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New data on Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a revised catalogue and keys to Afrotropical species of the subfamily PDF

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Preview New data on Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a revised catalogue and keys to Afrotropical species of the subfamily

BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SClENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE ENTOMOLOGIE, 68: 79-130, 1998 BULLETIN VAN HET KONTNKLIJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN ENTOMOLOGIE ?8: 79-130, 1998 New data on Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a revised catalogue and keys to Afrotropical species of the subfamily by Igor Ya. GRICHANOV Abstract Gigantosciapus are endemic for Continental Africa and Madagascar, and Bickelia and Mascaromyia are confined Holotypes of 55 species and paratypes of additional 5 species to western Indian Ocean islands. Dytomyia was found have been examined mainly from the collections of the Royal on Madagascar and in Australia. The number of Afrotro Institute for Natural Sciences (Bmssels) and Royal Museum for pical species belonging to sciapodine genera are as fol Central Africa (Tervuren). Descriptions of 18 new species, new lows: Ch1ysosoma (67), Amblypsilopus (43), Mascaro records for known African species are given, 15 species are myia (21 ), Plagiozopelma ( 17), Condylostylus (15), Gi replaced, several species are excluded from the fauna of Ma gantosciapus (13), Ethiosciapus (10), Bickeliolus (7), dagascar, Congo (Kinshasa) or even Africa. Subgenus Bicke Mesorhaga (5), Dytomyia (3), Bickelia (3) and Sciapus liolus GRICHANOV is raised to genus. The following pairs of species are synonymized: Bickeliolus haemorhoidalis (BECKER) (1 ). [(=B. coalescens (PARENT)], Cluysosoma consentium CURRAN In total, 205 Afrotropical species are known today. (= C. fortunatum PARENT), C. katangense CURRAN (= C. spe Many of those species were briefly or incompletely de ciosum PARENT), C. mesotrichum BEZZI (= C. garambaense scribed. Some of them are known from females, others VANSCHUYTBROECK), C. singulare PARENT (= C. gracile from males only. Authors in their descriptions often V ANSCHUYTBROECK), Ethiosciapus bicalcaratus (PARENT) [= E. omitted important characters regarded now as having setifrons (PARENT)], E. finitimus (PARENT) (=E. skuj)ini GRI generic level value. That is why no less than 20 species CHANOV), Plagiozopelma pallidicorne (CURRAN) [= P. lindneri are waiting to be synonymized or be declared Nomina (VANSCHUYTBROECK)]. A revised catalogue and keys to 12 Dubia in future revisions of type material. A few dozens genera and 205 Afrotropical species of Sciapodinae are also of species are probably waiting to be described. The presented. major fraction of Afrotropical species was described by Key words: Diptera, Dolichopodidae, Sciapodinae, nomencla 0. PARENT (71 species including 7 placed in synonymy), ture, Tropical Africa. / r.Ya. GRICHANOV (41 and 1), C.H. CURRAN (37 and 7), Th. BECKER (21 and 2), P. VANSCHUYTBROECK (15 and 3) and C.G. LAMB (9). Introduction The well-known fauna of Congo (Kinshasa) comprises 84 species; Tanzania numbers 25, South Africa 22, Ugan The last catalogue of Afrotropical dolichopodid fauna da 20, Nigeria 19, Kenya and Cameroons 16 species each. (DYTE and SMITH, 1980) included about 180 species Adjacent African islands are poorly studied. Only 29 belonging to 8 genera of Sciapodinae, of which 3 genera species were recorded from Madagascar, 16 from Mau were later synonymized, status of 1 genus was changed, ritius and 11 from Seychelles. The most interest distribu and all species of the genus Sciapus were transferred to tion of species are as follows: Chrysosoma snelli CURRAN other genera. As a result, only 65 previously known Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion, Afrotropical species are placed now in the sciapodine Mauritius, Rodriguez, Aldabra, Maldives, Chagos Archi genera sensu DYTE and SMITH (1980). BICKEL (1994a) pelago; Mascaromyia librativertex (LAMB) - Seychelles, recently revised the world fauna of sciapodine genera. In Mauritius, Chagos Archipelago; Bickelia subparallela his big work he proposed 21 valid genera, of which 8 GRICHANOV - Chagos Archipelago, Seychelles; Amblyp occur in Afrotropical Region. GRICHANOV (19951997) silopus munroi (CURRAN) - South Africa, Namibia, An reviewed all African sciapodine genera, described two gola, Mozambique, Sri Lanka; Amblypsilopus pallidicor new genera and 22 new species of the subfamily from the nis (GRIMSHAW) - Madagascar, Seychelles, Hawaiian Region. In this paper one new genus is established and Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, Guam, Belau one more is recorded for Africa for the first time. Now and Taiwan. twelve genera are known from Afrotropical zoogeogra phical Region, of which Ethiosciapus, Bickeliolus and Treating material from the collections of the Royal In- 80 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV stitute for Natural Sciences [RINS] (Brussels), Royal =Psi/opus MEIGEN, 1824:35. Type species Dolichopus Museum for Central Africa [RMCA] (Tervuren) and Na platypterus FABRICIUS, 1805, by subsequent designa tional Museum of Kenya [NMK] (Nairobi), I found a lot tion of WESTWOOD, 1840: 134 [preoccupied by Pou, of interesting material in the subfamily Sciapodinae. 