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New and little-known species of Forcipomyla (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) associated with cocoa pollination in Brazil PDF

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Preview New and little-known species of Forcipomyla (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) associated with cocoa pollination in Brazil

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(1), 1991, pp. 163-175 NEW AND LITTLE-KNOWN SPECIES OF FORCIPOMYIA (DIPTERA: CERATOPOGONIDAE) ASSOCIATED WITH COCOA POLLINATION IN BRAZIL Willis W. Wirth Research Associate, Rorida State Collection ofArthropods, and Cooperating Scientist, NW Systematic Entomology Laboratory, U.S. Department ofAgriculture, 1304 94th St., Gainesville, Florida 32606. Abstract.—T'wo new species ofForcipomyia Meigen that are common in cocoa plan- tations in Brazil, and are involved in cocoa pollination, are described and figured: For- A cipomyia {Forcipomyia) soriai Wirth and Forcipomyia (Lepidohelea) winderi Wirth. key is given to distinguish the subgenus Forcipomyia s. str. from the closely related subgenus Lepidohelea Kieffer. Keys are also presented to distinguish the Neotropical species ofthe squamitibia Group ofForcipomyia s. str. which includes F. soriai, and the Neotropical species ofthe bicolor Group ofLepidohelea, which includes F. winderi. Information on the immature stages and biology for these and related species is summarized and the immature stages ofF. (F.)pinamarensisSpinelli, also associated withcocoa, are described and figured. Key Words: Ceratopogonidae, Forcipomyia, cocoa, pollination Biting midges ofthe genus Forcipomyia variation in the abundance and importance Meigen are important pollinators ofcocoa in pollination between these taxa, between {Theobroma cacao L.) wherever it is grown individual species, from region to region, throughout the tropics. A voluminous lit- and also with the season. eraturehasaccumulatedinthepast 30years From 1967 to 1983 intensivestudieswere dealingwith the taxonomy, biology, and re- carried out by John A. Winder and Saulo lationtococoapollinationofnumerousspe- deJesus SoriaattheCacao ResearchCenter cies of Forcipomyia, especially ofthe sub- (CEPLAC) at Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil. More genus Euprojoannisia Brethes. That which recentlyWinderhasresumed hiscocoa pol- appeared up to 1977 was reviewed by Win- lination studies at the Fazenda Almirante, der (1978). Approximately three-fourths of near Itajuipe in Bahia, and I have had the the 70 speciesofCeratopogonidaethathave opportunity to cooperate in the determi- been collected in cocoa flowers belong to nation ofthe ceratopogonids from his col- thegenusForcipomyia. Nearlyathirdofthe lections. In Bahia, and especially at the Fa- Forcipomyia midgesbelongto the subgenus zenda Almirante, by far the most abundant Forcipomyia s. str., while in decreasing or- ceratopogonids collected in the cocoa plan- der of importance the subgenera Eupro- tations belong to the Forcipomyia bicolor joannisia Brethes, Thyridomyia Saunders, GroupinthesubgenusLepidohelea, andthe Lepidohelea Kieffer, Microhelea Kieffer, F. squamitibia Group in the subgenus For- Warmkea Saunders, and Lasiohelea Kief- cipomyia. The purpose of this paper is to fer, are also involved. There is considerable describe the two most important species in 164 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Winder's collections to make the names cies of Thyridomyia usually are found in available for his biological studies, and to association with moss or algae in rather provide means fordistinguishingthem from damp habitats. Immature stages of closely related species. Warmkea