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New Hampshire MUFON Newsletter 1993 05 No 20 PDF

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Preview New Hampshire MUFON Newsletter 1993 05 No 20

NEW HAMPSHIREM UFON NEWSLETTER P.OB.O X 453 RYE, NH0 3870 ISSUEN O. 20 DATE:M ay,1 993 StatMeee ting: 1993. Our nexstt amteee tiwnigl bel att heC omfortI nni nP ortsmouthT.h ed atiesS undaJyu ne2 7, Alla re encouratgoea dt teanndd to brinagf rienTdh.eC omforItn ni sl ocateadtt heYo kencso nventainodrn e staurant sitjeu ssto utohft heP ortsmotrafufitch circlWee. w ilstartl at1 :00PM sharpi nt hceo nferernoocme. M any thantkosK eviMna cLeod fomra kintgh igsr eafta cilaivtayi latboul se. We platno h avdei scussoinos nesv ercaals eisnw orki ncludmiinsgs itnigm ien N ortCho nwayD,u ald iscisn 1981. Colerobok,a po ssibclrea shdeids c Veinr monatn d photosa D forvoemsr i ghtiinn g Also DJri.mC aJvin an ewN H Mufomne mbera ndC onsultiancn lti nipcsaylc holhoagsay g reed toa nsweoru rq uestiaobonust communicatioinnst elligIetsn hcoeu.lbe d as uperm eetinsgo p lant oa ttend. StatS«et ionD irectors: Pleassea vteh ee nclossetda steec tidoinr ecmtaopr. I ti sa q uicrke ferefnocetr h es ectiodni rectionry our countIyf.y ouw oulldi kteom eeto therm embersi ny ouarr ead,r oapl intoe y ousecrt iond irectHoero .rs he wilbel happtyo help. 1993 NH Mufon Conference: Thep lanares sett,h es peakerares confinneda,n dw eare readfyo oru rt hiarndn uaUFlO ConferenTchei.ys e ar wem ustl imtihten umbero fa ttendeest o4 50 sow e encouryaoguet or egisteearr ltyoi nsuar es eTahte. enclosfedl yhears a ltlh ed etailWse. h avael rearecediyv ed registratwiiotnhsot uhten ecessary registration fonn,s oi nterieshs itg hS.i gunp a seart y as poss iblteoa voiddisap poi ntmenItf.y oup latno s taayta narea hotegle,ty oureserrv ation now.W e recommentdh eC omforItnn locateda tt hec onventsiiotne . Crop CirclReesearc h: New HampshireM ufoni sw orkinwgit Cho liAnn drewtsh iyse airn s cientriesfeiacr ofc ht he1 993 crocpi rcle investigatiCoonl.id ne partefdo Enrg lande arltihearpn l aneda ndi sn owh aradt w orkH.i se arldye partuwrea s duet oi ncreasaecdti viitnhy i hso meco untry.H e wikleelp u si nformaedn dw ill guisav b eri efidnugr ionugr 1 Septembeconrf erence.T hel atesits suoefUF O EncounteVrosl,.N o.7 hasa f ascinatisntgo rofy a G erman crompar kingw itthh el ocatioofna llegeandtilqyu em etapll atheasv intheg exaccropt markingI.w ilhla vae copy oft hisst orayto ur smteaettei ng. WelcomAeboa rd NewM embers: Jame&sH eidi CrotDoeavue r JamesB .C alvinW aterviVl allel ey KeviFJndred Colerobok MarioBnu ffingtRoany mond PaulR .H attW estmoreland JamesC larkA mherst MatthePw.S ullivAamnh erst PaulL .S ullivAamnh erst JeaKne mmer Colebrook SandrIa.T eets Nashua CheryAl.W oodworth Milford ElaiBnuec ldey litchfield Carl B.W altoJnr .S omersworth ArthuE.r M artin Mt Vemon RogePort vin Windham SusanLa mb Rindge Pat FinanS earobok ElizabetTha llmanS tratham NewH ampsMhuifroeon n move the C§I:TI Center Fort heS tudyo fEx trate"estrial Intelligence CLOSEE NCOUNTERSO F THE 5th KIND: CREATING A PEACEFUL RELADONSHIP WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE StevenG reer, M. M.D. DirectoofrC §£TI LECTURE Friday,J une1 8, 19937 :()().9:00P M (A dmissio$n5 .00) LOCATION:The Universiofty New Hamshire-Durham • The GraniteS