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)earwlryi tint ecno ntemporary languatghiesh, o oiks a m asterp'i'e ce! HoroscMoapgea zine - STE N LI ARROYO& GREENE Authoorf A strology, Karma& Transformation OtheBro okbsyt hAeu thors ByS tephArerno yo AstrolPosygcyh,o lo&gy t hFeo uErl emenAtnsE :n ergAyp proatcoh Astrol&o Igyt Uss ei nt hCeo unselAirntgs AstrolKoagrym,a& TransformaTthieIo nnn:e Dri mensiooftn hse BirtChh art Relation&s LhifiepC sy cleMso:d ernD imensioofAn sst rology TheP ractaincdeP rofesosfiA osnt rology StephAernr oyCoh'asr Itn terpreHtaantdiboonoG ku:i delifnoers UnderstantdhiEens gs entoifta hlBesi rtChh art StephAernr oyGou'isd teoT ransits NewI nsigihnMt osd ernA strol(owgiytL hiz G reene) ByL izG reene SaturAn N:e wL ooka ta nO ldD evil RelatiAnng :A strolGougiidcteaoL l i viwnigt Oht heornsa S malPll anet TheO utePrl ane&t Tsh eiCry cleTsh:eA strolooftg hyCe o llective TheD reameirnt heV in(ean ovealb ouNto stradamus) TheA stroloofFg ayt e AstrolfoogLryo vers TheD evelopmoeftn htPe e rsona(lwiitytH ho warSda sportas) Dynamiocfst h Uen consci(owuistH ho warSda sportas) STEPHEN LIZ ARROYO& GREENE CRCS Publications PosOtffi ceB ox1 460 Sebastopol Califo mia 95473 USA Libraroyf CongresCsa taloglng-1n-Publ1Dcaattal on Arroyo,S tephen. New InsightsI n moderna strologyI StephenA rroyo& Liz Greene.- ­ Rev. ed., 2nd ed. p. cm. Rev. ed. of: The Juolter/SaturCno nferencel ecturesI L1zG reene, StephenA rroyc.1 st ed. c1984. ISBN0 -916360-47-:4 $ 10.95 1. Astrology.2 . Jupiter< Planet>--Miscellane3a.. S aturn <Planet>--MlscellaneIa.. Greene�L iz. II.G reene,L iz. Jupiter/SaturCno nferenclee ctures.I II.T itle. BF1724.A77 1991 133.5--dc20 91-35914 CIP © 198b4y L iGzr ee&ne S tephArerno yo( undtheert itTlheeJ upiter/Saturn ConfereLneccet ures) RevisEeddi ti©o 1n9 9b1y S tephAernr oy&o L izGr een(eu ndtehrte i tle New InsigihnMt osd ernA strology) Allr ighrtess ervuendd eIrn ternatainodnP ala n-AmerCiocpaynri gChotn v­en tionPsri.n tine dt hUen itSetda toefAs m eriNcoap .art of tbhoiosmk a ybe useodr reproducienad n ym annewrh atsoe(vienrc luding photocopying) without written permissifroonm t hpeu blisehxecrein,p tth cea soefb riqeufo tateimobnosd iine d critoircs aclh olaartrilcyal nedsr eviews. SECONDE DlTION INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BOOKN UMBER: 0-916360-47-4 Publisshiemdu ltanienot uhsUeln yi tSetda taensdC anadbay : CRCSP ublications Distribiuntt heUedn itSetda taensdi nternatiboyn:a lly CRCSP ublications Contents Introduction 1.In formaClo mmentosn t heJ upiter-SCaotnujrunn ction 1 ...S tephAernr oyo 2.C harCto mparis&o tnh eD ynamicosfR elationship 16 ...L izG reene 3.T heM ytho ft heI ndividJuoaulrn ey 46 ...L izG reene 4.K eyI ssuine sA strolToogdya y 81 ...S tephen Arroyo 5.P erson-to-APsetrrsoonl oSguym:m aroyf R esults 97 ofO n-goiRnegl ationRsehsiepa rch ...S tephAernr oyo 6.L igh&t S hadow 129 ...L izG reene 7.M ethodosfC harSty nthesis 