NEUROENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC EFFECTS OF GENERAL ANAESTHESIA DURING SPONTANEOUS BREATHING, CONTROLLED BREATHING, MILD HYPOXIA, AND MILD HYPERCARBIA e N~.r.TA B. ,NIKBOD ,.D.M RETEP H. ,SELYB ,.B.M DNA NHOJ F. ,ELLIVEN Jl% .D.M Vision is as necessary an element in scientific achievement as is the carefully controlled experiment. -Ernest Gellhorn, 1953 EMOS FO TIIE ENIRCODNEORUEN SECNATSBUS that play a prominent role in the central nervous system are found in the peripheral circulation. Their exact func- tions are not entirely clear, but it appears evident that alterations in their con- centration in the circulating blood are associated with profound overt mental and physical changes, as well as possibly initiating sudden serious disturbances of TM pulmonary ventilation, myocardial contractility, microcireulatory homeostasis, gastrointestinal and renal function, and carbohydrate metabolism. 9-~ These in turn may lead to the development of a shock-like state and death. The purpose of this study was to make a precise systematic inquh T into the effects of general anaesthetics as administered in clinical practice on the circu- lating blood level of four biogenic amines and to attempt to interrelate these with any changes that might appear in the mean arterial blood pressure, urine out-put, haematocrit, blood water, blood sugar, serum potassium, serum inorganic phosphorus, pyruvate, lactate, oxygen tension, acid-base balance, and serum transaminases (SGOT and SGPT). SLAIRETAM nNA SDOHTEM Serial crossover tests were carried out in four consecutive sets of experiments in 10 to 15 trained, large (20 to 30 kg.) male dogs. Each animal received a general anaesthetic at one- to two-week intervals without prior administration of premedicant drugs or antisialogogues. After an overnight fast, a dog was weighed, then an intravenous infusion of 0.9 per cent saline was started in a forepaw vein after drawing a blood sample for estimation of blood sugar, serum potassium, serum inorganic phosphorus, SCOT, SGPT, whole blood histamine, and serotonin and plasma catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine). Anaesthesia was then induced with 20 mg./kg, thiopenta (2.S$ solution), and the dog was intubated with a large cuffed tube that was attached to a gas machine which delivered NsO ~ ~O (except with cyclopropane, when N20 was not used). A gas flow was used sufllcient to provide a minute ventilation of 350 to 400 ml./kg. eFrom the Anesthesiology Laboratory, State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York, U.S.A. Supported by grants-in-aid from Abbott Laboratories, Ayerst Laboratories, McNeil Laboratories, E. .R Squibb & Son, and .S.H.P.S.U grant ,40-20450 .5 Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Anaesthetists Society in Chadottetown, Prince Edward Island, June 24, 1965. 