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Preview New and Further Chromosome Number Determinations in Japanese Arisaema (Araceae)

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics [SSNl346-7565 Acta Phytotax, Geobot. 59 (2)1/75-178 (2008) SHORTCOMMUNICMION New FurtherChromosome Number Determinations inJapanese and Arisaema (Araceae) KUNIAKI WATANABEi, TOMIKI KOBAYASHI2 and JINMURATA3 iDeipartment ofBiologGryaduateSchoolofScienc?(eb,beU}iiversicR}olkkodoi1-1,Kohe,657-850I, 2Tllie .lapan; Societyfo Erlora ofH),o g58o3-,36 Ookuraclanishimiz Auk,ashi, 673-0865, Jlapan; 3Botanical Gardens, Graduate School qf'Sciene eU,hiversia o,f 7bkyo ,Hdkusan 3-7-1 ,BunO,o-Ku, 7loky oII2-OOOI ,Jbpan Chromosome numbers are reported fbr 23 strains from 19 populations attributed te 12 species of Japanese Arisaema. The chromosome numbers ofA. galeijbnu e(2 n= 28) and A. kuratae (2 n= 28) are reported for the firs ttime. The remaining counts support previousl ryeported determinatio n(smost of which were single counts> and thus add to the knowledge of chromosome number distribution within the species ofArisaema. Some taxonomic problems are briefl dyiscussed. Key words: Araceae, Arisaema, Arisaema galeCforine, Arisaema kuratae, Arisaeina nagiense, Arisaema kawashimae, chromosome number The Arisaema (Araceae) 2n 26 inA, (SerizJ,.) genus comprises some number of == minus about 170 specics (Murat 1a995), among which Murata (Watanab eet al. 1998), Stil lm,any enig- about 70 species have been examined cytologi- mas remain, even in the A. undulattfotium group. cally by many authors (Peter s1e9n89, Watanabe Besides continuing our studies of the A. undu- et aL 1998, Murata et aL 2006), The range of dis- latij?]li ugmroup ,we have therefbre extendcd our tributio nof several species are rather restricted to study of chromosome numbers to seyeral other local areas and few species exhibit a wide distri-groups, butiona lrange. There remain, therefbre ,the pos- Sample population sand youcher specimens sibility of findin gadditional new species through are liste din Table 1. Vbucher specimens are de- more intensiv efiel dsurveys and through the posited in the herbari aof Shoei Junior College examination of specimens. In Japanese Arisaema, (SHO) and the Universit yof Tbkyo (TI )E.xcised Murata (1995 r)ecognized eight morphological root tips about 1 cm long were pretreate idn ice groups and showed their distributio npaaltterns. water at OOC for 24 hr and fixed in 3:1 ethanol- Among them, we have studied intensive ltyhe A. acetic acid solution for 1 hr at 40C, They were undutatijbtium group fbr more than twenty years then macerated with IN HCI fbr 10 min at 600C, (Seriza w1a9gO, Murata 1986, 1990, Kobayashi stained with the Shiff' ssolution and squashed. 