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New Interchange 2 English for International Communication. Student's Book PDF

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Preview New Interchange 2 English for International Communication. Student's Book

Nw f 27) 1 CAMBRIDGE UNTVERSITY PRESS | no) THE NEW EDITION Tien, Intorchange i of nerekonge neue euel’s mest successful und papalar English ecnres. Nowe Intevctannge scorn abes any improvements sugeosted by le-eho-s ane stents fro arvard too world, Some “jor Shang include ~ ans moi Conversations ushers, and Readings. more extensive Grammar Hoes models and act vities; = greater ary and suount of listening material extensive changes iv h Teacher's Edition anid Workbook and uisitions sa the Now Interchange °a nou: tchvel co Wray. ish usa second or foreign lenimage young adults and salulls, Te course covers “he “our skills of listening, spehing, vewe-r 2 ‘pritirg, ae well aa improving some ties and building vocabulaes. Pe-tieula> e-yphacia ie placed rn Fistorinz and speak in, Th primacy scl of the soe f8- trarh commauucati cempeleseo, That 6, dhe ability to corner ee 1m Keglish according athe vitae, purz000, and roles ef Ge part eap=nrs "Me guage uscd in Now Pyervhange is Amerean tinglish, however, Js eamrso reflects the fet that Englis ache major lamang of ier naa. evsurmuni- ceation and smn hired ta any one eoarsiy, ‘regio: or ex 2are, This level is or inten Sseucents a! (slaw Usa from the low Intermedia np to che incer nealiate evel This lors huilds on the Zsmndatins for aveurate sand flucrs someaunie:=ic aleeaily eetublished ia pulor levels oy vstending sreomauen. lesa An] Faretions. skills, Becaise Civ syllabi: co tered in thea Studs-1' Book revievs anguaite ea tures taught at the prior level, slugents wha hove mol arvviowsly used New iuerctnge san sucsnsstilly stu lis ov COURSE LENGTH ach Fall ove “New Interchange worse terven hand 121 lowes uf eles instruction me, For elzsoea wher: move time i available she Trachov's Si. icr gives cotalled sugsstinns vr Options! Act vitivw «. enlucd euch uni. Whote less time ie vaulahle, the a unl of Hee spire on Jatarshunge Activities, Reng, Wrilivg, Gplinnal Aesiviciea, snd Ce Workbook. fen Feed Exec: eplitoditicn contains approsieas:ely to 66) wurs ufeluserosm material, The Staient's Book, Workhosk, avd Hlaints Audie Casreties or CDe are nzailabl: in ap sdxticms ‘COURSE COMPONENTS: he Rrundent’s Boole ays 16 sispage us ‘divided sntn toes tnpieabfime-ioval “eyeles? ss well a: four roview unit, UL the sack nf the ole are 16 serie. Lnke, ealed Interchange Aetisries,” aud susmitaies of rommar and vees molars taught in each 9% The full-csloe Teacher’s Rdition f:atsres Uetaile teach ng in ruelinus diet y arrose om tre Student's Book sags,» ang wil! sia scripts, eal-ueal nots, ower key’, ane aphonn acivities, At the back yh Deucher's Behion fare immer for Interchange Acs ilies 2 Optional Activities Indie, a Worshank &-imser ‘ey, aed Gur shotocopiifle Aezievement Tests will aorke sersate ana answer keys ‘The Workbook provides a variety nf readin. siling, anc epcl ing exereisea ts reinforee the grammar ant wacabuluty tausche-n the tudent’s Bool. -izch sigue amit follows the '2me tachi: sequence 