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NEW BIOGEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ON QUEENSLAND CHONDRICHTHYANS P.M. KYNE,J.W.JOHNSON,A. J. COURTNEYAND M.B. BENNETT Kyne, P.M., Johnson, J.W., Courtney, A.J. & Bennett, M.B. 2005 01 10: New biogeographical informationonQueenslandchondrichthyans. MemoirsoftheQueensland Museum 50(2): 321-327. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. Newinformationispresentedonchondrichtbyanfishes.Mobulajapanica(Muller&Henle, 1841) is reported forthe first time from Australian waters from two specimens, one from Lake Macquarie, New South Wales and one from Fraser Island, Queensland. Squaliolus aliaeTeng, 1959 andAsvmholusanalis(Ogilby, 1885)are reported torthe first time from waters offQueensland, and aspects ofthe biology ofA. analis are discussed. Significant southern range extensions are reported for Aetomylaeus nichofii (Schneider, 1801) and DasyatisleylandiLast, 1987.SouthernrangeextensionsarealsoreportedforCarcharhinus amboinensis (Muller& Henle, 1839) and Carcharhinuscautus(Whitley, 1945) and these species are recorded for the first time from Moreton Bay. Northern range extensions arc reported forHypnos monopterygius (Shaw & Nodder, 1795) and Orectolobus maculatus (Bonnaterre, 1788). Comments are also made on the distribution ofDipturus australis (Macleay, 1884) andMvliobatishamlyniOgilby, 1911. Biogeography, Chondrichthyes, Queensland waters, Elasmobranchii, Squaliolus, Orectolobus, Asymbolus, Dasyatis, Aetomylaeus, Mvliobatis. Mobula . P.M. KyneandM.B. Bennett, SchoolofBiomedicalSciences, DepartmentofAnatomyand Developmental Biology, University of Queensland, St Lucia, 4072; J.W. Johnson, QueenslandMuseum, POBox3300South Brisbane4101 (e-mail:[email protected]); A.J. Courtney, SouthernFisheries Centre, QueenslandDepartmentofPrimaryIndustries, PO Box 76, Deception Bay, 4508, Australia; 30 May 2004. Australian waters support a diverse purposes, and in defining levels of interactions chondrichthyan fauna, with at least 296 known with fisheries. Information concerning the species (Last & Stevens, 1994), whileadditional biogeography of many species in Queensland species are still being recorded, for example, waterscontinuestoexpandandtoberefinedwith Isurus paucus Guitart Manday, 1966 (Stevens, thecollectionandidentificationofnew'material. & 1995) and Isistiusplutodus Garrick Springer, This paper presents information on new 1964 (McGrouther, 2001). Over half of these chondrichthyan material deposited in the species have been recorded from Queensland Queensland Museum, including that taken by waters or the Australian Exclusive Economic Queensland Department of Primary Industries Zone adjacent to Queensland (Last & Stevens, (QDPI) trawl surveys. A number of range 1994).Despitethediversityoffaunainthisstate, extensions are documented as well as a new thereexistsapaucityofdataconcerningthebasic record forAustralia. biology of most Queensland chondrichthyans. MATERIALS AND METHODS Limited published research is available on the rflierfgoeimohntishset(eoG.rguy.lSfotfoefvteCrnaosprip&ceanlMtcaLeroliuaagsahmnlodibnro.atnh1ec9rh9n1os;rpSteahcleiirennsi pnaircAth.ofoaifniaawleiQrse,DPcDIa.ptpaururosejtdercabtlyisod,neDmt.ehreslaeblyylcoatanttdecirhtaronafwdltAha.es