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Never Sleep Alone Again - Succeed With Women - Report 1 PDF

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Never Sleep Alone Again The Framework of Success With Women http://www.andyhodge.com Andy Hodge 2003 2003 andyhodge.com All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this eBook may be copied, sold or reprinted without express, written permission from the author. All violators will be persecuted to the fullest extent allowable by law. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. The reader is warned that the improper use of some or all of the techniques in this book may result in legal consequences, civil and/or criminal. Never Sleep Alone Again The Framework of Success With Women Hi All, My name is Andy Hodge and we are going to be talking about how you are going to find even more women to date. Now I don’t mean any women, but specifically those women that you fancy, those that you used to find unattainable, in fact the women of your deepest desires. Not only this but we are going to look at ways that will get them to beg for the pleasure of your company. Before we go on though there are some health warnings that you might want to consider. This system: • Is not about getting women to do anything they don’t want • Is not about lying, cheating or manipulating • Is about treating women with respect • Is about presenting you in your best light and giving women the opportunity to see you as an option for them having a brilliant time • Is quick, fun and easy, but does require practice • Will challenge you and get you to examine how you treat and are treated by others, women specifically If you don’t want to have a great time changing your beliefs and getting people generally and women specifically to treat you differently then please don’t bother reading any further. If you are still here, let me tell you a little about what this system will allow you to do: 1. Develop a winning mind set that guarantees to get results 2. Confidently approach women knowing you will get a great reaction 3. Tap into the unconscious desires of women in a way that they only dream about 4. Speak to women in a way that captures and leads their imagination to having a great time…with you 5. Get women to associate great positive feelings to being with you But let’s get this straight, what this is really about and what this system will do for you is: HAVE A GREAT TIME DATING LOTS OF REALLY GORGEOUS WOMEN Now, does this take practice? Of course! Does it mean you have to go out and try new things? Absolutely! Are you going to have great fun practicing this stuff? Certainly! But only if you go into it with the intention of having fun. When I learnt this material myself I had a great teacher that was with me and pushed me to use the material, shared my success and failures and generally made sure that I kept up with the practice. That is why I have set up a message board where you can post your questions direct to me for encouraging words of advice and you can all learn from each other. But I have no time for time wasters – If you have no intention to use this material, if you are here just to look at some theory or want to learn about not treating people, particularly women, with respect please don’t bother reading any further. If on the other hand, you have an open mind, ready to screw up your courage and have a go at doing things differently…then step into the pool, the water’s great and there is a lot of fun to be had spending time with great women. AN OVERVIEW OF HOW TO GET WOMEN PANTING WITH DESIRE FOR YOU The system is deliberately really simple and each step builds on the last. Outside of the framework that we are talking about now there are only three broad areas that we need to discuss. As you go through each section you will dramatically increase your chances of getting a date with the best women. Each section increases your chances a hundred fold, each section builds from the last and each section needs to be dealt with in order. If you have never met this stuff before, please stick to learning all this material in order, as that is the way this material has been designed. If you think you are already good at any one section just remember to use it in the order prescribed and just have a go. These are powerful techniques that seem simple and they create some astounding results. But to really know what is going on, you do have to go out and use the material. My master key to success – Just go out and do it. Let me explain by way of contrast just how powerful this system is. My old approach to introducing myself to women used to go something like this: I would see someone I quite liked. I would then work myself up into a frenzy of self doubt with voices going on in my head saying things like: - “What have you got to offer?” - “What will she see in you?” - “You’re shit and she knows it?” If I did pick up enough courage to speak to her, and often I just wouldn’t bother, my approach would be nervous and hesitant. I would be falling over myself, knocking drinks over and not being able to speak. Well how are you likely to react if someone stands in front of you doing guppy impressions and spilling drinks? Probably not very well, but very occasionally I would get a good reaction. And by the way I used to count hysterical laughter a good impression. On those few occasions I would leap desperately into “Let me impress you” mode and I would come out with streams of rubbish about how great I was at anything I could think about. Guess what I usually went home alone. Does this seem familiar? Now imagine you changed all of that for the approach I now use. Just imagine going out expecting success. So you scan all the women in the bar, spot the ideal woman. You look at her with detached interest and think to yourself “Okay she’s good looking, but what else has she got to offer me?” Expecting a good result, but also knowing there are hundreds of available women just waiting for you, you go over. You walk over and in a calm, pleasant tone introduce yourself in a way that will put her at ease and instantly build rapport. You then have a really great conversation whilst gently building her desire to have a great time…with you. Once you have her getting really excited about you perhaps, you suggest that you have to leave. At this point she would be just desperate to hand over her number. Does this work exactly like this all the time…Well of course not. But the key issue is that the approach is very relaxed, I build rapport instantly and I get them to feel good about themselves and through that feel good about having me around. And if it doesn’t work, well I know there are more and more women out there that are just waiting to have a great time with someone like me and so there are many more opportunities. In fact, these days, I tend to look for women that are not only good looking but impress me in all sorts of other ways as well. If they don’t impress me in the first five minutes of a conversation then I gently make my excuses and leave. Just because a woman is good looking it doesn’t mean they deserve your company. So let us break down the component parts of this system and take a look at what makes the difference. The building blocks of this approach are built on three foundations: • A winning mindset • Creating instant connections • Capturing and leading their imagination There are separate reports on each of these sections that you can download. These reports deal with the subject in much greater depth and have exercises geared to helping you integrate the approach quickly and easily. But for the sake of this report let me tell you more about each. A WINNING MINDSET - The Foundations of Success - Think about this just for a moment. All of your beliefs about yourself and your world are based on your experiences. That doesn’t make any of them true, just what you choose to believe. All beliefs start with some potential, a basis in experience, you then take some action based on this potential and get some results. The results you get will reinforce your potential until it becomes a belief. An example would be a belief that some men have about not being any good at