Neutral Backward Stochastic Functional Differential Equations and Their Application Wenning Wei∗ 3 January 15, 2013 1 0 2 n Abstract a J In this paper we are concernedwith a new type of backwardequations with anticipation 4 which we call neutral backward stochastic functional differential equations. We obtain the 1 existenceanduniquenessandproveacomparisontheorem. Asanapplication,wediscussthe optimalcontrolofneutralstochasticfunctionaldifferentialequations,establishaPontryagin ] C maximum principle, and give an explicit optimal value for the linear optimal control. O . Keywords: Backward stochastic differential equations, neutral stochastic functional differ- h t ential equation, neutral backward stochastic functional differential equations, optimal control, a m duality, Pontryagin maximum principle [ Mathematical Subject Classification (2010): 60H10, 60H20, 93E20 1 v 1 Introduction 1 8 0 Throughout this paper, we fix δ > 0 as a positive constant. Let (Ω,F,F,P) be a complete 3 . filtered probability space on which a d-dimensional Brownian motion {W(t)}t≥0 is defined with 1 0 {Ft}t≥0 being its natural filtration augmented by all the P-null sets in F. Also we define 3 F := F for all u ∈ [−δ,0], then F := {F } is a filtration satisfying the usual conditions u 0 t t≥−δ 1 : on [−δ,+∞). v i In this paper, we investigate the following backward stochastic equation with anticipation, X r −d Y(t)−G(t,Y ,Z ) = f(t,Y ,Z )dt−Z(t)dW , t ∈ [0,T]; a t t t t t Y(t)(cid:2)= ξ(t), t ∈ [T,(cid:3)T +δ]; (1.1) Z(t)= ζ(t), t ∈ [T,T +δ], where (Y ,Z ) denotes the path of the unknown processes (Y,Z) on [t,t + δ], G,f : [0,T] × t t Ω×L2(0,δ;Rn)×L2(0,δ;Rn×d) → Rn are given maps, and (ξ,ζ) are given adapted stochastic processes on [T,T +δ]. We call (G,f) the generator. Equation (1.1) is referred to as a neutral backward stochastic functional differential equation (NBSFDE). It includes many interesting cases. 1Department of Finance and Control Sciences, School of Mathematical Sciences, and Laboratory of Mathe- matics for Nonlinear Science, Fudan University,Shanghai 200433, China. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 When G = 0 and δ = 0, (1.1) becomes the well-known backward stochastic differential equation (BSDE): T T Y(t) = ξ(T)+ f(s,Y(s),Z(s))ds+ Z(s)dW(s), t ∈ [0,T], Zt Zt which was first introduced by Bismut [2] for the linear case and then extended to the nonlinear case by Pardoux and Peng [11]. It has been extensively applied in mathematical finance and stochastic optimal control. For details, see El Karoui et. al [5, 4], Peng [12], Yong and Zhou [15] and the references therein. When G = 0 and f(t,·,·) only depends on the value of path (Y,Z) at t and t+δ, Eq.