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Preview Neuroretinal Dysfunction With Intact Blood-Retinal Barrier and Absent Vasculopathy in Diabetes ...

Diabetes 1 AldinaReis,1,2,3 Catarina Mateus,1PedroMelo,1,2 JoãoFigueira,1,2,3 JoséCunha-Vaz,1,2,3 and MiguelCastelo-Branco1 Neuroretinal Dysfunction With Intact Blood-Retinal Barrier and Absent Vasculopathy in Diabetes Type 1 DOI:10.2337/db13-1673 Itisunknownwhetherindependentneuraldamagemay very high (;90% after 15 years of disease duration), as occur in the pre-/absent vascular diabetic retinopathy shown by long-term epidemiological studies (2). Among (DR).Toexcludevasculopathy,itisimportanttomeasure the several known risk factors for DR development, dis- theintegrityoftheblood-retinalbarrier(BRB).Thiscross- ease duration is indeed one of the most relevant (3–6), sectionalstudyaddressedthisproblemintype1diabetic togetherwithmetaboliccontrol(5,7).Nevertheless,afrac- C patients with normal ocular fundus and absent break- tionofpatientspresentinggoodmetaboliccontrol(;10%) O down of the BRB (confirmed with vitreous fluorometry). M do develop DR, and still another proportion of patients P These were compared with a group with disrupted BRB L with poor metabolic control, nevertheless, do not develop IC (with normal fundus or initial DR) and normal controls. thiscomplication(8).Theroleofvasculopathicmechanisms A Multifocalelectroretinographyandchromatic/achromatic in DR is well established. Accordingly, classification of oc- TIO contrast sensitivity were measured in these 42 patients ular fundus changes is relevant to the management and N withpreservedvisualacuity.Amplitudesof neurophysio- S treatmentofcomplicationsofthisdisease(9–11).Thecon- logical responses (multifocal electroretinogram) were cept of a preretinopathy stage is characterized by the ab- decreasedinalleccentricityringsinbothclinicalgroups, sence of lesions in ocular fundus examination and of the when compared with controls, with sensitivity >78% for aspecificitylevelof90%.Implicittimechangeswerealso presence subclinical changes in the blood-retinal barrier (BRB)(3,12,13).Leakageofthisbarrierhasbeenproposed foundintheabsenceofinitialDR.Impairedcontrastsen- as the earliest manifestation in DR (3). sitivityalongchromaticaxeswasalsoobserved,andach- romatic thresholds were also different between controls Itispossiblethatindependentneuraldamagemayalso and both clinical groups. The pattern of changes in the occurindiabetes.Thisisdifficulttostudyinthepresence group without baseline BRB permeability alterations, as ofconcomitantvascular damage.However,ifearlyneural probed by psychophysical and electrophysiological mea- damageoccurs,itcanbestudiedbysearchingforevidence surements, does thereby confirm independent damage of neuroretinal changes in the absence of retinal micro- mechanisms. We conclude that retinal neuronal changes vasculopathy.Thisispossibleinthepre-DRstage(14–17). can be diagnosed in type 1 diabetes, independently of Some functional studies have suggested visual impair- breakdownoftheBRBandonsetofvasculopathy. mentindiabeticpatientswithoutapparentDR,butthese studiesdidnotexcludechangesinintegrityofthebarrier function using a quantitative method (2,18–25). The oc- Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a major cause of vision loss currenceofstructuralchangesindicatingvasculardamage (1). The prevalence of DR in type 1 diabetic patients is is also quite disputed in type 1 diabetic patients at 1VisualNeuroscienceLaboratory,InstituteforBiomedicalImaginginLifeSciences, ThisarticlecontainsSupplementaryDataonlineathttp://diabetes FacultyofMedicine,UniversityofCoimbra,Coimbra,Portugal .diabetesjournals.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.2337/db13-1673/-/DC1. 