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Preview New Central American and Mexican Enoclerus (Coleoptera: Cleridae)

New Central American and Mexican Enoclerus (Coleoptera: Cleridae) Jacques Rifkind^ ABSTRACT. The status of our knowledge of Enoclerus Gahan, 1910, diversity in Mexico and Central America is summarized. Eleven newspecies are described fromtheregion:Enoclerusgavagai, E.pacificus, E. regius, and E. tigris from Mexico; E. absconditus, E. giesberti, E. lapierrei, and E. laselva from Costa Rica; E. duttoni and E. spectori from Costa Rica and Panama; and E. tersus from Panama. Thepresence ofabdominal setal “daggers” in the males ofsome species ofEnoclerus is noted for thefirsttime, and the structure is described and illustrated. The possible participation ofE. gavagai and E. lapierreiin mimicry complexes is suggested. INTRODUCTION METHODS AND MATERIALS The genus Enoclerus Gahan, 1910, is represented Specimens examined for this paper are deposited in the in Mexico and Central America by approximately institutional and individualcollections abbreviatedasfol- 110 described species. Several dozen as yet un- lows: CASC (California Academy of Sciences, San Eran- named species are known, and collectors continue cisco, CA); CNCI (CanadCiManNNCational Collection of In- to discover new species with regularity. The mem- sects, Ottawa, Ontario); (Canadian Natural His- tory Museum, Ottawa, Ontario); ESCA (Elorida State bers ofthegenus are diverse in size,coloration,and Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, EL); DEIC form, and are distributed throughout a wide range (Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde, Ger- of life zones. Within the Neotropics, for example, many); EBCC (Estacion de Biologia, Chamela, Mexico); Enoclerus species are found from lowland decidu- INBC (InstitutoNacionaldeBiodiversidad,SantoDomin- ous and evergreen forests to montane pine forests, go, Costa Rica); LACM (Natural HistoryMuseumofLos MUCR and from the heat and aridity ofdeserts to the per- Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA); (Universidad UNAM petual temperate humidity of cloud forests. Many de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica); (Universi- seem to mimic similarly patterned mutillid or ant dad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexi- models (Ekis, 1976;Hespenheide, 1986;Mawdsley, cCoo)p;eJ,ESWanCJ(oJsea,meCsA)E.;WBaKpEpeCs,(BBruylavnerKd.e,EyTaX,);SaJcSrCamCen(tJoi,m 1994 (review of mimicry); Rifkind, 1996b, 1997a, CA);JNRC (Jacques Rifkind, ValleyVillage, CA); RHTC 1997c), with the mimetic effect sometimes includ- (RobertH.Turnbow,Jr.,Enterprise,AL);WEBC (William ing a behavioral component. E. Barr, Moscow, ID); and WOPC (Weston Opitz, Salina, No comprehensive keys exist for Mexican and KS). Subfamilial and tribal categories used below follow Central American Enoclerus; recent work has con- Barr’s (1975) classification. sisted ofnew species descriptions and some faunis- tic studies (Barr, 1976, 1978; Ekis, 1976; Rifkind, SPECIES DESCRIPTIONS 1994, 1996a, 1996b, 1997b). Classification oiEn- Subfamily Clerinae Spinola, 1841 oclerus, at both the generic and infrageneric levels, is complicated by five factors: (1) the large number Tribe Clerini Lohde, 1900 ofspecies to be considered; (2) the paucity ofavail- Enoclerus Gahan, 1910 able specimens; (3) the existence ofmany polymor- phic species and geographical subspecies; (4) the Enoclerus pacificus new species problem, acute in a genus comprising so many ap- Eigure 1 parently mimetic species, of distinguishing homol- DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE FEMALE. ogouscharacters fromhomeoplasiesthatarisefrom convergence on (shared orsimilar) mimeticmodels; Form large, robust, elytra elongate. gaennder(i5c)stthaetuesxi(se.tge.n,cPelaocfospitmeirluasrWgorlocuoptst,of19d1u0biaonuds doCrosluomr.ofFrpornto,nootcucmip,utb,asmeanodfiebllyetsr,a aatntseuntnuarle,ctlhuob,- Caestron Spinola, 1844). As part ofan ongoing ef- racic sterna, visible abdominal sternites 1-3, pro- fort to supplement our basic knowledge of the femora, meso- and metafemora all or in part pice- Mexican and Central American fauna, the present ous; other surfaces pale to deep brownish-red ex- paper describes 11 new species from the region. cept elytral median fascia pale yellow (fascia com- plete to lateral margins, narrowly interrupted at ^ResearchAssociate,Entomology,NaturalHistoryMu- suture), and apical Vs of elytra ferruginous. seum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Head. Measured across eyes, narrower than Los Angeles, California 90007. E-mail: [email protected] maximum width ofpronotum; surface offrontand 2 Contributionsin Science, Number 487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus epicranium very closely, rather finely and shallowly ger, erect pale setae; apical Vs densely covered with punctate, densely covered with short suberect and short, subrecumbent, variably reflective coppery- long erectrusty setae; frontshallowlybi-impressed; colored setae, interspersed with a few scattered eyes medium sized, emargination not as long as an- long, erect dark and pale setae; apical region ob- tennal scape; antennae notreachingposteriorpron- scurely interrupted at middle on either side by an otal margin. indistinct, narrow, oblique line of paler setae. Pronotum. Convex, narrower than elytra at base Legs. Medium length; profemora moreexpanded (19:23), slightly broader than long (19:18); apical at middle than meso- and metafemora; surface of margin transverse; sides slightly rounded behind femora closely, shallowly granulate-punctate, anterior angles, rather deeply constricted at ante- sparselycoveredwith shortsuberectandlongerect, rior transverse impression, then broadly rounded robust pale straw-colored setae; surface of tibiae (widest in front of middle) to parallel-sided pron- more deeply rugose-punctate, moderately covered otal collar; anterior transverse impression trans- with pale setae and fewer robust, dark setae; tarsal verse at sides then curved into a broad V-shape at pulvilli well developed. middle, deeply incised from lateral margins across Mesosternum. Surface densely