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Preview New combination for Malacoceros jirkovi and a key for Spio (Polychaeta: Annelida) from Norwegian waters and adjacent Arctic areas

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 22(2): 172–180 25 DECEMBER 2013 New combination for Malacoceros jirkovi and a key for Spio (Polychaeta: Annelida) from Norwegian waters and adjacent Arctic areas Новое сочетание для вида Malacoceros jirkovi и определительный ключ для рода Spio (Polychaeta: Annelida) из норвежских территориальных вод и прилежащих арктических вод A.V. SIKORSKI А.В. СИКОРСКИЙ A.V. Sikorski, Akvaplan-niva AS, Polarmiljøsenteret, 9296 Tromsø, Norwayю E-mail: [email protected] The species Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992 is transferred to Spio Fabricius, 1785 in the light of new data (listed below). The de scription of this species is given for the first time in English. About 30 years of the study of polychaetous material from the economic zone of Norway has eventually shown there to be nine species belonging to Spio inhabiting this area: S. filicornis (Müller, 1776) [including S. malmgreni Sikorski, 2001 as a junior synonym], S. mecznikovianus Claparede, 1868, S. decoratus Bobretzky, 1871, S. arctica Söderström, 1920, S. armata Thulin, 1957, S. goniocephala Thulin, 1957, S. jirkovi (Sikorski, 1992), newly described S. symphyta Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011 and S. arndti Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011. The species S. theeli Söderström, 1920 and S. tzetlini Sikorski, 2001 which might be obtained in the adjacent areas (the Barents and White Seas) are also mentioned to fulfill the list of Arctic fauna. В свете полученных в последнее время фактов вид Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992 переводится в род Spio Fabricius, 1785; первый раз описание этого вида приведено на английском языке. Почти тридцатилетнее изучение фауны многощетинковых червей из экономической зоны Норвегии показало в результате наличие здесь девяти видов, принадлежащих роду Spio: S. filicornis (Müller, 1776) [включая S. malmgreni Sikorski, 2001 как младший синоним], S. mecznikovianus Claparede, 1868, S. decoratus Bobretzky, 1871, S. arctica Söderström, 1920, S. armata Thulin, 1957, S. goniocephala Thulin, 1957, S. jirkovi (Sikorski, 1992), недавно описанные S. symphyta Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011 и S. arndti Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011. Виды S. theeli Söderström, 1920 и S. tzetlini Sikorski, 2001, которые могут быть встречены в прилежащих водах Баренцева и Белого морей также рассмотрены здесь для пополнения списка арктической фауны. Key words: Norway, Barents sea, Spio, Malacoceros jirkovi, identification key Ключевые слова: Норвегия, Баренцево море, Spio, Malacoceros jirkovi, определительный ключ INTRODUCTION eas together with the whole Barents Sea. The species mentioned here have been met This paper has been prepared to reflect in the samples processed by Akvaplan-niva the new composition of the Norwegian over a period of 20 years. The paper con- fauna of Spio Fabricius, 1785 and especially tains a key which aims to be simple for prac- the new status of the species Malacoceros tical use. In pursuing the practical aims this jirkovi Sikorski, 1992 which was transferred paper is unconcerned by problems of levels to Spio because of better correspondence higher than species. Remarks about some to Spio-diagnostic characters. It covers the species or groups of species are given when Norwegian economic zone and adjacent ar- it is deemed necessary. © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO 173 MATERIALS AND METHODS first or second setiger; usually flattened and normally fused basally to notopodial post- The material used was mostly collected setal lobes. Branchiae normally present by a consulting firm Akvaplan-niva and also along length of body (absence or presence by the Norwegian Institute for Water Re- of branchiae on first setiger used by many search (NIVA) and the Norwegian Institute authors as generic character to separate Spio of Marine Research (IMR). These surveys and Microspio Mesnil, 1896 but as the first were for pure scientific purposes or for the branchiae in Spio vary from large to incon- purposes of ecological monitoring around oil spicuous, this character alone is not fit to and gas sites in the North and Barents seas, confer generic separation). No notopodial around fish-farms or in areas of responsibil- hooks. Neuropodial capillaries are replaced ity of municipalities. Materials collected by by hooded hooks by a certain setiger in the Soviet and Russian institutions in the some species, but often the setiger number Arctic and in the Far East were also exam- at