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"Headway Upper-Intermediate Teacher's Book John and Liz Soars Amanda Maris TEST YOUR GRAMMAR (8 p6) [At the tart ofany new level ofa couse, establishing a good Clasiroom almosphere where everyome ieels comfortable is important from the very beginning, [tis also important to gauge students ability Co use Ube ain Lenses in nig AL ‘Upper-latermediate level, students reed to be able to express themselves na more nattval way, using a wider range of acverbs and advertial parases. This Jest your gramaicr covers the main tenses students will be familiar with, but clso gives studenis the opportuaily (gel talking ard Lind ou. aboat ceach other. This initial stage and the rest of the unil will also alow you lo assess the sludents streagihs and weaknesses, ‘aad their overall levels of Musney SUGGESTION Before dolng the ma:ctIng task, check that students can recognize the uses ofthe tenses by asking the following questions: Which sentence talks abd something that i alveays re? 2) White senders eoeet pastel presen? (5,8) Which semences refer to the past? (1, 3, 4, 6) Which senteraes ve 1 tothe future? (7, 9} 1. Locuso sentence Land elicit possible matches withthe whole clas tres the ced for the sentences o sound natural, pot just grarsmaticly corres Students wors incividnally to complete the matching task Monitor to see how wel students understand the wa the tenses work, Let stadents check ia pairs becore checking vith the whole cass Answers 1 My parents mets Pais ia the 19805 oges ago/durnga snowstorm 2 They never equeniy/sometimes tral abroad 3 They nerewerang in Canada wher was bomiforagesin the 1BBDsfrecentyfor oye. 4 I yas n Montiel in the 1950s agc/ daring o sonstonm 5 My gansparents hae neer/ecerly ved in el Ny andparenstave Ive inlreand for ages(recentfora year? sce 6 never frequent econtiater sometimes wrore tony gandmothor/l rote to my grandmother frequently the other ddayjrecetiy ang asnostam. 7 My brothers fying to Argentina on business taright/n aformgh's timetlaer. Bescon been leaning San sh heen lenin Spach for agex/ecert for ayeo/since 7. 9 These you tonight a ortrighs eater Note Hi stents ques the tense use n They were working in Canada for gefor aye, expan thatwe use the Past Continuous ater than the Past Simple here because we ae enehaszing thal the acta vas temporary. 2, Focus on the example and then give «few facts about yourselfand your family asing the time expressions in exercise Give suadets ieee ur four mies prepare their own examples. Monitor and help as necessary ut students is pats ar direes lo exchange their Information. Moaltor and note dove. any common errors made in the form aud use of the main tenses. Add to these uring the lesson and feed back on them after the Away front heme section, Write them up anonymously on the board for class correction, Students summarize what thele partrers told them in 3 brief feedback stage. AWAY FROM HOME (58 p Terse review and informal language Uhis section consolidates tense use and practses question formation actoss a variety of tenses, Tealgo Tonks ak the use of inforrnal language n personal tweets and email. AM ossIBLé PROBLEMS “The tense system Although students willbe femilisr wit th tenses covered they are ikely 0 make mis shes inboth form and use, especially at this carly stage im the curse. Try not to correct every mistake as You go along. Monitor stacerts work to geta picture of wat they can do, and feed aack on specific areas afta main practice sage Siuaple vs coutinuvus This su probes for students oftmany natonalities, expecially when they do net have continous forms in LL. Ina mulingnal hss finding out whether students have confintons tenses in thsi ova language can help you focus on lesrners individual neo The basic distinction is simple tenses — the action an be seen as complete, permenent, or repeated, continuous tenses ~ the action isongoing/n progress. Simple vs perfeet he major confusion here f between ‘the Past Simple (for an action completed at a specific Time nthe pas) and the Present Perfect (brat action ‘hich happened or started before now, but has a Connection with the presert) The key thing about the Present Perfect in English is that itexpresses a past action in terins of ts felation to the present. "Iss aot allays tue in other languages. Agna, finding out about Seudents L1 can be ofhelp here You could