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New Developments in Parsing Technology PDF

407 Pages·2005·12.294 MB·Text, Speech and Language Technology 23
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New Developments in Parsing Technology Text, Speech and Language Technology VOLUME 23 Series Editors Nancy Ide, Vassar College, New York Jean Véronis, Université de Provence and CNRS, France Editorial Board Harald Baayen, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, The Netherlands Kenneth W. Church, AT & T Bell Labs, New Jersey, USA Judith Klavans, Columbia University, New York, USA David T. Barnard, University of Regina, Canada Dan Tufis, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania Joaquim Llisterri, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain Stig Johansson, University of Oslo, Norway Joseph Mariani, LIMSI-CNRS, France The titles published in this series are listed on www.wkap.nl/prod/s/TLTB. New Developments in Parsing Technology Edited by Harry Bunt Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands John Carroll University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom and Giorgio Satta University of Padua, Padua, Italy KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS NEW YORK,BOSTON, DORDRECHT, LONDON, MOSCOW eBookISBN: 1-4020-2295-6 Print ISBN: 1-4020-2293-X ©2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc. Print ©2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht All rights reserved No part of this eBook maybe reproducedor transmitted inanyform or byanymeans,electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without written consent from the Publisher Created in the United States of America Visit Springer's eBookstore at: http://ebooks.kluweronline.com and the Springer Global Website Online at: http://www.springeronline.com Contents Preface xi 1 DevelopmentsinParsingTechnology: FromTheorytoApplication 1 HarryBunt, JohnCarrollandGiorgioSatta 1 Introduction 1 2 Aboutthisbook 6 2 ParameterEstimationforStatisticalParsingModels: TheoryandPractice 19 ofDistribution-FreeMethods MichaelCollins 1 Introduction 19 2 LinearModels 20 3 ProbabilisticContext-FreeGrammars 23 4 StatisticalLearningTheory 26 5 ConvergenceBoundsforFiniteSetsofHypotheses 29 6 ConvergenceBoundsforHyperplaneClassifiers 34 7 ApplicationofMarginAnalysistoParsing 37 8 Algorithms 39 9 Discussion 46 10 Conclusions 49 3 HighPrecisionExtractionofGrammaticalRelations 57 JohnCarrollandTedBriscoe 1 Introduction 57 2 TheAnalysisSystem 59 3 EmpiricalResults 61 4 ConclusionsandFurtherWork 68 4 AutomatedExtractionofTAGsfromthePennTreebank 73 JohnChenandK.VijayShanker 1 Introduction 73 2 TreeExtractionProcedure 74 v vi 3 Evaluation 80 4 ExtendedExtractedGrammars 84 5 RelatedWork 86 6 Conclusions 87 5 ComputingtheMostProbableParseforaDiscontinuousPhrase-Structure 91 Grammar OliverPlaehn 1 Introduction 91 2 DiscontinuousPhrase-StructureGrammar 92 3 TheParsingAlgorithm 95 4 ComputingtheMostProbableParse 98 5 Experiments 101 6 ConclusionandFutureWork 103 6 ANeuralNetworkParserthatHandlesSparseData 107 JamesHenderson 1 Introduction 107 2 SimpleSynchronyNetworks 108 3 AProbabilisticParserforSSNs 110 4 EstimatingtheProbabilitieswithaSimpleSynchronyNetwork 113 5 GeneralizingfromSparseData 117 6 Conclusion 123 7 AnEfficientLRParserGeneratorforTree-AdjoiningGrammars 125 CarlosA.Prolo 1 Introduction 125 2 TAGS 127 3 OnSomeDegenerateLRModelsforTAGS 129 4 ProposedAlgorithm 133 5 Implementation 141 6 Example 146 7 SomePropertiesOftheAlgorithms 146 8 Evaluation 151 9 Conclusions 151 8 RelatingTabularParsingAlgorithmsforLIGandTAG 157 MiguelA.Alonso,E´ricdelaClergerie, V´ıctorJ.D´ıazandManuelVilares 1 Introduction 158 2 Tree-AdjoiningGrammars 158 3 LinearIndexedGrammars 160 4 Bottom-upParsingAlgorithms 162 Contents vii 5 Earley-likeParsingAlgorithms 166 6 Earley-likeParsingAlgorithmsPreservingtheCorrectPrefixProp- erty 171 7 BidirectionalParsing 178 8 SpecializedTAGparsers 180 9 Conclusion 182 9 ImprovedLeft-CornerChartParsingforLargeContext-FreeGrammars 185 RobertC.Moore 1 Introduction 185 2 EvaluatingParsingAlgorithms 186 3 TerminologyandNotation 187 4 TestGrammars 187 5 Left-CornerParsingAlgorithmsandRefinements 188 6 GrammarTransformations 193 7 ExtractingParsesfromtheChart 196 8 ComparisontoOtherAlgorithms 197 9 Conclusions 199 10 OnTwoClassesofFeaturePathsinLarge-ScaleUnificationGrammars 203 LiviuCiortuz 1 Introduction 