granulate-punc- disk; disk subflattened, shallowlyimpressedatmid- tate, moderately covered with long, pale hairlike dle in area described by apex of“V”; lateral foveae setae; anterior median process distinct, rounded, obsolete; posterior pronotal slope precipitous; excavate at middle; posterior median process dis- pronotal collar deeply impressed; surface very tinct, apex rounded, produced beyond level ofsec- densely, rather finely, shallowly granulate-punctate ond pair of coxae. and indistinctly rugulose; punctures small, less Metasternum. Weakly convex; surface densely densely arranged at sides; pubescence moderately granulate-punctateanteriorlyandlaterally,smooth- dense, partially obscuringintegument,composedof er posteriorly, glabrous along midline; punctate ar- long and fine, erect, anteriorlydirectedrust-colored eas rather densely covered with medium-length, setae above, a narrow line ofshort, subrecumbent, reclinate pale setae interspersed with a few long, and longer erect pale straw-colored setae laterally erect pale setae; anterior median process sulcate, on pronotal slope and basal collar. apex rounded, not elevated. Scutellum. Small, transverse, anddenselycovered Abdomen. Visible sternites 1-5 shining, shallow- with long, straw-colored setae. lydimpled and sparsely, shallowlypunctate,sparse- Elytra. Longer than wide (60:31), widest at mid- ly and uniformly setwith short, suberectpalesetae; dle; basal margin subtruncate at middle then feebly sternite 6 densely, coarsely, shallowly punctate, sinuate laterally before prominently rounded hu- bearing a few inconspicuous setae; sternite 5 with meri; sides feebly,graduallysinuateatbasal14,then sides oblique, hind angles rectangular, posterior subparallel to apical 14, then convergent in a broad margin subtruncate; sternite 6 semicircular, hind arc to subsinuate, slightly dehiscent apices; subbas- margin rounded; tergite 6 rounded, apex feebly, al tumescences moderately elevated, subconical, narrowly, arcuately emarginate at middle, slightly apices feebly tuberculate; disk subflattened above; surpassing sternite 6. apical slope rather gradual; surface densely, mod- Body length 12.75 mm. erately coarsely alveolate-punctate; punctures larg- TYPE SERIES. Holotype ? (UNAM),MEXICO, er, deeper, andmoreconfusedonbasal14,becoming COLIMA: Lago La Maria, 4100', July 22, 1995, smaller, shallower, and more regular apically; area beating, J. Rifkind, A. Reifschneider, colls. Para- of median fascia shallowly alveolate and set with types: 1 (3, same data as holotype; MEXICO, CO- uniformly spaced, small dark punctures; pubes- LIMA: 1 9, San Antonio, Barranca de Agua, cence as follows: base, humeri, and sutural region 3800', July 20, 1995, beating, J. Rifkind, A. Reif- at basal sparsely set with fine, moderately long, schneider, colls.; 1 (3, 13 km NE Camotlan, Octo- ebraescatl a%n—desxucberpetcounmbmeendtiapanlefassctiraa—w-rcaotlhoerreddesnestealey; cboelrls.2;9,191,9392,kmA.SWRoCdornifgruaedziaandedSFu.chAi.taNn,og4u0e0r0a',, covered with fine, short, dark setae that are erect July 21, 1995, beating viny tangle, J. Rifkind, A. and perpendicular or swirled around subbasal tu- Reifschneider, colls.; 2 c3, 9 mi NE Comala, July mescences on area anterior to pale fascia, and sub- 17-18, 1983, Kovarik, Harrison, Schaffner, colls.; erect and posteriorly oriented on area posterior to 1 9 vicinityElTerrero,LosSaucesRd.,kmmarker , pale fascia, intermixed in both areas with fewer 5-8, October 5, 1992, R. Turnbow, coll.; GUER- longer, erect more robust dark setae thatclusteron RERO: 2 (3, Hwy. 134, 67.4 kmNEJet. Hwy. 200, & subbasal tumescences; median fascia moderately July 15 19, 1985, R. Turnbow, coll.; 1 c3, Hwy. densely clothed with short, suberect and fewer lon- 95, 9 km N El Ocotito, 2900',July 7, 1990, Trop- Figures ofholotypes and a mutillid 1-12 Dorsal habitus 1. Enoclerus pacificus n. sp. (female). 2. E. tigrisn. sp. (male). 3. E. absconditus n. sp. (male). 4, E. gavagain. sp. (male). 5. Pseudomethoca sp. (Mutillidae). 6. E. tersusn. sp. (male). 7. E. regius n. sp. (male). 8. E. giesberti n. sp. (male). 9. E. lapierrei n. sp. (female). 10. E. laselva n. sp. (male). 11. E. duttonin. sp. (male). 12. E. spectorin. sp. (male) Contributionsin Science,Number487 Rifkind: NewEnoclerusM3 ical Deciduous Foresttransitionto OakForest,Rif- kind, Gum, andBeierl,colls.;JALISCO: 7 d,Ajijic, October 14-16, 1995, D. Curoe, coll.; 1 d, same data except October 10-15, 1989; 1 $, 6.9 km S El Tuito, Hwy. 200, October 13, 1989, B. K. Eya, coll.; 5 d, 1 $, Sierra Manantlan, Microondas Puerto Los Mazos, 4.8 km SE Jet. Hwy. 80, on yellowcomposite, B. K. Eya, coll.; 2 d, 1 $ Puerto , Vallarta, Playa Mismaloya, November 6, 1976, E. S. Ross, coll.; 1 d, Municipio de Autlan, 5.2 km SE Ahuacapan, July 7, N19W91, E. A. Noguera, coll.; NAYARIT: 1 d, 14 mi Tepic, 1800', October 11, 1975, J. Powell, J. Chemsak, T. Eichlin, and T. Friedlander, colls.; 1 d, 2 $,28 km NE Las Varas, October 14, 1987, E. Giesbert, coll.; 1 d, 19 km Setal Daggers NE LasVaras, December9, 1990,E. Giesbert,coll.; 19,4 km NE San Bias, October 5-7, 1976, E. Figure 13 Ventral view of abdominal apex of Enoclerus Giesbert, coll.; 1 d, Volcan Ceboruco, 4-9 km S boucardi (male), showing setal daggers Jala, October 7, 1992, R. Turnbow, coll.; 1 d, vi- cinity Compostela [no additional data]; 1 $, Mesa del Nayar, El Erayle, 700 m, October 23W, 1989, P. Tenorio, coll.; SINALOA: 1 9, 30 km El Pal- Although E. pacificus is superficially similar to E. mitoW, October 12, 1977, D&. Skiles, coll.; 2 d, 15 silbermannii (Ghevrolat, 1843) and E. boucardi mi El Palmito, July 28 August 1, 1964, H. E. (Ghevrolat, 1876), both of these species differ in Howden, coll.; 1 9, 38 mi E Villa Union, August having the integument of the elytral apex piceous 9, 1964, H. F. Howden, coll.; 1 9, Hwy. 40 near rather than ferruginous, the apical slope of the el- S51amndti,aN5R-iMt3aa0,zakAtumlgaunWs,tOE8cl,toP1ab9le8mr3i,t1o7F.,oHFno.vTMo.arHezo,-vDcouorlrel.,;Hcw2oyll.d.,,; ya(tTbrhdaeosmmeiunsceathlal“lsedseastgagglerdraasdgu(gaFeli,rgs.”a1n3ed)m,emrpargleiesnsegnwtfiratolhsmoatienrpgamiiatreleo6s.f OctoWber 18-20, L. M. La Pierre, coll.; 1 d, 25-30 of several