reac: through Grammar Reference 1.2 on Si pLa0 before this lesson as reminder ofthe key points, You can reer students te the Grammar Reference when dealing with the Language focus on SB p7 ‘ABOUT THE TEXT "The context ete is an Ametivan teenagers extended stay in London: with a host family, He tweets his fst impressions and mentions ditfererces betwveen Neve York ard London, and British and American knglish + Despite its name, Cha‘k Farm isa lively atea of ‘noeth Loran, 4 The British cave om the lel, st the sight, asin the US, + Americans often ask ‘or the bathroom (or restroom) ‘when they want to go to the oilet. In Britaia, asking fer the bathroom may give the impressioa you wart fteshave a hath! (Cheers is used when making a toast, but also as an Informal way of saying thank you of expressing good wishes on leaving, eg: Cheers, Joe, See you later + Other differerces in vocabulary between British and American English: fod (UKVapariment (US); Tabe (ORY eutnay (US) ‘Tacabbroviations used are: NYC (New York Cit) and OMG! (Oh my Goad!) {co t-Treck] Lead in by pointing o Tyler tarlay and asiing, questions about the photos: Were are the boys? Gn Eondon), What are they doing? (sightseeing) iow dy they eel? (happyeneted) Play the recording, Students lisen and read Tyler's bweels and then answer the questions. II necessary. check the abbreviations NYC and OMG! (sce About fhe lex) ‘Answers ‘Tre sie isinfornal. Teristtor New York ctv NG} Thigshe fds svang: the Chal atm tee dosssbaxeany farms: Daye any al et Lane ot, ny di ude we Tye asc (0: the bakiroor, instead o het: beingona bus with leves ving on the ozposte se of the rozd now people use the ‘Word cheers fey call the ndergounc the Tube 2 Focus on the example and chevk why the Present Continuous Is used (a temporery action in progress aroand now), Students complete the questions working individually. Check few of the questions for accuracy, “hen put stuudents in pairs to ask and answer the questions. Go round monitoring, prompting.the students te correc: aay rmistaker they make. 3 [cb :Track2] studen:s listen and check their Students will beable to review the tense use inthe Lavigage focus sectinn, but yaa cord go over the tenses at tis stage ifpreferree nowers and tapescrpt 1 Where Tyler sending the year? InLondon. 2 schist ip abroad? ‘Na tnt Hes Been abroad once before. Laityearhe went to enc. 43 Wher coe: Dave he? Innorth Loon, 4 Hom longs Tlergcingto stay withDeve? ‘few days 5, Why cli the gy say chee to Ter? Fess Tt Fim pa 6 Doesheli his hast Fail? Yes te does He hnks theye very rie 7 Wore they doing on Sunday? ‘Theyre visting Shakespeare hometonn, 4. Focuson the map and the phatos to introduce Teresa and sot the scene. Then ask sludents to read her email and answer the questions newers lereais ir la Sres working ata shoal She kes sarting Work ea, as at soho. She kes erik ph bike gene to the beach collecting shel. ard the sunsets Sredoesntlcethehest and nct having airconditioning [CD 1: Track3] Elicit the: question for number 1 as an example. Students form the rest af the questions working individually. Go round meniloring, prompting thestudents ta correet any mistakes they make Pat stadents in pal Play the recording. St 40 ask and answer the questions. udenls listen and eaeck their Answers and tapescrpt 1 Hoven as Teresa been in Ma See lat September 2 Wha: tne dass she stert woe Ely atsevenotlock 3. Whi hassnejustbought? Api ik sa tle matoryele 44 Whe ashe golaet Sunday? Tuarealy nese bes! 5 Whirsshegoingto tae hore? Hor colctionf sal, 6 How many shells as she collectecaieady? Hires 7 Whatdid they cot the beach They barbecied fh and swam unl thesun want dew 3 Wits she soncng toe pores? Shes sending some photos, ‘he Language focus section of exch unit aims to get students thinking analytically about the language. Examplesare taken from the presentation stage and so appear in context, Students aie given the oppoctunity to thmk about which forms are being used and why: o.ten though a conteastive analysis of key forms, [Rather than teaching from the front of the class, put students in pairs or threes to work through the Language ous. This ees you lo monitor the class, check understarding, and answer any quescions.Tealso allows students to take respoasibility for their learning, and ‘encourages thern to help esch other, Ask students to look back at exercises 2 and 5, and identify