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Preview New Frontiers in Catalysis - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Catalysis, Budapest, 19-24 July 1992

Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis Advisory Editors: B. Delmon and J. T. Yates Vol. 75 NEW FRONTIERS IN CATALYSIS Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Catalysis, Budapest, July 19-24,1992 PART A Editors L. GUCZl Institute of Isotopes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences P. 0. Box 77, H- 1525 Budapest, Hungary F. SOLYMOSI Institute of Solid State and Radiochemistry, Jdzsef Attila University P. 0. Box 168, H-6701 Szeged, Hungary P. T~TENYI Institute of lsoropes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences P. 0. Box 77, H- 1525 Budapest, Hungary ELSEVIER Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokyo 1993 Joint edition published by Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Akadbmiai Kiad6, Budapest, Hungary Exclusive sales rights in the East European countries, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Republic of Cuba, Socialist Republic of Vietnam and People's Republic of Mongolia Akadbmiai Kiad6, P. 0. Box 245, H-1519 Budapest, Hungary all remaining areas Elsevier Science Publishers Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, P. 0. Box 21 1, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands ISBN 0-444-89621- X @ 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., Copyright & Permission Department, P. 0. Box 521, 1000 AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Special regulations for readers in the U.S.A. - This publication has been registered with the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), Salem, Massachusetts. Informa- tion can be obtained from the CCC about conditions under which photocopies of parts of this publication may be made in the U.S.A. All other copyright questions, including photocopying outside of the U.S.A., should be referred to the copyright owner, Elsevier Science Publishers B. V., unless otherwise specified. No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas con- tained in the materials herein. Printed in Hungary PREFACE The Tenth International Congress on Catalysis was held in Hungary, Budapest, July 19-24, 1992 under the auspices of the Council of the Congress on Catalysis, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Chemical Society of Hungary and the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Z. G. Szab6 was the Honorary Chairman and P. TMnyi and F. Nagy served as the Chairman and Co-Chairman, respectively. The Organizing Committee included L. Guczi (Chair), A. SBrksny (Secretary) M. Bart6k, P. Fejes, Gy. GBti, D. Ka116, J. Margitfalvi, L. Mark6, Z. PaBl, J. Petr6 and F. Solymosi. More than 1000 delegates (including local organizers) attended the Congress which was headquartered in the Budapest Convention Centre located in the pleasant hills of the Buda part of the Hungarian capital. As has been the tradition in previous Congresses, this Congress was divided into two parallel sessions with 105 oral presentations and two further sessions in which 360 posters were displayed. All these presentations and posters were chosen by the Paper Selection Committee from the approximately 800 abstracts that were submitted. The theme of the Congress was "New Frontiers in Catalysis". Judging from the lively discussions (on the average 9 per oral presentation) this theme was of considerable interest to the participants. Both the papers selected for oral presentation (together with discussions) and those in the poster sessions are contained in these Proceedings. We are grateful to the outstanding scientists who accepted our invitation to present the 6 plenary lectures that introduced the various topics covered in the Congress. Generous financial contributions from the Council of the European Communities and many institutions and corporations made it possible for about 80 scientists from Central and Eastern Europe, the EC countries, China, USA and India to participate in the Congress. Several students were also able to attend because they were allowed to pay a reduced registration fee. Social events including receptions, a Congress banquet, a concert, sightseeing tours and excursions were organized to make the stay of our foreign guests more eqioyable. The Organizers are deeply indebted to the scientists from 42 countries who accepted our invitation to come to Hungary and make the Congress yet another outstanding success in the 40 year tradition of such events. We hope you enjoyed the meeting and will find these Proceedings a valuable addition to your catalysis library. Our best wishes go to the Organizers of the Eleventh International Congress on Catalysis which will be held during July 1996 in Baltimore, Maryland in the United states. Budapest, December 1992 The Editors Guczi, L. et ul. (Editors), NewFrontiers in Cufalysk Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Calalysis, 19-24 July, 1992, Budapest, Hungary 0 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights resewed CATALYSIS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE J. A. Rabo UOP, Tarrytown Technical Center, 777 Old Saw Mill River Road, Tarrytown, New York 10591, USA 1. FOUR DECADES OF CATALYSIS Has catalysis fulfilled its expectations in the last 40 years? How does progress in catalysis compare with other areas of science and technology? Furthermore, what is the impact of catalysis on human society and environment today? The 10th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC) has