New gap theorem on complete Riemannian manifolds ∗ 6 Qi-hua Ruan 0 0 2 School of Math. Zhongshan Univ. Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510275 P.R.China; y a Depart. of Math. Putian Univ. Putian, Fujian, 351100 P.R.China M Email: [email protected] 4 Abstract 1 In this short note, we find a new gap phenomena on Riemannian manifolds, which says that ] for any complete noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature, if the scalar G curvaturedecays faster than quadratically, then it is Ricci flat. D . Keywords: Gap theorem; Harnack inequality;Ricci curvature. h t a Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 53C20, 53C21. m [ 1. Introduction 1 v 0 LetMbeann-dimensionalcompletenoncompactRiemannianmanifoldwithnonnegativeRiccicurvature. 6 In [8] Mok, Siu and Yau proved that if a complete noncompact Ka¨hler−Stein manifold of nonnegative 3 andboundedholomorphicbisectionalcurvatureofcomplexdimensionn≥2hasmaximalvolumegrowth 5 0 and the scalar curvature decays faster than quadratically, then M is isometrically biholomorphic to Cn. 6 This can be interpreted as a gap phenomena of the bisectional curvature on Ka¨hler manifolds. Later 0 / Greene and Wu [6] generalized this gap phenomena to Riemannian manifolds. h Recently Chen-Zhu [4] use the theory of Ricci flow and Yamabe flow to prove the following gap t a theorem on locally conformally flat Riemannian manifolds. They showed that: m : Theorem 1.1. (Chen-Zhu) Let M be an n-dimensional (n≥3) complete noncompact locally conformally v i flat Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature. The scalar curvature is bounded and decays X faster than quadratically, then M is Ricci flat. r a Nowwewonderwhetherasimilarresultholdsonageneralmanifold. ForacompleteKa¨hlermanifold with bounded and nonnegative biholomorphic sectional curvature, if the scalar curvature decays faster than quadratically, then Chen-Zhu ([5]) proved that the metric is Ricci flat. From [11] or [3], we know that the decaying condition of scalar curvature in Theorem 1.1 is sharp. So we consider the manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature. In [9], Ni-Shi-Tam proved that for any complete Ka¨hler manifold withnonnegativeRiccicurvatureandmaximalvolumegrowth,ifthe curvaturetensordecaysfasterthan quadratically, then the metric is Ricci flat. Recently,Kim[7]improvedCabre’sHarnackinequality[2]fornondivergentellipticoperatorsonman- ifolds with nonnegative sectional curvature and obtained the Harnack inequality for Laplacianoperators only assumption of manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature. ∗ProjectpartiallysupportedbypartiallysupportedbyYumiaoFundofPutianUniversity Theorem 1.2. (Kim) For any n-dimensional complete noncompact Riemannian manifold with nonneg- ative Ricci curvature, if u is a smooth function in a ball B (2r) satisfying u>0 in B (2r), then x0 x0 r2 sup u≤C{ inf u+ ||△u|| } Bx0(r) Bx0(r) |Bx0(2r)|n1 Ln(Bx0(2r)) where C is a positive constant only depending on n , |B (2r)| and ||·|| denotes respectively x0 Lp(Bx0(2r)) the volume of the ball B (2r) and the Lp norm on the ball B (2r). x0 x0 In fact, Kim proved a Harnack inequality for the nondivergent elliptic operator on a more general manifold,onecansee[7]forreference. Forourpurpose,weonlyneedtheHarnackinequalityforLaplacian operatorsonmanifoldswithnonnegativeRiccicurvature. Inthisnote,wewillusethisHarnackinequality to prove the following gap theorem on Riemannian manifolds: Theorem1.3. LetMbeanyn-dimensionalcompletenoncompactRiemannianmanifoldwithnonnegative Ricci curvature, if the scalar curvature R(x) decays faster than quadratically, i.e. for ∀x∈B (r), there x0 exists positive constants C and ǫ such that C R(x)≤ 1+r2+ǫ then M is Ricci flat. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to express his thank to Professor Zhi-Hua Chen for his constant encouragement. The author would also like to thank Professor Xi-Ping Zhu for his valuable comment. 2. Proof of Theorem 1.3 Now we consider the Poisson equation on M: (1) △u(x)=f(x) In [10], Ni-Shi-Tam gave the following sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of solution of the Poissonequation (1): Lemma2.1. (Ni-Shi-Tam)Letf ≥0beafunctiononacompletenoncompactmanifoldwithnonnegative Ricci curvature. Then △u(x)=f(x) has a bounded solution if and only if there is a positive constant C such that ∞ t (2) f(x)dxdt ≤C Z |B (r)|Z 0 x0 Bx0(r) Taking f(x)=R(x), then equation (1) become (1′) △u(x)=R(x) Since the scalar curvature R(x) decays faster than quadratically, then it satisfies condition (2). So from ′ Lemma 2.1, we know that equation (1) has a bounded solution. Thus we can always assume that inf u = 0, otherwise adding a constant to u. Hence for any ε > 0, u(x ) ≤ ε for some x ∈ M. By M 0 0 Theorem 1.2, we have that r2 sup u≤C{ inf u+ ||△u|| } Bx0(r) Bx0(r) |Bx0(2r)|n1 Ln(Bx0(2r)) 2 r2 ≤C{ε+ ||R(x)|| } |Bx0(2r)|n1 Ln(Bx0(2r)) r2 ≤C{ε+ ||R(x)|| } |Bx0(2r)|n1p Lnp(Bx0(2r)) Let p→∞, since the scalar curvature decays faster than quadratically, then above inequality become sup u≤C{ε+r2||R(x)||L∞(Bx0(2r))}≤C(ε+r−ǫ) Bx0(r) Let r → ∞,ε → 0, because the constant C independent on r, we know that u ≡ 0. Thus from (1′) we conclude that R(x) ≡ 0. 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