NEW HEAVENS ..........................10869$ $$FM 03-23-0509:51:15 PS PAGEi Series Editors Walter J. Boyne and Peter B. Mersky Aviation Classics are inspired nonfiction and fictional ac- counts that reveal the human drama of flight. The series covers every era of military and civil aviation, is interna- tionalinscope,andencompassesflyinginallofitsdiversity. Some of the books are well known best-sellers and others are superb but unheralded titles that deserve a wider audi- ence. OTHER TITLES IN THE AVIATION CLASSICS SERIES Ploesti:TheGreatGround-AirBattleof1August1943 byJames Duganand CarrollStewart OperationOverflight:AMemoiroftheU-2Incident byFrancisGaryPowerswithCurtGentry ThirtySecondsoverTokyo byCapt.Ted W.Lawson ‘‘Wildcats’’overCasablanca: U.S.NavyFightersinOperationTorch byLt.M.T.WordellandLt.E.N.Seiler ..........................10869$ $$FM 03-23-0509:51:16 PS PAGEii NEW HEAVENS My Life as a Fighter Pilot and a Founder of the Israel Air Force For behold,I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things shall not be remembered or come to mind But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold I create Jerusalem for rejoicing, And herpeople for gladness. —Isaiah 65:17–18 Boris Senior Foreword by Peter B. Mersky Foreword to the First Edition by Ezer Weizman Potomac Books,Inc. Washington,D.C. ..........................10869$ $$FM 03-23-0509:51:18 PS PAGEiii Copyright(cid:1)2005byPotomacBooks,Inc. PublishedintheUnitedStatesbyPotomacBooks,Inc.(formerlyBrassey’s, Inc.).Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinany mannerwhatsoeverwithoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher,exceptin thecaseofbriefquotationsembodiedincriticalarticlesandreviews. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Senior,Boris. [Shamayimo`hadashim.English] Newheavens:mylifeasaFighterpilotandafounderoftheIsrael AirForce/BorisSenior;forewordbyPeterMersky;forewordtothe firsteditionbyEzerWeizman. p. cm. ISBN1-57488-679-7(hardcover:alk.paper) 1.Senior,Boris. 2.Israelo`Helha-ao`vir—History. 3.Israel—History, Military. 4.Israel-ArabWar,1948–1949—Aerialoperations. I.Title. UG635.I75S4613 2005 956.04(cid:1)2—dc22 2003021721 PrintedinCanadaonacid-freepaperthatmeetstheAmericanNational StandardsInstituteZ39-48Standard. PotomacBooks,Inc. 22841QuicksilverDrive Dulles,Virginia20166 FirstEdition 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ..........................10869$ $$FM 03-23-0509:51:18 PS PAGEiv Contents ListofMaps vii Foreword byPeterB.Mersky ix Foreword totheFirstEditionbyEzerWeizman xiii CHAPTER ONE AYellowStainintheWater 1 CHAPTER TWO Heritage 28 CHAPTER THREE War 48 v ..........................10869$ CNTS 03-23-0509:51:23 PS PAGEv vi CONTENTS CHAPTER FOUR Zion 77 CHAPTER FIVE FirstMissions 118 CHAPTER SIX Airplanesand Volunteers 133 CHAPTER SEVEN Independence 163 Index 253 AbouttheAuthor 255 ..........................10869$ CNTS 03-23-0509:51:23 PS PAGEvi Maps Egypt,showingEgyptianandIsraeliairfields duringtheWarofIndependence 166 Israel,showingIsraeliairfields duringtheWarofIndependence 173 vii ..........................10869$ MAPS 03-23-0509:51:27 PS PAGEvii ..........................10869$ MAPS 03-23-0509:51:27 PS PAGEviii Foreword THEestablishmentoftheStateofIsraelinMay1948caught the world by surprise, especially when this event was so quickly followed by a particularly nasty war between the Is- raelis and their Arab neighbors. Confrontations between Jewish settlers and their sworn enemies, who had lived in the region since before biblical times, were an unfortunate partoflifeforthenew arrivalsseekingahomelandafterthe horrors of the Nazi concentration camps. The influx of these refugees swelled the ranks of the new nation and forced a do-or-die defense that has yet to be resolved after more than fifty-five years. The Israel Army of 1948 was far removed from the well- equipped, highly trained force the world has come to know and respect.It relied on avast collection ofvolunteers from all over the world, and an equally large, disparate assembly of equipment, much of which had long since been dis- carded by its original owners after World War II. Cadres of ex-patriots from Europe, America, Canada, and South Af- rica bolstered the meager ranks of the native-born Israeli ix ..........................10869$ FRWD 03-23-0509:51:30 PS PAGEix