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NEW DIRECTIONS INE CONOMIC AnthropolCougyl,t uarnedS ociety ANTHROPOLOGY SeriEedsi tors: DrR ichaArd.W i lsoUnn,i versoifSt uys sex ProfesTshoorm aHsy llaEnrdi ksUenni,v ersoifOt syl o Womeifn Lae sCsoesrt : FemaLAlbe o,uF roreEixgcagnhne a nPdh pipilniDee vpemleont SYLVICAH ANTA NDC ATHYM cILWAINE SUSANA NAROTZKY EthralniNdcat iitoyn alism: AwrhpooglilocP aesrpectives THOMASH YLLANDE RIKSEN SmaPlallc, eL sargIes sues: AnI HrtodutcSoto ilcoa innaC du latAlun hrrtoopglyo THOMASH YLLANDE RIKSEN Anthooprgly,oD evpemleoaHHttd h Peo ste-mCm hoadglel en KATYG ARDNERA ND DAVIDL EWIS Powaenrid tD sig suises: AHtohoporligclPa eserpctOiHPv oewse r JOHN GLEDHILL AnthprogoliocPaeslerp ctoinKv iensps hi LADISLHAOVL Y Anthrloopifgot yh See lf: ThIedu iviiduCu ualltP uesrerpaclt ive BRIANM ORRIS HumaRguih tsC,u leta unCrdo utext Pluto Press 4� AnrtpohlooglPi ecraspectives EditebdyR ICHARDW ILSON LONDON· CHICAGO,I L AJ osAen tonsi6ol,o Firpsubtl is1h99e7bd yP luPtroe ss 34A5r chywR aoaLdo,n dNo6n SAA an1d3 46W esRta ndolph ChicaIglloi,6n 0o6i0Us7S ,A CopyriSguhstaN naar ot1z99k7y © Theri gohfSt u saNnaar ottzobk eiy d entaistf haieue tdho oftr h is worhka bse eans sebryht eeirdna ccorwdiatnthchC eeo pyright, DeisgannsPd a teAnct1ts89 8. BritLiisbhrC aatrayl ogiunPi unbgl icDaattiao n A catalroegcuoferot rdh bioso ikas v aiflraobml e thBert iiLsihb rary ISB0N7 45037175h bk LibroafCr oynr geCsatsa loignPi unbgl icDaattiao n ' NarotSzuknsyaa,, Newd irecitnei coonnsoa mnitcho rloopgsya/nNSaaur otzky, p.c m-. (Anthrocpluotluoargnesyd o, c iety) Incliunddeesx . ISNB 0-734-5017-75( hard)c over 1E.c onoamnitch ropIoS.le orgiye.s . GN448.N13979 7 3036-.dc12 96-48054 CIP Desigannepddr odufcoPerld u to Press by ChasPer oducSteirovCnih cdaelsi,n gOtXo73n L,N Typefsreodtmi bsykS tanDfToPrS de rcveMisi,tl oKne ynes PrinitnGe rde Baritt ain CONTENTS AckHowledgemetzts IX IHtrodHcBteiooynn:Ed c onomAinct hroyp olog 1 1 Production 8 Thee csoystem 8 Tecnholioclgpa rocesses 18 Accse srteos ources 25 Theq uesotf'i owno riknW' e stseorcni eties 35 2 DistributainodnE xchange 42 Foromfrs e ciparnordce idtiys tribution 42 Excahnge 52 Criculation 71 Markceltut uorrme a rkseyts tem? 86 3 Consumption 99 Definciosnnugpm tion 99 Thec nosumputniiotn 141 Whahta ppenst hwceino tshuimnp utniiotn? 192 Beyotnhdde o mteigscr obuopnu daries 183 Produwchiinclgnoe s uming 174 4 SociaRle production 185 Producantrdie opnr oduction 158 Socrieaplr oduction 196 � ," .; / .ConlcusioLno:c alCu lturaen dE conomicM odels 109 . ' T'h ec assteu ldoylcp: a roceisnts hceeos tn rsucotfi on . labocuparil/tr aelations 191 VB VIll NewD irieMciltns o nEocAmlrilcoph oorylg RWMeoodtkr.eeh �olpmfsaekp. nnmr aegoln lfayceonsaeltdr'i saa Ns bre aoiEwcnuac acdrnopl !inira IsoteCs a0malsr t·la gi t.aoimnos .n,as t I222O101n361 Riferences ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Idnex 224 242 Somyee aargsoR ,i chWairlds eodni,ot fo rts herisisue gsg,e tshtaetd wriatb eo ookne conoamnitch ropTohleco hgayl.lw eanasgp ep ealing I becatuhsbeeo owka mse anttob eb otahni ntroduuncitvoerrys ity levteelx tbaonoadkt hought-pwroorvakott k hisenc gh ollaervleyl asw elIlht.a tsa kael no ntgi mfeom re t ow riatb eo otkh aIht o,p e, comes tcotl hoiesn ei itnitaeln Ith iaovdneos n.me y b esantId a lone amr esponfsotirhb rele es uMlatnspy.e ople, hhaovwmeea vdteehr i,s book poosfstwieibntl hebo euitan wga orfei t. Iw anttot hamnykf itresatc whheorc so ntriebaurotlnety do g ive mea c erttauironnft hougMhetr:c eMdoelsl eJd.KaPl,.o steJrae na nd FeutIra alyws.ao n ttot havnekrs yp ecsioamlueln yi veprrsoifteys sors whow hercer uciinma yld evelopamsae nan ntt hropJoelsoguiss t: Contrewrhaois n,t rodmuect eoed c onoamnitch ropRoalyongay ; Rappw,h op ointtote hdse i gnifoiffc eamnicaneni ds tg ender issues ina nthropWoillolgiyRa;om s ebewrhroiy n,t rodmuect eoad particeunlrairclphyei rnsgp eocftt ihveMe a rxitsrta