1989, 1990, Kobayashi et al. 2000, 2003), which All chromosome numbers deterrnined for the provided an opportunity to discove rthe chromo- 23 strains from 19 poputations attributed to 12 NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 176 ActaPhytotax.Geobot. VbL 59 TABLE 1. Species ,Col]ectio nrocalities ,Number ofplants examined, VOucher specimens and Chromosome numbers in Arisaema Species (Japane nsamee) and Localities (Vbuch esprecimen number) No. plants2n PistillatNaakai sect. A. amurense group A. nagiense T. Kobayashi & al. (Nagihiroha-tennanshe) Chikusa-cho,Shiso-citHyy,ogo Pref(lbkbayashi4281Z 428i8) 22 2626 Nagi-cho,Katuta-gtinO,kayama Pre (Kobayas4h2i812,428I3) £ A. ovale Nakai (Hiroha-tennansho) Chikusa-cho ,Shiso-cit yH,yogo PrefL (Kobayas 4h2i3i3) 1]1 525252 Nagi-cho,Katuta-gun,Okayama Pref(Kobq}'a4s0h7i23) Ooe-cho,Fukuchiyama-cityK,yetoPre (Kobayas4h3i001) £ A. monophyllum group A.lyoanumMakino (Omogo-tennansho) Kumakoogen-cho, Karniukena-gun, Ehime Pref. (Kob(u,a 4s3h00i4) 1 28 A. nikoense group A.kurataeSeriz.(Amagi-tennnansho) Higashiizu-ch oK,amo-gun, Shizuoka Pret (Kobayas 4h3i003) 1 28 A. nikoense Nakai (hmoto-mamushigusa) Yugashima-cho,Izu-cityS,hizuokaPref(Kbbayas4h3i002) 1 28 A. sematum group A. galeijbrm eSeriz .(Yamazato-mamushigusa) Ooshika-mura ,Shimoina-gun ,Nagano Pref .(Kbbayas 4h3i924) l 28 A.takedtieMakino <Oo-mamushigusa) Sugou, YZimesaki-cho H,imeji-cit yH,yogo Pref ,(Kobayas 4h3i005) 1 28 A. undulatijblium group A, Nakai& F.Maek.(Higan-mamushigusa) aequinoctiaie Itsukaichi-c hSoa,eki-ku ,Hiroshima-city, Hiroshima Pree (Kobayash 4i2973) 111 262626 Asa-cho, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima-cit Hyi,roshima Pret (Kobayas 4h2i975) Akioota-cho, Yamagata-gun, Hiroshima Pref ,(Kbbayas 4h2iP70 A.kawashimae Seriz.(Tokunoshima-tennannsho) flbkunoshima-cho, Ooshima-gun, Kagoshima Pref (Kbbayas 4h2i833) 2 28 A. nambae Kitam. ([fakahashi-tennansho) Fojio,Fukuyama-cityH,iroshimaPref<Kobc{p,4a2s9h58i) 111 282828 Kisa-cho ,Miyoshi-cit yH,iToshima Pre£ CKobayas 4h2i982) Mukaihara-cho ,Akitakada-cit Hyi,roshima Pref (Kbbayas 4h30i06) unassigned to any groups A. seppikoense Kitam. (Seppiko-tennansho) Kamikawa-cho, Kanzaki-gun ,Hyogo Pre£ (1(bbayas 3h9i259. 39263) 2 26 sect. Flagellarisaema Nakai A. thunbergii Blume (Nangoku-urashimasou) Sayou-cho ,Sayou-gu nH,yogo Pref l(Kobayash 3i4370 1 28 NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestye Society ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Jul y2008 Vv'iYI'ANABE & AL.: Chromosome ofJapanese Arisaema 177 specics arc prcsente din Table 1. The firs treports Within the A. serratum group, A. galeiforme are givcn fbr A. gateijbrme Seriz ,(2n == 28, Fig.1) Seriz .and A takedoe Makino werc ¢xamined to and A. kurata eScriz (.2n - 28, Fig, 2), clarify the relationship between them. Both spe- Within the A. amurense group, A. ovale cies have a chromosome number of2n = 28. Nakai and A. nagiense T. Kobayashi, K, Sas- Within the A. undt{latijfblittin group, A. ae- amura & J. Murata were examined to clarify the quinoctiai eNakai & F. Maek. and A, nambae relationship between them. Threc strains ofA. Kitam. in