLFiouscntaecbntuiinolagnrs L:y t:lrM aarutietftigi/-iipe.gasar :nMl Vcueal lrstbilps,'lremg 0 auiecrhllinogrs VocabularSy:c ience 21 Life Savers 1p.ot'-os1 22 SuperA thletes (p.66-67) 23 Brain Power( p.68-6e) ii,**ri!ng st,'at* -er*s:l ai.is \,'rlih ConditionaLMs,i xedC onditionaLs !-isteningS tEategies[:c rnpleiinga Warm-up( p.63) taia.Jraitgriili ts text Listening:( matching) Vocabulary:S ynonyms Listening: (gapf itling, matching) Reading: : Vocabulary:M uL ti-partV erbs VocabularyT: heb ody Function:G ivingal nd askingf or advice LanguageA wareness4 ModaLi(tpy ./3) ReviewM oduLe5s a nd6 (p.74-75) CultureC orner3 EngLisahro undth e WorL(dp ./6) 25 0n the Road 1p.ts-to1 26 Migrating (p.80-81) 2 7 Trans-contni ental P.az-s.t; '. t:lri'r;r lil;r::i*iii*:;: A:rs,,r,trI ;ii 'i,'i Verbp atterns;- ing form,i nfinitive ListeningS trategies:I denri'yirg ' situationas nd people Watm-up( p.77) Listening:( matching) VocabutarWy:o rdbuiLding Listening:( nr-c,g apf iLLing) VocabutaryD: escribnig pLaces Vocabulary:M uLti-parVt erbs SpeakingS trategies:B eingP olite Function:P oL:tere quesi-s CommunicatioWn orkhops LanguagPe owerbook 4 CommunicatioWn orkhops Vocabulary:P ersona[ityw, ordbuildingR emember:M odaLv erbs Grammar:R evisjono f tenses (p.z -15) (p.12-31) Function:E xpressinpgr eferencesM utti-part Verbs Writing: A letter Word Power LanguageA wareness Writing: A forma/informaIl etter SpeakingA: short presentation ExamP ractice1 : Useo f EnglishR; eadingW; riting SpeakingS trategies:R evision 8 CommunicatiWono rkhops Vocabulary:L aughter Remember:P astt enses Grammar:P astP erfecCt ontinuousF unction:T etlinga joke (p.16 -31) \p.22-24) Multi-part verbs writing: A book review word power LanguageA wareness check your Grammar Writing: A book revjelv Listening:A sketch( matching,m /c) SpeakingA: topic presentation ExamZ one( Modute1s- 2): SpeakingL;i steningR; eadingU; seo f FnglishW; riting Speak in g Strategies: Preparat'ino 12 CommunicationW orkhops Vocabulary:0 pinion adjectivesR emembenC omparisoonf adjectivesG rammar:R elativea nd participlec lauses (p3z-a5) 1p.36-38) Function:D escribingp eople Mutti-part verbs writing: A descriptiono f a place word power Writing: A descriptiono f a ptace ListeningA: song( gapf itling) SpeakingD: iscussinag t opic( picture ExamP ractice2 : Useo f EnglishR; eadingW; riting description) SpeakingS trategiesG: ainingti me 16 CommunicatioWn orkhops vocabulary:O piniona djectivesR emember:A ctive,p assivea nd causatjveG rammar:T he passive (p.46-63) @.a6-a8) Function:A greeingd, isagreeinga, skingf or opinions Mutti-part Verbs Writing: A fiLmr evjer,vW ord power Writing: A fiLm review LanguageA wareness CheckY our Grammar Iistening: A conversation(m atching) Speaking:P Lanninagn event SpeakingS tntegies: Takingt urns in ExamZ one( Module3s- 4): SpeakingL;i steningR; eadingU; seo f English\;1 /ritinq groupd iscussions 20C ommunicatioWn brkhops Vocabulary:C ompoundw ords Remember:w ilt,g oing lo Grammar3F utureP erfectF, utureC ontinuous (p.64-75) (p.60-62) Function:C larifuingM ulti-part Verbs Writing: A descriptiono f an event Word power Writing:A descriptiono f an event Listening:A song (matching) SpeakingA: presentation ExamP ractice3 : Useo f Ilglish; Reading\;l. /riting SpeakingS trategies:G ivin g presentations 