031 Can. Anaes. Soc. J., vo. 13, no. 2, March, 1966 DOBKIN, et a~.: NEUROEN~2BINE AND ~ETABOLIC EFFECTS 131 (checked with a Wright Bespirometer). An E.C.G. (lead 2) was attached, and a urinary catheter was inserted into the bladder for drainage. Gravity collection of urine was arranged using a calibrated trap bottle. A 19-gauge needle was inserted into the femoral artery and attached to a damped aneroid manometer for measurement of mean arterial blood pressure. When the above arrangements were completed, an arterial blood sample was drawn anaerobically for measure- ment of pH, Paco2, Pao2 and haematocrit, and free-flowing arterial blood was collected for measurement of whole blood lactate, pyruvate, and blood-water content. The infusion saline was given in an amount suf~cient to replace the blood volume removed for the laboratory tests, except with thiopental and Innovar anaesthesia in which tests an additional 001 to 051 ml. was administered. During the experiments, the dogs were maintained under moderately deep anaesthesia for 90 minutes with the anaesthetics shown in Table I. Under the TABLE I AGENTS USED FOR MAINTENANCE OF DEEP ANAESTHESIA FOR 90 MINUTES FOLLOWING INDUCTION WITH 20 mg./kg. THIOPENTAL Chloroform 1.5% + 50% N20 + 50% 02 (GUV) enaporpolcyC 30% + 70% 02 knirbdieH( )elcric lyhteiD Ether 6--8% + 50% NsO -{- 50~ Os (EMO) Fluroxene 4.8-6% -{- 50% N~O -{- 50% 02 )cetoulF( enahtolaH 3% -- 50% NsO -{- 50~ Oz )cetoulF( rehtE-enahtolaH eportoezA 3.7% -{- 50% NsO -}- 50% Ot )cetoulF( ravonnI 1 8/.lm .gk ni 002 .lm 0.9% enilaS . .V deretsinimda( ni eno )ruoh + 50% NzO -{- %05 Os enarulfyxohteM 1.5% -- 50% NsO + 50% 02 )cetneP( latnepoihT 03 ,gk/.gm ni 002 .lm 0.9% enilaS .I .V deretsinimda( ni eno )ruoh %50% O~N + 50~ 2O enhyhterolhcirT 1,5% -- 50% N20 + 50% Os )cetirT( first condition (106 experiments), the animals were allowed to breathe spontaneously except with chloroform, cyclopropane, and lnnovar, with which respiration was assisted or controlled as required (ff it was apparent that a dog was becoming virtually apnoeic). In the remaining three conditions, pulmonary ventilation was controlled by a respirator with a minute volume of 350 to 400 ml./kg., using 50 per cent N20 -{- 50 per cent 02 (127 experiments); 85 per cent N20 -{- 51 per cent 02 (mild hypoxia-136 experiments) and 50 per cent N20 -}- 47.5 per cent 02 -{- 2.5 per cent 2OC (mild hypercarbia-95 experi- ments) respectively. At the end of the 90 minutes of anaesthesia, arterial and venous blood samples were drawn again for the analyses noted above. Anaesthetics were then discon- tinued and the dog was venRlated with 001 per cent oxygen until it recovered consciousness. The animal was then kept under direct surveillance until it was able to ambulate. During each experiment, recordings of the E.C.G., the reading of mean arterial blood pressure, and the volume of urinary drainage were taken every 01 minutes. Notes were kept of clinical events during anaesthesia and recovery. 231 "N...AZD&.N.=~C ,.~..~.,S~Ul~'.l:~'t~' "~",_TCOS ,OtJ"r~., Between experiments the dogs were cared for in "dog runs" and in cages where they received a routine diet with meat (high protein) supplements. A few of the animals developed urinary infection from repeated catheterization and were treated with appropriate antibiotics. On occasion, a parenteral infusion of five per cent dextrose in water was administered for a day or two following a test ff an animal did not take food or did not recover completely from a test. LABORATORY ~FRUD~(ORP Arterial blood samples were analyzed for pH, ,2OOaP and Pie2 on an Epsco Medical Blood Parameter Analyzer using a constant temperature bath (87 ~ C.), a Metrohm pH electrode, Clark electrode for Pie= and Severinghaus =ecaP elec- trode. ~1 Oxygen saturation was derived from the Rahn and Feun chart, using the direct measurements of Pete= and .2o~g n Plasma bicarbonate was derived from a line chart based upon the Henderson-Hasselbach equation. Haematocrit was measured by the Natelson micromethod. 