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New genera and species of mexican Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) PDF

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Preview New genera and species of mexican Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 96(2). 1994. pp. 357-366 NEW GENERA AND SPECIES OF MEXICAN PHYCITINAE (LEPIDOPTERA: PYRALIDAE) H. H. Neunzig Department ofEntomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7613. Abstract.—Two new genera ofphycitine moths from Mexico are described. They are Nevacolima, n. gen. with N.jaliscoensis, n. sp. and A', zodia, n. sp., and Megacerdresa, n. gen. with M. cordobensis, n. sp. Also described from the Republic is Homoeographa mexicana, n. sp. Key Words: Moths, phycitines, Mexico Seventy-nine species of phycitines have 13). Maxillary palpus simple. Haustellum been previously reported from Mexico (Ci- well developed. Ocellus present. Basal half brian-Tovaret al. 1986, Hedlin et al. 1981, of costa of forewing of male (Figs. 6, 7) Heinrich 1956, McGufhn 1967, Mutuura slightly convex or slightly concave; under- and Neunzig 1986, Neunzig 1983, 1986, side ofwing ofmale simple, without costal 1990). Based on the size of the Republic, fold orsex-scaling. Forewingwithout raised the diversity ofhabitats found in the coun- scales; with eleven veins, R: at base close try, and the abundance ofphycitine species to, but separate from R^j and R^; R,.4 and elsewhere in North America, this number R5 stalked for over Vi their lengths; M, obviously represents only a small fraction slightly curved to straight; M, and M, sep- ofthe Mexican fauna ofPhycitinae. arate, but close at base; CuA, from lower Whileidentifyingphycitinesonloanfrom outer angle ofcell; CuA, from well before the San Diego Natural History' Museum lower outer angle ofcell. Hindwing(Figs. 6, (SDNHM), andthe UniversityofCalifornia 7) with eight veins (lA, 2A and 3A consid- at Davis (UCD), 1 found four additional ered together to be one vein); Sc + R, and Mexicanspeciesbelongingtothesubfamily. Rs fused for about Vi their lengths beyond Allarenewspecies,oneisaHomoeographa. cell; M| from upper outer angle ofcell; M, and the others are ofparticular interest be- and M, stalked for about '/s their lengths; causetheybelongtopreviouslyundescribed CuA, from lower outer angle ofcell; CuA, genera. from well before angle ofcell; cell less than '/2 length ofwing. Male abdominal segment Nevacolima Neunzig, New Genus 8 with ventralscaletufts(Figs. 16, 19); scales forming tufts pale to black, short to long, — Gender. Feminine. mainly straight and slender; sclerotized bar Type sptcifi.—Nevacolima jaliscoensis associatedwith tuftswithratherlarge, swol- Neunzig. len, distally-rounded, medial projection or Antenna of male simple (Fig. 9) or with slender medial projection. Male genitalia sinusat base ofshaft (Fig. 8). Front convex, (Figs. 14, 15, 17, 18) with uncus absent; roughly scaled. Labial palpus oblique (Fig. gnathos with distal part consisting of two PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 358 well-developed, posterolaterally diverging, ple (Fig. 9); labial palpus white basally, acute elements; transtilla a well-developed mostlyfuscous, orblack, with some redand transverse bar, borneby very slenderlateral white medially and distally; maxillary pal- bases; juxta a weakly sclerotized plate with pus fuscous, or black, and white. Thorax short, setiferous, lateral lobes; valva tri- with dorsum brown, and with patch ofred lobed, divided into short, basal, weakly andblacklaterally;collarsimilartodorsum. sclerotized, subtriangular, costal lobe, a Forewing without antemedial line; most of more usual appearing, elongate, spatulate costal halfofwing dusted with white, with element and a lobelike sacculus; inner base redandblack,elongate, medial,costal patch, ofelongate spatulateelementwith pale, dig- andsuffused with fuscous, orblack, distally; itate lobe; linearaggregation oflong slender posteriorhalfochre, red and reddish brown scales originating at base ofvalva and sac- with fuscous, or black, distally; postmedial culus; aedoeagus with two clusters ofstout, line mostly white, weakly developed; discal spinelikecomuti; vinculum welldeveloped. spots black, obscure to moderately distinct. The female ofNevacolima is unknown. Hindwingsmokyfuscous,darkeralongveins In some respects, particularly the reduc- and near costal and outer and posterior tion,orextensive modification, oftheuncus margins. Male genitalia (Figs. 14. 