24C ommunicatiWono rkhops Vocabulary:P artso fthe body Remember:C onditiona[sG rammar:M ixedC onditiona[sF unction:G ivinga dvice (p.26-91) (p.70-72) Multi-part Verbs Writing: A discursivee ssayW ord Power LanguageA wareness Checky our Gnmmar Writing:A discursivee ssay( 1) Listening:A TVp rogramme(c ompleting ExamZ one( ModuLe5s 6): SpeakingL;i steningR; eadingU; seo f EngtishW; riting sentences) SpeahngA: discussion SpeakingS trategies:A voidingp robLems 28C ommunicatiWono rkshops VocabutaryW: ordbuiLdingR emember:- ing form, jnfinitive Grammar:V erbp atterns \p.92-105) (p.84-86) Function:A skingf or permissionM utti-part Verbs Writing: A fornrail etter Word power Writing:A formalL etter Listening:A song lxam Practice4 : Useo f EnqlishR; eadinqI;'V riting SpeakingA: topicp resentation CONTENTS 29 Unnatural 30 Gtobat 31 Richa nd 32 VocabularWy: ordbuitdin(gp .106-l Disaster(sp .88-8e)Warming Poor 1p.ez-os1Communication RemembeRr:e porting (p.e0-et) Workhops GrammarR: eportinvge rbs VWLiosactreamnb-iuunl(pgap( :rmG. v8:al7 ot)cbhaiisIn sgu)es VCsRoeoecnmaatdbepiulnnelgcatSige rnyta rg:ta pPe tsxreetgsfii wxeeists:h VR(meerapbtoscrhtiinnggR,s ,e epnotertnincge SLLLieitssrcattteetuennrgeiinnni eoggst::e ( TsTa/kFi)ng [email protected]:n w-gAe( :g A L6a erp)tatf editrilo oinfq) aWFrurgniutcimntigoe:Ann G:t LM siev utitnletgioor- p pf aianpriVtpo eLnrisjcbu,a ssttiiofuning transformation) Vocabulary: MuLti- ap pLicatino WordP owerL anguageA wareness par t Verbs Speaking:D iscussing CheckY ourG rammar Function: photosa nd texts Ju s tifying SpeakingS trategies: ar gu m ents Usingp hotosa nd texts in discussions LanguageA wareness5 Impersonrael porst tructure(sp .88-89) ReviewM odule7s and8 (p.98-99C) uttureC orner4 Environmentaljssiune Rsu ssi(ap .100) 33 GoldenA ges 34 Consumer 35 Utopia 36 Vocabulary:SociaL (p.112-1. (p.102-1a3) Society (p.106-107) Communication proDLems Workhops Remember:E xpressnrg' regret Warm-up( p.101) ReadingS trategies: $.10a-L05) Listening (p.108-110) Grammar:P ersuasion Listeningl( matching, Summarisinq Complexs entences: Strategies: tabtec ompletion) VocabutaryR: ich Un derstnad in g Writing: A discursive Function:S uggestions Vocabutary:S ociaIp robLems [an gu age culturarI eferences essayt2 ) Multi-part Verbs Listening: Listening:A song Writing: A discursivee ssay (answenrig ( matchni g) Word Power questionms,a tching)Speaking Strategies: ExamP ractice5 : Useo f EngLish; Vocabulary: Preparingfo r problem ReadingW; riting Mutti-parVt erbs solvin g FunctionM: aking Speaking:P robtem suggestions solving 37 War 38 Neiqhbours 39 Conftict 40 Vocabulary: @.132-1 Memories from H-ett Resolution Communication Conflictw ords (p.112-11i) (pJ1a-l15) (p.116-117) Workshops Remember: PresentP erfect WLisatremn-inu(gpp(: m. 1a1tc1h)ing) Reading Strategies: Complexs entences: VocabularyM: utti- (p.118-120) GFuranmctmioanr::A E rmgupihnagsis VocabularyC: onftict Questionsw ith more emphasis( sentence Writing: A letter of Multi-part Verbs ihan one type of completion, Listening complaint Writing: Writingu nderp ressure examinationta sk sentence Strategies: Listening: A Word Power Language Aware Vocabulary: Word tran sfor nration ) Identifyingm ood filmscript( matching) CheckY our Grammar fam iL ies Listening:( T/F, Speaking: A formaI