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Preview New eastern-palearctic clear-wing moths (Sesiidae, Lepidoptera)

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan leeLua T.voMtoGa 43(2):95-I06, June199Z New eastern-palearctic clear-wing moths (Sesiid aLeep,idoptera) gpATENKAi) Karel and Yutaka ARITAZ) i) Entomologicar Laboratory, Res.earch Institut eof Food Industry and Agriculturul Serx,ice, 289 11Pecky, Czechoslovakia Z) Zoological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo Universit yT,eml)aku-ku, Nagoya,468 Japan Abstract Seven new species and onc new subspecies of clear-wing moths from Japan and China are described , Sy'i-zant heespdeorin sp. n. from Okinawa is somewhat similar to S. quercti s(Mats. )b.ut it differ sfrom it in the completely yellow ventral part of the abdomen, The host plant i. sunknown, S. inugtita7Fzts sp. n. was reared from Sagi xsp. and Ahzit ssp. in Hokkaido and Honshu. It is simi]ar to S. JZavivent {reStgr .an)d S. marijanovi. Shelj .b,ut it cliffcrs from these species in swollen hind metatarsus in rnales. S, PseudoscoliaEfo rspi.n ne. is described according to a single specirnen from Kyote. It is sirnilar te S. scoliae.n)rme (Blc hin,) wing pattern (larg er,ounded discal spot of forewing), but it differ ssubstantially from this species in the coloring of legs and abdomen. The host plan tis unknown. S, vanoi sp, n. is somewhat similar to the European S. a7idrenaqfZixme CLasp .a)nd to S. ttl7nicogum Yang & Wang, but i tdiffe risn structure of the niale genitalia and in habitua ldetail s.It is known only froin a few specimens froni Hokkaido and Kyushu; host plant unknown. S. fakttEz asnp.z in.i is known from two specimens from IIonshu and Kyushu, and the host plant is unknown, It is similar to S. wulense Bart. ,S. sl)atenka iGorbunuv and S. arme"iacuin Gorbunov. Sesia from high inChina,isknown from Itis solitera sp. n., mountains a single speeimen only. very characteristic and not similar to other Sesi aspecies. SimiliPePsi s)atn'nanensi ssp. n. froin high altitudes in North Yunnan (China )is known from two specimens. It is the second palearctic species of this genus and it is clearly differe nftrom all known Similipap ssipsecies. SIu・zanth- edcm scogiaaj1]rme .iaPonict .stsmp. n. is known from a few specimens from Hokkaido and Honshu, It diffe rfsrom typical S. scoliaeforme sc'otiaeforme (Bkh. i)n having a black anal tuft, yellowish smoked ",ing. and other differences. Key iverds Sesiidae, S.vTiantJzedo nS,eisi aS,imigipePsis ,new species, new subspecies, eastern- pa]earct.i ct,axononly. Sgnanthedon esperi sp. n. (Fig 1.) rv(ateria lH:olotype 4 : Japan ,Ryukyus, Okinawa I. ,19. V. 1978 ,H. Makihara lgt. ,in coll, Zool,Lab,,MeijoUniversity,Nagoya (ZLMU). Description: Wingspan 25 mm. Labial palpus yellow, 2nd and 3rd join wtith black scales; antenna blackish-brown y,ellow ventrally except black tip . Frons vv'hite, pale brown only medially; vertex black , Periccphalic hairs black ,w・hite lateral laynd ventrally. Thorax blackish-brow nwith greenish sheet, II"egul awith individua lochreou$ scales, with a small yellow spot on basis of forewing ; metathorax with two large groups of yellow scales; pleura yellow. Fore coxa entirely yellow, femur blackish-brow ndorsally y,ellow ventrally, tibia and tarsus yell()w ,with blackish-brow nscales dorsall y.IIin dtibia and tarsus bluish-blac ky,ellow ventrally, with broad yellow stripes along bases of yellow tibial spurs, Forewing with indistinc tyellow lin ebetween veins Sc and C, anal margin densely dusted with yellow. Apical area very narrow, two times narrower than ETA (external transparent area), being blackish-brown .Discal spot narrow, blackish-brown, with