other Enoclerus species, are falciform ckomll.; 1Edl,PHalwmyi.to4,0,Oc6t0obkemr 6N-E8,Vi1l9l8a1,UnEionH,ov1o2r5e0, osrtirguicntuarteesjucsotmipnosisdeedthoefldipenastelthyerhainngdedansgeltease;ofthtehye m, August 4, 1990, beating roadside vegetation in last abdominal tergite, beyond whose margin they mixed Tropical Deciduous and Oak/Pine Eorests,J. project posteriorly, curving toward each other at RCiAfSkCin,d,CJN.CBIei,erlC,McoNlCls,. PaErBaCtCyp,esLaArCeMd,epoUsiNtAedMi,n their apices.) Enoclerus pacificus can be distin- ESCA, RHTC, BKEC, WEBC, WOPC, and JNRC. guished from both sexes of E. silbermannii by its lack of a circular patch of black setae on the pron- VARIATION. Males differ from females by hav- otal disk. ing the apex ofabdominal sternite 6 subtruncateor DISTRIBUTION. Western coastal and montane feeblyemarginate ratherthanrounded, and byhav- Mexico from Sinaloa in the north to Guerrero in ing tergite 6 with sides obliquely narrowed to a the south. subtruncate apex, rather than broadly rounded lat- NATURAL HISTORY. Enoclerus pacificus has erally with the apex feebly emarginate; tergite 6 been collected on flowers of composites and by also distinctly projects over sternite 6 in the male. beating horizontal viny tangles. These vinytangles, The integumental ground color ofthe elytra ranges more or less dense clumps of branches and shoots, from brownish-red or mahogany to piceus, al- commonly produce clerids, even when the sur- though the apical Vs is consistently ferruginous, rounding vegetation does not. They often harbor even in the darkest specimens. The median fascia Mutillidae and nests ofaggressive socialHymenop- ranges in color from straw yellow to salmon pink. tera (Vespidae) as well, proximity to which may In one specimen there is no arcuate narrowing of provide these beetles withsome defenseagainstver- the posterior margin of the median fascia near the — tebrate predators. suture an otherwise distinctive feature in all other specimens examined. Length of males ranges from Enoclerus tigris new species 9.00 to 15.50 mm; length of females ranges from Figure 2 10.25 to 15.00 mm. ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “pacificus” DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE MALE. Form refers to the geographical distribution of this spe- medium sized, moderately elongate, slightly ex- cies, which seems to be restricted to the Pacific panded apically. slope of Mexico. Color. Integument “fluorescent” orange-pink in DIAGNOSIS. The new species is separable from livingspecimens (fadedorange-testaceousindeath), congeners by its unique setal and integumental col- with four sets of dark markings as follows: pron- or plan, and by features of the abdominal tergites. otum with narrow, transverse, rectangulate spoton 4 Contributionsin Science, Number 487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus 1 either side behind transverse impression, broadly tae; tibiae roughened, vestiture as on femora but separated from lateral margins; each elytron with somewhat denser; tarsi long; tarsomeres 2-4 with narrow, rectangulate marking at approximately broad pulvilli. basal Va (obliquely directed towards apex), a slight- Mesosternum. Surface shining, coarsely,shallow- ly broader bisinuate transverse marking behind ly punctate, more densely punctate at sides, sparse- middle, and a narrow, somewhat irregularly mar- ly set with fine, erect pale setae; anterior median gined transverse marking at approximately apical process rounded, excavate at middle; posteriorme- 1/5. (Elytral markings attaining but not traversing dian process distinct, moderately produced, not epipleural margins.) Eyes and mandibles black. cleft at apex. Head. Measured across eyes, narrower than Metasternum. Surface shining, very sparsely, maximumwidthofpronotum;surfaceshining,fine- shallowlypunctate, sparsely setwithfine, erectpale ly, rather sparsely and shallowly punctulate, vesti- setae; anterior median process elevated. ture moderately sparse, composed of very fine, Abdomen.Visible sternites 1-6withsurfaceshin- long, erect pale-orange setae; front bi-impressed; ing, sparsely and irregularly punctate, punctures eyes small but prominent, ocular emargination dis- coarse but shallow; vestiture sparse, composed of tinctly ovate, shorter than length ofantennal scape; medium-length, fine, suberect pale setae and a few antennae loosely composed, reaching to basal mar- longer, erectorangesetae; sternite 5 arcuatelyemar- gin of pronotum; antennomeres 9-11 forming a ginate at middle of hind margin; sternite 6 with loose club with antennomere 1 about% the length sides oblique, hind angles rather narrowly rounded of 9 and 10 combined, arcuate on outer margin, and hind margin narrowly, arcuately emarginate; very slightly emarginate on inner margin, and tergite 6 with hind angles rounded, hind margin somewhat produced atthe subacute apex; antennal broad and subtruncate. surface shining, sparsely covered with erect, pale- Body length 7.10 mm. TYPE SERIES. Holotype d (UNAM),MEXICO, orange setae. Pronotum. Slightly broader than elytra at base, MORELOS: Canonde Lobos,November28, 1977, about as broad as long (17:18); apical margin sub- G. andJ. Butze,colls. Paratypes:MEXICO,GUER- gtlreusn,cactoen;stsriidcetsesdliagthttlryarnsovuenrdseedimbperheisnsdioann,tetrhioernaanr-- RbeErtR,Oc:oll1.;9M,ECXhiIcChiOl:a,1Oc?t,ob2e.r4 1k5m, 1S9E94Z,ulE.uaGpiaens,- cnuaartreolwyeedxptaondaerdatthoemridbdrloea,dtphreonnbortoaaldlcyo,llaarrc;uaatnetle-y v1e4g1e2tatmi,on,AuJg.uRsitfk2i1n,d,1c9o9ll1.,; 1beadt,in3g klmowWripSaarnitaon Tomas de los Platanos, 1392 m, August 19, 1991, rior transverse impression sinuate laterally, broadly beating low roadside herbs and shrubs, Rifkind, Ual-osnhgapwehdolaet lmeindgdtlhe;,didsekepsluybfalantdtedniesdt;inlcattleyrailnfcoivsee-d colVl.APRaIrAaTtyIpOeNs.areEedmeaploessitecdaninbLeAsCeMparaJan.tdedJNfRrCo.m ae distinct, rather deep and broad; posterior pron- males on the basis of the shape of abdominal ster- otal slope oblique and shallow; pronotal collar nite 5 (hind margin transverse in 9 sternite 6 moderately impressed; posterior margin broadly, ), (hind margin arcuate in 9), and tergite 6 (broadly raartchueartelsyparesmealryg,insahtaelloawtlym,iddalned; fsiunreflaycepusnhcitnaitneg,, raboluendsepdecaipmiecnasllyisirnat9he).rCuonliofroartmi,onwiinththseofmeewmaivaniolr- punctures more densely arranged on anterior ks; differences inthe shape andsizeofthemaculations. vestiture moderately sparse, composed of rather Length ranges from 7.10 to 8.50 mm. long, fine, erect and suberect pale-orange setae. ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “tigris” was Scutellum. Transverse, hind angles rounded, sur- inspired by the tigerlike dorsal color pattern ofthis face smooth, vestiture sparse and inconspicuous. species. Elytra. Longer than broad (13:7), broadest at DIAGNOSIS. This beetle’s brightorange-pinkin- apical Ts; base rather narrow compared to maxi- tegumental ground color and pattern of dorsal mumwidth (23:28);humeralangles broadlyround- markings will serve to distinguish it from known ed; sides feebly sinuate subbasally, then gradually, congeners. rectilinearlyexpandedto apicalTs, thenbroadly,ar- RELATIONSHIPS. Enoclerus tigris shares in cuately convergent to separately and broadly common with several other Enoclerus species (e.g., rounded, dehiscent apices; humeri moderate; sub- £. atriceps (Gorham, 1876), E. villicus (Gorham, basal tumescences shallow; disk subflattened at 1886), and £. whiteheadi (Ekis, 1976) a shining, middle; apical slope gradual; surface shining, deep- very sparsely vested body, posteriorly expanded el- ly, moderately coarsely and denselyalveolate-punc- ytra and rounded ocular emargination. These tate, punctures becoming gradually finer and less shared traits may indicate phylogenetic propinqui- dense behind middle; vestiture sparse, consistingof ty- medium-length, fine, suberectanderectpale-orange DISTRIBUTION. Known from the Mexican setae. states of Mexico, Morelos, and Guerrero. Legs. Medium length; profemora slightly more expanded at middle than meso- and metafemora; Enoclerus ahsconditus new species surface of femora smooth, with a few small punc- Eigure 3 tures, sparsely set with short, fine, suberect pale- DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE MALE. Form orange setae and fewer long, stout, erect orange se- medium sized, moderately elongate, somewhat Contributionsin Science, Number 487 Rifkind: New EnoclerusH 5 compressed dorsoventrally, moderately expanded deeply cleft, each of the resulting two lobes pro- apically. duced as a spatulate pad. Color. Integument uniformly dark brown except Mesosternum. Surface shining, rather coarsely, antennomeres 1-10 and maxillary palpi medium shallowly, densely butirregularlypunctate,sparsely brown; antennomere 11, ventral mouthparts, and setose; anterior median process feebly produced, abdominal sternite 6 testaceous. broadly triangular; posteriormedianprocessweak- Head. Measured across eyes, a little narrower ly elevated, truncate at apex. than maximum width ofpronotum; surface deeply, Metasternum. Surface finely, densely punctate, coarsely, subconfluentlypunctate andrugose,punc- transversely rugose laterally, sparsely setose; ante- tures smaller on epicranium; vestiture moderately rior median process not elevated. sparse, consisting of short and long fine, erect fla- Abdomen. Visible sternites 1-6 with surface vescent setae; front with large, prominent ovate umbo, coarsely punctate above; eyes rather large, sparsely, finely punctulate, sides transversely ru- prominent; ocular emargination round, shorter gose-punctate, vestiture consisting ofa sparse, pos- than antennal scape; antennae as long as head and teriorlydirectedarrayofshort,fineflavescentsetae, pronotum taken together, loosely composed; apical interspersed with a few longer, erect flavescent se- three antennomeres forming a loose club; anten- tae; sternite 5 with hind margin broadly, arcuately nomeres 3-6 subequal in length, subconical, pro- emarginate; sternite 6 with sides oblique and hind gressively more serrate apically; antennomeres 7-8 margin subtruncate; tergite 6 minutely punctate, a little shorter, more serrate still; antennomeres 9- sides arcuate, hind anglesroundedandhindmargin 10 broader, serrate; antennomere 11 ovate, shorter subtruncate, apex surpassing that of sternite 6. than 9 and 10 together, apex subacute. Body length 7.25 mm. Pronotum. Subflattened above, narrowerthanel- TYPE SERIES. Holotype (LACM), COSTA ytra measured acrosshumeralangles, approximate- RICA, SAN JOSE: 6 km N of San Gerardo, 2800 ly as broad as long; apical margin transverse; sides m. OakEorest,June 1992,Malaisetrap,P.Hanson, deeply constricted at anterior transverse impres- coll. Paratypes: 1 $ same data as holotype except sion, arcuately expanded to widest point before December 1992; 1 9, same data asholotypeexcept middle, then obliquely narrowed to parallel-sided November 1992; CO,STA RICA, SAN JOSE: 1 d, collar; anterior transverse impression sinuate lat- Cerro de la Muerte, 19 km S and 3 km W Empal- erally, broadly U-shaped at middle, deeply incised; me, 9°39'N, 83°52'W, 2600 m, February-March disk subflattened but with a broad, shallow swell- ing on either side behind transverseimpression;lat- d1e9p9o3s,itMeadlaiinsMeUtrCapR, Pa.nHdaJnNsoRnC,.coll. Paratypes are eral foveae distinct; posterior pronotal slope rather VARIATION. Females can be separated from acute but very shallow; collar narrow; hind margin slightly arcuately emarginate at middle; surface males on the basis of the shape of abdominal ster- shining, finely, densely but shallowly punctate;ves- nite 5 (hind margin truncate in 9) and sternite and titure thinly arrayed, composed of fine, medium- tergite 6 (hind margins semicircularly and conti- length, suberect flavescent setae. gously rounded in 9). Length ranges from 7.25 to Scutellum. Rounded; surface roughened, densely 8.60 mm. but inconspicuously clothed with long, erectflaves- ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “abscondi- cent setae. tus,” Latin for “concealed” or “secret,” is meantto Elytra. Longer than broad (9:5); widest at apical evoke the heretofore hidden existence of this spe- Vs; base rather narrow compared to maximum cies in its montane lair. width (11:19); humeral angles oblique; sides grad- DIAGNOSIS. Enoclerus