etal„ 1992), inshorespeciesfromtheTownsville Queensland East Coast Trawl Fishery. D. region(e.g. Simpfcndorfer, 1998),Hemiscyllium leylandi and A. nichofii were collected by a ocellatum (Bonnaterre, 1788) from the southern 13.6m commercial trawler fitted with twin Great Barrier Reef(e.g. Hcupel etah, 1999) and 4-seam Florida Flyernets;netbody mesh sizeof Aptyfchotrema rostrata (Shaw & Nodder, 1794) 5.0cm; codend mesh size of 4.4cm; headrope from Moreton Bay (e.g. Kyne& Bennett, 2002). length was 7.3m. Specimens ofA. analis and D. Similarly with life history data, obtaining australis were taken by a 17.1m commercial information on a species’ geographical and trawler fitted with three 2-seam Florida Flyer bathymetric distribution is essential for nets; net body mesh sizeof5.0cm; codend mesh understanding ecology, for management size of 4.4cm; headrope length was 12.8m or ; 322 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 21.9m (depending on nets fitted at the time). 52.3%POB).Sasaki& Uyeno(1987) provided2 Capture details forspecimens collected by other further characters to separate these species. methods are given with the specimen Firstly, inS. aliaetheuppermarginoftheorbitis information. chevron-shaped, while in S. laticaudus it is Specimens were identified using Last & nearly straight. The chevron-shaped upper Stevens (1994) and Last (1999). Measurements margin is clear in QMI32529 and AMS and mass were recorded and maturity assessed 143064-001. Secondly, a pair of papillae is (following Bass et al., 1973) in the laboratory. presenton the lipoftheupperjaw inS. aliaeand The following abbreviations are used for absent in 5. laticaudus. Due to damage to the institutions: AMS, Australian Museum, Sydney: mouth ofQMI32529 and the effects offixation CSIRO, CSIRO Marine Laboratories, Hobart: this feature was not useful in identifying these QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Methods specimens. However,giventhesizeandshapeof and abbreviations for measurements of sharks the upper margin ofthe eye, both specimens are NSW mfoelnltoswfCooribnaptaoigdnsoa(r2e00D1)W. (Addidsictiwoindatlh)meaansdurDeL- S1.20al5i1a5e-, 0a0s1a,rc EthYeL2 63.7%specIiNmOen:s (AAMMSS (disc length). Those forMobulajapanica follow 13041 1-001, EYL 56.8% INO). Notarbartolo-Di-Sciara (1987). Orectolobus niaculatus (Bonnaterre, 1788) SPECIES RECORDS AND DISCUSSION MATERIAL. Collectedbydemersal trawlby P. Duncan offnorth Qld: QMI31417, immature <3, 845mm TL, off Squaliolus aliae Teng, 1959 Hardline Reefs, 20°46'S, 151°20'E, 218m, 09/08/1999; cMaApTtuErReIdAbLy.traQwMlI3302-54209m;il<e3,s1N3o4fmCmapTeLM(oFirge.to1nA.)Qwlads. Q20M°I4361'S4,381,51i°2m8m'aEt,ur2e15<m3,,4140/50m8/m19T9L9,.offCaldcr Island A26M°2S1-31413'S0,6145-30°0218:'E,<3a,t 118330-2m0m1mTLdepwtahsonc2a3p/t0u4r/e2d00b0y. fRrEoMmAthReKSSc.oaOsrteocftoAulsotbruaslinaiabceutlwaetuesnwSaEsQklndoawnnd planktontowintheCoralSea. 