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Neutrino masses, mixing, and leptogenesis in an S3 model ´ Arturo Alvarez Cruz and Myriam Mondrago´n Instituto de F´ısica, Universidad Nacional Auto´noma de M´exico Apdo. Postal 20-364, M´exico 01000 CD MX, M´exico 7 1 January 30, 2017 0 2 n Abstract a Inthisworkweusepreviousresultsonthemassesandmixingofneu- J trinos of an S3 model with three right-handed Majorana neutrinos and 7 three Higgs doublets, to reduce one parameter in the case when two of 2 theright-handedneutrinosaremassdegenerate. Wederiveanewparam- eterization for the V mixing matrix, with a new set of parameters, ] PMNS h in the more general case where the right-handed neutrino masses are dif- p ferent. With these results, we calculate leptogenesis and the associated - baryogenesisinthemodelinthetwodifferentscenarios. Weshowthatit p e ispossibletohaveenoughleptogenesistoexplainthebaryonicasymmetry h with right-handed neutrino masses above 106 GeV. [ 1 1 Introduction v 9 The Standard Model (SM) is extremely successful, nevertheless the discovery 2 9 of neutrino masses and mixing in neutrino oscillation experiments in 1998 [1], 7 presentedevidencethatisnecessarytogobeyondit. Evenbeforethisdiscovery, 0 the amount of free parameters and the hierarchy problem, among others, have . 1 prompted attempts to find a more fundamental theory, of which the SM is the 0 low-energy limit [2–4]. Some of the goals of these new models are to under- 7 stand the large differences in the Yukawa couplings of the different fermions, 1 the hierarchy between the fundamental particles, and the amount of CP vio- : v lation and the structure of the CKM matrix [5]. A popular way to approach Xi these problems is to build models with Non-Abelian flavor symmetries, often supplemented with extra Higgs doublets. Common symmetries in flavor theo- r a ries are, among many others, A4, Q6 or S3 [6–11]. The reason is that these models achieve in a natural way the Nearest Neighbour Interaction textures in thefermionmassmatrices[12,13]. TheS3extensionoftheSMwiththreeHiggs doublets(S3-3H)[10,11,14]isamodelinwhichasymmetryonthepermutation of three objects is imposed, which in additon to the SM particles has another two Higgs doublets, as well as three right-handed Majorana neutrinos, which are related to the left ones through the seesaw mechanism (type I). There has been a lot of work done on various S3 models (see for instance [15–22]), some of this work reproduces the CKM and PMNS matrices in agree- ment with the current experimental data [10,11,23–26], and there have been 1 also studies of leptogenesis in a soft breaking S3 model [27]. Nevertheless, most of this work has been done in the case where two right-handed neutrinos are degenerate. In this way, it is an interesting question to extend the model and see the possible new results with a