diitni on anthropology . But many ostchieernt tesiaoscctfrhisiea,erl nsa ,dnc sdo llehaagvuee s, tob et hankDeodl:oC rosm aJso,a n FArlibgeoGrlatelo,v Maanu,r ice GodelMiaerrc,Gi oanld aErl,i zaHbaentdhm aNni,e vHeesr rero, UbalMdaor tinezL oVueridMgeeasn, d ePza,zM orenIos,i doro MorenPoa,bP laol enzRueeylnPaaa, s tJouraL,nu iPsi ntGoosn,z alo Sanazlo,lft hegma vmeet hoep porttuodn eivteyml yot ph ougihnt s seminaandrdis s cussions. FinaIlw laynt,tot havnekr syp ectihaolfslreyi ewnhdohs a vree ad ord iscupsasroetftds h beo oRko:b erBtloaJ tetsC,uo sn trGearvaisn, Smitahn dI gnaTseir raIda amsa .l sdoe epilnyd ebttoRe idc hard Wilswohnoh abse eanv erpya tiaenntdth oroeudgihat nowdri thout IX x NewD ireocntisiEn oc noAmnihrtcoo oplyg whomt hbeo owko u.l d XIn.BSo o tht IehaS 'dn J. e Pfftr a'sst utg g. ness tIO hMayvbf eea e.amgn JIr ol,ehsyAae,entl I t .pnot n BhrIreeou v,ani noosLd ftiu e hocfi mmna a Iy sm ,ap naur.Ms eecnrntcpset,d. e s SaunNpdop aronmrhdata np pamsaneindsmsdV sat im nevoyyrit ahtnehabri,e nI eta gnhc hs aoa.tvnn heskse t aomalu nlrot.cf e INTRODUCTION:B EYOND ECONO MIC ANTHROPOLOGY Firaws otr,od fc a utTihoiinnss.o a tb oooknt hHei stooEfry c onomic AnthropIotiln soo gatyne . xa hustpirvees enotfta htteih oeno retical peprescttihvhaeatsv e abseseodncw iiattthhe e 'econoofsmt iucd'y field withtihanec adedmiiscc iopfAl nitnher op(oflaovo rig eyw t hoens e seOer t1i89z3C ;l amm1e89r51 ,89 7K;a hn and1 9L8lM1oo,bn eiroat 197R6o,s eb1e9r8rM8yo) ts.t heorlpe etriscpaewcibtleilc v leasr ified alotnhgre o uhtoew,e ver. Thibso oikn tetnobd eas oj urneIywt.a nttobs r icnlgot soew ria d er pubtlhimeca icno ncdeepbtasat,nqe dus e stthihaoatnvb see erne levant tot huen derstoafn dhiponewgo polreg atnhiesmes efoltrvh ees produacntrdieo pnr odouftc htmeia otne groioaadlns sd e rvtihcaets maklei pfosesi bIltaesi. im ts h reefifrostltopd ,r: o vtihdceeo ncaelp tu toonlescs eatsrofy o llow tmh'oees cto noaofnm tihcr'o dpeoblaotgeys ; secotnopd r,e sseonmotef t hedseeb attheistr;opd u,ft o rwmayr d vieowfw hatthp er escehlnalte nagrieen's e conaonmtihcr'o pology. Int hcihspa teI r wtirylt lod efine, tbhsreci oeopflftey h ,te e rm 'econoamnitch'r oiapniso ht la doseg vy elioanpc eadd edmiiscc ussions durtihnlega f sityf etayTr hsiw.si b lefl o llboywa ena dt tetmonp atr row thaer eoafd iusscstioo nc oan twehxetrl eol ca angdl ombaatle lr ia proceasreseme bse didnhe ids tloc roinccasroelctr ieea latMioornes . sepcifitchaselujl beyoc,ftt h biosow kib lepl r eseantsth deerd it voew ard ana lll-uisnaicppvreo atcomh a telriifuaselt-,as pirnoicnegts hsreosu,g h thues oeft hceo ncoef'sp otic arle proodnuT'ch.tre ie asobneihnign d theem pahsoinss ocrieaplr odiutsch tiaicttoo nrn itbuttobe rsi dging dulaissmusca hts h eob setweena nmmdia ccraropo p arcohmeast,e rial ancdlu truaple rspeacntmdio,vr geees n e,rb aeltlwy'ee ecnonoamnyd' 'scoie'.It nyeddet,h edsuea lhiasvbmees c oamm eaj oorb sttaosc olcei al scniteiusntdse'r nsgto afln idfie-supsrtoaciensisnegs . 2 NewD irieocintnEsc HoomAincrt ohopglyo 3 Itndruocotni rbeeBleutanttfrt oiyte rih ltsnemeotudg at se t t aewrlrtiyf iot gaa hecl oatt rfr sle o iauvlgiiihnt nagi oin efdyhss e o ioawenc ta n ihnceafetotni huydetrn rloohted poea,owrl lte hitohdathge viaiseetse s t s Stota0. b r:lltc as!'a'1tl t l 0h fOewe nna dn(istP's.som la1at59new7yrh:iie2 sian9retl a3ee 'l;q Ds uaotil hrte1eo 79snu1m [saa91et 6 e:5mor3]efi1a a)nl s aroer ganitsherdo usgohc iraell atiionan r se guallatrh ocuhgahn giwnagy . Thsid enfiitiroenm aiwnist hinm eaan s-ends/wantso-ns atisfacti y'eeTach.roeF dsn ooorRmbm .ayy,ai' onn �hft' h(e r9c1oo7pn0eoocl)mahoonia nggtscoie h msnriteocsrp aomaatlunneoctddgthdh yh er'edbo eapfiftonoelpoir orvt goieiyffimrot fa nhftr eoyi c luys elm'onsgoa t.tt.u lCw ar1tv h 1 a' ,-i o ncfnsoho et hree i cmstostonc ro oaeramlfian iiecdcmsrt p oilcviia-icantttildhoytt ha e Jcl'nS oa y r nb e.dsd n,e lt rtrdsl.oaue O,fc mmp.n tvar