which hooks replace capillaries can vary ined. Materials collected by the Akvaplan- within a species. Usually there is an obvious niva and IMR are used to clarify the status separate narrow lower fascicle of setae in of M. jirkovi. Types of M. jirkovi are deposited neuropodia as well as the existence of an up- in the collections of Zoological Museum of per fascicle in notopodia. Capillaries in the Moscow University (ZMUM) and Zoologi- lower neuropodial fascicle are replaced pos- cal Museum of the University of Copenha- teriorly by sabre setae. Other types of spe- gen (ZMUC). Materials collected only by cialized setae are absent. Metameric dorsal the Akvaplan-niva used for the cases of Spio nuchal organ containing two or four longitu- mezcnikowianus Claparede, 1868, S. decora- dinal strokes per segment present anteriorly tus Bobretzky, 1871 and S. symphyta Meiβner (sometimes hardly visible or completely in- et al., 2011. The material collected by the visible even after staining in Methyl Blue or Akvaplan-niva is deposited now in the Mu- Methyl Green). Pygidium with two pairs of seum of Natural History and Archaeology of anal cirri (cirri in dorsal pair may be nearly the Trondheim Norwegian University of Sci- completely reduced in some species – e.g. S. ence and Technology (NTNU-VM). Materi- mecznikowianus). Number of anal cirri does al of species described by Söderström, Thulin not vary with size. Dorsal pair of anal cirri and Bick were examined: the type-materials can be remarkably reduced in several species from the Swedish Museum of Natural Histo- and sometimes only the ventral pair appears ry (S. arctica Söderström, 1920 and S. theeli to remain. Often dark pigment is present on Söderström, 1920), the Zoological Museum anterior segments. Pigmentation is rather of the Lund University (S. armata Thulin, resistant to alcohol and the pattern of pig- 1957 and S. goniocephala Thulin, 1957) and mentation is often a key feature for species. the Zoological Collection of the Rostock Discussion. The validity and taxonomic University (S. arndti Meiβner, Bick et Bas- borders of the genus Microspio are not con- trop, 2011). The museum collections (Rus- sidered here. The author supposes that there sian, Danish, German and Swedish) which is a confusion surrounding this genus due were examined in former 28 years together to the existence of two different approaches with the zoological material collected by the in taxonomic literature based on different author personally were extremely helpful to characters: presence or absence of branchiae come to the final conclusions. on the setiger 1 (e.g. Fauchald,. 1977) or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION shape of the dorsal metameric sense (cili- ated) organ (e.g. Söderström, 1920; Bick et Genus Spio Fabricius, 1785 al., 2010). Diagnosis: Body metameric. Peristomi- The following 9 species belonging to um not fused to first setiger. Branchiae from Spio occur in Norwegian waters: © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 174 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO 1. S. filicornis (Müller, 1776) [including S. ly on the level of notopodia of 2nd setiger. malmgreni Sikorski, 2001 as a junior syn- Setae in the bundles of notopodial bristles onym] have quite a small divergence angle and are 2. S. mecznikovianus Claparede, 1868 directed at a considerable angle (~45–60˚) 3. S. decoratus Bobretzky, 1871 to the horizontal (Figs 1e–g). Neuropodial 4. S. arctica Söderström, 1920 hooks start to replace capillaries from be- 5. S. armata Thulin, 1957 tween setiger 26th to 32nd. Hooks are tri- 6. S. goniocephala Thulin, 1957 dentate in side view (Figs 1e, c). Unpaired 7. S. jirkovi (Sikorski, 1992) main fang surmounted by unpaired apical 8. S. symphyta Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, tooth, often very small. Number of hooded 2011 hooks per neuropodium is from two – five 9. S. arndti Meißner, Bick et Bastrop, 2011 (in individuals of about 0.6 mm width) to Two species, S. theeli Söderström, 1920 six – eight (for individuals of 1–1.2 mm and S. tzetlini Sikorski, 2001, inhabit the ad- width). Sabre setae in low bundles of neu- joining Barents Sea. ropodia can be visible from setiger 5th–6th with two to three per neuropodium. Sabre setae with fine hair-like tips (Fig. 1d). Nei- Spio jirkovi (Sikorski, 1992), ther nuchal organ nor metameric dorsal new combination ciliated organ (sensu Meißner et al. 2011) (Figs 1–3) are detectable. Branchiae acute. Branchi- ae on 1st setiger are a little longer than Malacoceros jirkovi Sikorski, 1992: 105–108; notopodial postsetal lobes (Fig. 1e) and 2001: 299–300. about as twice as long as notopodial post- Material. Holotype (ZMUM Pl-809) and setal lobes on the following segments. Up paratype (ZMUC POL-946) 61°00´N, 1°36´W, to setiger 10th branchiae and notopodial 140 m, sand, 18 July 1957; paratype (ZMUM Pl- postsetal lobes appear not to be at all fused. 