162 ...S tephAernr oyo 8.J upit&e Sra turn 190 ...L izG reene Introduction Mosto ft hem ateriinat lh ibso okw aso riginpaulbllyi suhneddet rh et itle TheJ upiter/CSoanfteurrne nLceec tuarnedsd erivfreodm t algkisv eantt hree ­ markabanlde g round-brJeuapkiitnegr /7S-aDtauAyrns trolCoognyfe renicne BerkelCeayl,i fornSiian.ct ehc eo nferocecnucrree ddu ritnhgJe u l1y9, 8J1u,p iter/ Satucrno njuncitnLi iobnram ,a nyo ft hoastet endwienrsgei multaneously having transitJiunpgian tde rS atuarns pecsto men atpalla noerst i gnifipcoanitin ntt heir charTthsec. o nferedniciden fa ctm araks ignifitcuanrnitn pgo i(nantd fo rm an,y evean" peaekx perieinntc hele"i )v oefms o spta rticiapsdan otzse,on fsl ettanedr s phoncea laltst esatfetdte hrec onferenceen deAdn.d I t hinthke conjunction's placemiennL ti brmau stbe takeinn taoc coutnote xplahionw o neh undred andt hirty-pseeovpeclnoe u lbde s os ensittoie vaec oht hearn dg eta lonsgo harmonioufosrls ye ven intense days! Thacto nferewnacset heem bodimoefan v ti sioofann astrologgiactahle ring ofa ne ntirneelwoy r demro,r see riomuosr,pe u rposeafunldm, o rep rofessional thamno sstu cehv enNtast.u r,am lulcyho ft haetx periceanncnebo etc onveyed throuabg oho ke,s pecisailnlwcyhe a sto m anyp eopfleetl otbe the "maogfti hca"t evenwta sq uipteer soannda uln iqtuoee a cpha rticiBpuantIdt o.w anttog ivteh e readseorm eb ribeafc kgroounhn odw t hibso ocka mien tboe ing. Thee igchhta ptheerrsea irnee x cerpfrtoemda t otoafls ixttaelekngs i veant thacto nferebnycL ei zG reenAel,a Onk enJ,i mF eianld, m yselWfe. h avtea ken fullf reedotmo e diatn dc lartihfyme aterwihaills et ialtlt empttoir negt atihne basHiocw an d informavli taolfit thyoe r iginalA ntdfua rltkhsefo.rr t, h irse vised editiaofe nw, o thpearr htasv bee eend itanedd u pdated. iPtie srsh iagpnsi ficant thatth ree viswieornpesr epaarseJ du piatnedrS atuwrne rien o pposiitnit ohne skye,x achtallyf wtahyr outghhfe u clylc tlhea bte gawnh ent himsa terwiaasfil r st presenattte hdBe e rkeCloenyf erence. A smalpla rotft hibso okd ealssp ecificwailttlhhy Je u piter/cSyactluern. Wh ilteh issu bjeicset x tremely imspionrcsteoa mnetJ upiter/cSyactliuesrn alwayisne ffecatn,dh encteh ees senptriianlc idpilsecsu shseerdea irnwe i dely applicmaabnlyoe t,h iemrp ortoarnitg,ia nnadwl i,d e-ranigsisnuager spe r esented int hivso lumThee.r eforwee,h avuep datseodm eof t hceo mmenfrtosm t hpeer ­ spectwievn eo wh avaen,d a lilna lIlt ,h itnhkre e adweirla lg ree atg hraematant y oft hoeb servatiinot nhsib so oakr ien fa ctN ewI nsigihnMt osd ernA strology. StephAernr oyo Berkeley, C-al1i9fo9rn1i a 1-lnforCmoamlm enotns thJeu piter-Saturn Conjunction StephAernr oyo Ih avnee vesrp ecialiinmz uendd anaes trolaongdhy a vien fa ctn evehra d muchi nterienst tr yitnogp rediwcotr ledv entHso.w eveIra ,m i ntereisnt ed historicala ncdty rcelneadsns d i nt hema ssp syhcologyt haatc companies themT.h erhea sb eena loto fs