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Neurochemistry International 1991: Vol 18 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Neurochemistry International 1991: Vol 18 Table of Contents

LIST OF CONTENTS VOLUME 18 (1991) Number | Fatiha Radja, Anne-Marie Laporte, 1 Invited Review: Autoradiography of serotonin receptor subtypes in the Genevieve Daval, Daniel Verge, central nervous system Henri Gozlan and Michel Hamon Jose M. Palacios, Christian Waeber, 17 Critique: Autoradiography of 5-HT receptors: a critical appraisal Guadalupe Mengod and Daniel Hoyer Xuan Liu and Kent E. Vrana 27 Commentary: Leucine zippers and coiled-coils in the aromatic amino acid hydroxylases William A. Wolf and Donald M. Kuhn 33 Commentary: Cocaine and serotonin neurochemistry Miguelina Levi de Stein, 39 S-adenosyl methionine increases x, adrenoceptors in rat cerebral cortex Josée S. Aguilar, Maria I. Fonseca membranes and E. De Robertis Vladimir J. Balcar 43 Effects of variations in ionic concentrations on high affinity uptake of L-glutamate in non-glutamatergic neurons and non-neuronal cells cultured from neonatal rat cortex Claudia Martini, Rossella Pacini 51 Inactivation of [**S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding sites by and Antonio Lucacchini the arginine reagent, 2,3-butanedione Kiyokazu Ogita, Tomoko Kouda, 55 Differential effects of SH-reactive agents on [*H]( + )-3-(2-carboxypiper- Takeo Suzuki, Atsuko Ohkawara, azin-4-yl)propyl-1-phosphonate and [*H]glutamate binding in brain Riyo Enomoto, Toshitaka Nabeshima synaptic membranes treated with Triton X-100 and Yukio Yoneda Robin D. Allan, Helena W. Dickenson, 63 ZAPA, a substrate for the neuronal high affinity GABA uptake system Rujee K. Duke and in rat brain slices Graham A. R. Johnston D. J. M. Reynolds, R. A. Leslie, 69 Autoradiographic localization of 5-HT, receptor ligand binding in the D. G. Grahame-Smith and cat brainstem J. M. Harvey R. C. Morgan, L. D. Mercer, 75 Binding of [HJAMPA to non-chaotrope, non-detergent treated rat M. Cincotta and P. M. Beart synaptic membranes: characteristics and lack of effect of barbiturates S. E. Poduslo and K. Miller 85 Ketone bodies as precursors for lipid synthesis in neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendroglia (myelin) in hyperthyroidism, hyperketonemia and hypoketonemia N. A. Sharif and R. L. Whiting 89 Identification of B,-bradykinin receptors in guinea pig brain regions, spinal cord and peripheral tissues Anne-Marie Tassin, René-Marc Mége, 97 Modulation of expression and cell surface distribution of N-CAM Daniéle Goudou, Gerald M. Edelman during myogenesis in vitro and Francois Rieger Subhendu Goswami, Ishwar S. Singh Effect of pre- and post-treatments with diazepam on the rat brain and Jagat J. Ghosh GABAergic system during anoxic stress and recovery H. W. Scheer, L. P. Rosenthal 115 Effects of a-latrotoxin, lanthanides and _ elevated potassium and B. Collier concentration on acetylcholine release and free intracellular calcium levels in rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes ill Index Jan Albrecht and Aluminum chloride stimulates NaCl-dependent release of taurine and /y- Michael D. Norenberg aminobutyric acid in rat cortical astrocytes J. C. Louis, P. Basset, M. O. Revel, Opposite effects of arachidonic acid and of its hydroperoxides on brain G. Vincendon and J. Zwiller soluble guanylate cyclase activity Hilde de Vos, Jean-Paul de Backer Efaroxan (RX 821037) is a potent and selective «,-adrenoceptor and Georges Vauquelin antagonist in human frontal cortex membranes Book Reviews News Items Corrigendum Number 2 Steven Guard and Invited Review: Tachykinin receptor types: classification and Stephen P. Watson membrane signalling mechanisms Stephen H. Buck, Critique: Tachykinins and their receptors: pharmacology, biochemistry Paul L. M. van Giersbergen and molecular biology advance a neuropeptide story to the forefront of and Elizabeth Burcher science M. Castillo, J. Iglesias, Inhibition of chick brain cholesterogenic enzymes by phenyl and M. F. Zafra and E. Garcia-Peregrin phenolic derivatives of phenylalanine M. Sieklucka, C. Heim, Transient occlusion of rat carotid arteries increases formation of inositol K. H. Sontag and N. N. Osborne phosphate. Evidence for a specific effect on & -receptors Bradford O. Fanger and Somatostatin competes with the central portion of gastrin releasing Arlene C. Wade peptide for binding to a 120 kDa protein Clark D. Carrington, In vivo binding of ['*C]acrylamide to proteins in the mouse nervous Daniel M. Lapadula, Linda Dulak, system Marvin Friedman and Mohamed B. Abou-Donia R. Vieira, F. Martin and 5-Hydroxytryptamine metabolism in the damselfly, Jschnura graellsii, in M. Aldegunde relation to sex and larval—adult period X.