Town of Brunswick, Maine PLANNING BOARD 85 UNION STREET, BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 PLANNING BOARD AGENDA BRUNSWICK TOWN HALL 85 UNION STREET COUNCIL CHAMBERS TUESDAY, February 27, 2018, 7:00 P.M. 1. Case # 17-060 Jordan Acres Elementary School: The Planning Board will hold a Public Hearing and take action on a Major Development Review application submitted by authorized representative, Andrew Johnston from Atlantic Resource Consultants to construct the new Jordan Acres Elementary School. The proposed school building is approximately 70,900 square feet on a 17.10 acre parcel. The project is located at 75 Jordan Avenue (Map U06, Lot 5 and Map 54, Lot 14). The subject parcel is located within the GR8 Zoning District. 2. Other Business 3. Approval of Minutes This agenda is mailed to owners of property within 200 feet of proposed development sites and 300 feet for Conditional Use or Special Use Permits. Please call the Brunswick Department of Planning and Development (725-6660) with questions or comments. Individuals needing auxiliary aids for effective communications please call 725-6659 or TDD 725-5521. This meeting will be televised. 2/14/18 STAFF REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTES Staff present: John Foster, Public Works Director/Town Engineer; Jeff Hutchinson, Code Enforcement Officer; Jay Astle, Town Arborist/Parks and Facilities Manager; Angela Bradstreet, Assistant Assessor; Rob Pontau, Assistant General Manager, Brunswick Sewer District; Tom Farrell, Director of Parks and Recreation; TC Schofield, Assistant District Engineer, Brunswick-Topsham Water District; Jeff Emerson, Deputy Fire Chief; Dick Rizzo, Chief of Police. Non-voting staff: Jared Woolston (Planner/Interim Director) Applicants Present: Andrew Johnston, Civil Engineer, Atlantic Resource Consulatnts; Josh Tomkins, Landscape Architect and Lyndon Keck, Architect from PDT Architects Public present: David Burke, abutter 1. Case # 17-060 Jordan Acres Elementary School: The Staff Review Committee (SRC) will review and provide a recommendation to the Planning Board on a Major Development Review application submitted by authorized representative, Andrew Johnston from Atlantic Resource Consultants to construct the new Jordan Acres Elementary School. The proposed school building is approximately 70,900 square feet on a 17.10 acre parcel. The project is located at 75 Jordan Avenue (Map U06, Lot 5 and Map 54, Lot 14). The subject parcel is located within the GR8 Zoning District. Andrew Johnston (Atlantic Resource Consultants): The outline of the building has been confirmed in new plans, it is about 70,900 sqft Not much change in the circulation. Bus drop off area on east side because it is wider than Charles Court entrance (parent drop off), staff parking in rear. Multi-use trail will be shown on new plans after speaking with Bike/Ped Committee. Trail will connect the site with Edwards Field across the street and the neighborhood behind the school. Now a total of 6 bike racks on site as well, with a potential of some being covered. 12 foot gates now prevent people from driving around the building at night. Bollards allow for bike/pedestrian access around the gates. In response to Sewer District’s comments, we are replacing all sewer structures but are leaving lines in place as they look like they are in good shape. o Rob Pontau: That’s a private sewer in from Jordan Ave so it is going to belong to the school. Another option would be to line it or pipe jack it, especially while the manholes are out. We have met with neighbors in regards to screening along the property lines. We’ve heard from some property owners that they don’t want a 6 foot high screen fence and we have made adjustments as necessary, replacing it in part with a chain link fence. There are still a couple of neighbors we have not heard from so the sections of fence abutting those properties remain undecided. The 14x24 storage building is new. This provides a place for grounds keeping equipment and frees up some of the space inside the school. Lastly, we may add a flashing light at the cross walk which came out of a conversation with the Bike/Ped Committee. Jay Astle (Parks and Facilities Manager): Appreciate the alternatives to fencing and including vegetation as screening. The tree list looks good, lots of natives. 