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ON THE STRUCTURE OF LINEARIZED GRAVITY ON VACUUM SPACETIMES OF PETROV TYPE D STEFFENAKSTEINER,LARSANDERSSON,ANDTHOMASBA¨CKDAHL Abstract. Inthispaperweproveanewidentityforlinearizedgravityonvacuumspacetimes of Petrov type D. The new identity yields a covariant version of the Teukolsky-Starobinsky identitiesforlinearizedgravity,whichinadditiontothetwoclassicalidentitiesfortheextreme linearizedWeylscalarsincludesthreeadditionalequations. Byanalogywiththespin-1case,we expectthenewidentitytoberelevantinderivingnewconservationlawsforlinearizedgravity. 6 1 0 1. Introduction 2 The black hole stability problem, i.e. the problem of proving dynamical stability of the Kerr n vacuum black hole solution is one of the most important open problems in general relativity. a Proving dispersive estimates for fields, including Maxwell and linearized gravity on the Kerr J background is an essential step towards solving this problem. In the paper [4] a new conserved 2 2 energy-momentum tensor for the Maxwell field on the Kerr spacetime was constructed. This construction relies on an analysis of the Teukolsky Master Equation (TME) and the Teukolsky- ] Starobinsky Identities (TSI) implied by the Maxwell field equations. In this paper we shall, c q motivated by the above considerations, study the TSI for linearized gravity on vacuum space- - times of Petrov type D, which includes in particular the Kerr spacetime. Our main result is a r g fundamentalnewidentityforlinearizedgravitywhichleadstoanew,covariantformofthespin-2 [ TSI. This extends the two classically known TSI relations by three additional identities. In the following, we shall refer to the two classical TSI as the extreme TSI. 1 v In its classical form, the Teukolsky-Press, or Teukolsky-Starobinsky relations [19, 18] relate 4 the solutions of the radial Teukolsky equations for ±s, and is thus valid only for the separated 8 form of the equations. For the case of linearized gravity on the Kerr spacetime, a derivation of 0 the extreme TSI using the Newman-Penrose formalism, which does not require a separation of 6 variables, was given by Torres del Castillo [20], later corrected by Silva-Ortigoza [17], see the 0 . paper by Whiting and Price [22] for discussion and background. We shall refer to this pair of 1 classical identities for the Maxwell and linearized gravity cases as the extreme TSI. 0 Consider a Petrov type D spacetime and let a principal null tetrad be given1. Recall that in 6 1 this case, only one of the Newman-Penrose Weyl scalars,Ψ is non-zero. Let κ ∝Ψ−1/3, let φ , 2 1 2 i v: i = 0,1,2 the Maxwell scalars and let Ψ˙0,Ψ˙4 be the gauge invariant linearized Weyl scalars of i spin weights ±2. In terms of the GHP operators þ,þ′,ð,ð′ the TME take the form X (þ−ρ−ρ¯)þ′(κ φ )−(ð−τ −τ¯′)ð′(κ φ )=0, (1.1a) r 1 0 1 0 a (þ′−ρ′−ρ¯′)þ(κ φ )−(ð′−τ¯−τ′)ð(κ φ )=0. (1.1b) 1 2 1 2 for the spin-1 case, while the spin-2 TME for linearized gravity are given by (þ−3ρ−ρ¯)þ′(κ Ψ˙ )−(ð−3τ −τ¯′)ð′(κ Ψ˙ )−3Ψ (κ Ψ˙ )=0, (1.2a) 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 (þ′−3ρ′−ρ¯′)þ(κ Ψ˙ )−(ð′−3τ′−τ¯)ð(κ Ψ˙ )−3Ψ (κ Ψ˙ )=0, (1.2b) 1 4 1 4 2 1 4 see [2]. The spin-1 extreme TSI are ð′ð′(κ2φ )= þþ(κ2φ ) (1.3a) 1 0 1 2 þ′þ′(κ2φ )= ðð(κ2φ ) (1.3b) 1 0 1 2 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 83C20,83C60. Keywords and phrases. linearizedgravity,spingeometry, algebraicallyspecialspacetimes. 1In this paper, we shall use the GHP formalism and 2-spinor formalisms, see [3, 7, 15] for notation and background. 