peculaitnit ohnep asfetw monthasm ong astroloagnedir nst hev arioausst rolojgoiucranlaa llosn tgh el inoefsw orld evenptr edictbiuotnt so,n igwhetm ighfto cuosn s omem orep ersotnhailn gs, thep sycholoigmipcaaclot f t hicso njunctoino ena cho fu s,a sw elals o n variotuhso ughotbss,e rvatainodnfa sc,t sr elatteodm undanoec currences. Ands incteh ec onjuncitsii ont nh es igLni broan,eo ft hem aint hemeosft his conferenicsre lae tionsihpasn,dt hastu bjemcuts tb es eetno i nclurdeel ation­ shipbse tweeanls lo rtosfp eoplger,o upnsa,t ioannsd,r aces-jnuostot n e­ to-orneel ationships. Onec oulsdp ecultahtaeat Jupiter-Scaotnujrunn ctiinto hne s igonf Librat,he s igonf h armonbya,l ancmeu,t uaclo nsideraatnidofa ni,r ness, woulbde w onderfuoln m anyl evealnsdw oulbdr inagb oumta nyfo rceosf equalizaatnidco ono peratOinoenp �a rticuhloaprelfyuo lp,t imispteircs on, astrolPohgileirLp u carse,c enwtrloyt e: Then extt wentyye arwsil lw itnetshsee ndo fm anyc urregnrto upings, parochviiaelw poitnhtasht a vel edt op olarizaatliioenn,a tbieotnw een men and women,ri ch andp oorC,h ristainadnM oslemA,r aba nd Israecloim,m unisatn dc apitaloiwsnte,r asn dw orkercso,n servatives andli beraeltsc,e. t,c . *Frotmh pee rspecotfti evynee arasf ttehri tsa lwka sg ivewne,c anc ertaisanylt yh atth ree lations betwetehnse u perpowtehrUesS ,A a ndt hUeS SRh,a vbee commeo reh armonioaunsdc ooperea tiv duritnhge1 980wsh,i chha si nfa cta ffecttehdee ntiwroer lodr deOrn.e m ighstp ecultahtateth e Jupiter/cSoantjuurnn citnLi iobnr tah,se i gonff airanlseions ist.ita htdeeo dw nfalolfc ommunism's popularaintdpy o wera, s ystewmh ich-althpouurgpho rtbeadsleyod n t hei deaolffa imess­ showeidt setlobf e n oto nliyn epattf aidri stribouftw ieoanl tbhu,ta lsaos toundicnogrrulpyt . Increassiegdno sfc ooperastiinoctneh 1e9 8J1u piter/cSoantjuurnn cwteiroaenl seov ideinnst o me othearr eaosft hew orlsdu,c ahs t heE uropecaonm muniBtuyt.o nb alantcheep, o lartiizofan� r whicLhi briask nown( seteh nee xpta ges)e emtsoh avmea nifesattle eda ass ts troyna gslh armom­ ousc ooperation. 2 I hotpheii ssr ihgtb,u tn otteh ew ord" polaroinz.Ha"it sitor,iL ciablrhlaays beeknn owans m uchf owra ra sf opre a.cL eibrdao etse ntdop olzaer;pi eople witsht roLnigb rian fluentceent dob ee xclustiosv eeoe,t hears"s w itmhe o r againmset. P"r esidCeanrtt er's pproolbilteiwmcesarl ep artdluye htios excluspiovlea,r iaztitnigt oufdt ehsit sy p;ae nd coofu rCsaer twearsd efeated inh isr e-elebcitdai sot nh efi rsJtu piter-cSoantjuurnnc otcicouenrd rO.n e mighatl spoo inotu tt hatth eg iganctoincfl agraotfWi oornl Wda rI Ic on­ tinufeodtr hryeeea arfts eNre ptuennet ertehde signB yLn iomb eraan.ds i d this idesaylmibosoltfu i nci vepresaaclbe r inagb ouitn stwaonrtl hda rmony! Henc,ae lthotuhgehar erg er eoaptp ortunfiotri eessht ianbwglo irslhda rmony ona ni ncreasscianblgae s eodn j ustaincdes haring tdhuenr eixnttgw enty yeartsh,e irsea lsaog redaatn goefrw