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New and little-known cavernicolous species of Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) from Serbia PDF

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Preview New and little-known cavernicolous species of Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) from Serbia

Bijdragentot de Dierkunde, 62 (3) 167-178 (1993) SPB Academie Publishingbv, The Hague New and little-known cavernicolous species of Chthoniidae and Neobisiidae (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) from Serbia Božidar P.M. Ćurčić Vincent F. Lee & SlobodanE. Makarov 1Institute of Zoology, Faculty ofScience, University ofBelgrade, Studentski Trg 16, YU-11000 Belgrade; 2Department ofEntomology, California Academy ofSciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118-4599, USA Keywords: Chthonius, Roncus, Chthoniidae, Neobisiidae, pseudoscorpions, taxonomy, biogeography, Balkan Peninsula Abstract Introduction The pseudoscorpionsofthegeneraChthonius C.L.Koch, 1843 Only a single epigean species of Chthonius C.L. (Chthoniidae)and Roncus L. Koch, 1873 (Neobisiidae)from Koch, 1843(subgenus GlobochthoniusBeier, 1931) cavesin Serbia, Yugoslavia,havebeen studied. Threenewspe- (Chthoniidae) is presently known from Serbia, cies,Chthonius (Globochthonius)purgo, Chthonius(Ephippi- Yugoslavia, viz. C. (G.)polychaetus Hadzi, 1937. ochthonius) kemza, and Roncus talason aredescribed. A re- analysis ofthe type material of three subspeciesof Chthonius It lives in an epigean habitat in Kovaöevac, near andRoncusfrom Serbiancaveshassupportedtheir elevationto Kacanik (Hadzi, 1937). Furthermore, a caver- full specificrank: Chthonius (Globochthonius)panciciĆurčić, nicolous subspecies, C. (G.) polychaetus pancici 1972,Roncus remesianensis Ćurčić, 1981, and R. timacensis Curcic, 1972, has been described from a cave in Ćurčić, 1981.All species studiedareconsidered endemics ofthe Perucac, eastern Serbia(Curcic, 1972). BalkanPeninsula. Diagnosticcharactersoftheanalysedtaxaare thoroughlydescribed or figured.Taxonomic interrelationships Todate, only two pseudoscorpions ofChthonius and geographicaldistribution arebrieflydiscussed. (Ephippiochthonius Beier, 1931) are known to inhabitunderground habitats in Serbia. These are C. (E.) bidentatus Beier, 1939 from the Petnica Résumé Cave and C. (E.) tetrachelatus (Preyssler, 1790) from a cave in the village of Pricevic, both in Les Pseudoscorpions des genres Chthonius C.L. Koch, 1843 western Serbia, Yugoslavia. Thelatterspecies is an (Chthoniidae)etRoncusL.Koch, 1873 (Neobisiidae)provenant accidental cave inhabitant (Beier, 1963; Curcic, de grottesenSerbie,Yougoslavie,sontétudiés. Troisnouvelles 1972). espèces, Chthonius (Globochthonius)purgo,Chlhonius (Ephip- Eight cavernicolousrepresentatives ofRoncusL. piochthonius)kemza,etRoncustalasonsontdécrites. Unenou- velle analyse du matériel typique de trois sous-espèces de Koch, 1873 (Neobisiidae), are presently known in ChthoniusetRoncusprovenant degrottesenSerbie vaenfaveur Serbia(cf. Curcic, 1992): Roncus aff. lubricus L. deleurélévation àunniveauspécifiqueàpartentière: Chthonius Koch, 1873; R. parablothroides Hadzi, 1937; R. (Globochthonius) panciciĆurčić, 1972, Roncus remesianensis pljakici Curcic, 1973; R. pljakici remesianensis ĆĆurčić, 1u981,etrR.