species are frequently found in Explanation ofthe taxonomic characters leafaxilsofPandanus, aroids,andepiphytic used can be found in the general papers on and terrestrial bromeliads, and less often in Ceratopogonidae by Wirth et al. (1977) and rotting cocoa leaves on the ground, in ba- Downesand Wirth (1981), and the revision nana stems, and inbractsofHeliconia. Spe- ofthe North American Euprojoannisia by cies of the subgenera Forcipomyia, Lepi- Bystrak and Wirth (1978). Holotypes and dohelea, and Schizoforcipomyia are less allotypesofnewspeciesaredepositedinthe aquatic and are more commonly associated National Museum of Natural History with rotting plant material, which in cocoa (USNM), Smithsonian Institution, Wash- plantations and their environs often in- ington, D.C.; paratypes as available in the volves heaps of cocoa pods, old banana Florida State Collection of Arthropods, stems, cocoa leaves, coconut debris, bracts Gainesville,Rorida;CaliforniaAcademyof ofHeliconiaandCalathea, androttingfruits Sciences, San Francisco, California; Museo ofcoconut, calabash, palm nuts, etc. de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina; Instituto The taxonomic key to the subgenera of Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Brit- Forcipomyia published by Wirth and Ra- ishMuseum (Natural History), London; and tanaworabhan isout-datedand hasbeen re- Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, placed by that ofDebenham (1987a). Until Paris. the work ofDebenham (1987a, b, c,) it was Taxonomic work on the cocoa-pollinat- not possible with confidence to distinguish ingForcipomyiamidgeshasasitsmainpur- between the subgenera Forcipomyia s. str., pose the identification ofthe most impor- Lepidohelea, andSchizoforcipomyia, butshe tantpollinatingspecies, thelocation oftheir pointed out characters in all stages to make mostimportantbreedingplaces, andtheac- possible a key to these taxa for the Western cumulation ofenough information on their Hemisphere. biology so that a practical regimen ofcocoa cultureandmidgehabitatmanipulationcan be devised to maximize cocoa pollination Key TO Subgenera of Forcipomyia and crop production (Young 1982, 1983). Related to Lepidohelea Although the study ofForcipomyia breed- \. Hind tarsal ratioabout 1.0; wing usually with ing places and identification of immature palecostalspotorpalemottling;secondradial stages has been pursued intensively in cell short, costal ratio about0.5 2 America since the early work of Saunders - Hind tarsal ratio less than 0.5 orgreaterthan (1956, 1959),progresshasbeendifficultand r1a.t5i;owainngdusseucaolnlydwriatdihaolutcepllalveamrairokuisngs;costal slow. Nevertheless, important contribu- miscellaneous subgenera ofForcipomyia tions have been made by Winder and Silva 2. Bodywings,and/orlegswithflattenedstriated (1972), Winder (1977a), Soria et al. (1979), scales ranging from long and 1-striated setae and Soria and Wirth (1979) in Brazil, and tobroad,short,multistriatedscales;palpuswith Young (1982, 1983, 1986) in Costa Rica. third segment more or less spindle-shaped, slightlymoreswollenonbasalhalfwithsensory LarvalhabitatsoiForcipomyiamidgesare pit located at about 'A length; legs with char- somewhat correlated with their taxonomic acteristicbandingofalternatingpaleanddark group. The habitats o{Euprojoannisia spe- bands, at least on hind tibia; male genitalia cies are usually semiaquatic situations such oftenwithwhitishdististyleandbicoloredninth asalgae-covered rocks ormud, wet moss or sternum and basistyle; dististyle without long setaeonoutermargin;aedeagusvarious;larva leaves, matsofdecayingaquaticvegetation, with h hairs ofbody, andp and q head hairs and leafaxils ofwater-holding plants. Spe- swollen near base