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Preview New Cutting Edge. Pre-Intermediate. Teacher's book

PRE-INTERMEDIATE _ teacher's tips — learner-training worksheets _ photocopiable activities tests photocopiable resources by Chris Redston TEACHER’S RESOURCE BOOK helen barker with sarah cunningham peter moor introduction ew cuting cage Presntermadiote Samed st young adults sucyng gene ngs a a pretrterneciate evel and provides mata tor approximately 120 ow" each. Ielssuable tor ters sung nether a monokngu or mstiingulclssroce STUDENTS’ 200K ‘The Mew Cling ge Printereddat Student! Bookie died! nto foan modules ach corssting o”approcrte'ye gt hours of classroom materia. tan module ovine some or ala! the fllowing + reading nao listening ands Vorabslary- an tructien nthe eee ofthe ‘Module, ana incorporates speaking + grammar inqubrevsien nto Language focus sections wt practice sews ane Integrates pranarctaion ork + vocabulary chides #Woragpot sector which ecuses on commen wards have, get take + Tas preparation - stimuli or modal for "stat lomgunge for thee {tax entanded speaking, often with an opal weting compsnent {Reale section ~angvagenaeded in mare -orpex et-fes ua, inelucing string and speaking + wring sls 1 Study Practise. Remembert section to cevelop tuly skis, wit practice ils a eslrasessment section fr students ta mon or thei progress 1 tak tan leteing 9° eseng! ard ‘etn back othe Stionts' Book yu wl in a Mineakcuonary winch cnlansceiatons, pronunciations and examples ot key ‘words en pnases tom the stucens oak + 2 dead Language summary covering Ue gatynar i ath edule + Tapeserpt or meteria onthe Clas Cosassales The now cating Ege Pre termediate Worbnaki divided nto een maesios hich conto + grammar ~ consoldtcn ofthe main language ais covered ne Students" Book + Vocabulary aadtonaprecee an put + Sklls work maove your wing and sien nd vad seczons * pronunelaton focus on prostem sounds end wor stress ‘he cetonal Stucents' CO\Cassete fears exercises on grammar andl pravuneition Tere ae to versions ofthe Workbook, one wih andthe her wt an Answer Key “The ne Culang Edge Prowtermetot 2 pn intodtion and some Teacher’ ts on elongsauerts ity proruncation ssorkng wth excl phases ‘king the nest the mnt-ttonary ‘aking ass work ‘esnondig to earnest nalualanzsage nesds Using the Suu. roctce Remember ard Mintchece sections + Stop-by'step teacher's nates far each madi, nclicng al ornate suggestions ar afferent teaching stations arc for ask) dette language tes on integtotedt ane” kos + pnetocopiate Resource bank including larnertzaining worksheets, ters Resource Book worse of hee Introduction The thinking behind New Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate Overview ww cuting Ege Prentarmenats has altered, Sai bese sllaous wren rele thorough er compratensve ‘werk grammar yocrbu ary, nonuncsovon ond he aie bilstenng,reaing speaking an wring. svustuee Speahng teks form canal pt of each module The curse gts special emphasis te: 5 these a phrases and cotacation * acta leaning and study sls 1 elson and ecyng Topics and content we aim to moat eames by basing meds around us- tadate ones of tematioal nerest. Stunts are sreourazed te eam mare about he word ane other cultures through the medium of Engle, ane pereonasaton trongly emphasic. The ifaring needs of monocutarl {re ruieutural asses have besr hep ind throughout Approach to grammar roreach to deeeiapirg thelr neg af arama, ae the copartnty t we ne language provided na rnetwel comm cave way, thereare two Lanzuage cus ctions neach module, whieh sma s presences using Feeding or lstenng ods. E3enCanguoge focus has a {Gre mor tox ocusing onthe ma langue pins, n hi leorers se encourage o wor ot les for thameslves. Tiss floved up thoroughly trough + aioe range of conmniatze ane wten race fsercsee the student oak the opportunity to use nee grammer naturally ithe speak ng tasks iste oelowt + Sesuyy ractse . mame! ane inched exons inhi leer ets are encourage to ase ir progress ad wor onan emai problem Large summary ser tthe back Ie Siler tee Teocher’ ts: using the study. Practise Approach to vocabulary ‘wide vocablary Is ial ta conmunicatve success, 30 lees struc