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Comp.Newsl.32. 1998 17 New names and combinations and other nomenclatural notes for Compositae of various countries AdrianoSoldano LargoBrigataCagliari,6 13100Vercelli,Italy Abstract Theauthorproposesnewnames,orthepropersynonym,fortaxaofdifferentcountries thatholdthesamenames,newcombinationsinpropergenera,andemphasizesolder prioritiesonnamescurrentlyused. Introductioii Therecentpublicationofflorasofdifferentcountrieshasshownthattherearesome Compositaespeciesholding the samename. Many ofthesearetaxawithanarrow distribution,andthelackofavailablesynonymsnecessitatessomenewnamestobe established. Concerningotherspecies,mainly oftheMiddleEastorMediterranean Region,theappropriatecombinations,followingthelatesttaxonomictreatments(e.g. Bremer 1994),havebeentraced.Furthermore,somecombinationsarereassignedto authorsearherthanthosecurrentlycited. Abbreviations:FC=FloraVasculardeChile(Marticorena&Quezada 1985),FE= FloraEuropaea(TunNetal. 1976),FF= IndexSynonimiquedelaFloredeFrance (Kergu^len 1993), FI= Flora d'ltalia (Pignatti 1982), FO = Conspectus Florae Orientalis(Heller&Heyn1993),FR=VascularPlantsofRussia(Czerepanov1995), FSA=PlantsofSouthernAfrica(Arnold&deWEt 1993). Neworcorrectnames Centaureaaksamica Soldano, nom. nov. = C. venerisB. L. BurttetP. H. Davis, KewBull.4: 104-105 (1949),non (Somnher)BeguinotinBfiGUiNOTetLandi,Arch. Bot.(Forn)7:90(1931). Ref.:FO, 8:120. 18 Comp.Newsl.32. 1998 ThesamenameofthisCyprusendemitewasearlieremployedforanotherrestricted NW taxonof Italy (Liguria)listedinFI. Senecioincertus DC., Prodr. 6: 433 (1838)=S. tuberosus(DC.)Harv. inHarv. et SohfD., Fl. Cap. 3: 375 (1865), non Sch. Bip. exA. Rich., Tent. Fl. Abyss. 1: 434 (1848). Ref.: PSA,768. The synonym ofHarvey's illegitimatecombination thatreplaces it, is Usted in the indicatedreference. SchultzBipontinus' name validatedbyA. Richardconcerns a species recently included in Solanecio as S. tuberosus (Sch. Bp. exA. Rich.) C. Jeffrey(1986). Senecio linaresensis Soldano, nom. nov. = S. subdentatus Phil., Linnaea 28: 748 (1856), nonLedeb.,Fl.Alt.4: 110(1837). Ref.: FC,39. Phhtppt'splantisanendemiteof"CordilleradeLinares"inChileandtheLedebour one, currentlylisted (FR, 98),growsfromRussianCaucasus toEastern Siberia. Senecioneoviscidulus Soldano, nom. nov. =S. viscidulusCompton,Joum. S.Afr. BoL 33: 303 (1967), nonScheele,Linnaea18:480(1844). Ref.: FSA,768. Compton'sspecies, anendemiteofNatal and Swaziland, hasthe samenameas the hybridbetweenS. sylvaticusL.andS. viscosusL.,ataxonofCentral-NorthWestern Europe (BENorr et al. 1975) listed, for example, in the latest British Flora (Stage 1995). Senecionublensis Soldano, nom. nov. = S. camosus Phil.,Anal. Univ. Chile 21: 382(1862), nonThunb.,Prodr. PI. Cap.: 158(1800). Ref.:FC,38. ThisendemiteofChilianMountainsinChile(Cabrera 1949: 190-191)hadthesame binomialastheearlierThunbergtaxon,aspeciesrestrictedtoSouthAfrica,Ustedin FSA. Hovewer, ithas also to beconsidered thatThunberg'sname isalaterhomo- nymof5. camosusLamarck (1779)anditis thereforeillegitimate(art. 53.1 ofthe Code ofNomenclature; Greuteretal. 1994); butart. 