a few NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 96 Karel SpixTENKA and Yutaka ARITA yellow scales along outer margin, ETA trapezium-shaped, large, divide dinto six cells, Discal spot of hindwing very narrow, reaching only vein M2, Abdomen black ,lst ,2nd, 5th and 6th tergites narrowly yellow berdered along distal margins, 4th tergite entirely yellow, only with medial black wedge on proximal margin, Anal tuft clear-red, only proximally it is blackish-brown ,The entire abdomen yellow ventrally. Genitali a\ not examined, male unknown, Variabilit yb,ionomics and habita tunknown. Differentia ldiagnos2s :The species cannot be compared with any palearcti c(an dalso oriental) species. It somewhat resembles ``S. tyespij?)rmis-group'', but differ sfrom all representatives of this group in having an entirely yellow abdomen ventrally, and all species of this group (wit hsc)me exceptions) have a recl disca lspot on the forewing, including S. (Mats,), eastern palearctic querczas Synanthedon multitarsus sp. n. (Fig s2., 9, l2) Material:Holotype Japan,Hokkaido, Shari-gun,Koshimizu-cho, Miwa, 21-23.VI. cr : 1989 ,Y. Arita and S. Kawahara lgt. ,emerged 26. VII. 1989, reared from larvae feedin ginto a small stem of Skel isxp., in coll. ZLMU, Allotype \ : with same localit aynd host plant as holotype, emerged 4. VIII. 1989, in coll. ZLMU. Paratypes :1 di, Hokkaido, Sapporo, host Salix 2.VI. 1984,T.Kumata lgt.,in Entom. Inst.Hokkaido Univ., plant sp., em. coll. Sapporo; 1 4 with same data as holotype ,em, 21, VII. 1980 ,S. Kawahara lgt. ;1 \ with same localit aynd host plant as holotype ,em. 21. V. 1989, S. Kawahara lgt ,J ,2 \ with same localit aynd host plant as holotype e,m. 30. VII. and 9, VIII .1989, Y, Arita and S, Kawahara lgt. ;1 di with same localit ays holotype ,ein. 11 .VII, 1989 ,reared from larva feeding into a srnall stem of Stzl isxachatinensis Fr.Schmidt. ,S. Kawahara lgt, ;1 (7 with same data as holotype, ern. 30, VII, 1989, S, Kawahara lgt. ;6 c{n 3 ?, Hokkaido, Shibetsu-shi, Onnebetsu-cho ,25-26. VI, 1989, em. 13. VII.-1 .VIII .1989 ,reared from larvae feedin ginto a s m al l st e m o f S d e l is xp ., Y . A r i t a l g t . ;a ll i n c ol l . Z L M U ; 2 d n 2 g , H o k k aido, Shibetsu- 0nnebetsu-cho,25-26,VI,1989, 22.VII.-VIII1.989,Y.Aritalgt.K,.Sv patenka shi, em. coll. ; 1 ?, Honshu, Nagano-ken, Maruyama-dani, Mibugawa, em. 9. VII. 1981, T. Maejima lgt,., in ZLMU; 2 2?,Honshu, Nagano-ken, Hase-mura, Maruyama-dani, 24.VI. 1990, coll. cl em, VII, 1990, H. Nakano and S, Niirni lgt, ;1 di 4 9, IIonshu, Aichi-ken, Higashikamo- gun, Asuke-cho, 25. VI. 1990, em. VII. 1990, H. Nakano and S. Niimi lgt. ;1 cl 1 -9・ ,same localit y1,5. III .1990 ,em. IV.-V. 1990 ,reared from Atnus serrzaimoides Call. H,. Nakano and S.Niimilgt. Description cii : Wingspan 16-23 mm. Labial palpus black, with white scales on 2nd joint, white anteriorly and irentrally; frons black; vertex black; antenna black; pericephalic hairs black dorsally ,w・ith white scales, white laterally. Thorax black, with bluish-green sheen; tegula with individual white scales distally; metathorax with two groups of long thin ,white, yellow, and black scales; pleura black. Fore coxa white in basal half ,black in apical half ;femur, tibia and tarsus black ,densely mixed with white scales. Hind leg blackish-brown ,spurs white, there are narrow white rings on bases of spurs; lst tarsomere very thick, about as thick as tibia, with adpressed scales, it sdista lmargin white, Other tarsomeres thin, with adhered scales, black ,densely mixed with white scales, mostly ventrally. Forewing blackish-brown, : cc)stal and anal margin with violet sheen, sparsely covered with ochreous scales, Discal