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New Musical Figurations: Anthony Braxton's Cultural Critique PDF

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New Musical Figurations qp~ I I New Musical Figurations Anthony Braxton's Cultural Critique Ronald M. Radano The University of Chicago Press Chicago and London RonaldM. RadanoisassistantprofessorofAfro-Americanstudiesandmusic, UniversityofWisconsin,Madison. Titlepagephoto: AnthonyBraxtonplayingacontrabassclarinet. PhotocourtesyBillSmith. TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Chicago60637 TheUniversityofChicagoPress,Ltd.,London © 1993byTheUniversityofChicago Allrightsreserved.Published1993 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 02 01 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 1 2 3 4 5 ISBN: 0-226-70195-6 (cloth) 0-226-70196-4 (paper) Radano,RonaldMichael. Newmusicalfigurations :AnthonyBraxton'sculturalcritique/ RonaldM.Radano. p. em. Includesindex. Discography: p. 1. Braxton,Anthony. 2. Jazz-Historyandcriticism. 3. Jazz musicians-UnitedStates-Biography. I. Title. ML419.B735R3 1993 788.7'165'092-dc20 93-1878 CIP MN (§)Thepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimum requirementsoftheAmericanNationalStandardfor InformationSciences-PermanenceofPaperforPrinted LibraryMaterials,ANSIZ39.48-1984. For my mother, Anna Derkacs Radano, and In memory ofmy father, Robert Nicholas Radano Contents ListofIllustrations IX Acknowledgments Xl ANote onSources and Methods xv 1 Introduction: ANew Musical Balance 1 2 Chicago as Aesthetic Center 28 3 Musical Assertions ofBlackIdentity 77 4 New Musical Convergences: Paris and New York 140 5 DefiningaBlackVanguard Aesthetic 180 6 BlackExperimentalism as Spectacle 238 Epilogue: Jazz Recast 269 Appendix A PictureTitles ofCompositions Cited 277 Appendix B Recordings CitedlAnthonyBraxtonon Record 285 MusicIndex 297 General Index 301 Vll Illustrations Figures 3.1 Firstpage of Piano Piece No.1 121 3.2 Apage from the score of Composition 10 123 3.3 "Linenotations" for Composition 77A 134 3.4 Picture title for Composition 8K (ca. 1968) 137 4.1 Braxton's manuscriptof Composition 61 175 5.1 Frameworkguidingthree versions of Composition 26B 193 5.2 Author's transcription of Composition 23B, phrases Iand II 199 5.3 Author's transcription ofthe gravallic basicin Composition 23G 202 5.4 Braxton's manuscriptof Composition 40G 207 5.5 Schematicoutlineof Composition 37 213 5.6 Cellstructures inZone C andperformance-scoreinstructions, Composition 37 214 5.7 Adouble-page spreadfrom the score of Composition 76 215 5.8 Author's transcription ofthe opening brass/woodwindcluster in Composition 51 217 5.9 Outlineofensembleactivityin Composition 25 220 5.10 Reduction offormal sequences in Composition 25 221 5.11 Braxton'sschematicof Performance 9/1/1979 224 5.12 Relationship betweensuperimposedline notations andthe form ofpicturetitle (Composition 69E) 227 5.13 Schematicdiagram from Braxton, The Tri-Axium Writings 233 Photographs Anthony Braxtondirectingthe recordingsession for the album Creative Orchestra Music 1976 2 Muhal Richard Abrams (ca. 1967) 76 Anthony BraxtonwithJosephJarman in Chicago's Hyde Park (ca. 1968) 113 IX

New Musical Figurations exemplifies a dramatically new way of configuring jazz music and history. By relating biography to the cultural and musical contours of contemporary American life, Ronald M. Radano observes jazz practice as part of the complex interweaving of postmodern culture—a culture th
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