03 the Students Hook seme exe.viscs reyes leushing punts from 3 ‘Fiewa units in the conten: af Ure neve top The Weskbooke san Fe used fer “answer or beciewurs, ‘The Class Audio Proyrsam, uosiluble on Caxvette or OD. ig inserted fer elasavsnin ase ‘The Corversatiens, Grammat Focus ede, Promuae-alion exereises, and Listening tetivitie: in the Scuvteat'e Wok oe all accrlud eelucally wilt a vasiety of naliv-and come nonna ive socenits, Rucured enrdees ars indicated with the sya ce The Student's Audio Program provides ssppostunil es far gel 3t-dy. Tv e:ntainn reno tags call Sludeul's Boule exrcisop arleed th the symbol mf, except tne Fistor ie task, ‘hick ur: intended on y for elsssrnom nse. Mies Lusks appear exclusively sa thw Clase Audio Progra and ate indealec by Uw ssiubol 2% Introduction he Vielug offurs entertaining dramatic o¢ diemmer-n-y sequences vat vwsiew and extend Tanicage earned in eat unit nf the “entonn 5 Hows, The Video Avtivity Book contains comprehension. e=eversal on aad ungyaae practive seivities aml ch: Video Teacher's Gulde prov cen inatrartions| support rsser boys; and plistce-piubls anseripts afew dow sequences ‘The CD-ROM, apeworia-e for home oF Iodhoratony nes, offecs a wealth aijonal mradtsoe Rash of tha [Busi fy 5es2d on a equene: fram the Vide. Foi tests he stuceuls couilor tbaie eran. ‘The Placement Test helms dterr-inn the sun srupe-ale level o” Now Frterehange the Incenraeg studcats. A bouklel coutaiae Ce frcrekills teat on (otorupistle peges, as wel inceucvions br tosh adr atycticn amd ae3¢i- 2 A casste sevumpu ies ihe Hishe= = seetior of the tsk Voc Liab Canstlues provils sult study activities is che areas of srarinian, cabulacy, prorsneia-ter, liste-y 3g, ana Pr chone! use of Bng ish, The Lab Guide contain: phocseeaiabl cnqges Ula guice slucents throagh the ge ivibies Too Teacher Training Video o®fr2 ¢2ar ular Co Ueaehies euch soeris~ of the Student's Tooke ad profess al devel ent sccivitice cpprspriace for indwvidnn or group use APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY Yue Interohoage ‘exehes -tiaents tase Iaalish fo ever eda situations and purpose elated te arn sors hfe, work, aid Issue The und=ly.ng philo-ophy is that learning » seeud or foreixt la guage ie more rcwurding, rmes1pil and = Tet wiv Lae huang i ‘used for authentic en=mamrici-av, "=r ghana Now fnterchange, stude'ils arv prescnted eth nacural and useful kus same, Le abdlivn, adenta have the cciportin-ty #2 serscaliae the lanzeage shey len, mite usa atthe © osu kuowledse sind oxporiences, anc oxpiess their leas ad spinon, Key FEATURES. Adult and International Comtewt Vin Intorehquge deal: with sonteresorars Yopies thal ane oT hgh interest snd relevant to =e atuden's nd teacrara. The “epics have beea selected for their intereat ts both hemagyenecta vl heleve: onesie sata, Integrated Syllabus Nes: faserel-nnge hes ar rcegrated, m-Ili-ekile eyllaba that links hopies, communicative Fumctivns, sl Grammar ~ seen as an eseential ramps mento soeand ane. orsign la:zuage profi eney and ‘eampecenes ~ is always 2eesented exmmeaniza ‘Fvels, with eantrullec securaes-based 4st sil Jecaing wo Muenay-heaedl e=nmunicat-ve pract:ce Li tise wary, shore a ¢ 23 belswen arom maties| form ss co