2AssociationforInnovationandBiomedicalResearchonLightandImage,Coimbra, ©2014bytheAmericanDiabetesAssociation.Readersmayusethisarticleas Portugal longastheworkisproperlycited,theuseiseducationalandnotforprofit,and 3CoimbraUniversityHospital,Coimbra,Portugal theworkisnotaltered. Correspondingauthor:MiguelCastelo-Branco,[email protected]. Received29October2013andaccepted6May2014. Diabetes Publish Ahead of Print, published online June 19, 2014 2 PureNeuroretinalDysfunctioninDiabetes Diabetes a preclinical stage (23,26), possibly because the way Sample sizes were sufficient to probe evidence for isolated patients are phenotyped may vary across studies. The neural damage as assessed by electrophysiological measures criterion for determining absence of DR lesions in type asthemainoutcome(amplitudeofcentralretinalresponses, 1 diabetic patients is indeed a common problem across R1,samplesizecalculationforaa =0.05andpower=0.8; studies, which often are solely based on retinography or predicted effect size of 30 nV/deg2 between controls and standard angiography. Definition of early vascular (endo- patients, as expected from our previous data and the liter- thelial) changes, as defined above, concerning measures ature cited in INTRODUCTION and DISCUSSION). ofinnerbarrierfunction,mayprovideamoreclearpatho- The criterion for choosing the study eye was the one physiological cutoff. Thus we aimed at establishing with larger number of lesions, when applicable. If no DR objective criteria for the absence or presence of initial signs were visible and BRB permeability values were vasculopathybyincludingthequantitativemeasurements normal,therighteyewaschoseniftheyearofthepatient’s of the permeability of the BRB. birthdaywas anevennumber and thelefteye ifitwas an Type 1 diabetic patients without clinical evidence for odd number. This last principle (to prevent bias) was also DR may show impaired objective responses to stimuli of applied to healthy controls. distinct spatial frequencies (19), sometimes concomi- Participantsweresubmittedtoacompleteophthalmo- tantly associated with different contrast levels (18). A logical examination, including the best-corrected VA, slit linkofsuchdeficitswithparvo-andmagnocellularimpair- lamp examination of anterior chamber, intraocular pres- ment is, however, missing. Besides the changes in achro- sure measurement (Goldmann applanation tonometer), matic contrast sensitivity (20,22), there are also studies angle and fundus examination (noncontact lens), and showing changed psychophysical and physiologic changes subjective visual complaints. Exclusion criteria included in these patients without DR, related to color contrast media opacities, neurophthalmological/retinal diseases sensitivity (24,25) and multifocal electroretinogram (besides DR),andhighammetropies(sphere .64D;cyl- (mfERG)responses(21).Itremainsunclearwhetherthese inder .6 2D). changescanbepresentindependentlyofvasculardamage Setting (e.g., if they could reflect direct neural damage). Data were collected at the Institute for Biomedical The current study aimed to circumvent the above- Imaging in Life Sciences, the Association for Innovation mentioned methodological limitations by providing, as and Biomedical Research on Light and Image, and the stated above, a clear-cut pathophysiological cutoff be- University Hospital of Coimbra until 2011. tweenpresenceandabsenceofBRBdamage(quantitative analysis of BRB permeability with vitreous fluorometry LaboratoryAnalysis—GlycatedHemoglobin [VF]).Wecombinedthismeasurewithobjectivestructural In order to evaluate the patients’ metabolic control level, and functional (electrophysiological) measures of visual blood samples were collected for analysis of glycated he- function, as well as psychophysical thresholds. In sum- moglobin(HbA1c).Thiswasassessedbyhigh-performance mary, we investigated retinal neural dysfunction in a liquid chromatography (Variant II, Bio-Rad). population of type 1 diabetic patients, from the psycho- CharacterizationofOcularFundusandBRB Status physical and neurophysiological point of view, with characterization of BRB leakage and metabolic control ColorFundusPhotography level.Thegoalwastoidentifywhetherneuraldamagecan Color fundus photographs (35°) of both eyes were taken occurindependentlyofalterationsoftheBRBandnormal in seven standard fields of the retina according to Early fundus images. Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) proce- dures (9), with a Topcon TRC-50 IA Retinal Ophtalmic RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS CamerawithaSonyDXC950Pdigitalcamerawithares- PatientSelection,Demographic Characteristics, and olution of 0.5 MPixels/768 3 576. These photographs Ophthalmological Examination were always obtained after psychophysical and electro- The study followed the tenets of the Declaration of physiological assessment to prevent artifactual changes Helsinki and was approved by our ethics committee. in retinal adaptation. Priortotheinclusioninthestudy,informedconsentwas obtained from all subjects after a full explanation. FluoresceinAngiography We tested 42 eyes of 42 patients (mean age 6 SD = Besides color fundus photography, fluorescein angiogra- 26.6 6 5.3 years) with preserved visual acuity (VA) and phy(FA) was sequentiallyperformed(TRC-50 IATopcon; divided them into two groups: one group without any digital camera: B/W Megaplus 1.4i, resolution of 1 clinical signs of DR and normal BRB permeability as MPixel/1,34031,037)toincreasesensitivityindetecting assessed by VF (n = 14 eyes; VA = 1.11 6 0.15) and topographic changes on BRB permeability. another group with BRB breakdown/vasculopathy with no A red-free photograph was taken before 10% fluores- clinicalsignsofDRormildnonproliferativeDR(n=28eyes; cein sodium solution administration, which was injected VA = 1.06 6 0.14). These data were compared with those in the antecubital vein in a volume adjusted to the obtained in 25 age-matched controls (27.4 6 5.8 years). patients’ weight prior to VF. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org ReisandAssociates 3 A series of 20 early phase pictures during the arterial participants, and tinted contact/spectacle lenses were and capillary filling were taken in the eye with larger replaced by lenses in a trial frame when necessary. The number of lesions, when applicable. If no DR signs were test ended after 11 reversals of each adaptive staircase, visible, the right eye was chosen if the year of the and the mean of the last 7 reversals was obtained as the patient’s birthday was an even number and the left eye threshold expressed in confusion vector length for each if it was an odd number. After this series, a macula- protan, deutan, and tritan axes in CIE 1976 u’v’ color centered photograph was taken from the contralateral space units (32,33). eye, followed by acquisition of quadrantic field images AchromaticContrastSensitivity. Achromaticcontrastsen- of the selected and the contralateral eyes, respectively. sitivitywithinthemagnocellularpathwaywasprobedusing Bilateral late-phase pictures (5 and 10 min) were finally a perimetric test based on frequency-doubling technology takeninordertofirstclassifyinaqualitativemannerthe (FDT)(33–35).Verticallyorientedsinusoidalgratingstimuli presence or absence of leakage to help substantiate the (0.25cpd,25Hz)werepresentedmonocularlyusingaHum- classification of the DR level (10). phrey Matrix Perimeter (Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc.). VF An N-30-F (nasal 30°)–threshold testing strategy was VF is a valuable tool for studying the intraocular fluid chosen. This procedure consisted of a modified binary dynamics and the permeability of the blood-ocular bar- searchusingafour-reversalruletodeterminethethresh- riers, namely, the BRB. VF brought an important clinical old level at each of the 19 tested locations. The range of contribution for quantifying BRB permeability in DR and possible raw data are between 0 dB (maximum contrast/ is of particular interest in the preclinical stage since lowest patient sensitivity) and 56 dB. The formula to diabetic eyes show increased permeability values even in calculate sensitivity in dB units was log *(2,048/c)*10*H, 10 apparently normal ocular fundi (27,28). where c ranges from 1 to 2,048 (scaled minimum and For this purpose, we used a commercial fluoropho- maximumcontrast,respectively)andH(Humphreyscaling tometer, the FM-2 Fluorotron Master (Coherent, Palo factor) is ;2. Alto, CA) and followed the standard protocol for BRB Statistical analysis was performed considering both permeability measurement (29). A dose of 14 mg/kg was global parameters (mean deviation [MD] and pattern SD injected, and measurements of fluorescein concentration [PSD]) and contrast sensitivity pooled from five regions: intheposteriorvitreouswereobtained1hafterinjection, the5°central area(C)and thefourvisualfieldquadrants after discounting for the natural fluorescence of the ocu- (superior temporal [ST], superior nasal [SN], inferior na- lartissues(preinjectionscan).Bloodsampleswerecollected