arb aseodnp olaroinze,ax tcilusivicity, anda "weo rt hema"t titNuodtete.h aLti bhraa sb eecna lltehde" irhoann d int hev elvgelto ,v"es od on'utn deresttihmera itgei doirwt iyl lfulonfe ss LibrIati. Ss a turenx'hsa ltastiig!no snIo meticmaelsl L"iapb orlaiA triee s." Ify our ead atshter olmoaggya zionfet sh e1 930sy,o u'slelte h amta ny astrolwoegreperr se dicat girnegae tr a woofr lpde ace. cTohuelydh na'vte beemno rei naccuBrau,tta es.e arlays1 292,M arEcd munJdo ne(saL ibra Sunp ersorne)c oradp erde dictthiaoNtne ptuneen'tsr ainncteLo i briant he falolf 1 942w oulbdr inagb ouatn e ventth awto ulddr asticalltyh ec hange courosfew orlhdi stoIrnty h.fae l lo f1 492t,h fier scto ntronlulceldec haairn reacttiooonk pilnCa hciec aagnodt, h ea tomaigcbe e g.a n Thef oolwlinsgt atembeyPn hti lLiupc awsh,o mI q uoted eoaurtlileirn,e s hivsi siooftn h nee wJu piter-Scaojtnuunmc t:i on TheP rinciopflE ex pansiGorno,w thO,p eninagn,d T rusitn P rovi· dencceo mbinweist ht heP rinciopflC eo ntractLiiomni,t atIinohni,b i· tionC,o ncentratSitornu,c taunrdeC rystallizJautpiiotaneg.ra ionv er­ takeHsi sF ather, ChroornS oast,u rna,n dp ourisn ttoh er igidified, crystalfloirzmeosdf t hel asttw od ecadaen se wi nspiratfioorgn r owth andc hangTeh.e r estraainndtl si mitatoifot nhseo ldo rdearr eb urst througahn,da t imeof r apiedx pansieonns ueatsal ll eveolfes x iste.n ce . .M an.y o ft heo lds tructuirnSe osc ie(tfyr oemc onomitcors e ligion, fromp olitaincdsd iplomatcoye ducatiaonndl awm)u stg ivwea yt o "newW ine"n,e wi deaasn,d a ClearVeirs ioofnh umans ocioarlg aniza­ tionb aseodn JustiCcoem,p assiToonl,e ranacned R especfto rt he innartieg hotfse acihn dividual. Thicso njunction sai cglneiafnisoeifsnt gh eE arthm'esn taalt mos­ pherteh aits t odasyo p ollutewdi thh atreadn,g edre,s padire,c eption andg reeTdh.e n ext2 0y earwsi lsle et hihsa ppeonn a s caluen imagin· ablteo u sn ow ino urp reselnitm itmeodd eo fp erceptainodna ware· nessT.h eW orlids t ruloyn t heS calaensd t heG rimR eapetrh,e" Lord ofK arma"i,sd emandipnagy menfto rp asotf fensFeosr.g ivenaensds protect(iaof nu nctioofnJ upitefrr)o mt hes wifetx,a cJtu stiocfe Saturisn s tialvla ilatbotl heo sweil lintgor epenatn,d t oli vei na ccord INFORMALC OMMENTS ON THEJ UPITER-SATUCRONN JUNCT/ON 3 witht heL aw ofL ovea ndC ompassiBount.t imei sr unninogu tI.n LibrSaa turne nsurtehsa alt ld ebtasr ep aitdo t hel ascte ntT.h erise n o stricjtuesrt ice. DurinPgl utot'rsa nsoifLt i brtah,e A iiS ignhsa vmea tureadn db e­ comea depta tl eadersahnidpt heb alanceexde rciosfeP owera nd AuthoriMtoyr.e A irS ignL eader(sl,e adwehrosr ulteh rougPhr inciple andI dealrsa,t hetrh ant hrougMha nipulatCiooenr,c iaonnd S uppres­ sionw)il lc omet ot hef oreA.l readwye findt heiprr ototyipnes su ch peoplaes T rudeaouf Canad(aL ibraC)a,r teorf t heU .S.