generalization, taking into account both de- generate and non-degenerate right-handed neutrino masses. Following the idea ofpreviouswork[28], weextendtheanalysisonthegeneralizationoftheS3-3H model. Another question that the SM fails to explain is the observed baryon asym- metry. It is well know that there are more baryons than antibaryons in the Universe. Nucleosynthesis is a solid and consistent model of the creation of the nuclei in the early Universe, which predicts a baryonic density of, η −η η = b b =η =(2.6−6.2)×10−10. (1) η γ Measurements of the Cosmic Background Radiation [29–31] show a density of η =(6.1±0.3)×10−10, (2) in full agreement with the baryon density of the Nucleosynthesis [30,32]. The idea to explain the baryon asymmetry through a dynamically process was proposed by Sakharov in 1967 [33]. The present cosmological observations favour the idea that the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe may be explained in terms of a dynamical generation mechanism, called baryogen- esis. Also, it has been realized that a successful model of baryogenesis cannot occur within the Standard Model (SM). Leptogenesisisamechanismwhichgeneratesbaryonasymmetrybycreating aleptonicasymmetrythroughB+Lviolatingelectroweaksphalerontransitions [34]. Several things are needed for the occurrence of leptogenesis: • Heavy right handed neutrinos. • Majorana type neutrinos. • Decay of the right handed neutrinos to the left ones. According to the original proposal of Fukugita and Yanagida [35], this mecha- nism also satisfies all the Sakharov’s conditions [33] in order to produce a net baryon asymmetry (for reviews see for instance [36–38]). In this paper we explore the possibility of leptogenesis in the S3-3H model, with degenerate and non-degenerate right-handed neutrino masses, and calcu- late the associated baryogenesis. We first study the case where two of the right-handed neutrino masses are degenerate, and then the more general case where all the right-handed neutrino masses are different. We scan the param- eter space to find the leptogenesis and associated baryogenesis dependence on the free parameters of the model. We find that there is a region of parameter space where enough baryogenesis is produced through leptogenesis to explain the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. The outline of the paper is organized as follows: In section 2, the S3 model is 2 introducedaswellassomeofitsmostimportantresults. Insection3itisshown howtoproduceleptogenesisintheS3-3Hmodel,andtheresultantbaryogenesis is also computed. At the end, in section 4, we conclude summarizing our main results. 