1 Ron Pontau (Assistant General Manager, Brunswick Sewer): Nothing more to add. Jeff Hutchinson (Code Enforcement Officer): Have you spoken to the neighbors along the front property line? I see you have a screen fence running that entire length. o Andrew Johnston: We have spoken to Laurie Leader (abutter to front property line) on several occasions and she is in favor of it. The screen fence seems to make sense here because of the traffic with drop-off and pick-up. We did not reach out to the abutters in front as we did to the other three sides. I notice that some of the detention ponds are in excess of 2 feet deep, what is the likelihood of those having standing water for a few days? o Andrew Johnston: They should not if they are working correctly. We have used a very conservative infiltration rate of 1.5 inches/hour and that doesn’t see any of these fill up. The likely rate is more like 6-7 inches/hour. Soils are very sandy. Jared Woolston (Planner): With the review of the Special Permit we discussed Neighborhood Protection Standards and the Planning Board made a finding on fencing. With the fencing changing I want to make sure that we have the changes and discussions with neighbors well documented before this goes to the Planning Board. The applicant has been very responsive to both the staff’s and the public’s concerns so far so thank you for that. Lyndon Keck (PDT Architects): We will be asking the Planning Board for some consistency in regard to the fence. If the neighbors all want something different, we can’t do it. Originally we planned on a 6 foot high stockade fence all the way around the property, which was what had been represented to the Town. Neighbor to the rear, David Burke, is present. David will be losing some of his yard because the chain link fence is not currently at the property line and we will be pushing it back so that it is. We’d be happy to dig up and replant his grape vines that are currently on the fence. Mr. Burke made a good point that a stockade fence in this location, at the south side of his property, would cast a lot of shadow. We have a new Building Committee member, who I believe is also a new Town Councilor and he lives in this area and has offered to walk the neighborhood with us and touch base with the neighbors. T.C Schofield, Assistant District Engineer, Brunswick-Topsham Water District: Plans look good as far as water, we’d just like that work coordinated with us when the time comes. Jeff Emerson, Deputy Fire Chief: Appreciate the drive through ability. Would like to see reinforcements in the curbing but would leave the design up to you. Angela Bradstreet, Assistant Assessor: No comments. 2 Dick Rizzo, Chief of Police: No comments. Tom Farrell (Parks and Recreation Director): Based on the state’s guidelines do you know how many square feet of playground you are required to have? Earlier on it was thought that Edwards Field might be used to meet the requirement but Paul Perzanoski told me just recently that he didn’t think it necessary. o Lyndon Keck: We have used the State’s formula to calculate the maximum amount that they will spend on the playground ($104,000) but there is no minimum square footage requirements for site size or soft play/hard play. I understand that this school will serve younger children and the playgrounds will be set up as such, but that on special occasions there may be a request to use the facilities at Edwards Field so I’m curious about the Jordan Ave crossing. I think something more than a striped crosswalk should be required. o Andrew Johnston: We weren’t planning on updating the crossing. Subsequent to the last meeting with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee there was an email communication where they suggested a flashing signal at the crosswalk. o Jared Woolston: It will be discussed that the Bike/Ped meeting tomorrow evening. I would like to put an emphasis on having a safe crossing in this location. I will come to the meeting tomorrow evening to offer input. In a conversation will Paul Perzanoski in December it was agreed that the Parks and Recreation Department could take all of the playground equipment on the current site and install it elsewhere. We are looking for a date when the contractor will take control of the site so we can get in before that time but hopefully after the spring thaw. o Lyndon Keck: We won’t have a general contractor onsite until July so you’ll have plenty of time. I also agree with you about the crossing – I think that Edwards Field will be a valuable resource for the school for years to come and having a safe crossing is important. I think we should probably talk with a traffic engineer and get recommendations to present something to the Town. Interested in John Foster’s comments about what would be appropriate for this location. I’m thinking about the actuated crosswalks that we just installed recently, on Mill Street for example. o John Foster: The one installed on Mill Street is an RFB – Rapid, Rectangular Flashing Beacon. We actually have a grant to do four more of them around Town. There was a different type flashing signal installed at McKeen and Stanwood for the HBS project and it seems to be working okay in that