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Neuropharmacology 1993: Vol 32 Index PDF

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Preview Neuropharmacology 1993: Vol 32 Index

SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 32 A A10-septal pathways Absence seizures Acetylcholine 169, 279, 291, 695, 745 Acetylcholine receptor 597 Acetylcholine release 85, 519 Acetylcholinesterase 745 ACPD 21, 1359, 1419 Adenosine 149, 1061 Adenosine deaminase 1359 Adenosine receptors 1061 Adenosine triphosphate Adenylate cyclase Adrenalectomy Adrenergic a,-Adrenergic analgesia Adrenoceptors a-Adrenoceptor a,-Adrenoceptors a,-Adrenoceptors 119, 411, 1411 AF64A 519 @-Aga-IVA 1161, 1171, 1195, 1213 Agelenopsis aperta Aggression Aging Allosterism Alpidem Ambulation Amino acids Amitriptyline 249, 479, 1397 Ammonia 919 cAMP 1359 AMPA 37, 767, 933, 1025, 1337, 1419 AMPA receptor Amphetamine Amygdala Amygdaloid nucleus Analepsis Analgesia Angiotensin II Anticonvulsants Antidepressant 331, 561, 737, 839, 1001, 1373 Antiepileptic drugs 895 Antinociception 689, 1299 Antioxidants 659, 785 Antipsychotic drugs 605 Anxiety 217, 977, 987 Anxiolytic 265, 429, 439, 461, 855 AP7 43, 1011 Apomorphine 777 Arachidonic acid 1279 Arousal 493 Arterial pressure 575 Astrocytes 833 Atipamezole 1411 ATP-sensitive K-channel 951 Atypical antipsychotics 901 Atypical jerking 515 Audiogenic seizures 51 Auditory Autoradiography B Baclofen 1171, 1437 Barbiturate 355 Basal forebrain 279 BayK8644 719 Bed nucleus 279 Behaviour 265, 331, 359, 493, 509, 561, 839, 1019 Benzalkonium chloride 377 Benzodiazepine 59, 429, 439, 455, 671, 855 Benzodiazepine antagonist 323 Benzodiazepine inverse agonists 127 Bicuculline 575 Binding site ligands 751 Biotinylated w-conotoxin derivatives 1151 Blood pressure 185, 1387 Botulinum neurotoxin Brain microdialysis Brainstem BRL 46470 Bromocriptine a#-Bungarotoxin 373, 877 Buprenorphine 865 Buspirone 429, 969 C CAI 127 CA3 127 Ca** stores 1 Calcium 793, 1141, 1151, 1171, 1185, 1195, 1229 Calcium channel 719, 1061, 1075, 1117, 1141, 1151, 1161, 1195, 1239, 1249 Calcium currents 1171 Calcium ion 681 Capsaicin 799 Carbachol 1387 Carbamazepine 895 B-Carboline 1011 Carboxyphenylglycine derivatives 1419 Cardiovascular system 175 Catalepsy 273, 1037 Catecholamine 535, 819 CDNA 1103 Cerebellar granule cell 1185, 1259 Cerebellum | Cerebral blood flow 297 Cerebral cortex 355, 785 Cerebral ischemia 1279 Cerebral O, consumption 297 CGP-35348 575 CGP55845 1437 CGRP 633 CGS 8216 393 Chemical sympathectomy 1373 p-Chloramphetamine 995 Chlordiazepoxide 429, 969 Chloride channel 105, 455 Chloride ion 401 Chlorine acetyltransferase 113 P-Chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA) 71 Cholecystokinin 555 Cholinergic 349 Cholinergic antagonist 447 Cholinergic arousal 487 Cholinergic neurotransmission 169 Cholinesterase inhibitors 291 Cholinomimetics 185 Chronic treatment 1001 Cisplatin 959 Clonidine 411 Cloning 1089 Clozapine 901 CNS neurons 1075 CNS responses 1433 Cocaine 195, 387, 419, 487, 501, 719, 721, 761, 807. 