s eno rddls/u'.aasc nd ut plpOlny, onr esouraclel ocaatnidop nr odudcits tribauntdir oens otnst he ditsruitibona ndc onsumptoifmo ant ergioaolda sn ds ervlIc�ter se.s ents, 'acceptoaftn hceve i etwh atth el ogoifcs carciiostp ye ratoivveetr h e howevers,e velir nateresptoiinngts :t hfefi orcsuotsn, m 3�aYlnle� ds wholrea ngoefe conompihce nome.nM ao'reover: san do lmcce ioanatss;tle ytca;onind tntd hhu,iei ir dtdeho,aatf tth h iieessd c oonneio nmaa ynsam. p s rt.lo totcun.hetla alsls' tsdu s e sa tna dm s wthhietl hesme ia gtioneaftdirl hifie emcc eaonnnoscoiftiesms ho eey ence t onoln iioientmrs hye teg r aaarnsadsbo eaafwcds htf iaieiictcoit uhns r s e , threefosroe csitarlulwcyat yuM.o rreedov ePro,l anaynidh, ifso llowers compoasnetddh eorrieefnt he quraetlliiaotpnysws hohific h ttrhaeniossneas c t poiendtt ot hfea ct itn�ho a�-tm ar�tki ntegrastoecdi etthieeec so,n omy creeaxtper,e ssa,n mdso udsi(tfY91a.7i 0n: 4) ise mbdedeid no thesrO Clmaslt ltutalnOdcn asn nobte a nalyassead Thivsi eowf tshceo paen dm ethoodfe conomainct hropotleongyn ed seGproaadterele itaealrkm e.os v emr osto ft hes ubst.a.n ,tp lrvolpsotssl talnOdn s 'fonnahlaibsse te'cn r iticoints heegd r ountdhsai tta ppltiheeso retical redefitnheesmw ithai!yi na rxifsrta mewoTrhke.e conomiysd efined critedreivae lofpreodmt hea nalyosfci asp itsaolciiset(t siceasr ocfi ty theans a s erioefss o ciraell atpiroensseb nott ihn a s pecidfoimca ionf resouracletse,rn aatlilvoec aptrioocne smsaersg,i untaill miottyi vation) activ-ittiheaostf t hep roductdiiosnt,r ibauntdic oonn sumption of toa lslo cieatliolev setr h weo rlpda,sa tn dp res.eA nltthougrhet liaoipnss h matergioaold -sa nda sa ' partiacsupleaocrft haulmla na ctivtihtaite s betweeinn dividauraehl isg hligahstt ehdes ignifaiscpaenoctft t he don otb elonignt hemseltvote hsa dto maibnu tt hef unctioonfi ng economtyoa nthropoltohgeissaetrs ce,o nceiivnea d ' transactionalw'h icihn voltvheees x chanagnedu seo fm aterial (g91o7o:d41s0'4) . mode( Bla1u89 2T)h.eb aspirco bloefmt hipse rspecitsti hvaseto cial InG odeliveire'wsi, t tihses ocisatlr uctoufar s eo cietthye', l ogic relatairopene sr ceiavsae nde xacgnheof s oci'avla luoeras,l' t ernativelyo,f i tsso ciraell atitohne's r'e,a lisoaftt hieso onc ianlelcye ssary ends', asa ttriboufet xecsh anagcet bse,i ntgh ereftorreea taes'd u tiltiot ies' 'the bfeutntcetri oonfai lnslgo cisatlr uctkuirnessh,pi opl,i trieclsi,g ion, bem aximisiendt hes amef ramewoorfks carcaintdy alternativeet ct.h'a ste tmsa terial a'nndet ehdems e'a nosf ' satisfaicnat ion' allocaatsai noyno therre source. concrestoec igarlo unTdh.e h istorciocnadli tioofen mse rgenocfae Anothveire wo fw hate conomainct hropolsohgoiusfltodsc uosn particsuolcaicrao ln teaxrten ote xpliciinttleyg rianth eidst heory, iss uggesbtye� do lan(y91i5 7an)dh ifso llowTehresyp. r opotsweo howeve(rK haann dL lobe1r8a9 :12 9.S9 o)ciraell atbieocnosm teh e distimnecatn inogfst hec onceopft' economOyn'e.i st he' formal' centorfee conomainca lywsiitsh aic no nteoxfst o ciraelp roduction. meaniwnhgi cihsa t heoorfyr atioancatlii onnv olvcihnogi bceet ween Itfh wahti icpsh r odudciesdt,r ibcuotnesdu dmaeenpdde ndsn aoetn u rthe alternautsieovsfe s carrcees our(cFeisr tdhe'fisn itiFoonr)t .h em, anodn t hheei raorfcn heyei dnass ocitehteeync, o noamcitcii vosir tgya nically howevetrh,im se anicnagno nlbye a ppliinea ds ociwehteyr teh mea rket, titeod otthhepe orl irteilciaglci,uo lutfsuma,ri alalyc, t itvhicatotim epso se mechaniisstm h ed ominamneta nosf a llocaltainndlg,a bouarn d witihtt h ceo ntoeflne iti fsnt hsaotc iaentdyw htioic gthi vtehsme a terial good.Ts her e(aoslru btsitcvaoenn)ce opfet c onomsyh oubledm eaningful meaonfsr e aloin(s.Ga otdie1l79i41e4:r7 ) fora nys ociewthya,t evietrfs o nno fa lloca(toirdo ins tribuitsi.o n) Howevearl,t houignGh o deliveire'awsl slo rotfss ocisatlr uctures Accordinigntl hye',s ubstasnetnitsvheee ' econcoamnby ed efinaesd: --,. mighhta vae n' economaiscp'e ctth,ee conomsyh oubleda nalysed ani nstitutiinotnearlbaiecsttewideom anen n anedn vtihreo tnhmaetn t startfirnogtm h es ociraell atoibotnasi niintn hgep ropeercloyn omic provais duesst parionveidos fmia otnem reiaafnlorst hsea atcitsoiffwo ann ts. domoafip rHo ductdiiosnt,r ibauntdci oonns umpt(i1o7n941 :5 1). 