56ofthe sameCodemay be used (aproposalisinpreparation)fortherejectionofLamarck'sname,considering the long permanence ofThunberg's taxon in the literature and the illegitimacy of Lamarck'sname, asuperfluousrenamingofSeneciodonaL. Comp.Newsl.32, 1998 19 Seneciopemehuensis Soldano, nom. nov. =S. scopariusPhil., Anal. Univ. Chile 88: 282(1894),non Harv. inHarv. etSond. F1.Cap. 3: 389(1865). Ref.:FC,39. Harvey's earlier name concerns a South African endemite currentiy hsted (FSA, 767). Philippi'staxonisknownonlyfromacollectionnearPemehueinsouthChile (Cabrera 1949). SeneciovarafoUusDC,Prodr.6:393(1838)=S. lyratusL.fil., Suppl.369("1781", publ. 1782), nonForssk.,F1.Aeg.Arab. 148 (1775). Ref: FSA, 765. ForsskAl's earher name refers to a currently hsted (FO, 67) Eritreo-Arabian/East Africanspecies. Newcombinations Inula stenocalathia (Rech f.) Soldano, comb. nov. = Codonocephalum steno- calathiumRech. p.,F1. Iranica 145: 74(1980). Ref.:FO, 8: 30. The inclusion ofCodonocephalum FenzlinInulaL. is supported by A>fDERBERG's (1991; see also Anderberg 1994) accurate study on Inuleae, where other "Codonocephalum!'' ofthe same country {inuloides andpeacockianum) are listed underInula.I. stenocalathiaisanIranianendemite. Seriphidiumdensiflorum (Viv.) Soldano,comb. nov. =ArtemisiadensifloraVrv., Fl. Cors.App.Alt.2,4t. 2 (1830). Ref.: n,3: 108. This species is endemic to Northern Sardinia/extreme South Corsica. The specific rankadoptedinFI, by Corrias (1986) - with accuratetaxonomy andtypification - andbyGehuetal. (1989)isloweredtothesubspecificoneinFF. Stemmacanthacaulescens(CossonetBalansa)Soldano,comb.nov.=Rhaponticum caulescens Cosson et Balansa, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 20: 251 (1873). = Leuzea caulescens(CossonetBalansa) Holub, FohaGeobot. Phytotax. 8(4): 391 (1973). Ref.: Jahandiez&Maire 1934: 820. Stemmacanthaimatongensis(Phujpson)Soldano,comb.nov.=Centaureaimaton- gensisPhilipson,Jour.Bot. (London)77: 232 (1939).=Rhaponticumimatongense 20 Comp.Newsl.32, 1998 (Phujpson) SojAk, Novit. Hort. Bot. Univ. Carol. Prag. 1962: 48 (1962). =Leuzea imatongensis(Phujpson)Holub,FoliaGeobot. Phytotax. 8(4): 391 (1973). Ref.:LisowsKi 1991: 594. Rhaponticum, as indicatedin thereferencesofthesetwospecies, isacontroversial abandonedname(cfr. Holub 1973, DnrRiCH 1984)andStemmacanthaCass,isthe onecurrentlylisted(Bremer 1994;FO;FRetc.). Tanacetummusili(Velen.)Soldano,comb,nova=PyrethrummusiliVei^n.,Sitz.- Ber. Boehm. Ges.Wiss. 1911, 11:11 (1912). Ref.: FO, 8: 60. & Pyrethrum Zinn is currently reduced to Tanacetum L. (cfr. Bremer Humphries 1993).ThespeciesinargumentisaSaharo-Arabianendemite. Wedeliaciliata(Schum.)Soldano,comb.nov.=VerbesinaciliataSchum.inSchum. &Thonn.,Beskr. Guin. PL: 391 (1827). =Aspiliaciliata(Schum.)Wild, Kirkia6: 41 (1967). Ref.:FO,8: 39. Wedeliakotschyi(Sch.Bip.exHochst.)Soldano,comb.nov.=Dipterothecakotschyi ScH.Bip. ex Hochst., Flora(Intell.) 25: 435 (1842). =Aspiliakotschyi (Sch.Bip. ex HocHST.)Benth.etHook, ex Ouv.,Trans.Linn.Soc.London29: 98(1875). Ref.: FO, 8:39. Thelasttwocombinationsforthesespecies ofTropicalAfricaandEritreo-Arabian provinceisaconsequenceofthereductionoiAspiliato Wedelia. Neglectedpriorities AnthemissaxatilisLam.et DC,Syn.PI.R.Gall:291 (1806), anteDC.exWilld., Enum. PI. HortiBeroL: 910(1809). Ref.:FF, 16. Crepislyrata (Ledeb.)Turcz.,Bull. Soc.Nat.Moscou 11: 96(1838),ante(Ledeb.) Froel. inDC, Prodr.7: 170(1838). Ref.:FR,55. Turczaninow'spaperUstingthis Siberian endemite antedatesdeCandolle's name pubUshedinthesameyear(cf. Stafleu&Cowan 1985). Comp.Newsl.32, 1998 21 Crepissuffreniana (DC.) Steudel, Nomencl. Bot., ed. 1: 236 (1821), anteLloyd, Fl.Loire-Inf.: 155 (1844). Ref. FE,5:356;FI,3: 280;FF,53. = LeucarUhemumhalleri(Vitman)Ducommun,Taschenb. Schw.Bot.: 383 (1869). ChrysanthemumhalleriVitman, SummaPI. 