(1.1) becomes −dY(t) = f(t,Y(t),Y(t+δ),Z(t),Z(t+δ))dt−Z(t)dW , t ∈ [0,T]; t Y(t) = ξ(t), t ∈[T,T +δ]; Z(t)= ζ(t), t ∈[T,T +δ]. It is the so-called anticipated backward stochastic differential equations introduced by Peng and Yang [13] when they discuss optimal control of delayed stochastic functional differential equations. By an Itˆo type neutral stochastic functional differential equation (NSFDE), we mean the following: d X(t)−g(t,Xt) = b(t,Xt)dt+σ(t,Xt)dW(t), t ∈ [0,T]; (X(cid:2)(t) = ϕ(t), t ∈(cid:3)[−δ,0], where Xt denotes the path of X on [t−δ,t]. It is a type of retarded functional equations. This equation was first introduced by Kolmanovskii and Nosov [8] to model the chemical engineering system. Since then, many papers are devoted to the stability of the solutions. See Mao [10], Huang and Mao [3], and Randjelovi´c and Jankovi´c [14] and the references therein. In deterministic case, optimal control of neutral functional equations was discussed in 1960s and 1970s by Kolmanovskii and Khvilon [7], Kent [6] and Banks and Kent [1]. Optimal control of NSFDEs seems to remain to be open. In this paper, via constructing the duality between linear backward and forward stochastic neutral functional differential equations, we discuss a simple optimal control in the stochastic case. The more general one will be discussed elsewhere. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we prove the existence and uniqueness of adapted solutions and some estimates of NBSFDEs. Section 3 is devoted to a comparison theorem. Finally, as applications, we discuss an optimal control of NSFDEs, construct a Pontryagin maximum principle, and obtain an explicit optimal value of a linear optimal control. 2 Existence and Uniqueness Result In this section, we prove the existence and uniqueness for NBSFDE (1.1), construct some esti- mates of the solutions, and discuss how δ affects the solutions in a simple case. 2 First, let us introduce some spaces. Let H be a finite-dimensional space like Rn,Rn×d,etc., whose norm is denoted by |·|. Denote by B(D) the Borel σ-algebra of some metric space D. τ L2(s,τ;H) := ψ :[s,τ] → H |ψ(t)|2dt < +∞ , (cid:26) (cid:12) Zs (cid:27) S2(s,τ;H) := ψ :[s,τ] → H |(cid:12) sup |ψ(t)|2 < +∞ , (cid:12) s≤t≤τ n o L2(F ;H) := ξ :Ω → H | F -measurable, E[|ξ|2] < +∞ , T T n o τ L2(s,τ;H) := X(·) :[s,τ]×Ω → H F-adapted and E |X(t)|2dt < +∞ , F (cid:26) (cid:12) hZs i (cid:27) S2([s,τ];H) := X(·) : [s,τ]×Ω→ H(cid:12)| F-adapted and E sup |X(t)|2 < +∞ , F (cid:12) s≤t≤τ n h i o CF2([s,τ];H) := X(·) :[s,τ]×Ω → H | F-adapted with continuous path, and n E sup |X(t)|2 < +∞ . s≤t≤τ h i o For simplicity, define H 2(s,τ) := S2([s,τ];Rn)×L2(s,τ;Rn×d) F F equipped with norm 1 τ 2 k(θ,ζ)kH2(s,τ) := E sup |θ(t)|2+ |X(t)|2dt . (cid:26) hs≤t≤τ Zs i(cid:27) Fix δ ≥ 0 to be a constant. For all (y,z) ∈ H 2(0,T +δ), let (y(t),z(t)) denote the value of (y,z) at time t, and (y ,z ) denote the restriction of the path of (y,z) on [t,t+δ]. t t We give some conditions on the generator (G,f) of NBSFDE (1.1). Suppose that • there exist two B([0,T] × S2([0,δ];Rn) × L2(0,δ;Rn×d)) × F -measurable functionals T J,F : [0,T]×Ω×S2([0,δ];Rn)× L2(0,δ;Rn×d) → Rn, such that J(·,ϕ,ψ) and F(·,ϕ,ψ) are F-progressively measurable, ∀(ϕ,ψ) ∈ S2([0,δ];Rn)×L2(0,δ;Rn×d). • for all (y,z) ∈ H 2(0,T +δ), G(t,y ,z ) := E J(t,y ,z )|F = E J(t,y ,z ) , t t t t t t t t f(t,y ,z ):= E(cid:2)F(t,y ,z )|F (cid:3)= E (cid:2)F(t,y ,z )(cid:3). t t t t t t t t Consider the following standing ass(cid:2)umptions on ((cid:3)G,f).(cid:2) (cid:3) (H1)Thereexistκ∈ (0,1)andaprobabilitymeasureλ on[0,δ],suchthatforall(y,z),(y¯,z¯)∈ 1 H 2(0,T +δ) and all (t,ω) ∈ [0,T]×Ω, |G(t,y ,z )−G(t,y¯,z¯)|2 t t t t δ δ (2.1) ≤κE |y(t+u)−y¯(t+u)|2λ (du)+ |z(t+u)−z¯(t+u)|2du . t 1 hZ0 Z0 i (H2) There exist L > 0 and two probability measures λ , λ on [0,δ], such that for all 2 3 (y,z),(y¯,z¯) ∈H 2(0,T +δ) and all (t,ω) ∈ [0,T]×Ω, |f(t,y ,z )−f(t,y¯,z¯)|2 t t t t δ δ (2.2) ≤LE |y(t+u)−y¯(t+u)|2λ (du)+ |z(t+u)−z¯(t+u)|2λ (du) . t 2 3 (cid:20)Z0 Z0 (cid:21) 3 T (H3) E sup |G(t,0,0)|2 < +∞ and E |f(t,0,0)|2dt < +∞, h0≤t≤T i hZ0 i where 0 is the path of 0∈ S2([0,δ];Rn) or 0 ∈L2(0,δ;Rn). Remark 2.1. The dependence of G and f on the path of z requirs in (2.2) and (2.1) in different ways. In particular, such a form G(t,y ,z(t)) is not included in (2.1). t Probabilitymeasuresλ (i = 1,2,3)inthegeneratorallow ustoincorporatemanyinteresting i cases, such as 1 δ G(t,y ,z ) = E y(t+u)du , t t t 2δ hZ0 i δ δ f(t,y ,z ) = E y(t+u)λ(du)+ z(t+u)λ(du) , t t t hZ0 Z0 i and δ G(t,y ,z )= E g(t,y(t),y(t+θ ), z(t+u)du) , t t t 1 h Z0 i f(t,y ,z )= E h(t,y(t),z(t),y(t+θ ),z(t+θ )) , t t t 2 3 where θ > 0, i = 1,2,3 are constants.(cid:2) (cid:3) i Let us introduce the definition of an adapted solution to NBSFDE (1.1): Definition 2.1. A pair of processes (Y,Z) ∈ H 2(0,T +δ) is called an adapted L2-solution to NBSFDE (1.1) if they satisfy (1.1) in Itˆo’s sense. Thefollowing theorem is devoted to the existence and uniqueness of the adapted L2-solution to NBSFDE (1.1). Theorem 2.1. Let (H1)-(H3) hold. Then for any pair (ξ,ζ) ∈ H 2(T,T +δ), NBSFDE (1.1) admits a unique adapted L2-solution (Y,Z) ∈ H 2(0,T +δ). Moreover, the following estimate holds: T E sup |Y(t)|2 + |Z(t)|2dt "0≤t≤T Z0 # T+δ T ≤CE sup |ξ(t)|2 + |ζ(t)|2ds+ sup |G(t,0,0)|2 + |f(t,0,0)|2ds , "T≤t≤T+δ ZT 0≤t≤T Z0 # where C only depends on n,d,L, and κ. Proof. Step 1. Define a subset of H 2(0,T +δ), H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ) := (y,z) ∈H 2(0,T +δ) y(t)= ξ(t), z(t) =ζ(t), ∀t ∈ [T,T +δ] n (cid:12) o equipped with norm (cid:12) (cid:12) T k(y,z)k2 = E sup eβt|y(t)|2 + eβt|z(t)|2dt , "0≤t≤T Z0 # where β > 0 is a constant waiting to be determined. It is obvious that H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ) is a closed subset of H 2(0,T +δ). 