and precise at eory stage none fuse Petia hes en pa ta saeco of high requency, international use| Words and pene, Voesbulry np s desalted te the opie sid tn ‘ho mockioy, slowing fo plemy of mtra rxjeing Tutor Drsceste provided nthe Sut. Prati Remember ton a the ene af each radu aid nthe Wok, Inarderts commancae, et sealers maa elena sxe pasate chunks language a his reason, 4 new cutngcdge re nermecne ves parcular femgnasistecoloeatns an eee porases These 2 Werdpat sections, which cus on hgh Feauency ve ‘e Usefullongunge boxes in tho cposking 386 Sopmmon erry stunts ich ow tle oF rrakng avengements + apcbeacl vocabulary lesson (see Teachers tos: working wit ico arose a ages #-9) i aon, mare sralshlornar sine tom ‘ocabulary is also exenced through the vocaouiery Booster Sections ofthe Worebo0k fu ceabulry spl nda te the ner With this im min, she speaking tsk in New cuting Eepe Pre Intermediate proide the opportunisy fo" slcens 0 35k 12 thacher forte words ana pases they nee. ee Tesch tips. responding to lscrnes nial arguae ee" 1 ogs 12-181 "a ercouragelearrer indspandnce, New cut cage fntrostor words and prvasesapprograte te the level ot Se Tearess. Lesa’ are er:ouragodt ret the mi theioneyUrcugheal Ue waee al Ie ae aod ps "help then to doth rove elec. Se Teacher es, The speaking tasks ew Gating Edge Preintermediae ans to integrate tlorients of a askbasee approac nt its overall Fetrodoingy. tnete ae svvctued speskng fas in froblom sohing anc saryteing, Here the primary focus Ison a:nlsving 3 partcuar outcome or proguct, rn than on pacing speci longue Learners are tniciureged 0 ad the language ty need inorder ta capress their oun iene “he requetparto-mance of such ass regarded i tasks provide the opportuni for ea iste and extened {crrmumstion ana becase lenrere ae srng fe epreee Tanguage thos they ae laring. Wuch ofthe ear Atenbclry np ier ele therelr trgatod round thse tasks, whic in ur previ 3 vaucle ‘pporumnsyfrthe teacher to revst and raysewhat as ton sted Ty order 9 make the tasks work ellectivey inthe they oe graded caetully interns of ately { emadelstmulis provided fe what he student i apectedt9 do + tse ul anguagets praises Yeo sudents to express + tinking an planing time ince Isee Taochers ts: making rasis work en pages 10-11 303 Fesponcng to oon’ ings ee poges 1215) Ty pton to the tasks, New Outing le Pree Jncermedce offers mary other opportunities fer pean. For earl, treugh he escusion of texts, communicative precice wate se and the wile ange of gares ad utes nha arotocopableRescurce Garin the Other important elements in New Cutting Edge Pre- Intermediate Listening se ctirg gt reiterate pics songs 1 Ghortentrats an minloguest inrodute and pacts new anguaze + Swords and sentences for close Isteningandto model pronunciation + longer tat nerves, songs, tories ar ‘enverstions, some ol hies are autherti, oft inthe Preparation section ae 2 model or stimu forthe ack + Feglar ston and read sectonsin the Workbook Io furtar develop stucons' confidence inthis are. Speaking Thor is also a sung enphass on spesking, follows 2 tase rove a regular aoportnty or extend ans prepares speckirg hase around realistic took and Stussors ee page 4 + Muen athe arate of grammar and lee through or + The tpies sre reading tots in acy module provide fortunes ortaleseup ctcaeson ners segue itgrated work on pronunciation photacepable active the Resource bank Reading Ther sa wide ange ef reading matnaln he Students ook ncluting acluascletie txt, soles, quizes, forms, notes svdemais. These text re intgrated ina mero ailerent ays torded toes specially to devel racing i's * Texts when tac grammar wore and aquage ‘as + Teed whieh provide a model 2 stimulus or tasks anc 2 Note frcaseas wn do othave ao of tn too reaeng Ives, there are suggesting inthe teachers nota scion writing sjtenatic work on wring sls is cdeveloped in Rew ting tg Petntermeciats though focus on writing amas and laters, composing raratves Introduction + improve your uniting section inthe Werkbook. eich expand on sr areas covered Inthe Stucers' Sook + ‘arte fallowean sactons to many ofthe saeskrg asks Pronunciation Pronurcation work iNew Culting Ede Prontermediote incagrated wth