assembled to consider these important questions. During these 40 years, electronics has emerged from fundamental science to a consumer industry, whose diverse products touch many aspect of daily life. Biochemistry and related biosciences grew from intractable complexity to a systematic unveiling of life’s chemical mechanism, and technologies have revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry. In these 40 years, catalysis grew to become the critical technological underpinning of our chemicals, fuels, and pharmaceutical industries. Catalysis has also become the principal challenge for future progress in these technologies. Future catalysis will be aimed at reducing the cost of raw materials and creating new, exciting products that use catalysts of higher catalytic specificity. How important is catalysis to industry and, more broadly, to humanity? A recent report [ 11 set the value of the worldwide catalyst market at $5 billion, with $1.9 billion alone in the United States. The cost of catalyst is estimated to be about 0.1 percent of the value of the fuels produced and about 0.22 percent of the petrochemicals produced [2]. This cost translates to worldwide product values for fuels and chemicals of $2.4 trillion. This amount is more than the gross national product (GNP) of some major industrial nations and is about half of the U.S. GNP. Clearly, the impact of catalysis must be measured by the impact of its products, not by the cost of the catalyst itself [3]. In the last decade, catalysis has become the critical technology for the protection of our environment in addition to its role in the fuel and petrochemical industries. Part of the challenge is to reduce pollutants emitted in the processing of fuels and chemicals, and another is to help produce new, environmentally friendlier fuels and Chemicals. An additional and ever-growing role is to reduce undesirable emissions from automobiles and power plants. In this field alone, the yearly catalyst market in the United States was about $650 million in 1989. In Europe, the total catalyst market was $900 million in the same period, and growth was projected to $1.8 billion by 1993, with autoemission catalysts being the fastest growing component. The societal impact of these industries, fuels and petrochemicals, in which catalysis is a critical component also needs to be considered. According to a recent study of U.S. industry, the chemicals and allied products industry was the largest of all U.S. industries, with yearly sales of $210 billion compared, for example, with $127 billion for automobiles [4]. Employment in chemicals in the United States was 805,000 compared to 1.04 million in automobiles. Another excellent study reports that of the 63 major product and 34 2 process innovations between 1930 and 1980 in the chemicals and fuels industries, more than 60% of the products and 90% of the processes were based on catalysis [5]. This information clearly points to the critical role of catalysis not only to the chemical and fuel industries but also to the economic progress of society as a whole [6]. In the four decades since the first ICC, catalysis technology has blossomed in large measure as a result of the enthusiasm of participating scientists. The industrial challenge and competition to rapidly develop new catalytic processes substantially contributed to progress in catalysis. Over these years, the ICC has provided an important forum to report on new discoveries in catalysis science and technology. The major events reported at past ICC's have been reviewed in several articles [7,8]. 2. COMPLEXITY OF CATALYSIS The amazing concept of catalysis, that a foreign material can greatly accelerate chemical reactions without itself changing (ultimately) in the process, has inspired many theoreticians and experimentally inclined chemists and chemical engineers. This field offers opportunities of great scientific and enormous economic significance. As a result, catalysis, which began as a one-time experimental endeavor in chemistry, substantially broadened in the last 40 years to include among its researchers representatives of a wide array of disciplines, such as chemistry, engineering, and materials and surface science. The totality of these disciplines reflects the multidisciplinary character of the field of catalysis. The amazing chemical concept of catalytic phenomena inspired the birth of many early "theories," many of which required modifications or did not survive a careful check of their general applicability. Problems usually involved lack of adequate limitations given for the applicability of the proposed hypotheses. To conceive the best future strategy for catalysis as a whole, scientists must first to recognize how far they still have to go before they see the "light at the end of the tunnel." The important questions are whether the whole scientific basis of catalytic phenomena has been uncovered and whether catalysis phenomena have been adequately described to render solutions that are tractable using present science. The answers to these questions can be found in the following brief review of progress in two important areas: metal catalysis and acid catalysis with zeolites. 