ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 307–314 25 DECEMBER 2017 New data on Lachnophorini and Odacanthini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Vietnam, with description of two new species and one new subspecies of Pseudophorticus Новые данные о Lachnophorini и Odacanthini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Вьетнама с описанием двух новых видов и нового подвида Pseudophorticus D.N. FEDORENKO Д.Н. ФЕДОРЕНКО A.N. Severtsov Institute of ecology and evolution, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The Neotropical genus Pseudophorticus Erwin, 2004 is reported from the Eastern Hemis- pere for the first time. Two new species, P. constricticollis sp. nov. and P. tetragonoderoides sp. nov. are described from Vietnam; within the former species, two subspecies are recognized: the nominotypical one (central Vietnam) and P. constricticollis tonkinensis ssp. nov. (northen Vietnam). Additional records of Selina westermanni Motschulsky, 1858 in Vietnam are given. Aeolodermus emarginatus (Chaudoir, 1872) is first reported from Vietnam. Неотропический род Pseudophorticus Erwin, 2004 впервые обнаружен в Восточном полушарии. Два новых вида – P. constricticollis sp. nov. с новым подвидом P. constricticol- lis tonkinensis ssp. nov. и P. tetragonoderoides sp. nov. описаны из Вьетнама. Приведены новые находки во Вьетнаме Selina westermanni Motschulsky, 1858. Aeolodermus emarginatus (Chaudoir, 1872) впервые указан для Вьетнама. Key words: ground beetles, taxonomy, Vietnam, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lachnophorini, Oda- canthini, Pseudophorticus, Selina, Aeolodermus, new species, new subspecies, new records Ключевые слова: жужелицы, таксономия, Вьетнам, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lachnophori- ni, Odacanthini, Pseudophorticus, Selina, Aeolodermus, новый вид, новый подвид, новые указания INTRODUCTION in the subtribe Homethina Liebherr, 2016 of the tribe Odacanthini (Liebherr, 2016), According to Erwin & Zamorano (2014), which makes the Lachnophorini restricted the mostly Neotropical tribe Lachnophorini to the Neotropics, except for the monobasic includes 19 genera with 159 described and Palaeotropical genus Selina Motschulsky, many undescribed species. The genera Ae- 1858. olodermus Andrewes, 1929 (monobasic Ori- During two expeditions sponsored by ental), Homethes Newman, 1842 (nine spe- the Joint Russia-Vietnam Tropical Center cies, southern Oriental Region to Australia), in 2015–2016, an unknown lachnopho- and three Neotropical monobasic genera, rine was collected in central and northern Diplacanthogaster Liebke, 1932, Quammenis Vietnam. Dr Terry L. Erwin (personal com- Erwin, 2000, and Stenocheila Laporte de munication) has kindly identified a photo- Castelnau, 1832, have recently been placed graphed specimen of that species as Pseu- © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 308 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM dophorticus sp. The genus Pseudophorticus TAXONOMY Erwin, 2004 was erected for P. puncticollis Order COLEOPTERA Erwin, 2004 (type species) from Costa Rica and three species earlier described in the Family CARABIDAE genera Lachnophorus Dejean, 1831 or Eu- Subfamily HARPALINAE Bonelli, 1810 phorticus Horn, 1881. In a later paper (Er- win & Zamorano, 2014), the genus was said Tribe LACHNOPHORINI LeConte, 1853 to include one described species and many Genus Pseudophorticus Erwin, 2004 undescribed ones. A member of a rather large Neotropical Pseudophorticus constricticollis sp. nov. genus found in Vietnam may suggest a re- (Figs 1, 2, 4–8, 12) cent introduction; however, another Pseu- Diagnosis. The species from Vietnam dophorticus species was subsequently dis- with distinctive colour pattern as described covered in central Vietnam, which suggests that both may be native to the area and ap- below. For additional differences from parently still undescribed. the Neotropical species see ‘Remarks’ on Descriptions of the two new species are P. tetragonoderoides