2 S3-3H model IntheStandardModelanalogousfermionsindifferentgenerationshaveidentical couplings to all gauge bosons of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic inter- actions [16]. The group S3 consists of the six possible permutations of three objects (f ,f ,f ), and is the smallest discrete non-abelian group. It has one 1 2 3 2-dimension irreducible representation (irrep) and two of 1-dimension F =(f ,f ,f ), F =−f −f +2f , (3) s 1 2 3 d1 1 2 3 f =f −f . (4) d2 2 3 We can associate the particles in the model to doublets or to singlets with the following rules. The direct product of two doublets pT = (p ,p ) and D D1 D2 qT =(q ,q ) may be decomposed into the direct sum of two singlets r and D D1 D2 s r , and one doublet rT where s(cid:48) D r =p q +p q r =p q −p q (5) s D1 D1 D2 D2 s(cid:48) D1 D2 D2 D1 rT =(r ,r )=(p q +p q ,p q +p q ). (6) D D1 D2 D1 D2 D2 D1 D1 D1 D2 D2 Since the Standard Model has only one Higgs SU(2) doublet, which can only L be an S singlet, it gives mass to the particles in the S singlet representation. 3 3 TogivemasstotherestoftheparticlesweextendtheHiggssectorofthetheory, by adding two more Higgs doublets. The quark and Higgs fields are QT =(u ,d ),u ,d , (7) L L r r Lt =(ν ,e ),e ,ν and H. (8) L L R R All of the fields have three species, and we assume that each one forms a re- ducible representation 1S ⊕2. The first two generations will be assigned to the doublet S3 irrep, and the third generation to the singlet. This applies to quarks, leptons, Higgs fields, and right-handed neutrinos. The doublets carry capital indices I and J, which run from 1 to 2, and the singlets are denoted by Q ,u ,d ,L ,e ,ν andH . Thesubscript3denotesthesingletrepresen- 3 3R 3R 3 3R 3R S tation and not the third generation. The most general renormalizable Yukawa interactions of this model are given by [10] L =L +L +L +L (9) Y YD YU YE Yν where L =−YdQ H d −YdQ H d YD l I S IR 3 3 S 3r −Yd[Q κ H d −Q η H d ] (10) 2 I IJ l JR I IJ 2 JR −YdQ H d −YdQ H D +h.c. 4 3 I IR 5 I I 3R 3 L =−YuQ (iσ H∗u )−YuQ (iσ H∗u ) YU 1 I 2 S IR 3 3 2 S 3R −Yu[Q κ (iσ H∗u )−Q η (iσ H∗u )] (11) 2 I IJ 2 1 JR I IJ 2 2 JR −YuQ (iσ H∗u )−YuQ (iσ H∗u R)+h.c. 4 3 2 I IR 5 I 2 I 3 L =−YuQ (iσ H∗u )−YuQ (iσ H∗u ) YU 1 I 2 S IR 3 3 2 S 3R −Yu[Q κ (iσ H∗u )−Q η (iσ H∗u )] (12) 2 I IJ 2 1 JR I IJ 2 2 JR −YuQ (iσ H∗u )−YuQ (iσ H∗u R)+h.c. 4 3 2 I IR 5 I 2 I 3 L =−YeL H e )−YeL H e ) YE 1 I S IR 3 3 S 3R −Ye[L κ H e −L η H e )] (13) 2 I IJ 1 JR I IJ 2 JR −YeL H e −YeL H D +h.c. 4 3 I IR 5 I I 3R L =−YνL (iσ H∗ν )−YνL (iσ H∗ν ) Yν 1 I 2 S IR 3 3 2 S 3R −Yν[L κ (iσ H∗ν )−L η (iσ H∗ν )] (14) 2 I IJ 2 1 JR I IJ 2 2 JR −YνL (iσ H∗ν )−YνL (iσ H∗ν R)+h.c., 4 3 2 I IR 5 I 2 I 3 with (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 1 1 0 κ= η = . (15) 1 0 0 −1 Furthermore, we addto the Lagrangian theMajorana mass termsfor the right- handed neutrinos L =−M νT Cν −M νT Cν −M νT Cν . (16) M 1 1R 1R 2 2R 2R 3 3R 3R Due to the presence of three Higgs fields, the Higgs potential V (H ,H ) is H S D more complicated than that of the Standard Model [39]. In addition to