1 2 S.AKSTEINER,L.ANDERSSON,ANDT.BA¨CKDAHL and the spin-2 extreme TSI are ð′ð′ð′ð′(κ4Ψ˙ )= þþþþ(κ4Ψ˙ )+κ3Ψ L Ψ˙ (1.4a) 1 0 1 4 1 2 ξ 0 þ′þ′þ′þ′(κ4Ψ˙ )= ðððð(κ4Ψ˙ )−κ3Ψ L Ψ˙ (1.4b) 1 0 1 4 1 2 ξ 4 where in the Kerr spacetime, κ3Ψ = M/27, with M the ADM mass, and the Killing field 1 2 ξa ∝ (∂ )a, cf. Remark 2.2. A version of the spin-1 TSI in Newman-Penrose notation can be t found in [10]. For the extreme spin-2 TSI, see [22]. However, this form does not make the L ξ term explicit. In general κ3Ψ and ξa are a complex constant and Killing field, respectively. See 1 2 (2.2) for the definition of ξa. Here we have stated the form of the equations for the case without sources. ThegeneralversionoftheTME,withsources,isgiveninCorollary3.3,andtheaversion of TSI with sources can be deduced from Remark 4.3. Ana¨ıveargumentcountingdegreesoffreedomindicatesthatitshouldbepossibletorepresent the full dynamicaldegreesof freedomof the Maxwellandlinearizedgravityfields interms of one complex scalar potential, solving the TME. However, although one may use a Debye potential construction to produce a new Maxwell of linearized gravity field from a solution of the second order TME [9, 12, 11, 13], both Maxwell and linearized gravity on a type D background have conserved charges, which correspond to non-radiative modes, and these cannot be represented in terms of Debye potentials. For the Maxwell field on the Kerr spacetime, the non-radiative mode is the well-known Coulomb solution, while for linearized gravity, the non-radiative modes correspond to variations of the moduli parameters M,a. Thus, it is only the radiative modes which can be represented by Debye potentials. In particular, it must be emphasized that the TME is not equivalent to the Maxwell or linearized gravity systems, and in particular, if we consider a Maxwell or linearized gravity field, it is not possible to reconstruct either of these fields given only one of the extreme scalars. For the Maxwell field, the full set of TSI in fact contains a third relation, cf. [10], which can be written in the form τ¯′þ(κ2φ )+þð(κ2 φ )=τ¯þ′(κ2φ )+þ′ð′ (κ2φ ). (1.5) 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 0 As mentioned above, the full set of TME/TSI equations implied by the Maxwell field equation, has the important consequence that the symmetric tensor V introduced in [4] is conserved. ab The tensor V is, in contrast to the standard Maxwell stress-energy tensor independent of the ab non-radiative modes of the Maxwell field, and is therefore a suitable tool to construct dispersive estimates for the Maxwell field on the Kerr spacetime. We now recall the Debye potential construction of solutions of linearized gravity. We first restrict to Minkowski space. Following Sachs and Bergmann [16], let H be an anti-selfdual abcd Weyl field2, i.e. a tensor with the symmetries of the Riemann tensor, H = H = H , abcd [ab]cd cdab H =0, satisfying Ha =0 and 1ǫ efH =−iH , and let [abc]d bac 2 ab efcd abcd g =∇c∇dH . (1.6) ab acbd Then, if ∇e∇ H =0, it holds that g solves the linearized vacuum Einstein equation. e abcd ab Theanalogousconstructionformasslessspin-sfieldsonthe4-dimensionalMinkowskispacewas discussed by Penrose [14]. In [6] this was used to prove decay estimates for such fields, based on decay estimates for the waveequation. We shallnow describe the analogof the Sachs-Bergmann construction in the case of a vacuum type D metric. Introduce the following complex anti-selfdual tensors with the symmetries of the Weyl tensor Z0 =4m¯ n m¯ n , abcd [a b] [c d] Z4 =4l m l m , abcd [a b] [c d] where (la,na,ma,m¯a) constitutes a principal null tetrad. These are analogs of the anti-selfdual bivectors Z0 ,Z2 , see [3, §2]. For a weighted scalar χ , let H be given by ab ab 0 abcd H =κ4χ Z0 . (1.7) abcd 1 0 abcd 2Hereweuseacomplexanti-selfdualWeylfieldforconsistencewiththerestofthepaper,althoughthisisnot usedin[16]. ON THE STRUCTURE OF LINEARIZED GRAVITY ON VACUUM SPACETIMES OF PETROV TYPE D 3 Define the 1-form U by a U =−∇ log(κ ), a a 1 cf. (2.7), and consider the following analog of (1.6), which sends H to a 2-tensor g , abcd ab g =∇c(∇ +4U )H d . ab d d (a b)c A calculation shows that g is a complex solution to the linearized vacuum Einstein equation ab provided the scalar χ solves the Teukolsky Master Equation (TME) for spin weight +2 [12]. 0 Applying the GHP prime operation la ↔ na, ma ↔ m¯a to the above construction, leads to the fact that the analogous construction with H =κ4χ Z4 (1.8) abcd 1 4 abcd yields a solution to the linearized Einstein equation in the same way, provided that now the scalar κ4χ solves the TME for spin weight −2. Note that in general, the linearized metrics g 1 4 ab constructedfrom (1.7) and (1.8) aredifferent. We are now able to state the tensor versionof our main result, which describes this difference. Theorem 1.1 (Tensor version). Let δg be a solution to the linearized Einstein equation on a ab vacuum type D background, and let Ψ˙ ,Ψ˙ be the corresponding linearized Weyl scalars of spin 0 4 weight ±2. Let H =κ4Ψ˙ Z0 −κ4Ψ˙ Z4 , (1.9) abcd 1 0 abcd 1 4 abcd and let b M =∇c(∇ +4U )H d . (1.10) ab d d (a b)c Then there is a complex vector field A , depending onbup to three derivatives of the linearized a metric δg , and independent of the extreme linearized Weyl scalars Ψ˙ ,Ψ˙ , such that ab 0 4 M =∇ A + 1Ψ κ3L δg . (1.11) ab (a b) 2 2 1 ξ ab Remark 1.2. (1) From (1.11), it is clear that M is a complex solution of the linearized ab Einstein equation. (2) In the Maxwell case, the analogue of (1.11) is that the vector potential arising out of the Debye potential construction by taking the difference of the extreme Maxwell scalars from the same Maxwell field is pure gauge, see [1, Proposition 5.2.5]. In the spin-2 case above, theterminvolvingL δg isanewfeature,whichindicatesanimportantqualitative ξ ab difference between the spin-1 and spin-2 cases. As willbe shownbelow,the identity (1.11) implies the the fullTSI for linearizedgravity,aset of five scalar equations of fourth order. To see that the extreme TSI follows from this identity, it is sufficient to recall that the extreme linearized Weyl scalars Ψ˙ ,Ψ˙ are gauge invariant. 0 4 In order to discuss further details of the main result and its proof, we shall use the 2-spinor formalism,see[15]and[7]forbackground. Weshallfurthermakeuseofthevariationalformalism for spinors, which was introduced in [8]. The fundamental operators C ,C† ,T ,D acting on symmetric spinors of valence k,l are k,l k,l k,l k,l definedas the irreduciblepartsofthe covariantderivative∇AA′φBC···DB′C′···D′ ofthe symmetric spinor φAB···DA′B′···D′ of valence k,l. They were introducedin the paper [5], which alsocontains a detailed discussionof their properties. The mainfeatures of the type D geometryis encodedin the Killing spinor κ =κ o ι , satisfying AB 1 (A B) (T2,0κ)ABCA′ =0. We shall also make use of the extended operators C ,C† ,T ,D , introduced here k,l,m k,l,m k,l,m k,l,m for the first time, defined in an analogous manner as the irreducible parts of (∇AA′ +mUAA′)φBC···DB′C′···D′, (1.12) see Section 2.2 below for details. Given a 2-tensor δg solving the linearized Einstein equations, define ab G=δgCCC′C′, GABA′B′ =δg(AB)(A′B′), and let 1 φ = (C C G) . (1.13) ABCD 3,1 2,2 ABCD 2 4 S.AKSTEINER,L.ANDERSSON,ANDT.BA¨CKDAHL Then φ is a modified linearized Weyl spinor, see (3.3). The extreme scalars φ ,φ coincide ABCD 0 4 with Ψ˙ ,Ψ˙ introduced above. 