sal [IN], and inferior temporal [IT]). at 10, 15, and 50 min after injection for posterior mea- surements of the plasmatic fluorescein concentration (a Neurophysiology The electrophysiological procedures mentioned below cuvette that was adapted to the optical head of the Fluo- rotron was used for measuring the concentration of fluo- were performed with pupil dilation. rescein in plasmatic solutions). With all these parameters, mfERG it was possible to obtain the penetration ratio (PR) of the mfERG was recorded using RETIscan (Roland Consult, fluorescein across the BRB (30). Germany) with DTL-Plus electrodes to measure local Functional Assessment photopic activity within photoreceptor/bipolar cell cir- We have applied several psychophysical and electrophysio- cuitry (36). The stimulus consisted in a 30° central visual logicalmethodstocharacterizevisualfunctionandestimate fieldhexagonalpatternwith61elementsadjustedforthe neurophysiological parameters that could be used to study magnification factor, pseudo-randomly presented binocu- structure-function correlations in our groups. larly according to the standard m-sequence on a 20-inch cathode ray tube monitor (rate 60 Hz; viewing distance Psychophysics 33 cm). Participants’ far vision refractive correction was ChromaticContrastSensitivity. Chromatic contrast sen- compensated, when applicable, according to the adjust- sitivity was tested along three parallel, randomly in- mentscaleforthispurpose,andnearrefractivecorrection terleaved staircases (31) (Cambridge color test, CRS, was added if necessary. Rochester, U.K.). We simultaneously assessed the three Active voltage range of the signal was 6200 mV using coneconfusionaxes,modulatedintheCIE1976u’v’color aband-passfilterof5–100Hzandamplificationatagain space. The chromatic stimulus (a Landolt-like C-shaped of100,000. Eight47-scycles wereobtained foraveraging ring) appears over the noisy pattern of gray circles of at an artifact rejection level of 10%. different sizes/luminance levels, and participants chose Analyseswere performedusing the first-orderkernels. the gap position in a forced four-choice task. Stimuli For each hexagon and concentric ring (eccentricities, in were presented monocularly on a 21-inch g-corrected diameter of visual angle: ring 1, 4.4°; ring 2, 4.4–13.6°; monitor (GDM-F520; Sony, Tokyo, Japan; refresh rate ring3,13.6–25.8°;ring4,25.8–40.8°;ring5,40.8–58.7°), 100 Hz) at a viewing distance of 1.8 m in a darkened theamplitude(nV/deg2)andimplicittimes(ms)oftheN1 room. Far vision refractive correction was worn by trough and the P1 peak were calculated. 4 PureNeuroretinalDysfunctioninDiabetes Diabetes Table1—Demographicandclinicalcharacterizationofthe42includeddiabeticpatients HbA Age Diabetes 1c Vascularlesions ETDRSgrading PatientID (years) duration(years) % mmol/mol (no/yes) (studyeye) 1 29 12 6.6 49 No 10 2 28 17 8.4 68 Yes 20 3 25 15 6.2 44 No 10 4 23 15 8.7 72 Yes 20 5 25 12 7.2 55 No 10 6 14 7 7.8 62 No 10 7 15 13 9.6 81 Yes* 10 8 25 17 9.3 78 Yes* 10 9 30 24 7.0 53 No 10 10 23 12 11.6 103 Yes 35D 11 26 15 8.7 72 No 10 12 27 15 13.0 119 Yes 35D 13 28 17 11.1 98 Yes 20 14 29 14 6.7 50 No 10 15 28 18 10.0 86 Yes 20 16 25 17 7.6 60 Yes 20 17 16 12 9.9 85 No 10 18 23 12 6.8 51 No 10 19 25 17 6.5 48 Yes 20 20 31 27 8.1 65 Yes 35D 21 29 24 9.1 76 No 10 22 29 22 9.1 76 Yes 35D 23 23 10 8.9 74 No 10 24 33 22 7.3 56 Yes 35C 25 27 19 7.3 56 No 10 26 29 21 8.1 65 Yes 20 27 19 13 7.6 60 No 10 28 24 14 6.4 46 Yes* 10 29 31 15 8.2 66 Yes 20 30 23 12 8.4 68 Yes 20 31 18 16 7.9 63 Yes 20 32 31 13 8.0 64 Yes 35D 33 29 25 7.1 54 Yes 20 34 35 19 6.9 52 Yes 20 35 37 29 8.9 74 Yes 35D 36 34 26 10.1 87 Yes 20 37 35 25 6.5 48 Yes 35C 38 32 29 7.4 57 Yes 20 39 24 17 8.6 70 Yes 35C 40 29 13 8.5 69 No 10 41 22 20 11.1 98 Yes 35C 42 31 20 9.6 81 Yes 20 *CriterionforvascularlesionsbasedonVFresults. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org ReisandAssociates 5 Statistical Analysis [61 6 12.1 mmol/mol]). In the group with disruption Given the observed relative violation of ANOVA assump- of BRB, HbA varied from 6.2% (44 mmol/mol) to 1c tions, nonparametric analyses (Mann-Whitney U testing/ 13.0% (119 mmol/mol; mean 6 SD values = 8.70% 6 Spearman rank correlation) at a significance level of P , 1.64% [72 6 17.9 mmol/mol]). This difference did 0.05 were performed using StatView (SAS, Cary, NC), with not reach statistical significance (P = 0.07). correction for the number of group comparisons. Characterization ofBRB Status Given theconservativeapproachofonlyincludingone eye per participant (see RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS), we ColorFundusPhotography andFA alsoreplicatedthisanalysiswithanapproachthatusesall These two methods were jointly used to classify the DR eyes, with correction for dependence using generalized level:10(17eyes,40.5%),20(15eyes,36%),35C(4eyes, estimating equations (see Supplementary Data with this 9.5%),and35D(6eyes,14%).SeeTable1formoredetails replication analysis). (right column). Receiveroperatingcharacteristic(ROC)analyses(Med- Calc, version, Mariakerke, Belgium) were per- MeasuresofBRBPermeabilityUsingVF formed to determine sensitivities at defined levels of InthegroupwithdisruptedBRB,PRvalues(1026min21) specificity (;90%) and to compare differences between ranged from 1.78 to 12.39 (mean 6 SD = 4.78 6 2.79), controls and patients without signs of DR and preserved whileintheothergroup,thesevaluesrangedfrom1.08to BRB.Diagnostic accuracies ofpsychophysical and electro- 2.81 (mean 6 SD = 2.12 6 0.49). These are below the physiological tests were assessed by comparing areas un- limitfornormalvalues(#3.131026min21)identifiedin der the ROC curves (AUCs). Statistic significance was set the literature, thereby enabling us to define the partici- at P , 0.05. pants in this group as having normal BRB permeability (37) according to the inclusion criteria. RESULTS Table 2 provides a detailed characterization of the di- Table 1 provides a global summary of the demographic abetic group characterized by no changes in BRB and, and clinical data of the included diabetic patients (age, simultaneously, by the absence of signs of DR. diabetes duration, HbA , and presence/degree of vascu- 1c FunctionalAssessment lar ocular fundus lesions). Group analyses are presented Figure 1 shows different examples of psychophysical and below. neurophysiological data in three patients with different Demographic Characteristics andOphthalmological patterns of damage (patients 5 and 29 present no DR, Characterization patient 5 with minimal functional changes and patient The study group included 42 eyes of 42 type 1 diabetic 29 with clear impairment on visual function testing; pa- patients(14–37years;meanage6SD=26.665.3years) tient 4 had initial DR). with preserved VA (best-corrected values ranging from 0.9 to 1.3) divided into two subgroups according to the valuesofBRBpermeabilityassessedbyVFandtheETDRS classification system (based on color fundus photography Table2—Characterizationofthediabeticpatientgroupwith and FA analysis): one group with normal BRB permeabil- nochangesinBRB(£3.131026min21)andDRETDRS ity(#3.131026min21)andnofundussignsofDR(n= gradingof10 14 eyes; VA = 1.11 6 0.15) and another group that in- VA Disease BRBPR cluded patients with mild nonproliferative DR, or no DR (study duration (study but increased BRB permeability values (n = 28 eyes; VA = Patient Sex eye) (years) eye) 1.06 6 0.14). 1 Male 1.3 12 1.88 The mean duration of disease ranged from 7 to 29 3 Male 1.3 15 1.72 years (group with no DR, mean 6 SD = 14.43 6 4.86 5 Male 1.0 12 1.53 years; group with initial DR, mean 6 SD = 18.93 6 6 Female 1.0 7 2.81 5.04 years). 9 Male 1.3 24 1.82 All participants completed the protocol, so no cases of 11 Male 1.3 15 2.20 missing data were present. 14 Male 1.3 14 1.08 AnalysisofMetabolic Control—HbA 17 Male 1.0 12 2.34 1c Thesepatientshadthoroughandsystematiclocalsurveil- 18 Male 1.0 12 2.64 lance of metabolic control levels since childhood, at the 21 Female 1.0 24 1.91 time of their diagnosis of diabetes: one visit to the 23 Male 1.0 10 2.63 endocrinology department, every 6 months in the initial 25 Male 1.0 19 2.05 follow-up, and one visit yearly thereafter. In the group 27 Female 1.0 13 2.50 withnormalBRB,HbA variedfrom6.2%(44mmol/mol) 1c to9.9%(85mmol/mol;mean6SDvalues=7.7461.11% 40 Female 1.0 13 2.51 6 PureNeuroretinalDysfunctioninDiabetes Diabetes Figure1—RepresentativeexamplesofsomeresultsoftwopatientswithoutDR(patient5withoutDRandminimalchangesonfunctional