sp. nov. provided below, along with new records Description. Macropterous, body (Figs and notes on habitats of Selina westermanni 1, 2). BL 4.7–5.9 mm. Moderately shiny Motschulsky, 1858 and Aeolodermus emar- black, less shiny on pronotum and head ginatus (Chaudoir, 1872). behind mid-eye level; elytra with nearly indistinct blue violet tinge. Mouthparts, including labrum, antennal scape and apex MATERIAL AND METHODS of pedicel reddish-yellow; mandibular api- The acronyms used are as follows: ces slightly infuscated; legs flavous. Elytron MPSU, Moscow Pedagogical State Uni- a third from apex with a yellow flexuose versity; SIEE, the author’s reference collec- fascia spanning intervals 2–8 or 2–9; the tion at A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology fascia narrow, generally consisting of three & Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, subquadrate patches. Metaventrite red me- Moscow; ZIN, Zoological Institute, Rus- dially, sides of metaventrite and often also sian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; prosternum along middle reddish; abdomen ZMMU, Zoological Museum of the Mos- medially reddish-black. cow State University. Pubescence rather dense; eyes, center The following parameters were ana- of head, clypeus, labrum and mandibles lyzed: BL, maximum body length measured glabrous. Setae of dorsal pelage slightly between apices of closed mandibles and ely- longer, directed slightly forward, slightly tra; EL, maximum length of elytron; EW, longer on vertex and pronotal apex. Elytral maximum width of elytra; HW, maximum pelage double, short and dense setae mixed width of head across eyes; PL, length of with slightly longer and sparser ones. Ter- pronotum along mid-line; PW, maximum minal maxillary and labial palpomeres very width of pronotum; PWa, width of prono- sparsely setulose in basal half. tum between apical angles; PWb, width of Microsculpture isodiametric, distinct on pronotum between basal angles. frons before eyes, behind mid-eye level and Measurements were taken using an over pronotal disc, with not well delimited ocular micrometer within the accuracy of meshes here and there; almost obliterate on two decimal places. The means are given in elytra and between eyes, obsolete on clyp- round brackets for the ratios, with the num- eus, nearly so along pronotal apex and base. ber of measured specimens (n) indicated for Head bisetose above each eye, posterior the first ratio in the description. seta situated just in front of the level of eye © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM 309 Figs 1–3. Pseudophorticus, dorsal habitus. 1, P. constricticollis constricticollis ssp. nov., female para- type; 2, P. c. tonkinensis ssp. nov., male paratype; 3, P. tetragonoderoides sp. nov., paratype. posterior margin. Temples about a third as eral lobes and epilobes with pointed apices long as moderately convex eyes, barely con- combined. Ligula short, apically trapezoidal verging basad and extended into neck at and quadrisetose; inner setae being longer very obtuse angle. Frons and vertex mod- and closer to outer ones than to each oth- erately convex; neck constriction almost er. Terminal labial palpomere subfusiform; imperceptible. Frons transversely, finely penultimate palpomere bisetose. and densely, rugulose behind clypeus, with Pronotum cordate, convex, as wide as a shallow subtransverse impression at the head, broadest about a fourth from apex. level of eye anterior margin, often followed Sides rounded in apical half, often suban- by small and shallow median pit or weak gulate at the widest point, converging ba- V-shaped impression. Frontal foveae angu- sad, sinuate a fifth from base. Basal margin late, deep and divergent before eyes; shal- evenly subconvex to nearly straight. Apex lower and strongly diverging toward, and subtruncate medially to evenly sinuate almost reaching, anterior supraocular setae. between acute and pointed apical angles. Clypeus bisetose, convex, subsinuate api- Basal and apical