2.1 Metal Catalysis Science in merul curulysis has been greatly aided by two factors. First, studies of single metal crystals provided a model for practical, finely dispersed, supported metal catalysts. Second, the evolution of an amazing array of surface science techniques provided in situ investigative tools, such as surface crystallography using low-energy electron diffraction (LEED),f or the study of metal surfaces. In addition, the structure of ligands, such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and olefins, has been defined together with the metal atom or cluster with which they are associated. In this field, I3C nuclear magnetic resonance 3 (NMR) spectroscopy, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS),a nd other spectroscopic techniques have been particularly effective [9]. Because optimized industrial metal catalysts usually contain one or two metals and an oxide in addition to a variety of additives, much attention has been given to alloy chemistry, particularly on the metal surface, on metal-oxide interaction, and on adsorbate-adsorbent interaction. The complexity raised by these phenomena induced attempts to generalize the chemistry by taking into account concepts from both organometallic chemistry and solid-state chemistry. The significance of electronic versus structure effects has been debated at length. In spite of the enormous growth in information on the surface Chemistry of noble metals, some of the most important aspects of metal catalysis remain unexplained, and the apparent complexity of the phenomena seems to have grown. For example, recent surfaces studies [ 101 show that chemisorbed ligands significantly change the structural position of the adjacent metal atom by stretching their bonds relative to their adjacent metal atoms. This suggests a balancing act between the organometallic complex formed with the reactant molecule and the metal crystal itself, based on the thermodynamic preference of each species. Quantitative evaluation of the energy balance between the short-range effects in the organometallic "molecule" and the long-range effects in the metal crystal is difficult, and this evaluation can be handled only by using approximations, particularly regarding the long-range effect. In hydrocarbon catalysis on noble metals, a carbonaceous overlayer covers a significant amount of the metal, affecting or even templating the surface metal layer, with important involvement in surface chemistry and in catalytic mechanism [ll]. The specific role of this carbon overlayer is unknown. Most recently, researchers found that under certain conditions carbon monoxide and oxygen on platinum produce a dynamic cycle, which forms a carbon-monoxide-rich overlayer followed by an oxygen-rich overlayer in a cyclic manner [ 121. Furthermore, both the carbon-monoxide-rich overlayer and the oxygen-rich overlayer display a long-range order, which suggests a long-range directing effect of unknown source. Again, the problem of reconciliation between short-range and long-range effects emerges. Clearly, even when using the whole m y of surface science techniques available today, the study of noble metal single crystals still reveals new, unexplained phenomena. Recently interest has grown in the modeling of catalytic phenomena on noble metals using both ab initio methods as well as a variety of approximations in the computations for the long-range effects that cannot be handled today by rigorous, ab initio methods even with the use of supercomputers. By comparison with single crystals, industrial metal catalysts are vastly more complex. Instead of having well-grown crystals, they usually contain a variety of supported metal clusters or alloy particles. Industrial catalysts are usually multifunctional, that is, they serve more than one role in chemistry and technology. The result is a complex catalyst composition and chemistry with chemical interaction between the various ingredients. For these reasons, chemical intuition and experience play as large a role as science, used as predictive tool, in developing new and better industrial catalysts. Thus, in spite of great 4 enlargement of knowledge, researchers are still searching for the "light at the end of the metal catalysis tunnel." 2.2 Acid Catalysis with Zeolites In catalysis with metal oxides, the elucidation of catalytic phenomena has been aggravated by a lack of techniques available to define the structure of the surface with the precision required to construct useful theoretical models for reaction intermediates. This troublesome uncertainty about surface structure was to be absent in acid catalysis wirh zeolites. Researchers hoped that X-ray crystallography would provide precise information on all atoms in the zeolite crystal, and thus catalytic sites would be well defined. Now, 35 years after the first experiment with crystalline H-Y zeolite and after three decades of great success in industrial applications, researchers may finally be close to explaining, with some precision, the structure and chemistry of protonic catalytic sites in zeolites. In this case, the problem of characterizing protonic sites rests on the fact that these m+ sites are usually introduced by a proton attack on an oxide ion via thermolysis of the cation. The proton, with its large electron affinity and minuscule size, affects not only the lone electron pair of the adjacent oxide ion, but also the bonds surrounding the newly formed acidic hydroxyl group. The result is a dislocation in the Si-OH-A1 linkage that evaded precise characterization until recently. The experiments with H-X and H-Y zeolites 35 years ago showed that with aluminosilicates, crystallinity is critical for strong acid catalytic action [13]. Early hopes to define the protonic catalytic sites were hampered by the chemical instability of the primary protonic sites in zeolite crystals. This instability caused various degrees of framework aluminum hydrolysis. Whether the partially hydrolyzed aluminum, or possibly its combination with the nonhydrolyzed protonic site, is the strong acid catalytic site has been a recurring question all through the years. The hundreds of IR spectroscopic investigations involving protonic zeolites provided little more than fingerprint-type characterization. 