21 Duplicate enzymatic analyses of pyruvic and lactic acids in whole arter/al blood were carried out by a modification of the spectrophotometric methods d Biicher (1963) and Hohorst (1963) respec- tively and expressed as mM/L. of blood water, 41'sl Whole blood water was determined by weighing the arterial blood sample before and after drying in an oven and cooling in a desiccator. SGOT and SGFT were measured by the colori- metric method of Reitman and Franke (1957). 61 Blood sugar and serum inorganic phosphorus were measured on an auto-analyser using methods of Hoffman (1937) and of Fiske and Subbarow (1925) respectively. 71.61 Serum potassium was measured on a flame photometer. Duplicate whole blood histamine and serotonin estimations were made by the method of Noah and Brand (1063) adapted to the Turner fluorometer, ~2-sl Duplicate assays of plasma eatecholamines were made fluorometrically by modification of the trihydroxindole methods of Cohen and Goldenberg (1957) and Price and Price 22.'2.)7591( Laboratory estimations were analysed statistically for at least ten experiments with each anaesthetic administered under each of the four conditions described above. STL',tS._~ ~ During the experiments there was a moderate to marked reduction (> 10~) in the mean arterial blood pressure with Innovar, halothane, halothane-ether azeotrope, and methoxyflurane. Cyclopropane, diethyl ether, thiopental and fluroxene usually caused a slight or moderate elevation of the mean arterial blood pressure, whereas the changes with trichlorethylene and chloroform were variable, but without excessive elevation or depression. Mean heart rate increased appreciably with diethyl ether (~20~g) and slightly (<5~g) with thiopental and fluroxene. There was a marked decrease in the mean heart rate with Innovar (~50~), cyclopropane (,--30g), halothane (--,g0~), halothane-ether azeotrope ,)g~51-.,( and methoxyilurane (N20~), and a slight decrease (<55) with chloro- form and trichlorethylene (see Table II). A variety of persistent ventricular arrhythmias appeared in most of the experi- ~ data ton nwohs were deleted ot evresnoc ecaps dna will be dehsinruf no .tseuqer ,NIKBOD el: a/,: NEUIIO~ DNA METABOLIC Eru 133 TABLE II YRAMMUS FO SEGNAHC NI TRAEH ETAR DNA NAEM LAIRETRA DOOLB ERUSSERP EUD OT LARENEG AISEHTSEANA Mean arterial Number of Heart rate/rain, blood pressure (ram. Hg) experiments start end start end Thiopental 50 751 161 134 681 Innovar 54 ~61 84 131 95 Diethyl Ether 48 981 981 130 241 Cyclopropane 22 182 114 721 731 Chloroform 47 781 154 531 140 Trlchlorethylene 47 751 150 831 130 Fluroxene 47 162 661 731 143 Halothane 47 561 831 831 121 Halothane-Ether Azeotrope 47 162 341 841 130 Methoxyflurane 48 851 134 131 90 ments when the dogs were allowed