meeting women. One of these guys may say in his head something like “I’m hopeless with women…I always mess up…I can never think of things to say…” and so on. Well with these thoughts running through his head when he approaches a woman he is probably going to make it all come true and then he can turn round and say, “See I told you it’s true!” If, on those rare occasions he gets it right what he is likely to say is something like “I was lucky” or it was all down to her and that sort of rot. Key Point: You will filter your experience to make what you believe come true. None of your beliefs need to be true; they are just your filters for your current experiences. If you change your beliefs all of the results you get will change…and even better…they will continue to reinforce themselves until you always get the results you are expecting. If you want to know more about beliefs FEEL FREE to download my special report. I will show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily. So knowing this, what would be a good set of beliefs to be holding? Well how about a belief that there are more available, good looking women out there than you have time to date. Believe me when I decided to take this on as a belief, more and more available women suddenly started to appear. You might argue that you are just seeing more opportunities and…. you are probably right. The point being that before I just filtered out these women from my experience, because I just didn’t believe that there were any around. I used to see a really good-looking woman and make myself believe that she wasn’t available, so I wouldn’t bother to go and find out. You will be surprised at just how many women are there waiting for the ideal man to turn up. Another thing that happens if you take on a belief like this is that you become less desperate and more discerning. If you have this belief and you find a woman that is not really interested in you, or is brain dead from the neck up, why would you bother spending any time with her? If you knew there were hundreds of available women around you would just politely leave and look for a better opportunity. If you want to know more about beliefs feel free to download my special report and I will show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily. Other great beliefs that would work with dating more women would include: • I have a great personality and have a lot to offer any woman • I can find loads of great women to share my life with • I am just out having fun meeting loads of women (or just people if you prefer) • I am confident in meeting new people / women • Life is great and I am going to share this feeling with as many women / people as I can • I am the master of the universe and am going to dominate all lesser species…sorry…just a little joke. Just imagine what life would be like if you were constantly carrying around these sorts of beliefs. Would this make some difference to your life? The great thing about this is that the more you take on these beliefs the more all this becomes true for you. Beliefs can be changed easily; all it takes is a little bit of effort and a small period of adjusting to a new version of you. If you want to know more about beliefs feel free to download my special report and I will show you how to change your beliefs quickly and easily. CREATING INSTANT CONNECTIONS - The Secret of Success - Indulge me for a moment and just think of someone that you know and get on with really well. Think about the last time you met them and had a great time with them. As you think of that time notice how much you were both in tune with each other, if you think about it perhaps you can picture just how much you were taking on each other’s mannerisms, or you might be picking up the feelings and mood that you created. Now some of you probably know what I mean by matching and mirroring. For those of you who don’t, I will explain more a bit further down. But for those of you that do know, here is a word of warning: Matching and mirroring is a rapport builder, but there are ways and means of doing this that go way beyond just mechanically copying people’s body movements or physiology. For those that haven’t yet got a clue what I am talking about yet here is a Key Point: People like people that are like themselves So as you think of people that you get on with really well, you will start to think of lots of things that you have in common. Perhaps you have common experiences, you like the same movies or music. You might even start noticing that you use the same language, talk the same way and have the same sorts of mannerisms and gestures. Now you might also say that all of this changes when you are with different sets of friends…and you would be right. The fact is we act differently with different types of people. For those of you that don’t agree, think about this just for a second – - Do you act exactly the same way with your parents as you do your friends? - Would you act the same with a police officer as you would a lover? If you do, let me know where and when the court case is. What happens is that on an unconscious level you will start to act a little more like the people you are close to and they will do the same with you. Here is a little piece of homework for you. Just go somewhere where there are people in conversation with each other, maybe a bar or restaurant and just watch people that are getting on with each other, or not as the case may be. You will notice that people in rapport with each other will have a natural rhythm or flow that matches each other. Just knowing this means you have a powerful, nonverbal connection strategy. Just matching key aspects of the woman you want to meet allows you to put her at ease right from the start. If you match and mirror the right things you will instantly build rapport and develop a great connection. I guess your next question would be, “what should I be matching and mirroring?” If I were totally mercenary I would tell you to buy my special Making Instant Connections report. But I want to be good to you guys…so here it is: • Angle of head • Tone, volume and pace of • Spinal tilt speaking • Gestures and movement • Facial expressions (but only when appropriate) • Any words that they use • Breathing often • Posture • Blinking The word of warning: When I say this to people they go off and start doing it really mechanically. That is not the point. What I would point out is that this is a naturally occurring quirk of human nature and you need to do this naturally. A more in depth version of this and exercises that are designed to get you to do this easily and naturally appear on my Make Instant Connections Report. But this is enough for you to have a go at just gently building rapport with other people. Please go out and have a go just noticing the different feelings you get when you establish rapport with people. An easy way of noticing the difference is when you are with some friends where you have a natural rapport just break it in the middle of a conversation and notice the difference in how you feel inside a well as how it changes the quality of the conversation. Now here is the really clever bit. Let us assume that you have practiced building rapport, you have noticed what happens when you build rapport and you already know that after you have rapport people will naturally follow your gestures as much as you are following theirs. Now I know that for some you will want to have a look at the report and go and practice a little first, but let’s just assumed you have done this for the purposes of the illustration below. Just imagine the situation where you are walking up to the woman you have selected to talk to. As you are walking up, you build a gentle level of rapport non-verbally (there is a specific way I show you to do this in my Making Instant Connections report). As you get closer you make eye contact and hold this a little longer than normal and at the same time you slowly “grow” a genuine smile. I will guarantee if you do this right you will get 99% of women smiling back at you. The 1% that don’t are not worth your attention or have had far too much plastic surgery.

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