wiunieat.ve fanceun. The celles is ervetully geod, with a stae sal teasing items, le andl Tseful Learning Aetivitivs etinsand eayakleartizties proyaee tbcesugh ineseidual ctucent practice And ena os war vers lp asply Jhe anguaze thes learn, The course ler makes extensise tat uf info-matior-pap take: vole played pair, sui and whole ls2s activ tice. Trak baced fire inlorratiqnersar-ag aeziviivs proie rassimum -iminint of atident-ge erated soauutitivn, WHAT EACH UNIT CONTAINS Snapshot The Sau-shers graphically poesen: inwresting seal -yeold Smeaton th introcines he topic of « unit ur eyele, unc abn deyelep voeab lacy’ Follow-up queshans encima Wiscus af the S:apshot mzceral and personal 76 he tone Conversation The Uoaversstions in raduso be 0 gr-mmar ofeach fe-lein a eemmamc ative ouleat und present functional acs ennvers Sieral expiessione rummar Focus The now ceammar -fexsh venus 5 presetted -veur bone aud ix ollowee ‘by controlled nd froer eammuanientine pre cliew ‘aecivibies. Those freer activities often Fare ara deals use cho grammer in 8 perro e-mtext. Flueney Exercise ‘These pair, 2emp, ele lass, oF mle-play aciv-toa prov de more persenal pra ine Lie neo! teuching ints and increase the crport arity for andi v4 student practice Pronunciation Thess exercises se.e por amt features nf spuke= Bre ish, including stress, rligvars. jtonalion, “eéaetions, a Bnd ng, conkng The Listening sivities dncelp a id verily of iser'ry ells, lngluding bi :ten- ing for gist, stoi fore als, sue incoerinie ‘me=nng from conter:. Choris ar ar=ph es alles accompany ees Lank- bares enzrsioea Ue lend Secanel costes ts Word Power Th: Word Power aetivsies develo, eae? sncabalary through = yuriety lof mreresting tans, sue! as yard mp callazation sere 20% Word Prvier art'vit > ae ‘usually followed by oral or waittcn practice that he ps stucents cnderstand iow le ase abs ver lary in contest Inteduction vintng exere ses include pratt eal siting ass that extezel and nein fare the teach= ing; voints fs she unit and hele develos stade=t 3 ump sili} skill. "The Teackr's Edition demon -tnites hn tase the mek send sxereies ty fous on the severav af wong. Heading The reading nasa u typos af texts adapte Fu authentic sores The Readings doveles a vericy af readin: oll, inrhneing reeding fos de-= Is, shimminy, ste hing, and recking mfe-ernes Alec inc preresd nygane Soot voas eg questions that fuse the copie of Ulu rueeig ae a prin band ‘adigenssion, Interehiniye Activities The Interchange Active es sre pir rok, a-9up wank, or while lass -¢tvities inenlving | foe-ation shanng 3 cole playing tocz20usage real sonem=nentin These exer vines cou w eantrel park ofthe eomsc ard allow slucents ta exten” anal press ee vba they hue practiced ar lee-nird in rac unit Unic Summaries Unit Summevies are located a Uwe back uf Ce Student's Boo, They 20r s1 Tists ofthe key sorabulars an. soli for evel nil, — FROMTHE AUTHORS We nope shat you yall ke tang Now Fader mamas auc “net Leela “coveoting, az Tun. ©. gal thas been to pros ide waeioes aad slalom ath sake: she nts clas it nrwart 6 and, >the anne time, avide auts with Uwe they noes. ta use Englis* farvaide "he olan, Plea lel ws 2006 ne you esa itand gor Isle Auch C, Richerds deeatkan Hull