12°44-50'S,153°52-55'E,at SW WA, excluding Tasmania. Further records 120-150mdepthon 16-17/05/1995. from Japan and the South China Sea require REMARKS. Squaliolus aliae is probably the confirmation (Last & Stevens, 1994). The smallest known living shark species (Last & rNecords presented here significantly increase the eoSatfsetSvyecndosna,esty1,b9y9N4SA).WM.ISt w313a2°s0454k'1nS5o,-w00n1511o,°n95,2t'h9eE8.AmudsmetmrTeaLrls,iaaEln tkhnedoiGwsrtneriabbtuattBihaoyrnrmi,eertrerciRoceredrifannrggeegitiofionsr.tiFhnuecrrfteihrasestretmdiomrfeer,formtohmae trawl, 457m, 24/11/1977; and AMSI3041 1-001, depth of 1 10m to 218m. 9, 213mm TL, E of Kiama, NSW, 34°42'S, Asymbolus analis (Ogilby, 1885) 151°16'E, demersal trawl, 474m,NW21/W11A/1978. MATERIAL. Captured by demersal otter trawl from S J&TahpiSastnes,vpeenTcsia,eisw19ais9n4a)l.asonRdergeiptoohnreatlePldhyi,flriiotpmipsirneepsor(teLdas(ftLraos&mt 4QQlM5dI83wma3mt3e5rT3sL,i,nid2me7pm°ta0h2ts'uSor,fe81595-,31°53397m2'.E9,QmMmI133T72Lm8,,76m,1a3m/sa0st3u/r2lel0O0<g31,, Stevens, 1994). 27°10'S, 153°38'E, 135m, 29/07/2002; and QMI33354 Acloserelative,SqualioluslaticaudusSmith& (Fig. IB), immature c3, 300mm TL, mass 81g, 27°47'S, Radcliffe, 1912, has a nearly circumtropical 153°49'E,86m,24/07/2002. 10specimensweredissected distribution, buthasnotyetbeenconfirmedfrom tMoAoTbEtaRiInAlLif.e hiAstMorSy dIaBt8a25(s5e,e1de2t6a0i2l3s-b0e0l1o,w)1.260O2T3-H0E01R Australianwaters. S. laticaudus has a largereye 134747-001, 135418-001. 135423-001, 135423-002, (eye length, EYL, 73.4-85.6% of interorbital 140476-001. space, INO, 61.0%-81.7% ofpreorbital length, POB) than S. aliae (EYL 46.3-69.9% INO, REMARKS. These specimens are consistent 42.6%-66.4% POB) (Sasaki & Uyeno, 1987). with many ofthe diagnostic features outlined in QMI32529 has an EYL 58.4% INO and 51.0% Last & Stevens (1994) and Last (1999). They POB and AMSI43064-001 an EYL 48.6% and haveagreyishbackground colouration, overlain FI3lGa4t.e3r1am.lmAv,iSeDqwWu.a,Cl,idoDolarusssyaaaltliivasiele,ewQy.lMaEn,1di3,2MQ5o2bM9u,l11a33334j5am2pm,an1Ti3Lc,0amlamtQerDMaWl.v1i3de3ow8r.s5aB5l,,vAis1ey0wm.8b8oD,mlumAsetaDonWmaly,ilsa,deoQursMsanli1c3hv3oi3fe5iw4i.,,Q3FM0,0H1my3m3p8nT5oL4,s, monopteiygius photographed on the south side of,Heron Island Reef, Great Barrier Reef, November 1995 , (Photo: M. Prekker). QUEENSLAND CHONDRICHTHYAN BIOGEOGRAPHY 323 1 324 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM with saddle-like blotches, dark brownish spots TABLE 1. Maximum ovum diameter (MOD) and andwhitishflecks,anddenselypackeddenticles, number ofyellow-yolked ova > 5mm diameter for giving the skin a rough appearance. These fivemature 9 Asymbolusanalis. specimens may be distinguished from the sympatric Asymbolus rubiginosus Last, Gomon Capturedate TL(mm) MOD(mm) Ovanumber & Gledhill, 1999, another dark-spotted 15/03/2001 455 19 12 A23s.y7m-bolusspecies,byashortercaudal fin(range 14/09/200 460 17 8 ofCDM, the dorsal margin ofthe caudal fin, of 16/09/2001 470 24 7 the three specimens 19.0-20.6% TL vs 13/10/2001 460 20 7 26.6% TL in A. rubiginosus), and a larger, 14/10/2001 470 23 15 broadly semicircular, posteriornasal flap. TfrhToehmreasnoQgumeeeoefncsthhaleraanhcdetaerdsspleeocnuigtmtlehinn(se,HdDhiLno)wLeoavfsettrh,e(13d9i9Qf9f)Me.r ilemamsatt6u0rem;m.whiFlieve5$9ooff247585--342790mmmmTTLLwweerreeaallll mature. specimens (17.3-18.0% TL) falls within the range of HDL given for A. rubiginosus Mature females had a single functional ovary. (16.7-18.0% TL) and outside that for A. analis None of the 5 mature females were carrying (18.1-19.0% TL). Furthermore, the interdorsal