m-c) te[ephon e ExamZ one( ModuLe7s- 10): FunctionA: rguing conversation ListeningR; eadingU; seo f EngLish; Writing LanguagAe warenes6s Perfectiveve rb forms( p.J21) Mini-Grammar( p.148-519 ) ReviewM odule9s a ndL 0(p.122-123) LiteratureS pots1 -5 (p.124-133)W riting Help (p.1.37-145) GrammaSru mmaryftJa6-150)L exicon (p.151-176) . talk about different kinds of identity and give a short presentation about yourself. . listen to mono[oguesa, radiop rogrammea, n 'interview and a presentation. . read extractsf rom an autobiography,a diary and letters;u se listeninga nd reading strategies. . write a formaI or informal letter, . reviset he maint ensesi n Enql"ish. KEYW 0RDSP: erso*atity ambitiousc, aretessc, hatty,c heerfut,c hil.dish, competitivec, onsideratec.o nventionate, asy- going,h ard-workingid, ea[istici,m patient, individualistick, ind, l.ikeabtem, oody,o utgoing, popularr, ecklessr,e Uabler,e servedr,o mantic, setfish,s ensibtes, ensitive,s entimentats, hy, sociab[es,y mpathetic I Aulobiogrophy Beforey ou slart 1 rninl about an important scenei n your life that you rememberv ery clearly.T etl the class. Example A sceneI rememberv eryw elLi s whenI won a competitiona t primarys chool. .. hK e0l.orng 2 neaa the Strategies. ReadingS trategies:R evision Text 1 . Beforer eading,lo ok at the title, pictures stge@{s'@@8*rte"t?:vtetr??4,lt,e*t4".::tt':' andt he first coupteo f [ineso f the text. Lookf or cluest o helpy ou predictw hat kind he weather's been wonderful since yesterdav and I,ve of text it is and whati t is about. perked up quite a bit. My writing, the best thing I have, is coming along well. I go to the attic almost every o Road the tevt to net thp npnpr:l idc: Ignorew ordsy ou don'tk now. morning to get the stale air out of my lungs. This morning . Readt he text again.T ryt o worko ut the when I went there, Peter was busy cleaning up. He finished meanjngo f importantn eww ords.U sea quickly and came over to where I was sitting on my favourite dictionaryif you can't. spot on the floor. The two of us looked out at the blue skv,t he . Reada nyc omprehensioqnu estionsa ndt ry bare chestnut tree glistening with dew, the seagullsa nd other to think of possibtea nswersT. henf ind birds glinting with silver as they swooped through the air, and answersto the questionsin the text. we were so moved and entranced that we couldn,t speak. He stood with his head against a thick beam, while I sat.W e breathed in the air, looked outside and both felt that the soell Uset he Strategiest o answert hese questions shouldn't be broken with words. We remained like this for a about the texts. long while, and by the time he had to go to the loft to chop wood, I knew he was a good, decent boy. He climbed the l TextI ladder to the loft and I followed: during the fifteen minutes he was chopping wood, we didn,t say a word either. I watched 1 Whatt ime of year do you think it is? Why? 2 Whod o you think Peteris ? Howd o you think & him from where I was standing and could see he was 3 tHhoew do ialdr ydw or yitoeur ft eheinlska thbeo uwtrh iitmer?i s? Givey our .:: hoibsv siotruesnlyg tdho. iBnugt hI isa lbseos lot otok ecdh oopu tt hoef trhigeh ot pweany wainndd oswho wle ottfifng 2 rea50ns. :,4 my eyes roam over a large part of Amsterdam, over the 4 Whatd o yout