Sinn Proctr HWLNorS AeKnaWedgments areal number of sep eum tn 1-6 Ka bue-ohuee. Fat lel has srocwed lathe ‘allowing: ‘he reviewers ssinw to Firat econ of Perce ie ll-we=e5eron and ineilulsa the ina ght and sg sti s of es Lees a (ei badertn Zavshelped define Ye srenl od format tthe valsiune dongs Haar neque, Cemtro Culturul Brasil-Ratadn Linton (CIID |, Leki rail Lynne Rooekle "Gita University, Tape Moy Dive al Sonbsorrat M, Djcs, bnectemon Frwsil Hstudos Unidos STBEUI, lt de sensi, Ievvil, Tien, Balle, Enotitica Chileno Norte Americana, ti:-tapn de Chile Hr r= 8 i and ‘ce teachow at Instituto Cultural Argentino Norteamerieane CANA’, Pinus Airey Aszontinas Mie "in uzd Kelley =y5-00 Boglish Seliul, Japa Maile Lammers and Manel Hid? gh, Keates SA-de CV, Meaisu LL, Tuniar, Rea Doren. and Andrew Sanat, Rancho Rantiage Uollege Centennial Exlucation Center, Sana Ang, Slifemia, Ls sfames Fle, Seandad ‘stopher Eynel, Sumebine College, ‘Tolsyo.dapan; Yale-te Penson, Saazuzamine Wesnieae College, Wily day a; ih al Bacto, ‘Toke Be Seminar, dacan; Hand Arnon anJPa. Cn McVay, Lovo Women's College, ‘Tate spor. lari UCBED, lo, Rvs La Ortex: Sepulvade, Unidad Vamos llermosa, Minis 163s Ere Deus, Kyoto XMEA English School, Kyo=>_ Japa" hw Pk, ‘Yakohima YMICA English School, Yoksharsa, apa: and the many tester tM od bs responded lo Le Pnterehansge cestiouare ‘Tho editoriul an: preduetton tours: Suceste Andre. Spee Tock sn ttl, Macy Ursin, Karr Davy, Samursia Pakctut, Rundee Fals, Andie Cita, Christa Lsusen, Pauls Tels, Sephemie 2-70, Benny -aporte, Kalb Neemnpty nt Ine Sls Foie Slarsp, end Mary Yau, fing CaauLidye Uv e-sity Pres walt nd avtoons Carlea Barisan, Kash oe Corley, Kate Luse-Wein Fits da Cotta, Poter Sevicon, Peler Desa, Raber ala ne oa rer, Cnr dlages, Tare Rooney, Sinock Kim, zen Vin La devhem, ales dearsrer, ‘clue Miu], Chis npit Bhalavadh=na, Sab a Schmie Lelon Sanford Oa E¢=ale, Len Suter anal Chr Wile, deuce Wil a, and Elan Zotac i Fan of the Book Title Topics Functions Grammar Do nse g ueeianeeine Iniraiungsrorelfsatking about Pat cge uae oc ab ere) 2 | Rane an enema a eet ies itive sing Sha ston Bebe Cami ts heroes THe ioc ronmmaranand _ alelar eel eae eamapatacie eprtaies — Leapeistr bone; Oalnaice aie uaesunloke euana oo me, foe eee ie eoeecr Bridie nee eee ear Tee ee mea eorane marr wea Pas asian | - Timo ca cael Desere assis sodaagee —_MestanBons and eaasns Bouscrandzar ent Meaglt fntves mesg spasm ceiver ea ot peers) flmpitad corse nee ae eieketeee ae Edconeenmne an baer es woe ee ore mo Svenrucleanier int Se Pootimatporincrceik. ckisn | wcduisiiecdeaciomg savers” eocconseodVtba iat dom ee feck ing etude fete : Going places Tieseribing vacation olanssgoving Palate ville ging de cad ll ‘Travel yacativ; plans ays] civic: clamnirz a yacatio” —rada'a for aeeeealy and sree on: don! ae fo, mei, tad to setter, yh fy, showh Sure. No proble: ¥esking vayslssacrepling and Tworpar. verbs: 248 Toe sponding Complaints; nouseold he: ceasing requsses cor-slainings ta tgurals rae will mia Saieala edeineassinligion apologizing aiviny exe ee nd Would sou mad wt = Whose Chi foe? Dereriting tschnoleay: giving Tnfintives and gerund: struecieus gin galrice tonaplecients Deteriaing halidays, festivals, Relative causes of hme; adie-hial Iedays; “er-vals; cuss fuetome, 2d epecal events Alauseu me dejar. wten often erlebrntions REV OFANTE KA PES Listeniag/Pronunclation Variting/ Reading Interchange Activily Listoniqy to pevzlo =k aboot there past; bien ur person infant Reduced *r- oF we Waite antabiacesay "Jean Chea" Reading abt an notre wer (ass proll.”