and becoming filamentous VOLUME NUMBER 93, 1 165 distally, usuallysomeaboutaslongasbodyof nentsetosetubercles;respiratoryhornlargeand larva; anal pseudopod oflarva cleft with each globularwith spiracularopenings in astraight branch bearing 6-8 booklets apically and 3-4 row squamitibia Group booklets on innerlateral side 3 Femaletibiaewithouthastatespines;palewing Body,wings,andlegsrarelywithflattenedstri- spotsmaller,notcoveringendofsecondradial ated scales; palpuswith thirdsegmentswollen cell; hind tarsal ratio 0.50-0.76; male para- onbasalVj-'A,slenderdistally,withsensorypit mereswithbasesjoinedinabroadplate;pupa located at basal 'A; legs, if banded, not with with setose tubercles that are often elongate alternatingpaleand darkbandson hind tibia; andprominent;respiratoryhornsmalltomod- maledististylenotcontrastingwhitish,butwith erate in size, with longer neck and spiracular well-developed setae on outer margin; aede- openings in a more or less irregularrow .... agusshield-shaped,apex pointedwithmedian argenteola Group ridge; larvalbhairsandpandqheadhairsnot as above; anal pseudopod of larva not cleft, bearingunbroken row ofstrong hooks Forcipomyia {Forcipomyia) Subgenus Forcipomyia pinamarensis Spinelli Maleparamereswith basalapodemesforming a U-shaped arch, parameres a pair ofslender Figs. 1-11 to stout, straight or bowed, well-sclerotized Forcipomyia {Forcipomyia) pinamarensis bladesorrodsreachingtonomorethanmiddle ofbasistyles;aedeagusvarious,withlowtohigh Spinelli, 1983: 121 (male, female; Argen- basal arch, distal process various, often with tina; figures). recurved points; dististyle straight or slightly — Types. Holotype female, allotype male, curved, tapering to slendertips; palpus 5-seg- mented;twospermathecae;scalesofbodyand 12 female, 29 male paratypes: Argentina, legsnevershort and broad Buenos Aires Prov., Pinamar, Partido de SubgenusSchizoforcipomyia General Madariaga, 27.iii.1981, G. R. Spi- Maleparameresseparateorindistinctlyjoined nelli (in Museo de La Plata). in an anteromesal bridge; parameres various, — Note. Shortly before his death in 1968, usually straight slender rods nearly as long as basistyle and tapering to filamentous tip; ae- Professor L. G. Saunders ofthe University deagus usually much longerthan broad, basal of Saskatchewan very generously donated arch low or absent, usually stout distally; dis- to the Smithsonian Institution in Washing- tistyleoften sinuate withexpandedtip; palpus ton his extensive worldwide collection of 4- or 5-segmented; one or two spermathecae; Forcipomyiamidges, mostlyreared from the scales ofbody and legs often short and broad Subgenus Lepidohelea immature stages, alongwith his manuscript notes and drawings. Amonghis manuscript notes were drawings and the description of Subgenus Forcipomyia, s. str. aspeciesthathecollectedandrearedin Bra- Wirth(1982)discussedthetaxonomyand zil in 1923 and designated as "B-70." Dur- biology of the Neotropical Forcipomyia s. ingthe present study itwasdetermined that str. associated with cocoa pollination, in- Saunders' "B-70" wasthe same speciesthat cluding four species which he placed in the Spinelli described as Forcipomyia pina- ""argenteolaGroup." Healsodiagnosedand marensis from Argentina. This species is keyed out F. (F.) squamitibia Lutz, which abundant and widespread in cocoa planta- with similar species could be confused with tions; therefore this opportunity is taken to species ofthe argenteola Group. Species of publish Saunders' description and figures of these two groups can be separated by the the adults and immature stages, and to list following key: new distribution records. The following de- scriptions are adapted from Saunders' 1. Female tibiae with row of hastate spines on manuscript notes: extensorsurface;palewingspotatendofcosta "Larvae ofthis species were taken in fair larger,includingmostofsecondradialcell;hind tarsal ratio about 1.0; male parameres with numbers under the bark ofa rotting log in slender common base; pupa without promi- the forests ofCorcavado, Rio, 18.viii.l923. 