hinki s unusuaaI boutt he ,3 rooftops and on to the horizon, a strip of blue so pale it was w almost invisible. As long as this exists,' I thought, ,this writer'ss ituation? sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?' Text2 ) 1 Howw ast he gir[ differentf rom other 'l& children? '& Unless you write yourself, you can,t know how wonderful it is; 2 Whyw as hert eachers o importantf or her? I always used to bemoan the fact that I couldn,t draw, but 3 Howd id shel earnn eww ords? now I'm overjoyed that at least I can write. And if I don't have 4 Whyd id shef eeI happyw hens heu nderstood the talent to write books or newspaper articles, I can always 'water'? the meaningo f the word write for myself. But I want to achieve more than that. I can't ,/ imagine having to live like Mother, Mrs van Daan and all the Whatd o yout hink happenelda tert o the women who go about their work and are then forgotten. I writerso f the texts?C hecky oura nswerso n need to have something besides a husband and children to page1 35. devote myself to! I don't want to have lived in vain like Crymost people, even those I've never met. I wanr to go on living even after my deathl And that,s why I,m so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use ro % develop myself and to expressa ll that's inside mel & ldenttfu Texl2 THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY I remember in all Vocobulury:W ordbuild(iRnge vision) my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to me. It was three months before @' Lexicon,p age 157. I was seven years old. On the afternoon of that day, I knew that 5 3 Us" the endingsb elowt o makea djectivesfr om the something was happening. I went outside and groupo f words( a-k). Someg roupsc anh avem oret han waited on the steps of the house. I could feel the onee nding. sun on my face and I could touch the leaves of -y,- ed,- ing,- fuL-, (i)ous-,i sh,- (i/a)bl"e-t,e ss-,a t,- (t)ic, the plants. Then I felt someone walking towards -istic,- (e/a)nt-, ive me. I thought it was my mother and she picked l0 me up and held me close. This was my teacher a mood,s tuff, happinessc,l oud g mysterya, mbition, who had come to teach all things to me and, b hope,c are,h etp dan ger above all, to love me. c pract.icen. ature,l ogic h romances. ympathy, d ideat,r ea[,i ndividuaI science The next morning, the teacher took me into her e decision.c reate,i magination i Like,r ely,s ense room and gave me a doll. When I was playing ls f importancet,o lerate,d jfference j interest.t ire, bore with it, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled the word k setf.c hitd 'd-o-l-f into my hand. I was interested and I imitated the movements with my fingers. I learned Makea dverbsfr om the adjectivesin a, b and c. Thent ry a lot of words like this, but only after my teacher to add morea djectivesa nd adverbsto eachg roup. had been with me for several weeks did I 20 Checks petlings. understand that everything has a name. One day, I didn't understand the difference 4 took at the wordsi n Exercis3e. In whicho f them is between'mug' and'water'. I became angry and therea changein words tress? threw the doll on the floor. In my quiet. dark Example world I didn't feel sorry for doing it. Then my 25 idgal - ideallstic,S cience- scienlific