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New Arrivals Catalog June 2012 Windows Booksellers 199 West 8th Ave., Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97401 USA Phone: (800) 779-1701 or (541) 485-0014 * Fax: (541) 465-9694 Email and Skype: [email protected] Website: http://www.windowsbooks.com Monday - Friday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Pacific time (phone & in-store); Saturday: Noon to 3:00 PM, Pacific time (in-store only- sorry, no phone). Our specialty is used and out-of-print academic books in the areas of theology, church history, biblical studies, and western philosophy. We operate an open shop and coffee house in downtown Eugene. Please stop by if you're ever in the area! When ordering, please reference our book number (shown in brackets at the end of each listing). Prepayment required of individuals. Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover; or check/money order in US dollars. Books will be reserved 10 days while awaiting payment. Purchase orders accepted for institutional orders. Shipping charge is based on estimated final weight of package, and calculated at the shipper's actual cost, plus $1.00 handling per package. We advise insuring orders of $100.00 or more. Insurance is available at 5% of the order's total, before shipping. Uninsured orders of $100.00 or more are sent at the customer's risk. Returns are accepted on the basis of inaccurate description. Please call before returning an item. New Arrivals Catalog June 2012 Table of Contents American History 3 Archaeology & Ancient Near East 3 Bibles 10 Biblical Interpretation 10 Church History 15 Classics 41 Commentaries- Concise 44 Commentaries- New Testament 45 Commentaries- Old Testament 49 Devotional 53 English History 58 Greek 59 Hebrew 62 Historiography & Intellectual History 65 Inklings 65 Judaica 65 Literary Criticism 68 Literature 69 Medieval History 69 Ministry 70 Miscellaneous 70 Missions 71 Mormon Interest 71 New Testament 72 Old Testament 92 Philosophy 113 Poetry 116 Preaching 116 Reference 117 Sociology / Anthropology 118 Theology 118 World History 138 World Religions 139 2 AMERICAN HISTORY Adamson, Barry. __Freedom of Religion, the First Amendment, and the Supreme Court: How the Court Flunked History__. Pelican. 2008. Hardcover with dust jacket. 422pp. VG/VG. $9 [383591] Holmes, Abiel. __Life of Ezra Stiles__. Thomas & Andrews. 1798. Full leather. 403pp. Damp-stained throughout. Heavy foxing. Full leather, cracked hinges. $42 [384095] ARCHAEOLOGY & ANCIENT NEAR EAST . __GLI Scavi Italiani a Cartagine. Rapporto Preliminare Delle Campagne 1973- 77, Presentiazione di Antonino di Vita. Estratta dal Volume 13, dei Quaderni di Archeologia della Libia__. L'Erma di Bretschneider Roma. 1982. Paperback. 60pp. Upper edges very bent, wrappers slightly chipped and stained. $27 [383529] . __Karthago, Revue d'Archeologie Africaine XVII__. Librairie C. Klincksieck. 1976. Paperback. 212pp. Stained and torn wrappers, yellowed pages. $22 [383032] Abegg, Martin Jr.; Peter Flint & Eugene Ulrich trans.. __The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible__. Harper. 1999. Hardcover with dust jacket. 649pp. VG/VG $22 [384335] Acquaro, Enrico. __Le Monete Puniche del Museo Nazionale di Cagliari, Catalogo__. Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche. 1974. Paperback. 96, 26, xcxpp. Good; upper edges uncut. $27 [383034] Acquaro, Enrico; Piero Bartoloni, Antonia Ciasca, Mohamed Hassine Fantar. __Prospezione Archeologica al Capo Bon- I__. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. 1973. Paperback. 80, 43, xipp. Good; upper edges uncut, corners slightly bumped. $27 [383031] Acquaro, Enrico; Sabatino Moscati, and Maria Luisa Uberti. __Anecdota Tharrhica__. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. 1975. Paperback. 133, lipp. Good; upper edges uncut, corners slightly bumped. $27 [383030] Albright, William Foxwell. __The Vocalization of the Egyptian Syllabic Orthography [American Oriental Series vol. 5]__. American Oriental Society. 1934. Paperback. 67pp. Good; faded wrappers. $14 [383638] Astruc, Miriam. __La Necropolis de Villaricos [Ministerio de Educacion Nacional, Informes y Memorias, no. 25]__. Madrid. 1951. Paperback. 234, xcpp. Foxing, torn wrappers, upper page edges uncut. $27 [382872] 3 Bar-Adon, Pessah. __The Cave of the Treasure: The Finds from the Caves in Nahal Mishmar__. Israel Exploration Sociey. 