§ PA) . ” NSFREAWILINE BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY = (SO) NINI Os NO) Ne) —— ‘Teacher's Book ed REVISED sy TIM FALLA BEER TUT UPeeeveoeeeeeeeoeaee Nee PRE” BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY CONNECTIONS An intensive American English series for intermediate students Teacher's Book Revista by Tia FACLA Oxford University Press afer Univer Fs ‘Nese We NY LOE}6 CS east Cleendan Srset Galo O20 B10 Fg ORKORE iss des ot Own! Unive Pas LIN MrasSi68148 ——Tracher's Bul pegs Fat Ble P Winer ORE vsoy Ese Imp 12s TEEN Sea & TEN sieeve Toi loos THA Saecomee es —— wbrkboet Tenn btpaesas teal) Iemotpamars cbr ‘Sincentinne For fsincrntteek Fart) {Gory ater Bak) ‘aierthos No annuthouize photocopying, Allright served, No sel ofthis p.eoa may bs ingests orl mo reteval tenor aaasieed Fei omoebyasn wma lelen, weasel eaecpring vonage hve ep rilleo falas ono eto neers Pro hick sold spa te Heong 2s 2 ipo rlnce art, Hue 0 ibang lemicninding er over onto tein at FoUlshed aie whose mse sonditan tetaiog ie Eaitinn Seng tapoes othe siSecenertsorhasre Paring eLagis We 659 Temad jong Kem Baseioa te Aone aplaica by Fava Non sn ulines ste Packs Sete tural Manse Lamm Eiri Ero Sasocae Evil Mk Slaven Long esperar tact Act Bayes Soviet Psere Semen Pour Hy Pde mgr ars Hal genannten fey Alta, Doves Be, Dales Bucher Chvs Costa, [sha teas, ely Hew Waie Mural Pauly Beano very, fn ean Rag avid Sinn, Ange stmte srr Tharepesn Sth Ce Ticanbers ive gine acme be Peer Chi, Mian Mays, Cyan 1 Benois bint, seshen Sgtry ‘cebu te ant ting fe inn aetgmarpicpeaie et camer iy Ht Arootng couresr o: |e wig Crurms.a division. 02 ~e Sele: {Gorecons ne. and Crtr ebay hlenagesent © Ween Fautey fend Slog #20 Iolealoral GL eens / Hannon Rebs Berd lh arcs Conant, Lie Pele Liter ean: Kt ate (Kor Soes hope Dick “i elgerratonal Seana sinck Shop Morte sl achive Pee, Reseychare,f Mitt Rogers 894, 72 flection er Spor Slack Shey Superrk Peter Ter/Inertion leak Te Icy Shock Shug: "noite the pbs er wl pene rane any 70, vontasioae al Beenie pao. in pine aa i ate tog coo fener, Airc sc, Ameri py Bee Togus oak ut Muchos Hamlet sna, nt Aap [es Fev Nant Serena, ne, Ths Fr: Bory ele, Geter eloe,“apan Ales, lar Uezeue Sosa Propeles Roll-Royee Moar ee, Ca Sale Cet lod, ar Ser piri, Ths He Dee {AL Reads oe eodue aro se eines dann of ‘airmessaive npaniee) Contents Introdu Selection and geadin ‘Ihe four skills yv Listening Speaking Reading weriling Pacing and integration vi Using New American Streamtine: Connections in the classroom vil 1. Review 2. The classroom context 3. Setting up the situation, 4. Ceevoring the text 5. Prelistening questions 5. Playing the revording 2 Lisien and repeat 8. Oral practice 4, Silent reading. 10. Playing the receding again 11. Questions and answers 12. Reteliing TA. Paie Work Application Pair Work 15. Rule playin, 16, Application 17. Copying TK, Further activities 19, Visual aids Inclea to units | $0 x Units 1-40 Appendices Vocabulary Irregular verbs Listening appendix ‘Suggestions for further activiver {continued} oa Workbuok answer key 400 Stustersts wil frequently need to use a “oaest fo creer the text “The appropri sie for this “wagh” ig onttvee te back eters oF tf he Sten Book ase He ‘onchea‘s Bao, —— rc el rl rl lel OOOO ETUC EU TU EULrUhUmrFhUE INTRODUCTION Hise Conner sew Arron a Shudunt Bask, dred cto? f lencher's Boss, contsoiee the gus from the Studer Zook mesleaved with complotestep-by lap procecurés fr teaching eech est 2. a CDerassete, contsiing the comversacioss a4 ents