čtimaceinsićs , 1981.Toutes les espèces Curcic, 1981*;R.pljakici timacensisCuröic, 1981*; étudiées sontconsidérées commeendémiquesàla Péninsule des Balkans. Lescaractères diagnostiquesdestaxaanalyséssont dé- R.sotiroviCurcic, 1982; R.svantevitiCurcic, 1992; critesouillustrées defaçondétaillée. Lesrelations taxonomiques andR. baukCurcic, 1991. Allspecies are allopatric etla répartitiongéographiquesont brièvement décrites. and inhabit differentcaves in eastern Serbia. Inthepresent study, materialfrom two samples *Mention ofthese two formswithout the specificnamepljakici(Curcic, 1992) wasa lapsuscalami. 168 B.P.M. Curcic et al. - New cavernicolouspseudoscorpions from Serbia ofpseudoscorpions collectedin 1990hasbeenexa- lenses, posterior ones spot-like (vs. both anterior mined. The first sample from the "Pecina u andposterioreyes withdistinctlenses). Inaddition, Kozuvarskoj Glami"Cave,near Minicevo, Serbia, C. (G.) polychaetus lives in an epigean habitat, contained two new taxa: Chthonius (Globoch- while C. (G.) pancici is acave-dwelling form. thonius) purgo n. sp. and Chthonius (Ephip- piochthonius) kemza n. sp. The second sample from theVaskova Dupka Cave, near Svrljig, Ser- Chthonius (Globochthonius)purgo n. sp. bia, consisted of a previously undescribed species: (Figs. 1-7; TableI) Roncustalasonn.sp. TocompletethestudyofSer- bianChthoniusandRoncus species fromcaves, the Material examined. - Holotype 9 and paratype tritonymph, type material of C. (G.) polychaetus pancici, R. from the "Pecina uKozuvarskoj Glami" Cave, villageNovo pljakici remesianensis, and R. pljakici timacensis Korito,nearMinicevo (Knjazevac), easternSerbia,Yugoslavia; 5July1990;collectedby B.P.M.Curcic, R.N. Dimitrijevic,and were restudiedinorderto definetheirprecisetaxo- O.S.Karamata. Thesetypespecimenshavebeendepositedinthe nomierank. collection ofthe InstituteofZoology,FacultyofScience (Biolo- Thenew species describedinthispaperare prob- gy), University ofBelgrade,Belgrade. ablyendemicforms, inhabiting caves intheeastern part ofSerbia, Yugoslavia. Description. - Epistome notdeveloped; smallden- ticulations on anteriormarginof carapacebetween the two median and anterior setae (Fig. 1). Four Descriptive part eye-spots, pale yellowishin colour(adult) ornoeye spots (tritonymph). Carapace longer than broad Family CHTHONIIDAE Daday, 1888 (Table I); 4 setae along anterior margin of cara- pace, 6(tritonymph)or7 setae (adult) intheocular Chthonius(Globochthonius)pancici Ćurčić, 1972, row, 4 in the combined medianand intermediary new rank rows, and 4 (tritonymph) to 6 setae (adult) in the posterior row. Of the posterior setae, 2 (trito- Syn.: Chthonius (Globochthonius)polychaetuspanciciCurcic, nymph) or 4 lateral setae (adult) considerably 1972: 148. smaller than the median setae. One microseta in each preocular recess. Setal formulae: 4 + 6 + Material examined. - Holotype 9 and 2paratype 9 9,from 4 + 4 = 18 (tritonymph) and 4 + 7 + 4 + the"Pecina iznadPerucackogvrela" Cave, villageofPerucac, 6 = 21 (adult). near BajinaBasta, western Serbia, Yugoslavia; 21 July 1970; collectedbyB.P.M.Curcic. Thesetypespecimensarekeptinthe Abdominaltergites I-X with 4-4-4-4- collection oftheInstituteofZoology,FacultyofScience (Biolo- 6-6-6-6-6-4 setae. Male genital area gy), UniversityofBelgrade, Belgrade. unknown. Female genital area: sternite II with 10 setae in the formofa triangle; sternite III with Remarks. - C. (G.) pancici differs from the phe- 7 posterior setae and 3 suprastigmatic microsetae netically mostsimilar species, C. (G.)polychaetus, oneach side; sterniteIVwith 6 marginal setae and from southern Serbia, in many important respects 3smallsetaealongeach stigma. SternitesV-Xeach (characteristics of C.polychaetus inparentheses): with6(rarely 