166 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON 150 Figs. 1-n. Forcipomyiapinamarensis: 1^, female; 5, 6, pupa; 7-10, larva; 11, male: 1, antenna; 2, radial vemsofwing; 3, hastatespinesoftibia;4, hindleg; 5, respiratoryhorn;6, pupa; 7, lasttwoabdominalsegments; 8, head and body setae, letteringas in text; 9, 10, integumental armature ofbody; 11, genitalia, partial (drawn by L. G. Saunders; scale in microns). VOLUME 93, NUMBER 1 167 Pupae and adults were obtained from them light brown on all the usual sclerites; a very in due time.: small scleritein frontofthebaseofthewing "Larva. Color white, the macrochaetae darkbrown. Legsochreous, foreandmiddle black, their papillae light brown. Head coxaebrown,hindcoxapaler;afuscousband ochreous to black around mouth. Protho- justbefore extremity ofhind femur(Fig. 4); racic pseudopod ofmoderate length, forked duskiness oftibiae due to presence ofnar- in its distal half, with the crown of hooks row black squamous hairs; outer surface of disposed equally over the end of each all tibiae with a few ochreous lanceolate to branch. Chaetotaxy (Fig. 8): p and q hairs squamoushairs(Fig. 3), notstriatedlikethe ofhead lanceolate; a hairs ofbody lanceo- more usual decumbent hairs oflegs and ab- late; b and d separate, b short, curved, spi- domen. Proportional length of hind tarsal nulate distally. Dorsal hairs oflast abdom- segments, 15:12:7:6:5. Wingdensely clothed inal segment arising from a cap of chitin with dark hairs, narrowly squamous; area (Fig. 7). Cuticulararmature in form ofshort of pale yellowish hairs at end of costa. stout stem with a number of apical arms Branchesofradiusdividingto form distinct (Fig. 10); simple cones or hooks on pleura cell (Fig. 2); end ofcosta at middle ofwing, and last abdominal segment (Fig. 9). Cauda fork of Cu directly below. Halteres white. pointed. Anal blood gills bilobed, the outer Abdominaltergitesuniformlybrownexcept lobe much smaller than the inner. 8 + 9 which are pale ochreous with faint "Pupa (Fig. 6). Color (exuviae) pale lateralbrown spots; stemites 3-7 palebrown ochreous throughout. Head devoid of pa- with stronger lateral coloring, 8 yellowish. pillae. Thorax with one dorsal pair ofsetig- Cerci pale. Tergites and pleural membrane erous papillae and three other pairs ofvery clothed with narrow black-striated hairs; small papillae. Abdomen with no cuticular pale simple hairs on venter. Spermathecae spines,fewmicrochaetae.Terminalabdom- two; 0.090 by 0.056 mm, subspherical, no inal processes ofmoderate length. Protho- chitinization on neck. Length 1.6 mm; wing racic respiratory horn (Fig. 5) in form of 2.1 1 by 0.45 mm; antenna 0.6 mm. subspherical knob on short, broad-based "Male. Specimen very imperfect. Palps stem. About 16 spiracular papillae having much as in female, but terminal segment smallexternalmembranescurveupthepos- longer; proportionallengths, 9:1 1:38:20:16. teriorsideandoverthetop. Length2.3 mm. Hypopygium (Fig. 11): Aedeagus long, "AdultFemale. Facepale, ocellartriangle rounded distally, hairy, without lateral ca- faintly brown; dark ring around bases of rinae. Parameresjoinedinmiddle,aslender antennae. Palpus brown with light bands at pairofbowed styletsextendsbackwardsbe- distal articulations; segment three much yondend ofaedeagus. Sidepiecesofforceps swollen in proximal one-third, distal neck long, tapered slightly, with distinct brush of tapering gradually; proportional