( Libra), D'EstaionfFg r anc(eA quariTuhsa)t,c hoefrG r.B rita(iLni brSau)a,r ez ofS pai(nL ibraA)y,a lao fC olombi(aG eminiV)an, Agto fH olland (Aquariuasn)dE, a neosf P ortug(aAlq uariuOst)h.ec ru rreAnitrS ign Leaderwsh oser eputatiaornens o ta sp urei ncludMeo:b utoo fZ aire (LibraC)e,a ucesocfuR omani(aA quariRuesa)g,a onf t heU .S.( Aquar­ iusa)n,d B usho ft heU .S.( GeminiT)h.et woP opebse forJeo hnP aul IIP,a uVlI a ndJ ohnP auIl, w ereb othL ibraTsh.i iss a R oyaClo njunc­ tiona,n dm arkasm ajotru rning poinitnt hicse ntury. It'rsa thaemra zihnogw m anyw orllde adaerraesi sri gnasn,dt hicse rtainly validtahteae sst rolotgriaicdtailoo fnt hea ierl eemnta'sss ociwaittishoo nc ial and polciotnicncesarW.le m ighatl sroe mmebert haUtr ansupse snetv en years in theai r elem(eLnitb ra feaw) yearasg, ow hicshe emtsoh avsep eeduepd thdee velopomfem nanty a ir-psieogpnl e. Thec ycloefst heJ upiter-Scaotnujrunn cttiroandsia tlilhoyan vceo m­ pristehdes o-ca"lGlreedMa utt atni,os"p ceificatlhle"y m utatihoanpe"pn ing whent hec onjunccthiaonng eelse emntTsh.e g reattr aditrieolniaglai roen s almosaltl a ssociwaittehda particJuulpairt er-Scaojtnuucrntni otnh at marketdh ebi rothft heir "incaMronsae,tBs iuodnhd"a,:M ohmamedJ,e uss, etcAl t.h.o ugthh ec onjuncittisoeonlc fc uervse rtyw entyye armsa,r king spceifisco ciaanld mpassysc holorghiyctahltm hsa wte l'lt alakb ousth ortly, a broard ceycliest her epetiotfit ohnec onjunctiinto hness a mee lement fora pproximlay2t 0e0y earTsh.el asGtr eaMtu tatisotna ritnet dh ee arstihg n Capricionr1 8n4 2T.h ec urrecnotn juncitni oaanin s ri grne presaen netws trensdi nictei st hefi rst Jupitecroj-nuScnattiusorinnn 1c8e4 2t haitsn oint ane artshi gn. Howweeb veetrt,e ra dtvaaknet oaftg heib sr ireefs pibteec,a use thJeu piter-cSoantjuurnnc ttwieonnyt eya rfrso mn owi nt hyee a2r0 0w0i ll again ptlaakciene t he esairtgThna uursI.ti so nlayf ttehra t tthhGear te at Mutatiwoinlb le gicno mpletienlty h ea ierl meentw,h ent heJ upiter-Saturn conjuncotf2i 0o2nt0 a kpelsa icne0 degreaensd3 1m inutoefAs q uarius. Sincteh ec urreJnutp iter-Scaotnujrunn citsii not nh ea ierl emefonrt thefi rstti mien h unrdedosf y ea,ra snde specisailnlciyte o ccuirnst he Cardianiasrli gnof L ibrtah,es igonfS atusre nx'haalittonw,es imphlayv teo expecsti gnifiacnadnlt o ng-lassotciicnahgla ngTehse.n extt wentyye ars shouwlidt newsisd espread rcehdaenfigneistr,ie ioaznlasot,ni sa,n de nergetic developimnte hnsetp sh eorfse osc sitarlu ctreulraetsi,o mnasrhriiapansgd,e , alolt hfeorr mosfi nterpeirnstoenraaAlc ltrieoanId h.ya ,vb ee esne eing almoesvte ryIo knneo wfo cusionnrg e latiodnespheinpdsen,ne cefydo,sr peoptlheae,u thenotfic cuirtrryee nlta tionships, gleonneerlailn­ess, and-in alsolr otfss elf-viss.s-auonetpdshr eorb lems. Thev arisooucsci oanlt raancodtb sl igatthiahoton lasds ociteotgye ther (orri ipta parwtia)ll ls uon devragcsoht a nAglerse.a wdesy e,ie nt hUen ited Stataensdi nE nglaan cdo mplreetvee orfss aolc ainadle conopmoilci cy trentdhsah ta vdeo minaptoeldi tliiscfeia nltc hele