the S3 symmetry,undercertainconditionstheHiggspotentialexhibitsapermutational symmetryZ2:H1↔H2,whichisnotasubgroupoftheflavorgroupS3[24,25]. ThemodelhasaswellanAbeliandiscretesymmetrythatwewilluseasselection rules for the Yukawa couplings in the leptonic sector. In this paper, we will assume that the vacuum respects the accidental Z2 symmetry of the Higgs potential and that <H >=<H >. (17) 1 2 With these assumptions, the Yukawa interactions, eqs. (10)-(14) yield mass matrices, for all fermions in the theory, of the general form   µ +µ µ µ 1 2 2 5 M = µ2 µ1−µ2 µ5. (18) µ µ µ 4 4 3 TheMajoranamassforthelefthandedneutrinosν isgeneratedbythesee-saw L mechanism. The corresponding mass matrix is given by Mν =MνDM(cid:102)−1(MνD)T, (19) 4 whereM(cid:102)=diag(M1,M1,M3). Inprinciple,allentriesinthemassmatricescan be complex since there is no restriction coming from the S3 flavor symmetry. The mass matrices are diagonalized by bi-unitary transformations as U† M U =diag(m ,m ,m ) (20) d(u,e)L d(u,e) d(u,e)R d(u,e) s(u,e) b(u,e) UTM U =diag(m ,m ,m ). (21) ν ν ν ν1 ν2 ν3 Theentriesinthismatrixarecomplexnumbers,sothephysicalmassesaretheir absolute values. The mixing matrices are, by definition, V =U† U , V =U† U K. (22) CKM uL dL PMNS eL ν Where K is defined as the matrix that take out the phases of the diagonal mass matrix, diag(m ,m ,m )=K†diag(|m |,|m |,|m |)K†. (23) ν1 ν2 ν3 ν1 ν2 ν3 A further reduction of the number of parameters in the leptonic sector may be achieved by means of an Abelian Z symmetry. A possible set of charge assign- 2 ments of Z , compatible with the experimental data on masses and mixings in 2 the leptonic sector is given in Table I. The Z assignments forbid the following 2 − + H ,ν H ,L ,L ,e ,e .ν S 3R I 3 I eR IR IR Table 1: Z2 assignment in the leptonic sector. Yukawa couplings Ye =Ye =Yν =Yν. (24) 1 3 1 5 Therefore, the corresponding entries in the mass matrices vanish. 2.1 Mass matrix for the charged leptons Undertheseassumptions,themassmatrixofthechargedleptonstakestheform   µ˜ µ˜ µ˜ 2 2 5 Me =mτµ˜2 −µ˜2 µ˜5. (25) µ˜ µ˜ 0 4 4 The unitary matrix U that enters in the definition of the mixing matrix, eL V , is calculated from PMNS U† M M†U =diag(m2,m2,m2), (26) eL e e eL e µ τ where m ,m and m are the masses of the charged leptons, and 3 µ τ  2|µ˜2|2 |µ˜5|2 2|µ˜2||µ˜4|e−iδe MeMeτ =m2τ |µ˜5|2 2|µ˜2|2 0 . (27) 2|µ˜2||µ˜4|eiδe 0 2|µ˜4|2 Noticethatthismatrixonlyhasonephasefactor. Theparameters|µ˜|,|µ˜|and 2 4 |µ˜| may readily be expressed in terms of the charged lepton masses. From the 5 invariants of M M†, we get the set of equations [17] e e Tr(M M†)=m2+m2 +m2 =m2[4|µ˜|2+2(|µ˜|2+|µ˜|2)] (28) e e e µ τ τ 2 4 5 5 ξ(M M†)=m2(m2+m2)+m2m2 (29) e e τ e µ e µ =4m4[|µ˜|2+|µ˜|2(|µ˜|2+|µ˜|2)+|µ˜|2|µ˜|2] (30) τ 2 2 4 5 4 5 (31) det(M M†)=m2m2m2 =4m6|µ˜|2|µ˜|2|µ˜|2, (32) e e e µ τ τ 2 4 5 where ξ(M M†) = 1[Tr(∗M