NEUROBIOLOGY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR TOWARD AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROSOCIAL AND ANTISOCIAL BRAIN M N ichael uMaN AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (+44) (0) 1865 843830; fax: (+44) (0) 1865 853333; email: [email protected]. Alternatively, visit the Science and Technology Books website at for further information Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-416040-8 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at Typeset by TNQ Books and Journals Printed and bound in United States of America 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dedicated to my wife, Marilyn, and in memory of Jay Rosenblatt Preface In writing this book on the Neurobiology of regulating normal aspects of the behavior is Social Behavior, my goal was to present a broad presented, and this is then followed by an and comprehensive review of the neural basis of examination of how dysfunctions within these mammalian social behaviors, both prosocial and neural systems can give rise to abnormal social antisocial. This book is meant to be accessible behavior. The role of genes, gene–environment and important for scholars and researchers who interactions, and/or epigenetics in the devel- study the neurobiology of social behavior from opment of social behaviors is also discussed in different levels of analysis. Therefore, the book most chapters. In integrating animal and human has much to offer for molecular and developmen- studies, an overarching principle is that there tal neurobiologists, behavioral neuroscientists, are core allocortical and subcortical circuits that and social-affective-cognitive neuroscientists, influence social behavior across mammalian and it is suitable for both graduate students and species. Research on the neural basis of social advanced researchers. Since the neural basis of behavior in animals is shown to provide basic social behavior pathologies is discussed in most and important information about the neurobiol- chapters, the book will also be valuable for clini- ogy of social behavior in humans. cians. Although most neuroscientists have par- I am a behavioral neuroscientist, and my ticular areas of expertise, an underlying premise own research program examines the neural and of this book is that the integration of genetic, neurochemical systems that regulate maternal developmental, neural circuit, and functional behavior in rodents. As a result of an invitation magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) research in by Stephanie Brown, in 2012 I wrote a chapter the analysis of social behaviors promotes a more entitled “Neural circuits regulating maternal complete understanding of the neural underpin- behavior: Implications for understanding the nings of such behaviors in animals and humans. neural basis of social cooperation and competi- The book begins with chapters on functional tion” (see reference [698] in the References sec- neuroanatomy and molecular genetics and epi- tion of this book for the full citation). Writing genetics. Chapters on aggression, sexual behav- this chapter and interacting with Stephanie and iors and sexual differentiation, parental behavior, other colleagues at a symposium at the Uni- monogamy, and human sociality follow these versity of Michigan made me think about the introductory chapters. All chapters integrate broader implications of my research; this experi- animal and human studies, but the final chapter ence was one of the driving forces that led me deals with highly developed human social char- to write this current book on the neurobiology acteristics, such as empathy, trust, cooperation, of social behavior. Indeed, one of the themes and altruism. within the Neurobiology of Social Behavior is that In each chapter on particular social behav- the neural circuits underlying mother–infant iors, a detailed analysis of the neural systems bonding may have provided the primordial ix x PREFACE neural scaffold upon which other types of strong and developmental processes affect the neu- prosocial bonds are built. ral circuits that control social behavior. These Another theme that runs through this book interests flourished during my postdoctoral is that there are distinct prosocial and antisocial research with Jay Rosenblatt at the Institute of neural circuits, and that social stimuli can be Animal Behavior at Rutgers University. During routed over one or the other circuit, leading to my independent academic career at Boston Col- either prosocial or antisocial actions and feeling lege, the National Institutes of Health and the states. Importantly, just in which circuit a social National Science Foundation provided support stimulus is processed through can be influenced for my research program, and special thanks are by several factors that include evolutionary due to Kathie Olsen. The way I think about how forces and genetics, early life experiences, adult the brain works to regulate behavior has