7) setae. Tritonymph: sterniteIIwith smallerbody size(vs. larger), carapacewider than 5 setae intheformofanirregular triangle; sternite long (vs. longer than wide), 20 setae on carapace IIIwith7 setae and3microsetaealongeachstigma; (vs. 22), 6 setae on cheliceral palm (vs. 7), 10-14 sternite IV with 5 marginal setae and 2 or 3 teeth on the movable chelal finger (vs. 6), inter- suprastigmatic microsetae on each side, sternites mediary denticlespresentonthe fixedchelalfinger V-Xeach with 6 (rarely 7) setae. (vs. absent), 5-10 spines on coxae II (vs. 14), Galea a low convexity on movable cheliceral pedipalpal length 2.10-2.25mm(vs. 2.51 mm; see finger(Fig. 4);6 long setae on cheliceralpalm, and Curcic, 1972), and anterior eyes with prominent 1 long seta on movable finger; 2 microsetae on Bijdragen totdeDierkunde, 62 (3) - 1993 169 Figs. 1-6.Chthonius (Globochthonius)purgo n.sp., from the“Pećina u Kožuvarskoj Glami” Cave,Yugoslavia: 1,carapace, holo- type￿;2, carapace, paratype tritonymph;3, pedipalpalfemur and tibia,holotype￿; 4, chelicera, holotype￿;5, chelal palm(dor- solateral view), holotype ￿; 6, pedipalpalchela, holotype￿. Scale in mm. 170 B.P.M. Curcic et al. - New cavernicolouspseudoscorpions from Serbia lateralpartof cheliceralpalm.Flagellum with 10or femur length tobreadth (4.70 vs. 5.82-6.09), the 11 blades.Cheliceral dentitionas inFig. 4(movable pedipalpal length (1.845 mmvs. 2.51 mm),andthe finger with a distalisolated tooth); teeth on both pedipalpal chela length (0.68 mm vs. 0.89-0.92 fingers diminishin size proximally. mm). Furthermore, C. (G.)pancici inhabits west- Apex ofpedipalpal coxa with2long setae. Fixed ern Serbia, while C. (G.) purgo n. sp. is known chelal finger with totalof 31 (tritonymph) or 37 from eastern Serbia. teeth (adult); distal teeth triangular and inter- The new species is quite distinct from C. (G.) spaced, proximal teeth asymmetrical or rounded, polychaetus, theotherknown representative ofthe low, andclosely set. Movablechelalfinger with 26 subgenus Globochthonius, from southern Serbia. (tritonymph) or 27 teeth (adult); distalones trian- Thedifferencesbetween thetwo species are mani- gular and interspaced, proximal teeth resemble fested in the formand structure oftheeyes (4eye- basalteethof fixed finger. Proximalteethofboth spots vs. 4well-developed eyes), the numberof se- fingers mergeinto basallamellae(Fig. 6). Threeor tae onthecarapace(21 vs. 18),thenumberofdenti- 4 denticles distal to ds (distal setae; all other ab- cles distal to ds (3 or 4vs. 1), the setation of ab- breviations of setal names according to Beier, dominal tergites I-X (4-4-4-4-6- 1963). Shape ofpedipalpal femurandtibiapresent- 6-6-6-6-4vs. 4-4-4-4-6- edinFig. 3,andbasalprotuberance on chelalpalm, 6 — 6- 6- 6-6), thesize ofthe body (larger characteristic of the subgenus Globochthonius, il- inC.polychaetus), thenumberofspines on coxae lustratedinFigs. 5 and 6. II(5 vs. 14), theratioofpedipalpal femurlength to Trichobothriotaxy (female) (Fig. 6):ibandisbon breadth(4.70vs. 7.00), thepedipalpal length (1.845 middle of chelal palm on dorsal side. A rounded mmvs. 2.51 mm),thechelalfinger length (0.41 mm convexity dorsoventrally on chelalpalm, between vs. 0.60mm),andthe pedipalpal chelalength (0.68 ib-isb andthe finger base(Figs. 5and 6). Setaeet- mmvs. 1.00mm; cf.TableI; seealso Curcic, 1972). est-it indistalfinger half,ist-esb-ebon fingerbase; Inaddition, C. (G.)polychaetus■is anepigean form itslightly proximalto t,estatthelevelofst. Chelal and C. (G.)purgo n. sp is cave-dwelling. To date, fingers