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Neurokinin 1 Joel V. Weinstock* Division of Gastroenterology-Hepatology, Department of Medicine, University of Iowa, 4607 JCP, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA *corresponding author tel: 319-354-2250, fax: 319-353-6399, e-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1006/rwcy.2001.23011. SUMMARY 1970s, reports suggested that rat synaptic membranes displayed high-affinity binding sites for substance P. TheNK1receptorisaGprotein-coupled,seventrans- TheaminoacidsequenceoftheratNK1receptorwas membrane receptor. The gene and mRNA encoding deduced by molecular cloning in 1989 (Yokota et al., the NK1 receptor have been cloned from several 1989). The structure of the first highly specific, species.SubstancePisthenaturalhigh-affinityligand nonpeptide NK1 antagonist was published in 1991 for this receptor. The receptor desensitizes then (Snider et al., 1991). gradually resensitizes following repeat substance P exposure. The NK1 receptor is displayed extensively Alternative names throughoutthebody.Itappearsprominentlyinvarious regionsofthebrain,spinalcord,lungs,andintestines. It is expressed on neurons, vascular endothelium, Substance P receptor. intestinalepithelium,lymphocytesandothercelltypes oftheimmunesystem.Intheimmunesystem,various Structure cytokines as well as T cell receptor engagement can induce NK1 expression. Stimulation of the NK1 receptor excites several distinct intracellular second TheNK1receptor isamemberofthesuperfamilyof messenger systems. Activation of the receptor affects G protein-coupled seven transmembrane receptors immunoregulation,cardiorespiratoryphysiology,neu- (OhkuboandNakanishi,1991).Hydrophobicdomains rotransmission, and intestinal secretion and absorp- form (cid:11) helices that span the cell membrane seven tion. It also influences neuronal survival and helps times. Figure 1 shows the potential N-glycosylation regulatetheemeticreflex,variousbehavioralresponses, sites (triangles) and conserved amino acids (solid vascular dilatation, and vascular permeability. There circles) among the three tachykinin receptors (NK1, are several nonpeptide NK1 receptor antagonists NK2, NK3) and a possible palmitoylation site repre- undergoing clinical evaluation for management of sented by a zigzag line. The intracytoplasmic emesis, depression, and other pathophysiological C-terminal conformation presumably determines the processes. typeofbiologicalactivitydisplayed.Theactualthree- dimensional structure is unknown. Main activities and BACKGROUND pathophysiological roles Discovery The wide distribution of the NK1 receptor and sub- Substance P is the natural high-affinity ligand of the stantial additional evidence suggest that this receptor NK1 receptor. Substance P was purified and hasmanyfunctions(QuartaraandMaggi,1997).The sequenced in 1971 (Chang et al., 1971). In the late NK1 receptor is involved in pain transmission in CytokineReference Copyright#2001AcademicPress 2 Joel V. Weinstock Figure 1 Model of the NK1 receptor. system inflammation in response to Trypanosoma bruceiinfection(Kennedyetal.,1997). Mouse models demonstrate that activation of the NK1 receptor can significantly upregulate immune inflammatory reactions. However, the importance of NK1 receptors in human disease is unknown. There are no known diseases directly attributed to loss or overexpression of the NK1 receptor. Published Assays and Other Research Tools for Studying the NK1 Receptor 1. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for NK1 receptor identification via immunohistochemistry. 2. AutoradiographiclocalizationofNK1receptorsin tissue sections. 3. Polyclonal antibody for Western blot identifica- tion of receptor protein. 4. PCR (Blum et al., 2000; murine) and RNase pro- tection(GautreauandKerdelhue,1998;rat)assays for quantification of receptor mRNA. The PCR peripheral nerves and the spinal cord (Mantyh et al., assay can detect and measure <100 NK1 receptor 1997), and in expression of neurogenic inflammation mRNA transcripts in 0.3(cid:22)g of total RNA. (McDonald et al., 1996). In the CNS, it influences 5. Highly selective human and murine nonpeptide neuronal survival and helps to regulate the emetic NK1 receptor antagonists. reflex, cardiovascular, and respiratory functions, and 6. NK1 receptor knockout mouse on 129(cid:2)C57BL/6, variousbehavioralresponses.Otherfunctionsinclude C57BL/6, and CBA backgrounds. stimulation of vasodilatation and enhancement of 7. Various human and murine cell lines (i.e. lympho- vascular