tateR oom MemorialU nioBnl dg. • WORKSHOP SaturdaJyu,n e1 9,1 993 9:00AM 5:00 PM • LOCATiON MooseL odge· Portsmouth( Admissi$o4n0) • pre-registratiaodnv ised and Inth isl ecture workshop,D r.G reww ilprl• ent a ncate pry ofC losEen countewhrisch Involves .. human-4nlttaltadn btr.c:Uonwai tUhF Os/m. He wilslh are reporb ofa ose Enmuntwaof the 5th c:. . • ldnd andd •c:rlbe techniquefso ru slnpowae rful ll&hb andl aserfso rs lanallUnFaO a, andw ilpllay auditoryto nesr ecordedfr om a UFOa ndfr cm the centero fa cropd rdeH.E WI LL MAKE ntE CASE FOR A NEW APPROACH TO UFO RESEARCH WHICH GOES BEYOND PASSIVE OBSERVAnON AND EST USH EMBRACES THE CONCEPT OF HUMANS INT!RAcnNG WITH UFOS/m TO AB A SUSTAINABLE, PEACEFUL, DIPLOMAn e R!LA110NSHIP. CSE11 Inth isd ay Ionaw orkshop, willp resenta nI n-depth view of CE·S cases, researrche aultat,h e t.chnlqu•of CE·S reeearcha,n dth e recentsp ectacular developmentsu slnCEa· St. chnlquea. OPTIONALN IGHT FIELDW ORK DEMONSTRATION CSE11 Afbtrth e workshop, wcoinlld ucta field demonstrationu slnCEa· S techniquesf othro sew how ant tu bemme part of acs m researcht eam (worldnaG roupTh)o.s ew how istho a ttenda rer equirtue jodi n CSE11 ($40 minimuma)n dfi llo uta worklnarao up appllcaiton. Thosew lshltnoacon tinue tralnlna and become part of ana c:ttvew orklna aroup wilbel asketdo a ttend a day In-depth tralnlnrae treat. Be 4-5 preparedf ora ny kinodf w eather! Pleasec alilf y ouh aveq uestionosr n eed directions: ( 063-430.9676 orC SE:rl Office7 04-254-9650) cscn is non-profit all volunteer organization a NH MUFON UJJF(Q) CONFERENCE ABDUCTIONS- MONUMENTSO F MARS -CROPC IRCLE-SC ATI'LE MUTILATIONS DATE:S eptembe1r2 ,1 993 Registrati8o:n00:A M to9 :00AM, Program:9 :00AM to6 :00PM, Lunch:1 2:00to1 :30 PLACE: YokenCso nventioCne nteRrt,.1 ,P ortsmoutNhH, (AC omfort Iinsln oc ateodn t hep remises. Forro om reservatciaoln6ls0 34 33-3338) SPEAKERS: ColiAnn drews, CropC ircle-update RichardH oagland, Monument&s Faceo fM ars LindMao ultoHno we CattlMeu tilati&o Anlsi eCno ntact DaYidJ acobsP h.D. AbductioRnes earch JohnE .M ackM .D. SpirituaolflA ybd uctions ) $45.00 $65.00 EARLY REGISTRATION:( priotro A ug.2 0•.. AfterA ug.2 0,o ra td oor ••• (Registrafteieo ni nclau hdoetls u ncaht t hec onventicoenn tecro,ff eaen dc aked urinrge gp.e riod.) RECEPTION:S aturdeavye niSenpg. ll,1 99 3,8 ·1P0M att heC omfortI nn.P riceo f$5.00i ncludes coffeeb,o tH ors d'oeuvresa ndc asbahr . A greatc hancteot alUkF O'sa ndm eett hes peakersT.h e gi receptioni sa vailaobnlletoy conferenrcee strants . Cutl.ine NOTE:Ea ch registmruasntt lbei stsede paratbeelloyw . Nam e:- ---------=---- Addres-s:--=-=------- - ----- - Ci:ty State: Zip Phone(: ) : __ _ Reg$.4 5.00 LuncPhr eferenCchei:c k_e nFis_h VegP.a s_t a ReceptionY:e s NO Recept$i o5n. 00 _ _ Tot$a l __ Name: ---:�::- -A ddres:s ________ --- -=-:- ----- ---- ---- City State: Zi:p Phone(: ) : ___ __ _ Reg$.4 5.00 LuncPhre ferencCeh:i ck_eFni sh_ Veg.P ast_a ReceptioYne:s_ NO _ Recepti$o n5 .00 Tot$a l __ ············•··•·········•··••····••······················•··········•····•··•·•············••·•··••·········•·· ·····••····•••····•·•·· Name: Addres--s--:-- ----------- ____________ Ci:ty State: Zi:p Phone(: ) _ ___ __ Reg$.4 5.00 LuncPhr eferencCeh:i ck_e nFis_h VegP.a st_a ReceptioYne:s NO Recept$i o5n. 00 _ _ Tot$al __ ..........