almost straight and of nearly equal length the new species is known only from the type lo- (Fig. 6). cality. Coxa II with 4 or 5 (tritonymph) or 5 spines (adult); coxa IIIwith3or4(tritonymph) or4spines Etymology. - InSerbian mythology, Purgo is the (adult). Intercoxaltubercle with2 smallsetae. Leg god of thunderstorm(Kulisic et al., 1970). IV:tibia,basitarsus, andtelotarsuseachwithalong tactile seta (Fig. 7). For morphometric ratios and linear measure- Chthonius(Ephippiochthonius) kemza n. sp. ments of various structures, see TableI. (Figs. 8-12; TableI) Distribution. - Eastern Serbia, Yugoslavia (in Material examined. - Holotype a from the "Pecina u caves). Kozuvarskoj Glami"Cave, villageNovo Korito,near Minicevo (Knjazevac), eastern Serbia,Yugoslavia; 5 July 1990;collected by B.P.M.Curëic, R.N. Dimitrijevic,and O.S.Karamata. The Remarks. — C. (G.)purgo n. sp. differs distinctly type specimen has been depositedin the collection ofthe Insti- from C. (G.)pancici, thephenetically most similar tuteofZoology,Faculty ofScience (Biology),UniversityofBel- species, also a cave inhabitant, in the formofthe grade,Belgrade. eyes (4 eye-spots vs. 2well-developed anterioreyes and2posterior eye-spots), the numberofteeth on Description. - Epistome absent; small sclerotized thefixedchelalfinger(37 vs. 21), thepresence/ ab- points onanteriormarginofcarapace,betweentwo sence of intermediary teeth on the fixed chelal median and anterior setae (Fig. 9). Anterioreyes finger (absent vs. present), thenumberof denticles with flattenedlenses, posterior eyes spot-like (Fig. distal to ds (3 or 4 vs. 1), the ratio of pedipalpal 9). Carapace longer thanbroad (Table I); 4 setae Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 62 (3) - 1993 171 Table I.Measurements (mm)ofvarious structures,togetherwith selectedratios,inChthonius (Globochthonius)purgon.sp.,Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius)kemza n. sp., and Roncus talason n.sp. Abbreviations: trito. = tritonymph;TS = tactile seta. Character C.purgo C.kemza R. talason 9 trito. a o- Body Length(1) 1.60 1.25 1.67 3.40 Céphalothorax Length(2) 0.43 0.36 0.40 1.00 Breadth 0.41 0.315 0.39 0.74 Abdomen Length 1.17 0.89 1.27 2.40 Breadth 0.69 0.535 0.63 1.23 Chelicerae Length (3) 0.36 0.28 0.40 0.57 Breadth (4) 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.24 Movable fingerlength(5) 0.195 0.15 0.17 0.36 Ratio 3/5 1.85 1.87 2.35 1.58 Ratio 3/4 2.12 1.87 2.50 2.375 Lengthofgalea 0.01 0.01 0.015 Pedipalps Length with coxa (6) 1.845 1.375 2.125 6.00 Ratio 6/1 1.15 1.10 1.27 1.76 Lengthofcoxa 0.34 0.29 0.38 0.82 Lengthoftrochanter 0.15 0.13 0.17 0.69 Length offemur (7) 0.47 0.28 0.57 1.30 Breadth of femur (8) 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.25 Ratio 7/8 4.70 3.50 5.70 5.20 Ratio 7/2 1.09 0.78 1.425 1.30 Length oftibia (9) 0.205 0.16 0.22 1.08 Breadth oftibia (10) 0.11 0.09 0.12 0.32 Ratio 9/10 1.86 1.78 1.83 3.375 Lengthofchela (11) 0.68 0.515 0.785 2.11 Breadth ofchela (12) 0.15 0.11 0.16 0.435 Ratio 11/12 4.53 4.68 4.91 4.85 Chelal palm length(13) 0.27 0.21 0.34 0.93 Ratio 13/12 1.80 1.91 2.125 2.14 Chelal finger length(14) 0.41 0.305 0.445 1.18 Ratio 14/13 1.52 1.45 1.31 1.27 LegIV Total length 1.68 1.08 1.845 3.83 Lengthofcoxa 0.38 0.20 0.315 0.55 Lengthoftrochanter (15) 0.22 0.12 0.18 0.46 Breadth oftrochanter (16) 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.18 Ratio 15/16 2.20 1.50 1.80 2.555 Lengthoffemur (17) 0.41 0.29 0.51 1.01 Breadth offemur (18) 0.18 0.13 0.22 0.29 Ratio 17/18 2.28 2.23 2.32 3.48 Lengthoftibia (19) 0.26 0.18 0.31 0.94 Breadth oftibia (20) 0.075 0.06 0.08 0.15 Ratio 19/20 3.47 3.00 3.875 6.27 Basitarsal length(21) 0.14 0.10 0.19 0.315 Basitarsal breadth (22) 0.065 0.05 0.06 0.11 Ratio 21/22 2.15 2.00 3.17 2.86 Telotarsal length(23) 0.27 0.19 0.34 0.555 Telotarsal breadth (24) 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.10 Ratio 23/24 9.00 6.33 11.33 5.55 TSratio - tibia IV 0.50 0.55 0.51 0.605 TSratio - basitarsus IV 0.33 0.45 0.33 0.18 TSratio - telotarsus IV 0.31 0.285 0.24 0.42 172 B.P.M. Curcicet al. - New cavernicolouspseudoscorpions from Serbia Figs. 7-8. Chthonius (Globochthonius)purgo n.sp.(7),and Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius)kemza n.sp.(8),both from the“Pećina uKožuvarskoj Glami” Cave, Yugoslavia:7, legIV, holotype ; 8, legIV,holotype ￿. Scale in mm. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, 62 (3) - 1993 173 Figs. 9-12.Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius)kemza n.sp., holotype ￿, from the “Pećina uKožuvarskoj Glami” Cave, Yugoslavia: 9, carapace; 10, chelicera; 11,pedipalpalfemur and tibia; 12,pedipalpalchela. Scale in mm. along anterior border of carapace;6 setae in the dian groove. Sternite IV with 7 setae and 3 ocularrow; 6setae inthecombinedmedianandin- suprastigmal microsetae on each side; sternite V termediary rows;and2 setae along posteriorborder with8 setae;sternites VI-Xeach with6or7 setae. of carapace. Setalformula:4 + 6 + 4 + 2-1-2 = Galea conspicuous, tubercular; 6 long setae on 18. fixedand 1 long seta onmovablefinger, 2smallac- Abdominaltergites I-Xwith4-4-4-4 — cessory setae laterally. Flagellum with 10 blades. 6-6-6-6-6-4setae. Male genital area: Cheliceraldentitionas inFig. 10. Noisolateddistal sterniteIIwith 11setae in theformofatriangle (of toothon movable cheliceral finger. these, 4setae along posterior margin); sternite III Apex ofpedipalpal coxa with2 long setae. Fixed with 3 suprastigmatic microsetae on each side, 8 chelal finger with 24 teeth; distalteeth triangular posteriorsetae, and9setae along eachsideofame- and interspaced; proximal teeth small, closely set, 174 B.P.M. Curcic et al. - New cavernicolouspseudoscorpions from Serbia and rounded. Movable finger with 16-18 teeth; 0.92-1.02mm),andthechelalfinger length (0.445 distalandmedianteeth triangularandinterspaced; mm vs. 0.56-0.60mm;cf. TableI; seealso Hadzi, proximalonessmall, closelyset,androunded.Only 1937). The two species differalso in their habitat 2 denticles distal to ds (Fig. 12). preferences: C. (E.)kemza is cavernicolous, andC. Trichobothrial pattern(Fig. 12): ib and isb on (E.) serbicus is epigean. The new species is known middleof chelalpalm on dorsalside. Aprominent only from the type locality, which is also the type depression on dorsumofchelal hand, between ib- locality of Chthonius(Globochthonius) purgo n. isb andfinger base. Setaeet-est-it in distal finger sp. and of Roncus svanteviti Curcic, 1992 (cf. half, ist-esb-eb on finger base; itslightly proximal Curcic, 1992). to t, est proximal to st. Chelal fingers of nearly equal length (Fig. 12). Shape ofpedipalpal femur, Etymology. - InSerbian mythology, Kemzais the tibia, and trochanter as illustratedin Fig. 11. water demon (Bandić, 1991). Coxa II with 6 or 7, and coxa III with 5 or 6 spines. Intercoxal tubercle with 2 smallsetae. Leg IV:tibia,basitarsus, andtelotarsuseachwithalong Family NEOBISIIDAE Chamberlin, 1930 tactile seta (Fig. 8). For morphometric ratios and linear measure- Roncus timacensis Ćurčić, 1981, new rank ments of various