absconditus can be ually expanded behind humeri, feebly sinuate at readily distinguished from congeners by its conco- basal 14, obliquely expanded to about apical Vs, lorous dark brown integument and uniformly pus- then broadly, arcuately rounded to separately, tulate elytral surface. broadly rounded, dehiscentapices; humerireduced; RELATIONSHIPS. The new species may have subbasal tumescences shallow; disk subflattened affinities with those Enoclerus species that share a above; apical slope very gradual; surface reflective, shining, sparsely vested habitus, posteriorly ex- moderately densely covered with shallow pustules, panded elytra and a rounded ocular emargination. csopaarcsees pbuentcwteuernes;puvsetsutlietsurdeismppalresde,bbuatseregwuiltahr,acofme-w Among these it appears most similar to the fasciate posed of medium-length, suberect flavescent setae E. whiteheadi, with which it is sympatric in Costa commixed with somewhat more robust, longer, Rica. In additon to being differently colored, E. whiteheadi lacks the prominent frontal umbo and erect flavescent setae. Legs. Moderately long; profemora a little more distinct elytral pustules of the new species. expanded at middle than meso- and metafemora; DISTRIBUTION. Knownfromthenorthwestern surfaces densely asperate-punctate and transversely portion of the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa rugulose; vestiture flavescent, denseron tibiae; tarsi Rica. It has thus far only been collected from Mal- rather long; tarsomeres bearingwell developedpul- aise traps set in oak forest at elevations of 2600- villi, tarsomeres 3-4 in particular with pulvilli 2800 m. 6 Contributionsin Science, Number487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus Enoclerus gavagai new species and shallowly, regularly dimpled on apical ves- Figure 4 titure complex: basal Vi with moderately dense but inconspicuous covering of short, suberect golden DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE MALE. Form setae (most noticeable on either side of suture pos- moderately large, robust, elytra a little elongate. terior to subbasal swellings), interspersedwithfew- Color. Integument brownish-red; head with ge- er short and long, erect black setae, and set with a nae and ocular margins piceous; pronotum with a few erect whitish setae along basal margin; median large, transverse piceous hourglass-shapedmarking fascia rather sparsely clothed with short, suberect across disk (marking strongly narrowed laterally whitish setae; apical Vi densely covered with very where it is produced to margins); elytra with pos- short, fine, suberect black setae and somewhatfew- terior Vi piceous, each elytron with a set of three er longer, more robust, erect black setae, except pale markings as follows: a short, longitudinalsub- oblique subapical fascia ratherdensely setwithme- basal eburneous carina; a strongly curvate ebur- dium-length, reclinatewhitishandgoldensetaethat neousmedianfascia attainingbutnottraversingthe extend posteriorly along lateral margin to apical epipleural fold laterally, broadlyseparatedfromthe angles. suture on disk; and an obscure narrow, oblique, Legs. Rather short, robust; surface shallowly, reddish subapical fascia. densely, finely punctate, punctures deeper and Head. Measured across eyes, narrower than coarser on tibiae, sparsely set with short and long, maximum width of pronotum; surface very finely, pale setae; tarsi rather long, pulvilli broad. closely punctate, densely covered with short, erect, Mesosternum. Surface shallowly, densely, finely yellowish setae interspersed with somewhat fewer, punctate and transversely rugulose at middle, rath- longer erect yellowish setae; vestiture on front be- er densely vested with long, suberect whitish setae; tween eyes slightly darker and more thinly arrayed anterior median process broadly triangular, shal- than on epicranium; front obscurely bi-impressed; lowly excavate apically; posterior median process eyes moderate, notprominent, ocularemargination distinct, apex rounded (notgrooved), produced be- triangular, setose, not as long as antennal scape; yond the level of mesocoxae. antennae short, antennomeres 9-11 abruptlyform- Metasternum. Convex; surface densely, shallow- ing a compact club, antennomere 11 distinctly sin- ly, finely granulate-punctate, densely covered with uate along internal margin; antennal surface shin- medium-length, reclinate whitish setae; anterior ing, indistinctly punctate, clothed with a few me- median process slightly elevated at apex. dium-length, erect pale setae. Abdomen. Visible sternites 1-6 shining, moder- Pronotum. Convex, about as wide as elytra at ately densely, shallowly, and finely punctate, incon- base, slightly broader than long (18:17); apical spicuously and sparsely dressed with suberect, fine margin transverse; sides more or less obliquely ex- pale setae of varying lengths; sternite 5 with hind panded to widest pointjust in front ofmiddle,then margin subtruncate; sternite 6 with hind angles broadly, arcuately narrowed to subparallel sides of rounded, hind margin subtruncate; tergite 6 with collar; anterior transverse impression shallow, sides and hind angles arcuate, hindmarginnarrow- broadly V-shaped but obscure at middle; disk sub- lysubtruncate, apexsurpassinghindmarginofster- flattened at middle; lateral foveae obsolete; poste- nite 6. rior pronotal slope precipitous; pronotal collar Body length 9.80 mm. rather deeply impressed; surface very finely and TYPE SERIES. Holotype d (LACM), MEXICO, densely punctate-granulate; vestiture dense, com- JALISCO: Estacion de Biologia Chamela, July 15- posed of anteriorly directed, suberect setae of me- 23, 1987, F. T. Hovore, coll. Paratypes: MEXICO, dium length, black on hourglass-shaped marking, GUERRERO: 1 d, Acapulco, June 1985 [no col- yellowish elsewhere; collar denuded except at pos- lector name]; COLIMA: 19,3 km SW Confradia terior margin. de Suchitan, 4000',July21, 1995, beatingvinytan- Scutellum. Rather large, elongate-scutiform, sur- gle,J. Rifkind,A. Reifschneider,colls. Paratypesare face densely set with short, whitish setae. deposited in WFBC and JNRC. Elytra. Longer than wide (85:47), widest across