M†))2−Tr((M M†)2)]. Solving these equations e e 2 e e e e for |µ˜|,|µ˜| and |µ˜|, we obtain 2 4 5 1m2+m2 m2m2 |µ˜|2 = e µ − e µ +β. (33) 2 2 m2 m2(m2+m2) τ τ e µ In this expression, β is the smallest solution of the equation 1 x 1 z z2 β3− (1−2y+6 )β2− (y−y2−4 +7z−12 )β− (34) 2 y 4 y y2 1 1z2 3z2 z3 yz− + − =0 (35) 8 2y2 4 y y3 (36) where y =(m2+m2)/m and z =µ2µ2/µ4. e µ τ µ e τ An estimation of β at good order of magnitude is obtained from [40] m2m2 β (cid:39)− µ e . (37) 2m2(m2 −(m2 +m2)) τ τ τ e The parameters |µ˜|2 and |µ˜|2 are in terms of |µ˜|2, 4 5 2 1 m2 +m2 m2m2 |µ˜ |2 = (1− µ e +4 e µ )−β) (38) 4,5 4 m2 m2(m2+m2 τ τ e µ (cid:115) 1 m2 +m2 m2m2 m2m2 1 ± ( (1− µ e +4 e µ )−β)2− µ e ) (39) 4 m2 m2(m2+m2 m4 |µ˜|2 τ τ e µ τ 2 (40) Once M M† has been reparametrized in terms of the charged lepton masses, it e e isstraightforwardtocomputeU alsoasafunctionoftheleptonmasses. Here eL we will write the result to order (m m /m2)2 and x4 =(m /m )4 µ e τ e τ  (cid:113)  √1 √m˜µ √1 √m˜µ √1 1√+x2−m˜2µ  2 1+x2 2 1+x2 2 1+x2   (cid:113)  Me (cid:39)mτ √1 √m˜µ −√1 √m˜µ √1 1√+x2−m˜2µ. (41)  2 1+x2 2 1+x2 2 1+x2  (cid:113)m˜e(1+x2) eiδe (cid:113)m˜e(1+x2) eiδe 0  1+x2−m˜2 1+x2−m˜2 µ µ The unitary matrix U that diagonalizes M M† and enters in the definition of eL e e the neutrino mixing matrix V , equation (22), is VPMNS    1 0 0 O −O O 11 12 13 UeL (cid:39)0 1 0 −O21 O22 O23, (42) 0 0 eiδe −O31 −O32 O33 6 where   O −O O 11 12 13 UeL (cid:39)−O21 O22 O23= (43) −O −O O 31 32 33  √12x(cid:113)1+m(˜12µ++25mx˜2µ2+−xm˜24µ+−m˜m4µ˜6µ++2mm˜˜21e2e+)12x4 −√12(cid:113)1−m(1˜2µ−+2xm˜22µ++6mm˜˜4µ4µ−−24mm˜˜26µe+)5m˜1e2 √12  −√12x(cid:113)1+m˜2µ(+1+5x42x−2−m˜m4µ˜−4µ−m˜26µm+˜2me˜)1e2+12x4 √12(cid:113)1−m˜2µ+(1x−2+2m6˜m2µ˜+4µ−m˜44µm)˜6µ+5m˜1e2 √12 =  −(cid:113)1+2x2−m˜2µ−m˜2e(1+m˜2µ+x2−2m˜2e) −x(cid:113)1+2x2−m˜2µ−m˜2e(1+x2−m˜2µ−2m˜2e) m˜ m˜ √1+x2  (cid:113) (cid:113) e µ(cid:113) 1+m˜2+5x2−m˜4−m˜6+m˜12+12x4 1−m˜2+x2+6m˜4−4m˜6+5m˜12 1+x2−m˜2 µ µ µ e µ µ µ e µ (44) and where m˜ =m /m ,m˜ =m /m and x=m /m . µ µ τ e e τ e µ 2.2 The mass matrix of the neutrinos With the Z selection rule (Table 1), the mass matrix of the Dirac neutrinos 2 takes the form µν µν 0 2 2 MνD =µν2 −µν2 0 (45) µν µν µν 4 4 3 Then, themassmatrixfortheleft-handedMajorananeutrinosisobtainedfrom the see-saw mechanism,  ( 1 + 1 )µ2 ( 1 − 1 )µ2 ( 1 + 1 )µ µ  Mν =MνDM˜−1(MνD)T = (MM111 − MM122)µ222 (MM111 + MM122)µ222 (MM111 − MM122)µ22µ44, (M11 + M12)µ2µ4 (M11 − M12)µ2µ4 Mµ242 + Mµ233 (46) where M are the right handed neutrino masses appearing in eq. (16). i The non-Hermitian, complex, symmetric neutrino mass matrix M may be ν brought to a diagonal form by a bi-unitary transformation, as UTM U =diag(m eiφ1,m eiφ2,m eiφ3) (47) ν ν ν ν1 ν2 ν3 Where U is the matrix that diagonalizes the matrix M . ν ν 2.2.1 Neutrino matrix with degenerate masses. In the case where M =M the mass matrix is