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New and unrecorded clearwing moths of the genus Melittia Hubner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Thailand PDF

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Preview New and unrecorded clearwing moths of the genus Melittia Hubner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Thailand

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uetwt 7'mns. impid.Soc.1opan47(3):157-173,September l996 New and unrecorded clearwing moths of the genus Melittia HUbner, [1819] (LepidopteSreas,iidae)from Thailand* Yutaka ARiTAi} OlegG,GoRBuNov2) and i) Zoological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468 Japan 2) Institu tfeor Problems of Ecology ancl Evelution ,Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow V-71, 117071 Russia*' Abstract Species frem Thailand pf the genus Mlaiitt iHaUbner, [181 9a]re reviewed. Two new species, M, suleothai sp. nov. and M. bell asp. nov., are describe dand figured . Further three species, M. eurytion (Westwood, 1848), M. nopcha Moore, 1879, and M. gorochovi Gor- bunov, 1988, are recorded from Thailand for the firs ttime. Besides ,M, gorochovi is rede- scribed and figured in due detail. Key words Taxonomy, Lepidoptera, Sesiidae ,Megittia ,M/ eurytion, M, nepcha, A41 gorochovi, M. bella sp. nov., M. suleothai sp. nov., Oriental region, Thailand. The present paper is based en a rather abundant material of clearwing moths (Le- pidoptera, Sesiidae )collected in Thailand by the members of the lepidopterelogical expeditions of the University of Osaka Prefecture {now Osaka Prefecture University )in 1985 and 1987 (Kurok o& Moriuti ,1987; Moriuti ,1989) .Besides ,some additional inThailandby lepidopteristhsave been incorporated samples collected other as well. This article continues eur investigatio nosf Orienta lSesiida e(e g.. Arita & Gorbunov, 1995a-d; Gorbunov & Arita, 1995a-d) ,being restricted solely to the genus Melittia Htibner ,[1819 ].Other genera of the Thai clearwing moths are currently under study be and will put on record e]sewhere. Specie sof Melittl arepresent a highly interestin ggroup of Sesiidae .First ,they are a typical example of Batesian rnimicry, mimicking various species of bumble-bee s(Bom- btss ,Apidae, Hymenoptera) both in their behaviour and appearance. Second, in our opinion this genus is quite compact and well-defined against its closest relatives within the tribe Melittiin ies,pecially in the male and female genitalia. At the moment, Melittia encompasses about 50 species described from tropical and subtropical areas of the Palearctic O,riental and Australian regions. However, one must keep in mind that the identiti eosf numerous taxa, both of species and generic levels ,describe dfrom the Afrotropical region and, especially, from the New World still remain obscure. They badly need a substantial revision, and at least sorne are very likel yto actually represent furthe rMelitti n.Besides ,many more new congeners are surely to be revealed, as preven also by this paper. In other words, we certainly face a rather species-rich tropical and subtropical clearwing moth genus, Prior to this study, only a single species of Melitti nM,. sinmica Walker, [1865 h]a,s been known from Thailand, with the holotype having been revised recently (Arit a& Gor- ' Scientif iRcesult sof Lepidopterologic aElxpeditien sto Thailand, No.64. This work was supported by Grants-in-aid for Overseas Scientifi cResearch (No s60041062, 61043057, 62041087, 62041074 ,63043062 and 63043075 )from the Japan Ministry of Education ,Science and Culture. " Visitin gScholar of Zoologica lLaboratory ,Faculty of Agricultur e,Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468Japan. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 158 Yutaka ARiTA and O]eg G. GoRBuNov bunov, 1995d). Further five Melitha species have turned out in the Thai materials accumulated for this study. Three of them, M. eu7tytion (Westwoo d1,848) ,M. nepcha Moore, 1879 and M. gorochovi Gorbunov, 1988 are rather well-known, hithert oencounter- ed only in the adjacent Oriental areas and represent the firs trecords in Thailand. The remaining two species appear new to science and are described here. All materials examined or cited herein are kept in the followin gcollections abbreviated in the text as follows: BMNH The NaturalHistoryMuseum, Lendon, England, CG O.Gorbunov, Moscow, Russia, collection of MNHP-Museum Nationald'HistoireNaturelle,Paris,France, MUT-Zoological Laboratory,Faculty Agriculture,Meijo University,Nagoya, of Japan, NSMT-National ScienceMuseum, Tokyo, Japan, OPU-Entomological Laboratory, Osaka Prefecture University,Sakai,Osaka,Japan. ZMC-Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen,Denmark, ZMHB Museum fUrNaturkunde,ZentralinstitudterHurnboldt-UniversittitBerlin, zu Germany, Melittia eurytion (Westwood )(Fig s1-3, 9, 11-12) l>oche;ii uemuiytion Westwood, 1848] 62, pl. 30, fig.5 .Type locality :"India, Sylhet" [=NE, Bang- ladesh, Sylhet] .Lectotype female (BMNH, fixed by Spatenka, 1992) ; Hampson, [1893 :] 203, fig, 131; Le Cerf ,1916: 8, p]. 373, figs 3114-3115; Le Cerf, 1917: 176, fig .4; IIampson, 1919: 92; Dalla Torre & Strand, 1925: 143; Gaede, 1933: 790, pl. 95, row f; Diakonoff ,[1968] :233, figs 726-727; Heppner & Duckwerth, 1981 : 26; Spatenka et al., 1993: 89; Arita & Gorbunov, 1995c: 196, figs 830, 835, 838, pl. 108, figs 20-21. This species has been redescribed by us in due detail ,including both male and female genitalia (Arit &a Gorbunov, 1995c ; Gorbunov & Arita, in press) , M. euilytion repre- sents a highly variable species among the Oriental congeners. It strongly varies in individua lsize (ala rexpanse 25-34 mm), in the number of coloured scales of the various parts of the body, and in the size and shape of the external transparent area of the forewing (Fi g9,) , The male genitalia ,especially the shape of the valvae, are variable as well (op F,ig, 11 and Arita & Gorbunov, 1995c : fig 8.30 ; Gorbunov & Arita, in press : fig. 13).Bionomics. Exact host plant is yet unknown, but it seems to belong to the family Cucurbitaceae (Tim'chosant heIsm)a.gines were collected in Thailand in July-September. In addition, in other areas, this species was netted in the spring time, too (April-May). Apparently, M. eu,3,tion is bivoltin e,Some specimens were attracted by light (blac klight and mercury lamp) shortly before dawn. Habitat. Road sides in tropical forest. Distribution. This hasbeen frem West South China,Nepal,West species reported and (Bombay),Northeast(Sikkim) EastIndia(Assam)B,angladesh,SriLanka,Myanmar and (=Burma) ,Vietnam, Philippine s(Luzo nM,indanao, Palawan). The followin gare the fir srtecord in Thailand. Material examined. 5 cl, Thailand, Chiang Mai, Fang, ca 450m, 13-16 .IX. 1987 ,S. Moriuti ,T. Saito ,Y. Arita & Y. Yoshiyasu leg .(on especimen with genital preparation No. 1369 YA) (OPU) ; 1 ci- Thailand, Chaiyaphurn, Chulabhren Dam, ca 700 m, 14, VIII. , 1987, S. Moriuti, T. Saito ,Y. Arita & Y. Yoshiyasu leg. (OPU) ; 1 6I ' Thailand, Loei, Phu Luang, 700-90em, 8-14. X. 1984, Karsholt,Lomholdt & Nielse,n leg.(ZMC);1cin, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgleitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Melittiafrom Thailand 159 Figs1-8. Melitti sapp. 1. M. eu,sJtion (Westwood, 1848) ,di". Alarexpanse31.2mm. 2. Ditto,8 (MUT). Alarexpanse31.0mm. 3. Ditto,e. Alarexpanse31.0mm. 4. ML nopclza Moore, l879, dii . Alar expanse 27.0mrn. 5. M, sukothai sp. nov., cfn, ho]otype . Alar expanse 27.lmm. 6. M, beUa sp, nov., \, holotype. Alar expanse 27.6 mm. 7. M. gorochovi Gurbunov, 1988, [P . Alarexpanse29.5mm 8. Ditto, \. Alar expanse 32.2 mrn. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 160 Yutaka ARITA and Oleg G. GoRBuNov Thailand, Chiang Mai, 23. VI. 1985 (genit aprleparation No,GA-113) (MUT); 1 \, Thailand, Chiang Mai, 11, VII. 1985 (genit aplreparation No. GA-128) (MUT). Melittia Moore (Fig4.) nepcha Melitti anopcha Moore, 1879: ID. Type loca]ity: Darjilin g[=NE. India ,West Bengal, Darjeeling]. Holotype male (ZMHB)IHampson, [1893]:205;Hamps o19n1,9:87;Dalla Torre & Strand, 1925 : 146 {as M, nepeha [sic !; ]Ga)ecle ,1933 : 789 {a sa synonym of M. amboinensds Felder ,1861) ; Heppner & Duckworth, 1981 : 27 ; Gorbunov & Arita ,1995d : 219 ,figs9-10 2,3 ; Arita & Gorbunov, 1995c: 197, fig s829, 834, 837 ,pl. 108 ,figs22-23. deZitt iaamboinensis var. asiatica Le Cerf, 1917: 197. Type locality :Darjeelin g[=NE. India, West Bengal, Darjeeling] .Lectotype male (MNHP, fixed by Gorbunov & Arita ,1995d); Hampson, 1919 : 88 (a sa variety of M. amboinensis) ; Dalla Torre & Strand ,1925 : 137 (a sa variety of M. amboineve- sis}; Gaede, 1933;789 (as a variety of M, amboinensis); Heppner & Duckworth, 1981:26 (a sa variety of M. amboinensis) ; Gorbunov & Arita ,1995d : 219 (as a synenym of ML nopcha). Melittia amboinensis vietnamica Gorbunov, 1988: 195, figs2,4-2 .Type locality: N. Vietnam, Shonla Prov. ,Shongma. Holotype male (CG) ;Gorbunev & Arita, 1995d: 210 (as a synonym of M/ nopcha). Both male and female, includin gtheir genitalia ,have jus bteen redescribed in due detail (Arit &a Gorbunov, 1995c; Gorbunov & Arita, 1995d). The present male specimen from Thailand (Fig 4.) displays virtually no difference sin colour patterns from the holotype. The external transparent area of the forewing of the Thai specimen is somewhat broader than that in the holotype and other specimens studied (qp G.orbunov & Arita ,1995d : fig .9, and Arita & Gorbunov, 1995c : pl. 108, fig .22). Bionomics. The host plant is unknown. The specimen from Thailand has been taken in the beginning of June. Habitat. Unknown. Distributio n,Nepal, NE India (Darjeeli Tnhga)i,land (th efirs trecord!) and N Vietnam. Material examined. 1 dii ,Thailand, Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, 3, VI, 1982 ,M, Kimura leg. (MUT). Melittia sukothai sp. nov. (Fig 5s, 13) Description.Male (holotyp(eF)ig.5)A.lar 27.1mm; body length15.5mm; expanse forewing 12.0 mm ; antenna 6.3 mm, Head : antenna dorsall bylack with blue-viol sehteen, with a few individua lsnow-white scales at anterior margin; ventrally ligh tbrown with a small, vague, yellow spot subapically and with a few snow-white scales in basal third between cilia ; frons grey- brown to dark grey with purple sheen, with a narrow white stripe Iaterally ; Iabial palpus dark brown to black dorsally ,basal join twhite ventrally; 2nd join twhite with two longitudina lre,latively broad, black stripes at margins ; 3rd one black mixed with pale yellow ; vertex dark brown to black mixed with pale yellew and yellow hair-lik escales, few hairsblack with a short yellow scales at ocelli anteriorly ; pericephalic mixed with yellow dersall yand pale yellow to White laterall y.Thorax: patagium dorsall ydark brown to black with green-bronze sheen, with admixture of olive-brown scales, ventrally with a small pale yellow to white spot ; tegula, meso- and metathorax dark brown with bronze-purpl esheen, densely covered with olive-green scales ; laterall tyhorax dark grey with purplish sheen, with a few pale yellow to white scales. Legs : fore cexa white with hue, broadblack forefemur black yellowish with a stripe externally; with a white posterior margin ; fore tibi ablack with purplish sheen, with a few white scales dorsally NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Melittifarom Thailand 161 and black mixed with yellow ventrally; fore tarsus dorsall yblack with purplish sheen, ventrally yellow with admixture of black scales ; mid fernur dark brown with purplish sheen externally and pale yellow to white internall ;y mid tibia black with green-violet sheen, with a srnall, vague, white spot with blue hue medio-externally ; basal tarsomere of mid tarsus black with green-purple sheen, with a broad white ring basally ; remaining tarsomeres black with green-purple sheen, with a small white spot baso-internall ;y hind femurblack line hind with purplish sheen, with a narrow pale yellow at anterior margin ; tibia black