VARIATION. In the female, abdominal sternite humeri; basal margin transverse; humeriprominent 5 has the hind margin feebly, arcuatelyemarginate, with angles subquadrate; sides feebly sinuate sub- and sternite 6 and tergite 6 semicircularly and con- basally, subparallel to near apical Vs then broadly, jointly rounded at the apex. Length of available arcuately convergent to separately rounded, dehis- specimens ranges from 9.80 to 10.75 mm. cent apices; subbasal tumescences moderately ele- ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “gavagai” is vated, eachwith a short, longitudinalcarina above, a random agglomeration of syllables. the posterior margin of which is produced as an DIAGNOSIS. This species can be separated from acute, smooth tubercle; disk ratherconvex, subflat- congeners on the basis of setal and integumental tened above atmiddle; apicalslopegradual;surface coloration andpattern, and elytral sculpturing.The coarsely, densely and deeply alveolate-punctate on shape of the midelytral fascia in E. gavagai recalls basal V2 before median fascia, smoother and finely, the Central American species E. bispinis Wolcott, rather sparsely punctate on pale fascia, and very 1927, which is most readily distinguished fromthe densely, minutely and shallowlygranulate-punctate new taxon by its uniformly black pronotum, and Contributions in Science,Number487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus 7 conical, noncarinate subbasal tumescences. The ly punctulate, sparsely vested with medium-length, most closely similar species to E. gavagai is a Col- erect, testaceous setae. ombian beetle that Schenkling (1906:273) charac- Scutellum. Medium sized, scutiform; surface terized as “van granadensis'' of E. versicolor (La- densely punctate, clothed with long, erect testa- — porte de Castelnau, 1836). This insect probablya ceous setae that do not obscure the integument. good s—pecies rather than merely a variant ofE. ver- Elytra. Longer than broad (38:21), broadest at sicolor -differs from E. gavagai as follows: pron- apical base narrow compared with maximum otum narrower than base of elytra, surface with width (17:21); basal margin slightly emarginate at dark hourglass shape obscure; elytra with shallow- middle, broadly rounded at humeri; sides feebly er subbasal tumescences that bear shorter, non- sinuate at basal !/^, gradually arcuatelyexpandedto eburneous carinae, midelytral fascia broader and widest point then broadly, arcuately convergent to not as deeply emarginate posteriorly; legs dark. separately rounded, slightly dehiscent and some- DISTRIBUTION. Known from the states ofJal- what explanate apices; epipleural fold very broad isco, Colima, and Guerrero in Mexico. at basal V2; subbasal regionjustperceptiblyswollen NATURAL HISTORY. One specimen was col- on either side of suture; disk subflattened above; lected by beating a horizontal viny tangle. A simi- apical slope gradual; surface shining, densely,deep- larly marked mutillid wasp (Fig. 5), possibly a mi- ly punctate; punctures finer on basal V3 (where they metic model for the beetle, was collected from an- appear as dark spots on the stramineous integu- other viny tangle a few meters distant. ment), growing coarser towards the middle, then fine again apically, where the integument is also Enoclerus tersus new species shallowly dimpled; vestiture sparse, consisting of medium-length suberect, and longer erect, testa- Figure 6 ceous and dark brown setae, darker setae concen- DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE MALE. Form trated on the maculate areas. medium sized; elytra somewhat elongate, slightly Legs. Medium length; profemoramoreexpanded expanded apically. at middle than meso- and metafemora; surfaces in- Color. Bright pink-orange above, except basal V3 distinctly transversely rugulose and indistinctly pale stramineous; each elytron with two dark punctulate; vestiture sparse, composed of suberect brown markings as follows: a rather broad, subsin- and erect testaceous and brown setae of various uate, transverse band subbasally (not complete to lengths; tarsi rather long, with well-developed, lateral margins externally, separated from the su- deeply cleft pulvilli. ture internally), and a narrower, irregularly mar- Mesosternum. Rather swollen at middle anteri- gined transverse spot near apical V3 (broadly sepa- orly; surface shining, inconspicuously punctulate, rated from the epipleural fold externally and from sparsely set with fine, erect, testaceous setae; ante- rior median process broadly triangular, excavate at the suture internally); venter testaceous; eyes black; middle; posterior median process moderately pro- tips of mandibles, funicular antennomeres, tibiae duced (about even with mesocoxae), apex more or and tarsi dark brown. less truncate. Head. Measured across eyes, narrower than Metasternum. Surface shining, smooth; vestiture maximumwidth ofpronotum; surfaceshining,very as on mesosternum; anterior median process feebly sparsely, finely punctulate, sparselyvestedwithme- elevated at apex. dium-length, erect brownish setae; front bi-im- Abdomen. Visible sternites 1-6 shining, shallow- pressed; eyes rather small but prominent; ocular ly dimpled, vestiture as on thoracic sterna; sternite emargination rounded, not as long as antennal 5 with hind angles broadly rounded, hind margin scape; antennae slightly surpassing posterior pron- moderately deeply, arcuately emarginate at middle; otal margin, antennomeres 9-11 forming a some- sternite 6 with sides oblique, hind margin subtrun- what loose club, antennomere 11 not quite as long cate; tergite 6 with surface smooth, sides oblique, as 9-10 taken together; scape punctate, other an- hind angles narrowly rounded and apex subtrun- tennomeres smooth, setwith a fewerect,testaceous cate, apex slightly surpassing hind margin of ster- setae. nite 6. Pronotum. Slightly narrower than elytra at base, Body length 6.50 mm. as broad as long; apical margin subtruncate; sides TYPE SERIES. Holotype T (LACM),PANAMA, rounded behind anterior angles, deeply constricted COCLE: El Valle, January 7, 1994, E. Giesbert, at anterior transverse impression, arcuately ex- coll. Paratypes: 1 9, same data