'H MAS NMR spectroscopy also olfered hope for fundamental information on protonic acidity [14]; however, the small range of the proton chemical shift limits the observation of differences between acidic hydrogens in solid acids to a small range. Furthermore, the acid catalytic action in catalysis should correspond to the deprotonation energy of the solid, that is, the energy needed to transfer the proton from the catalyst to the reactant, more than to the mere polarity of the 0-H linkage, which has been traced by static spectroscopic observations. The actual transfer of the proton involves substantial changes in the bond structure all around the protonic site. These changes depend on many material factors, including the polarity of the 0-Hl inkage and the polarizability of the surrounding bonds, as well as some long-range effects. Theoretical modeling has been applied to elucidate the case of zeolite acidity by using R,Al-OH-SIR, type molecules and, more recently, by using larger model segments of the zeolite crystal. The most important result of the theoretical modeling work is the conclusion that the bond structure of the Al-OH-Si group controls the ionic character, or 5 the acidity, of the 0-Hl inkage. According to this model, the deprotonation energy of zeolites decreases with increasing Si-OH-A1 bond angle [ 151. Thus, the intrinsic strength of acid sites must also increase with increasing Si-OH-A1 bond angles. This conclusion, drawn from theory, finds good corroboration with the relationship between AI-0-Si bond angles of zeolites such as Y, mordenite, and ZSM-5 and their acid catalytic activity. The precision of theoretical modeling becomes questianable when it has to reconcile the results between short- and long-range effects in zeolite structures. The problem is centered on a recently proposed interpretation regarding the cause of the great difference in acid catalytic activity and acid strength between H-zeolite crystals and amorphous silica-alumina gels [16]. The interpretation rests on the idea that without the influence of outside factors, the protonated Al-OH-Si group prefers to form strongly covalent 0-H bonds by forming relatively low (sp'-type) Al-0-Si bond angles. In zeolites, and particularly in silicon-rich zeolites, the Al-0-Si bond angles range between 135 and 170"; thus, they are higher than sp3-typeb ond angles. It was suggested that lowering these high angles for the Al-OH-Si units, without affecting the nonprotonated Si-0-Si linkages, is prevented or at least minimized by the zeolite crystal to maintain long-range order. Thus, if long-range order in the crystal prevails over the short-range bonding preference of the AI-OH-Si group, then the original, large bond angles will be retained. In this case, the zeolite retains its crystallinity and displays strong acidity. In cases where the local bonding preference prevails (adjacent to OH group), then the crystal may collapse, and the OH groups will be of much weaker acidity. The H-zeolites with high aluminum and consequently high H-content (%/A1 5 2) indeed lose crystallinity, and crystalline H-zeolites all require the presence of stable Si-0-Si linkages. The observed structural loss is probably the result of the reduction of the bond angle in the A1-OH-Si groups. The maintenance of crystallinity and the consequent strong acidity found in silicon-rich zeolites (Si/Al > 2) depend on an energy balance between the favored bond formation in the AI-OH-Si group and the bond formation favored by the crystal. The latter favors retention of long-range order and symmetry. Here again, the issue is the balance and reconciliation between the short- and the long-range effects. The arguments, outlined previously, attribute the lower acidity of amorphous silica-alumina gel to lower A1-OH-Si bond angles relative to those found in crystalline H-zeolites. However, the following most recent experimental evidence suggests a new and unanticipated chemical step, which is a new addition to the complexity of this catalytic phenomenon. [17] 'H MAS NMR evidence taken following dehydration of amorphous silica-alumina gel and H-Y zeolite indicates that upon removal of the last H20m olecule, the amorphous material responds by actually breaking the Si-0 linkage in the A1-OH-Si unit while the dehydrated H-Y zeolite maintains its original AI-OH-Si linkages. These distinctly different chemical steps presumably occur because when the stabilizing H20 ligand is removed, the AI-OH-Si unit prefers to form a strong 0-H bond in the silica-alumina gel by cleaving the Si-0 bond and forming a strongly covalent Al-OH linkage. This step is prevented in silicon-rich zeolites, probably because of the stabilizing effect of the long-range atomic order and related lattice energy of the crystal. 6 2.3 Summary These two short and sketchy excursions into metal and acid catalysis certainly do not portray the depth of science in these fields. They were only intended to exemplify the point that catalysis researchers are still "digging deep in the tunnel." Although some light is filtering through, the basic problem remains the same as before: to search for the definition of the catalytic site and the steps of the catalytic reaction mechanism. This brief review suggests that the best strategy for future catalysis is to continue fundamental research, with the goal of understanding these phenomena. Until such understanding is achieved, the discovery of major new catalysts may evolve more from chemical intuition and experience in the field than from the use of scientific knowledge applied as a predictive tool of research. 