a Jsutp iterc-oSna­turn junctoif1o 9n6 1N.o to nlwya sC artdeerf'esta htle a sgta sopft hlea st cyclaep'psr otaocs ho cial pbruottb hlseec mospo,ef h idse feawta sa n obviroeupsu dioafmt ainooynl dfa,i lpeodl ibcyia enis n creacsoinnsgelryv a­ tiveel ectoN::oatttehe a.Lt i birsaa m ucmho rceo nsersviagttnih vaiens generraelallyiH zeendcR!ee ,a gwaanes l ecitnNe odv emb1e9r8,j0 u,ps rti or tot hfier sotft hteh rJeuep iterc-oSnajtuunricnntL iiobnrsa . Andw haitsR eagafinr'sssti gnifaicctaiTnootnp ?u sthh roauh guhg e chanignte h tea lxa wtsh awti lrle estaoblldi-sschta ypliet aanldmi askme morsee cutrhweee alotfth h reu lcilnags Isa emsn .os*ta yitnhgac th anigne s thtea lxa wasr edne'stp ernaeteedlIemy da ;i nwlayn ttop oionuttt h atth is conjunicstt hibeoe ng inonfair nagd icnaelwcl yyco lnee veryo flh euvmealn actiavnidat cyc ompliAsnhdmi ethn aths.u giem plicfoartt ihotenr se onfd soccihaaln fogret sh nee xttw enyteya Jruss.atf eywe aargsoi ,tw aisn con­ ceivtaobt lhgeer emaatj oroifAt mye rictahnaastm ans oo ld-fasahnido ned uncomproamsiR seiangwgao nu lbdee verne asoncaobnlsyi daes reerdi ous presidceanntdiiaHdloa wteev.se urc,ih st hter ementdiodouefsc hanigne thmea spss ychotlhoaagtcy c ompaann eiweJ su piter-cSoantjuurnnc tion: overntiegnohsftm illoifoA nmse ricfaonusnt dh emsfeeellivnewgsh aRte a­ gahna dl onbge esna yiAnngdt. h niesw s eeodfm aspss ycholcohgaincgael ison lbye ginntions gp roauttt h tiism Teh.en exttey ne aurnst,ti hlJe u piter­ Satuorpnp osiwtililwo int,n tehsrese leoafts heei nse ragnydp otenftoira l, gooodri ltl . Withtihnte w entyc-yycedlaeerfi nbeydt hce onjuncotfJi uopnist er anSda tuornnce,a rne cogtnwiosze em i-cTyhcefil restste.y n e aorfasc ycle armeo rien teannstdeh ,e irsaes oorftw induipnl ge adtiotn hgpe e aokft he Jupiter-SaturTnh el oatpseptyno e saiortftsi h oceny .c olfet seene tmob ea • Jtt urneodu tt hatth ec ompleRteea gatna xp ackawgaes p assiendt loa wo nJ ul2y9 th, 1981o,n ly5 daysa ftetrh et hirJdu piter-Scaotnujrunn ctCiuorni.o uesnloyu gJhu,l y 29thI,? 81w as alsot hed ayo ft hew idely-publmiacrirzieaodgf eP rincCeh arlaensd Lady DianSap encewrh,o w erefi rpsutb licrluym oretdob ei nvolvaestd h efi rsotf t he th!eJeu ;>iter-:-Scaotnujmu nctwiaosn s formiinln agt 1e9 80O.n em ighstp ecultahatte thifust ureK mga ndc ouplmea y plaa gyr eatreorli en w orladf fairsth an the"irfi gure· heads"t atmuighst seemt oi mpl.y tFrotmh e.pcrstpeicvo�f 1 991i,ta ppeatrhsam tu cho ft he1 990lse,a diunpgt ot hen exJtu piter/ ssa.itbuelcmxeo c neJsusone�tcs hlw ile1_9lo 8beln0 f ,soct ,uh sudesord na c ilnefiiannnaguin pnac gnia danc ldoh mupmeannrs easftooiutrnrh bgcrea ee dssln uyoel efttd she ifedrro erlso pnogn­­ neglecetsesde nstociiaalpl u rposAensdt. h oev er-expansion, mdaetbetr-idaralinivdsfie mnn,a ncial excesses oft h'e8 0wse rneo tl imitteothd e U SAa lonbeu,tp ervadael tlh ien dustreidwa olrilzd.

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