rom the Student Bek, ‘Wknks & a foazh sil AR unites pwoviding, Jang ge naunnaziee foe the shel. prs an vweling exercises, al eting Sc ss Aanrico Sts: Camm ee. intersie, ‘lep/slet coursein Eras os att and young ase snlovratieaiants his eesigned Int cae wh ‘uslert el ay alee shan # esis in eementary course sac as New Amari Shee Derive, tie dowd Stoesmumne: Comet doors a peestical rapateh ip argiage bering nnd ee-ning, his betnoadh i Baza on Fae neil of rer tenascin guage someian anton occnnive Uoseraon Deviance, lt aims lend che sademt award ‘sities alive competence in Fnglis 292 scene the Intgel baggage investing comet nvidia ronipalatve peactive uf she Linge landing ths guage hte seal commnunceaee fines ina ae he cassrann situation il ‘iow 4. cso cece appleauae of ke mee bequind language Selection and grading At te iteraeemioievel. he sudont Ian feo 2 Som atthe guage bey sre hoe aeady earned, srsbows mpecicty armed, and Cece ie 3nd or forsiaul arise and “igfencement ALh=same ta, the studar sons he eggs nw anche age Me have tl to hale thee ero ere by inilding a constact review lames cto che strastaral 1Neis Aveninan Sinemtie ‘pparsuutes ka noose ac ‘clement of te inguse nese ard alert fests, Srachieves tats in or ay ecg {psi eviews and zeintercciene its 2. ama pein ob heysting keg srclares, Yyectbaary thes and exrmsnai ae new elements of tne langage have sen sects 1 emda 74M Of 1 gam! oey 2. Hecuvesy 3. general dechulness 4, tsedieve unatalness The four skills pina te maim Pane» co penple learn sade snething rs adople ssie fiat Peay lsa os Hote lini, uple Isa to spoal by savas euple lesa co read by reading seople Ira to write, by rt, Ml Listening tn Bes Serena Santo Can sevice for Hee suet a= 41, —tssning ty te acne. the eachee nm tse couiset wil. provide he maa impotany endl nn roti Uae ado il ashi he nn Dasa Doom ‘he mehr show. eer English ata speed consis with woreal sess, yuh, ane inlonatinn pains leachesalle’ epi se avoided, Rote ro Une lemplation. "| omy he's Gaeshecorts io wales tae Hear he, tayo notine owsvzealomal Feel 2 taxening sn raced woes ov te CD Zonal “Theebvinue advantage ab asposiap lh sialon! "a valley a vei oie ef ae ebesituale she krone wi ave ro cope wat ves vey, be Ieivat aeher ec orten ct out a vareny of Fe, ra iris always second ser, He suggest using he Facaréing as part Loe gowseratiar a! Irs 3. Tien =p flaw sess Thon ae wily bk in rh etches ae pair wore ae row planing is that the stsderts may be exposes teimpercest langange redels We tel chat the 223%Iape6 lr susreigh [ea disatvanlape Tw riske ntl rinsinde0 By cman Ir Ca epee: mallets have Tween Fearung’lysvaelod «a controlled sering vtorsurabarking on lea somtioed acivig A. Lintennng hime orell Tae ivty is eth hndlereied. The ahudes. shout Sm even cenerarigel ly eae-page Teer vere epee wit shat fo satate muds, Tis se, a dune wt const ‘oitoring by the teacher the casero ant the langunge or hy the studerts vecseehvs in i ah 1. sjslesing les more masencive passages al axonal rostral sow Iku! iene bos et Ja spor nforuution er foe ewer easing chee Jistoning paseuges are ot prin x. the ait 20a ot the Sadent Buok, bec ae: ul i the stein, Appancis Speaking sci fr she aden a 4 Sileelwo rsuina ol nuded eorances These ae fist preset y se teicksr orb votes onthe rans the stents ers0usag6d ac ve moe! ak cesely as pele. Choe reper: hn theaeaulag of nasi Ie chiseat uP langage ora or he cae ake rennin. Caachi the speasieg, nregrorkevruvududuaeeee aa anc ‘he wily! tit fl es piesens Devil pel rou mites the nade The seeseaty