length of fine hairs on inner side near anterior end; segments, 9:11:37:21:13. Antenna (Fig. 1): claspers lost. Scape light brown, flagellum white tinged "This is a very typical Forcipomyia con- faintly with brown distally; proximal seg- formingclosely to type. The larvae are very ments flask-shaped with broad elongated close to F. bipunctata (Linnaeus), differing neck;proportionoffirst8 tolast 5 segments, only in the presence ofa chitinous cap on 43:34; last 5, 6:6:6:6:10; terminal style a the last abdominal segment and in the ex- largeknobwith indentedextremity. Thorax traordinary dorsal cuticular armature. The uniformly brown on dorsum, with coarse verybare, spinelesspupaisdistinctive, pos- golden pubescence; humeral angles pale; sessing as it does a row ofunusually small scutellum brown to dark brown around respiratorypapillaeon the prothoracic horn. margins; postscutellum dark brown. Pleura Theadult female belongsto the smallgroup 168 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON exhibiting a row oflanceolate scales on the distal segments unusually short for the ge- tibiae; apart from this character they may nus; proximal verticils appearing bushy. readily be distinguished from most other Palpus (Fig. 14) with lengths ofsegments in species by the minute dark sclerite in front proportion of 10-11-22-13-10; third seg- ofthe wing base." ment slightly swollen at base (palpal L/W Distribution.—Argentina, Brazil, Costa ratio 2.2), gradually taperingto tip, a small, Rica, Panama. round, shallow, sensory pit near base; seg- Specimens examined.—ARGENTINA: ments 4 and 5 with faint separation. Man- Pinamar, Bs. As., 27.iii.1981, G. SpineUi, 1 dible without teeth. female (paratype). BRAZIL: Bahia, Itabu- Thorax: Pale yellowish brown, darker on na, 1970, J. Winder, emergence traps, 5 pleura, scutellum, postscutellum, and cox- males, 6 females; Bahia, Ilheus, CEPEC, ae. Mesonotum with suberectfineyellowish 15.vi.l974, S. Soria, 1 female; Para, km 3, hairs. Legs uniformly yellowish except tib- Rodovia Castanhal-Curuca, Faz. Agricul- iae distally and all tarsi proximally, slightly tura Bandeirante, 31.v.1980, S. Soria, ex infuscated;withyellowishandbrownish,fine cacao cherelles, 4 males, 2 females; Rio de hairs, no broad flat scales; tibiae, and tarsi Janeiro, Corcavado, 18.viii.l923, L. G. to a lesserdegree, with long, slender, brown Saunders, under bark, 4 larvae, 1 pupal ex- setae on extensor side; tarsomeres 1-3 with uviae, 2 females. COSTA RICA: Heredia row of strong, blackish, ventral spines, a Prov., vie. LaVirgen, FincaLaTigra, 30.vi- pair at apices oftarsomeres much stronger; 3.vii.l980, 25.vii.1981, 1 l,30,vii.l982, A. all tibiaewith a rowoferect, nearly hyaline, M. Young, 2 males, 3 females. PANAMA: hastate setae (Fig. 12) with petiolate bases Canal Zone, Pipeline Road, vii.1967, F. S. and bluntly pointed or rounded tips. Claws Blanton, light trap, 1 female; Canal Zone, moderately long and slender, strongly Balboa, fogging Cassia tree, 19.vii.l979, E. curved, tapering to sharp tips; empodium Broadhead, 1 female; Canal Zone, Gatun, small. Hind leg with lengths from femur to humid forest, fogging Spondias and Cordia tarsomere 5 as 82-80-24-26-16-12-8; tarsal tree canopy, 9-10.vii.1979, E. Broadhead, ratio (T1/T2) 0.92; hind tibial spur yellow- 2 males, 3 females. ish, straight, slender, taperingto sharppoint. Wing densely and uniformly covered with Forcipomyia {Forcipomyia) soriai Wirth, brownish macrotrichia, except two anterior New Species patches of blackish, one-striated, scalelike Figs. 12-21 macrotrichia over radial field andjust past A hairy yellowish species with dark hal- end ofcosta, the two patches separated by teres; femalewithabundantlong, dark, one- a small pale spot ofyellowish scales at end striatedscalelikesetaeonradialfieldofwing ofcosta. Halter brownish. and on abdomen; wing with one small yel- Abdomen: Brownish, darker posteriorly lowish costal spot; tibiae with row ofblunt- withnumerouslong, brownsetae,especially pointed, pale, hastatesetae; hindtarsalratio on pleura and on posterior segments. Sper- 0.92. mathecae (Fig. 15) two, dark brown, rela- Allotype female.