•..........•.•....•....••.........................................................•....... ........................•.......... Nrune: � -- �Address: ________________ ________________________________ __ City State: Zi:p Phone(: ) : ___ _ _ _ Reg$.4 5.00 LuncPhr eferenCchei:c k_e nFish_V egP.a s_t a ReceptionY:e s_ NO _ Recept$i o5n. 00 Tot$a l __ ··••·······•·······•···•••••••···••••·•··•··•••·•····•··············•······••·······•···············•·•·····•·····•·•·•·•••····················• Total Enc$l osed ___ _ Plearseeturn formw itchh ecokr m oneyo rdeirnU S fundNso, c asphl ease, : To NewH ampshire MUFOPN.,O .Bo x 453,R yeN,H . 03870 Direacntldio odnigsni fnogr wmibaleitl ni colnwu iydtoehcud or n firlmeatttieorn The New HampshirMeu tuaUFlO Networkc ordiailnlvyi tyeosut oj oiuns a ndo theUrF O enthusiaatos utrs thiradn nuaUlF O conferenLcaes.yt e aresv enwta sa ttendbeyod v e40r0 peoplef roma lolv etrh eN ortEahs t enjoyitnhgec amaradearinede xcitemoefni tn terfawciitnohgt heirnst ereisntt edh eU FO phenomenTohni.s yearw eare fortuntaoht aev fei vpei oneeruifnogl ogoinso tusrp rograEamc.h ofw homw ilolpe nlys harteh eir opinioannsdt heoriweist yho ua sw elals a nsweyro uqru estiTohnes be.s to pportuntiotm ye eta ndi nteroanca t one-on-boanseiw si tthh es peakerwsi lbel att heS aturdnaiyg hrte ceptiPolne.a se RegisEtaerrl! y MEET THE SPEAKERS ColiAnn drewsi sa n Electricalb yEp nrgoifneesesrMi ro.nA .n drewbesg ant hes cientsitfuidocyf t heC rop CircPlhee nomenoovne tre ny earsa goa,n di sr ecognizaesod n eo ft hep henomenofno'rse mosrte searcherHse. isalso a foundimnegm ber ofC .P.R(.C ircPhleen omenoRne searcha)n d hcaosl laborawtiedt hs cientiasntds engineetrhsro ughotuhtew orlidn t heo n-goiinngv estigaotfic orno pc ircleCso.l iins t hec o-autohfot rw o books,t hebe sts ellCeirr culEavri denacned h ism ostr ecentw orkC ropC ircles-lT.Llhtee sEtvi dencIen. additioCno,l inw as instrumenitna olb tainitnhgeo fficial coopeorfa tthieoB nr itiMsihl itaryi nt he implementaotfi Oopne ratiBolna ckbirtdh,e larcgreospct i rclseu rveillapnrcoej eocft 1 990. Colin also maintatihnews o rldlsa rgecsrto cpi rcdlaet abaasnedw ilslh arwei tuhs t hel atecsrto cpi rcalcet iv(iStuym mer of1 993) asw elals u pt ot hem inutree searfcihn dings. RichardC .H oaglanadt th e ageo fn inetebeecna mec uratoofrt heS pringfMiasesladc huseMtutsse umo f SciencHee. d esignaedn dp roduceda commemorateivveen tth acto inciwdiedt NhA SA'sf irvsits tiotM ars. One yealra tehres erveadsc onsultfaonrNt B C during 'tShuer ve1y'om roo n landinHge. a lscoo nducted researfcohrC BS andw asa na dvistoorW aiter CronMlcirt.He o.a glanmdo'sstv alued contrtiosb cuiteinocne andh istotrody a tei,st hee o-concepotfmi aonnk indf'isri sntt erstmeelslsaarga en de ngravedp laque caorrni ed pione1e0r.R icharmda'nsy other conttrosi cbiuetinocnest haeAn mde ricasnp acper ograamr toeo numerotuos listFo.r thep astte ny ears Mr.H oaglanda ndt heM arsM issiofno,u ndebdy Mr . Hoaglanhda vebe en resea rchintghe m onumenotsfM arsa sd escriibendh isbo ok,T heM onumenotfsM arsA: Cityo nt heE dgeo f ForeveTrh.i sw as chronicilnte hde v ideot ape,H oaglanMda'rss V olIl (ExtendVeedr sionR)i.c hawridl l speakt ou sa boutt heM arsM issifoinn dinagnsdt hem onumenatnsd f aceo fM ars. LindaM oultoHno we isa threet imeE mmy Aw ardw innindgoc umentary