1795]. Holotypes of 55 species and paratypes of additional 5 Sciapus ZELLER, 1842: 831 (new name for Psi/opus species were examined. In this paper descriptions of 18 MEIGEN) new species, new records for known African species are = Stenarus GISTL, 1848:10 ([unnecessary] new nan1e for given, 8 species are synonymized and 15 species are Psi/opus MEIGEN). replaced, and some previous species records from Mada = Psilopodius RoNDANI, 1861: 11 ([unnecessary] new gascar, Congo (Kinshasa) or even all Africa are shown to name for Psi/opus MEIGEN). be incorrect. A revised catalogue and keys to all Afro = Psilopodinus BIGOT, 1889:24. Type species Dolichopus tropical sciapodine species is also presented. platypterus FABRICIUS, 1805, by original designation. = Psilopiella VAN DUZEE, 1914:438. Type species Psilo Holotypes and paratypes of the new species are deposited piella rutila VAN DUZEE, 1914, by original designation. in the Royal Institute for Natural Sciences (Brussels). = Agastoplax ENDERLEIN, 1936:114. Type species Psi/o Hypopygii removed from the dry specimens are placed pus jlavicinctus LOEW, 1857, by monotypy. after alkalisation into glycerol and mounted on the same = Dactylodiscia ENDERLEIN, 1936:114. Type species Psi pin in a cavity of polymer film covered with a piece of /opus calceolata LOEW, 1859, by original designation. adhesive tape. Most part of the material collected from = Dactylorhipis ENDERLEIN, 1936: 114. Type species Psi Madagascar is kept in 70% alcohol inside glass tubes and /opus bel/us LoEw, 1873, by monotypy. cans. In addition, one specimen of each species is also = Placantichir ENDERLEIN, 1936:114 [unavailable name, placed after alkalisation into glycerol and mounted on pin genus proposed after 1930 without designation of type in sealed plastic container. Listing material examined, I species from the five included species]. use here slash ( I ) to separate labels on one pin and square = Placantichir BICKEL, 1994a:88. Type species Dolicho brackets [ ... ] to insert my personal remarks. Species pus nervosus Lehmann, 1822, designated by BICKEL, diagnosis includes usually key characters and some im 1994a [for description to validate proposal of new portant features that were missed in original descriptions. genus, see generic characters cited for Placantichir Bibliography includes works published after the "Cata ENDERLEIN, 1936: 114]. logue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region'' (DYTE Records of Palearctic species such as S. longimanus and SMITH, 1980). BECKER, S. adumbratus BECKER and S. sylvaticus BECKER from Congo (Kinshasa), Zimbabwe and Madagascar (VA NSCHUYTBROECK, 1951, 1952, 1959) belong to unde CATALOGUE OF AFROTROPICAL SPECIES scribed species of Amblypsilopus. OF SCIAPODINAE endrodyi GRICHANOV, 1997c:47-Ghana. TRIBE MESORHAGINI BICKEL Genus Dytomyia BICKEL Genus Mesorhaga Schiener ~tomyia BICKEL, 1994a:91. Type species Sciopus sor Mesorhaga ScHIENER, 1868:217. Type species Mesorha didus PARENT, 1928, by original designation. ga tristis SCHIENER, 1868, by monotypy. = Aptorthus ALDRICH, 1893:48. Type species Aptorthus deconinckae GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. albiciliatus ALDRICH, 1893, subsequently designated by elenae GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. COQUILLETT, 1910:509. paulyi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. africana CuRRAN, 1927:264- Congo (Kinshasa). Genus Bickelia GRICHANOV demeyeri GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. mahunkai GRICHANOV, 1997c:45 - Tanzania. Bickelia GRICHANOV, 1996a: 119. Type species Bickelia pauliani VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1952:137 - Madagascar. subparallela GRICHANOV, 1996, by original designation. tsurikovi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Burundi. guerini PARENT, 1935:86 (Sciopus)- Mauritius. parallela MACQUART, 1842:175 (Psi/opus) - Mauritius. TRIBE SCIAPODINI BICKEL subparallela GRICHANOV, 1996a: 120 - Chagos Archipe lago, Seychelles. Genus Sciapus ZELLER Genus Mascaromyia BICKEL = Leptopus FALLEN, 1823:23. Included species Leptopus !angulus FALLEN, 1823 and Leptopus wiedemanni Mascaa·omyia BICKEL, 1994a: 100. Type species Psi/opus FALLEN, 1823 [preoccupied by LATREILLE, 1809]. pollicifer LAMB, 1922:375, by original designation. Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) 81 albitarsis PARENT, 1935:83 (Sciopus) - Mauritius. Tanzania, Burundi, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, amplicaudata LAMB, 1922:378 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles. South Africa, Angola, Namibia. babichae GRICHANOV, 1996:113 - Mauritius. = imitans CURRAN, 1925:114 ([unnecessary] new name bickeli GRICHANOV, 1996:111 - Mauritius. for C. imitator CURRAN). desjardsini MACQUART, 1842:175 (Psi/opus) - Mauri kivuensis VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1964:136- Congo (Kin tius. shasa). duplicata PARENT, 1932:230 (Sciopus) - Reunion. paricoxa PARENT, 1939:267-Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanza dytei GRICHANOV, 1996:116- Mauritius. nia. frolovi GRICHANOV, 1996:117 - Mauritius. pateraeformis BECKER, 1923:38 - Cameroons, Nigeria, grandicaudata LAMB, 1922:378 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles. Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Afri hutsoni GRICHANOV, 1996:115 -Mauritius. ca, (?) Madagascar. indistincta LAMB, 1922:376 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles. =alter BECKER, 1923:38. kalinkini GRICHANOV, 1996:116 - Mauritius. selectus PARENT, 1931:43 - Malawi, Congo (Kinshasa). leptogaster THOMSON, 1869:510 (Psi/opus) - Mauritius. selitskayae GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). librativertex LAMB, 1922:374 (Psi/opus) - Seychelles, skufjini GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. Mauritius; Chagos Archipelago. stenurus LoEw, 1858:377 (1860:346) (Psi/opus)-South makhotkini GRICHANOV, 1996:112- Mauritius. Africa, Zimbabwe. magnicaudata LAMB, 1922:377 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles. = sicatris CURRAN, 1926:389. mauritiensis PARENT, 1939:270 (Sciopus)- Mauritius. pollicifer LAMB, 1922:375 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles. rufiventris MACQUART, 1842:174 (Psi/opus)-Mauritius. TRIBE CHRYSOSOMATINI GUERIN-MENEVILLE shabuninae GRICHANOV, 1996: 114 - Mauritius. vagabunda LAMB in BEZZI & LAMB, 1925:546 (Psi/opus) Genus Ethiosciapus BICKEL - Rodriguez. Ethiosciapus BICKEL, 1994a: 141. Type species Psi/opus Genus