as holotype except panded to widest point at middle, then broadly, ar- March 1, 1992; 1 d, same data as holotype except cuately convergent to subparallel-sided pronotal February 6, 1992, F. Hovore, coll.; 1 d, same data collar; anterior transverse impression subsinuate as holotype except December 26, 1993, 880 m. laterally, broadly U-shaped at middle, deeply in- Subtropical Moist Forest, J. & E. Beierl, colls.; cised along entire length; disk broadlysubflattened; PANAMA, CHIRIQUI: 1 d, Cerro Punto, 8000', lateral foveae small but deep; posterior pronotal July 18-24, 1961, J. M. Campbell, coll. Paratypes slope oblique, shallow; pronotal collar rather are deposited in WFBC, WOPC, and JNRC. broad; surface shining, sparsely, shallowlyand fine- VARIATION. The female has abdominalsternite 8 Contributions in Science, Number487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus 5 with the hind margin subtruncate, and sternite 6 then broadly, arcuately convergent to subparallel and tergite 6 with theirhind marginssemicircularly sides of collar; anterior transverse impression andconjointlyrounded. Integumentalgroundcolor oblique laterally, broadly U-shaped atmiddle, shal- varies from orange-testaceous to pink-orange; the low; disk subflattened above; lateral foveae small, paler color ofthe elytral base also varies in extent. obscure; posterior pronotal slope oblique; pronotal These differences may be an artifact of preserva- collar deeply impressed, moderately broad; surface tion. The elytral maculations are rather consistent very densely, finely, granulate-punctate and feebly, in size, shape, and especially placement. Specimens transversely rugulose; vestiture as on head. range in length from 6.40 to 6.80 mm. Scutellum. Medium sized, elongate; surface ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “tersus,” Lat- densely, finely punctate, densely set with reclinate in for “clean,” refers to the shining, sparselyvested stramineous setae. integument of this species. Elytra. Longer than broad (61:35), widestatapi- DIAGNOSIS. A unique combination of color, cal Vs; basal margin transverse at middle; humeri elytral shape, and pattern ofmarkings will serve to distinct, subquadrate with prominent umbones; distinguishE. tersus from congeners. It is similarin sides subparallel behind base, rather strongly sinu- form, coloration, and sculpturing to the Mexican ate at middle, from there broadly, arcuately ex- species Systenoderes amaenus Spinola, 1844 (and panded to widest point, then broadly, arcuately the latter’s possible synonym, E. tricolor (Laporte narrowed to separately rounded, slightly dehiscent de Castelnau, 1836)). However, inthesespecies,the apices; subbasal tumescences indistinct, in the form pronotum bears two large longitudinal dark mark- of broad, very shallow swellings; disk subflattened ings on either side, whereas the pronotum of E. above; apical slope gradual; surface finely, densely, tersus is immaculate. In addition, the basal elytral and deeply punctate at base, more coarsely alveo- markings ofS. amaenus and £. tricolorare situated late-punctate onmedian fascia (wheretheraisedar- at the humeri where they cover the umbones and eas between punctures form a few indistinct, shal- are complete to the lateral margins, being instead low, longitudinal carinae), and very densely, finely, subbasal in the new species. Finally, the elytral and shallowly punctate on apical Vs; pubescence as punctation of E. tersus is deeper and coarser than follows: basal margin with a few long, erect, pale that ofS. amaenus. stramineous setae; base rather densely set with me- RELATIONSHIPS. Affinities of E. tersus would dium-length, suberect coppery-red setae commixed seem to be with the group of species discussed with longer, more robust, erect black setae; area of above under the description of E. tigris. median fascia moderately densely vested with rath- DISTRIBUTION. Known from Panama. er short, suberect pale stramineous setae, inter- spersed with fewer long, erect setae of the same Enoclerus regius new species color; a moderately broad band behind the median Figure 7 fascia densely set with short and medium-length, DESCRIPTION OP HOLOTYPE MALE. Form suberectblack setae, interspersedwithfewerlonger, medium sized, robust. erect black setae; apical Vs vested like base. Legs. Short; profemora moreexpandedatmiddle Color. Integumentpiceousexceptlabrumandan- tennomeres 1-2 reddish-brown; elytra with broad, thanmeso- andmetafemora;surfacesdensely,finely punctate, moderately densely clothed with short, transverse ivory-colored fascia near middle; fascia complete to sides and to suture, marginsirregularly reclinate, and suberect (and fewer longer, erect) pale stramineous setae, protibiae with a few long, sinuate. Head. Measured across eyes, narrower than erect dark setae; tarsal pulvilli moderate. maximumwidth ofpronotum;surfacefinely,dense- Mesosternum. Surface closely, finely, granulate- ly, punctate, epicranium more finely granulate- punctate, densely clothed with long, suberect, pale punctate; vestiture moderately dense, composed of stramineous setae; anterior median process trian- short and long erect, ferruginous setae; frontweak- gular, excavate at middle; posteriormedianprocess ly bi-impressed; eyes moderate, ocular emargina- moderately produced (about even with top of me- tion triangular, setose, notquite as longas antennal socoxae), apex slightly cleft. scape; antennae just reaching posterior pronotal Metasternum. Surface densely, finely granulate- margin; antennal club compact and robust, com- punctate, setation as on mesosternum; anteriorme- posed of antennomeres 9-11; antennomere 11 fee- dian process shallow. bly emarginate internally, apical margin oblique; Abdomen. Visible sternites 1-6 rather shallowly, surfaces of scape and funicular antennomeres shin- finely, and densely punctate, punctures concentrat- ing and finely punctate, antennomeres 1-10 sparse- ed toward hind margin of each sternite; ves—titure ly set with pale erect setae. rather sparse, composed of short, reclinate and — Pronotum. Convex, a little narrower than elytra fewer long, erect pale stramineous setae; sternite at base (25:27), as broad as long; apical margin 5 with hind margin broadly, shallowly, arcuately broadly, weakly, arcuate; sides arcuately expanded emarginate; sternite 6 with hind margin subtrun- behind anterior angles (feebly indented at anterior cate or feebly emarginate; tergite 6 with sides transverse impression), widest just before middle. oblique, hind angles rounded and hind marginnar- Contributionsin Science, Number487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus 9 rowly subtruncate at middle, apex surpassing that composed, gradually expanded from antennomere of sternite 6, setal daggers absent. 