permeability. In addition, it has a role in cytes,macrophages)thatexpresstheNK1receptor. intestinal secretion, motility, and neuro-neuronal communication. While substance P has various immunoregulatory GENE functions(Maggi,1997),theroleoftheNK1receptoris less clearly defined because substance P may bind to Accession numbers other receptors in addition to NK1. However, recent publications clearly implicate the NK1 receptor in Human gene: X65177, X65178, X65179, X65180, immune modulation and susceptibility to infection. X65181 StudiesinvivoandinvitrousingspecificNK1receptor Human mRNA: M76675 antagonistsandmicedeficientinNK1receptorshave Rat gene: M64232, M64233, M64235, M64236, showntheimportanceofthisreceptorinmediatingthe M34751, M34752, M34754, M34755 T cell IFN(cid:13) response in murine schistosomiasis Rat mRNA: M31477 (WeinstockandElliott,1998).Thisregulationisviaa Mouse mRNA: X62934 NK1 receptor located on the T cell. Mice pretreated with a substance P receptor antagonist are more susceptible to intestinal salmonellosis, showing a Sequence decreasedIFN(cid:13) responseintheintestine(Kincy-Cain andBost,1996).Clostridiumdifficileisabacteriumthat See Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Sequence data beyond canreleasetoxins,whichinducescolitisinhumans.The that shown here is available at: www.ncbi.nlm.nih. NK1 receptor helps to mediate the inflammatory gov/. diarrhea and mucosal injury induced by C. difficile toxin A (Castagliuolo et al., 1998). Mice with Chromosome location and linkages disruptionoftheNK1receptorgenearelesssusceptible toimmunecomplex-induced,pulmonaryinjury(Bozic et al., 1996) and IL-1-induced, neutrophil migration A single gene encodes the NK1 receptor. In humans, (Ahluwalia et al., 1998). Mice receiving an NK1 it is located on chromosome 2 (Gerard et al., 1991). receptorantagonistdeveloplessseverecentralnervous Reports suggest that mammalian tissue also may Neurokinin 1 3 Figure2 Humangenesequence.Thecompletesequencesofthefiveexonsandpartialsequencesofthefourintronsare shown. The TATA box is in bold (1339–1342) and the exons are underlined (Takahashi et al., 1992). variations do not affect substance P binding or produceatruncatedisoformoftheNK1receptorthat signaling. However, they do explain species-depen- is of unknown physiological significance. dent variation in potency of various pharmacological receptor antagonists. PROTEIN Accession numbers Human, rat, and mouse NK1 receptors all contain 407aminoacids.Thededucedaminoacidsequenceof SwissProt: the rat is 99% identical to that of the mouse, but Human: P25103 differs by 22 residues from that of human. These Mouse: P30548 4 Joel V. Weinstock Sequence Relevant homologies and species differences See Figure 7. The mammalian tachykinin system consists of three Figure 3 Human mRNA sequence (Gerard et al., 1991). distinct peptides called substance P, neurokinin A, and neurokinin B. Their receptors are designated NK1, NK2, and NK3, respectively. The three receptors share homology (Table 1). The substance P receptor (NK1) also can bind neurokinin A and neurokinin B. Affinity for ligand(s) Substance P binds the NK1 receptor with high affinity (K <10(cid:255)9M). The rank order of affinity for i the various tachykinins for the substance P NK1 binding site is substance P(cid:29)neurokinin Figure4 Ratgenesequence(Hersheyetal.,1991).Completesequencesofthefiveexonsandpartialsequencesofthefour introns. Exons are underlined. Source: rat (strain Fisher) DNA. The chromosome origin is unknown. Neurokinin 1 5 Figure 5 Rat mRNA sequence (Hershey and Krause, Figure 7 Amino acid sequences for NK1 receptor of 1990). human (protein ID: CAA46292.1, PID: g825721, GI: 825721, SwissProt: P25103), rat (protein ID: AAB59726.1, PID: g1196819, GI: 1196819), and mouse (protein ID: CAA44707.1, PID: g54207, GI: 54207, MGD:MGI: 98475, SwissProt: P30548). The seven trans- membrane domains are underlined. Figure 6 Mouse mRNA sequence (Sundelin et al., 1992). The chromosome origin is unknown. Table 1 Homology among the tachykinin receptor sub- types NK1 NK2 NK3 Amino acid 407 390 452 residues Molecular 46,364 43,851 51,104 weight Homology 54% to NK2 55% to NK2 in amino 66% to NK3 acid sequence A>neurokinin B. However, it recently has been could not fully differentiate NK1 receptor binding suggested that the NK1 receptor actually has two from among the other tachykinin receptors. There is distinct high-affinity binding sites, one for substance strong evidence, however, that the NK1 receptor is P and one for neurokinin A. The latter site is located