to breathe spontaneously except with diethyl ether and thiopental. During the remaining experiments, in which pulmonary ventilation was controlled, ventricnlar arrhythmias only occurred occasionally and were evanescent. Except when thiopental was used throughout, a marked suppression of urine excretion occurred during virtually every experiment, which became apparent usually aher 01 to 20 minutes of anaesthesia. SCOT and SGPT estimations were within normal limits in all of the experiments. suoenatnopS noitaripseR 601( )stnemirepxE The data are summarized in Table III and Figures ,1 2, and .3 All the dogs had a slight respiratory acidosis following induction of anaes- thesia with thiopental. During the maintenance period of anaesthesia the pH decreased appreciably following the addition of thiopental, diethyl ether, cydo- propane, chloroform, halothane-ether azeotrope and methoxytturane; ~ocaP rose fiuther, except with Innovar, diethyl ether, trichlorethylene, flurexene, and halo- thane; plasma bicarbonate decreased appreciably with diethyl ether only; haematocrit rose significantly with diethyl ether, chloroform, and trichlorethylene; blood sugar rose significantly (>205) with Innovar, diethyl ether, and chloro- form; serum potassium fell slightly with all agents (5 to 195); serum inorganic phosphorus rose with all agents (7 to 575); whole blood lactate and pyruvate rose with all agents except halothane; diethyl ether and fluroxene mused a striking rise. L/P ratio was increased appreciably by diethyl ether only (1145) and excess lactate was slight with thiopental and fluroxene and marked (>2 mM/L. ) with lyhteid ether. Histamine increased during diethyl ether anaesthesia ylno (475); serotonin was increased (>255) by Irmovar, chloroform, and fluroxene; epine- phrine rose (>505) with thiopental and diethyl ether; norepinephrine rose (>505) with thiopental and diethyl ether, and total catecholamines increased (>255) with thiopental and diethyl ether only. Whole blood water decreased appreciably with diethyl ether and trichlorethylene. +17 -8 +8 +5 +4 -16 -33 -19 E + NE +3 +21 -7 +5 -14 +T -35 -19 NE +16 0 -14 -8 -21 -10 +II -14 E S +35 -17 +28 -37 +25 -15 -18 +7 H -17 -5 -5 -25 -29 -58 +16 -36 ANAESTHESIA XL ,45 .28 .08 29 (cid:12)9 .17 46 (cid:12)9 0 0 ,16 L/P +10 +11 +26 +25 .,, +29 +22 GENERAL +34 +38 OF Py +33 +3? +5 +51 -27 +47 +7 RESPIRATION " EFFECTS +i8 +60 +14 +29 +78 -5 +12 +29 III L +55 +25 +7 +51 +32 +42 +44 +30 +57 P TABLE K -5 -19 -13 -6 .,..,o@@ -9 -11 -10 -8 NEUROENDOCRINE AND DOGS EACE)--$PONTANEOUS B.S. +20 | +9 ~ | +16 +20 +17 +14 e (10 Hct. +7 0 +17 +20 +7 -2 0 -2 $1 METABOLIC OF -0. 6 -0.4 e -0. 8 0 -3. 3 1.0 +0, 5 I. $ +I. 4 - - HCO] SUMMARY pCO 2 +8 0 "Q +21 -11 - 5 +11 +14 +22 05 01 08 02 0 02 07 06 pH -. -. 8 -. -. -. -. -. Ether Azeotrope Thiopental Innovar Dietllyl Cyclopropane Chloroform Trichlorethylene Fluroxene Halothane liE Methoxyflurane ESAB-DICA ECNALAB ESAB-DICA ECNALAB 25 25 20 20 p;OCH p;OCH IM/L. eMIL. 51 Thiopental- SR 15 Innovar - Sit ..... 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 .Hp .Hp "7"- ~... / / 25 ,"2 d,i x O2 C2 acO;p / p~'OCH - -A/ IM/L. uMIL, 51 -- "e yl Ether - SR IS -- y clo p opane- SR 2.7 3.7 4,7 5.7 6.7 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 B.7 .Hp .Hp 25 2~ O2 C2 / / p;OCH pSOCH uM/L. ~llro/fforL - S~ uM/L. Trichlorethylene - SR IS 51 7.2 ,~.? 