structures, seeTableI. Syn.: Roncuspljakicitimacensis Curcic, 1981: 105. Distribution. - Eastern Serbia, Yugoslavia (in caves). Material examined. - Holotype 9,allotype cr,and 2paratype 9 9, from the "Pecina Bozja Vrata"Cave, villageBeloinje, nearSvrljig,southeasternSerbia,Yugoslavia;24July1980;col- Remarks. - Thenewspecies is easily distinguished lected by B.P.M. Curcic and P.S. Petrovic. These type speci- from the phenetically similar C. (E.) tetrachelatus mens are kept in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, (from western Serbia) in the form ofthe eyes (an- Faculty ofScience(Biology),University ofBelgrade,Belgrade. terioreyes with flatlensesand posterior ones spot- like vs. anterior eyes with prominent lenses and Remarks. - The present study of the type speci- posteriorones withflattenedlenses), inthenumber mens ofR.pljakici Curcic andR.pljakici timacen- ofteeth on the fixed (24 vs. 18-20) and movable sis CurSic hasrevealedconsiderabledifferencesbe- chelal fingers (16-18 vs. 11 or 12), in the number tween thetwo taxa. Therefore,wenow considerR. ofspines on coxa III (5 or6 vs. 8-10), intheratio timacensis as a full species. R. timacensis differs of pedipalpal femur length to breadth (5.70 vs. from R.pljakiciby the formofthe pedipalpal tibia 4.78-5.00), in the ratio of pedipalpal length to (more attenuated in R. timacensis), the degree of breadth(4.91 vs. 5.67-5.91), and inthepedipalpal pedipalpal granulation (inconspicuous vs. well- length (2.125 mm vs. 1.61-1.70mm; cf. TableI; developed), the setationof thecarapace(24 vs. 22 see also Curëic, 1972). setae), thenumberofteethonthefixedchelalfinger C.(E.)kemzan.sp. differsfrom C. (E.)serbicus (89-96 vs. 76-79),theposition ofthetrichobothri- Hadzi, 1937, in manyimportant respects, such as umist(closer toest thanto isb vs. closerto isbthan theeye formand structure(anterioreyes have flat- to est),thelengthofthepedipalpal tibia(3.17-3.27 tened lenses, and posterior eyes are spot-like; mm vs. 2.63-2.74 mm), and the ratio of the whereas in C. serbicus, anterior eyes have promi- pedipalpal chela length to breadth (4.61-5.38 vs. nent lenses, and posterior eyes have flattened 4.02-4.26; cf. TableI; see also Curëic, 1981). lenses), thenumberofteethon thefixed(24 vs. 18) R. timacensis differs from R. remesianensis, its andmovablechelalfingers (16-18 vs. 8), thesize of phenetically most similar species, by themore at- the body (larger in C. serbicus), the ratio of the tenuatedpedipalpal femurand chelalpalm, thein- pedipalpal femur length to breadth (5.70 vs. conspicuously granulated pedipalpal femur (vs. 6.60-7.80), the chelal length (0.785 mm vs. prominently granulated), the position of the tri- Bijdragen tot deDierkunde, 62 (3) - 1993 175 chobothriumist(closertoestthanto isb vs. equidis- Abdominaltergites I-X with6 - 7 - 10 - 11 tant fromest and isb), the smaller body size, and -11-11-11-11-11-10setae. Malegeni- the ratio of the pedipalpal tibia length to breadth tal area:sternite IIwith 19setae (of these, 9along (3.17-3.27 vs. 2.65-3.03; see CurCic, 1981). Cur- posterior sternalborder); sternite IIIwith4anterior rently, R. timacensis is knownonly from the type and 10 posterior setae, and 3 suprastigmatic locality. microsetaeoneachside; sternite IVwith 10margin- al setae and 3 microsetae along each stigma. Ster- nites V-Xeach with 12 or 13 setae. Roncusremesianensis Ćurčić, 1981, new rank Galeaabsent. Fixedcheliceralfinger with6setae, movable finger with 1 seta. Cheliceral dentitionas Syn.: Roncuspljakiciremesianensis Curcic, 1981: 107 inFig. 