testing; patient 29 without DR with more changes than patient 5) and a patient with initial DR (patient 4), with three microaneurisms identified.A:FA,achromaticcontrastsensitivity(FDT)(B),andstandardmfERG(C1:plots;C2:analysisbyconcentricrings)(C). Psychophysics Achromatic Contrast Sensitivity—Evidence for Early Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity—Evidence for Damage Magnocellular Impairment. MD, a global parameter of ofBothParvocellularandKoniocellularPathwaysEven magnocellular performance (FDT testing; see RESEARCH inPatientswithAbsentLeakageandDR. Asillustrated DESIGN AND METHODS) yielded significant differences be- tween controls and each group of patients (with normal in Fig. 2, chromatic contrast sensitivity measures were BRB permeability and no DR, P = 0.002; with leakage significantly different between controls and patients. and/or DR, P = 0.0002), with no significant effect Considering the group with disrupted BRB, the compar- detected between patient groups. Concerning PSD (field isonwithcontrolsshowedhigherthresholdsforallchro- heterogeneity measure), a significant difference was matic axes (protan, P = 0.007; deutan, P , 0.0001; foundbetweencontrolsandpatientswithdiabeteswith- tritan, P , 0.0001). Importantly, significantly higher out leakage and no DR (P = 0.02) and no difference thresholds were also found, but only for the tritan axis between patients groups. For details, see Fig. 3A. in the group with normal BRB permeability and no DR Please note that MD and PSD provide essentially (P = 0.009). When comparing both patient groups, sig- different information, and MD is more useful as a lesion nificant differences are only found for the deutan axis indicator since it defines absolute/global damage. This (P = 0.01). value is higher in the group of initial DR, as expected. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org ReisandAssociates 7 Figure2—Chromaticcontrastthresholdsinpatientsandincontrols,whereimpairmentcanbealreadyobservedinthegroupwithnoDR andnormalBRBpermeability.Percentiledatadepicted.mNPDR,mildnonproliferativeDR. Toprobewhetherregionaldifferenceswereunderlying Comparisonsbetweenbothpatientgroupsshowednosig- these effects, we then analyzed magnocellular achromatic nificant differences (see Fig. 3B for details). contrast sensitivity in distinct regions. Significant differ- ences were found in all five locations, between controls Neurophysiology and both patient groups, except in the C region and IT mfERG—Direct Evidence for Neural Dysfunction in the quadrant of the visual field in patients with no lesions AbsenceofLeakageandDR. The mfERG showed a signif- (group with preserved BRB and no DR: ST, P = 0.04; SN, icant decrease in amplitude in all concentric rings in both P=0.01;IN,P=0.058—groupwithdisruptedBRB:C,P= patient groups when compared with control subjects (P1 0.02; ST, P = 0.01; SN, P = 0.003; IN, P , 0.0001). wave, all eccentricity rings, P , 0.0001 in the group of Figure 3—Magnocellular contrast sensitivity expressed in whole-field deviation (MD) and in regional homogeneity (PSD) measures in patientsandincontrols(A),aswellasinquadranticthresholds(B).Percentiledatadepicted.mNPDR,mildnonproliferativeDR;Temp. Sup.,ST;NasalSup.,SN;NasalInf.,IN;Temp.Inf.,IT. 8 PureNeuroretinalDysfunctioninDiabetes Diabetes disruptedBRB—groupwithpreservedBRB,R1,P,0.0001; Correlationswith DurationofDiabetes R2,P=0.0003;R3–R5, P,0.0001—seeFig.4A), suggest- Duration of disease correlated with implicit time of inganeuralbasisfordamageattheouterretinallevel(pho- mfERG, namely, P1 wave (most peripheral rings, R4, toreceptor and bipolar cell circuit level) since dysfunction r = 0.43, P = 0.03; R5, r = 0.44, P = 0.02; and marginally occurs irrespective of evidence for early vascular damage. lostinring1,r=0.25,P=0.06)andN1wave(ring1,r= Analysisofimplicittimesshowedasignificantdecrease 0.44, P = 0.02), in the group with BRB changes. In the in patients with preserved BRB and no DR, as compared other clinical group, duration of diabetes only correlates with controls, but only in ring 2 (P = 0.006). This differ- with a chromatic protan thresholds axis: r = 0.72, P = enceisalsoevidentinring2(P=0.02)inthegroupwith 0.002. These findings suggest distinct pathophysiological disrupted BRB (see