1289 Cocaine-induced behaviour 387 Cocaine receptors 229 Cognition enhancer 119 Conditioned avoidance response 1427 Conditioned place preference 1299 Conflict behavior 461 w-Conotoxin 133, 1103, 1141, 1151 w-Conotoxin GVIA 133, 1089, 1151, 1171, 1195, 1213 w-Conotoxin MVIID 1141, 1151 w-Conotoxin receptor 1127 @-Conotoxin-MVIIC 1213 Conus magus 1141 Convulsant 349 Cortex 205, 217, 401 Cortical wedge 1025 Corticosteroid receptors 1397 Cross-tolerance 689 Culture 1337 CY 208-243 101 Cyclic AMP 793 Cyclic GMP 29, 1267 D D1:D2 receptor interaction D, D, binding D1 agonist D2 agonist D1 receptor agonist D2 receptor agonist DA neurones DAMGO Deep prepiriform cortex Delayed neuronal death Deltamethrin Dentate gyrus Dependence producing drugs Dermorphin Dermorphin tetrapeptide Descending inhibition Desensitization Desipramine Detrusor hyperreflexia Dextromethorphan Dextrorphan 5,7-DHT lesions 3,4-Diaminopyridine Diazepam Diazoxide 5,7 Dichlorokynurenic acid Diethylenetriamine Dihydropyridine 1,4-Dihydropyridines Subject Index Dioestrous 969 Diphenylhydantoin 895 Dizocilpine (MK-801) 29, 37, 43, 341, 909, 1047, 1337 cDNA 1117 DOPA 885 DOPAC 885, 1401 Dopamine 273, 341, 473, 515, 555, 681, 721, 761, 777, 807, 885, 901, 1289, 1401 Dopamine agonist 93 Dopamine antagonists 493 Dopamine D, receptor 101, 315, 385, 487, 515, 807, 901 Dopamine D2 receptors 387, 515, 807 Dopamine D, receptors 509, 901 Dopamine receptor 85, 411, 493, 1037 Dopamine reward 1315 Dopamine transporter 721 Dopamine uptake 501 Dorsal horn 633 Dorsal horn neurone 1437 Dorsolateral pontine tegmentum 621 Drug discrimination 349, 359 Drug plasma concentration 919 Dynorphin A 703 E EEG power spectral analysis 919 EEG 487, 493, 543 Electroconvulsive shock Eltoprazine Enadoline Energy failure [p-Ala’, NMePhe’*, Gly-olJEnkephalin [D-Pen’,L-Pen* ]Enkephalin Enriched environment Enterochromaffin cells Ephedrine 373 Epilepsy 51, 401, 895, 919 Epileptic EEG abnormalities 919 Excitatory amino acid 21, 909, 1011, 1279 Excitotoxicity 467, 1279, 1351 Expression 1089 F Fentanyl FG 7142 Flumazenil Flunarizine Fluo-3 Fluoxetine Footshock Forced swimming test Formalin test Forskolin Fourier analysis Fractional Ca?* current Free radicals Frontal cortex Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate B-Funaltrexamine G GABA autoreceptor GABA (y-aminobutyric acid) 217, 355, 401, 511, 575, 671 , 1337, 1419 Subject Index GABA, receptor 59, 401, 455, 575, 855 GABA, receptor 1171, 1437 GAMS 767 Genetically epilepsy-prone rats 51 Gepirone 527 Glial plasmalemma! vesicles 833 Glibenclamide 951 Glucose 307 Glucose serum concentration 919 Glutamate exocytosis 1185 Glutamate receptor 1203 Glutamate 1279 Glycine 1203 L-2-(carboxy- cyclopropyl)Glycine 833 Glycine receptor antagonists 139 cGMP 139 PHIGR 65630 869 ['H]Granisetron , 1325 ['1]GTI 205 H Hallucinogen 169 Haloperidol 243, 273, 387, 909 Halothane 419 Heptylphysostigmine 745 Hexobarbital anesthesia 1433 High affinity glutamate uptake 833 Hippocampal slice 127, 149 Hippocampus 1, 113, 133, 217, 307, 311, 393, 479, 605, 833, 937, 977, 987, 1061, 1229, 1337, 1333, 1397, 1359 HPLC 839 Hsp70 1047 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin) 1333 5-HT receptor 209, 633, 1427 5-HT synthesis §27 5-HT terminal autoreceptor 205 5-HT transporter site 209 5-HT 65, 217, 429, 561, 591, 641, 711, 729, 839, 959, 995, 1381 5-HT, receptor 249 5-HT; receptor 65 5-HT,, agonists 331, 977 5-HT,, autoreceptor 527 5-HT,, receptor 641, 653 5-HT,, receptor 617 5-HT, agonist 447 5-HT; receptor antagonists 987 5-HT; receptor 729, 869, 1325 5-HTip 205 a-Human