beads traceable just lat- cally. Antennae long, surpassing elytral base erally. Median line fine, moderately deep, by apical 3–3.5 segments; antennomeres 3, deeper basally, reaching base, obliterate api- 4 and scape subequally long, slightly lon- cally. Basal transverse impression angulate ger than antennomere 5, more than twice forward, deep medially, obliterate laterally; as long as pedicel. Labrum truncate, sexse- apical transverse impression shallow. Basal tose, with a distinct transverse impression. foveae linear, moderately deep, slightly Mandibles imperceptibly concave laterally, converging apicad, almost reaching middle. with widely explanate ventral scrobal ridge. Disc densely rugulose, more so basally. Lat- Submentum bisetose; mentum bisetose at eral groove fine yet deep, with anterolateral base of a large and acute median tooth; lat- seta at the widest point; lateral bead edged, © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 310 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM Figs 4–12. Pseudophorticus. 4–8, 12, P. constricticollis constricticollis ssp. nov.; 9–11, P. tetragonoderoi- des sp. nov. 4–6, 9–11, median lobe of aedeagus, left (4, 9), ventral (5, 10) and dorsal (6, 11) aspects; 7, right paramere; 8, left paramere; 12, female reproductive tract; sab – spermathecal apical bulb, sbb – spermathecal basal bulb, sg – spermathecal gland. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM 311 reflexed, with much shorter posterolat- trapezoidal telescoped parts. Spermatheca eral seta in or just before basal angle, 1–3 bipartite U-shaped, basal part being very additional setae of similar length in apical slender, half as long as ovally elongated api- angles, and a few shorter setae in basal half. cal part. Propleura invisible in dorsal view. Etymology. Refers to the shape of the Elytra square, convex, slightly flattened pronotum, from Latin constrictus (tied up) on disc, EL/EW 1.41–1.51 (1.46, n=16), and collum (neck). twice as wide as pronotum, nearly truncate Distribution. Central and northern Viet- at bases, with square humeri, broadest a nam. third from apex; outer angles widely round- Bionomics. A riparian psammophilous ed; apical truncature oblique and almost species. All the adults were collected along indistinctly sinuate; apices slightly pointed forest streams in bare fine gravel amid small combined but blunt tips. Sides subparallel, stones, with negligible or no admixture of diverging slightly apicad, usually gently mud. sinuate a fourth from base. Basal ridge en- Remarks. The species description is tire, straight, indistinctly angulate between based on two isolated populations treated striae 4 and 5. Striae entire, indistinctly here as subspecies. crenulate, deep, slightly deeper before apex. Intervals nearly flat, convex in apical third, Pseudophorticus constricticollis each with about three irregular rows of fine constricticollis ssp. nov. setigerous punctures. Parascutellar striole (Figs 1, 4–8, 12) long and deep; parascutellar setigerous pore adjoining striae 1 and 2. Interval 3 with Holotype. Male, “Vietnam, Kon Tum Prov[ince]., Chu Mom Ray Nat[io]n[al]. Park, three discal setigerous pores (d1–d3); these 14°30´N 107°43´E, dak Car river bank, h = 700– subequally spaced; interval 7 with two api- 850 m, 28.III–4.IV.2015, D. Fedorenko leg.” cal setae; umbilical seta series continuous, (ZMMU). consisting of 15 setigerous pores adjoining Paratypes. 