8; antennomere 11 elongate-trapezoidal, almost as Body length 8.50 mm. long as antennomeres 9-10 taken together; surface TYPE SERIES. Holotype d (UNAM),MEXICO, of funicular antennomeres shining, clothed with a GUERRERO: 22 km E Chichihualco, 5200', Sep- few erect pale setae; gular process elongate-rectan- tember 22, 1989, E. Giesbert, coll. Paratypes: gulate. MEXICO, GUERRERO: 1 $ Teucizapan,October Pronotum. Much narrower than elytra at base , 21, 1988, E. BarreWra,J. Bueno,H. Brailovsky,colls; (33:44), longer than broad (12:11); apical margin 1 d, 1 $ 38 km Iguala,July25, 1987, R. Turn- broadly rounded; sides feebly, arcuately expanded bow, coll,.; OAXACA: 2 $ 8 km NE Oaxaca to widest point behind middle, then arcuately con- , (Hwy. 175), 17°06'N, 96°38'W, 1667 m, June 29, vergent to subparallel sides of pronotal collar; an- 1996, beating, C. L. Bellamy, coll. Paratypes are terior transverse impression transverse laterally, deposited in LACM, WFBC, andJNRC. broadly U-shaped at middle, very shallow; disk VARIATION. Femaleshave abdominalsternite6 rather broadly, transversely subflattenedabove;lat- and tergite 6 semicircularly and more or less con- eral foveae distinct; posteriorsloperatheracutebut jointly rounded at apex. The basal and apical ely- shallow; pronotal collar broad, deeply impressed; tral pubescence is ferruginous rather thancoppery- surface very densely, finely punctate, punctures red in two specimens. The width ofthe dark post- somewhat shallower than on head; vestiture as on median elytral band is somewhat variable. Length head except for a large, broad shield-shaped area of specimens ranges from 7.80 to 8.75 mm. on disk densely but inconspicuously set with very ETYMOLOGY. The specific name “regius,” Lat- short, fine, suberect black setae intermixed with in for “royal,” was suggested to me by the regal fewer longer, more robust, erect black setae. velure ofthis species’ elytral vestiture. Scutellum. Medium sized, scutiform; surface DIAGNOSIS. Setal pattern andcolor, and elytral densely,finelypunctate, denselysetwithlong,whit- sculpturing will serve to distinguish E. regius from ish setae. the other members of the genus. Enoclerus regius Elytra. Twice as long as wide, widest behind hu- superficially resembles E. boucardi (Chevrolat, meral angles; basal margin subsinuate, humeri 1876), although the latter has the subbasal tumes- prominently rounded with well-developed um- cences more elevatedand distinct, theposteriorme- bones; sides subparallel to apical % (slightly, grad- dian process ofthe mesosternumproducedwell be- ually inflected near basal Vs), then arcuately con- yond the level ofthe mesocoxae, and also differsin vergent to separately rounded, dehiscent apices; details of the pattern of elytral pubescence. In ad- subbasal tumescences very prominent, tuberculate, dition, males of the new species lack setal daggers slightlyprolonged longitudinally atcrest; diskrath- (Fig. 13) on abdominal tergite 6, presentinE. bou- er strongly flattened above at middle on either side cardi. of suture; apical slope gradual; surface sculpturing DISTRIBUTION. Known from the Mexican and vestiture as follows: basal Vs deeply, densely states of Guerrero and Oaxaca. alveolate-punctate and strongly and densely pus- tulate, each pustule with a puncture at apex that Enoclerus giesberti new species gives rise to a rather long, erect whitish or black Figure 8 seta; median fascia deeply alveolate-punctate, denselysetwithshort, suberectwhitishsetae;apical DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE MALE. Form Vi moderately densely, finely, and shallowly punc- large, robust, elytra elongate. tate and dimpled;piceous area denselyclothedwith Color. Piceous; pronotum broadly and continu- very short, fine, suberect black setae interspersed ously orange-testaceous at apical, lateral and basal with fewer longer, more robust, erect black setae; margins; scutellum piceous at base, stramineous at apical Vs sparsely but evenly dressed with short, apex; basal Vi of elytra reddish-orange; middle of fine, reclinate whitish setae interspersed with fewer elytra with a sinuate stramineous fascia (fascia long, more robust, erect whitish setae; anteapical complete from lateral to sutural margins); apical% infuscate band with an irregular sparse covering of of elytra orange-testaceous with an obscure, inter- short, dark, reclinate setae. rupted, dark transverse band on each side subapi- Legs. Long; profemora a little more expanded at cally; antennae brownish; abdominal sternite 6 tes- middle than meso- and metafemora; surfacesfinely, taceous at middle. densely but shallowly punctate and feebly trans- Head. Measured across eyes, slightly narrower versely rugulose, sparsely vested with short, sub- than maximum width of pronotum; surface finely, erect and fewer longer, erect whitish setae; tarsal deeply, and densely punctate except frontal umbo pulvilli well developed. smooth, sparsely clothed with short and medium- Mesosternum. Densely, finely asperate-punctate, length, suberect, whitish setae; front shallowly bi- moderately densely clothed with long, suberect impressed; eyes large, prominent, ocular emargi- whitish setae; anterior median process triangular, nation triangular, setose, not as long as antennal broadly excavate at middle; posterior median pro- scape; antennae moderately long, just attaining cess broad, apex feebly notched, produced well be- hind margin of pronotum; antennal club loosely yond the level ofmesocoxae. 10 Contributionsin Science, Number487 Rifkind: New Enoclerus

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