—Winglength 1.14mm; tively large; unequal, measuring 0.118 by breadth 0.52 mm; costal ratio 0.47. 0.087 mmand0.087 by0.075 mm;thelarg- Head:Pale brownish; overall clothed with er oval, the smaller subspherical; both with numerous long, brown, one-striated setae lightly sclerotized, slender, almost thread- giving a bushy appearance. Antenna (Fig. like entrances to the ducts. 13)withlengthsofflagellarsegmentsin pro- Holotype male.—Wing length 1.21 mm; portion of20-15-15-15-15-15-15-16-15-15- breadth 0.43 mm; costal ratio 0.44. Similar 16-16-22,antennalratio(11-15/3-10)0.67; to the female with the usual sexual differ- VOLUME 93, NUMBER 1 169 Figs. 12-21. Forcipomyiasoriai: 12-15, female; 16, pupa; 17, 18, male; 19-21, larva: 12, hastate spines of tibia; 13, antenna; 14, palpus; 15, spermathecae; 16, respiratory horn; 17, aedeagus; 18, genitalia, aedeagus omitted; 19, head; 20, bodysegment, lateral view; 21, lasttwoabdominal segments, dorsal view(letteringasin text; scale in microns). ences. Antenna with well-developed plume in female, palpal ratio 3.4. Legs with exten- ofyellowish-brown verticils; lengths offla- sorsetaelongerthaninfemale,hastatespines gellar segments in proportion of25-15-15- absent on tibiae; tarsi with numerous long, 15-15-15-15-15-16-55-28-20-32, antennal slender, black spines ventrally; claws long, ratio (12-15/3-1 1) 1.03. Palpuswith lengths slenderandcurved;empodiumslenderwith of segments in proportion of 9-1 1-27-12- shortrays. Hindlegwithlengthsfromfemur 10; third segment more slenderat base than to tarsomere 5 as 86-80-24-26-17-13-10; 170 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON tarsal ratio 0.92; tibial spur pale yellow, tory horn (Fig. 16) irregularly oval in out- straight, slender, Vy as long as basitarsus, line, with very short, stout peduncle; in taperingto sharp point. Wingwith pale yel- cross-section appearing slightly flattened lowish macrotrichia overall, a small clump with the spiracularopenings forminga slight of strong blackish macrotrichia over first rim; 16-18 spiracularopenings in a straight radialcellandanotherjustpastendofcosta, row up posterior side and around tip. Body the two separated by a small area ofyellow- tubercles not developed, setae scarcely vis- ish macrotrichia. Halter brownish. Abdo- ible under high magnification. menyellow, withbrownishpigmentedareas Distribution.—Brazil, Puerto Rico, Trin- laterally on each segment; with abundant, idad. — long, brownish, bristlelike setae, without Types. Holotype male, allotype female, broad striated scales. Brazil, Itajuipe, Fazenda Almirante, Genitalia(Fig. 18).—Ninthsternumabout 9.V.1988, J. A. Winder, in emergence trap twiceasbroadaslong,caudalmarginslight- (deposited in USNM). Paratypes, 37 males, ly convex with shallow mesal concavity; 44 females, 1 larva, 2 pupalexuviae: Brazil, basistyleabout twiceaslongasbroad, with- same data as types, but dates iv.l987- out stout setae on mesal face but with nu- vii.1989, 28 males, 35 females; Bahia, Ita- merous long, bristlelike setae laterally and buna, 1970, J. A. Winder, emergence trap, distally that are about twice as long as dis- 6 males, 4 females; Bahia, Ilheus, CEPEC, tistyle, the latter straight, slender, and ta- 4-9.viii.1972, S. Soria, at flowers ofcacao, pered to slender tip. Aedeagus (Fig. 17) 1 male, 3 females. Puerto Rico, Maricao, shield-shaped, broad basally, length equal 21.i.l953, L. G. Saunders, reared from ba- to basal breadth, with short basal arms, the nanaleaves, 1 larva, 1 pupalexuviae, 1 male. basalarchonlyaslightconcavity; sidescon- Trinidad, no locality, 7.V.1953, L. G. Saun- vex, taperingtoabluntcaudomedianpoint. ders, reared from wet leaves in stream, 1 Paramereswith slender, straight, basal apo- larva, 1 pupal exuviae, 1 male. demes;joined mesally on basal fourth; dis- Discussion.