spot mid broad, blackish-brown a,pical area equally broad as NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Clear-WingMoths from East Asia 97 ETA, blackish-brown, without pale stripes. ETA trapezium-shaped, slightly higher than broad,dividedinto5 cells, Hindwing: hyaline ,with narrow brownish-blac kmargin and long brownish-black fringe sd,isca lspot narrowly wedge-saped, blackish-brown ,reaching only a littl ebeyond M2. vein Abdomen blackish-brown ,2nd tergite with quite individu alyellow scales on distal margin; 4th tergite broadly lemon-yellow on dista lmargin, slightly broadening laterally; lst and 2nd tergites with narrow lemon-coloured longitudin alline slaterall y3;rd tergite laterall ywith a few yellow scales distally .Abdomen ventrally: 4th sternite yellow on dist amlargin; 5th sternite iitrit hyellow scales on dista lmargin, but only medially. Anal tuft dart-shaped (simila arsl iyn S. formicae.f (oErsnpz.e b)l)a,ckish-brown ,with greenish- bluelustre, borderedb}r line narrowl>, yellowish-white along periphery, Differences -? : It differ sonly in having thin lst tarsomere of hind leg. VariabilityS:ome have distinct 2nd specimens may not a very pale yellow ring on abdominal tergite ;pleura sometimes with individua lyellow scales, Genitalia (Fig9,) Valva bristles [1 : strongly swollen subapically, mostly covered with with bifurcat etips. Bare area along ventral margin of valva relatively small, with its dorsal margin concave. Crista sacculi straight, relatively broad, shortly tipped and covered with broad, simple, strongly sclerotized setae almost threughout. These bristle sform a nar- row, slightly convex Iine ,Gnathos with drop-shaped elongated cristae, crista medialis equaily long ,only proximally in latera lview it overlaps lateral cristae. Saccus very broad, short, strongly sclerotized, breadened apically, with a shallow incision at tip, Aedoeagus very slender, straight. Genitali a9 (Fi g1l2): All parts except antrum and dista lpart of lo.mel laantevaginalis weakly sclerotized. Apophysae posterierly and anteriorLy roughly equally long; 8th ter- gite slightly longer than broad. Antrum very long ,twice a$ long as ductus bursae, only slightly broadened distal lmyerging fluentl yinto ductus bursa' e.0stium bursae slightly funnel-shape d.Lamella antevaginalis with tiny spines on surface, Bursa copulatrix small, elliptical, with tiny bristl etshroughout its surface. Differentia ldiagnosis: It differ sfrom other allied and similar species in having a strongly scaled lst hind tarsomere in the male. It resembles somew・hat S. Ylaviven t(rSetgr .wh)i,ch has the abdomen whitish ventrally, and yellow bordered tergites 2, 4, 6 and 7, The similar S, marijanovi. Shelj .has the abdomen whitish ventrally too, and another shape of anal tuft, S. formicaefo (rEmsep. w)h,ich is similar to above describe dspecies in the shape of the anal tuft ,differ sin many characters, e,g. deep-red apical area of forewing and red abdominal tergites ,etc. Bionomics and habitat :Larva liN, ewsithin stems of low-・growin gshrubly willows or a sma]l branch of large willow trees (Sal isxpp.) or, rarely, alder <Alnt tsesrrztlatoides) which grow along streams, riverside and river beaches . The pupa is in a cocoon very close to the bark, Adults occur from early Jul yte early August, sometimes together with S},nanthedon heza iSVpatenk a& Gorbunov in Hokkaido. The length of the lile-cycl eof this species is not verified. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society oofJfap anJapan SipATENKA 98 Karel and Yutaka ARi'rA 7 Figs.1 - 8. Sesiida especies. 