Condylostylus BIGOT bilobatus LAMB, 1922, by original designation. Condylostylus BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species Psi/opus bicalcaratus PARENT, 1933:37 (Sciapus) - Congo (Kin bituberculatus MACQUART, 1842, by origimil designa shasa), Uganda, Burundi, Madagascar, Comores, St. He tion. lena. = Dasypsilopus BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species Psi/opus = setifrons PARENT, 1937:14 (Sciapus), n. comb., n. syn. pilipes MACQUART, 1842, by original designation. bilobatus LAMB, 1922:372 (Psi/opus) - Seychelles. = Eurostomerus BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species "Psi/o degener PARENT, 1934:119 (Condylostylus)-South Afri pus coerulus MACQUART", nomen nudum (= Eurosto ca, n. comb. merus coerulus BIGOT, validated by generic descrip dilectus PARENT, 1935:84 (Sciapus)- Tanzania, Uganda. tion). exarmatus PARENT, 1933:39 (Sciapus)- Congo (Kinsha = Oedipsilopus BIGOT 1859:224. Type species Psi/opus sa), ?Madagascar. posticatus WIEDEMANN, 1830, by original designation. fi9itimus PARENT, 1939:262 (Chrysosoma) - Congo = Tylochaetus BIGOT, 1889:215. Type species Psi/opus ) Kinshasa), Uganda, n. comb. bituberculatus MACQUART, 1842, by original designa = skujjini GRICHANOV, 1996:226, n. syn. tion. flavirostris LoEw, 1858:371 (Psi/opus) - South Africa, = Laxina CURRAN, 1934:230. Type species Dolichopus Mozambique, Madagascar, ?Ethiopia. patibulatus FABRICIUS, by original designation. inflexus BECKER, 1923:46 (Sciapus)- Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa),- Madagascar, South angustipennnis LOEW, 1858:372 (1860:346) (Psi/opus) Africa, St. Helena, n. comb. South Africa. integer BECKER, 1923:47 (Sciapus)- Malawi. basovi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. latipes PARENT, 1930:94 (Chrysosoma) - Madagascar. beckeri SPEISER, 1920:218 - Cameroons. burgeoni PARENT, 1935:115- Congo (Kinshasa), Tanza Genus Bickeliolus GRICHANOV, n. status nia, Kenya, Ruanda, Burundi. chaineyi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. Bickeliolus GRICHANOV, 1996:224 (as subgenus). Type congensis CURRAN, 1927:263 - Congo (Brazzaville), species Ethiosciapus maslovae GRICHANOV, 1996, by ori Cameroons, Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda, Tanzania, Ken ginal designation. ya, South Africa. = imitans PARENT, 1935:117 nee CURRAN (misidentifica- alluaudi PARENT, 1935:80 (Chrysosoma)- Madagascar, tion). n. comb. galinae GRICHANOV, 1996c:218.- Uganda, Congo (Kin haemorhoidalis BECKER, 1923:46 (Sciapus) - Ethiopia, shasa). Uganda, Burundi, Congo (Kinshasa),- South Africa, n. imitator CURRAN, 1924:221- Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, comb. 82 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV II = eoaleseens PARENT, 1934:121 (Seiapus), n. comb., n. alboguttatum PARENT, 1930:93- Cameroons, Burundi, syn. Guinea. lamellatus PARENT, 1935:118 (Seiapus) - Congo (Kin angolense PARENT, 1934:113-Angola, Congo (Kinsha shasa), Ruanda, Tanzania, Uganda, St. Helena, n. comb. sa). lasiophtalmus LAMB, 1922:371 (Psi/opus)- Seychelles, arduus PARENT, 1936:6 (Seiapus) - Congo (Kinshasa), n. comb. n.comb. lutescens VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1952:139 (Seiapus)-Ma asperum PARENT, 1934:114 - South Africa. dagascar, n. comb. bacchi DYTE, 1957:37-Tanzania, Burundi. maslovae GRJCHANOY, 1996:224 (Ethiosciapus) - Ango benignum PARENT, 1934:115 - Nigeria. la, n. comb. bredoi PARENT, 1933:21 -Congo (Kinshasa). trochanteralis CURRAN, 1924:219 (Seiapus) - South carum WALKER, 1849:643 (Psi/opus)- "Congo". Africa, n. comb. centrale BECKER, 1923:25-Cameroons. cilifemoratum PARENT, 1934:115 - Malawi, Congo Genus Chrysosoma GUERIN-MENEVILLE (Kinshasa). consentium CuRRAN, 1925:111 - Congo (Kinshasa), Subgenus Chrysosoma GUERIN-MENEVILLE Congo (Brazzaville). = fortunatum PARENT, 1933:1, n. syn. Chrysosoma GuERIN-MENEYILLE, 1831: pl. 20, fig. 6. continuum CURRAN, 1927:255-Congo (Kinshasa), Con Type species Chrysosoma fasciata GUERIN-MENEYfLLE, go (Brazzaville). 1831, by subsequent designation of ENDERLEIN, corruptor PARENT, 1933:24-Congo (Kinshasa). 1912:373. flexum LoEw, 1858:371 (Psi/opus)- South Africa. = Agonosoma GUERIN-MENEVILLE, 1838:293 ([unneces gem meum WALKER, 1849:644 (Psi/opus)- Nigeria, Sier sary] replacement name for Chrysosoma GUERIN-MENE ra Leone, Gambia, Senegal. VILLE), preoccupied by Laporte, 1832. gromieri PARENT, 1930:92- Cameroons. = Margaritostylus BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species Psi/o hargreavesi CURRAN, 1927:9- Siena Leone. pus globifer WIEDEMANN, 1830, by original designa hirsutu1um PARENT, 1933:27-Congo (Kinshasa). tion. ituriense PARENT, 1933:29- Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi. = Megistostylus BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species Dolieho katangense CuRRAN, 1925:107-Congo (Kinshasa), Su pus erinieornis WIEDEMANN (as Psi/opus erinieornis), dan. by original designation. = speciosum PARENT, 1933:32, n. syn. = Mesoblepharius BIGOT, 1859:215. Type species Psi/o kuznetzovi GRJCHANOV, 1997:37-Zambia. pus senegalensis MACQUART, 1834, by original desig laeve BIGOT, 1891:373 (Psilopodius) - ?Guinea, Ivory nation. Coast. = Oariostylus BIGOT, 1889:215. Type species Psi/opus lavinia CURRAN, 1927:260 - Congo (Kinshasa), Tanza tubereulieornis MACQUART, 1855, by original designa nia, Burundi. tion. leucopogon WIEDEMANN, 1824:40 (Doliehopus) - = Eudasypus BIGOT, 1889:24. Type species Psi/opus ?Mauritius, ?Aldabra; Chagos Archipelago, Burma, Sri senegalensis MACQUART, 1834, by original designa ~anka, Taiwan, India, Indochina, Java, Sumatra, Thai tion. land, Queensland, New Caledonia, Tahiti. = Oariopherus BIGOT, 1889:24. Type species Psi/opus = apiealis WIEDEMANN, 1830:227 (Psi/opus). tubereulieornis MACQUART, 1855, by original designa = eonieornis MACQUART, 1846:120 (Psi/opus). tion. = loewi ENDERLEIN, 1912:378. = Spathiopsilopus BIGOT, 1888:24. Type species Psi/opus liberia CURRAN, 1929:4- Liberia, Congo (Kinshasa). globifer WIEDEMANN, 1830, by original designation. marginatum BECKER, 1923:29 - Siena Leone. = Spathipsilopus BIGOT, 1890:268. Type species Psi/opus mesotrichum BEZZI, 1908:380 (Psi/opus) - Congo (Kin globifer WIEDEMANN, 1830, by subsequent designation shasa), Sierra ofDYTE, 1975:213. Leone, Uganda. = senegalense BECKER, 1923:20,33 nee MACQUART (mis aequatoriale PARENT, 1933:2- Congo (Kinshasa), Ugan identification). da. = senegalense CURRAN, 1925:107 nee MACQUART (mis- aequilobatum PARENT, 1933:15 - Congo (Kinshasa), identification). Congo (Brazzaville). = garambaense VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1959:37, n.syn. aestimabile PARENT, 1934:18- Nigeria, Gambia, ?Ma micantifrons SPEISER, 1910:108 (Agonosoma) - Tanza dagascar. ma. albilimbatum BIGOT, 1890:287 (Psi/opus)- Ivory Coast, minusculum BECKER, 1923:29 - Cameroons, Equatorial Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Congo (Brazza Guinea, Congo (Kinshasa), ?Siena Leone. ville), Congo (Kinshasa). = ostentatum BECKER, 1923:30. albocrinitatum CuRRAN, 1925:109 - Congo (Kinshasa), norma CURRAN, 1927:257 - Congo (Kinshasa). Congo (Brazzaville). pauperculum PARENT, 1933:30 - Congo (Kinshasa). Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) 83 1 1 petersi DYTE, 1957:37-Tanzania. - Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda. pomeroyi CURRAN, 1927:7-Nigeria, Cameroons. neoliberia BICKEL, 1994a:212 - Liberia. praecipuum PARENT, 1936:319 - Congo (Kinshasa). = liberia CURRAN, 1929:5 (Kaloeheta) nee CURRAN, praelatum BECKER, 1923:31 - Equatorial Guinea, Tan 1929:4 (preoccupied). zania, Congo (Kinshasa), Malawi. passiva BECKER, 1923:42 (Kaloeheta) - Cameroons, pseudorepertum GRlCHANOV, sp. n.- Congo (Kinshasa). ?Congo (Brazzaville), ?Congo (Kinshasa). repertum BECKER, 1923:31 - Equatorial Guinea, Niger villiersi VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1970:267 (Ka/oeheta) - Ia. Congo (Brazzaville). schoutedeni CURRAN, 1927:258 - Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Tanzania, Angola, Zambia. Genus Gigantosciapus GRJCHANOV = fortunatum GRlCHANOV, 1997 nee PARENT (misidenti- fication). Gigantosciapus GRJCHANOV, 1997:79. Type-species: Gi senegalense MACQUART, 1834:450 (Psi/opus) - Congo gantoseiapus oldroydi GRJCHANOV, 1997: original desig (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon, Senegal, Sierra nation. Leone, Nigeria. = smaragdinum WALKER, 1849:642 (Psi/opus). africanus PARENT, 1933:16 (Ch1ysosoma)- Congo (Kin = saphirum BIGOT, 1858:362 (Psi/opus). shasa). = mixtum CURRAN, 1927:3. anomalipes PARENT, 1935:112 (Ch1ysosoma) - Congo singulare PARENT, 1933:3 - Congo (Kinshasa). (Kinshasa), Ghana. =gracile VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1959:29, n.syn. decellei VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1966:202 (Megistostylus) snelli CURRAN, 1927:5 - Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Ivory Coast. Seychelles, Reunion, Rodriguez; Maldives, Chagos Ar fran~oisi GRJCHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). chipelago. gemmarius WALKER, 1849:645 (Psi/opus) - Sierra = leueopogon, authors, nee WIEDEMANN. Leone, Congo (Brazzaville), Ghana, Congo (Kinshasa), stolyarovi GRJCHANOV, sp. n.- Burundi. Ivory Coast, Liberia, Cameroons. stubbsi GRICHANOV, 1997:35 - Kenya, Uganda. = fulvieinetus BIGOT, 1891:372 (Psilopodius). tarsiciliatum PARENT, 1930:91 - Cameroons, Sierra inversus CURRAN, 1927:249 (Chrysosoma) - Sierra Leone, Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon. Leone, Liberia. tanasijtshuki GRJCHANOV, 1997:33 - Kenya, Congo kamerunensis BECKER, 1923:27 (Chrysosoma) - Came (Kinshasa). roons, Guinea, Congo (Kinshasa), ?Madagascar. tenuipenne CURRAN, 1927:254- Senegal, Nigeria, Con meyeri V ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1962:353 (Megistosty/us) go (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Uganda. Nigeria. tractatum BECKER, 1923:35 - Togo, Nigeria, Ghana. nataliae GRlCHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). = biciliatum PARENT, 1931:45. oldroydi GRlCHANOV, 1997:80- Cameroons. tricrinitum PARENT, 1933:33 - Congo (Kinshasa), Bur pseudogemmarius PARENT, 1934:118 (Ciuysosoma) undi, Mozambique, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tan Congo (Brazzaville). zania, South Africa. saegeri VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1959:9 (Megistostylus) - = jlexum CURRAN, 1926:384 nee LOEW (misidentifica- C9ngo (Kinshasa). tion). t6berculatus CuRRAN, 1927:246 (Chrysosoma)- Ghana, trigemmans WALKER, 1849:650 (Psi/opus)- no locality. Ivory Coast. triumphator PARENT, 1933:33 - Congo (Kinshasa). ungulatum PARENT, 1941:207 - Principe. Genus Plagiozopelma ENDERLEIN varivittatum CURRAN, 1925:112- Congo (Kinshasa). vividum BECKER, 1923:36 - Equatorial Guinea, Congo Plagiozopelma ENDERLEIN, 1912:367. Type species Pla (Kinshasa), Cameroons. giozopelma spengeli ENDERLEIN, 1912, by original desig = erinipes PARENT, 1933:25. nation [= Psi/opus appendieulatus BIGOT, 1890]. woodi PARENT, 1935:82 - Zambia. zaitzevi GRJCHANOV, 1997:38 - Zambia. angulitarse PARENT, 1933:18 (Ch1ysosoma) - Congo zephyrum BIGOT, 1858:361 (Psi/opus) - Gabon. (Kinshasa). zinovjevi GRJCHANOV, 1997:31 - Nigeria. bequaerti CURRAN, 1926:2 (Chrysosoma)- Congo (Kin shasa), Uganda. Subgenus Kalocheta BECKER capilliferum PARENT, 1933:22 (Chrysosoma) - Congo (Kinshasa). Kalocheta BECKER, 1923:41 (as genus). Type-species: collarti CURRAN, 1927:249 (Chrysosoma) - Congo Kaloeheta passiva BECKER, 1923, by monotypy. (Brazzaville), Malawi, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa). conjectum PARENT, 1934:116 (Chrysosoma) - Ghana. collarti PARENT, 1933:35 (Kaloeheta) - Congo (Kinsha daveyi PARENT, 1939:261 (Chrysosoma)- Malawi. sa), Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda. du CURRAN, 1929:2 (Chrysosoma) - Liberia, Congo cucana NEGROBOV et KULIBALI, 1983:1121 (Ka/oehaeta) (Kinshasa). 