0 4 Theorem 1.1′ (Spinor version). Let δgABA′B′ be a solution to the linearized Einstein equation on avacuumtypeD background, letφ begiven by (1.13), and letφ ,φ bethecorresponding ABCD 0 4 linearized Weyl scalars of spin weight ±2. Let o ,ι be a principal dyad. Define A A φ =ι ι ι ι κ4φ −o o o o κ4φ , (1.14) ABCD A B C D 1 0 A B C D 1 4 b and let MABA′B′ =(C3†,1C4†,0,4φ)ABA′B′. (1.15) Then, there is a complex vector field AAA′ depenbding on up to three derivatives of the linearized metric δgABA′B′, and independent of the extreme linearized Weyl scalars φ0,φ4, such that MABA′B′ = 12∇AA′ABB′ + 12∇BB′AAA′ + 12Ψ2κ31(Lξδg)ABA′B′. (1.16) Remark 1.3. Equation (1.14) can be written purely in terms of the Killing spinor κ , without AB reference to a specific dyad, see Example 2.8. Wenowapplytwomorederivativestobothsidesofequation(1.16)(orequivalently,toequation (1.11)). This gives the following result, which is the covariant form of the spin-2 TSI. Corollary 1.4. For a vacuum type D spacetime, we have the covariant generalization of the Teukolsky–Starobinski identities for linearized gravity (C1†,3C2†,2C3†,1C4†,0,4φ)A′B′C′D′ =κ31Ψ2(Lξφ¯)A′B′C′D′ +(LˆAΨ¯)A′B′C′D′, (1.17) b where φ is defined in (1.13), and ABCD (LˆAΨ¯)A′B′C′D′ = 12Ψ¯A′B′C′D′(D1,1,0,6A)+2Ψ¯(A′B′C′F′(C1†,1,0,2A)D′)F′. (1.18) is the Lie derivative on spinors. Remark 1.5. Given a pair φ ,φ of spin weight ±2 scalars, we say that they solve the spin-2 0 4 TME/TSI system, provided they solve the second order spin-2 TME system (1.2) and also that they solve the fourth order spin-2 TSI system (1.17), or alternatively the second order identity (1.16), in a suitable sense. In view of the result by Coll et al. mentioned above, it is natural to conjecture at this point that the combined spin-2 TME/TSI system (1.2) and (1.17) (or alterna- tively (1.2) and (1.16)) yields an equivalent system for linearized gravity, in the sense that given such a pair of scalars, it is possible, modulo gauge conditions and charges, to reconstruct the rest of the linearized gravitational field. Recall that in the case of the Kerr spacetime, κ3Ψ and ξa are real. This means that we can 1 2 take the real and imaginary parts of M , yelding the following result. ab Corollary 1.6. On the Kerr spacetime, the imaginary part of (1.16) is gauge invariant and for the real part we get ReMABA′B′ = 12∇AA′ReABB′ + 21∇BB′ReAAA′ + 514M(Lξδg)ABA′B′. (1.19) Remark1.7. Thespinor ReMABA′B′ canbeinterpretedas alinearized metric. Itisindependent of the coordinate gauge of the original metric and constructed only from the spin-2 part of the linearized Weyl curvature. Therefore it is gauge invariant. With a particular gauge choice one could hope to set ReAAA′ = 0. One could then hope to reconstruct δgABA′B′ from the curvature through integration in time. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we give some background and preliminary results. Section 2.1 contains a review of the consequences of the existence of a Killing spinor on vacuum type D spacetimes. In particular we introduce extended fundamental operators and projectionoperatorsbasedontheKillingspinor. Example2.8introducesthespin-projected,sign- reversed linearized Weyl spinor φ which will play a central role in the paper. The section ABCD endswithtwotechnicallemmatab. InSection3aspinorialformafthefieldequationsoflinearized gravity is presented. Corollary 3.2 gives an equation for φ which is a consequence of the ABCD linearized Bianchi identity. This equation plays a central rbole in the proof of the main theorem, ON THE STRUCTURE OF LINEARIZED GRAVITY ON VACUUM SPACETIMES OF PETROV TYPE D 5 given in section 4. In Appendix A we