the tenses. Moniter and help #s necessary: ‘Then check the answers. Anewers Tilers tweets 1 Preset Continous lo ak abouta lemporery alien in progtessaroure non 2 Present mle ta ak asouta fact Present Perfect to alk abour af eypenenceat an ndefinte tine, Past Simleto talk about z campletedacton 3 Presoxt Simple ta tak asout a fact 4 Going tto tek about = plan 5 Pest Simole the ausany cid in questions to takcabouta empleo action Pet Pefet fr anasin that happenet befor ay ear actonin the pat 6 Preest Simple the zuliry does in questions) otk about a sate 7 Present Continsous to ak about a utueareangerrent Teresa email 1 Present Perec Simple to tak about sett tha started inthe pasta centnues ros 2 Presoxt Simple to talk ss0uraostne 5 Presext Perfect to al sbout “he presente oF recent pst action 4 Past Smale tatalk about a completed acton 5 Gog ic tw tak sbout «pla 6 Preset Perfect tal about she present eu oF a past action 1 Past Smale ta talk about completed actions 8 Presext Continous to flkabouta temporary actcn in progressaround no 2. Real through the notes and examples asa class 3 Students work in pairsithrees ta answer the uestions, find mare colloquial words, and find swords that are missing. Check the answers, monitering pronunciation as you ga Answers my ky — my ine [dont getit =I dort undersandit hanging out together -soendng tie togetier and having fun stuft—otertingslke that nega frous— er facus 2 btish~not ety good/ineficent hey a werd sed to et somecne attention ‘coal nes geat/ntetesang nents hea —get upset ‘ecial —especlly anesome —amnasing load ofa btof Dene stu crc equipment rissngye ills = misng yr ery mich 4 Subjsetpronouns, parts of band auilary ver are often left cutin informal speaking an writing Tilers tweets {ir SU sting in theairport {Ive)Been wating for tree hous but seams lke Ive) hordes he plane {hiss My fist tip abroad {Wejjust dove past. es} Gexy! [isthe] Frstight wth my. (Wtsa/tilbe 3) ig dy tomorrow Teresa email {Halvayslovenesfiam hone, ash ve he fatjz0c {is Great for geting round {thud Theres credible vite sand {and tey ae al shades {hey are) ery quel: bu pecacula, {im hisng you [pcantatt. > Granmar Reference Ul and 58 pp9-10. PRACTICE (3 Identifying the tenses 1 Fotis allention on the exanrpls, Students work in pals to complete the tense charts, Make sure they ase the fl forms, rather than contractions Check the answers. I necessary, briely review the formation af the passive (ihe appropriate tense and form afte past participle), Anowets ACTIVE Simple Continuous Present he wors we we working Past she werked was working Fuure ‘ey wil work | youvwillbe working Present arfact_we have worked | she has been working PastPerfect | Ihadworked youhadbeen werking Tune Perfect | fey wl have | eval have been weed rosin PASSIVE Simple Contiqous Present they wemmade itsbeng made Past itwas made inwasbeing made Ture ‘hey wil be made PesertPerfact | they have been made PastPerfect _ithad been mode Furst fey frebeen 2 [eD Wek] The airy here is to get students to ognize the form and meaning of different renses in short spoken eonexts Focus on the example and play number 1. Ask students to listen to the lines of conversation and discuss what the context mighs be, Pause the recording after cach line and elicit suggestions fiora the class. Answers Possble contests 2 Fiend gosip neat workin schooler out together, tng outa friends rew beyfiend 5 rend or celleagues fling One tes the other that she wil ss onsome goad nes +4 nfrendtelinga stor abaut another rend, o pethasssomeene inthe news. He may refer 0 a minal or druren ver They probably refers tothe police 5 Somebody teling or recaling the story of when se met somebody ‘romer past Her could bea forme nights cugher, but could aro bea relat va that the cpenkar had kept in ouch vith, 6 Asperzon dsenbinga manthay bre possibly a choolmate, callesgte, or neighbouc He has come nfrmation news" ge, butic ian clea wha. Te speaker ges the mpression tat people don! sl/l noice thea 7 Somebedy saying they ae wetting to ke hid wheter thay have sptajob 0” plae at ners to ege 8 Amie taking aboutherhussand, or matherintaw about her servile. 