84 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV I I ghesquieri PARENT, 1936:2 (Chrysosoma)- Congo (Kin cuthbertsoni PARENT, 1937:129 (Sciapus)- Zimbabwe, shasa). Bumndi. grahami PARENT, 1939:264 (Ch1ysosoma) - Ghana. dallastai GRICHANOV, sp. n.-Madagascar. inops PARENT, 1929:202 (Chrysosoma)- Liberia, Benin, disjunctus PARENT, 1936:1 (Ch1ysosoma)-Congo (Kin Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa). shasa), Nigeria, Burundi. nalense CuRRAN, 1926:6 (Ch1ysosoma) - Congo (Kin fasciatus CURRAN, 1924:216 (Sciopolina)-South Africa. shasa), Nigeria, Tanzania. = palliatus CURRAN, 1927:12 (Sciapus). njalense PARENT, 1934:118 (Chrysosoma) - Sierra flabellifer BECKER, 1923:45 (Sciapus) - Madagascar, Leone. ?Congo (Kinshasa). pallidicorne CURRAN, 1927:252 (Ch1ysosoma) - Kenya, flavicollis BECKER, 1923:40 (Leptorhethum) - Camer Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), n. comb. oons, Equatorial Guinea. = lindneri V ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1964:3 (Megistosty/us), flavus V ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1962:353 (Megistostylus) - n. syn. Madagascar, n.comb. =puma DYTE & SMlTH, 1980:446 (Chrysosoma) ([unne gorodkovi GRICHANOV, 1996:291 -Tanzania. cessary] new name for Chrysosoma pallidicorne CuR grootaerti GRICHANOV, sp. n.- Madagascar. RAN), n. comb. kraussi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. piliseta PARENT, 1936:4 (Chrysosoma)- Congo (Kinsha lenga CURRAN, 1929:1 (Sciapus) Liberia, Sierra Leone, sa). Zimbabwe. ramiseta PARENT, 1939:266 (Chrysosoma) - Sierra = barbipalpis PARENT, 1937:128 (Labeneura, as subge- Leone, Zimbabwe, Congo (Kinshasa). nus of Sciapus). tritiseta PARENT, 1929:271 (Chrysosoma)- Cameroons, longifilis BECKER, 1923:28 ( Chrysosoma) - Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Congo (Kinshasa). Kenya, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), St. Helena. vagator BECKER, 1923:36 (Chrysosoma) - Togo, Congo macularivenus IRWIN, 1974:251 (Sciopolina) - South (Kinshasa), Equatorial Guinea. Africa. madagascarensis V ANSCHUYTBROECK, 1952:89 (Chryso Genus Amblypsilopus BIGOT soma) - Madagascar. miserus PARENT, 1935:81 (Chrysosoma) Mozambique,- Amblypsilopus BIGOT, 1889:24. Type species Psi/opus Zimbabwe. pittacinus LOEW, 1861 (as pitacinus FABRICIUS), by ori- munroi CURRAN, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma)- South Afri- ginal designation. ca, Namibia, Angola, Mozambique; Sri Lanka. = Gnamptopsilopus ALDRICH, 1893:48. Type species Psi- = ernestus CURRAN, 1924:218 (Chrysosoma). !opus scintillans LOEW, designated by COQUILLETT, nanus PARENT, 1929:243 (Sciapus) - Senegal, Congo 1910:547. (Kinshasa). = Leptorhethum ALDRICH, 1893:50. Type species Leptor- nartshukae GRICHANOV, 1996:290- Angola. hethum angustatum ALDRICH, 1893, by monotypy. nubilis PARENT, 1935:87 (Sciapus) - Madagascar. = Sciopolina CuRRAN, 1924:216. Type species Sciopoli- pallidicornis GRIMSHAW, 1901:12 (Gnamptopsilopus) - na fasciatum CURRAN, 1924, by monotypy. Madagascar, Seychelles; Hawaiian Islands, Society Is- = Australia/a PARENT, 1932: 127. Type species Australia- / (ands, Marquesas Islands, Guam, Belau, Taiwan. Ia tonnoiri PARENT, 1932 (= Sciapus zonatus PARENT, = fulgidipenne ENDERLEIN, 1912:377 (Chrysosoma). 1932), by original designation. parilis PARENT, 1931:44 (Chrysosoma)- South Africa, = Labeneura PARENT, 1937:126 (as subgenus of Scia- Namibia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Congo (Kinshasa), Ni- pus). Type species Labeneura barbipalpis PARENT, geria. 1937 (= Sciapus lenga CURRAN, 1929), by monoty- pernigrus BECKER, 1923:30 (Chrysosoma) - Malawi, py. Congo (Kinshasa). rectangularis PARENT, 1937:13 (Sciapus)- Congo (Kin aenescens VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1952:138 (Sciapus) - shasa), ?Madagascar. Madagascar. retrovenus IRWIN, 1974:242 (Sciopolina)- South Africa. auratus CURRAN, 1924:217 (Chrysosoma) - South Afri rosaceus WIEDEMANN, 1824:40 (Dolichopus) - South ca, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Congo (Kinshasa), Tan Africa. zania, Nigeria, Guinea. = peringueyi CURRAN, 1926:2 (Sciapus). barkalovi GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Congo (Kinshasa). signatus BECKER, 1923:35 (Chrysosoma)- Malawi, Con basilewskyi VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1960:319 (Sciapus) - go (Kinshasa). Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda. simplex dE MEIJERE, 1910:99 (Agonosoma)- ?Seycheles; bevisi CURRAN, 1927:11 (Sciapus)- South Africa. Java. bipectinatus PARENT, 1934:120 (Sciapus) - Kenya. steelei GRICHANOV, 1996:289 Kenya. bonniae IRWIN, 1974:245 (Sciopolina)- South Africa. stuckenbergi VANSCHUYTBROECK, 1957:3 (Sciapus) - bruneli GRICHANOV, sp. n. - Madagascar. Madagascar. cilifrons PARENT, 1937:126 (Chrysosoma) - Nigeria, stuckenbergorum IRWIN, 1974:236 (Sciopolina)- South Togo, Congo (Kinshasa), Kenya, Madagascar. Africa. Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) 85 1 1 subfascipennis CURRAN, 1926:386 (Sciapus)- Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), St. Helena, ?Madagascar. sudanensis PARENT, 1939:271 (Sciapus)- Sudan, Congo (Kinshasa). tenuicauda PARENT, 1936:7 (Sciapus)- Congo (Kinsha sa). tropicalis PARENT, 1933:40 (Sciapus)- Congo (Kinsha sa). Fig. I. - Hypopygiurn, left lateral view. Mesorhaga demeyeri REVIEW OF TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED, sp. n. DESCRIPTIONS AND NEW RECORDS 1. Mesorhaga africana CURRAN 55 : 62 : 26 : 11 : 8 : 5 : 7. Middle tibia with 1 very short Type material examined. Holotypus, ~ [red label] I Musee dorsal and 3 or 4 apical setae, tarsus simple. Length ratio du Congo, Bas-Uele: Buta, Congo, Jan. 23-31.1925, Dr. of middle tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), H. SCHOUTEDEN I Type Mesorhaga africana CURRAN. 