been experiences and cognitive factors, and physi- strongly influenced by the research and schol- ological state. arship of Donald Pfaff and Larry Swanson. So When comparing a neural circuitry analysis many other scientists have greatly impacted derived from animal research with fMRI data my thinking, and this is amply demonstrated derived from human research, although both by the detailed analysis and discussion of their sets of data may point to a certain brain region research findings in this book. My students as being important for a particular aspect of have also been a tremendous source of support social behavior, the animal research can offer for me, and they have provided independent additional information about the neurochemical insights that strongly influenced the direction of microcircuitry within a particular brain region our research program. In particular, my former of interest that fMRI and other imaging data are graduate students, Teige Sheehan and Danielle not yet able to provide. Throughout this book, Stolzenberg, created great research under my I make the point that by understanding such mentorship. microcircuitry, one gains a fuller appreciation of My wife and colleague, Marilyn, has been the how social stimuli can be processed over either most important source of intellectual and social prosocial or antisocial circuits, and how such support throughout my career. In addition, Mar- processing can be modulated by a variety of ilyn read, edited, and commented on each chap- factors. ter in this book and she also prepared all of the I have been inspired, encouraged, and sup- original figures. This book would not be as good ported by many mentors, colleagues, and as it is without her important input and efforts. students throughout my career. During my Finally, the staff at Elsevier produced what I doctoral graduate studies at the University of think is a beautiful book, and they supported me Chicago, Howard Moltz, Eckhard Hess, and each step of the way during the long process of Pete Grossman initiated my interests in under- writing and organizing the Neurobiology of Social standing how evolutionary forces, genetics, Behavior. About the Author Michael Numan received his PhD from the a Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Neu- University of Chicago. He is a Fellow of the roscience at Boston College. He is the author of a American Association for the Advancement of previous book, with Thomas Insel, The Neurobi- Science (AAAS) and the Association for Psycho- ology of Parental Behavior. He lives with his wife, logical Science (APS). Most of his research, which Marilyn, in the Santa Fe-Albuquerque region of focuses on the neural mechanisms r egulating New Mexico. maternal behavior, was conducted while he was xi C H A P T E R 1 An Introduction to Neural Systems 1.1 INTRODUCTION behaviors, acceptance, caregiving, and other prosocial behaviors, while negative social The purpose of this book is to provide a stimuli activate neural pathways that cause comprehensive understanding of the neurobi- avoidance, rejection, competition, or even ology of social behavior in mammals, includ- attack (antisocial behaviors). In other words, ing humans. Social behavior, broadly defined, it may be valuable to view social behaviors comprises those behaviors that are exhibited as being influenced by two elementary neu- by conspecifics as they interact and includes ral networks: social stimuli can be processed both affiliative (prosocial) and antagonistic by either an aversion/rejection network or an (antisocial) interactions. The social behaviors attraction/acceptance network, with such dif- and processes that will be examined include ferential neural processing leading to different aggression and competition, sexual behaviors, social outcomes [698]. Further, social stimuli parental behaviors, the formation of social may be automatically (innately) routed over attachments, cooperation, and altruism. Each of either attraction or aversion networks, or such these social behaviors will be analyzed across valence properties may be acquired through the different levels of investigation that have learning mechanisms. These core neural pro- been used to study the behavior, from molecu- cesses may then set the foundation for more lar neurobiology to neural circuits to functional complex social interactions. But what are the magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. The neural systems that regulate core approach and first two chapters of the book provide the nec- avoidance processes, processes that are embed- essary background in functional neuroanatomy ded within and influence more complex social (Chapter 1) and molecular biology and genetics interactions? In what follows, an overview will (Chapter 2) that will serve as a foundation for a be presented of functional neuroanatomy with full appreciation of the neurobiology of social an aim to explain such approach and avoid- behavior that will be presented in the subse- ance systems in mammals. Animals approach quent chapters. or avoid a broad range of stimuli, not just social One important aspect of this book is to stimuli. Research findings will be presented uncover the neural mechanisms that deter- from both social and nonsocial contexts with mine whether social stimuli are assigned either the understanding, which will be borne out in a positive or a negative valence by the per- subsequent chapters, that there is overlap in ceiver, with positive social stimuli activating the neural systems influencing social and non- neural pathways that cause contact seeking social motivational processes (see [82]). Neurobiology of Social Behavior 1 © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL SYSTEMS 1.2 A SCHEMATIC OVERVIEW OF less than six well-differentiated layers [951]. THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN Isocortex makes up most of the occipital, pari- etal, temporal, and lateral prefrontal parts of Based on the neuroanatomy in Swanson the cortex. Examples of allocortex include the [951], Figure 1.1 depicts the general organi- olfactory (piriform) cortex, parts of the amyg- zation of the mammalian brain. Moving from dala, the hippocampal formation, and parts of rostral to caudal, the brain is broken down into the medial and orbital prefrontal cortex. Some two great divisions: the cerebral hemispheres important subcortical cerebral nuclei include (telencephalon) and the brainstem. Caudal to the caudate nucleus (dorsal striatum), nucleus the brainstem lies the spinal cord. The cerebral accumbens (ventral striatum), globus pallidus hemispheres are divided into the cerebral cor- (dorsal pallidum), ventral pallidum, septal tex and the underlying, and therefore subcor- area, and some nuclei within the amygdala. tical, cerebral nuclei. The cerebral cortex can The brainstem, upon which sits the cerebral be divided into isocortex (neocortex) and allo- hemispheres, is composed of the thalamus and cortex, with the former containing six well- hypothalamus (diencephalon), and the lower defined cellular layers, while the latter contains brainstem, which includes the midbrain, pons, FIGURE 1.1 A schematic overview of the mammalian brain. The telencephalon (cerebral Cerebral hemispheres) is composed of outer cortical cortex layers and underlying cerebral nuclei. Caudal to the telencephalon is the brainstem, contain- ing the diencephalon, midbrain, pons, cerebel- Cerebral nuclei lum, and medulla. The spinal cord lies caudal to the medulla. Each section of the brainstem Telencephalon lists certain structures that are emphasized in this book. This listing is not meant to represent the exact anatomical location of the labeled Thalamus structures but simply indicates their general Hypothalamus location. For example, within the diencepha- lon, the thalamus is dorsal, not anterior, to the hypothalamus. Abbreviations: CB = cerebel- PAG lum; DR = dorsal raphe nucleus; MR = median Diencephalon VTA/SN raphe nucleus; MRF = medullary reticular for- Midbrain DR mation; PAG = periaqueductal gray; SN = sub- MR stantia nigra; VTA = ventral tegmental area. CB CB Pons MRF Medulla Spinal cord 1.3 FuNCTIoNAl NEuRoANATomy 3 cerebellum, and medulla. Some of the lower Lateral Medial Lateral brainstem nuclei that will be shown to play important roles in social behavior are the mid- brain periaqueductal gray (PAG), dopamine neurons within the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain, and the serotonin neurons of Rostral LPOA MPOA MPOA LPOA the raphe nuclei located in the midbrain and pons. The term brainstem motor area (BSMA) Z Z V V will be used to refer to a group of nuclei in P P the lower brainstem with indirect and direct connections to cranial and spinal motor neu- LH AHN AHN LH rons. Most relevant with respect to the BSMA, the PAG and the midbrain locomotor region PVN PVN (located lateral to the PAG) both project to the medullary reticular formation, whose axons project to cranial and spinal motor neurons VMN VMN [361,420,1069]. As will become important, LH LH the descending projection of the midbrain PAG to the medullary reticular formation is PH PH an important route through which PAG out- Caudal put affects the display of reflex-like defensive Z Z V V P P and aggressive responses, such as behav- ioral immobility, escape responses, or biting, and reflexive responses related to sexual and parental behaviors. 