with green-purple sheen, with a small, vague, white spot with blue hue at base individualblack dorsally of mid spurs externally, pale yellow with admixture of scales ; spurs entirely black with greenish sheen ; hind tarsus black with greenish sheen, with a few white scales with blue hue on two basal tarsomeres externally, Abdomen : dorsally dark brown to black with green-viole tsheen; tergite 1 densely covered with olive- yellow scales laterally ;tergites 2 and 4 each with a narrow, yellow, dista lmargin; di$ta lmargin of 3rd tergite with a few yellow scales laterally; tergite 7 with a few yellow scales distal l; yyellow with adrnixture of individual dark brown scales ventrally ; anal tuft small, black with a few yellow scales ventrally. Forewing : basally black with a few olive-green and brown scales ; costal and anal margins, Cu-stern ,disca lspot, veins within external transparent area entirely black with discal violet sheen ; spot narrow with a small, obtuse, cuneiform projection proximally ; apical area extremely narrow, developed at wing tip only ; veins Mi and Mz of right wing joint emeddially (abnormal ;) transparent areas well--developed ; external transpar- ent area extremely large ,rounded apically, divided into six cells, ca 6 times as broad as disca lspot ; cilia dark brown with bronze-viole tsheen. Hindwing : transparent ; anal area dark brown to black with violet sheen, with a few pale yellow scales and yellow hairs ; veins and outer margin black with violet sheen ; disca lspot extremely narrow ; outer margin narrow, ca twice as narrow as cilia ; latte rdark brown with bronze-violet sheen.Male genitali a(geni taprleparation No.GA-114) (Fig.1 3)T.egumen-uncus complex narrow ; uncus bilobed distally with a small and narrow plate of strong pointed setae internally on each side ; gnathos small, membranous, with a relatively large triangular- (Fig1.3a) (Fig1,3b) oval plate of sclerotization medially ; valva relatively narrow, slight- lybroadeneddistally;distalfield from of setae rather well separated medial one; medial fiel dwith short setae, not separated from these of ventral lobe ; a pocket-shaped crista small, narrow ; ventral lobe broad and short, nearly not exceeding dista lmargin ; saccus relatively broad ,club-like basally (Fi g1.3c) ; aedeagus (Fig .13d) narrow, nearly long latero-distally few as as valva, with a small well-sclerotized crista ; vesica with a minute cornuti. Female, Unknown. Variability,Unknown. Diagnosis, This species is somewhat similar to M. newara Moore, 1879 ,but it ean be separated by the coloration of the vertex (dark brown to black mixed with yellow in newara), hind Ieg tuft (dark brown to black with admixture of olive-brown and yellow scales dorsall yin the species compared), abdomen dorsall (ydar kbrown to brack with purplish sheen ; tergit e2 covered with thin olive-green scales basally ; tergites 2 and 3 each with a narrow yellow margin distall yin newara), by the form of the disca lspot of the forewing (wit ha narrow and long projection proximally in newara) and the anal area of the hindwing (dar kbrown to black with a narrow yellow stripe in the species From (M. Gorbunov, 1988,ML compared), other closely related species gorochovi Hampson, 1910,M. indicaButler,1874,M. leulluanaMoore, 1888 M. callasoma and NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan i62 Yutaka ARiTA and Oleg G. GoRBuNov h .1 j e Fig. 9. Variabili tyof the external transparen tarea of the forewing (witho ucitlia) of Malitti eauaytion (Westwood ,1848) (a-h : male, i- j: female) .Scale bar : 3.e mm (a : Thailand,Chaiyaphum, Chulabhron Darn,700m, 14.VIII.1987,b-f:Thailand, Chiang Mai, Fang, 450 m, 13-16. IX. 1987, g : Thai]and, Loei prov., Phu Luang, 700- 900 m, S-14. X. 1984, i: Bangladesh ,Sylhet (lectotype )T,hja:iland, Chiang Mai, 11, VII.1985). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Melittiafrom Thailand 163 c - f Fig. 10. Variabilit yof the external transparent area of the forewing (withou ctilia) of A4elitti gaorochovi Gorbunov ,1988 <a- f: male, g-i: female) .Scal ebar: 3.0mm (a : Vietnam, Shongma (holotypeb):,Thailand,Chiang Mai, Dei Inthanon <Mae Klang) ,1,300 m, 8-12 .IX. 1987 ,c-d : Thailand, Chiang Mai, Fang, 45e m, 29-31 .X. 1985 ,e: Thailand, Chiang Mai, Ban Toyak, 450m, 13. IX. 1987 ,f: Thailand, Chanthaburi, Khao Soi Dao, 400m, 7-8. X. 1985, g-h: Thailand, Chiang Mai, Dei Inthanon (Mae Klang}, 1,300 m, 8-12 .IX. 1987 ,i : Thaiiand, Chiang Mai, Fang, 450 m, 29-31. X. 1985. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 164 Yutaka ARITA and Oleg G. GoRBuNov b11 /, J 12 Figs11-12 . Genitali aof ML eu2ytion (We$twood ,1848). 11. Male (genit aprleparation No. GA-113) (a: tegumen-uncus complex, b: valva, c: saccus, d: aedeagus). 12. Corpus bursae of the female (genit aprleparation Ne. GA-128>. Scale bar: O.5 mm. Praxima Le Cerf, 1917) ,szafeothai sp. nov. is distinguishab lbey the larger external trans- parent area of the forewing (relativ enalrryow, divided into 5-6 cells in all these species compared) and by the shape of the disca lspot of the forewing (wit ha relatively long, narrow, cuneiform projectio nproximally in those species compared>, Besides that, suhothai sp. nov. clearly differ sfrom all these congeners in the structure of the male genitali ae,specially in the shape of the valva. Bionomics. The host plant is unknown. The holotype has been netted in the second NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Melittia irom Thailancl 165 1 d b 13 Fig.13 . Male genitalia of M, sukothai sp. nov. (genit aplreparati on No, GA-114) {a : tegumen-uncus complex, b : valva, c :saccus, d: aedeagus). Scale bar: O.5 mm. half August. of Habitat. Unknown. Material examined. 1 cii (holotyp NeE) ,Thailand, Loei, Phu Rua Nat. Park, 1,200 m, 21. VIII. 1987, H. Ono leg .(genit parleparation No. GA-114) (NSMT). Etymology. This new species is named after Sukotha it,he firs tlarger Thai state which was springing up in the XIII century A. D., where Thailand is currently situated. 1lfelitti abella sp. nov. (Fig 6s, l4, 16) Description .Female (holoty p(eF)i g6.) . Alar expanse 27.6 mm ; body length 13.0 mm ; forewing 11,6 mm ; antenna 6.2 mm. Head : antenna dorsall yblack with dark violet sheen, with a few individual snow-white scales, ventrally ligh tbrown with adrnixture of dense yellow scales ; frons dark grey bronze-purple few with sheen, with a white scales medially and with a narrow white laterallybasaljoint labial hue, few black stripe ; of palpus white with yellowish with a scales externally ; 2nd join twhite with two narrow black stripes ventrally ; 3rd joint pale yellow to yellow with two narrow black stripes externally ; vertex black mixed with yellow and white hair-lik escales; pericephalic hairs black mixed with white, laterall yentirely white. Thorax : patagium dark brown to black with bright violet sheen, with a small white spot laterally ; tegula black with blue-viole tsheen, with an orange tip; mesothorax black with blue-violet sheen; metathorax entirely orange; beside sthat, tegula and rnesothorax covered with yellow-orange hair-li ksceales ; later- ally, therax dark grey with violet sheen, with admixture of white and pale yellow scales with golden hue. Legs: fere coxa white to pale yellow with a few black hair-like scales, with a vague black stripe externally ; fore femur black with admixture of white and yellow scales ventro-externally;fore tibia and tarsus black with violet sheen dorsall yand pale yellow with pinkish hue ventrally ; mid femur internally and anterierly white, externally black with bronze-viole tsheen, with a few white scales; mid tibia black large bluehue with green-violet sheen, with a white spot with medio-externally ; spurs entirely black with green sheen ; mid tarsus orange mixed with white internall ;y NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 166 Yutaka ARTTA and Oleg G. GoRBuNov externally, three basal tarsomeres white mixed with orange basally and black with green-violet sheen distally ; two apical tarsomeres