—This species is dedicated to tal portions relatively stout, nearly straight Saulo de Jesus Soria of Bento Goncalves, and parallel, with the blunt tips slightly R.S., Brazil, in recognition ofhis long and curved laterad. continued interest and his many important Larva.—Length 4-5 mm when mature. contributions pertaining to the role ofcer- Color yellowish white; head capsule pale atopogonids in cocoa pollination through- brownish; dorsal body hairs borne on out Central and South America. brownishconicalprominences(Figs. 20, 21). Lane's description and figure ofthe male Hairs p and q of head (Fig. 19) long and genitaliaofF. argenteolaMacfiefrom Brazil slender,withspear-shapedtip, thatofphair probably refers to F. squamitibia Lutz, as much larger than q. Antenna long and ta- all species ofthisgroup have the hind tarsal pering, borneonalargesubconicalpedestal. ratio ofabout 1.0 and the parameres with Body hairs as in Fig. 20; a hairs with long narrow basal separation and quite slender slender stem and spear-shaped tip, even on proximally. Forcipomyia argenteola, to the last segment (Fig. 21). Cuticular armature contrary, belongs to a group of species re- absent. Prothoracic pseudopod cleft, each viewed by Wirth (1982) which has the hind lobe with 6-7 small brown hooks; posterior tarsal ratio about 0.5 and the male para- pseudopod with a row of 14-16 brown mereswith basesfusedinabroadplatewith hooks. Cauda short but pointed. posteriorconcavity and the caudal process- Pupa.—Exuviae only, length not mea- es relatively stout and tapering to a sharp- sured. Color pale yellowish, integument pointedtip. Wirth(1982)describedthe male without spinules or shagreening. Respira- ofF. argenteolafrom maleswithassociated . VOLUME NUMBER 93, 1 171 females from Nova Teutonia, Brazil, the of the subgenus Lepidohelea, including type locality. Species of the Forcipomyia characters that may be used to separate the squamitibia Group can be distinguished by speciesgroupsoccurringintheAustralasian the following key: Region. TheAmericanspeciesappeartofall in two groups differing from the Old World Key to Species of the species, most of which would fall within Forcipomyia squamitibia Group whatDebenhamhasnamedthechrysolopha 1 Hastate spines offemale tibiae in two dense Group. The American species may be dis- irregularrows; largedark brown species, wing tinguished from the chrysolopha Group by length 1.7-2.0 mm; hind tarsal ratio 1.0 .... the following key: chilensis (Philippi) - Hastate spines offemale tibiae in one sparse 1. Palpus with four segments; one spermatheca; row; large orsmall, pale ordark species 2 male dististyle more or less expanded distally 2. Mesonotumwithdarkvittae;smalldarkbrown (Western Hemisphere species) species, wing length 0.93 mm; hastate tibial annulatipesGroup spinesbrown, short,andbroadwithsharptip; - Palpuswith five segments; two spermathecae; hind tarsal ratio 0.9 sexvittata Wirth male dististyle various 2 - Mesonotum not vittate; color, size and tibial 2. Male dististyle straight or slightly curved, ta- spines various 3 peringtoslendertip(WesternHemispherespe- 3. Hastatetibialspineslongerthanwidthoftibia 4 cies) bicolorGroup - Hastate tibial spines as long as width oftibia - Maledististyle straight