1980. Hardcover with dust jacket. 243pp. Bumped corners, torn dust jacket. $32 [383659] Baumstark, Anton; Carl Brockelmann, Johann Fueck, Marie Hoefner, Enno Littmann, Adolf Ruecker, and Bertold Spuler. __Handbuch der Orientalistik, 3. Band: Semitistik, Zweiter und Dritter Abschnitt__. E.J. Brill. 1954. Paperback. pp. Good; slight markings. $27 [382654] Bottéro, Jean. __Le Problème des Habiru a la 4e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale [Cahiers de la Société Asiatique XII]__. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. 1954. Paperback. 208pp. Faded and detached wrappers. $22 [383643] Brockelmann, Carl; Ernst Ludwig Dietrich, Johann Fueck, Bertold Spuler. __Handbuch der Orientalistik, 2. Band: Semitistik Erster Abschnitt__. E.J. Brill. 1953. Paperback. 132pp. Good; bent corners. $16 [382655] Campbell, Edward F. Jr.. __Schechem II: Portrait of a Hill Country Vale. The Schechem Regional Survey [American Schools of Oriental Research Archaeological Reports, no. 2]__. Scholars Press. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 123pp. Very good. $32 [383647] Citelli, Karen D.. __Lerna, vol. V: The Neolithic Pottery from Lerna__. American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1969. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 386pp. Very good. $42 [383039] Cohen, Eran. __Modal System of Old Babylonian [Harvard Semitic Studies 56]__. Eisenbrauns. 2005. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 225pp. Very good $22 [382662] Cornelius, Friedrich. __Geistesgeschichte der Frühzeit, I: Von der Eiszeit bis zur Erfindung der Keilschrift__. E.J. Brill. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 238pp. Very good. $67 [383836] Cross, Frank Moore Jr. and David Noel Freedman. __Early Hebrew Orthography: A Study of the Epigraphic Evidence [American Oriental Series, vol. 36]__. American Oriental Society. 1952. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 77pp. Very good. $20 [382877] Dupont-Sommer, A.. __Les Écrits Esséniens Découverts Pres de la Mer Morte__. Payot, Paris. 1959. Paperback. 446pp. Good; creased spine. $9 [383642] Faucounau, Jean. __Les Inscriptions Chypro-Minoennes__. L'Harmattan. 2007. Paperback. 192pp. Stains on front front wrapper, sound otherwise. Inscribed 4 and signed by the author. $16 [382936] Franken, H.J.. __Excavations at Tell Deir 'Alla I: A Sratigraphical and Analytical Study of the Early Iron Age Pottery__. E.J. Brill. 1969. Hardcover with dust jacket. 249, xvpp. VG/VG. $50 [383648] Gardiner, Alan. __Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs, 3rd edition, revised__. Griffith Institute. 1957. Hardcover with dust jacket. 646pp. VG/G. Chipped and slightly stained dust jacket. $37 [383645] Garfinkel, Yosef. __Dancing at the Dawn of Agriculture__. Texas. 2003. Hardcover with dust jacket. 326pp. VG/VG $37 [382873] Garfinkel, Yosef and Saar Ganor. __Khirbet Qeiyafa vol. 1, Excavation Report 2007-2008__. Israel Exploration Society / Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2009. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 304pp. Good; spine edges and board corners slightly bumped. $97 [383029] Gelb, Ignace J.. __Sequential Reconstruction of Proto-Akkadian [Assyriological Studies, No. 18]__. Chicago. 1969. Paperback. 244pp. Notes on last few end papers. Corners bent. Faded spine. Bookplate. $22 [382757] Geld, I.J.. __Old Akkadian Writing and Grammar, 2nd edition [Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary, No. 2]__. Chicago. 1973. Paperback. 235pp. Book curved, corners slightly bent. Creased & faded spine, title hand-written on spine. Bookplate. Else good. $37 [382755] Glueck, Nelson. __Explorations in Eastern Palestine IV, Part II: Pottery Notes and Plates [Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vols. XXV- XXVIII for 1945-1949__. American Schools of Oriental Research. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 711pp. Good; cover scratched and slightly grubby. $22 [383666] Glueck, Nelson. __Explorations in Eastern Palestine, IV, Part I: Text [Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vols. XXV-XXVIII for 1945-1949__. American Schools of Oriental Research. 1951. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 423pp. Foxing, shaken. $22 [383669] Googan, Michael David. __West Semitic Personal Names in the Murasu Documents [Harvard Semitic Monographs, no. 7]__. Scholars Press. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 142pp. Very good. $37 [384143] Gros, Pierre. __Mission Archeologique Francaise a Carthage: Byrsa III, Rapport sur les campagnes de fouilles de 1977 a 1980: la basilique orientale et ses 5 abords [Collection de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome, 41]__. Ecole Francaise de Rome. 1985. Paperback. 220pp. Good; stamps, upper corners bumped. $30 [383026] Herbert, Edward D.. __Reconstructing Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Method Applied to the Reconstruction of 4QSam-a [Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah, vol. XXII]__. Brill. 1997. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 293pp. Very good. $87 [383662] Hermann, Christian. __Ägyptische Amulette aus Palästina/Israel II [Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 184]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2002. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 194pp. Faded & cocked spine. Else good. Former owner's name. $42 [383534] Hickmann, Hans & Wilhelm Stauder. __Orientalische Musik [Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1 Abteilung, Ergänzungsband IV]__. E.J. Brill. 1970. Paperback. 254pp. Very good. $32 [382743] Hirsch, Hans. __Untersuchungen zur altassyrischen Religion__. Im Selbstverlage des Herausgebers. 1961. Paperback. 104pp. Badly bumped corners, sound otherwise. $37 [383646] Huehnergard, John. __A Grammar of Akkadian [Harvard Semitic Studies, 45]__. Eisenbrauns. 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 647pp. Upper spine chewed, otherwise sound. $22 [383121] Huehnergard, John. __A Grammar of Akkadian, 2nd edition [Harvard Semitic Studies, 45]__. Eisenbrauns. 2005. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 648pp. Very good. $32 [383126] Humphrey, J.H. ed.. __The Circus and a Byzantine Cemetery at Carthage, vol. I__. Michigan. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 594pp. Good; slightly cocked spine. $22 [383658] Kaiser, Otto. __Die Mythische Bedeutung des Meeres in Ägypten, Ugarit und Israel [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 78]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1959. Paperback. 161pp. Good; slight foxing. $16 [383339] King, Philip J. and Lawrence E. Stager. __Life in Biblical Israel__. W/JKP. 2001. Hardcover with dust jacket. 440pp. VG/VG. $22 [383588] Knohl, Israel. __The Messiah Before Jesus: The Suffering Servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls__. California. 2000. Paperback. 145pp. Very good. $9 [383428] Kohlmeyer, Kay. __Tempel des Wettergottes von Aleppo [Gerda Henkel Vorlesung]__. Rhema. 2000. Paperback. 43, xxivpp. Very good. $12 [382887] 6 Kraeling, Carl H. and Robert M. Adams eds.. __City Invincible: A Symposium on Urbanization and Cultural Development in the Ancient Near East, held at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, December 4-7, 1958__. Chicago. 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 448pp. Very good. $16 [383575] Layard, Austen Henry. __Nineveh and Its Remains: With an Account of a Visit to the Chaldaean Christians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or Devil-Worshippers; and an Inquiry into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient Assyrians. New edition, without abidgement. Two volumes complete in one__. D. Appleton. 1856. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 326, 373pp. Ex-library, foxing, worn and faded cover, bumped corners, shaken. $16 [384363] Limet, Henri. __Le Travail d Métal au Pays de Sumer, au Temps de la III Dynastie d'Ur__. Société d'Édition (Les Belles Lettres). 1960. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 312, 19pp. Very good. $16 [382871] MacDonald, John, ed.. __Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society, Vol. VI, 1966-1968: Dead Sea Scrolls Studies 1969__. Brill. 1969. Paperback. 166pp. Wrappers slightly rubbed. Else very good. $11 [383012] Maier, Walter A. III. __Aserah: Extrabiblical Evidence [Harvard Semitic Monographs, 37]__. Scholars Press. 1988. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 260pp. Ink underlining, sound otherwise. $16 [382710] Meehl, Mark W.; Trude Dothan, and Seymour Gitin. __Tel Miqne-Ekron Excavations 1995-1995: Field INE East Slope, Iron Age I (Early Philistine Period)__. W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research & Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 2006. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 511pp. Upper spine damaged, sound otherwise. $77 [383672] Meier, Samuel A.. __The Messenger in the Ancient Semitic World [Harvard Semitic Monographs 45]__. Scholars Press. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 269pp. Very good. $12 [382715] Meyers, Eric M.; A. Thomas Kraabel, James F. Strange, et al. __Ancient Synagogue Excavations at Khirbet Shema', Upper Galilee, Israel 1970-1972 [Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, vol. XLII]__. Duke. 1976. Hardcover with dust jacket. 279 +platespp. VG/G, slightly torn dust jacket. $29 [383036] Mitford, T.B.. __The Inscriptions of Kourion__. American Philosophical Society. 1971. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 422pp. Very good. $10 [382750] Moran, William L.. __Amarna Studies: Collected Writings [Harvard Semitic Studies 54]__. Eisenbrauns. 2003. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 363pp. Very 7 good. Edited by John Huehnergard and Shlomo Izre'el. $27 [383104] Mylonas, George E.. __Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age__. Princeton. 1966. Hardcover with dust jacket. 251pp. VG/G, slightly chipped dust jacket $10 [383652] Nötscher, Friedrich. __Zur Theologischen Terminologie der Qumran-Texte [Bonner Biblissche Beiträge 10]__. Peter Hanstein Verlag. 1956. Paperback. 201pp. Good; slight foxing, lower spine corner bumped. $12 [383347] Pentiuc, Eugen J.. __West Semitic Vocabulary in the Akkadian Texts from Emar [Harvard Semitic Studies, 49]__. Eisenbrauns. 2001. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 278pp. Very good. $27 [382660] Rubin, Aaron D.. __Studies in Semitic Grammaticalization [Harvard Semitic Studies, 57]__. Eisenbrauns. 2005. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 177pp. Very good. $22 [382659] Sass, Benjamin. __Studia Alphabetica: On the Origin and Early History of the Northwest Semitic, South Semitic and Greek Alphabets [Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 102]__. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 1991. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 124pp. Faded spine. Else very good. Inscribed by author. $37 [383520] Sayce, A.H.. __Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of the Ancient Babylonians__. Williams & Norgate. 1909. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 558pp. Foxing, cocked spine, small tear in spine cloth. $16 [382727] Schiffman, Lawrence H.. __Qumran and Jerusalem: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the History of Judaism__. Eerdmans. 2010. Paperback. 483pp. Very good. $16 [383822] Schmidt, Werner. __Königtum Gottes in Ugarit und Israel: Zur Herkunft der Königsprädikation Jahwes [Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 80]__. Alfred Töpelmann. 1961. Paperback. 90pp. Good; slight foxing. $15 [383340] Schubart, Hermanfrid. __Toscanos y Alarcon el Asentamiento Fenicio en la Desembocadura del Rio de Velez, Excavaciones de 1967-1984 [Cuadernos de Arqueologia Mediterranea, vol. 8, 2002]__. Publicacones del Laboratorio de Arqueologia Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. 2002. Paperback. 252pp. Good; faded wrappers. $32 [383033] Seidl, E.; V. Korosec, E. Pritsch, O. Spies, E. Tyan, J. Baz, Ch. Chehata, Ch. Samaran, J. Roussier, J. Lapanne-Joinville, S.S. Ansay. __Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1 Abteilung, Erganzungsband III: Orientalisches Recht__. E.J. 8 Brill. 1964. Paperback. 483pp. Good. $47 [382656] Semmler, Maria Eugenia Aubet. __La Necropolis de Setefilla en Lora del Rio, Sevilla [Programa de Investigaciones Protohistoricas Dirigido por Juan Maluquer de Motes, II]__. Departamento de Prehistoria y Arquelologia. 1975. Paperback. 160, xivpp. Foxing, stained wrappers. $22 [383027] Shyrock, Andrew and Daniel Lord Smail. __Deep History: The Architecture of Past and Present__. California. 2011. Hardcover with dust jacket. 342pp. G/VG, some ink underlining. $19 [382929] Smith, William Stevenson. __Interconnections in the Ancient Near East: A Study of the Relationships between the Arts of Egypt, the Aegean, and Western Asia__. Yale. 1965. Hardcover with dust jacket. 