of cath tle och 2 Measipulative Poetic, ‘Iexe exercises 5 give the tudes pracice the neurite Fo Targuage potunte Such Prati san essentn. sep oward che ultimate gut 9 aextive y2a5d0, Stace sue Be ible tu ay hg! hey Sen ty shah ehey wane oes i 2B, Conmalled sauce. These vetoes sre teased va nadle the atocert exe the nce aseuined Late in statiass thar mints ateehe possility uf eur esponse bvecise. Questions ir Answers imded esting. Invention cvezsiee, Cra! Canrption “eercises, Cree the aternent, gd De Work are all vd Un prot tes hing 2 svg eis 4. pplicien or eecse, Wherever possible she Sludevs is encouraged to ase the new caqszed langage ir scane say messingta to hay ter. The degen of wal cas siession thal wakes place so ‘sir viled Dy The nau the cassetom teesmoranl sea the lee Hosea: by Seung up ruled silua-ons, ee hope i give tha Suet Prac geting he Lngnge ory nenpe Mt Reading ts Rear ctnngen Stowe: Corwe svovitc tort tutor Ihe rin 4. easing ran the hoatd the tenchae wil often Sel iWosehal and necisssry to waite arene tel, seabalay ites. gfacrss Summaries €., 08 ee Ted 2. Ransieg everyting ths appears x the Stadeat Keak This i include sors tales, sn ater, Fur, Vl. ss, inaction, ce ever lowes gpa foun se Lice nt conien-nges te <Grumeisesunnnary le gle back of boas, the Stacest Book dues can ey Ease Tingle nse sirs sither ute dlc! yreczimael bi Mh prone imple, frecuuney savant) or oF the Fev hes type Eetrocnci vourse saving yal youryob's, AL, cxcope wher thoy apeers asthe til ears aL (eg. ieepreing), Such desrrgeions ean be uf value 0 Ins tazener aad ace corte tte icehur's Book [ts lupe he lascher whether ae not he /ahe nest use Sressraleal dscripsions when prevencng pints of Eearimoe tn the scent, [ike listening, reasing 9 re eel cess alle estening orunese a earning lang 286 [Recast iu cons hep he stden rw spesk, mi neurnnleesgersea ysl porpnse it te earong secure een hem he ape gine billy esr cam Wolke rinfae dei amon wat ham sandy booe evens peur fray. Mureuver trestle te a see of sptistaction 226 acbievernent om soaliye The silert Feasng alive alse eervethe praca parmose of pkg oases! calm im tae genera bly burly 02 spivesdat: welt speaking inche sn aecveaspuage leone. Tose 9 het te sentz el sh sr ane turf and te gather Ing Ihe 2. Resting. devciopmen sedviies in he Workin, These neue rexcing for git ane =cadng lor go invertnatiun, sme si nae or omnes, m Writing no dase Swaine onsen selva Bh sen sr she veiing 4, Copymg foot the bourd The smdere ray be asded cop lmgecage mages, waerbalany ems, grammar Sumi ete, 2a Frere Tabee sina in the Saint lla an Alfills eunnser af proses Uhey ecinforce and consolidate what nes been aesed sei 24 gen. Thay sis glectae seacher use teback The exec esighad to Inem.a samara the foc! punts deseo, Thay c22.3e Gone erally eeLand ths wrt ther in clase ov fv Rrmessoek, the ssa om sentences. Tse Li's eveiieee 2 ne ade Be s:eind-caea by a canceling of Ihiee due (#8 Iris reecarmende a te sli rile reve Pranerses 2.9 Sayaate pice pupae Ha in he st 3. Guided Corr panitions. Tie curaisitons in Xe ‘Bonttan Stvanaine Canta 2 ec hae QE Feywetyss oy, exe gud toe eaten thatthe stucken! yas presentos wit sade! wha 6 bine inser cunmaesiton 4. Comupresetion Qacetiors, At lomqaert interes Uieugtusr the course comnprehersion questions fppere inthe Snudene Boos. These shoul vaya be ‘how oxay but el the e:ststion a the wach eat he aged to gavvide sillen seinkeen 8. Diciation Bvemal gieel.nn arsine are cot suuggesled the Tee's Bo Fsieidunl once ower, ray ocemscmally fl