black externally ; hind femur inter- black bronze-violet few nally and anteriorly white, externally with sheen, with a white scales ; hind tibia orange with black scales both basally and apically, with two small base black white spots medio-externally and at of apical spurs ; spurs with greenish sheen; an exterior apical spur with white scales internally ;hind tarsus black with lightbrown-orange basally. green-violet sheen, with admixture ef and white scales Abdomen : dorsally ,tergites 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 each with a narrow yellow-orange stripe distall ;y tergite 1 broadly orange laterall yand black with green-violet sheen dorsall y; tergite 2 orange with a large, elongate, black spot medially; tergite 3 orange with a narrow black stripe subdistally ; tergite 4 black with dark violet sheen, densely covered with orange scales laterally; tergite 5 black with dark blueLviole tsheen, mixed with orange scales proximally ; tergite 6 black with dark violet sheen ; Iaterally and ventral- ly ,abdomen entirely yello"T-orange; anal tuft small, dorsall yblack with blue-violet sheen, ventrally yellow-orange, Forewing baso-anallyblack black : mixed with orange and yellow scales ; costal margin with bronze-viole tsheen, with a narrow orange line between Sc and R-stem; anal margin and Cu-stem black with bronze-viole tsheen, with admixture of individua ldark orange scales ; disca lspot and veins within external transparent area black with dark violet sheen, with a few orange scales at margins ; apical area black with dark violet sheen, with individual snow-white scales between veins ; disca lspot relatively narrow with a short, obtuse, cuneiform projection proximally; apical area rather broad, broadened costally ; transparent areas well-developed, covered with hyaline scales with yellowish hue ; external transparent area divided into five cells, leve lto veins M2-M3 about thrice broader than disca lspot and ca 1.5 times narrower than apical area ; cilia dark grey with bronze sheen. Hindwing : transparent ; anal area orange mixed with black scales distally ;veins and outer margin black with bronze-viole tsheen; discal spot undeveloped, but cross-vein narrowly covered with black scales; outer margin narrow, about thrice as narrow as cilia ; cilia dark grey with bronze sheen. Female (paratype, No.GA-129) (Figs14,16P)a.pilla genitalia genital preparation both anales slightly sclerotized, covered with relatively short setae ; apophyses nearly equal in length ,anterior apophysis with a Iong, narrow appendix baso-ventrall ;y tergite 8 relatively broad with rather long setae at dista land inner margins ventrally ; ostium bursae opening near posterior margin of sternite 7, slightly funnel-shaped ,relatively broadly ductusbursae long, well-sclerotized; antrum narrow, membranous ; narrow, membranous ; corpus bursae globose to oveid, membranous with signum relatively large, broadly pyriform, medially with about ten transverse, well-sclerotized, dentate stripes, bifurca taend ringed around base of corpus bursae posteriorly (Fig 1.6). Male, Unknown. Variabilit y.The second female specimen (paraty pdei)splay svirtually no difference isn coloration from the holotype . It is s]ightly larger only : alar expanse 28.2 mm ; body length 14.2 mm ; forewing 12.2 mm ; antenna 6.5 mm, Diagnosis . This new species seems to be closest to the amboinensis species-group. Le Cerf (191 6f)irs tdescribe mdany species, but then he (191 7t)reated them only as vari- eties of M. amboinensis. Yet the identit yof all his taxa remains unclear. By the shape of the external transparen tarea of the forewing ,bell asp. nov. is similar to celebica Le Cerf, 1916, meeki Le Cerf ,1916, and marangana Le Cerf, 1916 , From the firs ttaxon compared, our new species can be distinguishe dby the coloration of the frons (grey- brown with bronze-purple sheen, with a narrow white stripe both laterall aynd ventrally NII-Electronic Library Service

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