811) 61°42´N, 4°50´W, 235 m, silty sand, 17 July From approximately setiger 10th they are 1957 and paratype (ZMUM Pl-812 ) 63°21´N, fused at the base (Fig. 1g). Branchiae are 6°19´E, 210 m, sand, 18 July 1957. absent from the posterior third of body. Additional material collected by Institut of Notopodial postsetal lobes are thread-like marine research (Bergen, Norway – not depos- on the posterior two thirds of body and are ited yet in proper museum collections) and the material collected by Akvaplan-niva (Tromsø, thinner than branchiae in the middle third. Norway) is: deposited in NTNU-VM: 39 sam- Neuropodial postsetal lobes of 1st setiger ples (NTNU-VM-59193–59210; 61313–61330; are narrow and acute; they are not acute 61382, 61383 and 67189) with 205 specimens. on the following segments, have rounded Redescription. Prostomium with stout margins, and are nearly invisible in the antero-lateral horns often nearly perpen- posterior half of the body. Pygidium with dicular to the sagittal axis or forward- four thin anal cirri placed in the ventral oriented (Fig. 1a). Less commonly pros- two thirds of pygidium (Fig. 2b). Number tomium is merely triangular without lat- of anal cirri is stable and does not increase eral horns (Fig. 2a). Posterior acute part of with size. prostomium (caruncle) is often (but not al- Colour. Fixed specimens not pigment- ways) inflated forming a so-called occipital ed. crest. Two pairs of small eyespots present, Distribution (Fig. 3). Known from the often invisible. Prostomium looks like pil- area between the Shetland and Faroe Is- low lying on the peristomium not forming lands and along the Norwegian coast from any lateral wings. Palps are moderately the North Sea up to Finmarken (SW Bar- long usually reaching the 10th setiger. ents Sea), on depths 33–338 m. Sand and Neuropodia of 1st setiger are approximate- silty sand. © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO 175 Fig. 1. Spio jirkovi, paratype ZMUC POL-946: a, anterior end; b, hooded hook, setiger 36; c, enlarged had of hooded hook; d, sabre setum, setiger 36; e, paropodium of setiger 1; f, paropodium of setiger 32; g, paropodium of setiger 83. Dorsal (a) and anterior (e–g) view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a), 0.05 (b), 0.01 mm (c, d), 0.1 (e–g). © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 176 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO Fig. 2. Spio jirkovi: a, anterior end without antero-lateral horns, dorsal view (Vigdis, St. 5, 61,399°N 02,07°E, 282 m, 31 May 1999); b, pygidium, dorsal view (Huldra, St. 2, 60,85°N 2,65°E, 121 m, 23 May 2004). Scale bar: 1 mm. Fig. 3. Distribu- tion of S. jirkovi (asterisks show type-locality). © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO 177 Fig. 4. Distribu- tion of S. filicor- nis and S. arndti (triangles refer to presumed S. arndti). DISCUSSION Several points are still not completely certain in the taxonomy of Spio in the Arc- a. Fixed number of anal cirri – four, whereas tic and waiting to be clarified: the number of anal cirri in Malacoceros 1. The group Spio grex filicornis unites is size-variable; valid species names belonging to mor- b. the often absence of antero-lateral horns phologically close species (S. filicornis, S. (small rounded antero-lateral projec- malmgreni, S. arndti) and can be easy rec- tions were also mentioned for S. gonio- ognized morpologicaly due to characteristic cephala Thulin, 1957); pattern of pigmentation. Genetic investiga- c. the teeth on the hooks are arranged in tions have shown the heterogeneity of this a tandem pattern (absence of paired group (oral presentation of K. Meißner, teeth). A. Bick and R. Bastrop on 10-th Interna- Morphologically this species is extremely tional Polychaeta conference in Lecce in close to Malacoceros indicus which may also 2010; Bastrop in Meißner et al., 2011). The belong to the genus Spio, due to the same heterogeneity could be detected even on reasons listed above (see Williams, 2007). the map of obtained samples (Fig 4). The © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 178 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO northern group of dots on this map belongs inside this morphologically clearly bordered to morphotype which seemed preferable to group should be clarified and possibilities of name S. malmgreni before the exploration in reliable identification based on morphologi- the type-locality had been done (Meißner cal features have to be closely examined. et al., 2011) and today the name S. filicornis 2. Spio arctica Söderström, 1920 could has been resurrected for this morphotype. be a junior