5: (1791),anteSuter, Fl. Helv. 2: 193 (1802). Ref.: Hessetal. 1972:574. Vitman's description of this endemite of Switzeriand and Austria Alps exactly reproduces Suter's one and both are based on Haller (1768 n.97). Ducommun's combination based on Suter's name is a bibliographic citation error that does not invalidateit(art33.3 oftheCode). References Anderberg,a.a. 1991.TaxonomyandphylogenyofthetribeInuleae(Asteraceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 176: 75-123. Anderberg,A.A. 1994. TribeInuleae.In: Bremer, K.,Asteraceae: Cladisticsand Classification: 273-291. PortlandPress,Oregon. Arnold,T.H. &B. C. deWet(eds.) 1993.PlantsofSouthernAfrica: namesand distribution.Mem. Bot. Surv. SouthAfr.No. 62. Pretoria. Benoit,p.M.,Crisp,P.C.&B.M.G.Jones 1975.SenecioL.In: Stage,C.A.(ed.), HybridizationandtheFloraoftheBritish Isles. LondonandNewYork. Bremer,K. 1994.Asteraceae:CladisticsandClassificationPortlandPress,Oregon. Bremer, K. & C. J. Humphries 1993. Generic monograph of the Asteraceae- Anthemideae.Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.)23(2):71-177. Cabrera,A. L. 1949. Elgenero"Senecio''enChile.Lilloa 15: 27- 501. CoRRiAS,B. 1986. LepianteendemichedellaSardegna, 187: Artemisiadensiflora Viv.Bol. Soc. SardaSci. Nat. 25: 187-191. Czerepanov,S. K. 1995. VascularplantsofRussiaandadjacentstates(theformer USSR). Cambridge. DiTTRicH, M. 1984. Neukombinationen in der Gattung Stemmacantha Cass. (Compositae)mitBemerkungenzurTypisierungeinigerihrerArten.Candollea 39:45-49. 22 Comp.Newsl.32, 1998 & Gehu,J.M.,Gehu-Franck,J. E.Biondi 1989. Synecologied'especeslittorales cyrno-sardes rares ou endemiques: Evax rotundata Moris, Spergularia macrorhiza (Req. ex Lx)isel.)Heynh. etArtemisia densiflora Viv. Bull. Soc. Bot. Fk, LettresBot. 136: 129-135. Greuter, W., Barrie, F. R., Burdet, H. M., Chaloner, W. G., Demouldm, V., Hawksworth,D.L.,Jorgensen,P.M.,Nicolson,D. H.,Silva, P. C,Tre- HANE,P. &J.McNeill 1994.InternationalCodeofBotanicalNomenclature (TokyoCode). Regn.Veg. 131. Haller,A. 1768.HistoriastirpiumindigenarumHelvetiae. Bemae. Heller,D. & C. C.Heyn 1993. ConspectusFlorae Orientalis8.Jerusalem. & & Hess,H.E.,Landolt,E. R.Hirzel1972.FloraderSchweiz3.Basel Stuttgart. HoLUB,J. 1973. Contribution to theTaxonomy and Nomenclature ofLeuzea DC. andRhaponticum auct. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 877-395. Jahandiez,E.&R.Maire 1934. CataloguedesplantesdeMaroc(Spermatophytes etPteridophytes) 3.Alger. Jeffrey,C. 1986.NotesonCompositae,IV:TheSenecioneaeinEastTropicalAfrica. ^ewfiM//.41: 873-943. Kerguelen,M. 1993. IndexsynonimiquedelafloredeFrance. Paris. Lamarck,J.B.A.P. Monnetde 1779.Florefrancoise.Paris. LisowsKi,S. 1991.LesAsteraceaedanslaflored'Afrique Centrale. Krakow. Marticorena, C. & M. Quezada 1985. Catalogo de la Flora Vascularde Chile. Gayana42. PiGNATTi,S. 1982. Florad'ltalia 3. Bologna. Stage,C. 1995.Newflora oftheBritishIsles.Cambridge. Stafleu,F.a.&R.S.Cowan 1985. Taxonomicliterature6. Utrecht&Antwerpen. TuTES,T. G.,Heywood,V. H.,Burges,N.A.,Moore,D.M.,Valentine, D.H., Walters, S. M. & D.A. Webb 1976. FloraEuropaea 4. Cambridge, Lon- don,NewYork&Melbourne.

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