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TOAPPEARIN “MAGNETICFIELDS IN THEUNIVERSE 4 (2013)” RevMexAA(SC) NEUTRINOOSCILLATION FROMHIDDEN GRBJETS NissimFraija1andEnriqueMorenoMe´ndez2 RESUMEN Los Cola´psares son probablemente la fuente de los destellos de rayos gama de larga duracio´n (lGRBs por sus siglas en ingle´s). Se han observado lGRBs con duracio´n de miles y hasta decenas de miles de segundos, lo que hace poco 4 1 probablequesusjetsseanproducidospormotorescentralesaccionadosporneutrinos.Ene´stecontexto,elmecanismode 0 Blandford-Znajekesunbuencandidatoparaexplicarlaproduccio´ndejetsalolargodelejederotacio´nsinlanecesidadde 2 grandestazasdeaccrecio´n.Estosmotorescentralesrequierencamposmagne´ticosde1012G<B<1015Gatravezando n la parte interna del dicso de accrecio´n y el agujero negro de Kerr. Obtenemos la auto-energ´ıa y el potencial efectivo a a orden O(1/M4 ) para una bola de fuego hecha de electrones, protones, neutrones y sus antipart´ıculas respectivas y J W con campo magne´tico de´bil y fuerte . Consideramos que la energ´ıa de los neutrinos producidos durante el colapso 8 gravitacional,as´ıcomoenfusio´ndeobjetoscompactosoenlaboladefuegoens´ı,porprocesosdeaniquilacio´ndepares, 1 decaimientobeta yporprocesosbremsstrahlungnucleo´nicosesde entre1 y 100MeV. Muchosde dichosneutrinosse ] propaganatrave´sdelaboladefuegoypuedenoscilarresonantemente. Usandolamezcladedosneutrinosestudiamos E laoscilacio´ndeneutrinos. H ABSTRACT . h p CollapsarsarethelikelyprogenitorsofLongGRBs(lGRBs). lGRBshavebeenobservedtolastforthousandstotensof - thousandsofseconds,thusmakingunlikelytheneutrino-drivenengineasthemainmechanismfordrivingthejets. Inthis o context,theBlandford-Znajekmechanismseemslikelytoexplaintheproductionofrotational-axisdirectedjetswithout r t the need for large accretion rates. These engines, require magnetic fields between 1012G < B < 1015 G threading s a the innerdisk, Kerr-BH region to exist. We derive the neutrino self-energyand the effective potentialup to O(1/M4 ) W [ in a weakly andhighly magnetizedGRB fireballflow which is made up of electrons, protons, neutronsand their anti- 1 particles. We considerneutrinoenergiesof1-100MeVwhichareproducedduringstellarcollapse,mergereventsorin v the fireball itself by electron-positronannihilation, inverse beta decay and nucleonic bremsstrahlungprocesses. Many 5 oftheseneutrinospropagatethroughthefireballandmayoscillateresonantly. Usingtwo-neutrinomixingwestudythe 1 possibilityoftheseoscillations. 6 4 KeyWords:binaries:general—blackholephysics—gamma-raybursts:general—stars:evolution—stars:magneticfield—stars: 1. massive 0 Collapsars (Woosley 1993; MacFadyen&Woosley solve this issue, one of the proposed mechanisms is to 4 1 1999)aregenerallyacceptedastheprogenitorsofLong use a binary to transfer angular momentum back to the : Gamma-Ray Bursts (lGRBs). This is supported by starlateinitsevolution(see,e.g.Paczynski1998). v the prediction that lGRBs are accompanied by an en- Leeetal. (2002) studied several Galactic black-hole bi- i X ergetic supernova (SN). There is strong evidence that naries(BHBs)andreproducedthenatalspinoftheBHs. r six lGRBs are spectroscopically associated with SNe Using these results, Brownetal. (2007), Brownetal. a (GRB980425/SN 1998bw, GRB 030329/SN 2003dh, (2008) and MorenoMe´ndezetal. (2011) estimated the GRB 031203/SN 2003lw, GRB 060218/SN 2006aj and rotational energies of the BHs at the time they were GRB 100316D/SN 2010bh, see Hjorth&Bloom 2011; born and estimated whether a Blandford-Znajek (BZ; and GRB120422/SN 2012bz, see Malesanietal. 