teacher took me out into the warm sunshine. We walked down to the well where someone was Q listen and checky oura nswers. drawing water. My teacher put my hand under the water and spelled the word'w-a-t-e-r' 5 put the underlinedw ordsi n the correctf orm. at the same time in my other hand. Suddenly, I 30 felt an understanding. The mystery of language I haves omev ery 1 pteasem emorieos f my 2 chiLd.W e I was revealed to me. I knew then that'w-a-t-e-r' Ljvedjn a 3 romancec ottagei n the countryw ith 4 love i was the wonderful cool something flowing over viewso f LakeW indermereW. eh ad a 5 wonderg ardenw ith r5 my hand. That living word awakened my soul, lots of animats. However,] 6 11_g1uoo_nrey year 7 extreme I gave it light, hope,joy, set it free! 3b wel"l"I. was eight and one of my 8 f1v,o1a1n imalsw asa goosec alledM abelA. fterc omingb ackf roms choo[I. used to 9 food Mabel"W. ith me,s hew as1 0 usualv eryq uieta nd 11 friend.W ithe verybodeyl set hough,M abewl asv ery nastya nd 12 aqqressionT.h atw interw asv eryc otda ndt he snoww asn earlya metre1 3 depth.0n ChristmaDs ay,w e qur@ had a 14 tradition[ unch- goosea nd Christmapsu ddingI. was1 5 cheeru ntiI I realisedth at the qoosew as ... Mabetl My 16 h-immediateLy disappeared-anI ds pentt he rest of the meaIi n tears. 6 Choosea memory from your tife. Write notes about theset hings: your age,p lacea ndt ime,w hoy ou werew ith, what happenedh, owy ou fe[t, what happenedin the end 7 Wort in pairs. Tetl your partner about your memory. guoTn,u..?..w uoTn '% loveo n.s"lf is the be{innin{o f a lifelon{ fofhanCe. OscarV ild. i,t, 2WhAo reY ou? Beforey ou starl 1 took at the pictures.W hich of the things can tell us about ourselves?W rite your opinionso n a pieceo f paper. Example I think that astrologyis interestingb ut I don't believei n horoscopes. Tel[ the class. 2 toot<a t the three styles of handwriting (1-3). Tryt o matcht hem with the personalityd escriptions( a-c). a Thjsp ersonis individualjsti-c someone who Ukesd oingt hingsi n theiro wnw ay. He/Sheis a[ soa perfectioniswt ho aL ways makess uret hat everythingis just right. b Thisp ersonis ambitiousa nd ideaListi-c someonew ho hass trongp rinciptesa nd T su,ppt*-Ta vn4 w;n ^ 5W p-usonO X pb|toal)4 heliefq HelShe is alcn rrerri lonical aurdb aalmi,ntoyunt u, a {rt. Cil T'ma l.+otu ,rffi,1uno, c Thisp ersonis quitec onvention-aL fhnl/qhT'motrlAnvoa+1 4q nd at tt Un{fuwra;m.T someonew ho doesn't[ iket o be different. ha,wh'+gd uuhtimljo'pnhoe aq G) Tvu bui vua He/Shejs atsor athers hyb ut is a good b1,4-.wfilvt uge ya.n4A6M. Irat4w, lun @ I-[@ZA"ri observeor f peopte. (s) T'v,q4 @ {o do ay1t iltpxth,ueS LwturuCsntt lxrpth, an tlw4'reb ry ^ttu4ga t ntg loul cl,tfu. Checky our answerso n page 135. O* 4 tha .r-errs* ee-Nxpnchtt-o-,^n,re-6 ' 7" 77,'n f:, r rf*,Ti #H*fi*8 ffi $|;jr, *m \t.(((ar /r7-4/6))n l nyn'\aa1na1 ^ 1 1noQQ. xN\EeTepr r ,.th- t/<.^AY a+n #a4^ ^ r --r'rvo mtt.-zz- utt-utJtlLJ4aQa4.*J- T \ta6-riA: w,X r'' L'i$-K :n,#t#' ;r;f4if:;:" ":r"# f::if i:i';:;i+ ::::} ;ir:t !:Y'i . :i';ir; ,' :,7;,"fi .::f:,f"f? :i' ^I^J: is":* ,^a,] ": n:j ;','dI'r !:: " iatuuTLWf,z; Dr_fhae_*e k._r"n'g::p_-rUl, n"^--ai\"*;i^4^.#Je ^vr:; r\ /yd,iLt w * - r)t ;u>i,-JJ(yu;ura ,t,t|#t4^ ,nz ); a v f;n;eitr srff:Aui.ri wt1.c*We thUP- J3 be|et3&.o^ n tpa(2/a_y_9ku*)6 ha,*.