7.4 7.3 7.6 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 .Hp .Hp 9~"~'~0~,1/ I / 25 25 "~ Z ~P" p;Oc. O2 O2 p;OCH i/ IM/L. ~l:rc xe~ e _ IM/L 15-- SR/~_ 51 -- Halothane - SR- 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 .Hp .Hp / / 25 l t~l , O2 p;oce 20 HcO;p IM/L. IMIL. enarulfyxohteM'- IS .~ I /I IB - SR" Halothane-Ether 3.7 - SB 6.7 7.e 7'.3" 7.4 2.7 3.7 4.7 5.7 6.7 .Hp .Hp Ficva~ 1. Acid-base balance-spntaneous respiration. olin 80 40 o SR I 1 TL~Or t 1-,o : - (cid:12)9 9"o e o u o 6'o Mine. - 'li/ in Time-Mine. .~'I ~ in Time tALOTHANE-ETHER , 0.2 3 "Pyr. "O I~ To., O: o I L~I, .o 60 rilIo 40 ,o / ~176 t ;o (cid:12)9 9"o 5 0 e'o (cid:12)9 s'o Mine. - 5'o Time-Mine. '~ 3'o Time ~ ., (cid:12)9 6 0.1 (cid:12)9 io,--Lo o 0 ~ respiration. 4o, 3 LOCI. S .o 6 t 20 ,o (cid:12)9 so 6o 6'o 9'0 ratio---spontaneous 40 - Mins. . io , 3o Time-Mini. Time , o i , o o., 5 ,.o, 3 I I 0 T 3" . "' ,- 4" 0 '~ ~.o -40 ~'PO 80 ,o ,o Lactate-pyruvate-L/P * SR (cid:12)9 ;o 2. ETHER I ~I / /A ~'o 6'o Time-Mine. S 60 . t ~e. 5'o 6'o y'o Time -Mine. Fz~nm~ 5, DIETHYL ~ .0.2 / 3'' Pyr. ' '0.1 m~ I,. ~A F o ~ 0.2 Pyr. o . l , ~ 0 ] ~ LOci. LOCI. fOliO (cid:12)9 eo (cid:12)9 60 L/prolio -40 (cid:12)9 20 5 80 60 ,o t.o 9'o 90 SR - io -Mini. /" . 60 *Mine. e 3'o Time ..30 Time I[ I 'TH|OPENTAI. 4T0"2 3' ' Pl*r.i,~,mm~I (cid:12)9 'O.I j 0 5 ii 0.2 ~~~ I.,, I 0 / .o LOci. mM/t (cid:12)9 ./,~ot ,-. ' ' w a O - $R ;o - SR ,'o 6'o i s'o ~'o A O- IALOTHANE-ETHER ; ,'o _ L C~ METHOXYFLURANE 1000 IO0 IO I O. IO' 0.0 I 1000 I00 I0 I 0.10 o.o, ; ~o O 5R ;o IO - SR E - ~o ~'o Io ~'o L C~ FLUROXENE O HALOTHAN ; Iooc lOG I0 I 0,I0 o.o, ; I000. ,oo! lob' o.,o[ o.o,[ S! ,o I - ;o J I 0 ~o ,'o 3'0 ~'o -- - CHLOROFORM-SR - | 0 RICHLORETHYI.ENE ~ amines--spontaneous respiration. I000 I00 IO I 0.I0 o.o, ~ I000 I00 I0 I o.lo o.o, Biogenic 3. L ;o - SR ,'o J O ETHER - SR :o 6'o FZCUBE I 3'0 : ~r ......---- DIETHYL ~ ~o i I1 C CYCLOPROPANE ; 1000 I00 IO I 0.10 o.o, I000 I00 I0 I o.lo o.oi - SR ;o | A - SR | 90 -L 6'o 60 H liE BINS. 5HT 30 30 -- THIOPENTAL i i L _ 0 ]NNOVAR i I000 I00 I0 ~tlL ' 0,I0 o.o, o 1000 IO0 I0 I 0.10 0.0 i 831 NAIDANAC 'STSITEHTSEANA YTEICOS LANt:IUOJ To summarize: Induction of anaesthesia with thiopental caused a mild respira- tory acidosis. Spontaneous breathing during relatively deep general anaesthesia augmented the respiratory acidosis with thiopental, cyclopropane, chloroform, halothane-ether azeotrope and methoxyflurane. Innovar (briefly) and chloroform (consistently) caused periods of apnoea in dogs if breathing was not augmented arti~cialy. Diethyl ether produced the most striking metabolic changes: acidosis, hyperglycaemia, haemoconcentration, and lactic and pyruvic acid accumulation with marked rise in L/P ratio and excess lactate. Diothyl ether and thiopental increased circulating plasma catecholamine's; whole blood histamine increased with ether, and serotonin increased during Innovar anaesthesia. dellortnoC noitaripseR 721( )stnemirepxE The data are summarized in Table IV and Figures ,4 ,5 and .6 A mild