producearn da uthoSrh.e establihsehroe wdn p roduciotnc ompanLyM,H Productioinn1s 983 . LindaEm'msy Awardw inninflgl mA StranHgaer veissta boutt hea nimamlu tilatmiyosnt ewrhyi chha sh auntpaedr tso ft heU .Sa.n dC anada Since 32 the1 960's.I na ddittiooh ne r awardLsi,n dwaa st hes upervisipnrgod ucearn do rigicnoanlc ecprte atfoorr thepara mount studsipeoc iaUlF O ReportS:i ghtiwnhgisc,lh e dt ot heS ightisnegrsi oenst heF oxn etworMks.. Howe'psr esentaetnitointG lleidmp seosf O theRre alit(iase oosn tobe releabosoedk )e xplortehse1 967-1993 animamlu tilatmiyosnt erya ssociated stwriatnhlg ieg hatnsd h elicoptSehrews i.l all ssou mmariezyee witness testimonileisn kimnugt ilatiaonndhs u mana bductiotnosn on-humacnr eatidoens;c riabel ietna xonomy emergifnrgo mt heh umana bductiosny ndromaen dh ighlitghhebt i o-physiincvaels tigoaftt ihoen crop circle enigma. DaviMd jacobsP h.D.a ssociaptreo fesosfoh ri stoarTtye mpleU niversiisat l ye,a diancga demaiuct horoint y UFO'sD.r .J acobPsh'.sD d.i sserthaatsbei eonnp ublisbhyedI ndiaUnnai versPirteysa ssT heU FO Controversy inA meric(a1 975).D r.J acobtse achecso ursiensA mericaponl iticsaocli,a aln dc ultuhriaslt orHye. a lso teachwehsa ti sbe lievetdobe theo nlrye gulasrclhye duulnedde rgradcuoautreso enU FO'so fferaetad m ajor universHiitsmy o.s tr ecenboto k SecrLiefte t akeuss i nttoh ep rivawtoer lodf t hea bducteaen dr eveawlhsa ti t 300 isl ikteo be abducte.d Secret iLsai Sfiem on& Schustboeork ,a ndi sb asedo no ver trulei faec counotfs 60 abductionisn,c ludhiyngp nossiess siownist h individuDarl.sJ .a cobwsi lslpe aka boutt her esulotfs abductiorne search. JohnE .M ackM .D. isP rofesosfoP rs ychiaHtarryv,a rMde dicaSlc hoola Tth e CambridHgoes pitHael i.s alstoh eF oundiDnigr ectooftr h eC entefro rP sychologSitcuadlii enst heN ucleAagre .A s a chiladn da dult psychoanahleyh satsa, p plitehdei nsigohftd se pth psychtootl hoeng uyc lewaera ponsc ompetititohneg, l obal ecologiccraislai nsdo thecro llecpthievneo metnhaa t threoautrse unr vivHailsp. u blicatiinocnlsuA d Per incoef OurD isordae rP,u litPzreirz wei nninbgi ograpohfyT .E .La wrence( LawrenocfeA rabiaI)n.t hel asfte w years heh asbe ene xplorfirnogine trosf h umanc onsciousannedts hsen atuarned m eaninogft heU FO abduction phenomenoInn.t her ecent CBS-TVM iniS erie"sI ntrudearcst"o Rri charCdr ennpal ayetdh er oloef a psychiatrbaissetd,o nD r.M ackse xperienceDsr..M ackw ilald dretshse c onfereonnct eh es pirituoafl ly abductio.n s Atlantiq ·ocea:n _. @R. M�N. 5c CO. PORTSMOUTH N.H. 0 1 2 3 4 miles sc:al'-e-- --'---'---�------� ::.0 !"�"O z r Zcos: roxo .,e w � o COUl z -.JW 0 IMPORT ANT--PLEASE READ Thanks to thes upporto fpe oplel ikyeo ut heNH MufonC onferehnacesg rowton be a very popeuvleanrJt ust ove40r0 people attleansdytede arcso nference. 425 Dueto Safectyo nsiderawteim ounsstl imtihti yse aresv entot t hef irstpe opleto register. Over1 00,0 peopleh avereq uesteidn fonnatioonnt hiyse arsc onferen�W.i th attendalnicmei ttoe d4 25 youm ust actn owa ndregist er earltyobe assured a seat. Ify oup latno s taaytt hCeo mfoIrnnt (adjacteotn htCe o nfereCnecnet eprl)e arsees eryvoeu rroo m(sn)o wb y (6034)3 3-3338. calling Thank You NHMufon L---��- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t .., /Ill// . l. •

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.