-W..,* ::l.r :..it+::r:j:: -.,1 i"ir;':;tr" '': . r:,^i,"i,22',' vouw a^tPd .:'.i':,, . : 'llrtf#f-^'-'i"^ (''nw) eY tLb45- ,,. +4, -ddrj i { t , i RevisionT:e nses 'll . Lo,,e' :::.' €m,-,a €B,#ffi '*{'$M*qa6' 6m+s*ud'-"''"' 4 tooL at the undertinedv erbsi n the threet exts. Whatt ime (past/present/futured)o they refert o? ${'FgolFds$f rllidii -ti+-- 5 Matcht he examplesu n{q{iqqd in the text (1-20) 3 Worti n pairs.G ivey ourp artnert he pieceo f paper with theset ensesa nd verb forms (a-i). with yourh andwritingo n it from Exercis1e. Uset he a PresenSt impLe g Past Perfect informationo n page1 35t o'analyse'youpr artner's b PresenCt ontinuous h qoinq to handwritingT.e tly ourp artnery oura nalysisD. oesy our i" c PresentP erfect I wttL partnera greew ith it? Let yourp artnert elt the ctass. d PresenPt erfecCt ontinuous Example e PastS impte Peters aysI 'm verya mbitiousI. don't think thqt'st rue! f PastC ontinuous t .1, ,t ,*" 6 u"t.tt the tensesa ndv erbt ormEirom Exercis5e with the uses( 1-9). 7 activitiesg oing on at the time of speaking/personal arrangementfso r the future/temporaryro utineso r habits 2 activitiest hat are repeatedr egutarty/futurefu cts 3 intentionsf or the future 4 act'iontsh at happeneda t a specificti me in the past 5 activitiesth at form a backqrountdo eventsin the ,";ffffHffi5tffiffTiffi past 6 eventst hat happenedb eforeo ther past events the verbsi n brackets. 7 activitiesin the pastw heret he time is not important/ statest hat startedi n the pasta nda res ti[[t rue I supposeth at, in manyw ays,t t hwebe*n (be) Lucky 8 activitiesth at startedi n the pasta nd continueu p to sincet he dayI wasb orn.I wasb ornt wo months n0w prematurea ndI wasv eryi [[ but somehowI 9 predictionbsa sedo n opinion,b etiefo r knowtedge/ 2 - (survive)T. hen,w henI wast hree,I decisionasb outt he futuret akena t the momento f 3 - (fuLti)n to a pondo n a farmI 4 speak in g (stay) at. My mum 5 - (go) into hospitalf or an operationa nd somef riends6 - (tooka fter)m e E4 GrammarS ummary 1, poge 146. at the time. Luckity,a man 7 (work)n eart he ponda nd he 8 - (putt)m e out! NowI 'm in my lasty eara t schooIa nd at[ my friends Proctice 9 - (think) I'm very lucky.F ore xampteI, 10 - (win) moneyo n the lottery four or five 7 Undertinet he contractionsi n these sentences. timesa nd I usuatly1 1 - (beat)e verybodayt What auxiliary verbs do they stand for? car os . a He'sb eens tudyinga [ot recently. I can'ts ayI 'm veryh ard-workinbgu t I 12 b Wed idn'td o it on purpose. (do) wel.La t exams- the right questionsa [waysc omeu p. c I've had probtemsw ith my computerl atety. I'm alsot uckyi n lovea nd ] 13 - (go out) with d We'reg oingo ut tonight. an amazingg ir[ for the lasts ix months.I hopem y luck e I'l"it eLty ou as soona s I find out. t4 - (continuei)n the future. f She'sp tanningto studyp hysics. I 15 - (take) my universitye ntrancee xamsin g We'ds eent he fitm before. the summear nda s soona sI 16 - (finish) them, I 17 - (traveLf)o r a coupteo f months. O 8 pronunciatioLni stent o the sentenceas nd write Then,h opefutLyI, 18 (study)a rchitecturea t un iver sity. downt he contractionyso u hear. --'s Examptet (has) I 1 loot at the questions.I n what situationsc ould they be asked?W ho coutdb e tatking? 