respiratory alkalosis (mean control pH 7.46; mean control gaco~ 27) was produced following induction of anaesthesia with thiopental by mechanically controlling each dog's minute pulmonary ventilation at 053 to 400 ml./kg. During maintenance of anaesthesia the following changes occurred: pH decreased with diethy ether only; Pac% remained consistently reduced in these tests; plasma bicarbonate was reduced by diethy ether only; haematocrit rose significantly with diethyl ether only; blood sugar rose (>205) with Innovar, diethyl ether, cyclopropane, and chloroform, serum potassium decreased in all tests (9 to ,)53,.P serum inorganic phosphorus rose during diethyl ether (305) and cyclopropane (185) anaesthesia only. Whole blood lactate rose with all agents, especially with diethyl ether and fluroxene, while whole blood pyruvate rose with all agents except thiopental. L/P ratio increased strikingly with. diethyl ether only (1525), while excess lactate occurred appreciably with diethyl ether and fluroxene. Hista- mine levels did not increase appreciably with any anaesthetic; serotonin levels rose slightly with diethyl ether, fluroxene, and halothane, but the variation among individuals was great. Epinephrine increased appreciably with thiopental, Innovar, chloroform, cyclopropane, and trichlorethylene ( > 2,55); norepinephrine increased slightly (18 to 34~) with all anaesthetics except chloroform and methoxyflurane, and total catecholamines increased appreciably with thiopental, diethyl ether, cyclopropane, and trichlorethylene. Blood water decreased (>35) with diethyl ether only. To summarize: The metabolic changes were less obvious during controlled respiration; however, diethyl ether caused metabolic changes during controlled respiration that were similar to those with spontaneous respiration except for the rise in histamine and catecholamines. Thiopental consistently increased epine- phrine levels appreciably. Cyclopropane increased epinephrine less with spon- taneous breathing than with controlled breathing, probably owing to the deeper anaesthesia produced by intermittent positive pressure. Mild Hypoxia (with dellortnoC ;noitaripseR 631 )stnemirepxE Data are summarized in Table V and Figures ,7 ,8 and .9 All the dogs had a mild hypoxia after induction of anaesthesia with thiopental since their breathing was controlled with 15 per cent oxygen and 85 per cent nitrous oxide (mean control: pH 7.45; P, 2oo N ;82 ~ouP < 75 ram.). +1 +I~ +24 -15 Q +18 -1 +24 "+23 -16 ~ 0 +25 (~ +33 G +22 +12 -40 -10 -28 +16 -6 -21 -33 +42 +22 -25 -32 -49 +8 -23 -11 -45 +22 -41 -6 +11 -7 XL .33 .49 .65 .70 .21 ANAESTHESIA ~A L/P +31 +38 +2? +47 +8 GENERAL OF +30 ~A Py -10 +10 +14 +41 +49 +57 RESPIRATION +22 +~ EFFECTS ~A +17 +5 ~ +48 +94 0 +~ 1V L G ~/~ P -2 +30 +18 +4 -23 -6 -2 0 TABLE K -11 -9 - 17 -10 -20 -13 -15 NEUROENDOCRINE EACH)--CoNTROLLED ~A -15 AND DoGs ~A B.S. +6 +7 +8 +11 +20 +20 (10 Het. +2 +9 +10 +5 +8 -2 - METABOLIC 3 OF (cid:12)9 HC(Y +0.8 ~2 -2.8 -2.2 -0.4 -2.0 -0.6 2 SUMMARY pCO 0 +7 -7 - 3 -6 "- 13 -4 -7 - 12 - 3 pH -. O1 0 ~ +. 02 +. 01 +. 01 +. 03 0 +. 02 +. 03 Ether Azeotrope Thiopental hmovar Diethyl Cyclopropane Chloroform Trichlorethylene Fluroxene Halothane HE Methoxyflurane