4 NewD irieocitltnEsc toloAmHirtcoho pglyo Ittrlocdtuiotl 5 CritioqfGu oedse lviieerw' s( KaLhlno b1ae9nrd8aA 1 s;a1 d79 4) (te r mde' modoer'so f'r mosfp' r oductthiawoetnr a)er tic.iu nla a ted chlaavpieom iehndjt estisdthnse oao vrytottepa u rrktiaoe nlbnat l wcoeic mtoshThu ih nascetp o .pan rccohcrF.oei ntriidsettiti s,o ns Pcountsec iptrm'leosyt c,hifq eaoru lme asttwi(iatowoshnihn a'sae t , t rthceheodaerpmil elff,re hexmin,ost dt Ieo�S rsrOf ioCr�c)Is.a e ty ofp roducotfai neo xni sstoiicanslgt ructthwuear yie n,w h ipcrhe sento fpr odcutiroent aainan� teod?n m�osd �iti�np catforh �goamstmhge Ir 'bulneodsfr elatiroenlstahopti aepos snt'e h san sop laicnhe it sh eory.c ontiintouyrw, h etthheeraI rrt lCuIlmapnltoIlnese dsc aean lc�yoo mn, Secotnhdec,ir ri tuinqdueer alp irnoebscl oenmc erannitnhgr opoloigtneyr deenpdeannmtdu tuatrlalonyrs mfipnagto hfs ocriperaold uc.t IOn morgee nrealtlhyia:stt , h aes sumpotfti houenn iverreslaelvo afn ce AsIw iblrli epfloyi nt otuhtde e lbaawtateeserm ,b edmd ebadr oader somcea tegsourcaihs'e esc moyn'o',k ins'hpiopl'i',tri iegcli'sto 'hn,a t �hilopshiocaarlg ument dealing waintcdho nacbrsettrea ct models h�aeb ecobmoeu nded domainsa coafd esdmtiiuscidc nyie p.ol f etahtleii oefss ociaentwdyi ,tt hh ien rtafecbee twetehaneb starnadc t ThIlse atdos a tshseu mptth'ia otan dfiiseotlfsid on ccaitca tliw vhiitcyh thceo cnrete. cabne c arvoeuodtf t hteo taolfsi otcyri ealla teixoiansnstd's bcea n Twoa speocftt hFser enMcahr xidsetbsa't esb ehs ihgohullidg hted studiinie sdo la(tKiaoahnnnL dl ob1e98r1:a3 0l9a)tt,eo br er elated hereO.n t hoen eh anIdw anttos trtehsesii nrc retahseionrge tical tot hoet hceart egionar' isetsr uc'tourrgeoadrn'' is,cy 's tewmaayt.i c'�r eoucpcatwiiotsnho crieaplr odourtc hteio o'nfml oatwisoo fsn o'c ial �neo� t hpee reninsisaiulnea sn thropiosul noqguiyeo sntatbhley otasliO.tn ti heoet hhearn tdh,pe r obloeftm h inkiiHtn hageb r satct dIscuasbsoItuOhtnse t aotftu hsce a tegtohrsaiotec ssi cailie shntatsv e contcehr iestosroicrcieaaalll ciotniteistn obu eei,snm yo piniaonn , forgeidnt h'e· ooufra scea demic cdoembpaattrooee t dha 'ces or mmon­ unreesdmo eltvhodoilsosgTuihceefa.sa l c inawtitiahob ns tmroadcetl s sencsaet'e gtohraite estn hceoyuo nrtt ote hrre e lailv reedl atpiso nshiisd irleyrc etlattoAe l'dt husrseeardo'ifsnM ga r(xA lth1u69s9s,e r ftorhmtauht.le m ayuotsefIttx Oh pfnelor Tamhieelonr an. cse rttsih ;tai mitsiGq ,gou ahdepte p leariaseepir lrav aa'ri ts(as Admso axdi cap1lr79 o4Bd;ual nci'tbS1ia 69ors9 ti)inras aus s ceottt(ru xfieurrdcaec tl ofuinsasnhtei cwobthneie torawnem eas oeg dn�eseo on ff 19.47:�42)w hereea csho ciiecsto yn ceaisav nea du tonosmyosutse m producatnmideo anon fs prodwuhcitcciahob nned efinaersde l?naSt I settImtngse eadnshd e nce oregcaonniosamitcinicvgi i natm ya nner ofp rodounc.to irIdnte oer x iisntt h ceO Hctrhesett reu,c rteuqrUeI res unreltaoot tehsdeo rc ileotgiTeihsci'ispss . a rtilycr uellaebrveacnatu se as uperstorfpu ocltiuatrnieidc d aelo lorgeilcaatBliu otbn esc.a use aWsa ller(s91t7e41i,89n0 F)r,a (n91k6 7W)o,l( f9182a)no dt hhear�vs therseel atairoen sd eneemceedts ost haCerM yl cerxeitseto efn cteh e showtnh,le o goifc uamcuclatthiaootrn i giinnEa utoerpdae n sde t stcrtuutrheea ylh saov teob ea ccoufnorit nte hdae b stmroadceTtlh .e re fortthh oer ganiosfea ctooinmoinac tc iviitnsi peescw iafiyrcse ached itsh eanno pposbiettiwotenhe aenb starnadc ctto hnec erxeptree ssed dirleyoc rit nditrlayelo clv etrhw eo ralndpd r oounfdltyr aonrsmfed int hbea se/supermosdteralun cdit ntu hrneee eodfa na bstract