21 males and females taken to- stria 8, except for pore 14 adjoining stria 9; gether with the holotype (SIEE, ZIN). pores 1–3 and 10 adjoining both striae. Diagnosis. Body (Fig. 1): Labrum red- Abdominal sternites IV–VI with one dish-yellow; antennomeres 7–11 flavous or pair of ambulatory setae, sternite VII api- whitish; antennomeres 2–6 black to brown cally bisetose in male, quadrisetose in fe- black, sometimes with antennomeres 5 and male. 6 barely paler. Preapical elytral fascia span- Legs. Metatarsomere 1 as long as those ning intervals 2–8 or 2–9. Some specimens 2 and 3 combined. Protarsomeres 1–3 not exhibiting slightly infuscated labrum or dilated in male, each with adhesive ventral elytra with a vague posthumeral spot on in- scales. Metafemur without fixed setae. tervals (6–)8. Aedeagus (Figs 4–8) widely membra- Pronotum: PW/HW 0.96–1.01 (0.99, nous dorsally, parameres subequally long. n=8), PW/PL 1.23–1.29 (1.26); sides Internal sac behind middle with a patch of slightly diverging in basal fifth. Basal angles several tiny spicules. projecting slightly laterad, right and sharp Female genitalia (Fig. 12): basal gono- or with acute apices due to base gently in- coxite (gonosubcoxite) with 10–11 apical dented just inside. Apex a fifth wider than setae; apical gonocoxite triangular, with base, PWa/PWb 1.15–1.28 (1.21). two outer (ventral) ensiform setae and a Elytra: EW/PW 1.96–2.10 (2.0); discal double apical nematiform seta. Female re- setigerous pores slightly yet distinctly fove- productive tract (Fig. 12) as described for ate, either adjoining stria 2 or d1 adjoining the tribe (Liebherr, 1988; Liebherr & Will, stria 3. 1998); bursa copulatrix with four, inversely Distribution. Central Vietnam. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 312 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM Pseudophorticus constricticollis h = 570 m, dak Lar Pa river bank, 8–20.V.2017, tonkinensis ssp. nov. D. Fedorenko leg.” (SIEE). (Fig. 2) Diagnosis. The species from Vietnam with distinctive colour pattern as described Holotype. Male, “N[orthern]-Vietnam, Phu below. Tho Prov[ince]., ~ 90 km W of Hanoi, Xuan Description. Similar to P. constricticollis Son N[ational]. P[ark]., h = 300 m, 21°07´58´´N sp. nov., except as follows: Body (Fig. 3) 104°55´45´´E, in moist gravel, 6–15.VI.2014, larger, BL 6.5–6.8 mm, yellow (including D. Fedorenko leg.” (ZMMU). gula, prosternum and mesosternum along Paratypes. 34 males and females taken to- middle), with whitish scape, maxillary gether with the holotype (SIEE, ZIN). palpomere 2 and femora. Head, pronotum, Diagnosis. Distinctive from the nomino- elytral base and epipleura, and metaster- typical subspecies in the following points: num laterally black. Elytra in middle third Antennae more or less gradually paling with a vaguely infuscated macula spanning apicad, with segment 7 intermediate in intervals 1–5 and laterally merging into a colour between brown to dark brown seg- darker subtriangular patch. Elytral dark ments 3–6 and pale brown to brown seg- parts, including central macula, with slight ments 8–11; scape red, pedicel red to red- (holotype) or no (paratype) metallic green dish-brown; segments 7–11 slightly darker tinge. Labrum dark brown, mouthparts than legs (versus same coloured or slightly largely yellow. Antennae rather pale brown, paler than legs). Labrum mostly infuscated, with reddish-yellow segments 2–4 and indistinctly reddish. Elytral posthumeral barely infuscated segment 5. Dorsum dull spot absent, preapical fascia slightly nar- due to coarse sculpture: head and pronotum rower, spanning intervals 3–8, with inner rugose and thence indistinctly microscu- patch reduced to interval 3 and sometimes lptured; frons rugulose, finely yet densely separated. Pronotum on the average barely punctate, except for a small smooth spot more transverse, PW/PL 1.24–1.33 (1.28, between eyes. Dorsal pubescence dense and n = 8), and narrower basally, PWa/PWb slightly longer than in P. constricticollis sp. 1.19–1.28 (1.24), due mainly to sides par- nov., with pronotal lateral edge minutely allel before, instead of diverging towards, tuberculate in basal half; elytral intervals base; base and apex less arcuate, often each with 4–5 rows of setigerous punctures. subtruncate medially; basal angles mostly Pronotum: PW/PL 1.24–1.28, just as not or barely projecting laterad. Elytral wide as head, PWa/PWb 1.15–1.18; basal discal setae not or barely foveate, situated angles projecting slightly laterad, right and mostly at middle of interval 3. PW/HW sharp. Base finely beaded in lateral 1/4–1/5; 0.94–1.01 (0.97), EW/PW 