location. It is not as high intensity – just a single strobe light. They are generally $20-25,000 per install. They are solar powered nowadays, no underground wiring and are pretty durable. They would be a good feature to add. o Lyndon Keck: Would we be able to work with the Town to put in for another grant? o John Foster: It’s a DOT grant; I don’t know what the availability of funds is. o Andrew Johnston: We can discuss this with Bike/Ped tomorrow evening. I’ll add that during special events like Parent-Teacher conferences, Open House, etc – in the past, folks have parked over at Edwards Field and walked across the street. I suspect that will continue to happen. o Andrew Johnston: We also heard the reverse that when there was an event at Edwards Field, attendees would utilize school parking. o Lyndon Keck: You can’t design a school to have enough parking for special events such as these. 3 John Foster (Public Works Director/Town Engineer): The turnaround for the buses – have you verified the radius of the cul-de-sac to make sure it will meet the turning diameter of a 70 passenger school bus? o Andrew Johnston: We checked it several times over. The cul-de-sac is a little smaller than what we would require for a subdivision, which is why I ask. We have a storm drain at the end of Charles Court that discharges into a drainage way. You are going to reconnect that to your little pond? o Andrew Johnston: Yes, we will relocate the outfall. Is there a lighting plan? o Andrew Johnston: Photometrics are located in attachment 6. All parking lot lights will be on a timer. o Jared Woolston: Do we know what the timing is? o Lyndon Keck: My guess is that they will go off around 9pm. There is a community entrance for evening use which would likely be for use of the cafeteria, the music room and the gymnasium. Tom – how late do gyms typically get used until for community events? o Tom Farrell: For children’s activities we try to wrap up by 8pm but adult activities could go as late as 10pm. o Lyndon Keck: We will set them to go off at 10pm then. There are security lights that will stay on all night. Jared Woolston (Town Planner): Will turf reinforcement affect the property grading at all? o Andrew Johnston: We will take a look at that and try to keep grading as is. My other concern is landscaping but that has been enhanced o Josh Tomkins: There is landscaping in the middle between the bus and car drop off areas but we will keep a gap for emergency access. There are existing trees along the property line that we are doing everything we can to keep as is. You had mentioned moving the bus parking lines. We had discussed before how buses cannot be parked within the setback. Are you going to install signage to prevent people from parking there? o Andrew Johnston: We can put up “No Stopping” or “No Parking” signs to discourage people. Tom Farrell (Parks and Recreation Director): On upper left hand portion of plan, there is a contiguous piece of property that the Town owns that was used by the school previously for outdoor education activities. Is there a plan to do anything with that piece of property? o Andrew Johnston: There is a gate there that will be maintained and the trails will continue to be used by the school. o Jared Woolston: Anna Breinich had recommended conserving that top piece but the Planning Board didn’t want to do anything without the School Department weighing in. Have you discussed this with the School Dept.? o Lyndon Keck: The current School Board doesn’t have any intention of developing that land but they don’t see any value in having it designated as conservation land. Jared Woolston (Town Planner): David Burke is the abutter to the rear and I’m just wondering if he has felt that he has received proper representation at this meeting and if he is satisfied. o David Burke: I’d like to know how many feet of yard I’m going to lose. 4 o Andrew Johnston: You’ll be losing about 30 feet of yard. o Lyndon Keck: You aren’t the only one with a fence on the school property. The Bozeman’s front fence will also have to be moved back. o David Burke: There is a right of way at the corner there – what will happen with that? o Lyndon Keck: There will be a gate there where there is currently a gap for students from the neighborhood to use that right of way. o Jeff Hutchinson: Who installed the chain link fence, the School Dept. or the abutters? o Lyndon Keck: The School Dept. o Jeff Hutchinson: Is it absolutely necessary to move the fence to the property line? o Lyndon Keck: We think so. We want to maximize the playing area and still keep kids out of neighbor’s yards. Meeting adjourned. 