-D. Ji, G. L. Stiles and [’H]XAC (xanthine amine congener) is a radioligand for A,-adenosine K. A. Jacobson receptors in rabbit striatum Robert P. J. M. Smits and Inhibitory effects of histamine on the release of serotonin and Arie H. Mulder noradrenaline from rat brain slices Jean-Pierre Gautron, Eliane Pattou, (Hydroxyproline’) luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone: a novel Karl Bauer and Claude Kordon peptide in mammalian and frog hypothalamus J. Rodriguez, A. Toledo, Histamine increases ornithine decarboxylase activity in different R. Rodriguez, J. Sabria and neonatal rat brain subcellular fractions I. Blanco Robin A. Barraco, Gary A. Walter, Purine concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid of unanesthetized rats Petra M. Polasek and during and after hypoxia John W. Phillis A. Tenenhouse, M. Warner and Neurotransmitters in the CNS of the vitamin D deficient, hypocalcemic J. W. Commissiong rat Index Jin-ichi Ito, Taiji Kato, A cellular uptake of cis-platinum-encapsulating liposome through Yoshiro Kamio, Hiroshi Kato, endocytosis by human neuroblastoma cell Teruaki Kishikawa, Takashi Toda, Shingi Sasaki and Ryo Tanaka Paul Fosbraey, Janet R. Wetherell Effect of acute physostigmine-hyoscine pretreatment on_ the and Mary C. French neurochemical changes produced by soman in the guinea-pig D. Bladier, J. P. Le Caer, B-Galactoside soluble lectin from human brain: complete amino acid R. Joubert, M. Caron and sequence J. Rossier Kazuhiko Teraoka, Kyoji Morita, Influence of cytoplasmic ATP reduction on catecholamine synthesis in Motoo Oka and Shuichi Hamano cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells Richard Barry, Mark Payton and Characterization of myelin basic protein catabolism products in the Nigel Groome cerebrospinal fluid from multiple sclerosis, stroke and head injury patients News Items Number 3 N. C. Schaad, P. J. Magistretti Invited Review: Prostanoids and their role in cell-cell interactions in the and M. Schorderet central nervous system Michael Markefski and Influence of ammonia, octanoate, quinolinate and hypoxic conditions on Gerald Wolf NAD(P)H fluorescence of hippocampal slices Shin-ichi Imai, Different effects of N-ethylmaleimide on the binding characteristics of Yoshihisa Kitamura and 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtypes in rat brain membranes Yasuyuki Nomura M.-I. Sepulveda and Pharmacologically separable [*H]glutamate binding sites on insect D. B. Sattelle muscle membranes Michele Zoli, Saverio Bettuzzi, Regional increases in ornithine decarboxylase mRNA levels in the rat Francesco Ferraguti, brain after partial mesodiencephalic hemitransection as revealed by in Maria Cristina Ingletti, situ hybridization histochemistry Isabella Zini, Kjell Fuxe, Luigi F. Agnati and Arnaldo Corti P. T.-H. Wong and W. L. Teo Localization of the specific binding sites of [’H]tryptophan in rat brain K. Nakajima, M. Imazawa and Presence of another species of myelin basic protein (MBP) in the K. Miyamoto developing chick brain L. Tapia-Arancibia and Activation of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels induces T. Humbert somatostatin release from hypothalamic neurons. Pharmacological characterization John G. R. Jefferys, Ex vivo release of GABA from tetanus toxin-induced chronic epileptic Philip Mitchell, foci decreased during the active seizure phase Lawrence O’Hara, Christopher Tiley, John Hardy, Sarah J. Jordan, Marina Lynch and Jane Wadsworth H. L. White and P. W. Scates Effects of GTPYS and other nucleotides on phosphoinositide metabolism in crude rat brain synaptosomal preparations Index Richard F. Cowburn, Characterization and regional distribution of adenylyl cyclase activity Anita Garlind, Cora O'Neill, from human brain Irina Alafuzoff, Bengt Winblad and Christopher J. Fowler Lars Nilsson, Bengt Winblad, Characterization and quantification of '*I-Bolton Hunter substance P Inga Volkmann, Irina Alafuzoff binding sites in human brain and Lena Bergstr6m Ewa Malatynska, The interaction of a benzodiazepine receptor antagonist (Rol 5—1788) Steven C. Dilsaver, with GABA and GABA receptor antagonists at the GABA, receptor Richard J. Knapp, chloride-ionophore complex Monique L. Giroux, Masaaki Ikeda and Henry I. Yamamura Darryle D. Schoepp and In vivo 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionic acid administration to neonatal Bryan G. Johnson rats selectively inhibits metabotropic excitatory amino acid receptors ex vivo in brain slices Yukio Okano, Haruhiro