wh�aevesroi caslt rucotreu croenso smyisct meimgshh ta veex isted prefidneitoifaoc no ncoef'tp htee c onoamsi acau'nt onoimnosutsa nce prevIoaunsdl yw hatevemri grhhetal voaebt tiaoinbnsee tedwe n (olre voefal n)sy o csitarlu cture. reilvaetdliys tpionlciottr gi reosu ps. Them odeplo sbeesof rehaas nedot fp redefisnoceridea lla tions OthFe�re nMca�hi satnt hropohlaovgei smbtoesrep enr eoccupied( encoomipco,l itical, ideoalsco ocgneipctaouljba)el ca ttnhsda, t appear byt hree alItthIyem poafoc fWt e stcearpni teacloinsotim nin eosn ­ thuasc hiitte hvreee si ficoaftio'oclna lains'deb do'u nrdeegdi�'oe nvse ls, c(aMepiiltslao1alc89sii2sse tot7t[uh 5i1xrR]e9 oe;sucyi 9go 7h1lT ;oen ariynr1a dna6l9 e9 oT)lch.ooe nviipirarei lowts c h easts esii nnaat s notc)tteTa.ywshl heii'siclehshe i vasertsleo(us rAb'ils ctelahq1yluub6,9 seu9 ns1nt:ee2t 9 cr-er 3Asi)llsa.tyar hu,tu laisacnstdee rd int� ese sfoorcmiaatli( otnhisasc t,o nchriestteo rreiaclasilet vieersa)l hifsol lwoerhso,w evaelrfs,leo st t rotnhgnele ye tdot ranstcheinsd , �od�eo fp rodu(cttihoaantb sitssrt,ar cutct toutraeladir ateri teisc)u latefdar mgenattitohnr otuhgeehm phaosn'i rse prodouftc htteito oanl'i ty m ah Ierarwcahyti:hc ceaa lp italoifps tr odmuodcsetu iboonr dinate(sBl airb1 a6998:22-238,9 I)d .o nwoitst hoe ntmeorr dee elpyh ere thneo n-pictaamloidsets . inot tAhlet heursidsaenb aIw tiejl.ul ps oti tnoit ti sn fleuncienM arxist oafT hulmetao aimrtnyh eorqeuteiscwtahilio acnrh o rseev oalrvoeudtn hsdet atus anrtohploogoynt hoen eh and thirteosxue cgshs itvheeloyr etical oft hdei stsiconicatol rlgya nlieis-fesdu stparionciensgs ese mphasoinas b stsrtarcutcw thuircaehrst e h etnr eaatsoe bdj seo;c nt 7 NewD itreicoinnEsc no omAitcrl otoophlgy 6 Itnrdouction tohf'oe ot vhheearrnd pdea,tr eardbmoyinx tnoihancrt-aoieliuocltignoysdh'n, ieo o nfatms hifteuca (n nidcdaeemsroe olnlotega ilc p19ra8ole2cs,:s 5a(e4ndcest) ra h tsiaihsnvo deua/ rlloedbsrs eo iu snftdo�aersnr)tcsa hetspa�a o atokro pdetflt hacAecos eW.n .o c lrfe te politeitc)cai .lna, l clo ncrheitset ofroircmaalt (iAolntsh usser hassh owinnE uroeap ntdhP ee oWIptlheHIo suttow ryem, u stth mk 17941:21-1,32401-)A.n df,o lloBwainnaIgwj iipl rlo ptohsaet : b(1o9htg8) l2 obaanlldlo yc ailwfle wy a_ nt tou nderswthaa�ntad p peanleld overt hweo lr,dw em ustth ihnikosi rtlcalWyo.ls fa oyfsh IbSo otkh at: modepsr oodfu acrtieim opnet nreaabtl elt ehvoeefs l i mapblsett iroaTnchse. procoef'ts rsau beas cttriisosin m'u ltaanp erooucosef'lscysco rneitoionsf'a t hopteods e litnhegeae tneep rraolca ewtso sri knm ercaanntcdia ltpeai list thdee finiotfsi poench iifisct olraofiwmc soa tli (oBlajlni1.a7 9 7:9) Id�tev u�lelo :Saptms,iewt onhuntidbsa liy tttee hh deee t hhtsniiaosmmfteloeo l aronaiwdtnal htnIeehs1ifr grfo . oep nMcotyt lhvms oei.l g e.c0i fw rs ot­s. ThuIsa ,mm orien terienhs itgehdl isgohctriieanplgr odutchtei on, ep roceasntsdhe esi r ihesif sfteocrtiiscn ta hslee, n osbfheu i ts taosar ny movemetnhtr owuhgihca ch o ncrheitset osroiccriaealal ls iettthyse anatliycaaclc to unofd etvheel opomfme antte nraeIllO antmso,1v l1g condiftoiirotc nsos n tiannucdio tnyt tariannss forwmiatthtiihonen s siumlatneoyou nst lhlee voeftl h een comsplsaIy1sgs taenomdn t hffi1ec ro- limoifatd so minlaongti c. lev(e91l8.2 :23) Upt ot hpiosi Inh ta vber iperfelsye tnhmteae iddn e batthesasht a ped Andt hiiwssh aItt h i'nekc onoamnitch'r oposlhoogudilesdat ls with thfei eolfed c onoamnitch roptohlfeoo grym:a list/substanitnti hvceios ntc rcdeaetsbteeah ste ey (stcSu.md iyt1 h89 33:44-7). antdh dee bawtiet hMianr xist anthrIow pioflloloc ogunyts .h e Now Whatt,h einst, h fer amewIop rrko pofsoterh 'iesc onomic' basic tihdafetoa rtsmh ceo ntienxw th icmhy o wnt heoreticaanlto hproloOgynt? h oen hea nd,r etjheeco tfti hioedn oe faas eparate perspeicestm ibveed ded. eocnomliecv oerbl o undreedg ioofen c onosmoiccri ealla toi,ro ns Iw anttob riepflrye stewncotu rroefnt thso utghhwatit bl