1. Sl';・2anlh edgospneri sp, n,, ?, hoiotypei 2. S.Pseudo- multitaiszts sp. n,, di,paratype; 3. S. )/anoi sp. n., 0.holotype; 4. S. scogiae.t'orine sp. n., \, holotype; 5.S.scoliae.foxn i1e'mponieitm ssp. n. 8, holotype ;6. S..f2tkttz us7pn. iin,, \, holotype; 7. Sesi asolitem sp. n., dn, holotype ;8 .Simitipop sJi,s;tnnanensis sp, n,, [Y, holotype. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Clear-Wing Moths frem East Asia 99 Synanthedon (Figs3.,10) ganoi sp, n, Material :Holotype " : Japan K,yushu, Kuro-dake, 3, VII, 1982, M. Nakajima lgt, ,coll, ZLMU, Paratypes:L7 Japan,Hokkaido, Shari-gunK,oshimizu-cho, Miwa, 4.VIII, cia, and 8.VIII.1975,S.Kawahara lgt., ZLMU. coll. Description: Wingspan 23mm. Labial palpus black dorsall y,w・ith individua lyellow scales on segments 2-3, yellow anteriorly and ventrally; antenna brownish-black ,brown ventrally; frons dark brown; vertex blackish-brown ;pericephalic hairs ochreous-yellow. Thorax blackish-brown ,pleura with yellow spot, Fore leg i coxa yellow dorsall yover the whole length ,tibia and tarsus ochreous dusted .Hind leg : blackish-brow nwith strong violet lustre t,ibia with yellow rings along base sof yellow spurs, tarsus blackish-brown ,lst segment mixed with yellow, tarsus throughout yellow ventrally. Forewing with elongate apex, costal and anal margins blackish-brow nwith individual ochreous scales, disca lspot medium-broad, blackish--brow na,pical area very broad, brownish black ,about apex it is 1.5 times as broad as ETA, with very indistin cytellowish- brown stripes bet"reen veins, ETA slightly higher than broad, trapezium-shaped, divided into 5 cells. All dark parts of wing ochreous dusted from ventral side, Hindwing hyaline, with narrow blackish-brow nouter margin and short blackish- brown fringes . Discal spot very narrow and short, reaching only the vein M2, being blackish-brown. Abdomen blackish-brown, with violet sheen, 2nd tergit ebordered w・ ith clearly yellow row of scales along dista lmargin, 4th tergite with more distinc ytellow dista lmargin, anal tuft bluish-blac kwith some individu alyellow hairs .Abdomen laterall y2:nd tergite yellow bordered distall y4,th tergit eone yellow. Abdomen ventrally: 4th sternite yellow throughout, 5th with dark latera mlargin, 6th yellow only medially, Anal tuft mixed with ochreous-yellow scales, valva ochreous distally. Female unknown. Variabilit yP:aratypes from Hokkaido have yellow parts paler, and this character is distinc tes,pecially on hind tarsi and abdominal sternites. Yellow coloration is reduced on dista lhalves of 4th and 5th sternites. One of paratypes has indication of yellow distal borderin gof 5th tergite dorsally, Genitali adi {Fig.10 )Va:lva narrow, tipped, broadened subapically, A wedge-shaped sclerite projecting into the bare area along ventral margin of valva is densely covered with strongly sclerotized setae. Valva is densel ycovered with bristl efsrom this projection towards apex and very sparsely covered with bristle tsowards ba$e . Crist asacculi weakly sclerotized, marging apically into scleretized band, which is parallel with ventral margin of valva. Ventral margin of crista sacculi is covered with an elongated group of strongly sclerotized tiny bristl essubapically, and with a broad, wedge-shaped group of strongly densely bristles Gnathos lat- sclerotized, arranged, apically. with very elongate angular eral cristae and with very long but not very high crista medialis, which is about twice as long laterales.Saccus broadened as cristae very short, strongly apically, and with a shallow incisio onn tip. Aedoeagus short, very broad basally s,harply narrowing towards tip ,being equally very narrow in apical third. Differenti adliagnosis :Somewhat similar to S. andrenaeforme (Lasp. b)u,t it differ sfrom the latte rin the narrower apex of the forewing ,broader disca lspot of the forewing ,and blackis hbrown anal tuft (i nS. andrenaelbTme and also in S, ulmicolum Yang & Wang NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeeplpdiopdteorpoltoeglroaollogical  SSooolceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan   tOo                 Karel SPATENKA a1ユd Yutaka AR [TA ピ! 