eggeasesintheiroviducts,butallhadanumberof space (IDS) (12.1-13.1% TL) falls within the ripeovarianovawith maximumovum diameters ranges given for both A. rubiginosus (IDS ranging from 17-24mm (Table 1). Oviducal 12.9-15.1% TL) and A. analis (IDS 10.7-12.5% glands were well-developed and expanded in all TL). InterdorsalspaceforA.analisinLast(1999) mature females with an average diameter of is given as ‘much less than 1.5 timestotal length 27.3mm (range 25-29mm). The large ripe ova of first dorsal fin’. Relative proportions ofthis during the 3 months in which mature femaleA. feature are used to separate A. analis from analis were captured (March, September and Asymbolus pallidus Last, Gomon & Gledhill, October)suggeststhatthespeciesmaynothavea 1999 and Asymbolus occiduus Last, Gomon & well-defined reproductive season, similar to the Gledhill, 1999, 2 other dark-spotted Asymbolus situation reported for some other scyliorhinid species. However, the IDS oftheQM specimens sharks (e.g. Horie & Tanaka, 2000). 16.7- range from 1.46-1.71 times D1L. It appears that minotreerdovrasrailabslpeactehaanndprheevaidoulselnygtthhopurgohpto,rtainodnsmaarye Carcharhinus amboinensis (Muller& Henle, 1839) not be useful for Asymbolus species ident- ification. Additional AMS material examined (onf=I8)DSsup1.p3o6r-t1e.d66thiDs1sLuggaensdtitohne, rwaintghethoefrHaDngLe 8M4A0TmEmRIPACLL,.maQsMs 1133.338k5g7w;a9s,c1ap1t9u5remdmbTyLh,an9d4li0nmembyFLR,. 19.6% TL forspecimens from NSW. Pillans800mofFShomcliffeJetty,MoretonBay,27°19'S, 153°05'E,at4mdepthcm27/12/2002.Itismostlikelytobe Asymbolus analis is endemic to the east coast immature,asfemalesareknowntomatureatabout215cm ofAustralia, and was previously thought to be TL(Last&Stevens, 1994). confined to NSW and Vic. waters from Port Macquarie S to Lakes Entrance. These records REMARKS. Carcharhinus amboinensis has provide the first account of A. analis from been reported from the E North Atlantic and the Queensland waters, and examination of Indo-West Pacific and locally in tropical and additionalNSW materialextends itsbathymetric subtropical waters from Carnarvon, WA to distribution from79mreportedin Last&Stevens Bundaberg, Qld (24°45'S, 152°24'E) (Last & (1994) to 199m. Asymbolus includes eight Stevens, 1994). This provides the first record of s1p9e9c9i)esanrdestarnictuenddetsocrAiubsetdralsipaenciewsatferrosm(LNaestw, rC.ecoarmdboifnreonmsiMsorSetoofnBuBnady,abenortg haanvdintghebfeiersnt Caledonia (Seret, 1994). previously reported by Johnson (1999). This Last Sl Stevens (1994) reported that 8 A. species is reasonably common within Moreton analis mature at 520mm TL, but provide no Bay(R. Pillans, pers. comm.), although not well informationon 9 sizeatmaturity.Ofthe3 8 QM represented in the QM collection. It is similarto specimens onewas immatureat300mmTLand thebullsharkC. leucas(Valenciennes, in Muller the others w,ere mature at 458 and 460mm TL, & Henle, 1839),possibly leadingtoconfusion in lowering the previous maturity estimate by at the field with this more abundant species. , QUEENSLAND CHONDRICHTHYAN BIOGEOGRAPHY 325 Carcharhinus cautus (Whitley, 1945) &Stevens, 1994).ThisobservationextendstheN MATERIAL. QMI32158; 9, 670mm TL, 535mm FL, distribution of the species on the E coast and 