80 : 46 : I 7 : 11 : 7 : 7. Hind tibia with several inconspic uous dorsal and 2 or 3 apical setae. Last tarsomere of hind Diagnosis. M africana differs from other Afrotropical tarsus slightly flattened. Length ratio of hind tibia to tarsus species of the genus in smaller size (2.25 mm) and, in (segments from first to fifth), 90: 37: 29: 18 : 10 : 8. addition, right-angular, rather than gentle, bend of M 1+ 2 Wings brownish in anterior half, densely brown at base; vem. veins brown. R1 reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. ~+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with two right-angular Distribution. Congo (Kinshasa). bends. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and ~+5 to those between ~+5 and MI> 50 : 8. M2 absent. Crossvein 2. Mesorhaga demeyeri sp. n. (Fig. 1) m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (up to curvation) to apical part ofCuAI> 31 : 40: 32. Holotype. c! in glycerol. Madagascar: Ambatondrazaka, Alula with somewhat longer than usually, flattened cilia. 26.11.1991, A. PAULY col. [RJNS]. Fold-like anal vein and anal lobe present. Lower calypter brownish, with fan of black setae. Halter brown. Paratypes [all in alcohol]. 3 ~~ with the same label as Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally holotype. 3 ~~, Madagascar: Foulpointe, foret, lagune, long, black hairs. First tergite with medial triangular X.l993, A. PAULY col. P.M. [RJNS]. excavation and several long black distolateral bristles. Sixth and seventh segments shortened. Hypopygium Description. Frons and face metallic dark-green. 2 short black-brown, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, front vertical seta bends forward on each side; ocellar digitiform, slightly curved ventrad, with short black dor tubercle with 2 pairs of strong bristles and 1 or 2 pairs of solateral setae, several subapical ventral setae, apicodor weak posterior setae; 2 long postvertical setae positioned s£1 fringe of short curved setae and transverse inner row as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. of several short subapical spines. Surstylus bi- or trilo Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white hairs. bate, with several dorsal and lateral setae. Epandrial lobe Face narrowed, approximately 1.5 times as high as wide long, flattened, bearing one strong seta in the middle and under antennae. Proboscis and palpus black-brown, with short seta at apex. short light hairs; palpus with 1 black seta in addition. Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary Antennae black. Pedicel with ring of short setae; I or 2 sexual characters, otherwise as follows. Middle tibia and ventral setae slightly longer than pedicel. First flagella basitarsus entirely yellow-brownish; wing only slightly mere rounded, as long as high, with very short hairs. darkened. Arista apicodorsal. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to Length: body 3.8 mm; antenna 0.8 mm; wing-length of first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 6 : 38. 3.6 mm; wing-width 1.3 mm. Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green. Pleura bronze-black. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrosti Distribution: Madagascar. chals, a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae. Legs mostly black-brown; fore knee, tibia and basitar Etymology. The species is named for Belgian entomolo sus yellow; middle knee yellow-brown. Fore and middle gist Marc De Meyer. coxae with numerous dark cilia anteriorly; hind coxa with external seta. All femora with double ventral row Diagnosis. The new species is related to M pauliani, of black cilia, approximately equal in length to femora differing in partly yellow legs, white postocular setae, diameter. Fore tibia bare; tarsus simple. Length ratio of different ratio of wing veins m-cu to CuA1 and hypopy fore femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), gium morphology. 86 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV I' 3. Mesorhaga pau/iani V ANSCHUYTBROECK (Fig. 2) apical part of M1+2 (section from m-cu to curvation) to apical part of CuA" 23 : 33 : 34. Fold-like anal vein and o Material examined. in glycerol, Madagascar: Tamatave anal lobe present. Lower calypter brown, with fan of long Prov., Morarano-chrome, 1630.IX.1991, A. PAULY, foret, black setae. Halter brown. o 25 km W. in alcohol, Madagascar: Tamatave Prov., Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally Morarano-chrome, 115.IX.1991, A. PAULY, foret, 25 km long, black hairs. First tergite without membranous ex oo, W. 10 7 ~~ in alcohol, Madagascar: Fianarantsoa cavation, with several long black distolateral bristles. Prov. (= Fia.), Ranomafana, 19.I.1992, A. PAULY, foret Sixth and seventh segments shortened. Hypopygium [RINS]. black, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, dorso laterally with several black setae in basal third, apically Description. Male. Frons and face metallic green. A trilobate; the widest ventral lobe bearing 4 short thick strong front vertical seta bends forward; ocellar tubercle dorsal setae and thin ventral apophysis. Surstylus broad, with a pair of strong bristles; 5 or 6long postvertical setae with four distal setae. Epandrial lobe long, flattened, positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal bearing 2 subapical setae. row. Lower postocular setae black. Face narrowed, ap Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary proximately 1.5 times as high as wide under antennae. sexual characters. Wing only slightly darkened, almost Proboscis and palpus black-brown, with short light hairs; hyaline. palpus supplemented with one black seta. Antennae Length: body 3.3 mm; antenna 0.9 mm; wing-length black. Pedicel with short dorsal and 2 very long ventral 3.0 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm. setae, 4 times longer than pedicel. First flagellomere rounded, approximately as long as high. Arista dorsal. Distribution: Madagascar. Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 6 : 5 : 6 : 40. Diagnosis. M pauliani differs from other Afrotropical Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green-black. Pleura species of the genus in entirely black-brown leg. 2nd to 5111 bronze-black. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrosti segments of fore tarsus shortened. M1+2 with two nearly chals, a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae. right-angular bends; m-cu 213 as long as middle section of Legs black-brown, fore tibia and basitarsus somewhat M1+2 (from m-cu to curvation) or CuA1. lighter. Fore and middle coxae with black setae ante riorly; hind coxa with strong external seta at base. All 4. Mesorhaga tsurikovi sp. n. (Fig. 3) femora with double ventral row of black setae, longer than femora diameter. Last tarsomere of all tarsi slightly Holotype. o, Urundi: Bururi, alt. 1950, 8.1.1949, F.J. flattened. Fore tibia with 2 posterodorsal seta. Length FRAN<;:OIS I R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. [RINS] ratio of fore tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 57: 30 : 10 : 7 : 5 : 6. Middle tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 1 Paratypes. 2 oo, Urundi: Bururi, alt. 2000, IO.X.l948, F. posterodorsal setae. Length ratio of middle tibia to tarsus FRAN<;:OIS I R.I.Sc.N.B. I.G. 24.452. [RINS] (segments from first to fifth), 74:44: 15: 12: 6: 6. Hind tibia with 4 dorsal setae. Length ratio of hind tibia to Description. Frons and face metallic green, mostly grey tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 85 : 33 : 26 : 16 : 9 : 8. l 611inose. A hairlike front vertical seta bends forward; Wings evenly darkened in anterior half; veins brown. ocellar tubercle with a pair of strong bristles and a pair R1 nearly reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. ~+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with double, nearly right angular bend. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and ~+5 to those between ~+5 and M 1, 34 : 6. M2 absent. Crossvein m-cu nearly straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to Fig. 2. - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Mesorhaga pauliani Fig. 3. - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Mesorhaga tsurikovi V ANSCHUYTBROECK. sp. n. Afrotropical Sciapodinae (Diptera: Dolichopodida~) 87 of weak posterior hairs; 3 long postvertical setae are Epandrial lobe long, flattened, fine at apex and bearing 2 positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal setae in apical third. row. Ventral postcranium covered with irregular white Female unknown. hairs. Face narrowed, 1.6 times as high as wide under Length: body 4.7 5.3 mm; antenna 1.2 mm; wing antennae; clypeus separated from margins of eyes, 1/3 as length 5.8 mm; wing-width 1.6 mm. high as epistome. Proboscis and pal pus black-brown, with short light hairs. Antennae black. Pedicel with short Distribution: Burundi. dorsal and ventral bristles. First flagellomere transverse oval, shorter than high, with very short hairs. Arista Etymology. The species is named for Russian dipterolo apicodorsal, microscopically haired. Length ratio of gist Mikhail Tsurikov. scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to arista, 5 : 5 : 5 : 7: 65. Diagnosis. The new species can be separated from M Mesonotum and scutellum metallic green, slightly mahunkai in larger size, another ratio of middle tarsome brownish pollinose. Pleura bronze-black, densely grey res and CuA/m-cu, mostly yellow femora and morphol pollinose. 5 strong dorsocentral setae, 3 long acrostichals, ogy of cercus. It cannot be associated with M. pauliani a pair of strong and pair of fine scutellar setae. and female of M africana having smaller size (2.25-3.3 Legs mostly dark-yellow; fore coxa yellow-brownish, mm) and right-angular, rather than gentle, bend ofM1+2 blackish at base; middle and hind coxae black; anterior vem. four femora brown at base; hind femora brown at base and apex; hind tibia black at extreme apex; basi tarsi light 5. Sciapus longimanus BECKER brown in basal half; tarsi otherwise black. Fore and mid dle coxae with numerous dark cilia anteriorly; hind coxa Remark. S. longimanus determined by P. V ANSCHUYT with fine external seta. Fore femora with posterior hairs, BROECK (female examined, RINS) to be from Madagascar longer than femora diameter; fore tibia bare; tarsus sim belongs to undescribed species of Amblypsilopus and ple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus should be excluded from the fauna of the island. Four (segments from first to fifth), 55 : 90 : 99 : 60 : 25 : 17 : 8 : females and male (examined, RINS) from Congo (Kin 9. Middle femora with fine brownish posteroventral hairs, shasa) labelled by the same author as S. longimanus as long as femora diameter. Middle tibia with 2 or 3 belongs to undescribed or indetem1inable species of Am apical setae, tarsus simple. Length ratio of middle coxa blypsilopus and Condylostylus. So, the species does not to femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), occur in the Afrotropical region. 35 : 100: 136: 90 : 34: 23 : 12 : 11. Hind femora with posteroventral hairs, half as long as femora diameter; Distribution. Palearctic region. tibia with 2 or 3 apical setae. Last tarsomere of hind tarsus slightly flattened. Length ratio of hind coxa to 6. Dytomyia deconinckae sp. n. (Figs. 4, 5) femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25 : 135 : 167: 60: 52 : 33 : 19 : 11. Holotype. 6-, Fort Dauphin, R.P. I Institut Scientifique Wings mostly hyaline, brownish in anterior half; veins Madagascar [RINS]. brown. R1 nearly reaching mid-wing. R2+3 straight. ~+5 / d-o gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 with strong, 60° bend, ;Paratypes. 5 with the same labels. than gently curved apicad. Ratio of parts of costa between R2+3 and ~+5 to those between ~+5 and M I> 6 : 1. M2 absent. Crossvein m-cu straight. Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (up to curvation) to apical part of CuAI> 38 : 70 : 50. Fold-like anal vein and anal lobe present. Lower calypter brown, with black setae. Halter black-brown. Abdomen bronze-black, with short, though laterally long, black hairs. First tergite with narrow membranous excavation and a few long black distolateral bristles. Fifth tergite ventrally swollen, with numerous long black setae; sixth and seventh segments shortened; first to sixth seg ments combined 2.5 times longer than mesonotum. Hy popygium black, epandrium elongate. Cercus mostly brown, strongly curved, dorsolaterally with several long black setae in the middle, apically with 2 lobes; broad ventral lobe without thick setae, bearing soft thin appen dix on apex; dorsal lobe half as long as ventral, pointed, arising from rosette of short spinules. Surstylus elongate, Fig. 4. - Hypopygium, left lateral view. Dytomyia deconinc with four apical lobes, each of them bearing 1 or 2 setae. kae sp. n. 88 Igor Ya. GRICHANOV I I Description. Frons broad, shining metallic blue-green, apical setae. Length ratio of hind coxa to femora to tibia slightly pollinose. A weak long front vertical bristle to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), 25: 100: 138: 61 : bending forward, a strong long postvertical one posi 32 : 20: 12 : 10. tioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal Wings hyaline, veins brown. R1 reaching 0.4 of wing row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular length. ~+5 gently curved to M1 at apex. M1 gently white hairs. Face blue-green, white pollinose, slightly curved and forming the right angle with M1+2. Ratio of convex; clypeus separated from eyes, not coming down parts of costa between R2+3 and ~+5 to those between eyes, widely rounded at apex; face slightly narrowed, 1.4 ~+5 and M~o 16 : 4. M2 present as short stub vein and times as high as wide under antennae. Pal pi and proboscis faint fold on membrane. Crossvein m-cu almost straight. yellow, with light hairs, palpus also with two black Ratio of crossvein m-cu to apical part of M1+2 (fork bristles. Antenna mostly yellow, with scape and 151 fla handle) to apical part of CuA, 31 : 38 : 19. Anal vein gellomere darkened dorsally, in total 1.2 times as long as and lobe present. Anal angle acute. Lower calypter yel height of head. Scape slightly swollen; pedicel with a ring low, with brown edging and fine light hairs. Halters of short setae and one dorsal bristle equal in length to first yellow, halter stem thin, nearly twice as long as knob, flagellomere. The latter rounded, slightly longer than with short row of dark setulae in front of knob. high, with short yellow hairs. Arista apicodorsal, bare. Abdomen shining blue-green, with copper reflection in Length ratio of scape to pedicel to first flagellomere to places, weakly white pollinose, with short black hairs and arista, 4 : 4 : 7 : 75. long black marginal bristles. Base of segments mat-black; Mesonotum and scutellum shining blue-green. Pleura first and second segments with short white hairs; unmo bronze-green, densely grey pollinose. 4 dorsocentral se dified segments combined nearly twice as long as meso tae with anterior one hairlike; 1 or 2 pairs of long acros notum; seventh segment invisible; 81h segment positioned tichals. Scutellum with two strong setae. symmetrically, covering epandrium basodorsally. Hypo Legs including trochanters yellow. Middle and hind pygium brown. Surstylus brown, with two thin mid-dor coxae brown-black, apical segments of tarsi brown. Fore sal apophysis. Epandrial lobe distinct, with 2 setae. and coxa yellow, from the front with long white hairs and 3 or having several long setae. Cercus yellow, with light hairs 4 long yellow apical setae. Middle and hind coxae from and wide articulated apical lobe. Basoventral lobes of the outside with a few yellow hairs, hind coxa also with 3 both cerci forming capitulate "Organ X" with longitu or 4 fine long yellow external setae in basal half. Fore dinal suture, fused along entire length, long, with 2 short femora with 3 or 4 long posteroventral setae in the mid ventral setae. dle, the longest is half as long as femora length; with Female. Unknown. several anteroventral setae, the longest is longer than Length: body 3.6 mm; antenna 1.05 mm; postabdomen femora diameter. Fore tibia with 1 posteroventral seta at 0.5 mm; wing-length 3.6 mm; wing-width 1.1 mm. basal fourth and microscopic semi-erect setulae along entire length. Fore basitarsus slightly broadened, ven Distribution. Madagascar. trally flattened, with pale pile; other tarsomeres simple. Length ratio of fore coxa to femora to tibia to tarsus Etymology. The species is named for Belgian dipterolo (segments from first to fifth), 52 : 83 : 63 : 52 : 24 : 15 gist Dr. E. De Coninck. : 8 : 7. Middle femora bare. Middle tibia with 1 ante / rodorsal, 1 anterior, I posterodorsal and 2 or 3 apical Diagnosis. Five species of the genus were earlier known setae; all setae short. Length ratio of middle coxa to from Australia (BICKEL, 1994a). D. deconinckae has some femora to tibia to tarsus (segments from first to fifth), similarities with Australian D. jlaviseta BICKEL, strongly 28 : 80: 101 : 80: 32 : 18: 8: 8. Hind femora bare. Hind differing from the latter in black setae on head and thorax, tibia with several short dorsal and posterodorsal, 2 or 3 long posteroventral seta at base of fore tibia, more com plex hypopygium morphology and many other characters. 7. Dytomyia elenae sp. n. (Fig. 6) Holotype. r3 in glycerol. Madagascar: Foulpointe, X.1993, A. PAULY col., foret de lagune, P.M. [RINS]. Paratype. r3 in alcohol, Madagascar: Tamatave Province, Foulpointe, X.l993, A. PAULY col. [RINS]. Description. Frons broad, metallic blue-green. A strong front vertical bristle bends forward, postvertical one is positioned as a linear continuation of the postocular setal row. Ventral postcranium covered with dense irregular white hairs. Face metallic green, clypeus separated from Fig. 5. - Cercus, ventral view. Dytomyia deconinckae sp. n. eyes; face slightly narrowed, 1.4 times as high as wide

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