4 For (y,z) ∈ H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ), consider the equation −d Y(t)−G(t,y ,z ) = f(t,y ,z )dt−Z(t)dW , t ∈ [0,T]; t t t t t Y(t)(cid:2)= ξ(t), t ∈ [T(cid:3),T +δ]; (2.3) Z(t)= ζ(t), t ∈ [T,T +δ]. Denote Y¯(t) :=Y(t)−G(t,y ,z ), then t t T T Y¯(t) = ξ(T)−G(T,y ,z )+ f(s,y ,z )ds− Z(s)dW , t ∈ [0,T]. (2.4) T T s s s Zt Zt From (H1)-(H3), we have E |ξ(T)−G(T,y ,z )|2 T T δ δ ≤CE(cid:2)|ξ(T)|2 +|G(T,0,0)|2(cid:3)+ |ξ(T +u)|2λ (du)+ |ζ(T +u)|2du 1 (cid:20) Z0 Z0 (cid:21) T+δ ≤CE sup |ξ(t)|2 + |ζ(t)|2dt < +∞ "T≤t≤T+δ ZT # and T E |f(t,y ,z )|2dt t t (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) T δ δ ≤CE |f(t,0,0)|2 + |y(t+u)|2λ (du)+ |z(t+u)|2λ (du) dt 2 3 (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18) Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) T T+δ ≤CE |f(t,0,0)|2dt+ sup |y(t)|+ |z(t)|2dt dt < +∞. "Z0 0≤t≤T+δ Z0 # In view of the theory of BSDEs, Eq.(2.4) admits a unique solution (Y¯,Z) ∈ H 2(0,T). Then define Y¯(t)−G(t,y ,z ), t ∈ [0,T]; t t Y(t) := (ξ(t), t ∈[T,T +δ], and Z(t) := ζ(t), t ∈ [T,T +δ]. From (H1) and (H3) on G, we have T+δ E sup |Y(t)|2 ≤ CE sup |Y¯(t)|2 + sup |y(t)|+ |z(t)|2dt < ∞. "0≤t≤T # "0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T+δ Z0 # Then (Y,Z) ∈H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ) is the solution of Eq.(2.3). Step 2. Define a map Ψ from H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ) onto itself. That is, Ψ :(y,z) 7→ (Y,Z) with (Y,Z) being the solution of (2.3) in Step 1. We prove Ψ is a contraction. Take another pair of process (y¯,z¯) ∈ H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ), and denote (Y¯,Z¯) := Ψ(y¯,z¯). Let ∆Y(t) := Y(t)−Y¯(t), ∆Z(t) := Z(t)−Z¯(t), ∆y(t) := y(t)−y¯(t), ∆z(t) := z(t)−z¯(t) and ∆G(t) := G(t,y ,z )−G(t,y¯,z¯). Then t t t t T T ∆Y(t)−∆G(t) = [f(s,y ,z )−f(s,y¯ ,z¯ )]ds+ ∆Z(t)dW(t), t ∈ [0,T]. s s s s Zt Zt 5 Applying the Itˆo’s formula for eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2, we have T T eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 + βeβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)|2ds+ eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds Zt Zt T =2 eβs ∆Y(s)−∆G(s), f(s,y ,z )−f(s,y¯ ,z¯ ) dt (2.5) s s s s Zt (cid:10)T (cid:11) −2 eβs ∆Y(s)−∆G(s), ∆Z(s) dW(s). Zt (cid:10) (cid:11) In view of (H2) and the Schwartz inequality, T T E βeβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)|2ds+ eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds (cid:20)Z0 Z0 (cid:21) T =2E eβs ∆Y(s)−∆G(s), f(s,y ,z )−f(s,y¯ ,z¯ ) ds s s s s (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) T (cid:10) 1 T δ (cid:11) ≤E LCeβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)|2ds+ eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du) 2 C (cid:20)Z0 Z0 (cid:16)Z0 δ + |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds . 3 Z0 (cid:17) (cid:21) Consequently, choosing β > LC, we have T E eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) (2.6) 1 T δ δ ≤ E eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds . 2 3 C (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) From (2.5), we have T T E sup eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 + βeβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)|2ds+ eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds "0≤t≤T Z0 Z0 # T ≤2E eβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)||f(s,y ,z )−f(s,y¯ ,z¯ )|ds s s s s (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) T +2E sup | eβs(∆Y(s)−∆G(s))∆Z(s)dW(s)| "0≤t≤T Zt # T ≤E LC eβs|∆Y(s)−∆G(s)|2ds (cid:20) Z0 1 T δ δ + eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds 2 3 C Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) 1 T +E sup eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 +K eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds . K " 0≤t≤T Z0 # In view of (2.6), 1 T (1− )E sup eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 +E eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds K "0≤t≤T # (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) K +1 T δ δ ≤ E eβs |∆y(u+s)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(u+s)|2λ (du) ds . 2 3 C (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) 6 Then we obtain T E sup eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 +E eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds "0≤t≤T # (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) (2.7) T δ δ ≤θE eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds , 2 3 (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) where θ = K+1K can be any positive constant by a proper choice of K and C. K−1C Since for all a, b ∈ Rn and ∀α∈ (0,1), 1 (a−b)2 ≥ (|a|−|b|)2 ≥ (1−α)a2 −( −1)b2, α then sup eβt|∆Y(t)−∆G(t)|2 0≤t≤T 1 ≥ sup eβt[(1−α)|∆Y(t)|2 −( −1)|∆G(t)|2] α 0≤t≤T 1 ≥(1−α) sup eβt|∆Y(t)|2−( −1) sup eβt|∆G(t)|2]. α 0≤t≤T 0≤t≤T (2.7) becomes T (1−α)E sup eβt|∆Y(t)|2 +E eβs|∆Z(s)|2ds "0≤t≤T # (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) 1 ≤( −1)E sup eβt|G(t,y ,z )−G(t,y¯,z¯)|2 t t t t α "0≤t≤T # T δ δ +θE eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds 2 3 (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) 1 δ δ ≤( −1)κE sup eβt |∆y(t+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(t+u)|2du 1 α "0≤t≤T (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19)# T δ δ +θE eβs |∆y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |∆z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds 2 3 (cid:20)Z0 (cid:18)Z0 Z0 (cid:19) (cid:21) 1 1 T ≤[( −1)κ+θT]E sup eβt|∆y(t)|2 +[( −1)κ+θ]E eβt|∆z(t)|2dt . α α "0≤t≤T # (cid:20)Z0 (cid:21) To show that Ψ is a contraction, it suffices to prove: for any κ ∈ (0,1), ∃α ∈ (0,1), θ > 0, such that 1 1 ( −1)κ+θT < 1−α and ( −1)κ+θ < 1. (2.8) α α Indeed, for any κ ∈ (0,1), choose α ∈ (κ,1) and θ small sufficiently, the above two inequalities is easy to hold. Therefore, Ψ admits a unique fixed point. That is, (2.3) admits a unique solution (Y,Z) ∈ H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ). In view of the definition of H 2(0,T;ξ,ζ), (Y,Z) ∈ H 2(0,T +δ) and it is the unique adapted L2-solution of NBSFDE (1.1). Step 3. The estimation. 