15) as in andgnathos,andthetrilobedvalva,themale description ofgenus. Female unknown. genitalia of Nevacolima resemble those of Distribution.—Known only from the type GabiniusHeinrich, OhigginsiaNeunzig, and locality, west-central Mexico. Peadus Heinrich, however, there are major Holotype.—(5-Highway 54, 10.8 mi N. differences. Forexample, inNevacolimathe Nevado de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico, 27-30 only posterior structure that is clearly de- May 1989, Bloomfield, genitalia slide 3501 fined is the gnathos, whereas in Gabinius. HHN (SDNHM). Ohigginsia. and Peadus elements that usu- Paratypes.—Same collection data as for ally comprise the gnathos are considered to holotype, 5 (5, genitalia slides 3503, 3504 be absent, and an uncus although reduced, HHN (SDNHM, NCSU). ispresent.Also,thetranstillainNevacolima Nevacolima zodia Neunzig, is complete and a distinct part ofthe geni- New Species talia; in the related genera the transtilla is absent, or weakly developed (but never Figs. 2, 7, 8, 17-19 complete). Type locality.— 10.8 mi N. Nevado de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico. Nevacolimajaliscoensis Neunzig, Diagnosis.—The complex male antenna New Species (Fig. 8) with its basal sinus and associated Figs. 1, 6, 9, 13-16 sensilla, along with the appearance of the Type locality.— 10.8 mi N. Nevado de male genitalia (Figs. 17, 18) provide diag- Colima, Jalisco, Mexico. nostic features. — Diagnosis.—The simple male antenna Description. Length of forewing: 7.0 (Fig. 9), in conjunction with the genitalia mm. Head with front brownish white; ver- that lack an uncus and have a complete tex mostly pale brown and brownish red transtilla (Figs. 14, 15) distinguish jalis- with fuscous, or black, laterally; antenna of coensis from other Phycitinae. male (Fig. 8) with sinus at base of shaft; Description.—Lengthofforewing: 6.5-8.5 mesially projecting spinelike sensillum at mm. Head with front brownish white; ver- baseofsinus, andanothersimilarsensillum tex mostly dark brown and reddish brown from apex ofsinus; sinus and sensilla par- withfuscousorblacklaterally;antennasim- tially covered with appressed scales; seven VOLUME 96. NUMBER 2 359 m .p;-. ,ur~ -^*>" ':^~ Figs. 1^. Male adults. 1, Nevacolimajaliscoensis n. sp., holotype (7.0 mm). 2, Nevacolima zodia n. sp., holotype (7.0 mm). 3, Megacerdresa cordobensisn. sp.. holotype(9.0 mm). 4, Homoeographa mexicana n. sp., holotype (7.0 mm). (Length offorewing m parentheses.) segments ofshaft just distad of sinus with jaliscoensis with the following differences: smaller, mesially projecting, basally-scaled distal elements ofgnathos shorter; sacculus sensilla: labial palpus white basally, seg- more completely fused to valva; vinculum ments 2 and 3 red, fuscous, or black and distinctly longer than greatest width; ae- white; maxillary palpus fuscous basally, doeagus more elongate, with clusters of white distally. Thorax with dorsum mostly spines curved. Female unknown. brown; collar similar to dorsum, with some Distribution.—Known only from the type red anteriorly. Forewing without anteme- locality in west-central Mexico. dial line; most ofcostal halfofwing dusted Holotype.—3—Highway 54, 10.8 mi N. with white, with red and black, elongate, Nevado de Colima, Jalisco, Mexico, 27-30 medial, costal patch and suffused with fus- May 1989, Bloomfield, genitalia slide 3502 cous, or black, distally; posterior half pale HHN (SDNHM). brown and red suffused with fuscous, or Although obviously related to N. jalis- black; postmedial linemostlywhite, weakly coensis, zodia is significantly different, par- developed; discal spots black, indistinct. ticularly with regard to the male antennae, Hindwingsmokyfuscous,darkeralongveins to possiblyjustify placing the latter species and near costal, outer and posterior mar- in a different genus. However, inasmuch as gins. Male genitalia (Figs. 17, 18) as in A'. females ofboth species are unknown, it is 360 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 5-7. Male wing venation. 