、一’一. / 1 巨 1   露  10 F藍gs 9−11 Male gellitalla 〔〕f Sesllda especies  gSynan 〃igdon  muttitaxslts  sp  n . paratype ; 10. S PUanoi sp. n,、 paratype , 11.∫ブ珊 ガ〜i)lE/!pS・ib _vunTtrtnc ,nsis sp. n , ParatyPC 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotnlroonic  LLlibrbarryary  Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Clear-WingMoths fromEastAsia IOT indistalhalD, yellow Bionomics habitat: and unknown. Sgnanthedon pseudoscoliaefbrme sp. n. (Fig 4.) Material:Holotype 4: Japan,Kyoto, 1'akaragaike,10,V. 1957,Takeuchi lgt., coll. Entomol,Lab,Univ,OsakaPrefecture. Description: Wingspan 22,5mm, Labial palpus dark brown, yellowish-white anteriorly and ventrally, Frons dark brown, occipital fringe swhite; vertex blackish-brown p,erice- phalic hairs blackish-brown o,nly ventrally with a few ・whitish scales ; antenna dark brown. Thorax blackish-brow nwith greenish lustre t,egula bordered with individu adlirty- hairs inner individuadlirty-whitheairs, white along margin, metathorax with pleura with large yellowish-white spot, Fore leg dark brown throughout; hind leg blackish-brow・n with purp]e lustr e,Hind tarsus pale yellow, with black spines ventrally, whitish posterior- ly, Tibia with white scales along dista lmargin, mixed with white colour posteriorly; spurs dirty white. Forewing: blackish-browndusted, costal and anal margin narrowly as well as veins. Apical blackish-brown,discal broad,being area very narrow, spot very almost rounded ; ETA large ,trapezium-shaped, concave along outer margin, divide dby veins into 6 cells, 6th cell is situated between veins Cui and Cu2 and not between R4-Rs as it is usual in such a large ETA area. Costal and anal margins and cubital stem yellowish-white dusted ventrally. Hindwing with very narrow blackish-brown rnargin and long blackish--brown fringes, which change gradually into white towards base of wing. Discal spot blackish-brown, very narrowly wedge-shaped, but one of its rows of scales reaches the stem M3-Cu]. Abdomen blackish-brown ,2nd and 3rd tergite with very narrow but distinc twhite band along dista lmargins. Anal tuft blackish-brow nvaTith t"ro narrow, longitudin awhlite stripes, Abdomen laterall yt:ergites 1-3 with narrow longitudin awlhite line ,Abdomen dark brown, few in distal 4th ventrally: with a white scales medial part of margin of sternite; anal tuft without pale scales. Males and variability remain unknown, Genitali awere not examined because only the female is known and there is littl perobabil- ity to find diagnosti ccharacters and therefore is not desirabl eto spoil the holotype, Differenti adliagnosis :Somewhat resembles S. scoliaopTme (Bkh. i)n the shape and colour forewing in discal All body of and especialiy very similar shape of spot. other part of are differe n(tdar kfore leg, white rnargins of abdominal tergites 2 and 3, anal tuft with two white stripes, etc.). Sgnanthedon scoliaeforme japonicum ssp. n. (Fig 5.) Material :Holotype di : Japan ,Hokkaido, Shari-gun ,Koshimizu-cho ,em, 2. V'II 1,991 ,ex Betula PILztyPh ivalr.l d1'oponica, S.Kawahara lgt, ,coll. ZLMU. Paratypes :1 5i ,Japan, Honshu,Yamanashi-ken, Kitakoma-gun,Masutomi, Kanayama-toge, 22, VII. 1961,T, Saigusalgt.;1?,Japan,Honshu,Nagano-ken,Yatsugadake,Happodai,26,VII.1981,Y. Kishida lgt.;1 9, data holotype, in ZLMU. same a$ all paratypes coll. Description: VLiingspa n30-34 mm. Frons blackish--brown w・ith white band in front of eye NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollogical SSoociceityety oofJfap anJapan gPATENKA 102 Karel andYutakaARITA .".