Fig. 4B for details). mechanisms in the presence or absence of BRB break- AsimilarpatternwasfoundconcerningtheN1component: down. decrease in amplitude values in both patient groups (with disruptedBRB,R2,P=0.001;R3,P=0.0003;R4,P=0.0006; ROCCurve—Sensitivity/Specificity Analysis R5,P,0.0001—withpreservedBRB,rings2–5,P,0.0001), ROCcurvesweregeneratedforallincludedtests,allowing withnochangesinimplicittimes(seeFig.5Aand5B). us to compare sensitivities (probability of positive test- It is important to point out that no significant differ- ing results when the clinical condition is present) for detecting impairment at fixed specificity levels. In our ences were obtained for amplitude and implicit time analysis, the chosen cutoff for this parameter was set values of P1 and N1 waves between both clinical groups. near 90%. The highest sensitivity values were found in Structure andFunctionCorrelations mfERG amplitude values (P1 wave, sensitivities of 78% Correlations withBRBPermeability across the five concentric rings). N1-wave amplitude SignificantcorrelationscouldbeobservedbetweenPRand values also showed high sensitivities (up to 82%) in functionalmeasuresinthegroupwithleakage,namely,in paracentral rings, except in the central ring. Chromatic chromatic thresholds (deutan, r = 0.39; P = 0.04; tritan, contrasttestsshowedthelowestsensitivity,inparticular, r = 0.37, P = 0.05) and in mfERG P1-wave implicit time concerning protan and deutan axes (see Table 3 and (most peripheral rings, R5, r = 0.46; P = 0.002). Fig. 6). Figure4—P1waveamplitude(A)andimplicittime(B)ofmfERGacrossconcentricrings.Decreasedamplitudesvaluesarefoundinboth patientgroups,showingadifferentpatterninimplicittime(decreasedvaluesinthegroupwithnoDR).Percentiledatadepicted.mNPDR, mildnonproliferativeDR. diabetes.diabetesjournals.org ReisandAssociates 9 Figure5—N1waveamplitude(A)andimplicittime(B)ofmfERGacrossconcentricrings.Percentiledatadepicted.mNPDR,mildnon- proliferativeDR. DiagnosticAccuracy byAUC an independent mechanism in the absence of BRB dis- The AUC summarizes the diagnostic accuracy of each ruption. This corroborates the idea that isolated neural parameter (AUC = 1 would represent a perfect discrim- damage can occur even when the (usually dominant) ination between controls and diabetic patients with no vascular damage is not present. The fact that these signs of DR/preserved BRB; AUC = 0.5 means discrimi- measures were more tightly linked with disease time nation at the chance level). Our results showed AUCs duration in the group with vascular lesions suggests that between 0.946 and 0.532 (Table 3). The higher AUC val- vasculardamagesuperimposedonprimaryandsecondary ues (P , 0.0001) correspond to the mfERG test (P1 and neuronal changes can dominate during the subsequent N1 wave amplitudes, except ring 1 of the N1 wave). period in the natural history of disease. These issues can best be clarified in a longitudinal study. DISCUSSION Concerningthefunctionalpathwaysthatwereaffected Inthisstudy,wehavefoundevidenceforanindependent even in the prevascular stage, we identified damage of neural phenotype in pre- or absent vascular DR in both parvocellular and koniocellular pathways (as dem- diabetes type 1. This was possible to establish by using onstratedbychromaticcontrastsensitivitytesting).Some a clear pathophysiological cutoff defining the onset of previous studies also report significant color vision endothelial lesions. This cutoff is based on in vivo defectsindiabetestype1(24,25).However,thesestudies objective measures of BRB permeability. did not provide a clear cutoff between prevascular and Retinal neuronal changes occurring in type 1 diabetic vascular stages. patients with no breakdown of the BRB or onset of Impairment of magnocellular function was also ob- vasculopathywereprobedbypsychophysical(achromatic/ served (as revealed by decreased thresholds in FDT in C chromatic contrast sensitivity) tests of ganglion cell and peripheral regions), even in the group with normal magno-, parvo- and koniocellular pathways and electro- BRB measures and without clinical signs of DR. Previous physiological recordings (mfERG). The latter suggest studies reported a nonselective decrease in contrast sensi- a neural correlate of dysfunction at the outer