grammar ard lees, anén tre Re! Ie ‘sectors nspecalPrenvciation boxes the Tacs ia the Students’ Bok s mainly onsite, weak forms ar Intonation, whe te Workb20k focuses on proto suds and word tes. Arange of acti types ere used inte Students’ ok, incucing diseiminaton exercises and lation. and an equal enphasis spiced on undersanding nd epreducing Iain, ther ate Aronurcion spo ‘the sudy . Pacis. ember sections, whe ocus fn proslem sounds Tse seve are nvended 3= que Learning skills tiew cutting Edge Pretntermettate develops learning Sls saumber of ays fons + "ha ciscosery approach to grammar encourages learners to experiment with anguage and 1 Work Cul sr themseies, + easton apaoacn ercou + Boking up words anc pinases ne amt éicuonory Geet stents conan presce of a ens F aeanaey Bile focuses on use iarangsbatagls, such es Keenng tol ncesion cues eas weencouys te + hatesouree bon neues eleven eeertaring worksheets aed at deveoping stents anareness of portance of tke an active sein te learins proces. Revision and recycling Inermacors, Nw argues expt re=yces throu Nonva paces earls nthe Sty Sroctue man ganar andvocabulary aeasin the module. Aer Ueing te exercises, leaner are encouraged return to any parts ofthe module ra rey stl fea unsure about to asus what they hve and have na remerbered from the modula Se Teachers as using te Sts Praise. amember end Win-checkseeions on pages 514) + Consolidation spreads alter Madules 5,10 and 15, These Combine grammar and veeauloy exercises wth lstonag and soealing actives, recy 2A wom the prev fe maul, + three protocop aoe ts nthe Nesource bork for use after Modules 13nd 15, In aidion, the speaking tasks ofr constant opportuntes for earners 1 use what ey have stated in astral a, andor teachers te assess tor progress avdromind them bt mpartant pacts Teacher’s tips Helping students with pronunciation hen people sy thet you sak good Engl, very oen Spake oe fregr lage. hous most Sens today ae lsring Erglah common cation an Intanatione! contexts the perfect reprecuctin of Bish one's, for exame,'s ot esertal, 2 hig esueney pronuncatn errs can make stor hare to urdestan, and istenrs, whether nave spears orn. ny ust Suitch of setng mig tandores fer pronuneizr, event You are not aiming ter ravzespeaketke production, hop ta achive tne right kn of sorprehens diy. Give priority to pronunciation realistic Dent nat for s Pronunciation ax to ome along i tne Students Book. rtegatepronueiaon work wrenever {Feed principe wits woruncistion ‘nts other nan fine abou wh youn to achieve: larity and eavfence ere whal most students Shane prteuar sient 5 gling usted or but be dog A barros igheael epproat aa tet alevate stress! Orit! Choc andr inhi. repotiticn isthe simplest pronunestion acy t st up and pare the rast tffectve.tcanhelpto bull coréznee, and is ohn pula wt low el student slong as you dort overdc Ieee ave) There are madels onthe Coscasetes that students can copy for mos: key langusge in New Cutie ge Preincermedine. @... but make sure students con hear the Correct pronunciation Event studonsearnot ye produce te targat pronune ata, wl imorove ther Itening sls they can atleast hear © and it goes without saying that you cannot reproduce something that you havent herd clea “area varloue wy oF Song eis. eels fis ten rept repeat he word or phase two or hee times yous. before you ask stucers to sy = Sometimes you need to olteendazeet indvil sable or Sounds, ond exaggeration of eaures ke stress and intonation can beep 2 you can canrast the correct 6 thelrowe languege ov with #smlar sound meng O Pay particular attention to words with icregular spelling (ne of heb gzest problems tor earrers of English s the relationship Eetweensourds and spel, Hig an ol Proiem words on a consistent bass, Tk about acy Sudants the anonenc alphabet = th ves them = Yalule tol or dling with robert c ¢ronuition by Theme ves, end or ecorng i. You can use the st of sours onthe iside ont cover o' the min'dtenary teach t but only sch af symoals #3 ine, and make Conetart ute of them, otherwise students wil oan forget hem agai © Focus on the sounds that most affect students’ comprehensibilty Consonants [particulate beginning ae enol words) {a7 