se ng isle ‘el dilaton nlivny Notting oe be ested renga alrndly uo hea a B. Faesinesa~ ty Worthan. Fess are design wo ons ae game masra!n e Saemt Loo, (Sing van bmn as orto homme ar st sent shonld only alaapt wer afte: full ur pene of the rocget eye Pacing and integration Now rear: Comoe i a being ‘series and ag, geseral tg each unit should be fonsidatec sev lessor, Civil dileren gh ft sudants have dillon lena: ales and wach sl Foun idle ou hein sarying, nce. We a very Fastelats a2 imaginative marhiesaa easy expend the ivan slagec ess, ert enon Fa Rorkbenk, or og 2+ moet the fertie elis soyrsted With a very clase ly, Ca each thas Aecsiesa precied more suly arbour Bee eae senges In particular Dts 1 Agha € emaal the len rr seta. hows mua reviews aesessany lustre premoeeing. hse £298 “There gem vt. in cempeng one ci pet Isp, Larges Tas bec caret lly seed tn insti fr arial ries Free hy inring a re Phi dhoeagh meespelalce wees and overa es Practws Peace nalts, Tis seer evade airs ot fara ae Neo dno Sins Caan ina alte iunvasata otves-prowiicg sk Une seatersl amseasany Hersucslerecdisbecen a nctadig 4 apialing lesen. Cite st9a sures hve Pht Our lesan muri tn ig fen Ns ear Bae gos single jo ray ote Pe ea {np oy i lle re etersmrdl- e ae sden ion Te Mie Ari gral variety fs res Haitancexesiee bem Comins hse the tse rormat et sileran: Using New American Streamline: Connections in the classroom “The Tear a's inn peeves vaey ul esi plans oe ia nunvaering sytem enables mast ebenice-a inane Ue eck Ina actelies. Lie (ill pate utelul whee hecourea shared beciran Ibesbrmira.earhane Thigh the n0ces. rcterunces spoken hy The ose, the agen ces fe bela kate ie inlenucad 39 Th eles BoC pam $ anenvtve. he nations falas sel gee aa re sane ur abrage Hoang Distr” eater Mar Tha 8 possible sett of expt weil sey Be found teal Iss 2 Because of toe ets aco fing Ug indista eel ats ecm he ranllies tem nae acest to gzether Cbvious., ‘ree lachess vk it 2 enplot tes mateval er sven cage ad adap i othe cn teachin 5-6, ‘Gyrvna Lantand inssusticne ae given in Le eas he's lean aes uni ace flac an explana cork at se 1. Bloty reves 1 peaslaus leo hve seo he Beginning ofa wa fase enaes Tae seorliorhp lgrk sed ‘in(gre the aching sinks of the provine ein belie manag ah Ie seve mle [Ae sen tbat! Ig Keates oe 2st suo or ttre? be Fae honky ose ex ace Foe ussrlly Br eeabl 2. Use the contest af the cnssroumn Tov arg lange oe Chena alerts Seetuvad in content 16 eats sakes tha ferm at am ilhist2tes| Forversalias levL i he Sanden bom Som. Fes, trees Ihe €as6F0n Stes on Leal Seems ernie forte Fi fine. Wen ch splints ee tech Un towcat, th: surther ses avis toe Sudan: Bsr gene com sd erslidaten 4. Sel up the situation Refore presen. scmwoeneig ee Ube st ste shill faved in ite Ten <avirsgshee hae st presence Pols” Tem eft ym ‘tuden. Bonk usually engdlecale racseesstetaleh he areca: contebor place Ice nd whats involved Teac ves aun eaucages I aatire le cera do hag Se up ee dt questions nn a az page heel of Ta. 4. Coes the tee 1. simpectn inthe Lisbon wei Rese ant the lesson Te Pascal hn! nel el ee te the writes ea rneragl = rs ew stilts ses Peocgat Hi seseopaate Lanes Une yea ab he Sond Bok hte Sigparonene write. Tee ize oF te requires “mask” “cht fed ur Hh back covers sot oe Stade Bok seal hae Teacher Bee 5 Srlistoning questions ‘par fromm the Stesng exeses chat agen Scent Back, pressing qees ane somel ines soygestet in i teasers noe ns ure bers Inlenig te-semne recordings and belore veding pastapes Thos sessions should he vale cm ths fd ‘harean evarhvag pratt is viele, leazagavens'en il se psesienss may I seeps Ti il sav ane bur the less 1, Play the eocorting tne act omt the cemorsstion slot srumos on che vi banes, 4 ‘Tain aneglors fang the spcor'ste Udeation, ssn hiss the CL veasutle Actizygeut a eourersvion ray be mazes seca ‘sisipmentie raking o Benken, A ehnge ob wae ‘oF postin helps crate te cusen al 6m 7, Listen and repeat ths repels saga ian Papal par’ ol Me larry proceae The class should repeal a Sneae checlly Fy, senile a. raaidem fier rs ‘Chore rpehion pives all Pe stesenks cel pat ny Tedividual eepece anne ie ta ec for arrulacs.Caredul aL etion stud le ped la aceale leet iyo Inka The hie ye [pet umd neprcaiei in Pan gpeen tend Tor tllosares a Be been ge ere macable pees ley “buleup” exe, che Irn He Penns of Ee utes Morice banceany" a fom the ond teselward ouilup'? dapessing nz whee the protless isin chesen snes "72 Scksvand buildup. sarge eaten 1k ein sen CU | Repetition sages Fite mie as ke esr 112 Peet baie ypget sete: Teton agen hc Ye shana a te 2 8. Ohal practice (Orel ponticn encines eae the sicent 0 intamnaline tvs fori shslangeage sash, bese van prose Ane ened Lceraioe C8 ches he ieee Coven patie leads Ie Mupe prvtcetiaa, Tae lt mst :age ronal Fa sia hee s/s Gan any I emmunaleeet 8 Ths crude’ wotense, The made, serene oe she crerciae oasays contealua tae. tee wherewc? ‘Senne na vlenesn of elesenaliaioa w sotsined haunt Ae cscrs, 8.2 ‘Theunes (only Be ores aes ty ee mage rem taeatuleals) The epee sauold slays ve fami to she stacezt, On. oveviousle learned ena seme fee aed us oecastonaly univesaly tama terms such ee Crez-coll, bt The lore exerci sould he cally 8: up hy the tac ast the rtgeas kao ese Whe Tey haves This deal aan fe eae ye Ios dere Panos i sha hoe Lm eseiie wee 19 Pacing Ths pel oe cen is venga he beclume geeky Sor he clades ts “ep meade beets Ta ifrteres eno lenge Co tenets Thy tu ining counted se, ak ‘aver tae pa at Pra can be ecrvtng £5 Choral srntie, Lis manimices toe soroumt et langange petri ad yivescunficenes tothe lamers £6 Individual gectice, Chi weld normally owe lhe cheval tagé le naa te leecher 2a check aur “The leseser pes he cus bul dings net indicate who ie lestostorr anil athe ssents hase aad sie 9 Mig ‘lap nasvoe. I his ay every suder ieeneain peal Te ovine merially each response “There ina geal atiely of practi exerci in at Amsroany Saale: Coumerte, pl me i 4 {chan fasion fr euse Facey efor hy “hs leactur Paiva axweciee serge invvmplesty em slunple bution and Ireacemaliya te male fese wens aurea. hr wl iy al she tute eapruvice prclive cagmeaes when nec 9, Silent teasing tether the stun «send sha test silently ana Inez ten speed. ne silat-veaduag seivty eves vohal hea” head an praciced ans steparss be cnty fi ster pracice poe ik belweee he tore misaaniea anal Ce ter pared theless 1 ss geese pce ata! aden Fete wet? ater tei shoughrs Staden's ould be mc urag to eoep aay questions until he eal afl clei 40, Play the reading agsin ‘Tes coufants avi mepforc wha the seen Bee “d,s fa fle Peewee boo TL Questions and Answers “Tein atts signa ta ype further ange practice ani le rherkcounzinhosior The lev: seu Blovays be coveted ly anaes tho fall aetetion of te las. rng sersglon lel chose sone apa nal La eapeK, Hea grea rene Rh aucteris. The nec shor wae he qesiona in Ee “Teacher Roo Wes 4 varicy uF nations 1A seh ction ky gota Ma? wedi a, Fa ere yen ge ee ero te ei fend vee Hark ‘Or quetions wn Chiage? LL} Wh or quistionseord guests, hase en rs guides ts che pects Yeeponse, Wiese ite Wis EEN 00g Wie 0 yn ae? {LA Question ganvalne, tn a petted Ak rife the Tor evample T. Maria. 