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Never Take Another Puff - WhyQuit PDF

149 Pages·2003·1.32 MB·English
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Table of Contents Never Take Another Puff Author’s Disclaimers and Use Authorization About the Author Preface Chapter 1: Why Do People Continue to Smoke? You smoke because you’re a smoke-a-holic! Junkie, burn-out, addict, drug abuser, drunk, alcoholic, smoke-a-holic “Why do I smoke?” “I smoke because I like smoking!” “I have to smoke because of all my stress!” “I smoke because I’m self-destructive!” "How can I quit if I live with a smoker?" "Why should I quit smoking?" "I could just get run over by a truck." The power of advertising Are you smoking more and enjoying it less? A safer way to smoke “I’ve smoked for so long and so much, what is the use in quitting now?” Quitting smoking: a fate worse than death? “What a relief, I think I have cancer!” Quitting by gradual withdrawal “I can’t quit” or “I won’t quit”? How would you deal with the following situations? “Why did I start smoking? Why did I quit?” Chapter 2: The Real Cost of Smoking My Cigarette, My Friend Reasons people want to quit smoking Proud to be a smoker? The social toll of smoking Smokers need not apply! The isolation of a widowed smoker The closet smoker Medical implications of smoking “So I can’t run marathons” “It’s only cigarette smoking - it’s not like a crime punishable by death” “Because now it really hurts!” Individual approaches used to motivate smokers to quit Smoking and circulation The fan letter The real cigarette induced "roller coaster" ride Smoking’s impact on the lungs “If cigarettes were as deadly as you claim they are, the government would not sell them!” He will quit when he “bottoms out!” Chapter 3: How to Quit Smoking Quit smoking tip sheet Quit cold turkey! Setting quit dates “I will quit when...” Take it ONE DAY AT A TIME Using deep breathing as a safe and effective quitting aid “I’m not going to smoke today!” "What should I do with my leftover cigarettes?" Finding cigarettes A 99.9% commitment to quit smoking will fail Every quit is different Attitude The importance of the first three days of your quit Minimizing the most common side effects to quitting smoking Possible withdrawal symptoms Will this quit smoking symptom go away? Understanding the emotional loss experienced when quitting smoking New reactions to anger as an ex-smoker Smoking triggers Avoiding triggers How to do nothing without a cigarette Replacing crutches Quitting for others “Should I find a quit smoking buddy?” “I’m going to have to carry cigarettes with me at all times for me to quit smoking.” Can people quit smoking and still drink alcohol? Does everything smell and taste better after quitting? Sleep adjustments The smoking dream Possible changes in caffeine tolerance Medication adjustments that may be necessary “I’m just too weak to quit smoking!” “My support group is responsible!” “I liked my other smoking clinic more!” Support group diversions “What should I call myself?” “How can I get my family and friends to quit smoking?” Can we motivate a smoker to quit if he thinks he doesn’t want to quit? The easy way out! Quitting methods - who to believe? Pharmacological crutches Pharmacological aids: prolonging withdrawal syndromes So how did most successful ex-smokers actually quit smoking? 40 years of progress? "Whatever you do don't quit smoking cold turkey!" Is cold turkey the only way to quit? “How does your program compare to...” Divine revelations Chapter 4: Relapse Prevention The Smoker’s Vow The Law of Addiction “Just one little puff?” The lucky ones get hooked! “Maybe I am different?” “Was I addicted?” Curiosity killed the quit “Everyone is different?” Fixating on a cigarette “You said it would get better. It’s just as bad as the day I quit smoking!” The urge hits Thoughts that seem worse than urges experienced the first few days Dying for a cigarette Negative support from others Words that translate to "RELAPSE" “You know smoking two or three cigarettes is better than having smoked two or three packs!” "Well, at least I attempted to quit smoking. That is better than not trying at all." “I feel 100% better since I quit” “Why are you so hard on the concept of cheating?” "I think I have decided to go back to smoking" The smell of relapse “The only time I think of cigarettes is when I receive one of your stupid letters!” The fallacy of "good cigarettes" Your New Year’s quit smoking resolution “If they ever cure lung cancer, I would go back to smoking.” "I made a conscious decision to smoke" “I went back to smoking when I was in the hospital with pneumonia.” We understand why you relapsed Complacency “Things were just so bad at work that I took a cigarette!” "Help Me, I've relapsed!" A plea for help or a cry for attention? Come share your strength, come recognize your vulnerabilities “Never Take Another Puff!” Chapter 5: Weight Gain & Control Minimizing the weight gained from quitting smoking “I’ve tried everything to lose weight but nothing works!” “I would rather be a little overweight and not smoking than underweight and dead.” “I will stop smoking after I lose weight” Chapter 6: Smoking Prevention Frightening trends in teenage smoking What can we do to stop the rise of teen smoking? “Thank goodness it’s only cigarette smoking!” Kids Just Don’t Get It! Why I don’t speak at more sites on how to help people quit smoking. Chapter 7: Smoking, a Historical Perspective When smoking was a “choice addiction” “How did we survive back then?” The right to smoke in public “I am a smoker!” Never Take Another Puff By Joel Spitzer Copyright © Joel Spitzer, 2003 3rd Edition: December 26, 2021 NTAP’s Online Home NTAP is available in the following formats: EPUB PDF MOBI WORD AZW3 Please share NTAP! Author’s Disclaimers and Use Authorization Copyright © Joel Spitzer, 2003. This book or any portion thereof may be freely distributed in either electronic or print form so long as no charge is made for it, and so long as this notice remains with any significant portion of the book when distributed. Joel Spitzer and WhyQuit.com are not affiliated with any product or service, nor do they endorse any service or product. It is our belief that a person does not need to spend any money in order to break free from nicotine. It is our belief that people do not need to be hypnotized, acupunctured, lasered, patched, gummed, vaped, lozenged, take bupropion, varenicline or any vitamin or supplement, or use any other product or procedure to quit smoking. Joel Spitzer and WhyQuit.com provide all information totally free of charge. Our work may not be used to endorse any quitting product and service. Those marketing quitting products and services do at times approach us for consent to share our materials. We allow our materials to be distributed for the benefit of individual quitters but they must be distributed totally free of charge, without solicitation or donation requests, there can be no mention of any quitting service or product on any page of our materials, any reproduction must contain our copyrights, this disclaimer must be included in full, and sharing our materials should in no way be construed as an endorsement of any product or service. Please contact us at [email protected] if any handout or publication is found to contain product or service information, or if these materials were used to market or promote any fee based product or service. Specific complaints will result in permanent revocation of permission for the offending business to distribute our materials. Our literature is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a reader and his/her physician. Do not rely upon any information in this quitting literature to replace individual consultations with your doctor or other qualified health care provider.

If you want to quit smoking all you need to do is to never take another puff. There you have it-a roadmap for breaking free from one of the deadliest scourges ever
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