490mmPCL)wascollectedfromtheshorelineadjacentto provides the first record from the Great Barrier Reef. Toondah Harbour, Cleveland, Moreton Bay, 27°32'S, 153°17'E,on24/05/2000.Thesharkwas founddead,but Dasyatis leylandi Last, 1987 showed no signsofhook ornet capture; QMI33856; 9 1260mm TL, 1060mm FL, 950mm PCL, mass 12.5kg) MATERIAL. QMI33352, immature <3, 225mm TL, wascapturedbyhandlineby R. PillansoffGreen Island, 130mm DW, 108mm DL, mass 70g, and, immature <3, Moreton Bay, 27°26'S, 153°14'E, at 5m depth on 315mmTL, 173mm DW, 146mm DL, mass 160g)(Fig. 06/03/2002.Givenitssize,andthefreshmatingscars,this 1C)werecapturedbydemersalottertrawlinHerveyBay, specimen was most likely mature, as both sexes are 25°07'S, 152°39'E,at 1lmdepthon 14/06/2002. reported to mature at 800-850mm TL (Last & Stevens, REMARKS. Dasyatis leylandi had previously 1994). been recorded from N Australia between Monte REMARKS. Known only from S New Guinea, BelloIslands,WAandTownsville,Qld(19°15'S, the Solomon Islands and tropical Australia 146°49'E), as well as New Guinea (Last & WA between Carnarvon, and Bundaberg, Qld Stevens, 1994). These records represent a (24°45’S) (Last& Stevens, 1994). Thesearethe significant rangeextension forthespeciesonthe firstrecordsofC.cautussouthofBundabergand E coast (~1,200km). The species appears to be the first records from Moreton Bay, not having relatively common on scallop trawling grounds been previously reported byJohnson (1999). betweenHerveyBayandGladstone(PeterKyne, unpubl. data). Dipturus australis (Macleay, 1884) MATERIAL. QMI33853; 9, 358mm TL,258mmDW, Aetonivlaeus nichofii (Schneider, 1801) 212mm DL,mass320g)wascaptured bydemersal otter MATERIAL. QMI33854; 9, 343mm DW, 530mmTL, trawl off Moreton Island, 27°13'S, 153°39'E at 135m mass450g)(Fig. 1D)wascapturedbydemersalottertrawl depthon28/07/2002.OtherspecimensareQMI11903, in Hervey BQayM, 25°13'S, 152°43'E, at 8m depth on from 26°40'S, 153°15'Eand II1904from27°44'S, 51114/0m6/m20T0L2,.olfBra1m1p2t5o3n4,Isliamndm,a2t0u°r4e8'S<,3,14294°156m'Em,2D2Wm,, 153°27'E. 13/08/1957; AMS134389-027,immature<3,350mmDW, REMARKS. This species is reported to be ‘the 690mmTL,offShoalwaterBay,22°21fS, 150°45'E,43m, most common skate on the continental shelfof 25/10/1993. & cbeenitnrgalreeacsotredrendAfurstormaloifaf’M(oLraesttonSBtaeyveSnst,o1J9e9r4v)i,s REMARKS.Last&Stevens(1994)reportthatA tcBhaaaytt,ch‘NersSecWof.rrdsoLmaosftsot&huitshSetsrpenevceinQesuse(fe1r9no9s4ml:apn3rd4a7w)rnesqtturaiatrweeld nAfiurcsohtmorfaiSliiJahaapsiatnaonctocIuAnrudssot-riWnaelsittarWoapPAniacdcailfWicwatdtoiesrItnrsdiibafu.triooImnn Bonaparte Archipelago, to Cairns, Qld validation.' This specimen, taken by a (16°54’S, 145°47’E). The above specimens commercial prawn trawler, confirms that the Queensland trawl fishery interacts with this ~si1g,n6i0f0ikcamn)t.ly expand its southern range (by species.Despiteitsapparentcommonoccurrence offNSW,thisspeciesappearstobeuncommonin Myliobatis hamlyni Ogilby, 1911 Queensland waters. MATERIAL. QMI33318; 9,440mm DW, 945mmTL) Hypnos monopterygius(Shaw& Nodder, 1795) wascollectedby demersal trawlby P. DuncanoffSwain Reefs, 20°40'S, 151°20'E at 210-220m depth on MATERIAL. An individual (Fig. IF) wasobserved by 07/08/1999. MBBotfthereefedgeontheSsideofHeronIsland,Great