reduced to [14] 1 2  ( 1 + 1 )µ2 0 ( 1 + 1 )µ µ  Mν =MνDM˜−1(MνD)T = M1 0M1 2 (M11 + M11)µ22 M1 M01 2 4. (M11 + M11)µ2µ4 0 Mµ241 + Mµ233 (48) With this texture is easy to calculate the U matrix that diagonalizes M†M , ν ν ν |A|2+|B|2 0 A∗B+B∗D Mν†Mν = 0 |A2| 0  (49) AB∗+BD∗ 0 |B|2+|D|2 7 with A = µ2/M ,B = 2µ µ /M and D = 2µ µ /M +µ2/M , this matrix is 2 1 2 4 1 1 2 1 3 2 diagonalized by    1 0 0 cosη sinη 0 Uν =0 1 0  0 0 1. (50) 0 0 eiδν −sinη cosη 0 If we require that the defining equation (47) be satisfied as an identity, we get the following set of equations: 2(µν)2/M1=m , (51) 2 ν3 2(µν)2/M1=m cos2η+m sin2η, (52) 2 ν1 ν2 2(µν)(µν)/M1=sinηcosη(m −m )eiδnu, (53) 2 4 ν2 ν1 2(µν)2/M1=m , (54) 2 ν3 2(µν)(µν)/M1=sinηcosη(m −m )eiδnu, (55) 2 4 ν2 ν1 2(µν)2/M1+2(µν)2/M3=(m sin2η+m cos2η)e−2iδnu. (56) 4 3 ν1 ν2 (57) Solving these equations for sinη and cosη, we find m −m m −m sin2η = ν3 ν1 cos2η = ν2 ν3. (58) m −m m −m ν2 ν1 ν2 ν1 TheunitarityofU constrainssinηtoberealandthus|sinη|≤1,thiscondition ν fixes the phases φ and φ as 1 2 |m |sinφ =|m |sinφ =|m |sinφ . (59) ν1 1 ν2 2 ν3 3 The real phase δ appearing in eq. (50) is not constrained by the unitarity of ν U . Therefore the U matrix is, ν ν  (cid:113) (cid:113)  1 0 0  mmνν22−−mmνν31 mmνν32−−mmνν11 0 Uν =0 1 0  0 0 1. (60) 0 0 eiδnu −(cid:113)mν3−mν1 (cid:113)mν2−mν3 0 mν2−mν1 mν2−mν1 Now, the mass matrix of the Majorana neutrinos, M , may be written in terms ν of the neutrino masses; from (48) and (55,56,57), we get  mν3 0 (cid:112)(mν3−mν1)(mν2−mν3)e−iδν Mν = 0 mν3 0  (cid:112) (mν3−mν1)(mν2−mν3)e−iδν 0 (mν1+mν2−mν3)e−2δν (61) Theonlyfreeparametersinthesematrices, otherthantheneutrinomasses, are the phase φ , implicit in m ,m and m , and the Dirac phase δ . ν ν1 ν2 ν3 ν Therefore, the theoretical mixing matrix V , is given by PMNS  O cosη+O sinηeiδ O sinη−O cosηeiδ −O  11 31 11 31 21 VPthMNS =−O12cosη+O32sinηeiδ −O12sinη−O32cosηeiδ O22 ×K. O cosη−O sinηeiδ O sinη+O cosηeiδ O 13 33 13 33 23 (62) 8 Toobtaintheexpressionsforthemixinganglesweneedtomatchthetheoretical and PDG expressions for the V matrix PMNS |Vth |=|VPDG | (63) PMNS PMNS meaning |Vth| = |VPDG|. The standard parametrization of the Particle Data ij ij Group is  c12c13 s12c13 s13e−iδCP VPMNS =−s12c23−c12s23s13eiδCP c12c23−s12s23s13eiδCP s23c13 . s12s23−c12c23s13eiδCP −c12s23−s12c23s13eiδCP c23c13 (64) We can straightforwardly read the equation for the mixing angles with 1 1+4x2−m˜4 |sin |=|O |(cid:39) √ x µ , (65) θ13 21 2 (cid:113)1+m˜2 +5x2−m˜4 µ µ |O | 1 1−2m˜2 +m˜4 |sin |= 22 (cid:39) √ µ µ , (66) θ23 (cid:112)1−O221 2(cid:113)1−4m˜2 +x2+6m˜4 µ µ and O sin −O cos tan = 11 η 31 η (67) θ12 O sin +O cos 31 η 11 η (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:39)−(cid:114)mν2−mν3×( 1+2x2−m˜2µ(1+m˜2µ+x2)− √12x(1+2m˜2µ+4x2) mmνν32−−mmνν13). mν3−mν1 (cid:113)1+2x2−m˜2(1+m˜2 +x2)+ √1 x(1+2m˜2 +4x2)(cid:113)mν2−mν3 µ µ 2 µ mν3−mν1 (68) Wecanexpresstanθ intermsofthedifferencesofthesquareofthemassesas 12 (∆m2 +∆m2 +|m |2cos2φ )1/2−|m ||cosφ | tan2θ = 12 13 ν3 nu ν3 nu (69) 12 (∆m2 +|m |2cos2φ )1/2+|m ||cosφ | 13 ν3 nu ν3 nu where ∆m2 =m2 −m2 . ij νi νj We can use the experimental values of the masses of the charged leptons and the differences of the square of the masses to fit the mixing angles, (sin2θ )th =1.1×10−5, (sin2θ )xp =2.19+0.12×10−2, (70) 13 13 −0.12 and (sin2θ )th =.499, (sin2θ )xp =.5+0.05. (71) 23 23 −0.05 Fromexpression(69),wemayreadilyderiveexpressionsfortheneutrinomasses in terms of tanθ ,φ and the differences of the squared masses, 12 ν (cid:112) ∆m2 1−tan4θ +r2 |m |= 13 12 , (72) 3 2tanθ cosφ (1+tan2θ )(1+tan2θ +r2) 12 ν 12 12 (cid:113) |m |= |m |2+∆m2 , (73) 1 ν3 13 (cid:113) |m |= |m |2+∆m2 (1+r2) , (74) 2 ν3 13 9 here r2 = ∆m2 /∆m2 ≈ 3×10−2. This implies an inverted neutrino mass 12 13 spectrum |m | < |m | < |m |. As r2 << 1, the sum of the neutrino masses ν3 ν1 ν2 is (cid:88)3 ∆m2 (cid:113) |m |≈ 13 (1+2 1+2tan2θ (2cos2φ −1)+tan4θ −tan2θ ). νi 2cosφ tanθ 12 ν 12 12 ν 12 i=1 (75) The most restrictive cosmological upper bound [41] for this sum is (cid:88) |m |≤0.23eV . (76) ν This upper bound and the experimentally determined values of tanθ and 12 ∆m2 , give a lower bound for i,j cosφ ≥0.55 (77) ν or 0≤φ ≤57◦. We can use again equation (69) to set the best value of φ, we ν find that with φ=50◦ we get, tanθ =0.665288 (78) 12 Hence, setting φ =50◦ in our formula, we find ν m =0.052 eV, m =0.053 eV, m =0.019 eV. (79) ν1 ν2 ν3 The computed sum of the neutrino masses is 3 (cid:88) ( |m |)th =0.168508 eV, (80) νi i=1 below the cosmological upper bound given in eq. (76), as expected. The above value of φ is in agreement with the requirements for leptogenesis, as we will show in section 3. One of the successes of the S3-3H model has been to predict an angle θ different from zero, as well a very accurate angles θ and θ . 13 12 23 Nevertheless new experimental results have shown that the angle θ is greater 13 than the model predicts with degenerate right-handed neutrino masses. This is the major reason to extend the model further, to the non-degenerate case [28], and where the angles fit the experimental value. 2.2.2 The mass matrix of the neutrinos without degeneration In a more extensive analysis than [28], we continue to study the case where the RHN masses are non-degenerate. The effective neutrino mass matrix m is, ν  ( 1 + 1 )µ2 ( 1 − 1 )µ2 ( 1 + 1 )µ µ  Mν =MνDM˜−1(MνD)T = (MM111 − MM122)µ222 (MM111 + MM122)µ222 (MM111 − MM122)µ22µ44. (M11 + M12)µ2µ4 (M11 − M12)µ2µ4 Mµ242 + Mµ233 (81) We are going to assume that the phases of the µ and µ terms are aligned, 3 4 therefore we can write Mν in polar form Mν = PM(cid:103)νP, with M(cid:103)ν, real and 10

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