Higashida, Bradykinin-induced phosphoinositide-dependent responses in protein Fu Tao, Takayuki Sakai and kinase C down-regulated NCB-20 cells Yoshinori Nozawa Judith Melki, Brigitte Blondet, Generalized molecular defects of the neuromuscular junction in skeletal Martine Pingon-Raymond, muscle of the wobbler mutant mouse Patrick Dreyfus and Francois Rieger Book Reviews News Items Number 4 IUPHAR SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM ON CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY OF ENDOTHELIN M. R. Dashwood, R. M. Sykes, 439 Identification of[ '**I]endothelin binding sites in human coronary tissue M. J. Collins, S. Prehar, S. Theodoropoulos and M. H. Yacoub Stephen A. Douglas and Responses to endothelin-1, human proendothelin (1-38) and porcine C. Robin Hiley proendothelin(1-39) in the rat on intravenous administration and in the blood perfused mesentery Bernard Bucher, Dominique Paya and Modulation of[ *H]noradrenaline release by endothelin-1 in the rat tail Jean-Claude Stoclet artery Julianne J. Reid and An T. Lieu The effect of 4-week streptozotocin-induced diabetes on responses to endothelin-! in rat isolated atria M. La, H. K. Wong-Dusting and Endothelin-1 enhances responses to sympathetic nerve stimulation in M. J. Rand endothelium-denuded and endothelium-intact rabbit ear arteries André Aumelas, Laurent Chiche, 'H NMR study of the solution structure of sarafotoxin-S6b Eve Mahe, Dung Le-Nguyen, Philippe Sizun, Patrick Berthault and Bruno Perly Index Elisabeth Boichot, Francoise Pons, Phosphoramidon potentiates the endothelin-l-induced bronchopul- Vincent Lagente, Caroline Touvay, monary response in guinea-pigs Jean-Michel Mencia-Huerta and Pierre Braquet Francoise Pons, Caroline Touvay, Bronchopulmonary and pressor effects of big-endothelin-1 in the Vincent Lagente, guinea-pig Jean-Michel Mencia-Huerta and Pierre Braquet John T. Pelton Fluorescence studies of endothelin-1 Patrick Bortmann, Jan Hoflack, Solution conformation of endothelin-3 by 'H NMR and distance John T. Pelton and Vladimir Saudek geometry calculations H. C. Cheng and R. C. Dage Effects of inhibitors of protein kinase C and phosphodiesterase on the contractile effects of endothelin in dog femoral artery Yasufumi Kataoka, Shuichi Koizumi, Is an endothelin a neurotoxic factor in the brain? Showa Ueki and Masami Niwa C. Richard Jones, Endothelin-1 binding sites and inositol-monophosphate formation in Kimihiro Yamashita, Marie E. Stoeckel kidney medulla from adult and juvenile SHR and WKY rats and Mary H. Richards J. Pernow, A. Hemsén, A. Hallén and Vascular effects, formation, clearance and release of endothelin peptides J. M. Lundberg in the pig Tomoyuki Kuwaki, Naohiro Koshiya, Endothelin-1 modulates cardiorespiratory control by the central nervous Naohito Terui and Mamoru Kumada system Yuji Kobayashi, Akihiro Sato, A new a-helical motif in membrane active peptides Hiroyuki Takashima, Haruhiko Tamaoki, Shigenori Nishimura, Yoshimasa K yogoku, Kazuhiro Ikenaka, Tetsuo Kondo, Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, Hironobu Hojo, Saburo Aimoto and Luis Moroder Koji Nishikori, Hirokazu Akiyama, Receptor binding affinity and biological activity of C-terminal elongated Yoshimasa Inagaki, Hideo Ohta, forms of endothelin-1 Tomoko Kashiwabara, Akihiro Iwamatsu, Motoyoshi Nomizu and Akihito Morita Arco Y. Jeng, Paula Savage and A comparison of the binding of endothelin to various tissues from Shiling Hu spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar—Kyoto rats Robert K. Minkes and Differential effects of endothelin peptides in the systemic and pulmonary Philip J. Kadowitz vascular beds of the cat Eric Martel, Pascal Champeroux, Pressor responses to endothelin-1 in normotensive and spontaneously Anne-Marie Brisac, Annick Magnier, hypertensive rats Serge Richard and Michel Safar Ekong Eta and Chris R. Triggle A comparative study of endothelin and sarafotoxin action in vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle Sandro Giuliani, Alessandro Lecci, Effect of intrathecal administration of ET-1, ET-3 and ET(16-21) on Carlo Alberto Maggi, Paolo Rovero blood pressure and micturition reflex in anesthetized rats and Antonio Giachetti Lars Olaf Cardell, Rolf Uddman and Two functional endothelin receptors in guinea-pig pulmonary arteries Lars Edvinsson Vill Index Anthony Johns, K. Rewers-Felkins, 575 Mobilization ofi ntracellular calcium and stimulation of calcium fluxes P. Devesly, Gabor M. Rubanyi and by endothelin-2 in cultured mouse Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts Lynne H. Parker-Botelho 581 News Items

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