. Faadingow ubwat enildhcod Listening to a dcssrigtion 0 aust dum eva ian fo seonerect farina, Henig 0 people aa for infereatson question intonation in Wh- cations 2 in ert peste Wrting a descrisiam fu y's ‘Making eho city bens" Supevsting transportation aieen waysto improsa city “Sick in ap alepost?: What Ab. Reading, abont ways te Speod Unie in a airport Lestaning to dane-ip of spa-tments nyu Hy ing sempaizona listen =g 4 pene salle akoutlifestyie change Liste-ing te deacrsptuns of Secs, Tistening se 758 pea Been oemieor atyoe a ave yore Tene dora “Rs inky? Finding oo Hire Can Cinco Heading) vos saan cher Singenregreniatine iyi Winger Rudy bain Cal eg “Euting Sor Ene 7: Resaime bperscnal informatio. faa aibuat fiuw fot ullecte pi ysieal. ‘slazemates Gulremiecsean “Liatemig, “or deseriphons a¥ seeccam plans: llacenine tears adv ede forms ct nignd fn an hese Tasconing te requests Late comzlainta, exetaes and eonlegnn Stroce with exo-pert vorby ale ‘Writing about a vation Fun vaontions": Deciding ova trip jevang mere for 1-4 lien yy evel" Reading about how 2 9ave smeey on leave seramgenn ate Eee Warsinga veresaelve otter “Thats io tree!” ApiiaTg A ‘Sanmmer in te Country": Reading atkins ese oe Listenicu lo peosie deseribe how vse fecal ening Syllable sores Listening wo deveriptions afszecial steed eustouse Stress anid iy salves abot the Fran Aree WHET g eavice abot a weeful vem “thc uly 7s ving advise vo "A Day lw Your “ie Ine asa Yer" VL” Mee = oin ‘the Ature a Writmng abou @ ba-day or stil “Ocue ia. a thue moan’ Pindiceout Abs al esate Tue slncemates coletuate syetal Invlidays and Cas dye EN OF OMT 8 wi Tille/Topics Functions BT 8 PS 59 | Grammar ack ete eure SmaI Stee ac © tmenermin ieermigprenition fhm changer ce comet ‘air AO0 eet ensriny silted ail wees Dine dat pipalieoees Milles urd yils; job proforeness, deoeriting pexcunality teats ‘pe-woraty trots; cosrers "Tame sueats, cdi al sentences with viele ses Gruds; share resp: wlth Cece om PAE 7 Tes really worth coeing! Talking about lasemarks ane Pass with ny latrate cast) aneonarks and amamente angesumentes eribing countries} gssivowithots By simp « present” poets of ounces WE discuss fects Inowledge unre PAGESAT a It becn along time! aking aint samrames pat Vas: contwus a. simp pas, Tiforms.icn <coul soneoue's pack; deceribing reat exaerie a4 eon iat vents tM Tt PALES 25 ‘A lorrifie bk, bul w lorrible z movie! Laing aoa lors anal artes Entertainurent; moeize and B00ke; aka franc gnvi=g reeet"n and esctinrn sn pins opinions freee So that's wheat 1 seat Tuer pret ody lara Nonverbal sommuicaien; cexplieong geet and eas, fsatee aa rani etmutionsy— doace aing smstions: exple ning "Mresent prnfac. sont one Frtieiploa a adjze-toc: rol else “Mozale and advoroe: mie: mex, unl, snus, ving parlor, proba pe-miceon, obligation, Drnerbs; signs and meaning proverbs: aking abst signs and and arakibsien