Barrier Reef(23°27'S, 15I°55'E) in November 1995. It REMARKS. Previously known only from the wasinitiallyburiedincoral/sandsubstrateat4mdepthbut holotype (QMI1567) caught offCape Moreton, wasdisturbedbyaboatanchor. Itproceededtoswimand Qld (approximately 27°02'S, 153°28'E) in settleagainamongstAcmporacoral. January' 1911 (no other collection details are REMARKS. This species is endemic to tropical available),NSanWd CSIRO H2578-01 from E of aWnAdtwoaStrVmintceemnptesraGtuelf,AuSsAtraanlidaf,rformoEmdeBnr,oNomSeW, S1w1a7n-s1e21a,m on 0(93/31°10/51'9S9,41.51C°S58I'REO)coHl3l8e6ct0e-d01at SW ttoheCailmomuenddiraat,eSarQelad.beTthweeesnpeSciAesanisdaNbsSeWnt(fLraosmt aftro3m46-34o7fmSohnar0k3B/a0y1,/1W9A9(126is°c4l7o'sSel,y1r1e2l°at3e5d'Et)o 326 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM AMS togetherwiththehead, were sentto the by Athel D’Ombrain. The identification of the specimen has been verified from the head and original photographs (Fig. 2), showing a short head and cephalic lobes, a very long wire-like tail, a white dorsal fin tip, elliptical spiracles situatedabovethelevelofthepectoral fins,anda statement in the original correspondences from Mr D'Ombrain, ‘A spine was cut from base of tail'. Within Mobula only M.japanica and M. , mobular possess a caudal stinging spine. M. mobular is closely related and morphologically similar to M. japanica however, the former , appears to be endemic to the Mediterranean Sea (Notarbartolo-Di-Sciara, 1987; Hemida et al., 2002 ). Thesexofthe individual wasnotreported,but from the photographs appears to be female. The collectorreported a ‘width ofdisc’ of74 inches (1880mm), a ‘length overall' of 114 inches (2896mm), a ‘total length without tail’ of41.5 inches (1054mm) and a ‘tail’ of 72.5 inches (1842mm). Collection of the first Qld specimen was FIG. 2. Mobula japonica AMSIB802I, whole reported by Hobson (2001) who also provided , specimenbeforeheadwasremoved.Notediagnostic photographs of the fresh specimen. Full characters ofspecies, white tip to dorsal fin, short morphometric details are available from JWJ. cephalic lobes, longtailandspiraclessituatedabove Many of the proportional dimensions differ insertion ofpectoral fins (Photo: Athel D'Ombrain, slightly from those presented in courtesyoftheAustralianMuseum,Sydney). Notarbartolo-Di-Sciara (1987), with numerous measurements falling outside the lower end of MM.. hhaammllyynnii. iTnhisLawsetst&erSntefvoernmsw(a1s99i4d)entbiuftiendoaws Qthueeernasnlgaensdgsipveecnimfeonrhmaastearigarleateexrarmeilnaetdiv.e dTihsec appears to be distinct from that species (Peter width, and the tail tar exceeds the maximum Last.pers. comm.).Myliobatishamlynitherefore relative length given by Notarbartolo-Di-Sciara appears to be restricted to E Australia. (1987). Mobulajapanica has a long tail relative Last & Stevens (1994) and Compagno &. Last to other Mobula species, however this is a less (1999) reported thWat M. hamlyni is doubtfully reliable diagnostic feature, given the tail’s distinct from the Indian OceaWn Myliobatis susceptibility todamage. aquila (Linnaeus, 1758) or the Pacific M. -ttohbeij3eispBelceieeksern,ee1d8s54.furTthheerraeslasteisosnmsehnitp,baestwdeoeens disMtorbibuultaiojnaipnawniacram, twehmipcehrahtaesaandcitrrcoupmitcarlopsiecaasl, the