5 N J A E S EW ORDAN CRES LEMENTARY CHOOL T B M D S OWN OF RUNSWICK AJOR EVELOPMENT TREAMLINED R A EVIEW PPLICATION PREPARED FOR: TOWN OF BRUNSWICK SCHOOL DEPARTMENT 46FEDERALSTREET BRUNSWICK,ME04011 Revised for Planning Board Submission February 2018 541 US Route One, Suite 21 Freeport, Maine 04032 Tel: 207.869.9050 Tuesday 20th February 2018 Jared Woolston Town of Brunswick Planning Department 85 Union Street Brunswick, Maine 04011 RE: New Jordan Acres Elementary School Major Development Streamlined Review Permit Application Dear Jared, On behalf of our client, The Town of Brunswick School Department, we are pleased to submit eight copies of the attached Major Development Streamlined Review application, and the requisite supporting documentation for the referenced project. A check for the application fee will be provided by the School Department under separate cover. Minor revisions have been made to the project drawings in response to comments received since the Special Permit application submission was reviewed by the Planning Board. These include; · Further development of the bicycle and pedestrian access design to include a multi-use trail alongside the eastern entrance to the site. · The addition of bicycle racks at the front entrance and the northwest entrance to the building – a total of six racks, each taking eight bikes is now provided. · Minor amendments to the fencing and screening along the property lines, in response to comments received from the Planning Board and neighboring property owners. This includes some changes to the proposed screening along the northern property line. A solid screen fence was originally proposed along the entire northern property line, and this was represented on the plans accompanying the Special Permit application. The six-foot high screen fence will now be limited to the area to the east of Merrymeeting Road, extending along the northern property line one hundred and fifty feet to the east. This provides effective screening for the portion of the new building that is closest to the property line. The owner of the property adjacent to the school on the west side of Merrymeeting Road expressed a desire to not have a six-foot high fence along the property line. An alternative porous vegetative buffer is proposed in this area, along with replacement of the existing four-foot high chain link fence. Similar buffering is proposed along the remainder of the northern property line, from the eastern end of the screen fence to the northeast corner of the property. The revised configuration is intended to meet the requirements of the ordinance while providing a coherent boundary treatment that provides effective buffering and takes account of the desires of neighboring property owners. · The addition of a small maintenance equipment storage building adjacent to the dumpster enclosure. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning the enclosed permit application during your review. Regards, Atlantic Resource Consultants Andrew Johnston, PE, LEED AP, CEng, CEnv, MCIWEM Principal Enclosures Cc: Lyndon Keck, AIA, PDT Architects DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 1. Development Review application type (refer to Appendix D): Minor Development Review Major Development Review: Sketch Plan Major Development Review: Final Plan 4 Major Development Review: Streamlined Final Plan Brunswick Elementary School - Jordan Acres 2. Project Name:____________________________________________________ 3. Project Applicant Name: _T_o_w_n_ _o_f _B_r_u_n_s_w_ic_k_ _S_c_h_o_o_l _D_e_p_a_r_tm__e_n_t________ Address: _4_6_ F__e_d_e_ra_l_ S_t_re_e_t__________________________ _B_r_u_n_s_w_ic_k_,_ M__a_in_e_ _0_4_0_1_1____________________ Phone Number: _(2_0__7_) _3_1_9_ 1_9_0_0____________________________ Email: _P_P_e_r_z_a_n_o_s_k_i@__b_r_u_n_s_w_ic_k_._k_1_2_.m__e_.u_s___________ 4. Project Owner (if different than applicant) Name: _A_s_ _a_b_o_ve_________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ 5. Authorized Representative Name: _A_n_d_r_e_w_ _Jo_h__n_st_o_n__________________________ Address: _A_t_la_n_t_ic_ R__e_s_o_u_rc_e_ _C_o_n_s_u_lt_a_n_ts_,_ L_L_C____________ _5_4_1_U_S_ _R_o_u_t_e_ O__n_e_, _S_u_it_e_ 2_1__, _F_re_e_p_o_r_t,_ M__a_in_e_ _0_4_0 32 Phone Number: _(2_0__7_) _8_6_9_ 9_0_5_0_ ___________________________ Email: _a_n_d_y_j@__a_r_c_-m__a_in_e_._c_o_m_ _____________________ 6. List of Design Consultants. Indicate the registration number, address and phone number, email for any additional project engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects or planners: Please see attached sheet 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 75 Jordan Avenue 7. Physical location of property: ________________________________________ 8. Lot Size: _1_7_.1_0_ _a_c_re_s_+_/_-_____________________________________________ 9. Zoning District: _G_R__8________________________________________________