3 [e Track 4] Focus again ant he picture in erclse 2. Play number | again and focus on the tenses used, Check what is missing in the Present Continuous example (U7), Ask students to listen again and identify the tenses. Play the recording again, pausing after each lin. Cheek the answers. As extra consolidation, you could chock what the fell forms are where there isa cartraction, eg. Pve heard = [have heard, shed changed = she had changed, ete, Answers See exercise? for 2 resent Perfect|/v vod and Present Porect Continuous (she bon sen) 3 ture Continucus {fle sein) and Future Snel 4 fast Contra (nas overtaking) and Past Simple topped) 5; Pas Perf is seu, sehen al Pas Sine otto bees) Future Sinpe (el iter), Present Simple of robe es and Present Simple pase (ier baieved) 7 resent Perfect passive (hayan been told) Pesent erect (ve go) an Fture Simple pas be al) 8 Present Perfect Contaucus Ie’ beer wari) and Present Sele (es) Discussing grammar Discussing grammar isa regular feature of New Headway Upper Inermediate Fourth dion, Iai to es student fo analyse and explain the use af key lagwage Trot takes { conirasire approach, highlighing the mai: differences confasion/misakes Ifyou have s monolingual cas, and akcthe stent LL, you could ask stodents to translate key ences end contras hens with the studen ov language. 4c the diference between the sentences in nur anexampce Pot students in pair to compare the meanicg ofthe eetof the sentences, Moniter and checchow wel you students understand hov the totes werk, Deal wit Ihy cucres but dont spend toolong explaining grammer at this stage Check the answers withthe class, Rather thar. aking individual students to explain the grammes, which can 36 time-consuming and feastrating, rt use questions to check the cencepts, Concept qustios area fine-efcent tvay af making sure students understand eg or mambee | Which sertence means tat Klaus vas born and brought xp inButint Which sentence mens that Klaus ois way fro Bern or plan to fave fee Bern? See ncwers for posible concept questions forthe rest of the exercise Answers 1 Was comes Fa erin Presa Sin ple ak about a Klaus was born in Bein cr aly ves hee) lays is coming frm Bern Present Continucus 2 tal abou: something that shappering now around now = las ison is ‘va fomBetn arto talcabout a fu:ure arargement~ Kauss planing to ave fiom Bet) 2 What were you doing when the acc dent happened Fast Contin evar an ation that wae png inthe past ‘when the acciden: happened) ‘What di you do en the accent happenes? Past simple task about ths oxtactonthathappened asa rest theaccidet) ‘Concept questions: rch sentence ast abou something that started eforethe accident, and wasin progress ung Which Sentence asc about st teppened next 23 result? Ive lived inSirgapore frie years Present erect to tek about ‘the uninshed past ~an acon that 3egann “hepast ands continues) Ilved in Singapore for fv years Past Sipe ta tk about a completed actionin “he pas) Concept question: In hic» santzncecoes the speaker sil We in Singapore? 4 When we ave tidied the fat (as Sir say what happened next orasa coniequence ofthe fist acton arise) \Wher swe arved held tidied the at Pest Perfecto say wat Fappened before theft exton aed) Concept question: Which avent happened befere they arived, and whit happend afr? ‘Welthave dinner at 8.0, sale” Furure Simple to express spontaneous decison, Here, t wars as.@ gRes30n) Deni all at 300, We be having dinner Future Continuous to falcabout atermparary action that ill bein progessata time in the future) Concept questions: n which serterce does dinner start t 800? Inch sentence dees start before 007 4 Idee teach Engl very nel. Past Simp. ase 0 fe co finshed past Here, Tistheteacher) Iwas’ taught Engh very well Past Sipe paste toeferto finshed past Hor, Tis student} Concept question: nwhicn sentences the teacher end in whicha student? He mut ares paying Lo hive Ue owe patel? Prsen Continuous ative ra about a emporary actity happening owiarounc nom Here, You Istre rouse owner) Hew much areyo being paid to pant thehouse? Present Continuous passive total abouta trary activity happening Pow/arounc nom Here, you tsttececoror) Concept question: nics sentences you the dccrater, nin swfich the house over? 8 Youre very ind Than yeu (Present Simple te alleabotta fact Her, te ver fe sa sate vert used otal characterste) Youre being veryird. What do you want (resent Contrusus for a tenperary atityappening now nth sentence to bes ragesive to say that somebody is tenporaly behaving nt kid ‘a, probably because they want someting rom the othes person} Concept question: Which zenterce eferstoa temporary Way of beravig. anc