3rd ventricle 1.3 FUNCTIONAL FIGURE 1.2 Horizontal section through the hypo- NEUROANATOMY thalamus. The third ventricle is shown as a thick black line down the midline. Moving from medial to lateral, the hypo- thalamus contains a periventricular zone (PVZ), a medial 1.3.1 The Hypothalamus zone, and a lateral zone. Other abbreviations: AHN = ante- rior hypothalamic nucleus; LH = lateral hypothalamus; Introduction LPOA = lateral preoptic area; MPOA = medial preoptic The three major functions of the hypothala- area; PH = posterior hypothalamus; PVN = paraventricular nucleus; VMN = ventromedial nucleus. mus are its regulatory influences over the auto- nomic nervous system and the pituitary gland, and its involvement in the control of a variety of motivated behaviors, including social behav- zone. The periventricular zone contains those iors [716,813,950]. Figure 1.2 shows a horizontal neurons primarily involved in neuroendocrine section through the hypothalamus, display- and autonomic regulation, while it is the nuclei ing its rostral-to-caudal and medial-to-lateral of the medial and lateral zones that play domi- organization. With respect to its organization nant roles in the control of motivated behav- from medial to lateral, the hypothalamus con- iors, which involve influences over the somatic tains a periventricular zone (which surrounds motor mechanisms that control both the reflex- the third ventricle) and a medial and lateral ive and voluntary aspects of these behaviors. 4 1. AN INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL SYSTEMS The social behaviors influenced by the hypo- behavioral change. As examples, food depriva- thalamus include reproductive behaviors (sex- tion increases an organism’s responsiveness to ual and parental) and aggressive and defensive food-related cues, the hormonal events asso- behaviors. As will be seen, it is likely that sepa- ciated with pregnancy termination increase a rate and distinct neuronal populations within female’s responsiveness to infant stimuli, and the hypothalamus regulate different social gonadal steroids influence the occurrence of behaviors. male and female sexual responses to sexual Given the involvement of the hypothala- stimuli. Another definition of motivation refers mus in social and other motivated behaviors, to those internal processes that arouse and direct one would expect that it would be a recipient behavior toward a particular goal, giving rise to of significant sensory inputs, and indeed this is the term goal-directed behavior. Two major types of the case [759,813]. The hypothalamus receives goal-directed responses are approach responses olfactory inputs from the amygdala and other (also called appetitive or reward-seeking olfactory areas. Afferents from the brainstem responses) toward a desired or pleasant stimu- carry tactile and pain inputs, and the hypothal- lus, and avoidance or rejection responses toward amus receives multimodal sensory inputs from aversive or noxious stimuli [868]. As will be the prefrontal cortex and from the hippocam- described below, rejection responses can include pus, the latter arriving either directly or indi- approaching an aversive/unpleasant stimulus rectly via the septal area. Finally, an organism’s in order to attack it. The mechanisms underpin- internal state importantly influences its social ning such responses would define appetitive behavior, and primary among these internal motivation and aversive motivation. Therefore, factors are hormones. Neurons in the hypothal- I am broadening the typical view of aversion to amus contain receptors for prolactin, estradiol, mean more than avoidance or withdrawal. An testosterone, progesterone, and adrenal corti- aversive stimulus is one that an organism does costeroids [813,950]. A simple view is that hor- not like, and goal-directed responses can either mones and other internal physiological stimuli avoid/escape from that stimulus or approach bias how various sensory inputs are processed the stimulus to actively reject it. by the hypothalamus, which in turn affects the In describing motivated behavior with hypothalamic efferent pathways that are acti- respect to a desired or rewarding stimulus (one vated. With respect to social behavior, such with a positive valence), such behavior can be effects would allow an organism to respond in separated into an appetitive goal-directed phase one way or another to particular social stimuli, and a consummatory or terminal phase. Dur- depending on the current hormonal milieu ing the appetitive or reward-seeking phase, the that is affecting the operation of specific neural organism searches its environment to acquire circuits. the particular goal object. For example, a hungry animal will search for food, a sexually motivated Motivation: Appetitive, Avoidance/ organism will search for a mate, and a maternal Rejection, and Consummatory Behaviors female will seek out her infants or will search Several definitions of motivation exist for displaced infants in order to transport them [90,716,764,1021]. In its simplest definition, to a secure area. The consummatory phase is motivation is an internal process that modi- composed of those behaviors that occur once the fies an organism’s responsiveness to a constant desired goal is obtained, and the behaviors that stimulus. That is, if an organism shows a change occur during this phase are elicited by proximal in the way it responds to a constant stimulus, cues from the goal object. Examples of consum- some internal alteration must be mediating the matory responses toward a desired stimulus