give the GHP form of the vector field AAA′ introduced in the main theorem, and of the spin-2 TSI. 2. Preliminaries 2.1. Geometric structure of Petrov type D spacetimes. Itis wellknown[21]thatvacuum spacetimes of Petrov type D admit a non-trivial irreducible symmetric 2-spinor κ solving the AB Killing spinor equation (T2,0κ)ABCA′ =0. (2.1) Defining the spinors ξAA′ =(C2†,0κ)AA′, (2.2) λA′B′ =(C1†,1C2†,0κ)A′B′, (2.3) the complete table of derivatives reads ∇AA′κBC = − 31ξCA′ǫAB− 31ξBA′ǫAC, (2.4a) ∇AA′ξLL′ = − 12λA′L′ǫAL− 43κBCΨALBCǫ¯A′L′, (2.4b) ∇CC′λA′B′ =2ξCD′Ψ¯A′B′C′D′. (2.4c) The fact that the system of equations (2.4) for (κAB,ξAA′,λA′B′) is closed, implies in particular higher derivatives of κ do not give any further information. AB Remark 2.1. If we furthermore assume the generalized Kerr-NUT condition that ξAA′ is real, the middle equation simplifies to λA′L′ = 23κ¯B′C′Ψ¯A′L′B′C′ so the λA′B′ is not an independent field any more and the system reduces to ∇AA′κBC = − 13ξCA′ǫAB− 13ξBA′ǫAC, (2.5a) ∇AA′ξLL′ = − 34κ¯B′C′Ψ¯A′L′B′C′ǫAL− 34κBCΨALBCǫ¯A′L′. (2.5b) Using a principal dyad the Killing spinor takes the form κ = −2κ o ι , (2.6) AB 1 (A B) −1/3 with κ ∝ Ψ . Beside the Killing vector field (2.2) another important vector field is defined 1 2 by κABξBA′ UAA′ = − 3κ2 =−∇AA′log(κ1). (2.7) 1 Because it is completely determined by the Killing spinor (2.6), we have the complete table of derivatives (D U)= −2Ψ + ξAA′ξAA′, (2.8a) 1,1 2 9κ2 1 (C U) =0, (2.8b) 1,1 AB (C1†,1U)A′B′ =0, (2.8c) (T U) A′B′ = κAB(C1†,1ξ)A′B′ +2U (A′U B′)− ξ(A(A′ξB)B′), (2.8d) 1,1 AB 6κ2 (A B) 9κ2 1 1 in particular UAA′ is closed. From the integrability condition (L Ψ) =0 it follows that ξ ABCD (T4,0Ψ)ABCDFA′ =5Ψ(ABCDUF)A′. (2.9) The curvature can be expressed in terms of the Killing spinor according to 3Ψ κ κ 2 (AB CD) Ψ = . (2.10) ABCD 2κ2 1 Remark2.2. OnKerrwithparameters(M,a)inBoyer-LindquistcoordinatesΨ =− M 2 (r−iacosθ)3 and we can set κ =−1(r−iacosθ). Then ξa =∂ ,Ψ κ3 = 1 M. 1 3 t 2 1 27 6 S.AKSTEINER,L.ANDERSSON,ANDT.BA¨CKDAHL 2.2. Extended fundamental spinor operators. Based on the irreducible decomposition of covariantderivativesonsymmetricspinors,see[5],wedefinetheextendedfundamentaloperators with additional (extended) indices n,m, (Dk,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l−1 ≡h∇BB′ +nUBB′ +mU¯BB′iϕA1...Ak−1BA′1...A′l−1B′, (2.11a) (Ck,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l−1 ≡h∇(A1B′ +nU(A1B′ +mU¯(A1B′iϕA2...Ak+1)A′1...A′l−1B′, (2.11b) (Ck†,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l+1 ≡h∇B(A′1 +nUB(A′1 +mU¯B(A′1iϕA1...Ak−1BA′2...A′l+1), (2.11c) (Tk,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l+1 ≡h∇(A1(A′1 +nU(A1(A′1 +mU¯(A1(A′1iϕA2...Ak+1)A′2...A′l+1). (2.11d) Forn=m=0itcoincideswiththeusualdefinitionofthe fundamentaloperatorsandtheindices will be suppressed in that case. Because UAA′ is a logarithmic derivative we have (Dk,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l−1 =κn1κ¯m1 (Dk,lκ−1nκ¯−1mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l−1, (2.12a) (Ck,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l−1 =κn1κ¯m1 (Ck,lκ−1nκ¯−1mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l−1, (2.12b) (Ck†,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l+1 =κn1κ¯m1 (Ck†,lκ−1nκ¯−1mϕ)A1...Ak−1A′1...A′l+1, (2.12c) (Tk,l,n,mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l+1 =κn1κ¯m1 (Tk,lκ−1nκ¯−1mϕ)A1...Ak+1A′1...A′l+1. (2.12d) In particular it follows that the commutator of extended fundamental spinor operators with n = n ,m = m reduces to the commutator of the usual fundamental spinor operators. For 1 2 1 2 commutatorsoftheextendedoperatorswithunequalweightsn ,n ,m ,m onesimplysplitsinto 1 2 1 2 first derivatives and remainder with equal weights. 