2012). Blandford&Znajek1977)centralenginemayhavetrig- Thereis also evidenceof such a relation in anothertwo gered a lGRB in any of these BHBs. In Brownetal. dozenevents. (2008) it was found that, most likely, LMC X 3 is a − OneofthemajorissueswiththeCollapsarmodel,is likely lGRB relic, unlike most Galactic BHBs where theissueofproducingamassivestellarcorewithenough too much rotational energy may have destroyed the BZ angular momentum (see, e.g., Hegeretal. 2005). To engines too soon. In MorenoMe´ndezetal. (2008) and MorenoMe´ndez(2011)itwasshownthatthelargespins 1LucBinette-Fundacio´n UNAMFellow. Instituto deAstronom´ıa, observed in some Galactic high-mass X-ray binaries UNAM,CU,Me´xico([email protected]). 2Instituto de Astronom´ıa, UNAM, CU, Me´xico (en- (HMXBs) cannotbenatalbuttheyratherhaveto beac- [email protected]). 1 2 N.FRAIJA,&E.MORENOME´NDEZ quiredpost-BH formation. Thus, these HMXBs are not the medium, as for instance, chemical potential, parti- goodcandidatesforrelicsoflGRBs. cledensity,temperature,magneticfield,etc. Solvingthis Woosley&Heger(2012)havesuggestedthatthisbinary equationandusingDirac’salgebrawecanwritethedis- channelmaynotproducelGRBsastheinternalmagnetic persionrelationV =k k asafunctionofLorentz eff 0 −| | fields and/or dynamos may extract the angular momen- scalars: tum off the stellar core. MorenoMe´ndez (2014) shows thatthisdiffucultymaybeovercomeiftheinternalfield Veff =b c cosφ a⊥ k sin2φ, (2) − − | | islowenoughandamagnetar-likefieldcanbeproduced where φ is the angle between the neutrino momentum duringcorecollapse. and the magnetic field vector. The Lorentz scalars a, b Now,LMXBs(low-massXBs),whichhavetoomuchro- and c are functions of the neutrino energy, momentum tationalenergymayinitiallytriggeraninternaljetwhich andthemagneticfield. Theycanbecalculatedfromthe quickly dies after the BZ engine is destroyed as a SN neutrino self-energy due to charge-current and neutral- is launched. Also, many succesful lGRBs may not be currentinteractionwiththebackgroundparticles. pointed in our direction. Similarly, were some stars to develop a rapidly rotating core without losing their en- 1.1. One-loopneutrinoself-energy velope, an internal jet could be launched which would be quenched before reaching the stellar surface. All of The total one-loopneutrino self-energyin a magne- theseshouldproduceastrongthermalneutrinosignalat tizedmediumisgivenby thecentralengine.Theseneutrinosshouldbeobservable Σ(k)=Σ (k)+Σ (k)+Σ (k) (3) withinaseveral-Mpcrange. W Z t Thepropertiesofneutrinosgetmodifiedwhentheyprop- where Σ (k) is the W-exchange, Σ (k) is the Z- agate in a strongly magnetized medium. Depending on W Z exchange and Σ (k) represents the tadpole. The W- theflavoroftheneutrinos,theyinteractwithdifferentef- t exchangediagramtotheone-loopself-energyis fective potentials because electron neutrinos (ν ) inter- e actwithelectronsviaboth,neutralandchargedcurrents (CC), whereas muon and tau neutrinos (νµ and ντ) in- d4p ig iΣ (k) = R − γ iS (p) teract with electrons only via the neutral current (NC). − W (2π)4 √2 µ ℓ This induces a coherent effect in which maximal con- (cid:20)Zig (cid:18) (cid:19) version of νe into νµ (ντ) takes place even for a small, −√2 γνiWµν(q) L (4) intrinsic,mixingangle. Theresonantconversionofneu- (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) trinofromoneflavortoanotherduetothemediumeffect, whereg2 = 4√2G M2 istheweakcouplingconstant, F W iswellknownastheMikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfensteinef- Wµν depictstheW-bosonpropagatorwhich,intheeB fect. In this work, we study the propagation and reso- M2 limitandinunitarygauge,isgivenby ≪ W nant oscillation of thermal neutrinos in both, a weakly- andhighly-magnetizedfireball. Wetakeintoaccountthe gµν q2 qµqν 3ie Wµν(q)= 1+ + Fµν, (5) two-neutrinomixing(solar,atmosphericandaccelerator M2 M2 − M4 2M4 parameters). Finally, we discuss ourresultsin the GRB W(cid:18) W(cid:19) W W framework. hereM istheW-bosonmass,gµν isthemetrictensor, W Fµν is the electromagnetic field tensor and e being the 1. NEUTRINOEFFECTIVEPOTENTIAL magnitude of the electron charge. S (p) stands for the ℓ Weusethefinite-temperature,field-theoryformalism charged lepton propagator which can be separated into to study the effect of a heat bath on the propagation of two charged propagators; one in presence of a uniform elementary particles (Sahuetal. 2009a; Garc´ıa&Sahu backgroundmagneticfield(S0(p))andanotherinamag- ℓ 2007; Nieves 1990). The effect of the magnetic field netizedmedium(Sβ(p)). Itcanbewrittenas, ℓ is taken into account through Schwinger’s proper-time method (Schwinger 1951). The effective potential of a S (p)=S0(p)+Sβ(p). (6) ℓ ℓ ℓ particleiscalculatedfromtherealpartofitsself-energy diagram.Theneutrinofieldequationofmotioninamag- Assuming that the z-axis points in the direction of the netizedmediumis, magnetic field B, we can express the charged lepton propagator in presence of a uniform background mag- [/k Σ(k)]ΨL =0, (1) neticfieldas, − wheretheneutrinoself-energyoperatorΣ(k)isaLorentz ∞ iS0(p)= eφ(p,s)G(p,s)ds, (7) scalarwhichdependsonthecharacterizedparametersof ℓ Z0 REVMEXAA(SC)DEMODOCUMENT 3 wherethefunctionsφ(p,s)andG(p,s)aregiveby, andneutrinoswiththeZ boson. Theirformsareasfol- lows, G(p,s) = sec2z[A/+iB/γ 5 + mℓ(cos2z iΣ3sinzcosz) −21 +2sin2θW e − 1 ν tanz C = 2 , (13) φ(p,s) = is(p20−m2ℓ)−is[p23+ z (cid:3)p2⊥], (8) V  12 −2sin2θW p 1 n hanerdepm2 ℓ=ispt2h+epm2aasrseotfhethperocjheacrtgioendsleopfttohne,mp2kom=enpt20u−mopn23 and  −2 ⊥ 1 2 themagneticfielddirectionandz = eBs, Additionally, 1 ν,p thecovariantvectorsaregivenasfollows, CA =( −212 e,n . (14) A =p sin2z(p u u p b b ), µ µ− · µ− · µ By evaluating each contribution of one-loop neu- trino energy, the effective potential in the weak Bµ =sinzcosz(p u bµ p b uµ), (Sahuetal. 2009b) (B m2/e) and strong (B · − · m2/e) (Fraija 2014b; F≪raija&eMorenoMendez 201≫4; and e Fraija&MorenoMe´ndez 2014) -field limit is given re- Σ3 =γ5/b/u. spectivelyby Tishgeivcehnarbgye,dleptonpropagatorina magnetizedmedium Veff,w = √2GπF2m3eBBc ∞ (−1)lsinhαK1(σ) 1+CVe (cid:20)l=0 (cid:26) Sℓβ(p)=iηF(p·u)Z−∞∞eφ(p,s)G(p,s)ds, (9) +mm12W2e (cid:18)232E+ν22+mEXν22eB+ BBcc(cid:19)os−φ(cid:18)1−4CmA2ee+Eνmm2W∞2e ( 1)l wpahretirceleηsFi(npt·hue)mceodnituaminswthhiecdhiastrreibguivtieonnbfyu:nctionsofthe ×(cid:18)2 − m2e Bc(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:27)− m2W me Xl=0 − 3 K1(σ) K1(σ) coshα K0(σ)+ cosφ (15) × 4 σ − σ θ(p u) θ( p u) (cid:26) (cid:27)(cid:21) η (p u)= · + − · , (10) F · eβ(p·u−µℓ)+1 e−β(p·u−µℓ)+1 and wtuhreeraenβdtahnedcµheℓmariceatlhpeoitnevnetirasleooffththeecmhaerdgieudmletpetmonp.era- Veff,s = √2GFmπ23e(cid:20)l∞=0(−1)lsinh α(cid:20)(cid:18)1+ 23MmW22e − MeBW2 (cid:19) TheZ-exchangediagramtotheone-loopself-energy 2 XB B m2 eB is (cid:18)σK2(σ)− BcK1(∞σ)(cid:19)(cid:21)− Bc(cid:18)1+ 2MeW2 − MW2 (cid:19) −iΣZ(k) = R(cid:20)Z (2dπ4p)4 (cid:18)√2−coisgθW(cid:19)γµiSνℓ(p) ×K1(σ)− 2mMeW2Eν Xl=0(−1)lcosh α(cid:20)(cid:18)σ82 − 52BBc(cid:19) ig B 16 K1(σ) (cid:18)√2−cosθW(cid:19)γνiZµν(q)(cid:21)L, (11) ×K0(σ)+(cid:18)2−4Bc + σ2(cid:19) σ (cid:21)(cid:21), (16) where, θ istheWeinbergangle,Zµν(q)istheZ-bosonpropa- W gatorinvaccum,S istheneutrinopropagatorinather- νl α=βµ(l+1) and σ =βme(l+1). (17) malbathofneutrinos. TheTadpolediagramtotheone-loopself-energyis 2. TWO-NEUTRINOMIXING Here we consider the neutrino oscillation process g 2 d4p iΣt(k) = R 2cosθ γµiZµν(0) (2π)4 νe ↔ νµ,τ. The evolution equationfor the propagation (cid:20)(cid:18) W(cid:19) Z ofneutrinosintheabovemediumisgivenby Tr[γ (C +C γ )iS (p)] L, (12) ν V A 5 ℓ (cid:21) i ν˙e = Veff −∆cos2θ ∆2 sin2θ νe , (18) wherethequantitiesC andC arethevectorandaxial- (cid:18)ν˙µ(cid:19) (cid:18) ∆2 sin2θ 0 (cid:19)(cid:18)νµ(cid:19) V A vector coupling constants which come in the neutral- where ∆ = δm2/2E , V is the potential difference ν eff currentinteractionofelectrons,protons(p),neutrons(n) betweenV andV , E istheneutrinoenergyandθ νe νµ,τ ν 4 N.FRAIJA,&E.MORENOME´NDEZ istheneutrinomixingangle. Theconversionprobability 50 fortheaboveprocessatagiventimetisgivenby ∆2sin22θ ωt 40 P (t)= sin2 , (19) νe→νµ(ντ) ω2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 30 with T me 20 ω = (V ∆cos2θ)2+∆2sin22θ. (20) eff − q Thepotentialfortheaboveoscillationprocessisgivenby 10 eq. (2). The oscillation length for the neutrino is given by 0 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 L = Lv , (21) p osc cos22θ(1 Veff )2+sin22θ 50 − ∆cos2θ q andtheresonanceconditioncanbewrittenas 40 δm2 V cos2θ =0. (22) 30 eff − 2E ν T me Following Fraija (2014a) we apply the neutrinooscilla- 20 tionparametersintheresonancecondition(eq. 22). 10 3. RESULTSANDCONCLUSIONS Wehaveplottedtheresonanceconditionforneutrino 0 -7.0 -6.5 -6.0 -5.5 -5.0 -4.5 -4.0 oscillationinweaklyandstronglymagnetizedcollapsars p at the base of the jet when the temperature is in the 50 range of 1- 25 MeV. We have used effective potential V uptoorderM4 inthestrong-andweak-fieldlimit, eff W thebestparametersforthetwo-solar(Aharmim&etal. 40 2011), atmospheric (Abe&etal. 2011) and accelerator (Athanassopoulos&etal.1996,1998)neutrinosandthe 30 neutrinoenergies(E =1,5,20,50and100MeV).The ν T me analysisofresonanceconditionshowsthat,thetempera- 20 tureasafunctionofchemicalpotentialisdegeneratefor theweaklimitandnotinthestronglimit. Inbothcases, thechemicalpotentialisbiggestwhenacceleratorparam- 10 eters are used (19 eV - 50 keV and 5 keV - 0.15 MeV, respectively)andsmallestforsolarparameters(0.08eV 0 -5eVand0.25-50eV,respectively). -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 Thebaryonload,resonancelengthandleptonicsymme- p try(twoandthreeflavors)willbeestimatedandstudied inFraija&MorenoMe´ndezinprogress. Fig.1. Plotoftemperature(T/me)asafunctionofchemical potential (µ = me10p) for which the resonance condition is satisfied. Wehave used the best parameters of the two-flavor NF gratefully acknowledges a Luc Binette- solar(top),atmospheric(middle)andaccelerator(bottom)neu- Fundacio´n UNAM Posdoctoral Fellowship. EMM trino oscillation, B=0.1 B and taken five different neutrino c was supported by a CONACyT fellowship and projects energies: Eν =1 MeV (red dashed line), Eν =5 MeV (blue CB-2007/83254 and CB-2008/101958. This research dot-dashedline),Eν =20MeV(magentadottedline),Eν =50 has made use of NASAs Astrophysics Data System as MeV(blackthin-solidline)andEν =100MeV(brownthick- wellasarXiv. solidline). 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Wehave used the best parameters of thetwo-flavor solar(top),atmospheric(middle)andaccelerator(bottom)neu- trinooscillation,B=10B andtakenfivedifferentneutrinoen- c ergies: Eν =1MeV(reddashedline),Eν =5MeV(bluedot- dashed line), Eν =20 MeV (magenta dotted line), Eν =50 MeV(blackthin-solidline)andEν =100MeV(brownthick- solidline).

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