which elerstos permanent craractersic? Talking about you 5 [eDIrack5] Choose one or two of the cues in the exercise and give the class your own examles. A students to work iedividually to complete the sentences ‘with thelr on iss, Stucents compare thei ansvers witha partner, Monitor and check for accurate tense use, Note dawn any common errors you notice, end feed back on these alter you have played the recording anit elicited the responses, Before ‘you play the recoréing, pre-teachicheck: to bother ta do Sameahing, nave a eross word, tobe at it (= to be arguing) Play number 1 as an example. Blt dhe completed sentence and response, Play the recording, pausing after each conversation and cliciting the responses students heard, EXTRA ACTIVITY. Asan eatesions, play again urd sliciL some uf the typical ‘responding’ phrases used, eg. Me neither! Really? Wall, don't ask me. Thnow. Jus! Mondays, eh? Who om earth told you that? ul stucents in new pairs, Ask them to prac resnonding ralarally lo the sevtences thelr pariner ‘wrote in exercise §, Students have already scen examples of how Tyler tnd Teves mised out words in firival weiling on PS-?. This section shows hows this isalsoa feature of spoken English, Elicit the missing words from numbe= 1 asan example Shudents work in pairs lo comple the task Check fhe answers. Pointout that Mang on! and Tiap fn in numbers 8 arid 9 are imperatives, so there are ne words missing. Answers 1 Have you) rears bout Jane and Joh? Theught not 2 ‘are you) Leaving skeady? What’ wrong? 3 ‘Have you Falls eain? How many ties tha? 4 Sop fmlate (Have cu) Been waiting lone? 5, re you) Dong anting interesting his weet? 6 tlie the cat When his you sei? 7 Gad) Bye!) Ses you late. 8 rn ust coring! Hang on! 9 De yeu) Wanta it? Hopi 1 Have you Senin teh? Ask students to take tin turns to read the lines aloud 10 « parincr end make suitable responses, Medel the list conversition asan example: Heard about Jane and John? No, Really? I don’t Believe it? [cD ETrack 6 Play the recording. Students liser: ‘mapare the recorded conversations with their own, ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Workbook Unit 1 EX. 1-3 The terse system Ex4 Passives Ex.5 Tensereview Ex.6 Auxiliary verbs Ex.7 haveor have gott LISTENING. PEAKING Things | miss from home ‘ABOUT THE LISTENING Tals 1s series vox pops’ of people talking naturally bout he same topic: what they miss when they ace away from home, The tasks involve listening for gist ientify where the people ae from and where they live now, note-taking for more detailed comprehension, and understanding referencing in wha is said, All ofthe six recordings are monologues, apart from, ‘Teryau and Sem who share their opinions. Reb mettions some typical Briish foed andl drinks: digestive Dyscuils (sound semi-swee, biscuits made of wholemeal our), brovn sauce (3 com-mercially-prepared sauce, dark brown in colour, containing vinegar and spices), porridge (a breakfast dish :raditionally consisting of foatrneal boiled in water or mill), bitter beer (a dark Deer with a bitter taste). Tetyana and Sem a'so talk: about cottage cheese (so%, lumpy white cheese made from skimmed milk). Rob and Joe use the word Brit(s) as an informal way te refer to the British; Shaun uses the word dude as an informal form of address to the listener. I’s also used in American English to mean similar to guy. tsimportant for students to be able te pick ont she rain information from the recordings. Some of the vocabulary may be new, so be prepared to pre-teachy check the following items depending an your students level: hank (ofa river), wave (of the sa), the tide, crisp sticky (about the weather), banter, upbeat, modes, seasonal, ripe, insecwe, arn 1 Focus on the picture and lead in tothe topic by asking students the questions ia exercise 1, Elicit a range of answers in a brief class discussion _Askstudents to write dowa one thing they missed on a ‘small piece of paper. Collet in the pieces of paper, and save them until you need them again in exercise 5 2 [CDE Track] Focus attention on the photos ofthe speakersin exercise 3, Get stadents 70 gues what they ‘might talk about in the recording ‘Tell students they only have to listen for where the speakers are [rom and where they are now during this ist listening, Play the recording of Margaret as an example Play the rest ofthe recording, pausing aller each one to et