5, Megacerdresa cordohensisn. sp. (9.0 mm). 6, Nevacolimajaliscoensis n. sp. (7.5 mm). 7, Nevacolima zodia n. sp. (7.0 mm). (Length offorewingin parentheses.) best, at this time, to group the species to- enlarged and formingadistinct sinus; inner gether. margin ofsinuswith basal and distal, small, spinelikesensilla;outermarginofsinuswith Megacerdresa Neunzig, basal tuft ofslender scales; female antenna New Genus simple; sensilla trichodea (cilia) ofshaft of — Gender. Feminine. male short and abundant. Frons convex. Type s'pecxt^.—Megacerdresa cordohen- Labial palpus (Fig. 12) upcurved, reaching sis Neunzig. above vertex. Maxillary palpus simple. Antenna of male (Fig. 10) with scape Haustellum well developed. Ocellus pres- elongate,cylindrical;basalsegmentsofshaft ent. Forewing of male (Fig. 5) with basal VOLUME 96, NUMBER 2 361 8 s^^ m m Mi m 10 Ulml i M/4 m Figs. 8-13. Maleantennaeand labial palpi. 8. Nevacolima zodia n. sp., frontal view ofbase. 9, Nevacoluna jaliscoensisn. sp., frontal viewofbase. 10, Megacerdresacordohensisn. sp., frontal view ofbase. 11, Hoinoeo- graphamexicanan.sp.,lateralview. 12,Megacerdresacordobensisn.sp..lateralview. 13,Nevacolunajaliscoensis n. sp., lateral view. (All scale lengths 0.5 mm.) 362 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON half of costa slightly convex; underside of shaftenlargedandwith adistinct sinus, sen- wing,ofmale,with sex-scalingincostal half; sillae and scale tufts; the male genitalia of upperside of wing with groups of slightly Megacerdresaare like those ofCeracanthia. raised scales; with eleven veins; R^ separate Drescoma. Drescomopsisand Megarthria in from R,,4 and Rs at base; R,+4 and Rs possessingbroad valvaewith thebaseofthe stalked forabout-Atheirlengths; M, slightly sacculus enlarged and bearing large scale curved; M, and M, separate; CuA, from tufts; the female genitalia, to some extent, lower outer angle ofcell. Hindwing (Fig. 5) look like those of Drescoma cyrdipsa with with eight veins (lA, 2A and 3A together theirlong, stronglydeveloped, spinelikesig- considered as one vein). Sc + R, and R, num in the corpus bursae), I propose a new fused, or very close, for less than '/: their genus for cordobensischiefly for the follow- lengths beyond cell; M, with basal fourth ing reasons: (1.) the contrasting, diagonal, very close or fused to base ofSc + R, and white bands on the forewing, so character- Rs; M, and M, stalked for about '/: their istic ofspecies ofDrescoma. Drescomopsis. lengths; CuA, with basal fifth fused, or very and Megarthria, are lacking in cordobensis; close, to base ofM. + M,; CuA. from near (2.) the male genitalia of cordobensis have lower, outerangleofcell;cellabout 'Alength the gnathos broadly spatulate and weakly of wing. Male abdominal segment 8 with sclerotized distally, but in Ceracanthia. ventral scale tufts (Fig. 22). Male genitalia Drescoma, Drescomopsis. and Megarthria (Figs. 20, 21) with uncus hoodlike (only produced into a strongly developed, well slightly tapering); apical process ofgnathos sclerotized, slender hook, and the aedoea- a broad, weakly sclerotized, spatulate pro- gus is short and has robust comuti in cor- cess; transtilla absent; juxta with well de- dobensis. but is elongate and unarmed in veloped setiferous, rather elongate lateral the related genera; (3.) the female genitalia arms; valva short, broad, sacculus with an- ofcordobensis only resemble those ofDres- teriorlyprojectingarm supportinglargescale coma cyrdipsa. and even in cyrdipsa the tuft; aedoeagus robust, with two slightly ductus bursae is much shorter, and differs curved, short, well-developed comuti, and in configuration, internal spining and irreg- numerous microspines; vinculum shorter ularities. than greatest width, broadly rounded an- Megacerdresa cordobensis Neunzig, teriorly. Femalegenitalia(Fig. 23)withduc- New Species tus bursae about as long as corpus bursae. twisted,witha fewscobinationsneargenital Figs. 3, 5, 10, 12, 20-23 opening, a dense, elongate, medial patch of Type locality.