groably more mportant tran vowe share Uso any tps you cn for hepng students to ep'aduce then, Yau ‘ight fous te en a solr sound nthe on language 16 then help ther 0 adept, or use ack |e starting ‘sith tage stents to produce the oun Anything ‘hat works lvl her! Sometimes ti Usfulto cons the pros sound wth she one tat students are ristakeny producing, visa ‘minimal 23 such 3s tee ard ‘hve Say the par ef wards several ines, the ak tuserts to say which they cen hea, afore asking ther 2a prodice ‘the words hemsses, Poy attention to schwa ia! Tris fone veel cau tht you should ors by vory igh avenge of mul-iabie wares Using areeeywilhep students to sound more fet, 7 increase ther comgrohersiblty. the beginning othe ‘ours nae sre tha stents can oroduse tN sound, fot ostess ic aecdentaly houghslabes with scan than ate not orally stessee o avoid this, dil ‘words starting wit the sessed ele then 208 the {va sounds thr baton or afterwards, or aril (Coniston sou what yo eer Cr thew a he Teacher's tips @ Focus consistently on word stress The fen cozy ara in hich eexrors tents effect veh Getints tho habitffocsing en word tess whenever yeu ceoch anew ward wit potent problens If students have problems ty ane af the following Kaas wren you dil ‘sp sick your ger, et. ons stressed ible wurst te stress pater, Dele sein the wore me Irlstete stressed alae, oan ede other ible, ost fovge ta merkstessd elles wien you write ne vrs the bard by under ning oF wring a Lab oer ane er courage stents ta doth ste wen they vod ese marca in themvnditionay @.... ond sentence stress Sectence stassis one o he most important elements in hoping students obo easyto understand when they Spon, just s punctuation makes a wren werk more fomorehersbe try to foes an ttle and ofen, for fxample, when you teac = new strcture or amass. Yau {anus the sate methads a or word ses to help ‘Muerto near ac reproduce the sentence stess © Make students aware of weak forms and word linking fa conebute to comprerancaity and tency. aid ay level thy are imporsntorthe purposes of ietenng voutedch ren phases end stuctte, aru sets Stentor tone rms ane wore linking 8 aporoprie, ni give tucorts the opportunity te practise ther. Yeu can Use te sare metos afr chs sounds Honey have problems. Hever, do not wery tos much students de proskce ne weak forms and word Eng porteresusly this Sore ikl 9 came natural whan Studer ts ae-morefluct All you can doa: ths stage ito Sox the eed forthe ure ®B Make students aware of intonation fancequerty, dens, teachers worry tha th tes finer hucente drt eee ta Yea fealty. the ane ine sem of pltepes ant sunding sic ersy rts though even her, nreal fe any ther Init arene or ination wk pi the yl fe ‘mrss you gobably won't tasch scent the ight Intonation overnight but by fecusing on this problem you anh ther to see the importance ot. They are rare ely tmprove their veal itanatien via plenty of fexaosure fo nturtsocndng english, and ts something thot take te students have problems hearng ar reproducing te itonatir plterns tel yor Foose 0 fecus on, try some ofthe folowing ideas + Exaggeratethe rzration pater, 2eforerturing to 3 ‘more norte mode. + Hur the Intonation paters before “eating the words incerta ths very ust fr hearing intonation paterss youself ot have dificult. + Use gestures to show the intonation pater rather ke ‘conductor + Marthe imtoraion onthe boar using aon Rermember, though, that if students ara gang state, frcannat get the earactintnation ti rabably sto lesre'tand come beckta tangther time Teacher's tips _ Working with lexical phrases @ Become more aware of phrases and collocations yourself ne recent relative Ite atontion vas given tothe ‘rousancs ef vases and callocatons that eke up the leds in Els, along arth ee watianal one-vor tes. necessary look at thelist of phrase types, and start natcng ow common these ‘pefabreated chunks aren altypes of English. They gor beyond aeastrasitionaly dealt wth in Engislarguige causes ~ phrasal ves, funcional 1 caller crm vel crabinainn etin {adetves «nouns fest end adres 1 verbs» sever work har | + See parson mtg a ‘uch pve blur the boundarslotweenvecabulry and in eschig these pass, you nd tha you