=lik・ El'l' l I .1'・'1iX1i:IX, "lit・, ・ii・' 1111i ii・iii,iil '11lili' i・,・ X l.,",xi・,. '"i:, N i-,,i,., N XK, y5 (],N /"" j[i i"i 4r ,A (tlll' ・tlJ Y ,, ・ - x x/ ' - - /- 13 /t・ Figs.12-1 3.Female genitalia of Sesiida sepecies. 1 2. S .v n a n th e d o"multita?sits sp. n., paratype; 13. S. fakt{itc smp,i in., paratype. (witho uwthite band in nominal form) . Labial pa l p u s b l a c ki sh-brown, yellowish-white ventrally and posteriorly <orange in nominal form ) . F or e w i n g " ri t h ochreous touch Cin nominal form without colour touch) ; 4th abdomina 1 sternite yellow, sternites 5-6 black (in nominal form are sternites 5-6 orange), Anal t u f t b l a c k ( o r a n g 'ein nominal form), Subspecie s.ioponicum is also large rthan nominal f o r 'm , D i f f e r e n c e ms genitalia are not important, it is only ostium bursae in S. scoliaElibrme 1mponicum lower. InScandinavianM,ongolian SiberianS, and east sc o gi a cfo rme also oc'cur examples with black anal tufts and a white band in front of the e y e s . T h i s f o r m ls v・ery common ln NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Clear-Wing Moths from East Asia 103 Mongolia and the Far East, but is in all other characters identica lwith the nominal form and occurs sympatrically, Synanthedon fttku2umi isp. n, (Fig s6, .13) Material : Holotype ? : Japan ,Honshu, Nagano-ken, Kiso-gun ,Agematsu-cho, Kitano ,5. VII. 1987, K. Fukuzumi lgt, ,coll, ZLMU, Paratype: 1 \, Japan ,Kyushu, Sobosan (Bungo), 19. VII. 1931, Esaki and Fujino lgt. ,coll. Entomological Lab., Kyushu University. Descriptio n:Wingspan 23.5mm. Antenna blackish-brown ;labia lpalpus blackish- brown with a few grey scales, white ventrally and posteriorly ;frons brown with strong lustre ;occipital fringe white; vertex blackish-brown with blue lustre ;pericephal ihcairs ochreous. Thorax blackish-brown ;fore leg blackish-brown ,tibia brown ventrally, Hind leg blackish-brown ,on the bases of spurs with narrow white rings, spurs white ventrally, Forewing developedhyalline ETA large, with very good areas ; rounded, with concave outer margin, divide dinto 5 cells, with small 6th cell between veins R4-Rs, more than two times broader than apical area, Costal and anal margins and apical area dark brown, light discal blackish-brown.Forewing without scales; spot narrow, ventrally; costal and anal margin and cubital stem densely dusted with ochreous scales ; outer margin of discal spot with small orange spot, Hindwing with very narrow blackish-brow nouter margin and with narrow blackish- brown disca slpot, which reaches only vein M2 ; fringe slong ,blackish-brown, Abdomen blackish-brown ;4th tergite dusted "rith orange-red scales, its dista lone- third completely red. Anal tuft mixed with white scales. Abdomen ventrally: 4th ster- band distal nite with narrow red on margin. Variabilit yP:aratype has a white spot on the basis of the fore coxa dorsall y.It is damaged, without antennae, Genitali a4 (Fig 1,3): 8th tergite about as broad as long; ostium bursae slightly convexly depressed ;antrum a littl eshorter than ductus bursae ,narrow; ductus bursae straight, narrow; bursa copulatrix ball-shaped w,ith small rounded indistin csitgnum distally, Differenti dailagnosis :Similar to other "red-bandedJ' species in the genus Sb,nanthed oSn.: spatenkai Gorbunov from Georgia ,S. armeniacum Gorbunov from Armenia, S, uvatense (Bart .f)rom S. Ural Mts. and Kazakhstan and S. Pipizitb r(mLeed. f)rom Lebanon, Syria and S, Turkey. In S, spatenk aiis 4th sternite completely red (i nS. only distal ,iitkuaumii margin of 4th sternite recl), S. ztmlense has abdominal sternites 4-7 red and S. Pipi2ijiorme has blackish-brown, all abdominal sternites Sesia (Fig7.) solitera sp, n. Material: Holotype China,Quinghai-ShenMgt,,Riyue, 3500-4000m, 2.VI, 1986,J. cin : Okuma lgt. ,coll. ZLMU. Description :Wingspan 29. 