the Chugoku distric twere exam{ned to ovaie collectcd from three prefectur ehsave 2n = clarify their distributio nbaolundaries, Arisaeina 52 Ctetrap lboasiedd on x = 13) ,In contrast, A. aequinoctiale has 2n = 26 and occurs from the nagiense has 2n = 26 and is diploi dbased on x = west side of Hiroshima City ,Hiroshima Pref. t,o 13 (Kobayas eht ial. 2008). Although one of thrce Yamaguchi Pref, In comparison, A, nambae has collection localiti eosfA. ovale overlaps thc distri- 2n =28 and is distribut efdrom the west side of bution range efA. ncrgiense, no hybrids between Akitakada City, Hiroshima Prefi to Okayama Prcf them have been fbund. It is necessary, however, Populations of the tw'o species are separated from to conduct furthe rcyto-geographical studies, be- each other by about 40 km. Although their distri- cause chromosome numbers 2n = 39 (Serizawa butional boundarie sare rather close, no hybrids 1981a) and 2n = 65 (Murat a1990a), as well as 2n betwccn thcm havc been found in this area. = 26 and 2n = 52 (se Weatanabe et aL 1998). havc Another member of the A, undulatijblium been reported at various localities. group is the critically endangered and endemic Within the A. monoph.vtlum group, A. i.voa- species A. kaivashimae Seriz .which grows on num Makino has 2n = 28 chromosomes, mountain tops on Tokunoshima. Arisaema ka- Although Serizawa (1981 )regarded A ku- washimae had not been seen since Serizawa ratae Seriz. to be a mcmbcr of thc A. nikoense (1980 )described it scharacteristics and reported group, Kobayashi (unpublis hfebudn)d it diffbred it schromosome number (2n = 28), Recently, in in thc morphology of thc firs tleaf from other the same area, Kobayashi observed a newly found members of the A nikoense group, The chromo- population comprising about ten individual Tsx.N'o some number of 2n = 28, however, is the same as individua lhsave a chromosome number of 2n = in other members of the A. nikoense group. 28. As Serizawa (1980 )noted, the spathe does not tt''.1 ,{//・,,,. -k. ・-" .・.tm ', ・ i t"3t1p#t'', t,,'・'rtli/"e e ''/,' m"ta,,wwpr,・g/t,.Ig/,i・:/,,f,,mm.・a.,1,,,mIin'Isg e,'. ',lil-l.wiw # //l, /1iml/ 1/,Flpt/// lyYil , , lil;ee /:ww-/'.- ,/'/.,.'e e./v!.l/lewe "fim '''':wh' "';ti' 't/////t//,'e/,//,I,me/1/1e,"s./ ,v,ttwa.'./t l :/ti,e,e,//LI/=L,/l/fie'ei'' ・yag- , //irt// .',{n・M1m,atiwl vdi/// /'ge./// /'ng "/i/i/e/wm;aw,m/.1{ssiIm/a.M/,,si/ Mz'a d/fi ai , l/.//g,e,・w'wg./.,g.iw,/ew /・ .fp,i/ttg' we.' 1,./i,l//1,1/11/,//l. ,xts' m・ //tw/II :/,・//t?t'mm ta ・//td/t.r/,i M mtt. / i, // tl1l,t,/t/ /;' . / /g.l,e/,n./tt/,l,t t1,, e/m't ei/ .'n 1//.eptmmta/t t gt,tt,/a,t/b./t.l.//ptt ,' { ./]///va/t /kt ,,/,g,m ae/traf' i/imh,x / l/1・///I'tiw tzmtatt'/l"/i ntls,1,'t' Flc,s,1-2. Somatic metaphase chromosomcs in Artsaema. [,4. gatecfo,'m (e2n = 2g) 2 A kuratae Semz(2n = 28) .Scalc bur = 5pm. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 178 ActaPhytotax.Geebot. Vbl.59 open before extension ofthe leaves ,which is not 2008. Arisaema inaens eand A, nagiense, Two dip- in agreement with other members of the A. undu- loid species of the A. ovale group (Aracea Aec)ta. tatijZ)l igurmoup. Whether this species should be Phytetax. Geobot 59: 37-43. classified in the A. undulatCfotium group requires M ur a tanad, Jt.h eI t9a8x6o. noCmoymm eofnJtaspan eosnc ta Axorniomsiaceni ac(hAarracatecrscae). further study. (2 )Length of the pedunclc and number of ovules One species unassigned to any group, with special reference te A. unduiatCfolium and A, Arisaema Kitam.(Murat1a995),has kishidueA.ctaPhytotax.Geobot,46:185-208.(in seppikoense 2n = 26, which agrees with a previous report (Wa- Japanese) tanabe et al. 1998) .Arisaema thunbergii Blume Murata, J. 1990. Introducti otno the plant sofArisaema (sec tF.lagellarisaema) has 2n = 28, which also r2e2ce5n-tl2y32. recognized from Japan. Aroidcana 13: supports an earlier report (Peter s1e98n9), Murata, J, 1990a, New or neteworthy chromosome records in Arisaema (Aracea (e2)) J., Jap. Bot. 65/ We would like to thank Dr. H. Ikeda of University 225-232. Museum, University of Tokyo, Mr. H, Yamashita of Murata, J. 1995. Diversit yin the Arisaema serratum Kagoshima Prcf, Mr. S. Matsumoto ofHyogo Pre£ and group, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 46: 185-208. (in Mr. J. Seno of Kyoto Pref for providing valuable infor- Japanese) mation aboutAri,saema localiti aends plant materials. Murata, J., H. Murata. T. Sugawara, Y/ Yang & S.-G.Wu 2006.New in or notewerthy chromosome records References Arisaema (Aracea (e3) )J.. Jap, Bot. 81] 20-25. Petersen ,G. 1989. Cytology and systematics ofArace- K K oo bb aa yytJAaaa.kxMssaouhhsnriihoa ,,miT ti ..T(ca ..1i J9nJc1.9ha9Pa0p8rh. a9aNync.oett estoTreegsh)see oo ongfprA ltr.a&ihnseat lensemh waxofo lnwo.e scm3tiae8nrul:nsi2t3 i - (ae2KnSdso5be. etr(.hiiezn,) S S eerr ii azJJzeaaaa.ppww a.Naa nBo, , e rSSt(d,.. 1. 115J)99 5. 8G8.:B01 r..o1o t4uS8S. p-9tt 1:uu o5ddf16Aii1.rce9i sssC-ooa1nniem6 na6ttJ.hheae pg guecannnncuuhetssl saAAtreriiij)ssbaalieeummmaa. iiJnn. Ja panese ) Japan (3) G.roup ofArisaema nikoense. J. Jap. Kobayashi,T.,J.Murata & K. Watanabe 2000.The Bot, 56: 90-96. (i nJapanese) dPtihasytttirojitbbaiuxi t.uGgimer oooonbfuo pf t(i.vA5e1 rt:aa5xc7a-e 6oa f6ie, nt )hwees te.4rrinsaema Japan .u ndAuc-ta S e r i zJAaa.w apI,ao nn S(g, 4i1)p 9e.G8dr1uoanu .cpSu tDlfuaAdrtiius emag seromonau pt.h c Aa cmgutreaenns uePsh yAtr oigtsarxao.eu mpG aea noid-n bot,32:22-30.(inJapanese) Kobayashi, T.,J.Murata,T. Suzuki& K. Watanabe. Watanabe,K.,T.Kobayashi& J,Murata l99S,Cytol- Ko b a2gy0ar0so3h.ui p ,T(TaA.xro,Kna,ocmeiScaase Aa)rcem.vtuiasri oaPnh,yKt. ooftWtaahxte.aA .nGaeb oeubndou&lta,t iJ5j.1bl'Mi :uum1r-a1t7a, oagey). Jan . dPl s . yRsct esm.a t1i1cs1: 5 i0n9 -J 5a2p 1a.n ese Aris aema (Arace- Reeeived Eebntai: vi3, 2008; accepted May 3, 2008 NII-Electronic Library Service

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