203 2 CompilingtheQuickCheckFilter 205 3 GeneralisedRuleReduction 215 4 Conclusion 224 11 AContext-FreeSupersetApproximationofUnification-BasedGrammars 229 BerndKieferandHans-UlrichKrieger 1 Introduction 229 2 BasicInventory 231 3 ApproximationasFixpointConstruction 232 4 TheBasicAlgorithm 233 5 ImplementationIssuesandOptimizations 235 6 RevisitingtheFixpointConstruction 240 7 ThreeGrammars 241 8 DisambiguationofUBGsviaProbabilisticApproximations 247 12 ARecognizerforMinimalistLanguages 251 HenkHarkema 1 Introduction 251 2 MinimalistGrammars 252 3 SpecificationoftheRecognizer 256 viii 4 Correctness 260 5 ComplexityResults 264 6 ConclusionsandFutureWork 265 13 RangeConcatenationGrammars 269 PierreBoullier 1 Introduction 269 2 PositiveRangeConcatenationGrammars 270 3 NegativeRangeConcatenationGrammars 276 4 AParsingAlgorithmforRCGs 281 5 ClosurePropertiesandModularity 284 6 Conclusion 286 14 GrammarInductionbyMDL-BasedDistributionalClassification 291 YikunGuo,FuliangWengandLideWu 1 Introduction 292 2 GrammarInductionwiththeMDLPrinciple 293 3 InductionStrategies 295 4 MDLInductionbyDynamicDistributionalClassification(DCC) 299 5 ComparisonandConclusion 303 Appendix 305 15 Optimal Ambiguity Packing in Context-Free Parsers with Interleaved 307 Unification AlonLavieandCarolynPensteinRose´ 1 Introduction 307 2 AmbiguityPackinginContextFreeParsing 309 3 TheRulePrioritizationHeuristic 311 4 EmpiricalEvaluationsandDiscussion 315 5 ConclusionsandFutureDirections 319 16 RobustDataOrientedSpokenLanguageUnderstanding 323 KhalilSima’an 1 Introduction 323 2 BriefOverviewofOVIS 324 3 DOPvs.Tree-Gram 326 4 ApplicationtotheOVISDomain 332 5 Conclusions 335 17 SOUP: AParserforReal-WorldSpontaneousSpeech 339 MarsalGavalda` 1 Introduction 339 Contents ix 2 GrammarRepresentation 340 3 SketchoftheParsingAlgorithm 341 4 Performance 343 5 KeyFeatures 345 6 Conclusion 349 18 ParsingandHypergraphs 351 DanKleinandChristopherD.Manning 1 Introduction 351 2 HypergraphsandParsing 352 3 ViterbiParsingAlgorithm 359 4 Analysis 363 5 Conclusion 368 Appendix 369 19 MeasureforMeasure: TowardsIncreasedComponentComparabilityand 373 Exchange StephanOepenandUlrichCallmeier 1 Competence&PerformanceProfiling 375 2 StrongEmpiricism: AFewExamples 378 3 PET–SynthesizingCurrentBestPractice 384 4 QuantifyingProgress 385 5 Multi-DimensionalPerformanceProfiling 387 6 Conclusion–RecentDevelopments 391 Index 397 Preface Thisbookisbasedoncontributionstotwoworkshopsintheseries“Interna- tionalWorkshoponParsingTechnology”. IWPT2000,the6thworkshopinthe series,washeldinTrento,Italy,inFebruary 2001,andwasorganized byJohn Carroll (Programme Chair), Harry Bunt (General Chair) and Alberto Lavelli (LocalChair). The7thworkshop,IWPT2001,tookplaceinBeijing,China,in October2001, andwasorganized byGiorgio Satta(ProgrammeChair),Harry Bunt (General Chair) and Shiwen Yu and Fuliang Weng (Local Co-Chairs). Fromeach of these events the best papers were selected and re-reviewed, and subsequentlyrevised,updatedandextendedbytheauthors,resultinginachap- ter in this volume. The chapter by Alonso, De la Clergerie, D´ıaz and Vilares is based on material from two papers: the IWPT2000 paper by Alonso, Dela Clergerie, Gran˜a and Vilares, and the IWPT2001 paper by Alonso, D´ıaz and Vilares. Thechapter byMichael Collins corresponds tothe paper that he pre- paredforIWPT2001asaninvitedspeaker,butwhichhewasunabletopresent at the workshop, due to travel restrictions relating to the events of September 11, 2001. The introductory chapter of this book was written by the editors in ordertorelatetheindividual chapters torecentissuesanddevelopments inthe fieldofparsingtechnology. Wewishtoacknowledgetheimportantroleoftheprogrammecommitteesof IWPT2000andIWPT2001inreviewing submitted papers; these reviewshave beenthebasisforselectingthematerialpublishedinthisbook. Thesecommit- teesconsistedofShuoBai,BobBerwick,EricBrill,HarryBunt,BobCarpen- ter, John Carroll, Ken Church, E´ric De la Clergerie, Mark Johnson, Aravind Joshi, RonKaplan,Martin Kay,SadaoKurohashi, Bernard Lang,AlonLavie, Yuji Matsumoto, Paola Merlo, Mark-Jan Nederhof, Anton Nijholt, Giorgio Satta, Christer Samuelsson, Satoshi Sekine, Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Mark Steedman, Oliviero Stock, Hozumi Tanaka, Masaru Tomita, Hans Uszkoreit, K.Vijay-Shanker,DavidWeir,MatsWire´n,DekaiWuandTiejunZhao. THEEDITORS xi

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