atrial natri uretic polypeptides 175 Human putamen 1325 P-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 659 y-Hydroxybutyrate 401 6-Hydroxydopamine 113, 273, 995 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid 995 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) 73, 205, 331, 617, 737 [°H]5-Hydroxytryptamine uptake 737 Hyperalgesia 703 Hypertension 223 Hypothalamus 535 Hypothermia 653 Hypoxia 149 I Ibotenate 1359 Ifenprodil 43 Imipramine 479, 561, 1397 Immediate early genes 1047 In situ hybridization 37 In vitro release 633 Indeloxazine hydrochloride 307, 695 Indole-2-carboxylates 139 Indoleamines 535 Inositol 21 Inositol phosphate 113 Intact proestrous females 641 Interferons 1433 Intracerebroventricular 185 Intracranial self-stimulation 1305 Intrathecal 367 Intrinsic efficacy 1037 4-Iododexetimide 1441 ['*I]lomazenil 671 Ion channel blockers 229 Ipsapirone 527 Ischaemia 235, 307, 777, 1047, 1367 Ischaemia models 1239, 1249 K K* permeability Kainic acid Ketamine Ketanserin, Kindling Kynurenate L-Kynurenine L L-type calcium channels 719, 1117 Levodopa 473 Light-dark box 93 Limbic 279 Lipid peroxidation 235, 659 Lipid peroxides 157 Lithium 793 Locomotor activity 761, 1019, 865, 885 Locus coeruleus 419, 621, 937 Long-term potentiation 1, 127, 479, 929, 933, 1229 Lorazepam 671 LTD 511 M Magnesium 1171 MAO inhibitors 439 MAO, inhibitor 473 Mass spectrometry 139 MCPG 723, 929, 933, 1229 MCPP 1381 MDL 72222 65 {""CJMDL 72222 65 Medetomidine 1411 Medulla 1387 Memantine (1-amino-3,5-dimethyladamantan) 1337 Membrane potential 195 Mescaline 169 Met-enkephalin 621 Met-enkephalin-Arg*-Phe’ 711 Metabotropic 311 Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1, 723, 929, 933, 1185, 1229, 1359, 1419 Subject Index Methamphetamine 243, 761, 1019 (RS)-«-Methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine 933 N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 37, 341, 349, 461, 591, 1025, 1279, 1337 N-Methyl-b-aspartate receptor 479 Metitepine 205 M + 1337 Microdialysis 291, 473, 745, 761, 839, 937, 959, 1381 Microinjection 1411 Microiontophoresis 279 Midazolam 303, 977 Miniosmotic pump 703 Minocycline 793 Modulation 355 Monensin 133 Monoamines 561 Morphine 223, 279, 543, 689, 703, 1299, 1315 Morphine dependence 703, 865 Morphine withdrawal 1387 Motor activity 1289 Motor response 751 Mouse diaphragm 597 MPTP 315, 473, 597, 877 MRNA Muscarinic acetylcholinergic receptor Muscarinic autoreceptors Muscarinic receptors Muscimol Mutagenesis Myasthenia gravis Mydriasis Myelin Myelin enzymes Myoclonus N N.accumbens N-terminus of SP N-type calcium channel Na*-dependent glutamate uptake Naloxone NBQX Nefopam Neonate Neostriatum Neuroblastoma cell 105, Neuroblastoma cells Neurodegeneration Neuroleptics 555, 1037 Neuromuscular 877 Neuromuscular blockade 597 Neuromuscular junction 373, 377 Neuromuscular transmission 169 Neuronal Ca?