2.3. Projection operators and the spin decomposition. Definition 2.3. Given the Killing spinor (2.6), define the operators Ki : S →S ,i = k,l k,l k−2i+2,l 0,1,2 via (K0k,lϕ)A1...Ak+2A′1...A′l =2κ−11κ(A1A2ϕA3...Ak+2)A′1...A′l, (2.13a) (K1k,lϕ)A1...AkA′1...A′l =κ−11κ(A1FϕA2...Ak)FA′1...A′l, (2.13b) (K2k,lϕ)A1...Ak−2A′1...A′l = − 12κ−11κCDϕA1...Ak−2CDA′1...A′l. (2.13c) Example 2.4. The “spin raising” operator K0 on a symmetric (2,0) spinor ϕ has compo- k,l AB nents (K0 ϕ) =0, (K0 ϕ) =ϕ , (K0 ϕ) = 4ϕ , (K0 ϕ) =ϕ , (K0 ϕ) =0. 2,0 0 2,0 1 0 2,0 2 3 1 2,0 3 2 2,0 4 The ”sign flip” operator K1 on a symmetric (4,0) spinor ϕ has components k,l ABCD (K1 ϕ) =ϕ , (K1 ϕ) = 1ϕ , (K1 ϕ) =0, (K1 ϕ) = − 1ϕ , (K1 ϕ) = −ϕ . 4,0 0 0 4,0 1 2 1 4,0 2 4,0 3 2 3 4,0 4 4 The “spin lowering” operator K2 on a symmetric (4,0) spinor ϕ has components k,l ABCD (K2 ϕ) =ϕ , (K2 ϕ) =ϕ , (K2 ϕ) =ϕ . 4,0 0 1 4,0 1 2 4,0 2 3 Definition 2.5 (Spin decomposition). For any symmetric spinor ϕ , A1...A2s • withintegers,defines+1symmetricvalence2sspinors(Pi ϕ) ,i=0...ssolving 2s,0 A1...A2s s ϕ = (Pi ϕ) , (2.14) A1...A2s X 2s,0 A1...A2s i=0 with (Pi ϕ) depending only on the components ϕ and ϕ . 2s,0 A1...A2s s+i s−i • with half-integer s, define s+ 1 symmetric valence 2s spinors (Pi ϕ) ,i= 1...s 2 2s,0 A1...A2s 2 solving s ϕ = (Pi ϕ) , (2.15) A1...A2s X 2s,0 A1...A2s i=1/2 with (Pi ϕ) depending only on the components ϕ and ϕ . 2s,0 A1...A2s s+i s−i ON THE STRUCTURE OF LINEARIZED GRAVITY ON VACUUM SPACETIMES OF PETROV TYPE D 7 Remark 2.6. The spin decomposition can also be defined for spinors with primed indices and more generally for mixed valence. In that case the decompositions combine linearly. Example 2.7. (1) For s=2 the decomposition is given by ϕ =(P0 ϕ) +(P1 ϕ) +(P2 ϕ) (2.16) ABCD 4,0 ABCD 4,0 ABCD 4,0 ABCD and the components, written as vectors, are ϕ 0 0 ϕ 0 0         ϕ 0 ϕ 0 1 1 ϕ2=ϕ2+ 0+ 0 . (2.17)         ϕ3 0  ϕ3  0          ϕ4 0   0 ϕ4 In terms of the operators (2.13) they read (P0 ϕ) = 3(K0 K0 K2 K2 ϕ) , (2.18a) 4,0 ABCD 8 2,0 0,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD (P1 ϕ) =(K0 K1 K1 K2 ϕ) , (2.18b) 4,0 ABCD 2,0 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD (P2 ϕ) =(K1 K1 K1 K1 ϕ) − 1 (K0 K1 K1 K2 ϕ) . (2.18c) 4,0 ABCD 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 ABCD 16 2,0 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD (2) For s=3/2 on a (3,1) spinor the decomposition is given by ϕABCA′ =(P13/,12ϕ)ABCA′ +(P33/,12ϕ)ABCA′ (2.19) and the components, written as vectors, are ϕ0A′ 0 ϕ0A′       ϕ1A′ = ϕ1A′ + 0 . (2.20) ϕ2A′ ϕ2A′  0        ϕ3A′  0  ϕ3A′ In terms of the operators (2.13) they read (P13/,12ϕ)ABCA′ = 43(K01,1K23,1ϕ)ABCA′, (2.21a) (P33/,12ϕ)ABCA′ = − 112(K01,1K23,1ϕ)ABCA′ +(K13,1K13,1ϕ)ABCA′. (2.21b) Example 2.8. Given a symmetric spinor ϕ , let ABCD ϕ =κ4(K1 P2 ϕ) . ABCD 1 4,0 4,0 ABCD b Then the components of ϕ are ABCD b ϕ κ4ϕ  0  1 0  ϕ 0 b1 ϕb2= 0 .     ϕb3  0      ϕb4 −κ41ϕ4 b Lemma 2.9. For any symmetric spinors ϕABCD, ϕAB, ϕ, ϕAA′, ϕABCA′ and an integer w, we have the algebraic identities (K1 P1 ϕ) = 1(K0 K1 K2 ϕ) , (2.22a) 4,0 4,0 ABCD 2 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD (K11,1K11,1ϕ)AA′ =ϕAA′, (2.22b) (K2 K1 ϕ)=0, (2.22c) 2,0 2,0 (P33/,12K01,1φ)ABCA′ =0, (2.22d) (K1 K1 K1 φ) =(K1 φ) , (2.22e) 2,0 2,0 2,0 AB 2,0 AB (K13,1K13,1K13,1φ)ABCA′ = − 29(K01,1K11,1K23,1φ)ABCA′ +(K13,1φ)ABCA′, (2.22f) 8 S.AKSTEINER,L.ANDERSSON,ANDT.BA¨CKDAHL and the first order differential identities (C4†,0,wK14,0ϕ)ABCA′ =(K13,1C4†,0,wϕ)ABCA′ + 12(T2,0,−4+wK24,0ϕ)ABCA′, (2.23a) (C4†,0,wK02,0ϕ)ABCA′ =(K01,1C2†,0,−1+wϕ)ABCA′ −(T2,0,−4+wK12,0ϕ)ABCA′, (2.23b) (C3†,1,wK01,1ϕ)ABA′B′ =(K00,2C1†,1,−1+wϕ)ABA′B′ − 34(T1,1,−3+wK11,1ϕ)ABA′B′, (2.23c) (C2†,0,wK12,0ϕ)AA′ =(K11,1C2†,0,wϕ)AA′ +(T0,0,−2+wK22,0ϕ)AA′, (2.23d) (C2†,0,wK24,0ϕ)AA′ =(K23,1C4†,0,1+wϕ)AA′, (2.23e) (C2†,0,wK00,0ϕ)AA′ = −2(K11,1T0,0,−2+wϕ)AA′, (2.23f) (D K1 φ)=2(K2 C φ), (2.23g) 1,1,w 1,1 2,0 1,1,−2+w (D K2 φ)=(K2 D φ), (2.23h) 1,1,w 3,1 2,0 3,1,1+w (K13,1P33/,12T2,0,wφ)ABCA′ = − 14(C4†,0,4+wK02,0K12,0K12,0φ)ABCA′ + 43(T2,0,wK12,0φ)ABCA′. (2.23i) Proof. For (2.22a) we calculate (K1 P1 ϕ) =(K1 K0 K1 K1 K2 ϕ) 4,0 4,0 ABCD 4,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD = 1(K0 K1 K1 K1 K2 ϕ) 2 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD = 1(K0 K1 K2 ϕ) . 2 2,0 2,0 4,0 ABCD In the first step uses (2.18b), the second one is a commutator of K1 and K0 and the third step makes use of the fact that three sign-flips are equalto one sign-flip. For (2.22b) we note that K1 on a (1,1) spinor changes sign in two of the four components, (K11,1ϕ)00′ =ϕ00′, (K11,1ϕ)01′ =ϕ01′, (K11,1ϕ)10′ = −ϕ10′, (K11,1ϕ)11′ = −ϕ11′, so K1 K1 = Id. Equation (2.22c) is true because K1 cancels the middle component of ϕ 1,1 1,1 2,0 AB andK2 singlesoutthatmiddle component. The restofthe algebraicidentities areprovedanal- 2,0 ogously. The proof of the differential identities relies on a straightforwardbut tedious expansion of projectors (2.13) and fundamental operators (2.11). We only calculate (2.23e). (C2†,0,−1K24,0φ)AA′ −(K23,1C4†,0φ)AA′ = UBA′κC2κDφABCD + κBC(C4†2,0κφ)ABCA′ +(C2†,0K24,0φ)AA′ 1 1 UBA′κCDφABCD φABCD(T2,0κ)BCDA′ = − 2κ 2κ 1 1 κCDφABCD(T0,0κ1)BA′ + 2κ2 1 =0. The rest are proved along similar lines. (cid:3) Lemma 2.10. The following identities hold 0=(K00,2C1†,1,−5T0,0,−3ϕ)ABA′B′ + 43(T1,1,−4K11,1T0,0,−6ϕ)ABA′B′ − 34(T1,1,−7K11,1T0,0,−3ϕ)ABA′B′, (2.24a) 0=(C3†,1,−1K01,1T0,0ϕ)ABA′B′ +2(K00,2C1†,1T0,0ϕ)ABA′B′ +12(K12,2T1,1T0,0ϕ)ABA′B′ − 332(T1,1,−1K11,1T0,0,3/2ϕ)ABA′B′, (2.24b) 0= − 112(C3†,1,−1K01,1D2,2,4ϕ)ABA′B′ +(C3†,1,−1K13,1C2,2,1ϕ)ABA′B′ −Ψ2(K12,2ϕ)ABA′B′ −(K12,2C3†,1C2,2ϕ)ABA′B′ − 31(K12,2T1,1D2,2ϕ)ABA′B′ + (Lξϕ3)κABA′B′ 1 + 29(T1,1,−1K11,1D2,2,1ϕ)ABA′B′ − 32(T1,1,−1K23,1C2,2,−2ϕ)ABA′B′. (2.24c) Proof. This can be verified by expanding in components. (cid:3) ON THE STRUCTURE OF LINEARIZED GRAVITY ON VACUUM SPACETIMES OF PETROV TYPE D 9 3. Spinorial formulation of linearized gravity In this section we review the field equations of linearized gravity for a general vacuum back- ground and allow for sources of the linearized field. The spinor variational operator ϑ developed in [8] will be used. Let δgABA′B′ be a solution of the linearized Einstein equations 12ǫABǫ¯A′B′ϑΛ−4ϑΦABA′B′ =(cid:3)δgABA′B′ −∇AA′FBB′ −∇BB′FAA′ −2Ψ¯A′B′C′D′δgABC′D′ −2ΨABCDδgCDA′B′, (3.1) with Λ the Ricci scalar, ΦABA′B′ the trace-free Ricci spinor, ΨABCD the Weyl spinor and FAA′ = −21∇AA′δgBBB′B′ +∇BB′δgABA′B′ the gauge source function. Observe that we make the variation with the indices down, and raise them and take traces afterwards. We define the irreducible parts of the linearized metric as GABA′B′ =δg(AB)(A′B′), G =δgCCC′C′, (3.2) and introduce φ = 1GΨ +ϑΨ . (3.3) ABCD 4 ABCD ABCD asamodificationofthe variedWeylspinorϑΨ 3. Thenweget,see[8], forageneralvacuum ABCD background φ = 1(C C G) , (3.4a) ABCD 2 3,1 2,2 ABCD ϑΦABA′B′ = 21GCDA′B′ΨABCD+ 21(C3†,1C2,2G)ABA′B′ + 61(T1,1D2,2G)ABA′B′ − 18(T1,1T0,0G)ABA′B′, (3.4b) ϑΛ= − 1 (D D G)+ 1 (D T G). (3.4c) 24 1,1 2,2 32 1,1 0,0 Inparticular(3.4b)and(3.4c)togetherareequivalentto(3.1). NotealsothatϑΛ=0=ϑΦABA′B′ in the source-free case. As a consequence of (3.4) we derive the linearized Binachi identity. Lemma 