Aruving eomelavione inehaigs urs PARES DT What would you do? Speealating sho. zas! and “ature Ueweal eaninnal erences a= Mose hoy ars picame is even:ssdoser bing preiiesmet pete errs met meted ‘frelzne0e: pat modal What's your cxeuse? Requests, excuses; invitations ‘oh line” pears TT SURRURES Paes 2-907 lepuried spise: requesce report saseenh ‘mu LUstening/ Pronunciation, Lisconing wo pzop'e tale abet tani: listenin to pues solnhors:ea pesble ites Tiscomng forjo> reqaseae 8, Tietoning tn prope tek about thie inverts Hissenlng 0 porav-alite ails Bing Fin nat dot, secant Licconing to detoripeior < ‘mrmens, isos Fe in(ercatioe: abut a country Linkd sousda Lisconing to peose talk about fever a ites ers iene {ori tirmabior abot somsone's Concrastive str: Tisvening for e:iaions, ate aq bo ‘Wore and aestence trans isteving tv pen, lei orpret risanieg: stm 2 prop © tall atou: the meaninus of ene Hmpsatie stess| Listenin, to people =< about predicameats listenin lead. ‘and suggestions Roduead inn of have Listening ee ara ‘telephone mescaues ednced Zins of ud, won, aad st waiting Reading Interchange Activity UT Consider the soucqueness” icy an disagrecing vith iar Dre jo: Fring an cmpl-yoo AGEEICS “Traveler's eral Wine-g--ut “Lith ike a game!” Finding out about elaseme0' Bvt “AINE mio lng danonate? ftir tiene PaaC 8 cn What's ung on?" Intorproting dy omgnrer PAGE “Tha the “yest tng Beading what to doin adifticult eest.on Te es, exe EVEN OF ITS (18 TN SUAS in ae — Taik about these questions. Wy de you think inese cities have se many ‘mmusrenis? ‘Bre there any iimmgrants in your ily? Were are they isa ongineily? a vs CONVERSATION AG Tierer aad practice od, Gu, Pan ewully corry. Ave yom OK? Arai; Pm fine. But Tm not very good ot this Ted: Neithsr nm L-Say. are you from South Auesie” ‘Ana: Yea, | am, original. [ws lon in Argentina, Ted: Use you eo up oh ‘Aura: You, T did, but my family moved here ght yoara age, when Lwas in high school ‘Ted: And where sie you leur ta Koller cle! nat ed an Ted Ana B FRO Listen to the rest af the conven, What me tn ~ore things vou leaoa abun Td? ‘Aime to remember El Grammar Focus Did yoga to ealleuc inal oma? Yes. ldld | wens colags i its angeles Past tense af “inere wer yu born? Iwas born ir South Are | ‘Were you com in fra? Ne, Last was bo" in Aentina | ‘hia did you prow up? | grew up in Bu0"0r Ales. ! nen did vou move here? ‘moved hste sign yeas ag, wren was in nigh school | Did you are Spensn nrigrsehco!? No, Git. fuse ir estiege, | OY | ‘hese sonverss iors. Then practies with a paraues 1. A: Could you tell me a Tstle aleut yourself? Where 6°) yu worm? T..00., horn in Sout: Korea. Lac you grew up there? we vs ia Canada Where y 1 to high gchoo! '3 Ee nior. aa you study English when you. chia” Bes, A: Howeld you wien yon hogan ta soudy Bngtisa? mT eleven years ald, B Pair work ‘take ture asking the qrestions = Parts. Civeyour owas mation when answering, O usrenie SSSI Gi Lassen 20 interviews will Guu iar grants 0 she United States, Complore the chart. Yu Hong Alay | 2 ae isto om? [2 non ac hese nave the | United icon? | a vat does hers ar ne 4, Whats fc about ol-g | en immigerr? |. What doce resheriss [temas

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