0mm. Antenna thin, black; labia lpalpus black dorsall yye,l- lowish-whit eventrally; frons black with white occipital fringe ;vertex black with a few echreeus scales, Thorax black with long ,whitish-yellow hairs on the whole surface; patagia whitish-- yellow, Pleura black with whitish hairs .Fore leg black ,tarsus yellow, tibia yellow NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan gpATENKA 104 Karel and Yutaka AmTA ventrally, Hind leg black, mixed with ochreous scales, tarsus yellow. Forewing relatively short and broad, hyaline, with black veins and narrow margins, Apical area hyaline ,without scales, A few dark ochreous scales present on cestal and anal margin near base of wing; fringe svery short, black; discal spot narrow, straight, black, Hindwinghyaline black with veins and narrow outer margin. Abdomen black with narrow whitish bands at proximally margins of tergites 4-7; tergites 2-3 in proximal half whitish, Abdomen ventrally: black ,sternites 1-2 black, sternites 3-7 in proximal half swhitish. Female up to date unknown. Genitalia because isknown, were not examined, only one specimen Differentia ldiagnosis :It is not comparable with any other species of genus Sesi ao,n the basis of habitually rernarks. Bionomics habitat and unknown. Similipepsis (Figs8,,11) gunnanensis sp, n, Material :Holotype ti a: China, Noth Yunnan, A-tun-tse, ca 4000 m, 29. VI. 1936, H. H6ne lgt, ,coll. Mus. A. Koenig, Bonn. Paratype: 1 cl, same localit y2,5. VI. 1936. Description: Wingspan 21.5rnm. Frons whitish; vertex black; occipital fringe black; antenna dark brown dorsall yp,edicellu swhite ventra!ly; labia lpalpus brown, apical parts of segments 2 and 3 mixed with white scales ventrally. Thorax completely black; legs black; hind tibia and tarsus white posteriorly ;spurs white, Forewing dark brown with purplish gloss, base and disca lspot darker; there are only small hyalin eareas between veins M3-Cui and Cui-Cu2, the latte rone is very indistinc tand small. Hindwing hyaline; veins and very narrow outer margin dark brown; posterio rhalf between veins Cui-Cuz and outer part of anal area are scarcely dusted with dark brown scales; cilia grey. Abdomen black ; tergites 3, 6 and 7 with narrow orange distal margin, the ring on 6th tergite are broader than the other; lst segment moderately narrowed distall y2,nd depressed,3rd 4thbroadly Abdomen extremely slightly expanded, expanded. ventrally: black ,2nd sternite white, 3rd and 6th sternites bordered orange distally. Female unknown. Very Genitali adn (Fig.11 )U:ncus long with acute tip ,tegumen broad; gnathos sharply gpatenka; protruded, similar as in S, tahizazva iArita & valva typically curved, on whole surface with exception the base with unspecialized long hairs; saccus very broad, rounded at tip; aedoaegus slightly longer than valva, very broad at base, considerably narrowed apically straight, with two teeth. gpatenka, Differenti adliagnosis :A littl esimilar to S. takizawai Arita & but differe nitn many characters. In S. inkieawai there are a littl deeveloped PTA and ATA too (blackish- brown in S. yunnanensis); in S. inkizawai abdominal sternites 3 and 6 black (wit horange bands in S. yunnanensis), etc. S. lasioce rHamps,, from Assam, the only one known 0riental NII-Electronic Library Service

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