—Cordoba, Vera Cruz, many microspines, and numerous sclero- Mexico. tized, irregular ridges near junction with Diagnosis.—The broadly spatulate distal corpus bursae; corpus bursae membranous, elementofthegnathosofthemalegenitalia, with large, curved, denticulate, spinelike and the large curved, denticulate signum in signum, and many scobinations, particular- thecorpusbursaeofthefemalegenitaliawill ly near signum; ductus seminalis attached separate cordobensis from similar phyci- to corpus bursae nearjunction with ductus tines. bursae. Description.—Lengthofforewing8.0-8.5 Although the genus Megacerdresa shows mm. Head with frons and vertex brownish affinities to Ceracanthia Ragonot, Dres- whitetopalereddishbrown,sometimeswith coma Dyar, Drescomopsis Dyar, and Me- fuscousand/orreddishbrown scales; anten- garthrla Ragonot (the male antenna ofMe- na (Fig. 10)asindescription ofgenus; labial gacerdresa resembles those of Ceracanthia palpus(Fig. 12)mostlybrownishwhitewith and Megarthria in having the base of the some fuscous scales and white basally in VOLUME 96, NUMBER 2 363 1 9 15 1? fc,> 16 Figs. 14-19. Male genitalia and scale tufts of abdominal segment 8. 14, Nevacolima jaliscoensis n. sp., aedoeagus removed, and long scales originating at inner base ofvalva omitted. 15, aedoeagus. 16. scale tufts. 17. Nevacolima zodia n. sp.. holotype. ventral view, aedoeagus removed, and some long scales originating at innerbase ofvalva omitted. 18, aedoeagus. 19, scale tufts. (All scale lengths0.5 mm.) 3 364 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON male, segments 2 and 3 less uniformly col- thos,alongdigitateclasperontheinnerbase ored in female, with many fuscousand with ofthe valva, and groups ofslender comuti some pale red scales; maxillary palpus in the aedoeagus. — mostly brownish white, simple, vestiture Description. Length of forewing 7.0 flared basally. Thorax dorsum and collar mm. Headwith fronswhitetoochreouswith palebrown, in somespecimenssuffusedwith patchesofbrownish red; maleantenna with brownish red or fuscous. Forewing with sinus and strongly developed tuft ofscales ground color pale brown, costal halfdusted at base ofshaft; labial palpus (Fig. 1 1) long, with white, particularly near costa; fuscous appressed to frons. mostly ochre, brownish patchatbaseofwing;antemediallinewhite, red and white (white chiefly along inner difficult to detect (its location defined by margin, and some fuscous, orblack, on dis- fuscousand reddish brown patches forming tal part ofsegments 2 and 3); maxillary pal- itsbasalanddistal borders); postmedial line pus aigrettelike, mostly ochre with pink tip. white, faint; small fuscous and reddish Thorax dorsum and collar ochre. Forewing brown, indistinct, lunuatepatchabout mid- mostly ochre and reddish brown; anteme- way on costa; discal spots black, separate, dial line white, weakly developed; post- moderately distinct. Underside offorewing medial line white, well developed only near of male, with streaks of pale orange and costa: small groups ofblack scales, in part fuscous sex-scales. Hindwing pale smoky interspersed with white and brownish-red brown, darker on veins and near costal and scales, in basal, medial and terminal areas; outer margins. Male abdominal segment 8 discal spots moderately distinct, lower spot with ventral scale tufts (Fig. 22): scales elongate and distinctly larger than upper forming tufts straight, moderately long and spot. Underside of wing of male without simple. Male and female genitalia as given costal fold or sex-scaling. Hindwing pale under generic description. smoky fuscous, darker on veins and near Distribution.—Known only from Cor- costal and outer margins. Male abdominal doba, in east-central Mexico. segment 8 with complex scale tufts: some Holotype.—3—Cordoba, Vera Cruz, scales formingtuft verybroad, greatlymod- Mexico, 4 November 1966, Alfredo B. Lau. ified and angulate distally. Male genitalia HHN genitalia slide 3491 (UCD). (Figs. 24. 25) with uncus hoodlike, some- Paratypes.—Same collection site as ho- what elongate; gnathos with apical process lotype, 5, 8, 13, 18 August 1966, 8 Septem- a short, rather robust hook with a long, ber 1966, 8, 10, 11, 20. 