synonym of S. limicola Verrill, So we may assume the northern specimens 1879. Such possibility was detected several belong to S. filicornis, whereas the south- times (e.g. Maciolek, 1990; Sikorski, 2001). ern dots may be treated as belonging to S. The types of S. arctica were examined arndti. Unfortunately this statement can whereas the types of S. limicola were not. S. not be sufficiently supported today by mor- arctica is also morphologically easy recog- phological evidence. Morphological char- nizable by pattern of pigmentation. There acters given by K. Meißner and A. Bick are also at least several morphologically (Meißner et al., 2011) to split reliably these very close species exist demonstrating simi- two species (number of pairs of ventral wite lar to that pattern of pigmentation. S. picta dots visible after transfering from Methyl (Zachs, 1933) is already described from the Green back to water and the extention of Far East. For this reason the name S. arctica the metameric dorsal ciliated organ) unfor- is used here as the paper is devoted to the tunately do not show satisfactory results area close to the type-locality of this spe- when working with Norwegian material cies. So, it is desirable that this situation in (collected around Tromsø). For example the this morphological group be further thor- number of pairs of ventral wite dots visible oughly examined ideally involving genetic after transfering from Methyl Green back methods as well. to water or 70% ethanol is normally about 3. In the case of S. decoratus the material four per setiger in S. arndti, up to six in S. from Norway has to be compared with ma- filicornis from the type-locality (Meißner terial from the species type-locality (Sevas- et al., 2011) and up to ten in the specimens topol, Black Sea). Without that the proper collected around Tromsø; metameric dorsal use of this name is in doubt. Type specimens ciliated organ is up to setiger 11th or 12th of this species were destroyed during the in S. filicornis, up to 16th – 20th in S. arndti Second World War together with the build- (Meißner et al., 2011) and often up to the ing of Svastopol biological station where setiger 13th at least in specimens collected they were deposited. around Tromsø. It may be that Meißner and 4. Material named as S. mecznikowianus Bick did not deal with enough material to from Norwegian waters needs to be com- provide us with more reliable diagnostic pared to material named S. mecznikowianus characters. The chance also exists that we from the type area (Mediterranean). have in Norway another species which could There is another valid name: S. atlanti- be recognized only using genetic methods. cus Langerhans, 1881. This species was de- This possibility was indicated in the oral scribed from Madeira. It has been treated presentation of Meißner, Bick and Bastrop many times as a junior synonym of S. mec- at the 10th International Polychaeta con- znikowianus however may be a better name ferense in Lecce in 2010. Studying mate- to use instead of S. mecznikowianus for the rial from Siberia and from the Far East we Norwegian material. So, uncertainty in obtained specimens close morphologically proper use of a name for Norwegian mate- but having differences like, for example, rial remains. sometimes neuropodial hooks from twelfth Key for species identification of Spio from setiger or more dense pigmentation. So, this the Arctic and the North Sea (except for S. morphological group might be very geneti- multioculata (Rioja, 1918) recorded just once cally heterogeneous. The number of species as larvae by Hannerz (1956) and S. martinensis © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO 179 Mesnil, 1896 recorded only along the southern anterior-most setigers is clearly pronounced coast of the North Sea, as it was never observed due to backwardly surrounding pigmenta- in Akvaplan’s samples). Based on material which tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio decoratus was personally examined by the author: 7. Dorsally peristomium is heavily pigmented contrasting with unpigmented or just slight- 1. Branchiae present on 1st setiger . . . . . . . . . . 2 ly dorsally pigmented prostomium (pigmen- – Branchiae absent from 1st setiger . . . . . . . . . 10 tation pattern is very characteristic). Hooks 2. With antero-ventral horns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . always from 11th setiger. Prostomium is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(partly) Spio jirkovi slightly incised in the middle anteriorly . . . . . – Without antero-ventral horns . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio grex filicornis 3. Prostomium looks fused with peristomium [including S. arndti Meißner Meißner, Bick in middle part forming collar-like structure et Bastrop, 2011 and S. filicornis (Müller, around anterior part of prostomium. Very 1776) together with S. malmgreni Sikorski, characteristic pigmentation pattern – lateral 2001 as a junior synonym] border between peristomium and 1st setiger; – Other pattern of pigmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 stays often pigmented even if a worm looks 8. Branchiae on 1st setiger remarkably taller completely unpigmented – can be easily de- than notopodial postsetal lobe. Prostomium tected; hooks tridentate (with tiny apical elongated, tapered anteriorly. Neuropodial tooth – more easily visible with oil immer- hooded hooks appear further back of 11th se- sion). Metameric dorsal ciliated organ absent tiger (from 12th setiger in smallest individu- on setiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio symphyta als only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio goniocephala Note: Bifid hooded hooks were incorrectly – Branchiae and notopodial postsetal lobes are stated for the species in the remarks to the of a similar height on 1st setiger . . . . . . . . . . . 9 key in Sikorski (2001). 9. Prostomium pointed anteriorly . . Spio theeli – Prostomium does not look fused to peristo- Note: Morphologically very close to S. gonio- mium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 cephala by the shape of prostomium and by 4. Hooded hooks tridentate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 the structure of nuchal and metameric dorsal – Hooded hooks bidentate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ciliated organ. 5. Branchiae on 1st setiger are not fused basally – Prostomium rounded anteriorly. Easy to to notopodial postsetal lobes. Branchiae and postsetal lobes on 1st setiger are sharply identify by nearly always pigmented ventro- pointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (partly) Spio jirkovi lateral border (lower than pigmented area in – Branchiae basally fused to notopodial postse- Spio symphyta) between peristomium and tal lobes on 1st setiger. Branchiae and postse- 1st setiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio armata tal lobes on 1st setiger are rounded . . . . . . . . .6 10. Tridentate hooded hooks appear always on 6. Very characteristic (stable in fixative) pat- 9th setiger. Branchiae long; reaching 11th tern of pigmentation on ventral surface of setiger. They abruptly decrease in length on anterior setigers: transverse stripes of dark 12th setiger. The pattern of ventral pigmen- pigment on borders between segments inter- tation is quite often similar to that of S. deco- rupted in the mid-line by an unpigmented ratus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spio mecznikowianus longitudinal stripe. Two large dark lateral – Hooded hooks bidentate, appearing after se- spots in the anterior part of prostomium very tiger 10. Branchiae do not disappear abrupt- characteristic if present (clear in adults as ly. Prostomium short, triangular Spio tsetlini a rule; might be not so well pronounced in Note: Tiny, delicate, rare animals. Described smaller individuals). Appearance of hooded from Kola peninsula. Holotype and 3 Para- hooks varies from 8th to 19th setiger (small- types deposited in Zoological Institute in est individuals only have hooks starting an- St Petersburg (ZIN Nos 1/50428; 2/50429- teriorly from 12th setiger) . . . . . Spio arctica 4/50431). Note: The taxon is very close morphologi- cally to Spio limicola Verrill, 1880. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – Pigmentation of ventral surface is also char- acteristic for species: middle areas of borders Author is thankful to Akvaplan-niva for fi- between segments are pigmented. Hooded nancial support and for the collected material; hooks appear always on 11th setiger. Epau- specially to B. Wasson (Marine Ecological Sur- lette-like nuchal organ on dorsal side of two veys Limited, Bath, UK) for linguistic assistance © 2013 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 22(2): 172–180 180 A.V. SIKORSKI. MALACOCEROS JIRKOVI AND A KEY FOR NORWEGIAN SPIO and to R. Palerud (Akvaplan-niva AS) for as- Meißner K, Bick A & Bastrop R. 2011. On sistance in preparing the maps. To all colleagues the identity of Spio filicornis (O.F. Muller, who have responded to my requests about send- 1776)—with the designation of a neotype, ing material I express my sincere gratitude: M. E. and the description of two new species from Petersen (University of Maine, Darling Marine the North East Atlantic Ocean based on Center), Karin Sindemark Kronestedt (Swed- morphological and genetic studies. Zootaxa, ish Museum of Natural History), Andreas Bick 2815: 1–27. (Rostock University), G. Buzhinskaya and V. Müller O.F. 1776. 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