students zomnpare their ani, ‘Check the answers with the class Answers From Nowin ergret | Yorshire/nortieast | Gerrany ryan coast ‘Mae | Sottand Neda Roo Britain France Joe the UK the US Teyana | Ukaine Engand andSem Shaur | dosstay outhe ists | the est coast ofthe US hismom in Rida Focus attention on the chart, Day the recording of ‘Margaret again and elicit the key infomation, Play the rest of recording, pausing between speakers, Play the recording o: selected speakers more than once if necessary, Students compare their answers in pairs Check the answers with the class Establish if anyone in the class shaves the epinions of the speakers ‘Answers ‘What they miss | Other information Margaret | the sea offer gces for vals by her ‘hare she es ra Maire | veweathe | cispand clear in Scotland bat Fata stiky in Mad Rob | rypcalEnlsh | mises cary, pordge end types foods theway | of bitcut/sauce/beer mises peope sciize, | meetingin ous and chattrg at ‘heBcth sence of | football cay vor in Face, a1 humeuc bengabie | inBitan as beenavay oa long, toni oe | bread, people | bread in USie good for tase bengmodestat | peopeinUS shemales ‘work move work than nUK Tetyana | food ther onn | Flt doesnt taste right in UK and Sem | languzgs, nition! | and cant get pe watermelors heldystradtors | Sen fees insecure when rot Uuingownangunge Tetyana sajscantrecreate tre ame Uraions/elebratons ‘ils is Mom in oid las of laeea ea Shaun | bisdrums ‘Ask students in pairs to decide who is speaking in each extract. Then clic the answers to tie questions for extract Tasan example Students work in pairs to complete the task. Play the recording or selected sections again as necessary. ‘Check the answers with the lass. Answers 1 foe: Here festa the USK Hels enpcte tl ise/hs cv ‘alent, 2 Margret, Walking by the vers lovely Bits not the same ae boing bythe sea 3 Tetyina Them eer to vatelons Apricots melons and remnetoes ar also a dsapgontnens 4 Shaun, He mises his dems so much becausehe cai tale tem to hisronis ven e visser, 5 Rob. The courty refers to Brtan. You can vote afte’ youve bee ut of te county for more than yen: 6 ae. Thevetfers to Scotland's much cooler than Med 5 You will need the pieces of payer that students wrote on in exercise L. You can read the examples aloud yourself or hand oat the pieces of paper at random arcund the class for the sxidents to read The test of the class has to gress ‘who verote each exarsple, That studen: can then explain, why they wrote it, Decide as a class whose example i the funniest arclfor the most interesting ‘What do you think? ‘The What do you think? sections give students the ‘opportunity ta talltabout personal experiences and express opinions about the topic o: the lesson, Unless you have a very small class, these are best done in grouos of three to six. It can he help] fn narninate one stent in each grevap to he the discustion leader. ILis their jab to ask the questions, make sure everybody gets a ckarce to speak, and to decice when to ‘move on from one question to the next. Make sure a differes student is chosen each time students do a discussion task, ‘Monitor the groups equally, helping as necessery. Ifyou are ‘monitoring for accuracy, note any important errors and write ‘them anonymously on tae board for class correction, Read the questions on SB py asa class and deal with any vocabulary queries. With weaker students, you could Lbrainstirm the disadvantages of roving abroad an the parallel acvantages esa class, and collate the Ideas on the board, Possible answers Disadvantages Youdonit nae any rend inthe new cout. ‘ours your tei “Te culture an customs arestange. YYournis fala thing eg oe, ‘There can 22 afcial probes ike vss and work peri ‘Your alvays fal ie foreigner you dont belong. Possible advantages Youean make new fends. Your fai can ist —an it ay to bsp in touch nowadays Leaning aout ane cultures asin, YYousan broaden your ts, bu sil joy you Favre igs frome, ‘Youcanlearn about the rules ac egulatons of te county. People wl be inerestd in youas. foreigner and want know about your country. SUGGESTION Ifyou have tinse, you could get students to activaze the Tanguage listed in the disadvantages and advantages, Put students in pairs €9 ‘act out the points. One gives a reason not to ive abroad, and the other replies with the relevant advantage, e4 A The language lurve i problens if you lene spre the longue B Yes, but (or he wher hund) if gives you a prea appartunity fo learns a new taripuage Putstadents in geoups of three 0° tout to discuss the questions. Mon.tor and help as necessary Make sure each student has the opportun.ty to speak, Seusdeats feed back to the cless and summatize their group ‘opiaions and experiences, Esteblish which countries students ‘would moet ke to live i, ING AND SPFAKING (s Sarao’ story ‘ABOUT THE TEXT ‘Trearticle is based on the true stary of Saroo /so'ruy Brierley, a man who was separated from ais Indian mother at fxe age of five, but who was able to find her again, thanks to technology. His story generated significant international media attertion, especially ir. India and Australia, which became Saroo’s adop-ed hhame. Hs acconnt af what happened was plished in Print ane ar an e-book in 2013. There are also plans to ‘make his story inte a film. TTacarticle has many of the characteristics ofhuman itezest stories thal appear ir newspapers, magazines and online, The contentalternates between a third. persor description of what happened and Saroos account in his own words. This gives an immediacy to the action and adds to the drama. Tn the task students prod the sory fom the heading, Photos and cyptions ‘ey then iste to Sars words fritkout the support ofthe tet ad nner sone teneal questions ebont te facts ofthe story. Farther Comprehension practices given instal tsk In ie ina tges, students discuss tht eespenses Sara's story an practise understanding key words from context Encaarage dents to use the context to help them ith how voctbulary With weaker clases iy ae chore, tf tn, you cot preteach th following steeper st, ork ong (= language), noorous shins, beg; shelter ia} erphaage shad, metered, tage the eter of to venture, foal ply. Dott pe-teachicheck any ofthe words which are heghlighted nthe test, a stent wil work cat thelr ‘Read cut the main heading and the eaplion, and focus atteution ow the pictures and tbe nap. Put students in [pals to discuss the questions and predlet the stary. Elicit a renge of leas and suggestions, bul don't confirm ‘or reject answers al this stage [CD Track] Read through the questions esa class and deal with any vocabulary queries. Ask sludents to ‘lose tele books Play the recording through once, Students discuss the {questions in pairs end pocl tre r information. Play the recording again if necessary 0 allow students to check complete their answers. Ch the answers with the lass Answers 1 efilaeepatthestaien 2 He wat ve 5 He wasalanein the dunsané tain statins of Calcura, 4 Student oun ane, 5 hours the te he vas on the tren 1200 km isthe approximate stncehe navel 6 He ness 9g Google sth and zoomed downon the ae where hebad lived asa cid 7 Sheloaeda lt aléer than he rememsered. 4 She tock stand and nied fim nt her house She cee say anything to him. 3. Read the first paregraph of the text asa class. Elicit the ansier to number 1 asan example, ‘Give students time to read the full story and complete the task, Allow them to compare their answers in pairs before checking with the class, Get stusents su quote fiom the relevant part of the lex! to support Iheir answers, ‘Answers 1 Ine 2 False. The tev: does gv the name of the station where Saran fal seep but be ended upin Calcutta ater a hour ney, False He became a begsae False He was offered food and sheer bya mas, but he dnt ‘must Fim, so he an aay. Twe Tue Fale When be found he ton his family ha aendy moved Fale He hart moved back with isi family, theo: kent ir touch, What do you think? Give students time read through the questions and dink about their answers. Fata range of responses and experiences Of Google Fart ina whole-cass discussion, In lrge cleses, Students can work in groups and thea report bac, Vocabulary work 4 Focus attention on the fst highlighted phrase jaf nap Elli the meaning and then get students to continve the task, working in Pals. ‘Check the answers withthe class Answers ‘ate nap -a sleep that would havea big effect onthe ture Foréesof people huge rons sleeping rou to seep ourdcors wherever youan ‘a fnefer himself to suppertand care fo himself ulupfor—offeredade aaiable Sted down wel ~ got used tc anew way of fe easy, shabby Inpoor conditien Struck gold had some siccessluck lanky with oo expressononhis face gasping —understancing ‘aulplay—dshenest cr egal behaviour

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