7 Let (Y,Z)∈ H 2(0,T +δ) be the solution of Eq.(1.1), then T T eβt|Y(t)−G(t,Y ,Z )|2+ βeβs|Y(s)−G(s,Y ,Z )|2ds+ eβs|Z(s)|2ds t t t t Zt Zt T =eβT|ξ(T)−G(T,Y ,Z )|2+2 eβs Y(s)−G(s,Y ,Z ), f(s,Y ,Z ) ds T T s s s s Zt T (cid:10) (cid:11) −2 eβs Y(s)−G(s,Y ,Z ), Z(s) dW(s) s s Zt (cid:10) (cid:11) Similar to the method in step 2, for all α ∈ (0,1) and M > 0, T (1−α)E sup eβt|Y(t)|2 +E eβs|Z(s)|2ds h0≤t≤T i hZ0 i T 1 ≤E eβT|ξ(T)−G(T,Y ,Z )|2+ eβt|f(t,0,0)|2dt +( −1)E sup eβt|G(t,Y ,Z )|2 T T t t α h Z0 i h0≤t≤T i T δ δ +θE eβs |Y(s+u)|2λ (du)+ |Z(s+u)|2λ (du) ds 2 3 hZ0 (cid:16)Z0 Z0 (cid:17) i T+δ ≤CE eβT |G(T,0,0)|2 + sup |ξ(t)|2+ |ζ(t)|2dt h (cid:16) T≤t≤T+δ ZT (cid:17) T 1 + eβt|f(t,0,0)|2dt +(1+M)( −1)E sup eβt|G(t,0,0)|2 α Z0 i h0≤t≤T i 1 1 δ δ +(1+ )( −1)κE sup eβt |Y(t+u)|2λ (du)+ |Z(t+u)|2du 1 M α h0≤t≤T (cid:16)Z0 Z0 (cid:17)i T δ δ +θE eβs |Y(u+s)|2λ (du)+ |Z(u+s)|2λ (du) ds 2 3 hZ0 (cid:16)Z0 Z0 (cid:17) i T+δ T ≤CE eβT sup |ξ(t)|2 + |ζ(t)|2dt + eβt|f(t,0,0)|2dt+ sup eβt|G(t,0,0)|2 h (cid:16)T≤t≤T+δ ZT (cid:17) Z0 0≤t≤T i 1 1 1 1 T+δ + (1+ )( −1)κ+θT E sup eβt|Y(t)|2 + (1+ )( −1)κ+θ E eβt|Z(t)|2dt . M α M α h0≤t≤T+δ i hZ0 i (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) Then, 1 1 (1−α)−(1+ )( −1)κ−θT E sup eβt|Y(t)|2 M α 0≤t≤T h i (cid:2) 1 1 (cid:3) T + 1−(1+ )( −1)κ−θ]E eβs|Z(s)|2ds M α hZ0 i (cid:2) T+δ T ≤CE sup |ξ(t)|2+ |ζ(t)|2dt+ eβt|f(t,0,0)|2dt+ sup |G(t,0,0)|2 . hT≤T≤T+δ ZT Z0 0≤t≤T i Similar to the argument in step 2, for any κ ∈ (0,1), there exist α∈ (0,1) and M > 0, such that 1 1 (1−α)−(1+ )( −1)κ−θT > 0; M α 1 1 1−(1+ )( −1)κ−θ > 0. M α 8 Therefore, T E sup |Y(t)|2+ |Z(s)|2ds h0≤t≤T Z0 i T+δ T ≤CE sup |ξ(t)|2 + |ζ(t)|2dt+ |f(t,0,0)|2dt+ sup |G(t,0,0)|2 . hT≤T≤T+δ ZT Z0 0≤t≤T i Remark 2.2. In (2.1), κ ∈ (0,1) is essential for the existence and uniqueness. It is difficult to prove that Ψ is a contraction for κ ≥ 1, since (2.8) does not hold for any α ∈(0,1) in this case, Remark 2.3. The value of Z on [0,T] is endogenous, just like BSDEs. The terminal condition of Z is needed for the well-posedness only on [T,T +δ′], where δ′ is the forward length of the anticipation on Z of the generator (G,f). For example, if G(t,·,·) and f(t,·,·) only depend on Z(t), then the terminal condition of Z is not necessary. In this case, the solution Z only makes sense on [0,T]. But for the uniqueness of the solution in H 2(0,T +δ), we define Z = 0 on [T,T +δ], and omit it in the equation for simplicity. Remark 2.4. (i) Since Y(t)+G(t,Y ,Z ) is path-continuous, the continuity of Y(·) depends on t t G(t,·,·). If G(t,·,·) is continuous in t, for example, 1 t+δ G(t,Y ,Z ) = E Y(s)ds , t t t 2δ (cid:20)Zt (cid:21) then Y(·) is also path-continuous. t (ii) Y(t)+G(t,Y ,Z ) is a semi-martingale with diffusion Z(s)dW(s). However, we do t t 0 not know whether Y(·) is semi-martingale or not. R Similar to the proof of the former theorem, we have the following corollary: Corollary 2.2. Suppose that (G ,f ) satisfies (H1)-(H3), and (ξi,ζi) ∈ H (T,T +δ), i = 1,2. i i Consider the following NBSFDE: −d[Y(t)−G (t,Y ,Z )] = f (t,Y ,Z )dt−Z(t)dW , t ∈[0,T]; i t t i t t t Y(t) = ξi(t), t ∈ [T,T +δ]; Z(t)= ζi(t), t ∈ [T,T +δ]. Let (Yi,Zi)∈H (0,T +δ) be the solution for i= 1,2, respectively. Then the following estimate holds: T E sup |Y1(t)−Y2(t)|2 + |Z1(t)−Z2(t)|2dt "0≤t≤T Z0 # T+δ ≤CE sup |ξ1(t)−ξ2(t)|2 + |ζ1(t)−ζ2(t)|2dt (2.9) (cid:20)T≤t≤T+δ ZT T + sup |G (t,Y1,Z1)−G (t,Y1,Z1)|2 + |f (t,Y1,Z1)−f (t,Y1,Z1)|2dt , 1 t t 2 t t 1 t t 2 t t 0≤t≤T Z0 (cid:21) where C only depends on n,d,L and κ. 9 This corollary states the dependence of solutions on the generator (G,f) and the terminal conditions. In the following, we will discuss how the solution depends on δ in a simple case. Letδ andδ betwononnegativeconstant,andδ > δ . Considerthefollowingtwoequations: 1 2 1 2 −d Y(t)−E g(t,Y(t+δ )) =E h(t,Y(t),Z(t),Y(t+δ )) dt−Z(t)dW(t); t i t i (2.10) h i Y(t) = ξ(t), (cid:2)t ∈ [T,T +δ ](cid:3). (cid:2) (cid:3) 1 where g : [0,T]×Ω×Rn → Rn, and h : [0,T]×Ω×Rn ×Rn×d ×Rn → Rn are both adapted processes. Since both g and h are independentof the anticipation of Z(·), by Remark 2.3, it is sufficient for the well-posedness to give the terminal value of Y on [T,T +δ]. Similar to assumptions (H1) and (H2), consider the assumption (H4) There are κ∈ (0,1) and L > 0, such that for all y,y¯,v,v¯∈Rn and z,z¯∈ Rn×d, |g(t,y)−g(t,y¯)| ≤ κ|y−y¯|; |h(t,y,z,v)−h(t,y¯,z¯,v¯)| ≤ L(|y−y¯|+|z−z¯|+|v−v¯|). Then we give the following proposition about the dependence of solution on δ: Proposition 2.3. Suppose that (H4) holds, and assume there are C > 0 and α > 0, such that |g(t,y)−g(t′,y)| ≤ C|t−t′|α, ∀y ∈ Rn, and for any ϕ,ϕ¯∈ L2(F ;Rn), T |g(t,ϕ)−g(t,ϕ¯)| ≤ κ|E [ϕ−ϕ¯]|; t |h(t,y,z,ϕ)−h(t,y,z,ϕ¯)| ≤ L|E [ϕ−ϕ¯]|. t Then for any ξ ∈ S2([T,T +δ ];Rn), the following estimate holds F 1 T E sup |∆Y(t)|2+ |∆Z(t)|2dt "0≤t≤T Z0 # ≤C |δ −δ |2α+|δ −δ |+E sup |E [ξ(t)−ξ(t¯)]|2 . 1 2 1 2 T t,t¯∈[T,T+δ] (cid:16) h i(cid:17) Particularly, if ξ is a martingale, then T E sup |∆Y(t)|2 + |∆Z(t)|2dt ≤ C[|δ −δ |α+|δ −δ |]. 1 2 1 2 "0≤t≤T Z0 # Proof. It is obvious that (2.10) admits a uniquepair of solution (Yi,Zi) for i = 1,2 respectively. Let ∆Y := Y −Y and ∆Z := Z −Z . In view of (2.9), we have the following estimate: 1 2 1 2 T E sup |∆Y(t)|2 + |∆Z(t)|2dt h0≤t≤T Z0 i ≤CE sup |g(t,Y (t+δ ))−g(t,Y (t+δ ))|2 1 1 1 2 0≤t≤T h (2.11) T + |h(t,Y (t),Z (t),Y (t+δ ))−h(t,Y (t),Z (t),Y (t+δ )|2dt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Z0 i ≤CE sup |E [Y (t+δ )−Y (t+δ )]|2 . t 1 1 1 2 0≤t≤T h i 10