elm ore activsietetimoesm s ea fi rasntnd e cessstaeOrpny.t hoet hhearn: Id: fuldleyaw litti hnC hap4t.Teh rfe icrusrtr ent centthwreo ersk arofueniedtil su setfoun la rrtohwse c oopfet h'ee conotmoti hcSe'O CIal ofE.PT.h ompsaonnRd . W illiwahmods e velaoc peerdts atirna nd relaitnivoonlisv nte hpder oducatnrideo pnr odoucfmt aitoelnri i'fa.el , ofM arx'asnG dr amstchio'usgT hhteesim.rp haosnhi usm aenx periencet hrotuhgoehr ganiinsteedr aocfht uimoaann nsd naAtnudlr�,se tI.,, anadg enpcoyi tnott shm ea teroifca olnistcyi otuots hnieem spso,r tancew oulwda ntto p ufto rwtahriedd etah aftoh ru mapno pulatlOns ofc ultaunrodef t hpee rsoennavli ronimnte hnceto nstrauncdt ionm aterreilaalt ionbset hceaonrneosttei pcaarlaltyte hdec iufrlr toumr al transforomfta htesi oocni al rtehlamatat kileoi nfuses -tsaininge xpreswshiiocinhnts, u ranr,me a terpiraoldluyac needdm bodied. procepsossessi ble. Ip roptohseetn,ot, a kase o mewphaarta dorxoiutcthaewal it sl tla rt Thes ecocnudr rdeenawtli stt hht ee nsbieotnw leoecnaa nlgd l obal witthh' ec laasnsailcdy'it viicos fit ohenec onopmriocc iensttsoh e mateprrioacle Isnst ehsri.es s pietsc hto ublynd o wb ec letahraa t distmionmcetn otfsp roducdtiisotnr,i abnudet xicohna nagned, capitaloifas ctc ulmouglhiaacrts ei aocnth hefeda rtchoersnotef tr hse counmsptiaonndw, i leln di nt hael l-encomfipealosdfss oicniga l worlHdo.w i,nt hsiesv ecreanlt ulroinpegrs o ciehtsa sts,r ansformerde opdrucnt.Ai teo veproyi Inw ti plrle stehcneot n ceapnitdss s ues that thoen goiloncgaa nlrd e giloongasilhc osu bletd h mea iinn teorfe st haevb eeand dreis'nse ecdo noamnitch ropaonlIdwo igtlyrl'ty os how presen'te-cdoanyo amnitch'r opForloomg yp.te hrissp etchtei ve how thoer igsienlafl- ecnactleogsboerrdei daeoksw ann gdi vwea y dispaubtoewu hte tehxecrh arneglea itinaow nosr ldcwoindte(e Fxrta nk toon ea onthiencr o ncrheitset osroicpciraaollc esses. Wallerstein orp roductioni nar l eolcaatli ons 1697; 17941,89 0) cont(eLxatc laua rteh kee tyo c onceptu'acltaiapsliiiansngmd ' 1791) thuass sertthdieen ggr oefpe e netroaftt hiceoa np itlaolgiiinsctat o socfioarlm atsieoenmt,som en ow vaa iann d caesxueirsctiisce . Moreocvaepri,t alisotfp rroedluacmttiiigoofhnnits en xdp reisns ion multiple codnrcarwtentoc e a pfiaotcracmlus m ulbautdtii offne rent frotmh' ec lasfsriwecaeag llea' b oruerl a(tGiooond maanRdne dclift Production 9 arteeh l inwkh icrhe laltievbsie nign agnstd,h eoscec iunrac ertain, prdeitcabwlaeyT .h em ethodolforgaimceawilots r hkao tfa s ytse,m wheerc leadrilsyt ingeuliesmheaanrbrteles el aitnwe hdai tms e antto 1 PRODUCTION beaf unicotnitnogt aTlhieut nyd.e rliydieitnashg att,o i ltestfehltef, tentdosw aerqdu iliablrtihuomnu,osg tht aetqiuci liIbtr ium. system folwlosfr omt htihsta htse p ecaideaispn tt hsee c sotsteyoem n vironmental chanbgreosu agbhotbu ytt heeff ective enetrhgryo tueigxmhce h anges antdh uen prediccattaabslt-erd oipshceosn t-itnhucaiattbn ie efsa ll ansyy stAedmpa.t attoti hocenh angeinnvgi rolnemaetdnoasrt enewed Thicsh apwtieblrel g biynp resewnhtaiitnos gf ttehno uogfha tst he unsteaqbuliel iTbrrainusmf.o rimtsah tupisao ronfte cosysItites m s. mositn escampaatbealrnyiod ab lj ecptaiorvftte hp er oducptrioocne ss:r elgrah,uo wevbeerc,a tuhseeeff ecotfe sl emenetxacrhya ngbees can theen vironTmheean rtg.u mweindltel v eelvoepn tiunatalco lr yi tiqued escrainbqdeu da,n tivtaartiiatvtheie ormneasoyt f h ehna vper edictable oft hnea iavhei stnoortiicooafan'l sg ivneant'ue rnavli ronIm ewnitl.l resiunlt thosev erall syasstseumm.p stThihooeubnslested h ouogfh t suppionrstt tehapede rspetchtatithve een vironimsae lnwtta hyes atsh meo smta teripaolloiefas nat pipcr otaoec cho noamnitch ropology. prodoufsc otc hiiaslt oprrioccaelss siemsic.lr iatrwi iqbluelpe r esented A Iitbs o tahu seful psotiaannrtadt m ientgh odoldoegviiWcceaew l.i ll fo'rt echnotlhovege yrm'ya, t emreidaila tion between humans and seient hfeo llocwhianpght