to sinuate, tip moreor or shorter 5 less expanded (Eastern Hemisphere species) 4. Yellowish brown species with unmarked yel- chrysolophaGroup lowish legs; tibial spines slightly longer than widthoftibia,swollenin midportion,tapering Forcipomyia {Lepidohelea) bicolor tosharptip;antennapale;thirdpalpalsegment Species Group swollen on proximal '/s; wing length 1.3 mm; hind tarsal ratio 1.0; male parameres with fi- Forcipomyia {Lepidohelea) winderi Wirth, liform tips straight and parallel squamitibia Lutz New Species - Dark brown species with brown legs; tibial Figs. 22-30 spinesmuchlongerthanwidthoftibia,slender A and only slightly swollen in midportion; an- hairy, predominantly yellowish species tenna dark brown; third palpal segment swol- with brownish markings; female wing dark len on proximal %; wing length 1.5 mm; hind with one large pale anteriorspot, male wing tarsal ratio 1.3; male unknown paleexceptfordarkcostalfield;palpusstub- tenuisquamipesWirth 5. Legspaleyellow,hindfemurwithnarrowapex by, third segment not swollen, with small brownish; hastate tibial spines petiolate with shallow pit; antenna moderately long; legs broadapices; winglength 1.1 mm; hind tarsal banded with bicolor Group type markings, ratio 0.9; spermathecae pale; male parameres femora pale except hind femur with apical with filiform tips crossing(Fig. 11) dark brown band, all tibiae and tarsi band- pinamarensisSpinelli - Legsduskyyellowishwithtibiaebrownishdis- ed; male genitalia with brownish markings tally,hindfemurwithoutdistaldarkband;has- laterally on ninth sternum, distal halves of tate tibial spines slightly petiolate with tips basistyles, and all ofdististyles. moderatelybroadandslightlytaperedtopoint; Femaleholotype.—Winglength 1.11 mm, wing length 1.14 mm; hind tarsal ratio 0.92; breadth 0.44 mm; costal ratio 0.47. spermathecae dark brown; male parameres stout distally with tips abruptly bent a short Head: Palebrownish, overall clothed with way, divergent (Fig. 18) numerous long, brown, one-striated setae soriaiWirth, new species giving head a bushy appearance, especially strong and numerous on clypeus. Antenna Subgenus Lepidohelea Kieffer (Fig. 22) with lengths of flagellar segments Debenham (1987b) has presented an ad- in proportion of20-16-16-16-16-16-15-15- mirablediscussionofthedifficulttaxonomy 20-20-20-20-23,antennal ratio0.79; anten- 172 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 50 © 23 .^^y^^' Figs. 22-30. Forcipomyia windert:22-25, 29, 30, female;26-28,male: 22,antenna; 23,palpus; 24,26,wing; 25, striated scales ofbody and legs; 27, aedeagus; 28, genitalia, aedeagus omitted; 29, fore, mid, and hind legs (top to bottom); 30, spermathecae (scale in microns). nal verticils short and strong. Palpus (Fig. figured: fore and mid femora pale, tibiae 23) with lengths ofsegments in proportion with narrow basal and broad apical bands; of8-12-17-9-8; third segment slightly swol- hindfemurwithbroadapical,andhindtibia len in midportion, spindle-shaped, with un- with broad basal and narrow subapical usually small, shallow, round, sensory pit. bands; bandsmoreintenseonhindleg; fem- Mandible without teeth. ora and tibiae with some long, brownish, Thorax: Reddish brown; mesonotum bristly setae, and abundantly clothed with somewhat paler in midportion, clothed broad, sharp-pointed, 4- or 5-striated scales abundantly with long, pale brown, bristly, (Fig. 25). Hindtibialspurshortandpointed, erect setae and fine, yellowish, appressed nearly straight, about as long as breadth of hairs. Scutellum paler in midportion. Legs tibia. Tarsomeres dark banded in midpor- (Fig. 29) yellowish, with brownish bands as tion; hind tarsal ratio 1.07; claws slender

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