relationship between the east and west coast is known from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian forms. Oceans. Regionally, it has been recorded from NewZealand, but reports fromAustralia needed Mobulajapanica (Muller& Henle, 1841) confirmation (Last & Stevens, 1994). These cMoAlTleEcRteIdAiLns.hoAreMbSy1Bne8t0f2i1sheisnnethnefrhoemadLaokfeaMascpqeucairmieen, roecccourrdsincoAnufsitrrmaltihaatn4wastpeercsi:esMoafnmtoabubliirdosrtaryiss NimSmaWtu(r3e2D<5?9,'S,1018518°m35m'E)DWon)0(4F/i0g4./19I6E8). wQaMsI33f8o5u5n;d (GDaornmnadno,rf1f,911379a8p)peaanrdtMoobbeulreaaesroneagboloydocootmenmkoene beach-washed on Eurong Beach, Fraser Island inQldwaters;Mobulathurstoni(Lloyd, 1908) is known from a single record off Mackay, Qld (25°31'S, 153°08'E)on 17/08/2000. & (Last Stevens, 1994). All species are rarely REMARKS. A series of photographs and caught and are not well represented in museum NSW measurements of the complete animal, collections. QUEENSLAND CHONDRICHTHYAN BIOGEOGRAPHY 327 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS HOBSON, R. 2001. A little ray ofsunshine. Wildlife Thanks to Peter Duncan, Rod Hobson and HORIEAu,stTr.al&iaT38A(N2)A:K2A0,-21S.. 2000. Reproduction and Richard Pillans for providing specimens, and to food habits oftwo species ofsawtail catsharks, TMoantktsheowf tChaempSboeultlh,erKneiFtihsheCrhiielscoCtetntarne,d QMDaPrIk GBaayl,euJsapeaans.tFmiasnhieraiensdSGc.iennicpepo6n6e:ns8i1s2-,8i2n5.Suraga andvesselcrews,fortheirassistanceincollection JOHNSON, J.W. 1999. Annotated checklist of the of material. Thanks to Myriam Prekker for fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. photographs of H. monopterygius. Thanks to Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 43(2): Mark McGrouther, Kerryn Parkinson and John 709-762. Pogonoski at the AMS and to Leonard J.V. KYNE, P.M. & BENNETT, M.B. 2002. Diet ofthe CspoemcpiamgennsoacnadptTurraecdeybyTurQnDePrIforwaesrseistcaonlclee.ctAleld (eaSshtaerwn&shoNvoedldneors,e 1r7ay9,4)A,ptfyrcohmotMroermeatornostBraayt,a under Queensland Fisheries Sendee General Queensland, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Fisheries Permit PRM02360D and GBRMPA Research 53: 679-686. Marine Parks Permit GO1/437 as part of a LAST,gePn.uR.s (eAd.s)ym19b9o9l.uAsust(rCalairacnhacarthsihnarikfsoromfetsh:e broader Fisheries Research and Development Scyliorhinidae). CSIRO Marine Laboratories Corporation project (FRDC 2000/170). Report239: LITERATURE CITED LAST,P.R.&STEV.ENS,J.D. 1994.Sharksandraysof Australia. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne). BASS, A.J., D’AUBREY, J.D. & KISMASAMY, N. McGROUTHER, M.A. 2001. First record of the 1973. SharksoftheeastcoastofsouthernAfrica. large-tooth cookie-cutter shark Isistiusplutodus I. The genus Catvharhinus (Carcharhinidae). from Australian waters. Memoirs of the Investigational Report of the Oceanographic QueenslandMuseum46(2): 442. Research Institute 33: 168. NOTARBARTOLO-DI-SCIARA,G 1987.Arevision- COMPAGNO, L.J.V. 2001. Sharks ofthe World. An ary'studyofthegenusMobula Rafmesque, 1810 annotated and illustrated catalogue ofdie shark (Chondrichthyes: Mobulidae) with the species known to date. Volume 2. 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