oewri, nf actthc,eo nttehxcatot n strains theeinrv ironTmheeln atts.wt os ectoifto hncesh apwtieflrol c ouns anidas c tuepdo bny h umabne inignts h esiera rfcoahrl iveliish ood social trheaeltfa ftdeiicofftne sr enatrioau'tnpidro ond ucHteiroen '. socainadhl i stoorniewc,ha elr ceu ltaunrdma alt erfioarlcae rse alsIw oi ltlrt yos hofwo,e rx amptlheag,te nder-dliivniksoeifdo ns a entanignald eida lepcrtoiccoeafcsl os n tinturoaunss formation. laboaurre nnaottu Trhaecl h.a pteern dww iitalhl l o ndgi scussion Frotmh hiusm aenc olpoegrys petchteitnvh,eee n, v ironcmaenn t abotuhtce o ncaenptdth ree alitieisnc oonft'ewmoprsokor'ca ireyt ies. bed efiansae s dp awchee rheu maann odt hsepre cpioepsu'l ations Thiwsi lblr iunsug n hesitIah toipntego,tl hyce,o nclutshiatothn e exchaenngeer Fgoyhr.u mantsh,ei xsc habnegceo maem sa ttoefr bounded orfe'gpiroonds uhcotugiliodvwn ea'y t oam orwei de-ranging harnesrseisnogu Wrhcaeitsus .n dersa'tsso poadac n'edr' e soumrucsets ' framework. ber elattohe mUda plolp ulatthiaiotsns ,so ,c ial -parsdo icsetssiensc t froamn oyt hsepre cpioepsu'l a-tiitfoh enecs o loagpipcraoliat sco h THEE COSYSTEM bem eaninignef cuoln oamnitch ropology. Forhu man popsuplaaitcsnie oo stno ms u cahg iven objective Spacreeo;sl lprpocuaeltsi;o ns matefraiacasatll iveexdp eriGeenocger.a pbhaircrcaialebn re sc ome pasto hfc ommunicwaittiho nut shoeef c erttaeicnh nological Econoamcitci avriteth ioesse awrhdeii rcehtc otweadtr hsdea tisfactkinoonw leAd rgievf.eo rer,x ampmlieg,eh itt bheea rni soloabtsitnagc le ofm a�erinaele ds in humaTnh ippseo rpsulpaeptcriteoisnvusep. p oseosra w aterewnaayb ltirnagn sopvoelrrot n dgi staAn ccheasoi.fn theeX Istoefagn icve'e nna tcuornatlae'nex ntv,i ronwmheenhrtue,m an mountiasnio nttsh sea mseo rofto bstfaocarlh eu masno citehtayt groudpwse lwlh,ic ihts h etrobe e a ctuepdo ann fdr owmh icthh ey mastaevrisa tteicohnn aisqf uooern ste h daote nso tD.i stainnafc lea t caenx trwahcaittns e edfeoadrl iviTnhgee. n vironimnte unrwtni ll countrdye peonndt sh mee anosft ransportateitoTcn.h ea vailable, resptoohn udm aanc tion triggering feienod nbea ck mraetseplcro oinnassetsr oiafcsf tpfiaefoccontehrsi u nmgag nr oupsb emr uesltat toe d w�yo ra n�oetrt hdei ffesrpeencttih esasht a ard ee fisnpeadFc reo.m tehk nowleadnagdve a iloafbt ielcihtnyo( ltohigasmyt,a tearritaelf acts t�hsp erspehcutmIaavnresme a intlrye aatsjeu odsn tse p eciinetse ractindrgei vfreodmh umainn telFloeercc to)n.oa mnitch roptohleorgeyf,o re, WItoht her isnps epcaaicneetds h rotuigmhEe x.c hanogfe ense rgy sapecc annboedt e vooifhd u mainn teraction. 8 NewD irieocintnEsc noomAincto hopgrlyo Prdoutcion 11 10 Somethsiinmgih laaprp teonrs seo cue:ars r esoeui rnsco otn eu ntil Theroerfwee m usatc cofuonvrta riaitnfi eornt rialtaiemtsoy n g iitks n otuobm eo nbey ah umagnr ouFpoe.rx am,pt lhmeee reex iscet endfiefretns ociebtuiatel ssw oi tthhisena mseo ci,de etpyendoinn g ofs ommei neirnta hlie n habrietaeoldfma h umagnr oduop enso t dierfefntlai cacteosf so orde souTrhciess .m weesa hnosu elxdp lore makieat r esouFricriestp.tsr , e smeuncsbetek nowsne,c ointudss, e fulp oliictlia ss.iu neo srdteoru ndersmtuacnh'd e colovgairciaalt'i on. MoreoavneIr m,p oratsapnoetfch tu mapno pulaittsih oganrtso wth aspe.cchtousrm alnim fuesb teu nderstthoiotrdhdm,e,e ansh atron ess nugbhetc onscicoounstlriyons l elveedr aWle m wuasbytes a.ir nn Und thaissp meucstb ted iscovaenfrdoe udr tthhse,o coiragla niosfa tion thcaotn tmrioglrh etf neoortn ltyop ractrseirtciiegcnbs tu t taotl hsoos e socimeutsypt e rmtihtee x ploiotfat thireoe ns ouArlcolef t. h ese conditmiaoynn osbt e p resseinmtu ltainenao uhsulmgyar no up.e n1ilacripnogp ulagtrioownAt mho.n tgh orsees trpiocptuilnagt ion Moreupvreorb,at bhleyyn owbties l hla hroemdo genetohursoluyg hougrotw thp,r ololnagcetdpa etriioaonfd tesea rcb hi rstehet mob eaf airly thger oaunptd h dei fferaecnctetosri sea ls ouwricelexlsp rpeoslsi