15.Flagellum eight-bladed, allbladesserrate anteriorly. Material examined. - Holotype 9,allotypecr, and 3paratype 9 9 fromtheGovedjaPecina Cave, villageofCrnokliste, near Apexofpedipalpal coxa with4long setae.Femur Bela Palanka, southeastern Serbia, Yugoslavia; 22 July 1980; andchelalhandgranulated (Fig. 16), otherpedipal- B.P.M. Curcic and P.S.Petrovic coll. The type specimensare pal podomeres smooth. Fixed chelalfinger with92 kept in the collection of the Institute of Zoology,Faculty of and movable finger with 83 closely set teeth. Science (Biology),University of Belgrade,Belgrade. Trichobothriotaxy as inFig. 17. Leg IV: tibia, basitarsus, and telotarsus each Remarks. - The present analysis of diagnostic withalong tactileseta (Fig. 18).For morphometric characters ofR. pljakici remesianensis has shown ratiosand linearmeasurements, see TableI. that this taxon shouldbe given specific rank. R. pljakici can be distinguished from remesianen- Distribution. - Southeastern Serbia, Yugoslavia sis, respectively, by thesetationofthecarapace(22 (in caves). vs. 24 setae), the granulation of the pedipalpal femur(less conspicuous vs. prominent), the posi- Remarks. - This new species differs from R. tion ofthe trichobothriumist (closer to isbthan to estvs. equidistant from isbandest), the numberof pljakiciinmanyimportant respects: inthegranula- tionofthepedipalpal femur(less conspicuous inR. teethon the fixed chelalfinger(76-79 vs. 80-92), pljakici, moreprominent inR. talason), intheform and the pedipalpal length (5.295-5.755 mm vs. ofthechelalpalm (ovate vs. elongated), in thenum- 5.855-6.02 mm; see Curcic, 1981). berofteeth onthe fixed (76-79 vs. 92) andmova- Foracomparison betweenR. remesianensisand ble chelalfingers (68-77 vs. 83), inthe disposition thatspecies, see/?, timacensis(Remarks). Likewise, ofthe trichobothriumist (closer to isbthan to est R. remesianensisis known only from the typelo- vs. closer to est than to isb), in the ratio of the cality. pedipalpal chelalength to breadth(4.26 vs. 4.85), and in the malepedipalpal length (5.295 mm vs. Roncus talason n. sp. 6.00 mm). (Figs. 13-18; TableI) R. talason n. sp. is quite distinct from R. reme- sianensis by the stouter (vs. elongate) chelal palm Material examined. - Holotype cr from the Vaskova Dupka and pedipalpal femur, the less conspicuous (vs. Cave,villageLozan, nearSvrljig,southeastern Serbia,Yugosla- prominent) granulation of the pedipalpal femur, via;9July 1991; R.N. Dimitrijevicand O.S.Karamata coll.The the position of thetrichobothriumist being closer typespecimen hasbeen depositedin thecollection ofthe Insti- tuteofZoology,FacultyofScience(Biology),UniversityofBel- to estthan toisb(vs. equidistant fromestandisb), grade,Belgrade. the ratio ofthe pedipalpal femurlength to breadth (5.20 vs. 4.24), the ratio ofthechelal palm length Description. - Epistome small and triangular; to breadth (2.14 vs. 1.79), and the ratio of the neithereyes nor eye-spots developed (Figs. 13 and pedipalpal chela length to breadth(4.85 vs. 3.91). 14). Preocular microsetaeabsent. Setal formula:4 R. talason can be easily distinguished from the + 6 + 2 + 6 + 6 = 24. phenetically similar species, R. timacensis, by the 176 B.P.M. Curcicetal. - Newcavernicolouspseudoscorpions from Serbia Figs. 13-18. Roncustalasonn.sp.,holotype ￿,fromthe VaskovaDupka Cave,Yugoslavia:13, carapace; 14,epistome; 15,cheliceral fingers; 16,pedipalp(trichobothriaomitted); 17,pedipalpalchela (trichobothrialpattern); 18, legIV. Scales in mm.

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