1.94–2.11 (2.0). apical bead fine yet entire, faint just medi- Etymology. Refers to the provenance of ally. Median line entire and deep, deeper ba- the type series. sally and apically. Apical transverse impres- Distribution. Northern Vietnam. sion fairly deep, basal transverse impression wide and deep. Pseudophorticus tetragonoderoides Elytra very slightly oblique at bases; hu- sp. nov. meri slightly more widely rounded than in (Figs 3, 9–11) P. constricticollis sp. nov.; apices narrowly rounded; EL/EW 1.51–1.53, EW/PW Holotype. Male, “Vietnam, Gia Lai Province, 1.96. Striae rather shallow; intervals flat, ~55 km ENE Pleiku, 14°17´45´´N/ 108°26´57´´E, interval 3 along middle with three feebly Kon Ka Kinh Nat[io]n[al]. Park, h = 600 m, impressed discal setigerous pores; interval 8–20.V.2017, D. Fedorenko leg.” (ZMMU). 7 with two apical setae. Interval 9 with 17 Paratype. Female, “Vietnam, Gia Lai Pro- vince, ~55 km ENE Pleiku, 14°17´24´´N/ umbilical setae, not constricted behind the 108°27´47´´E, Kon Ka Kinh Nat[io]n[al]. Park, middle (versus constricted at setigerous © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM 313 pore 10); pores of umbilical seta series ad- Genus Selina Motschulsky, 1858 joining stria 8, with pores 1–3 additionally Selina westermanni Motschulsky, 1858 adjoining stria 9; pore 16 adjoining stria 9 only. Material. Vietnam. Dong Nai Prov.: 10 males Legs. Protarsomeres 1–3 slightly dilated and females, Nam Cat Tien National Park, and squamose ventrally in male. 11°25´18´´N 107°25´44´´E, Expedition of the Aedeagus (Figs 9–11): apical lamella in Joint Russian-Vietnamese Tropical Center, dorsal/ventral view triangular. 20.XI.2004 D. Fedorenko leg. (SIEE); 1 female, same data, except for 21.X.2004, at light HQL Remarks. The genus Pseudophorticus has 450 (SIEE). Song Be Prov.: 1 specimen, 60 km not been described in detail; only a diagno- N of Ho Chi Minh, Phu Gia Vill., 3–13.X.1994, sis had been provided, a brief comparison A. Napolov leg. (MPSU). Gia Lai Prov.: 2 speci- with Euphorticus and Lachnophorus (Erwin, mens, ~ 55 km ENE of Pleiku, Kon Ka Kinh 2004), and a key to genera of Lachnophorini National Park, 14°17´45´´N 108°26´57´´E, h = (Erwin & Zamorano, 2014). As long as the 600 m, at light, 8–20.V.2017, D. Fedorenko leg. genus is still formally monobasic (Erwin (SIEE). & Zamorano, 2014), I can only compare Distribution. Africa, Madagascar, Sri Pseudophorticus constricticollis sp. nov. and Lanka, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Viet- P. tetragonoderoides sp. nov. with P. puncti- nam, southern China (Hong Kong, Macao), collis and Pseudophorticus sp. from Peru (il- and Sumatra. lustrated in Erwin & Zamorano, 2014, Fig. Bionomics. Bates (1886) noted that 19). In the latter two species, the prono- S. westermanni as the only member of “Sub- tum is wider (versus as wide as, or slightly family Lachnophorinae” in Ceylon ran “in narrower) than the head, and about three moist places in the half-dry river”. In the quarters (versus half) as wide as the elytra. Cat Tien National Park, most of the adults According to Erwin (2004), the two Neo- were taken at the extreme edge of a pool tropical species, including P. puncticollis, where they dwelt in leaf litter on slimy mud. are not periaquatic, have wings strongly re- duced, and one species is wing-polymorphic Tribe ODACANTHINI Laporte, 1834 (Erwin, 2004; Erwin & Zamorano, 2014). Genus Aeolodermus Andrewes, 1929 On the other hand, both species from Viet- nam are macropterous and riparian, like Aeolodermus emarginatus (Chaudoir, many Anchonoderus. This, combined with 1872) the disjunct range, suggests that the Ori- Material. Vietnam. Dong Nai Prov.: 1 male, ental Pseudophorticus may deserve at least Nam Cat Tien National Park, 11°25´18´´N subgeneric status. The relationships within 107°25´44´´E, Expedition of the Joint Russian- Pseudop horticus need further study. Vietnamese Tropical Center, at light, 10.VI.2005, Etymology. Reflects similarity between D. Fedorenko leg. (SIEE). Lam Dong