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Never Give Up: How To Overcome Anything PDF

164 Pages·2015·0.75 MB·English
by  Lloyd
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NEVER GIVE UP ‘How To Overcome Anything’ By Ivor Lloyd COPYRIGHT Copyright © Ivor Lloyd 2015 Ivor Lloyd has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. A previous version of this book was published in 2012 by Purple Press. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. DEDICATION Thank you to my parents and friends for their continued love and support. I would also like to say a very special thank you to my dear friend Nick Illingworth, for the many hours spent editing this book. I would like to dedicate this book to my three children: Oliver, Isabel & Phoebe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction How To Use This Book Section One — Accept 1. Accept Who You Are 2. My Story… 3. Life Owes You Nothing 4. What Are You Afraid Of? 5. We Don’t Live Forever 6. It Is Down To You 7. You Can’t Blame Others 8. Accept Responsibility For Yourself 9. Be Willing To Change 10. Your Circumstances Don’t Really Matter 11. It’s All About Attitude 12. Embrace Your Uniqueness 13. Don’t Live A Life Of Regret 14. Negativity Will Suffocate You 15. Positive People Live Longer 16. The Andrew Rivett Story… 17. What’s Your Life Purpose? 18. Time Is Running Out 19. It Doesn’t Have To Stop You 20. Section One - Exercise 21. Section One - Summary Section Two — Decide 1. Decide What You Want 2. My Story... 3. Beware Of Negative Conditioning 4. You Don’t Need A Degree To Get On 5. Use Your Imagination 6. Decide On A Plan Of Action 7. Why You Must Set Goals 8. Goals Are Important 9. Focus On What’s Important 10. David’s Story... 11. How Do I Live My Dream? 12. Keep On Course 13. Planning Works 14. Create A Dream Board 15. Recite Your Goals Daily 16. Get Rid Of Negative People 17. My Story... 18. 10 Traits Of Successful People 19. Never Talk Yourself Down 20. Walk The Walk 21. Your Dreams Are Worth Fighting For 22. Section Two - Exercise 23. Section Two - Summary Section Three — Believe 1. Believe In Yourself 2. Don’t Let The Dreams Die 3. My Story... 4. Believe It’s Possible 5. Believe You Can’t Fail 6. Peter’s Story... 7. Buy Some Belief 8. Break It Down 9. Burst The Bubbles 10. Face Your Fears 11. It’s All In The Mind 12. Believe You Are Special 13. How To Visualise 14. Like Attracts Like 15. My Story... 16. Carol’s Story... 17. Section Three - Exercise 18. Section Three - Summary Section Four — Forgive 1. Forgiveness Cleanses The Soul 2. Forgive Yourself 3. Forgive Others 4. Jill’s Story... 5. Let Go Of Anger 6. My Story... 7. Spring Clean Your Life 8. Put It Right 9. Less Is More 10. My Story... 11. Set Yourself Free 12. Section Four - Exercise 13. Section Four - Summary Section Five — Act 1. Time For Action 2. Just Do It 3. Enjoy Your Journey 4. My Story... 5. Don’t Go Back 6. Do It Yourself 7. Do It Anyway 8. Talk Is Cheap 9. My Story... 10. No Means Yes 11. Beat The Odds 12. Keep Knocking 13. Practise Persistence 14. Keep Improving 15. Do Something Good 16. Keep Exercising 17. Section Five - Summary Section Six — Learn 1. Raise Your Game 2. Learn From Others 3. Knowledge Is Key 4. Get Reading 5. My Story... 6. Ask For Help 7. Listen To The Masters 8. My Story... 9. Help Is At Hand 10. Karen’s Story... 11. Learn To Cope 12. Section Six - Summary Section Seven — Overcome 1. Excellence Is A Habit 2. My Story... 3. Overcome Doubt 4. Do Your Best 5. Tom’s Story... 6. Keep The Faith 7. Keep Your Dream Real 8. I Will Survive 9. Keep Strong 10. My Story... About The Author Your Life, Your Rules (book excerpt) Introduction “Your life is your canvas. Paint it with passion, with joy, with colour. But most of all, paint it with love.” - Ivor Lloyd My sole purpose in writing this book is to help you overcome any obstacles which are holding you back and preventing you from living the life you truly deserve. I have personally used the methods upon which this book is based to help me overcome a teenage cancer scare, infertility, wrongful imprisonment, divorce, bankruptcy and, ultimately, a mental breakdown. I sincerely believe that everything I have experienced has made me a stronger and more empathetic person. I believe my success in coaching is down to the fact that ‘I am real’ and the knowledge and wisdom I have gained has not just enabled me to help create sporting world champions, but it has also helped many others in the face of adversity. I believe that by using the methods in this book, you too can overcome anything. For in order to succeed in life, you must confront all your obstacles and overcome them. Pick yourself up when you are knocked down, move on and most importantly...NEVER GIVE UP! Ivor Lloyd How To Use This Book This book is divided into seven sections: Accept, Decide, Believe, Forgive, Act, Learn, Overcome — seven proven coaching principles which will help you to overcome any obstacles which are holding you back. May I suggest that you read them in order — perhaps read the whole book once — then go back and read it again. My philosophy is simple: Fall down, get back up!

Overview: No one who reads this book can fail to be moved and motivated in equal measure. Written by a man who has experienced more than most and still come out smiling on the other side, Ivor Lloyd now wants the opportunity to help you.
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