MISCELLANEOUS NOTES REFERENCES Ali, S. & S.D. Ripley (1998): Handbookofthe Birds ofIndia and Pakistan. Vol. 9. Secondedn. Oxford University Press, Delhi. Pp. 130-132. Clement, P. & R. Hathaway (2000): Thrushes. Christopher Helm, London. Pp. 377-381. Elkins, N. (1998): Weather and Bird Behaviour. Second Edition. T & AD Poyser, London. Pp. 155-162. Grimmett, R„C. Inskipp&T. Inskipp(1998): Birdsofthe IndianSubcontinent.ChristopherHelm. Pp. 628-629. 12. 'NEW BIRD DESCRIPTIONS WITHOUT PROPER VOUCHER SPECIMENS’: FURTHER TO KANNAN' N.J. Collar2 'AcceptedJune 17, 2008 :BirdLife International,WellbrookCourt,Girton Road,CambridgeCB30NA,U.K. Email: [email protected] Kannan's (2007) review ofthe issues surrounding the particular, but also jizz). In any case the point about description of the Bugun Liocichla Liocichla bugunorum photographsistheirgreatvalueassupporting—evidence,while (Athreya 2006) is wide-ranging, fair-minded and good- the point about science is its repeatability within weeks natured, but in missing a few points and dwelling perhaps ofthe announcement ofthe new species, birdwatchers and too long on others, it requires a little furtherperspective. biologists were making their way to Eaglenest to see it for 1havedeliberatelyputthemaintitleofmycommentary themselves. Athreya’s use of photographs was essentially here in inverted commas in order to indicate that it is supplementary (although of course they supplied the most Kannan’s, not mine. This is because I do not share the view convincingtestimonyofall),anditisworthnotingthatmany that the Bugun Liocichla was described without a proper modern descriptions ofnew bird species carry photographs voucher specimen. This is the first crucial point, which in this support role. Kannan at first admits, but then spends much time However, there is a crucial issue here, untreated by questioning. If it is the case that ‘an animal or a part of an KannanorindeedbyAthreya(althoughImentionedittothe animal' isrequiredtoserveasthetypeofanewspeciesunder latter in our correspondence), which is that recently a new the rules of the International Commission on Zoological species of animal was described, in no less ajournal than Nomenclature(ICZN),thenthefeathers,includingdiagnostic Science usingonly photographs asthe type material (Jones , ones from the tail, provided by Athreya must be allowed to etal. 2005). It would be interesting to know how Kannan’s constitute a ‘proper voucher specimen’. Further debate on museum ornithologists have reacted to this development, the issue is irrelevant: Athreyabroke norules, and Kannan’s rendered all the more surprising by its support by view thatfeathersareoflimitedvalue,andhiscommentthat representatives ofICZN (Polaszek etal. 2005). To me, this ‘Withoutapropervoucherspecimen,thetaxonomicstatusof seems a far more problematic circumstance: digital the newly reported Liocichla will always be open to doubt', photographscan easilybe altered, and Icannotseehow this areboth, Ithink,offthemark.Thesamecanbesaidofall the does notexpose taxonomy to fraud. Nevertheless, the facts criticisms and complaints that followed in the wake of the arethat(1)since2005 thenotionthatphotographsalonecan description of Laniarius literatus for which feathers and form the basis ofnew species descriptions appears to have , blood vouchsafed the existence of the animal from which received strong (albeit not yet formal) endorsement from they came (and which, incidentally, have now been ICZN,and(2)photographsofAthreya’sundescribedliocichla successfully used to demonstrate that liberatus is a colour were circulatingon the internet in that yearandearly 2006. morph: Nguembocketal. 2008).Arecentexchange (Dubois This meant that anyone could have downloaded those andNemesio2007;Donegan 2008)coverstheseissuesinfar photographs and published what in some quarters would greaterdetail, but reaches the same conclusion. have been considered a valid description prior to Athreya, Kannanpointsoutthatphotographscanbeinsufficient thediscovererandthereforerightfuldescriberofthespecies. to reflect all true characters, yielding a fraction of what is Apart from his concern over the impact that collecting a gleanable from a specimen, and can even be doctored or specimen might have had, Athreya himself deteriorate. It is, however, worth remembering that gave three reasons for proceeding with his description in photographs can sometimes tell us taxonomically useful the way he did, all relating to conservation; to them may things that museum skins cannot, unless the collector has be added this point, that someone else could easily have noticed and documented them (eye and bare-part colour in trumped him, particularly as the time needed for 222 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES permission totake a specimen was likely to have been very the species is commoner will it be appropriate to collect a protracted. series. Kannancitesthreepapersofmineandinclinestoagree In his introductory paragraphs Kannan says that this withthegeneraltenorofthem, whichistosupportcollecting case (1) ‘may have added fuel to the already widespread in strong terms and to seek greaterrapprochement between feeling that museumcollectionsare no longernecessaryfor the museum and conservation communities, but he misses describing new species’ and, (2) ‘worse, ... may actually thefactthatImake specificprovisosoverpossibly veryrare makegettingscientificcollectingpermitstougher’. Hedoes newtaxaandthoseliabletolocalextinction.Thisisacrucial not elaborate these points, but in any case I hope both areaofconcern which Kannan does not fully consider. It is are misapprehensions. First, Athreya took material and not a question of museum scientists being ‘bloodthirsty’ donated it to a museum, so (unlike the use of photographs (I worry that such vocabulary, even when used light- as types in the Science paper) it can hardly be said that the heartedly, risks polarising sensibilities on these issues). case diminishes the need for museum collections. Second, It is instead a matter of the appropriate use of the there is no reason why such actions should exert any precautionaryprinciple. Iacceptthattheliocichlaislikelyto disruptive influence over the processes ofpermit issuance: be commoner than we currently know, based on Athreya’s collecting is licensed by bureaucrats according to experience, but we cannot be 100% certain ofthis. He was laws and rules, not according to case history or therefore in my view entirely correct, ethically and precedent, so, unless a new law or rule is passed down by procedurally, to document and name the species without policy-makers, thestatusquoon permitissuance is unlikely killing aspecimen.Ashe stated, only when it is proved that to change. REFERENCES Athreya, R. (2006): A new species of Liocichla (Aves: Timaliidae) Jones, T., C.L. Ehardt, T.M. Butynski, T.R.B. Davenport, from Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh, India. N.E. Mpunga, S.J. Machaga & D.W. de Luca (2005): The Indian Birds 2: 82-94. HighlandMangabeyLophocebuskipunji:anewspeciesofAfrican Donegan, T.M. (2008): New species and subspecies descriptions do monkey. Science 308: 1161-1164. notandshouldnotalwaysrequireadeadtypespecimen.Zootaxa Nguembock,B.,J.Fjeldsa,A.Couloux&E.Pasquet(2008):Phylogeny 1761: 37-48. of Laniarius: molecular data reveal L. liberatus synonymous Dubois, A. & A. Nemesio (2007): Does nomenclatural availability of with L. erlangeri and "plumage coloration’ as unreliable nomina ofnew species orsubspecies require the deposition of morphologicalcharactersfordefiningspeciesandspeciesgroups. vouchers in collections? Zootaxa 1409: 1-22. Molecular Phylogenetics <£ Evolution 48: 396-407. Kannan, R. (2007): New bird descriptions without proper voucher Polaszek, A., P. Grubb, C. Groves, C.L. Ehardt & T.M. Butynski specimens:reflectionsaftertheBugunLiocichlacase.J.Bombay (2005):Whatconstitutesaproperdescription?Response.Science Nat. Hist. Soc. 104(1): 12-18. 309: 2164-2166. 13. HEMIPTERAN FAUNA (INSECTA) INFESTING SANDAL SANTALUM ALBUM LINN. IN SOUTHERN INDIA1 R. Sundararaj2-4 L.R. Karibasavaraja2-5 GauravSharma3andRajaMuthukrishnan2-6 , , 'Accepted October 16, 2007 ’Wood BiodegradationDivision, InstituteofWoodScience&Technology, 18"'CrossMalleswaram, Bengaluru560003, Karnataka,India. ’Desert RegionalStation,ZoologicalSurveyofIndia, PostJhalamand,Pali Road,Jodhpur342005, Rajasthan,India. Email: [email protected] ’Email: [email protected],[email protected] ’Email: [email protected] 6Email: [email protected] OrderHemipteracomprisesofalargeanddiversegroup ofwarm-bloodedvertebrates(TriplehomandJohnson2005) of insects, varying considerably in body form, wings, These pests damage plants by inserting their mouthparts antennae, life histories, and food habits. The mouthparts of into planttissue and suckingjuices. Heavily infestedplants Hemiptera are modified for piercing and sucking plant sap, become yellow, wilted, deformed or stunted, and may butinsomeofthetruebugstheyareusedforsuckingblood. eventuallydie. Inthepresent study, surveyswereconducted Many species are serious pests of cultivated crop plants to document the Hemipteran fauna infesting Sandal plants andforesttrees, some species inject toxic materials into the in nurseries, plantations and natural forests from 2004 to plant while feeding, while some transmit disease causing 2006 in southern India; the findings are reported in this organisms, and a few Heteropterans are vectors ofdiseases paper. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 105 (2), May-Aug 2008 223