3p wr Shei? Sls ast Tan Pre Sl: Feeyen Hives? 8 Nea Ue Akt 52: Le yen bee? Sa er 1 sk SA. Bias a ist TS Appl Ts i gna Net rt? 5 Yo, ea T. Rico vcr bere to Yo? r i per die yr eer due 2 Ne ‘és, Fame int me Pea? Iie 4 ge te Ne Yor? oe 1a Hist Questinns. The question hal pein ae Sinden! Dkch le aeoompany alee at eaelin fan he used fe will Fanmewrk pre Pay HUE. “They ave naca'ly WB geaton, ed Feros samenarize a ke 12. Retelling Ape: Ins Questions an Sansrens. wich cowl be gocthe a8 real:ing seve ave thee later hips ee ve ian eae {Ssanplen fd #8 122 Compe my states ‘Tage sentenve sages Cagis to. 07 122 Caneel an alemens Tangel senene sees had sore on arse had vse en 12 sdetlling 5h es 28a Lindo CT Macc 3934, Tose meus are alten peaclve tw give vamery of 48, Pair Wouke ‘Student through a eazsoneation in pees, Rash Ide plas bh ete several ates. Tbe lesches ‘npuld hvala, checking ee pronunciaten and Ietonscrs hes hens fea cst une of ten Ze fevehersin pai inset ws he xh sade Best mm thy om sickle elmo cheekeng on he othe. Tele aol he frvdens 73 shang partners eg 1, Application'Tair Work: In tis acevity snes practice a comvuzsation in ties bos sabstiae mom cues, Une ace also ase to estan ech cert eli previeusly praccicad Fees eee ego. 15 Rote play “hotly Kinds ol Pair Wonk, stuns ave toa seri ster, ae paging, The may aso be encouraged frst si.jon wih Pe eacher. a pa "ami ale is nol esesaaey for susoeeshe we slaying, Aspwetoé "greg" se eathsinsin Foremurcale hese bo Te sles 16, Application “This activity sims to encourage the steunt to wa she nets accuivad langange in exe way menninghul 0 him The slasaone situation obvious. Eis the duno. 40 ea eoramunica.on pees Applical.on saacegies are suggerted Unoughout he ust bushi use tn vacy esvoring 0 che teacup raation, aby deci ion aoe on eae: be sclatsd to pariwar students. thelr ackgtounds, and rode Lene ate tv general sisegies W6il_ Age eation questions, New sich ak seeabuaty that ave aan doesn = Gunna od Draciced aan ba relied sieesy tthe niet fer Pampa Unit ni? i yo se? Unit fever degen sumer unit Unik Mi grte 162 Simla a waar stg Unie Unie 9 Bayes sosteshiy Uni. 8 Uni 38 165 Tamgavige gaa oe 33 Fe en Conte nee Wise asi le Duked 16 Mb projets, Toke may hedone outside ccosamacr legprcily tor schools i an Engh Sspovkary nacetoy for example Luniz 2 Bow ease or ag Unit 30. isk ammeome frie 165 Hinman apsticalion nwt 25. ieee ttn aaa Tis? Wiese of eee men 19. Copying, Ihe ais the ten hor sere he ange summary Mae aged, td Fhe chem cry Ateally =n ths information rests to i OC€ ficuly mn the zuma Teanay aka provide a welenne change of stil 18, urther activities olloing the aching notes I eh unit ii further scvinie at verso she seaeluces 22d vyeeabilsey aug in ce unit, Mash ofthe atv eee Gesigued fo promote Mluency rtharths. accuracy aml ‘ake he tern eb ganves, ole lags, Pie Work, a ‘ther communicative ace, 18. Vieual aids In ives American Steaatine, Consaction all" nits ee -Hewsaled, ad etn visual sis 96 3 oweres the Slowing ma Sn veh 10.1 Algo preeserouainign'y seve hye Tas aoe age ine abjrnse, only corsurvuluye. etc} pans uf lrcets (aves. Zork, pours, efor pha. nel comaazsons sad acne uel comtalnor ottes cans, BEES, et) for coun 19.2 A prop sassronm eck with movab.e hangs, 193 Mesh cards, A solerion of tas cards cat 36 easy builsep by pasling pictures trom magariner. fia plaineatle These could be gion ulna Rmrimrimrnmmnmnhnntnninnnnh iin ir mamrmammnm mn