ticcaolm momne thTowdo.f actsoeretsmoc ontrtiodb euctree faesretdi lity anedc onodmiifcf erOennt choeet sh.he arn adl,t horuegsho uarrcee sd uring ltahlceot waretarit ooinHo:ats to b odwye igahnttd h per esence locaitnes dp aacnedw oultdh eresfeoertmeo b ea scritbote hde oft hheo rmone prOotlharecerts itnrmeie.ct thioivndecs l duedlea ying humapno pulaitnihoanbsaip tairntgis cpualtcaherii, nss o gte nerallmya rriaaggfeeo wro menr;i tuparlolhyi biinttienrgc douurrisneg soF.o erx ampwleec ,o uclodn sitdhemera niyn stainnwc heisc h prolopnegreidio ndfsa;n (teiscpiedfceei maaillnlefy a ntainwcdai rdfea)r e. Westienrnd usstorciiahelat vieeex sp lorietseodul rocceaistnT e hdi rld Practeincheasn cfienrgti inlciltnuyud ter ithiaobniaatilsm iantg Worlcdo untOrniceaesg .a tienc,h nolkongoiwclaealdn rgdee l atiolnosw ertihnaegg o ef m enarschhoer;t elnaicntgao trsi uopnp reists ing bet:e",enh ur.nans �oietidewse,l liindn igf fesrpeancbteu sat lwaysa ltogtehtrhoeturhg uehs oef f oosdu bstoirtw uettne usr seianrgl;y mobIalnedm teracmtuIsbvtee t ,a kiennt aoc couDnetm.a nodns marraigafego ewr o men; cfeorrotmfmas ai rnr isaugcaehsm onogamy resouarncde ss ttrhelesi sm ioftnai cntgoo far nes n vironmmuesntt (aosp posteopd o lygwyhniyci)hn crtehacesh ea nocfei sn tercourse therebfeao prper oaacsahc eodm plpeoxl ietciocnaolpm riocc ess.o ccruridnugr itnhfgee rpteirlieoo fod v ulactyicolEnem sp.h aosni s Humangsee tn erfgryor me sou-roctehsse pre cainedms a teriaplr ololnagcetdpa etriioionnmd asn syo cimeatyi eaasil amsit on creasing elemeinnst psa -cbeu htu maanlssp or oduecnee ragnymd i ghbet thceh anocfse usr voifbv aablii nee nsv ironwmheensrtuesb stfiotoudt e themseslovuegashf tta esrr e soubryoc tehshe urm anTsh.ec ontrol iousfn avaiolrsa cbalrec e. human liaosbn ooeuft r hm ea ifno ricnte hsoe r ganiosfsa otciioent iesH.u mapno pulatthieornne,ss ,p toone dn vironfmaecnttsoaurlcs h Ani mporatsapnoetcft t he ec olopgeircsaple ictsth iienv ef luencaess caorrcb eo untriefsuolub rucntee svi enar n ' objemcetcihvaen'i cal o�s paacnerd e souornhc uemsa pnpo ualtiAo pnosp.u lactahinao vne wa.yW em ustth iinntk e romfasp oloipftpo iuacltsi wohniscw hit lalk e dIffe�arteoensf�t o wtohr d eclaisan r ee souflt tha ev ailaobfi liitnyta oc cotuhnsett rucotfpu orweei rn fluenfceirntgmi olribtiyd,i ty, res�oeusmr cae rtlaomc atOinto hnoe.n hea npdo,p ulagtrioownt h mortamliigtrya,et xiporne,ds isffienrgea nctciteaosll so craels ources mayt nggteherex pansaih ounm agonrf o iunptn oe ighboaurreiansg a ntdh ceo ntorfso pla ce. wherne soubrecceosm e scamricgeehn.tc rTohiaincstsh oo moet her groueps'tsa bllioscahatenidwdo i nrl els iuncl otn flict.i afH owever, humagnr oiusspe vecroenlsyt rbaygi enoegrda pbhaircrapiloe prusl,a tioEnng eyirp rultlotuhtqepus uettiif;pM rIo ducectloiovglvii actlavyus:e. growmtIhg ht tolt eeacdh nolcohgainicgnoae rl d teohr arnleoscsa l eOCIlcvO amliue buhti thuenrattot ariensaobu(lrCeca ernse1 i79r0oO) n.t he ohtahnedr thaev ai:rl aobfci elritnauitnr itriesoonuaarlfc feefsce tmsafl eer tiliHtuymane cologyt oes xepeltkahsire ne lationsr ebseotuawrnecdee sn A certraamto IffO aitnb odwye igmhutsb tea ttaiinon reddte ogr e :t populantsii naog ivsepna Tcheer.e laitesix opnr eisnts eerdom fes n ergy reguolvaur.l� n ac ty1clTehsiw.si ldle pennodot n loynt hgee nerale xchansg.Te hea mouonfte nertghya th umaa gnr ouspp enidns amouonHto omdt akea lbosunott h per opoorHtiaottnoo thneurt rientssu bsisatnedon tcheae crt iviisbt aileasn cedt haaegm aoiunonsftt int hdei et. energy ofbotsrau ibnseidsat neodnt chseeo rc piuarlp oTsheihssa. s

'Narotzky is particularly compelling in her discussion of the relation between the counted and unaccounted as it enters practices and ideology in the informal economy, family business and home life' Anthropology Today (RAI) Using an historical perspective, Narotzky highlights the interdependent natu
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