retina. tivity (18,19,22,38). Our study used a specific perimetric Interestingly,wefoundthatneurophysiologicalchanges test biased to the activation of the magnocellular perfor- correlate with increased BRB permeability in the group mance, probing central and peripheral vision, and our ofpatientswithleakage,whichconfirmstheexistenceof results are consistent with a previous study documenting 10 PureNeuroretinalDysfunctioninDiabetes Diabetes Table3—AUCandassociated95%CIforthestudiedtestingvariablescomparingcontrolsanddiabeticpatientswithETDRS gradingof10andpreservedBRB Sensitivity/ Criterionvaluefor Parameters AUC 95%CI Pvalue specificity(%) 90%specificity Cambridgecolortest Protan 0.646 0.498–0.776 0.1164* 21/89 51 Deutan 0.586 0.438–0.724 0.3893* 14/89 49 Tritan 0.794 0.656–0.895 0.0001 50/89 73 FDT MD 0.805 0.676–0.899 ,0.0001 43/90 21.51 PSD 0.738 0.602–0.847 0.0072 57/90 4.26 C 0.691 0.552–0.808 0.03189 36/88 29.50 ST 0.721 0.584–0.834 0.0098 50/90 28.38 SN 0.760 0.625–0.865 0.0020 50/90 29.00 IN 0.711 0.573–0.825 0.0118 36/90 29.60 IT 0.670 0.530–0.791 0.0540 36/93 29.50 ERG—P1amplitude Ring1 0.938 0.822–0.988 ,0.0001 79/90 63.1 Ring2 0.867 0.730–0.950 ,0.0001 79/90 33.87 Ring3 0.900 0.772–0.970 ,0.0001 79/90 22.76 Ring4 0.912 0.787–0.976 ,0.0001 71/90 13.74 Ring5 0.921 0.799–0.981 ,0.0001 79/90 10.40 ERG—P1IT Ring1 0.500 0.346–0.654 1.0000* 14/93 42.4 Ring2 0.790 0.641–0.898 0.0011 71/90 34.38 Ring3 0.721 0.566–0.846 0.0169 50/90 33.69 Ring4 0.693 0.536–0.823 0.0478 50/90 32.91 Ring5 0.702 0.546–0.831 0.0272 43/90 33.23 ERG—N1amplitude Ring1 0.721 0.562–0.848 0.0201 46/90 11.20 Ring2 0.881 0.743–0.960 ,0.0001 85/90 9.59 Ring3 0.912 0.784–0.977 ,0.0001 85/90 7.12 Ring4 0.926 0.801–0.984 ,0.0001 85/90 4.18 Ring5 0.891 0.757–0.966 ,0.0001 85/90 3.54 ERG—N1IT Ring1 0.580 0.418–0.730 0.5013* 39/93 18.75 Ring2 0.715 0.555–0.843 0.0302 46/90 13.80 Ring3 0.586 0.424–0.736 0.3982* 31/93 12.80 Ring4 0.554 0.393–0.708 0.5869* 15/90 12.80 Ring5 0.603 0.441–0.751 0.3576* 31/86 13.30 Sensitivitieswereobtainedforeachparameterat;90%specificity.Criterionvaluesrelatedwiththisspecificityarealso presented. mfERGresults(inparticular,theP1waveamplitude)showthehighestsensitivityvaluesforafixedspecificity(;90%).*Nonsignificant values. FDT changes in diabetic patients with no clinically detect- development of DR in adult patients, suggesting the able DR (39,40). mfERG findings showed generalized de- locationoffuturelesions,basedonpreviouslocalchanges crease amplitudes that are consistent with changes at in implicit time (44–46). photoreceptor/bipolar cell circuits. Recent studies (41–43) In our study, we also found early mfERG changes. reported local neurophysiological changes in diabetes type However, thesearenot directlycomparable to the above- 1, as assessed by mfERG. Although these local neurophys- mentioned results because of group definition criteria. iologicalchangesshowtheexpectedinterindividualvariabil- Changesinwavemorphologyandamplitudemightleadto ity (in terms of range of amplitude values), ROC and AUC different forms of change and even decreases in the local analyses showedthat relatively high sensitivity isobserved implicit time values, especially in cases of amplitude for electrophysiological measures at high specificities, con- reduction.However,inpatientswithminimalDR,implicit firming the presence of sensitive earlymeasuresof specific time tended to increase. As mentioned above, small neural damage that may potentially be usedas biomarkers differences across studies might be due to the criterion for detecting neural changes independently of vascular for defining the absence of retinal lesions. In previous lesions. studies, it was based on fundus photography and not on Accordingly, studies by the Adams group have shown anincreaseinBRBpermeability,whichisthefirstsignof thatlocalmfERGsarehighlypredictiveofthesubsequent vasculardamage(3,12,13).Inotherwords,BRBpermeability

decreased in all eccentricity rings in both clinical groups, breakdown of the BRB and onset of vasculopathy. Diabetic retinopathy matic contrast sensitivity (20,22), there are also studies showing .. Statistic significance was set at P , 0.05 (group with preserved BRB and no DR: ST, P = 0.04; SN,
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