trednonsly cnsisree tm be grammar such 2 artles ar umgesig that wor oh hunks should cir eps te fredtiens| grate appease acy ver forms, hut rathorhat tsa useul sspploment @ Make your students aware of phrases and collocations Students shou also know about he importance of Such phrases Loomer ii worksheet C01 poe 123 f te source bonk aims te ceveiop students arenes cf such collocation © Feed in phrases on a ‘little but often’ basis > avo everosding tudes ane ersure that your lex cal Inpat suet, tach a ten phrases relatg to part elias you go along. Far example, na grammar practice att instead of smote answers suchas Ys, €0 (oF No, Rove ecm phrases ihe I dapends of don't realy are. The same's tue of discussions about reacingistening texts ara wrtng actives Introduce phrases in context, but drill them as short chunks Phrases can be ifiult to understand andbe specie o certain stations, sits important ha thoy ae inoue In corset. However, stsiens may rtan trem bet * you Ar ust te ras fox example, have inch, go fore wa Father han 3 full setence wit praciems whieh nigh (strat rom the phrase seth cling f such sass canbe 2 valuable opportunity to ccs on ronune tien ferures suey a8 naak ferme 4 word ning © Point out patterns in phrases Painting ou patterns wil help stdents to arember shown 2 ol shine _—_-tntate hah © Keep written records of phrases as phrases ‘ne sple way to make your stents more auare of Ealocaton isto get ina tho habit of wring word aminatons an te Soar wrereve appropri, ther manus indvidual ores. The mare stdents se ese sors together the mare tie thy are ke remember em 35 uit. Rather than ust witag up housework a ane tut odo nehouseivor a lay hepa. In sentences, al ocations can bh ghightd in colour er underined— iss pateulary importa hen th associated words ae stacy next each ober in the sentence. Seind Students 0 ait down ti cotati eo, even hoy @ Reinforce and recycle phrases as much as you can This Is parulty impostant wl phrases wach, fer ne ‘eons ven above,can be hard fo remember Most ‘eeien games ana acts that teachers do wth single tems of vocabulary canbe adapted and used wh phases. You may find te fallewingssetulin ation. ‘Making wall posters help stents remember oocations by makirgs wal postr wih 3 spidergrm ietnare inthe Wordspt sections of tho Stunts’ took. Seen the vases onthe wal like this every ason ean prove tule (shih wl posters woul be elective, lor exer Common affes ich il or commen passive phrases. Alvays wre te hil hrase ont poster (get morea not ast mari) and remave the cl posters rguliy, as ey wiloseimpacttthere | ‘re too many. | | -Makirg a phrase bank: copy the new words ane pnvass Fam thelesson ort sis ecard oF pape" "ange enough for tadont to read You nls em Up tthe rental roam anc een tem in 2 box oF bop. Thsis a good record for you us well a the Students of he phrases toa youave tudes you an get hom ek nana’ trere ae fem snare ‘mortets at the bagienng or and of lesson for soe ‘quck ein, Hold tem mand, appropiate, eet ‘Seadems to ge ou ~ anaxplaraton ofthe prase = atiarslaton lhe phrase = Synonyms = opposites ne prorandaton tuations whee ther mighty this = asintenceincsng the parase = the meting werd tat you are laine your hand over fr exzmpie tin the prac stan tether) pias Ree, asec ona citlon or eslaton tn: yu have ger ther, _— Teacher's tips Making the most of the mini-dictionary “he ew cutngEalge Prcermation minsetonery hae bean esserilly desanelts be useu to, 202 usasle by pe rearoadite student. corti exiles of most wares, viet ae a5 eefenpanatoy as possble, We rive hw ‘eis may be for scents tte lovel to uncestand Geteonsin engl <theugh we have made 3 bg eller to ‘rake theue a single a goes Welhepe that lucene @ Show students the mini-dictionary at the beginning of the course Explain wat ne mint-dlevorary is, ad reassure students {tat they don't need to understand a He settions to use it Onviausystuconts wit not understand al the detnitons imme, Show ze al he ote information they est alllfng, seh 3s opposes or word sess, Pont at too, ‘hati often ease eo work out the meaning oF wore ‘tomar example rather thar ‘oma defnton @ Use the mini-dictionary together as a class, or in pairwork {ht help to 2ul vp confidence in vsing¢ manaingu onary, a tacens ore ou togater whet they Understand tspocaly nthe nl stg, il Fp 2 rake dhetorary work ess aduous and more soca © Use it where appropriate in grammar lessons thermnvactonny or erp te oe sei othe hoe rncclonory en he sve he stor cvenwen you arena alae a does! © draw students’ attention to information about collocation the minietonary roids ltl basic ifort aban locator whey wil help scent ese what thoy know be ectnaly Preiniomedile scents mgt nt alvays be aro ttcolocsties in Eglsh ae oon erent rom ‘ose in theirs arguage so whenever you okup award ‘ogether wri has 3 podlemat colocation, show how ine rintstonary exzngles can hep wth ths, Vory your aporoach dents may ge tee oft beforolone, ry ung tn min {Fiona the folowing vay tenor acherge Teacher's tips fr her dentins fom the mitonery ‘Tked up m colin B. Students match te worce wr the cottons, Matching words to definitions on cards: the sane idea car be use by gig 2a group ef Sdens wa sales of eres wit dts Tenew fran guess it neet to check ‘dents to copy isdawn markngthe wares wt they already know, wifey can guess wha ‘resns ether fom the context or Because Sma there language ane x hey née 10 Too up Stdens tren compare ansvers nas to se f bey can Pee veh other, beor ooking up any words tnatnearer of tem know 6 Looking vp the ive words you most nees to nou: nse of pre“earng the vocabulary is & reacing ens St BStype comprehension felity aright away, structing stents no: te Folrt tho min'estonery a ths pot. Check {nates or extabsh hol stacents cannot answer ‘with sme wor on vocabulr. Tel ther tht they a8 only allied ola up hve werd from thetex —they have encse the fie that are ‘ros important to understanding the text, Demonstrate the eifererce beswean a ky unkown word in he text src one tat car ast, be ignored. Purstudersnto cairo select thei ive werds, emphasising that they must not start Usirg the mnicictanry urel‘hey have competed ‘halls of ue, Aer they Fave fished, compare ‘he ists of ward that ferent pars chose and <cuss how importer tey are tothe txt, before continuing with more dale comprebenson ‘© rueFaiso statements based on information in the minilctionary writ sto ttements beut the earget words onthe boar, ten asc Students ook tem un te see thay ae true or ‘aise fr example Thaplvene every formal ~tnve ar fae? Tete means =u oes? 10 Making tasks work Treat asks srry 35 an opportunity for communication. Remember the main ob ective i or sudents 1 use te language tat ey know in oder to achiee a carta communicative goa. Athoush ts rua impossibto peor many of se teks without sing ne nae Itocuced eater inthe module, others state m2y choose to usethis guage enly once ortwce, or nt 3:31 Donet try to Yorceteed' it. Of cause, iflamers seeding ne rguagebuthave forgotten fh the oe @ Moke the task suit your class Students using 1s couse wi vary mage, backgroud imwrests are eb. Al these stderts red tof the tasks motnatng ane “dable yet enenging ate same time. 0 not be ara to aap: te asks 0S your Css ths alps. he teachors notes contin suggestions on No to adap cert tasks for mono ngval and mulling FU, stunts of ifort ages and intorests, large asses and weaker o”srongor groups. We noz= those Suggestions wil gi you ether leas of your own an now 23 apt tho tases, @ Personalise it! ost ask in ow ating ge Sroineradioue havea rade! antes them. Sarees these ae recrsings peop talking sour somening pean for sore Aesenting theif on fring sometning income th reanrnoap® Hower, fring mt ar yy, thee oacmer ‘may be mors meting, s yeu coulety roving 3 Persona ised model stees you doth, member to plan vat youare going le say, but da net wait ou: fe atesorts tomothing to oo m6 they af istening (the tachers notes ge suggestions on his whore appropriate This sporucch ey Lake ele uta st but stdets @ set the final objective clearly before students start preparing De not assume tat stort work out where the prepuators are eating you cotta tee Kroing {Barter nove tote te sory tthe ass. or fame ray make ab aference to heart hey O Poy attention to seating arrangements Whether vou hve aed ess or mere pol rte wir wotg pest as wna inet Silos