*+ channels 1127 Neuropeptide Y 819 Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity, Neuroprotection 467, 1047 Neurosteroids 59 Neurotoxicity 1259, 1351 Neurotoxins 1075 Nicardipine 719 Nicotine 827, 847, 937 Nicotinic receptors 169, 519, 847 Nifedipine 257, 1397 Nitric oxide synthase 1267 Nitric oxide 29, 1259, 1267 NP 32/12—L Subject Index NMDA antagonist NMDA cerebellum NMDA receptor NMDA receptor antagonists NMDA receptor channel Nociception 367, 591, 1411 Noise-exposure 1333 Non-NMDA receptors 29 Noradrenaline 21, 133, 279, 793, 937, 995 Noradrenergic 367, 419 Nordihydroguaiaretic acid 1279 Norepinephrine release 285 Nucleotide 951 Nucleus accumbens septi 977, 987 Nucleus accumbens 243, 703, 761, 885, 1289 Nucleus bractus solitarius 1419 Nucleus raphe magnus 1411 O Oestrous 969 7-OH-DPAT 509 8-OH-DPAT 527, 617, 653 Ontogeny Oocytes Open-field test Operant pb Opiate receptors 323, 1305 xk Opioid 751 «k-Opioid agonist 1315 Opioid antagonist 751 Opioid peptides 711 Opioids 223, 1299 Opioid—benzodiazepine interactions Outflow Ovariectomy P P-type calcium channel Parkinsonism Paroxetine [°?H]Paroxetine Partial agonists Passive avoidance Patch clamp PC12 cell Pentylenetetrazole Periaqueductal gray Permeability Peroxynitrite PET Phencyclidine (PCP) 909, 1337 Phenobarbital 895 4-Phenylpyridine 877 Phenytoin 751 Phosphoinositide 21, 1351 Phosphoinositide hydrolysis 249 Phospholipase A, 1279 Phospholipids 235 Phrenic nerve—diaphragm 877 Physical dependence 855 Physostigmine 185, 519, 745 PI-metabolism 119 Pindolol 1427 Pirenzepine 1387 Place conditioning 1315 Polyamines 43 Positively charged surface-active agent 377 Positron tomography 65 Posterior hypothalamus 175 Prazosin binding 1373 Prenatal 721 Preoptic area 175 Pressor response 175 Presynaptic 1381 Presynaptic fiber spikes 1061 Pro-oxidant activity 659 Proceptivity 641 Prolactin 1381 Prolactin release 1037 Protein kinase C 1, 1289 4-PTIQ 243, 761 Purkinje neuron 1, 1161, 1213 Putrescine 43 Pyrethroid 105 Pyritinol 119 Quinolinate Quinpirole Quipazine PH]Quipazine Quisqualate R Raclopride 487 Radioiodine 44) Radioligand binding assay 229 Rat cortex 847 Rat hypothalamus 819 Receptivity 641 Receptor binding 169 Release 217, 819, 1333, 1401 REM sleep rebound 447 Reperfusion 785 Reserpine 515 Resinferatoxin 799 Respiration 323 Reward 1305, 1299 Ritanserin 265 mRNA 767 Rostroventromedial medulla 1411 S Schizophrenia SCH 23390 PHISCH 23390 Scopolamine Seizures 43, 257, 895 Self administration 543 Sensitization 865, 1289 Septum 113 Serotonin (see 5-HT) Sham-feeding 101 Shuttle box 1427 Sibutramine 737 Sigma 909 Sigma sites 605 Subject Index Single channel analysis 1127 Single photon detection system 1441 SK&F 38393 101 Social and agonistic behaviour 1001 Social behaviour 411, 429, 969 Social interaction Social investigation Sodium cyanide Sodium Soluflazine Somatostatin Somatosympathetic reflexes SPECT Spermidine Spermine Spider toxin Aga-Gl Spider venom Spinal cord Spinal cord trauma Spinal reflex SR 31742A Stereospecificity Stereotypy Steroid Stimulant Stobadine Stress 223, 279 Striatal neurons 29 Striatum 85, 291, 681, 827, 885 Stroke 1239, 1249 Strychnine-insensitive glycine antagonists Substance P Substantia nigra a, Subunit B Subunit Sulphonylurea Sulpiride Superior colliculus Superoxide Synaptic modulation Synaptic plasticity Synaptic transmission Synaptosomes 195, 501, 833, 1195 Synergy 303 T Tacrine Tailflicks Tandospirone Tardive dyskinesia TCP Tetrahydroaminoacridine A’-Tetrahydrocannabinol A*"'.Tetrahydrocannabinol Tetrahydroisoquinoline Tetrodotoxine TFMPP Thalamus Thioridazine Tolerance 689, 855 Tricyclic antidepressants 439, 479 Tryptophan 467 d-Tubocurarine 877 Type t 285

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