3. NEW 0PPOR"ITIES IN CATALYSIS TECHNOLOGY' 3.1 Chemicals 3.1.1 Lower Cost Feedstocks For typical commodity chemical processes, feedstock constitutes about 60 to 70% of the total manufacturing costs. Thus, a great financial impact can result from moving to a lower cost feedstock. For example, the Monsanto process for making acetic acid by methanol wbonylation involved a feedstock change: a shift from ethylene, which was used in the previously dominant Wacker process, to methanol. Since its launching in 1970, the Monsanto process has captured most of the world's new capacity for making acetic acid. Feedstock price changes in recent years have further magnified the cost advantage of the methanol carbonylation route. By far the strongest current thrust toward lower cost feedstocks is the effort to substitute alkanes (ethane, propane, and butane) for the corresponding olefins and to convert methane to olefins or aromatics. The difference in price between these alkanes and their olefin counterparts can frequently be as much as IOC per pound, which is substantial. An excellent example is the production of maleic anhydride, a monomer for specialty plastics. Over the last 40 years, advances in catalytic technology have enabled the industry to switch from high-priced, toxic benzene to butenes and, more recently, to the lower cost butane. This latter development was possible only as a result of the discovery of the vanadyl phosphate catalyst by Chevron Research and Technology Company. A new process for producing maleic anhydride by using novel catalyst and reactor technologies is currently under development by Du Pont and is scheduled for commercialization in the mid- 1990s. * Section 3 has been adapted with minor changes from Reference 18. 7 An extensive worldwide effort is now under way to develop the catalytic oxidative coupling of methane to petrochemicals as well as liquid fuels. This effort encompasses oxidative coupling of methane to ethylene or aromatics, oxidative methylation of propylene to C, olefins, and dehydrogenative coupling of methane to aromatics. This area of methane conversion captured exceptional interest and attention all over the world in the mid-1980s. The relative abundance of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas, containing mostly propane and butane) and the strong demand for aromatics have prompted British Petroleum (BP) and UOP to develop a process for the catalytic conversion of LPG to aromatics. [19] The new process employs a zeolite-based catalyst developed by BP in conjunction with UOP’s continuous catalyst regeneration system. The LPG is converted to a mixture of aromatics, . 95 % of which are benzene, toluene, and xylenes. The aromatics yield is about 65 % In another alkane utilization project, BP Chemicals is developing a process for the direct one-step ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile. The key to the process is a proprietary catalyst. Now at the pilot-plant stage, the process is targeted for commercialization in the mid-1990s. A new commercial development in catalytic alkane dehydrogenation relates to the production of isobutylene and propylene. The isobutylene requirement is for the production of gasoline octane enhancers (for example, methyl tertiary butyl ether, or MTBE), and the propylene need is driven by changes in the feedstock used to produce ethylene. These changes have resulted in less by-product propylene production. Several companies have recently installed or are currently installing new plants for the production of isobutylene and propylene via new dehydrogenation technology (UOP). [20] This remarkable development may provide opportunities for new catalysts that would be capable of promoting oxidative dehydrogenation of lower alkanes (for example, ethane, propane, and isobutane) to their corresponding olefins. Direct functionalization of hydrocarbons remains a significant approach (for example, ethane to ethanol, propane to acrylonitrile, and butane to maleic anhydride or 1,4,butanediol). The catalytic dehydrogenation of paraffins is also widely practiced commercially for the production of linear olefins in the CIO-Cl7ra nge. These olefins are used in the manufacture of biodegradable detergent intermediates. Typically, olefins in the C,o-C,, range are used in the production of linear alkylbenzene (LAB), whereas heavier olefins in the C14-C1r, ange are used in the preparation of detergent alcohols via hydroformylation. The preparation of yet heavier olefins by catalytic dehydrogenation is also possible for specialized applications, including the manufacture of synthetic lubricating oils and oil additives. Worth noting at this point is the recent introduction of solid (heterogeneous) acid catalysts by UOP for the alkylation of benzene with heavy olefins in the production of LAB. [21] These acid catalysts can replace traditional catalysts, such as hydrogen fluoride (HF) or aluminum chloride (AlCl,) that are used for this purpose. With these solid acid catalysts, the operational hazards associated with the handling and processing of corrosive catalysts can be avoided, and the environmental consequences of this alkylation process can be ameliorated.

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