we sig ute cnr in speak each Stor confonab, ope sel bein asa ce scorer ana renga pds Secreen stray ean tha he nv rie Takes Dale ah yt cscs when tors @ Give students time to think and plan anni ums vay important flow evel tients are 1 produce the best language thet they are capsble of tis articular uae for busing up the centidenc of Suerts a are normal reluctant ta speokin css. tho rrourt omega wl vary om tsk tas, 2ut “his plnning ine wi sometimes mean @peioe of slesce in iss someting tas teachers us tc nly, fommunistve cssroors can id sonering. Remember ‘just because you cannot hes anything this doesnot mean that noeh ngs happening wth storing and othor Bettis, may be ustil= get students to go over vt ‘ey are going oso, slaty nthe heads. Thmayhep to relleve any esings of ersion at hs stege by plying sme background sion praca your school by suggesting that students go somewhere ese to prepare another clssream fone avaabe ‘use may el fide dea of tne to plan stange fs out, 36 th many other teacning and earning Techniques. Fis verymuch a questien of aiing Woke the most of the Useful language boxes ‘The usu onguoge 2ores are intended eo holp students re language Mey nace to pertorm the task. Inportan: ta gat students 39 someting wth the phases In crder to Pala stucerts pronounce sem ad begin learn tem Hove ae some suggesvens "You converte JS ar guage onan oerheae lransparoney Gea deta mexolanaon fo ect each pose, a then uncover it ‘Bie some g'up ane indvidal repetition i necessary, Fr: eth stots looking tte ahase and ‘hen covering upto encourage thom toremember« + then you hve looked othe phrases, ge studons 2 rirute to try and ners trem, Tren remove tho prompts, and suns in pis can ty to say them to acs ether, orto urs them aan. Ite Useful language box has tof questions, you ‘oul a the srewerson the board ard 2 f students can providethe questions. Dowt wre he questions. ‘Se group sndind'vdval repetizon practice of ea question as veaded,cortinualy gong back to earlier {questions see students cn remember them. At the fh, students an lock the questions inthe ook Teacher's tips ict son pee as above are wnt them a onthe boo ture youn al te ure nngunge on Trenach stots inperesnreadthe piraerlasctoepenche, andwhen ‘they estoy souls stareagin wasrwhia you cay sta rubbing aff val wc ro the pvases aap ther th aes le with snr word, shal you eae Uneaten amore a + ete the anes on cara a cute pases no Torexampie, wos ten ote ne, so hat student 79095 can ry to match the te he ves. ney can then (ruck af usu tanguage box, an you can ge ou fn indica paces, @ insist thot students do the task in English! ‘wn language completa, bt thoy should uncartans cat uring te performance of the ask no: athe panning [Sage hon they may need tre mother tongue t ak for eu nguagal they must use Engh tthe begining of the couse, t may ba uses to cscuss the imgerance of ths, and te Lest way af implomantg it Studets wl tsikaifnecenary However panning end renesrel te vill mske sucor oes nied to use ther ft engunge @ Let the students co the talking 'Fstasentare hasan, ts ey Inith the ber of intntons to ietervene and spear them. Some scents ‘sl be ony 20 hepoy let yu dats, and bee lng thy nent even atempt to formulate sentences, sang that yo wil sus de ether, Dent wares f thay nave to ine for alii hile aeore ey car sting ‘ther werds together ~2hey wl ge: better at ths eventual but only hey have te opportunity prac: © Give your feedback at the end... and make it positive! Studentsa this el are noundto make at ct e051 ry Kind ot exer comminiaton, and you may telat yeu tee del wih thse Its usally best rot to inerpt however, bk to mace note a ny important Ponts a desl wih a the and. Keep these re though, en Fertember shat : low Ics an kif exended sping isa considerate cvalengs. Keep te emphasis on poise are postive feedback, and hopelly your suderts il be todo hs kindof speaking task agai {Use written follow-up as consolidation wring, so encourage ther o ake oe any suggestions tr carectons you mate csing the orl phage of he ts ‘You could pot ther to ead thraugh ae eoract ect otters rten woth if you havetine, "

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