3.1. For a general vacuum background the modified Weyl spinor (3.4a) satisfies (C4†,0φ)ABCA′ =(C2,2ϑΦ)ABCA′ + 12ΨABCD(D2,2G)DA′ − 23Ψ(ABDF(C2,2G)C)DFA′ − 18ΨABCD(T0,0G)DA′ + 21GDFA′B′(T4,0Ψ)ABCDFB′. (3.5) Restricting to a type D background this simplifies to (C4†,0φ)ABCA′ =(C2,2ϑΦ)ABCA′ − 32Ψ2(C2,2,1G)ABCA′ − 83Ψ2(K01,1K11,1D2,2,4G)ABCA′ + 332Ψ2(K01,1K11,1T0,0G)ABCA′ + 49Ψ2(K01,1K23,1C2,2,1G)ABCA′. (3.6) Proof. We apply C on (3.4b), commute C C† , use (3.4a) to get 2,2 2,2 3,1 (C2,2ϑΦ)ABCA′ = 12(C2,2C3†,1C2,2G)ABCA′ + 16(C2,2T1,1D2,2G)ABCA′ − 81(C2,2T1,1T0,0G)ABCA′ − 13ΨABCD(D2,2G)DA′ + 21Ψ(ABDF(C2,2G)C)DFA′ − 21GDFA′B′(T4,0Ψ)ABCDFB′ (3.7) = 16(C2,2T1,1D2,2G)ABCA′ − 81(C2,2T1,1T0,0G)ABCA′ +(C4†,0φ)ABCA′ − 13ΨABCD(D2,2G)DA′ + 23Ψ(ABDF(C2,2G)C)DFA′ − 21GDFA′B′(T4,0Ψ)ABCDFB′ − 18(T2,0D3,1C2,2G)ABCA′. (3.8) 3InatypeDprincipalframethismodificationonlyaffects themiddlecomponent. 10 S.AKSTEINER,L.ANDERSSON,ANDT.BA¨CKDAHL We then commute the C T operators, and in the last step we commute D C and use 2,2 1,1 3,1 2,2 C T =0 to get 1,1 0,0 (C2,2ϑΦ)ABCA′ =(C4†,0φ)ABCA′ − 12ΨABCD(D2,2G)DA′ + 23Ψ(ABDF(C2,2G)C)DFA′ + 81ΨABCD(T0,0G)DA′ − 21GDFA′B′(T4,0Ψ)ABCDFB′ + 112(T2,0C1,1D2,2G)ABCA′ − 116(T2,0C1,1T0,0G)ABCA′ − 81(T2,0D3,1C2,2G)ABCA′ (3.9) =(C4†,0φ)ABCA′ − 21ΨABCD(D2,2G)DA′ + 23Ψ(ABDF(C2,2G)C)DFA′ + 81ΨABCD(T0,0G)DA′ − 21GDFA′B′(T4,0Ψ)ABCDFB′. (3.10) This gives(3.5). Onatype Dspacetime,wecanuse(2.9)and(2.10). The resultingUAA′ spinors canbe incorporatedas extendedindices, and the κ spinorscanthen be rewrittenin terms the AB Ki operators to get (3.6). (cid:3) NotethatonaMinkowskibackgroundandwithoutsourcestherighthandsideof (3.5)vanishes andthelinearizedBianchiidentityreducestothespin-2equation. ThelinearizedBianchiidentity (3.6)isoffundamentalimportanceandnextwederivesomedifferentialidentities foritwhichare needed for the main theorem. Corollary 3.2. The rescaled spin-projected Weyl spinor φ =κ4(K1 P2 φ) satisfies ABCD 1 4,0 4,0 ABCD b (C4†,0,4φ)ABCA′ = −(cid:0)κ41K13,1P33/,12C4†,0P14,0φ(cid:1)ABCA′ − 32(cid:0)κ41Ψ2K13,1P33/,12C2,2,1G(cid:1)ABCA′ b + κ4K1 P3/2C ϑΦ . (3.11) (cid:0) 1 3,1 3,1 2,2 (cid:1)ABCA′ Proof. Applying the operator K1 P3/2κ4C† to (2.16) and using (2.23a) gives the identity 3,1 3,1 1 4,0 (C4†,0,4φ)ABCA′ = −(cid:0)K13,1P33/,12C4†,0,4(κ41P14,0φ)(cid:1)ABCA′ +(cid:0)K13,1P33/,12(κ41C4†,0φ)(cid:1)ABCA′. (3.12) b The result follows from (P33/,12K01,1φ)ABCA′ =0 together with (3.6). (cid:3) Corollary 3.3 (Covariant TME). The covariant form of the spin-2 Teukolsky Master equation with source is given by (C C† φ) = −3Ψ φ +κ4(P2 K1 C C ϑΦ) . (3.13) 3,1 4,0,4 ABCD 2 ABCD 1 4,0 4,0 3,1,−4 2,2 ABCD Proof. Apply the operabtor P2 C to (3.b11) and use 4,0 3,1 P2 C K1 P3/2C† (κ4P1 φ) =0, (3.14a) (cid:0) 4,0 3,1 3,1 3,1 4,0,4 1 4,0 (cid:1)ABCD P2 C K1 P3/2(κ4C ϑΦ) =κ4(P2 K1 C C ϑΦ) , (3.14b) (cid:0) 4,0 3,1 3,1 3,1 1 2,2 (cid:1)ABCD 1 4,0 4,0 3,1,−4 2,2 ABCD P2 C K1 P3/2(κ4Ψ C G) =Ψ κ4(P2 K1 C C G) . (3.14c) (cid:0) 4,0 3,1 3,1 3,1 1 2 2,2,1 (cid:1)ABCD 2 1 4,0 4,0 3,1 2,2 ABCD (cid:3) 4. Main theorem Weshallnowproveourmaintheorem. ThefollowingisthedetailedstatementofTheorem1.1′. Theorem 4.1. Let φ be the modified linearized Weyl spinor given in (3.3) and let ABCD φ =κ4(K1 P2 φ) (4.1) ABCD 1 4,0 4,0 ABCD b be the rescaled spin-projected field as in example 2.8, and let MABA′B′ =(C3†,1C4†,0,4φ)ABA′B′. (4.2) b Then we have MABA′B′ = 12∇AA′ABB′ + 12∇BB′AAA′ + 12Ψ2κ31(Lξδg)ABA′B′, (4.3) where the complex vector field AAA′ is given by AAA′ = − 21Ψ2κ31ξBB′(K00,2K22,2G)ABA′B′ + 32κ31ξBA′(K12,0K24,0φ)AB +(K11,1T0,0K22,0K24,0(κ41φ))AA′ − 41Ψ2κ41(K11,1T0,0,2G)AA′. (4.4)

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