Prov.: 2 the new species and some psammophilous males, 25 km NNW of Bao Loc, Loc Bao env., species of the carabid genus Tetragonoderus 11°44´18´´N 107°42´08´´E, h = 800 m, 5–20. Dejean, 1829 in elytral pattern. IV.2013, D. Fedorenko leg. (SIEE). Distribution. Known from the type local- Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Borneo, ity only. Sumatra, Celebes, Philippines. The first re- Bionomics. The holotype specimen was cord for Vietnam. collected in bare fine sand along a forest Andrewes (1929, 1933) reported stream, and the paratype in plant debris on Ae. emarginatus from Celebes, Borneo, Su- sandy riverbank with a thick facial layer of matra (Medan), and the Malay Peninsula, mud. This means riparian and, given the and supposed that Melbourne, Australia, distinctive body pattern, apparently psam- was wrongly indicated as the type local- mophilous way of life. ity. Darlington (1956) also noted that the © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314 314 D.N. FEDORENKO. NEW DATA ON LACHNOPHORINI AND ODACANTHINI OF VIETNAM species was not probably Australian, while Impériale des naturalistes de Moscou, 45(2): occurring from the Malay Peninsula to the 382–420. Philippines. Darlington P.J. 1956. Australian carabid beetles III. Notes on the Agonini. Psyche, 63(1): Bionomics. The listed specimens from 1–10. Loc Bao were taken on moist ground with Erwin T.L. 2004. The beetle family of Costa Rica dense vegetation at the edge of a swamp. and Panama: Descriptions of four new genera Remarks. This species was illustrated and six new species with notes of their way by Louwerens (1952) for comparison with of life (Insecta: Coleoptera). Zootaxa, 537: Homethes microguttatus (Louwerens, 1952), 1–18. with reference to neither examined material Erwin T.L. & Zamorano L.S. 2014. A synopsis nor locality. of the tribe Lachnophorini, with a new genus of Neotropical distribution and a revision of the Neotropical genus Asklepia Liebke, 1938 AKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae). Zookeys, 430: 1–108. I am indebted to Dr T.L. Erwin (Smithso- Liebherr J.K. 1988. Redefinition of the super- nian Institution, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) tribe Odacanthitae, and revision of the West and Dr Laura S. Zamorano (Universidad de Indian Lachnophorini (Coleoptera: Carabi- los Andes, Colombia) for discussion of the new dae). Quaestiones Entomologicae, 24: 1–42. species. I thank Vassili Belov (College Station, Liebherr J.K. 2016. Cyphocoleus Chaudoir (Co- TX, USA) for suggestions that have improved leoptera, Carabidae, Odacanthini): descrip- the manuscript. The study was supported by tive taxonomy, phylogenetic relationships, the Russian Academy of Sciences Biodiversity and the Cenozoic history of New Caledonia. Program. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 63(2): 211–270. REFERENCES Liebherr J.K. & Will K.W. 1998. Inferring phy- logegnetic relationships within Carabidae Andrewes H.E. 1929. Papers on Oriental Cara- (Insecta, Coleoptera) from characters of bidae. The Annals and Magazine of Natural the female reproductive tract. In: G.E. Ball, History, Ser. 10, 4: 353–371. A. Casale & V. Taglianti (Eds.). Phylogeny Andrewes H.E. 1933. A Catalogue of the Cara- and Classification of Caraboidea. Proceed- bidae of Sumatra. Tijdschrift voor Entomolo- ings of a Symposium (28 August 1996, Flor- gie, 76: 319–382. ence, Italy) XX International Congress of En- Bates H.W. 1886. On the Geadephagous Co- tomology: 107–170. Torino: Museo Regionale leoptera collected by Mr. Georg Lewis in de Scienze Naturali. Ceylon. The Annals and Magazine of Natural Louwerens C.J. 1952. New Carabidae from the History, Ser. 5, 17: 199–212. Malay Archipelago. Treubia, 21(2): 211–229. Chaudoir M. 1872. Observations sur quelques genres de Carabiques, avec la description Received 24 April 2017 / Accepted 25 Oct. 2017 d’espèces nouvelles. Bulletin de la Société Editorial responsibility: B.M. Kataev © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 307–314