displayed extensively in various regions of the brain at least in part at the distal end of the second and spinal cord. It also is expression on vascular extracellular loop (Wijkhuisen et al., 1999). The endothelial cells (Greeno et al., 1993). In various bindingsiteforsubstancePappearstorequireregions regions of the intestines, there are NK1-binding sites of transmembrane domains I, II, and VII, and the in the smooth muscle layers, submucosa, epithelium N-terminus (Berthold and Bartfai, 1997). and ganglia of the enteric plexuses. The renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and pulmonary microvasculature (Bowden et al., 1996) are other probable sites of Cell types and tissues expressing NK1 receptor expression. The salivary glands also have NK1 receptors. the receptor Lymphoid organs and immunocytes can express NK1 receptors. There are NK1 receptors in germinal In many instances, the precise location and cellular centers of mesenteric lymph nodes and in intestinal distribution of NK1 receptors remain controversial. lymphoid tissue. Reports suggest that lymphocytes Many of the techniques used and reagent employed and macrophages can express this receptor in both 6 Joel V. Weinstock human and other mammalian species (Cook et al., experimental cell systems can excite various second 1994; Ho et al., 1997; Goode et al., 1998). messenger pathways. Ligand binding can activate phospholipase C and D (Torrens et al., 1998). This generates I(1,4,5)P and increases [Ca2+]. Also Regulation of receptor expression 3 activated are arachidonic acid release, adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase A2(1,2,3) (Grady et al., At least in some cells, desensitization followed 1995). by gradual re-sensitization is the physiological response to repeat substance P exposure. Studies using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and other receptor-transfected cell lines suggest that NK1 THERAPEUTIC UTILITY receptor desensitization following substance P engagement requires receptor phosphorylation. G Effect of treatment with soluble protein-coupled receptor kinases like GRK2 receptor domain (Nishimura et al., 1998) phosphorylate the receptor, while (cid:12)-arrestins uncouple the phosphorylated recep- torfromtheheterotrimericGproteins(McConalogue There are several nonpeptide NK1 receptor antago- etal.,1999;Baraketal.,1999).Thisterminatessignal nists undergoing clinical evaluation. Reports suggest transduction.Therearereportsofasecondisoformof that they may prove useful for controlling depression theNK1receptorthatistruncatedattheC-terminus. (Krameretal.,1998),emesis(Navarietal.,1999)and When transfected into CHO cells, this receptor does exercise-induced bronchoconstriction in asthma not undergo rapid and prolonged desensitization (Ichinose et al., 1996). upon exposure to substance P (Li et al., 1997). Substance P also stimulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis and recycling of the NK1 receptor References (Garland et al., 1996), which is an important part of the process of receptor re-sensitization. Multiple Ahluwalia,A.,DeFelipe,C.,O’Brien,J.,Hunt,S.P.,andPerretti, domains in the receptor’s intracellular C-tail and M.(1998).ImpairedIL-1beta-inducedneutrophilaccumulation transmembrane domain VII are important for this in tachykinin NK1 receptor knockout mice. Br. J. Pharmacol. endocytosis (Sasakawa et al., 1994; Bohm et al., 124,1013–1015. 1997).ThesubstancePdissociatesfromitsreceptorin Barak, L. S., Warabi, K., Feng, X., Caron, M. G., and Kwatra, acidified endosomes (Grady et al., 1995), and the M.M.(1999).Real-timevisualizationofthecellularredistribu- tionofGprotein-coupledreceptorkinase2andbeta-arrestin2 refurbished, dephosphorylated receptor is brought duringhomologousdesensitizationofthesubstancePreceptor. back to the cell surface. J.Biol.Chem.274,7565–7569. T cells can express the NK1 receptor. T cell Berthold,M.,andBartfai,T.(1997).Modesofpeptidebindingin receptorengagement,IL-12,IL-18,andTGF(cid:12) allcan Gprotein-coupledreceptors.Neurochem.Res.22,1023–1031. trigger and upregulate T cell NK1 receptor mRNA Blum,A.M.,Metwali,A.,Crawford,C.,Li,J.,Qadir,K.,Elliott, D.E.,andWeinstock,J.V.(2000).IL-12andantigenindepen- expression and display (Blum et al., 2000). NK1 dentlyinducesubstancePreceptorexpressioninTcellsinmur- display is more prominent at sites of inflammation. ineschistosomiasismansoni.FASEBJ.(inpress) Bohm,S.K.,Khitin,L.M.,Smeekens,S.P.,Grady,E.F.,Payan, D. G., and Bunnett, N. W. (1997). 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