9 Uatcttt he sentences( 1-7) with the situations Example 1.p eople who meetf or thef irst tine (a-s). 1 Whatd o you do? 1 Havey ou beenp Layingfo otballi n the raina gain? 2 Whath avey ou beend oingr ecently? 2 I ptay footbatl everyd ay. 3 Whata rey ou doingt onight? 3 I'm playinga footba[[g ameo n the computer. 4 Whata rey ou goingt o do wheny ou finishs choo[? 4 I'm ptayingin a footbatlm atcha t 10 o'ctock. 5 Whatw erey ou doingo n Sundaye vening? 5 I've atreadyp tayeda ndw on 20 games. 6 Whath avey ou donet oday? 6 I was playingf ootba[[w hen] fel.tb adLy. 7 I had piayed4 0 gamesw henI wasi njuredf or In pairs, ask and answert he questions. the first time. a a professionafoI otba[[etra tkinga bouth isj ob t2 Tat<etu rns to say the sentencesa bout your tife b a patientt atkingt o the doctor using the time expressionsb elow. c someoneg ivinga n excusew hy they can't he[p Exampte someonneo w I usuallyp lay bosketballo n Tuesdayn ight. d someones ayingh ow goodt hey are e someonee xptainingw hy they can'tg o shoppingth e usuattyn, ever,n ow,t his weekendl,a st year,s ince, nextd ay in the future,n exty ear,i n 1.999f,o r threew eeks, f a retiredf ootbattelro okingb acko n his career at ten o'c[ock,t wice a week,w hen,w hite, recenttv, g a mothert o a boy whosec tothesa re muddy for a vearn ow 3 Nolionlodle nti yous tort 1 put the words below into the correct categoriesi n the Key Wordsb ox. anima[l oversa. dvancedd,e mocratic, emotiona[.f riendty,[ iberat,m odern,n oisy, naturel overs,o utgoing,p owerfut,v iolent KEYW 0RDS:h ix*i*r:al 5**ntity [islening {*e.:13tryd:e vetopedd,e ve[opingh,i storic, innovative,m ulticultura[w, ealthy, 3 neaOth e Strategies. wet[-organised *s*+l*: ctass-conscioucso,m municative, Listening Strategies: Revision conservativee. xcitabtef,u m ily-oriented, [aw-abiding,n atjona[istjcp, o[ite, proud, . Beforel istening,l ook at the task. Tryt o guessa nswersto the retigious,r eserveds, erious,t raditiona[. ou estion s. toterant,s uspiciouso f foreigners . Thef irst time you tisten,a nswera s manyq uestionsa s you can. . Thes econdti me,a nswerth e questionyso u missed. . Do not worry if you don't understande veryw ord. 2 loot<a t the photos of Britain. Choose eight adjectiveso r expressionsf rom t-istent o a radiop hone-inp rogrammeU. set he Strategiesto Exercise1 that reflect your view of Britain Q decideif theses tatementsa ret rue (T) or fatse( F). Thent isten and the British. Te[lt he class. againa nd checky oura nswers. Example Tom e the British seem to be auite traditionql. 1 I GreaBt ritainis madeu p of fourd ifferennt ationsE: nqtand, NortherInre [andS. cotlanadn dW a[es. 2 Z in a pott,B ritishp eopted escribetdh emsetveass animal loversa ndt o[erantb ut suspiciouosf foreignerasn d reserved. 3 I Eighty-sevepne rcento f Britishp eop[et houghtt hat the Britishw erec Lass-conscious. 4 T Thef irst catlert hinks Britajni s an'innovativep [ace. 5 T Shed escribehse rse[af s Eng[ishra thert han Britjsh. 6 I Thes econdc a[[erf eetsE uropean. 7 T Thet hird catleri s of Indiano rigin. 8 T Shet hinks Britaini s multicutturabIu t therei s an intolerant 'fi, minority. 9 T The[ astc atlert hinksB ritaini s a modernc ountry. 10 T Hei s a Scottishn ationatisat nd doesn'tf eeI British.

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