21. 22. 27. 31 Oc- straplike, basal projection (projection ex- tober 1966, 3, 4, 29 November 1966, 6, 9 tending almost to lateral arms of juxta); December 1966, 1 specimen collected by J. transtilla absent;juxta with short, rounded, S. Buckett, M. R. and R. C. Gardner, all setiferous lateral arms; valva slender, with others collected by Alfredo B. Lau, 9 3, 1 inner, basal, digitateclasper(clasperalmost 2. genitalia slides 2072, 2073. 2080. 3490. aslongas '/:lengthofvalva); vinculumabout 3492 HHN (UCD, NCSU). 2x as long as greatest width, medially pointed; aedoeagus elongate, slightly bul- Homoeographa mexicana Neunzig, New Species bous in distal 'A, with twogroups ofseveral, slender comuti. Female unknown. Figs. 4, 11. 24, 25 H. mexicanadiffersmostnoticeablyfrom Typelocality.— 13 miN. Manzanillo,Co- the only other known species in the genus, lima, Mexico. lanceolella Ragonot, in havingthe forewing Diagnosis.—The male genitalia ofmexi- mostly ochre and reddish brown with more cana have a long, slender, basal, anteriorly black scales and a large, lower discal spot, projecting element on the apex ofthe gna- and in havingthe malegenitalia with a Ion- VOLUME NUMBER 96. 2 365 21 25 Figs. 20-.5. Male genitalia, scale tuft of abdominal segment 8. and female genitalia. 20 Megacerdresa cordobensisn. sp., holotype, ventral view, aedoeagus removed. 21, aedoeagus. 22, scale tufts 23 ventral view ductusbursae, corpusbursaeandductusseminalis. 24. Honweographamexicanan. sp.. holotype ventralview aedoegus removed. 25, aedoeagus. (All scale lengths0.5 mm ) 366 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OFWASHINGTON gerbasal projection on the apical process of sects ofMexican conifers. General Technical Re- the gnathos, a longer clasper on the valva, port. SE-40. United States Department of Agri- shorter, morerobustlateralarmson thejux- culture. 110 pp. Hedlin, A. P.. H. O. Yates, III. D. Cibrian-Tovar. B. ta,anapically pointed, ratherthan truncate, H. Ebel.T. W. Koerber.and E. P. Merkel. 1981. vinculum, and an aedoeagus with more nu- ConeandseedinsectsofNorthAmericanconifers. merous and more slender comuti. Can. For. Serv., LI.S.D.A. For. Serv., and Soc. Distribution.—Known only from the type Agric. Recur. Hidraul. Mexico. 122 pp. locality, near Manzanillo on the west-cen- Heinrich,C. 1956. Americanmothsofthesubfamily Phycitinae. U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 207: 1-581. tral coast ofMexico. McGuffin,W.C. 1967. ImmaturestagesofsomeLep- Holotype.—<3— 13 mi N. Manzanillo, Co- idoptera ofDurango, Mexico. Can. Entomol. 99: lima, Mexico, 24-26 May 1989, N. Bloom- 1215-1229. field, genitalia slide 3498 HHN (SDNHM). Mutuura, A. and H. H. Neunzig. 1986. NewCentral American Dioryctna and notes on previouslyde- Acknowledgments scribed species ofthe genus in the region (Lepi- doptera: Pyralidae), pp. 8-18. In Cibnan-Tovar, I thank D. K. Faulkner (SDNHM, San D.,B. H. Ebel, H.O. Yates. HI.andJ.T. Mendez- Diego,California)andA. Porter(UCD, Da- Montiel. eds.. Cone and seed insects ofMexican vis, California) forprovidingthe specimens Conifers.GeneralTechnical Report. SE-40. Unit- ed States Department ofAgriculture. for study, R. L. Blinn, L. L. Deitz, and D. Neunzig, H. H. 1983. A new species ofAcrobasis L. Stephan (NCSU, Raleigh, North Caro- fromMexico(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae:Phycitinae). lina) for critically reading an initial draft of Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 85: 256-259. thispaper,and E.G. Munroe(Ontario,Can- . 1986. New recordsofPhycitinae from Mex- ada)and M. A. Solis (NMNH, Washington, ico and a description ofa new genus and species (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. D.C.) for additional suggestions for im- Wash. 88: 122-126. provement. 1990. Anewspeciesof£)/onr/na(Pyralidae: . Phycitinae) from Mexico. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Literature Cited Wash. 92: 493^96. Cibrian-Tovar, D., B. H. Ebel, H. O. Yates. Ill, and J. T. Mendez-Montiel. 1986. Coneand seed in-

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