202pp. VG/VG. $37 [383653] Strickert, Fred. __Rachel Weeping: Jews, Christians, and Muslims at the Fortress Tomb__. Michael Glazier. 2007. Paperback. 174pp. Very good $9 [382992] Tappy Ron E.. __The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria, vol. II: The Eighth Century BCE [Harvard Semitic Studies 50]__. Eisenbrauns. 1992. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 668pp. Good; bumped corners, slightly cocked spine. $32 [383116] Thompson, Henry O. ed.. __The Answers Lie Below: Essays in Honor of Lawrence Edmund Toombs__. University Press of America. 1984. Paperback. 401pp. Very good. $22 [383006] Tobing, Ph. O. L.. __Structure of the Toba-Batak Belief in the High God__. South and South-East Celebes Institute for Culture. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 208pp. Ex-library. Slightly shaken. Front board edges bumped & scuffed. $22 [382749] Trigger, Bruce G.. __Understanding Early Civilizations__. Cambridge. 2003. Hardcover with dust jacket. 757pp. VG/VG. $37 [383523] Van Beek, Gus W. ed.. __The Scholarship of William Foxwell Albright: An Appraisal [Harvard Semitic Studies, 33]__. Scholars Press. 1989. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 73pp. Very good. $27 [384183] Wevers, J.W. and D.B. Redford eds.. __Essays on the Ancient Semitic World__. Toronto. 1970. Hardcover with dust jacket. 112pp. VG/VG $9 [383334] Yadin, Yigael. __The Finds from the Bark Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters__. Israel Exploration Society. 1963. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 273, 108pp. Worn cover, lower spine chewed, corners badly bumped, bowed boards, shaken. $35 [383041] 9 BIBLES . __Froschauer Bibel. Facsimile of Die gantze Bibel, Getruckt zü Zürich bey Christoffel Frouschouer, im Jar als man zalt M.D.XXXVI, und im Jar MDCCXLIV__. Amos B. Hoover / Di Hutterischen Brüder Macmillan Colony. 1975. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. pp. Very good, in black buckram. $277 [383740] . __The English Hexapla, exhibiting the six important English translations of te New Testament Scriptures, Wiclif MCCCLXXX, Tyndale MDXXXIV, Cranmer MDXXXIX, Genevan MDLVII, Anglo-Rhemish MDLXXXII, Authorised MDCXI. The Original Greek Text after Scholz. Preceded by a History of English translations and translators__. Samuel Bagster & Sons. n.d.. Library buckram. pp. Good; ex- library, rebound in navy blue library buckram. $197 [384303] Conant, Thomas J.. __Book of Proverbs, Part First and Second. The Hebrew Text, King James' Version, and a Revised Version, with an Introduction and Critical and Philological Notes; and The Revised Version, with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes__. Sheldon & Co.. 1872. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 141, 88pp. Folio. Worn cover, spine cloth peeling, ex-library. $32 [384306] Lamsa, George M.. __Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Text__. Harper. 1968. Paperback. 1243pp. Good. $16 [382737] NRSV. __The HarperCollins Study Bible, New Revised Study Bible__. HarperCollins. 1989. Full leather. pp. Musty, ink underlining. Black leather binding. $27 [384337] Sheppard, Gerald T. ed.. __The Geneva Bible Annotated New Testament, 1602 Edition__. Pilgrim Press. 1988. Paperback. pp. Ex-library, sunned spine. $37 [383751] BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION . __Anglo-American Bible Revision. By Members of the American Revision Committee. Printed for Private Circulation__. New York: Nos 42 and 44 Bible House. 1879. Hardcover, no dust jacket.. 192pp. Ex-library, rubbed cover, light foxing. $16 [382736] . __Biblical Essays 1966 [Proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of 'Die Ou- Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika' Held at the University of Stellenbosch 26th-29th July 1966, and Proceedings of the Second Meeting of 'Die Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika' Held at the University of Stellenbosch 22nd-25th July 1966]__. Universiteit van Stellenbosch. 1966. 10

New Arrivals Catalog June 2012 Windows Booksellers 199 West 8th Ave., Suite 1 Eugene, OR 97401 USA Phone: (800) 779-1701 or (541) 485-0014 * Fax: (541) 465-9694
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