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BritishJournalofAnaesthesia108(S2):ii215–ii277(2012) doi:10.1093/bja/aer485 OTHER Paper No: 1.00 neurological complication associated to neuraxial blockade wasnotobserved. Conclusions: The multimodal anesthetic methods are more Neuroaxial anesthesia methods combined effectives, with theya superior perioperative patients evolu- with general anesthesia for beating heart tion were obtained. Key words: Coronary surgery without extracorporeal circulation, intrathecal opioids, high epidural surgery blockade, spinal anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, multimod- Aguero Martinez, Maria Oslaida, alityanesthesia. Rosa Jimenez Paneque, Idoris Cordero Escobar, Raul Cruz Bouza and Antonio Cabrera Pratts References HermanosAmeijeirasHospital.Havana.Cuba 1 LenaP,BalaracN,LenaD,DelaChapelleA,ArnulfJJ,MihoubiA, BonnetF.Fast-trackanesthesiawithremifentanilandspinalanal- Introduction: In Cuba more than 50% of the coronary gesiaforcardiacsurgery:Theeffectonpaincontrolandqualityof surgery is carried out with the beating heart modality. recovery. J of cardiothorac and vasc anesthesia 2008; 22(4): 536–42. Endotracheal general anesthesia has been the technique 2 Yapici D, Ozer ZO, Atici S, Bilgin E, Doruk N, Cinel I, et al. Post- used in our service. Neuraxial Anesthesia combined operative effect of low-dose intratecal morphine in with the general anesthesia method, in this last coronary artery bypass surgery. J Card Surg 2008; 23: decade, has prevailed in a certain number of the cardio- 140–45. vascular centers of the world, due to their undeniable 3 Tenenbein PK, Derouwere R, Maguire D, Duke PC, Muirhead B, advantages. Enns J, et al. Thoracic epidural analgesia improves pulmonary Objectives:To evaluate the effects of the general anesthe- function in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Can J Anesth sia combined with high thoracic epidural blockade or intra- 2008;55(6):344–50. thecal administration of morphine/ fentanyl on the 4 CaputoM, AlwairH,RogerCA,GintyM,MonkC,TomkinsS,et al. intraoperative analgesia, time of extubation, intensive Myocardial, Inflamtory,andStressResponsesinoff-pumpcoron- aryartery bypass surgery with thoracicepidural Anesthesia. Ann care unit and hospital stay. To identify the frequency of ThoracSurg2009;87:1119–26. appearance of adverse effects related with the spinal ad- 5 Moraes L, Canavi V, Canavi S, Sa Malbouissan LM, Carvalo CJ. ministration of opioides and the frequency of appearance Intrathecal morphine plus general anesthesia in cardiacsurgery: of complications related with regional anesthetic’s Effect on pulmonary funtion, post operative analgesia and method. plasma morphine concentration. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2009; 64(4): Methods: A controlled randomized trial was conducted in 279–85. patients with diagnosis of coronary heart disease, pro- grammed for off pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery.This patients were assigned to one of the following Paper No: 63.00 three groups: Control group (n¼30): Endotracheal general anesthetic method. Multimodal group (n¼29) with thoracic Candedemia in intensive care unit epidural anesthesia: bupivaca¨ana 0,5% (50mg) 10ml/single Prof. Chandralekha1, I. Xess1 and Fahmi Hasan2 dose and 5mg of morphine. Multimodal group with intra- thecal administration of opioides (n¼29): fentanil 1,5 mcg/ 1Dept.ofAnesthesiologyand2DepttofMicrobiology kgand morphine8mcg/kg. Results: The total doses of sistemic fentanyl were Introduction: There is a need to understand the epidemi- smaller in the multimodal groups (2793 micrograms ologyandriskfactorsassociatedwithcandidemiaincritically +2915.94 vs 1300 +2 392.79 vs 998 +229.10; p,0.001) illpatients.Theriseinincidenceofnon¨Calbicanscandidemia The time of extubation (7.83 hours +25.24 vs 4.57 + and emergence of antifungal resistance have made such a 2 2.87 vs 1.72+2 1.07; p, 0.001) and the intensive care study necessary. Candidemia in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) un it stay (CG¼2.83+22.42 days, GMOI¼1.92+21.23, settingare of specialconcern dueto highmortality rate. GMET¼1.41+20.75, p¼0.005) were smaller too, in both Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate epidemi- multimodal groups, wihtout differents beetwen then, but ology of Candidemia, associated risk factors and outcome this methods didn’t influence in the hospital stay. A ofthediseaseandantifungalresistanceamongICUpatients. & TheAuthor[2012].PublishedbyOxfordUniversityPressonbehalfoftheBritishJournalofAnaesthesia.Allrightsreserved. ForPermissions,pleaseemail:[email protected] Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 Methods: The study was carried out at an Indian tertiary- Cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with immense stress care teaching hospital, New Delhi, India from a period of response and high levels of intraoperative cortisol levels three years. January 2005 to December 2008. Prospective which is detrimental to the patient and involves large analysis of 85 cases of Candida blood stream infection doses of Fentanyl, propofol and vecuronium requirement to (BSI) donefrom January 2005 to December2008. Out of85 maintain hemodynamic stability intraoperatively. We evalu- patients, 38 patients were getting repetitive BSI infection ated the effect of Indian classical music therapyon cortisol and 47 patients got Candida infection only once during levels and the above drugs requirement during cardio pul- their hospital stay. Follow up study was done till discharge monarybypass. or death of the patients and data were analyzed. Isolates Materials&Methods:AfterobtainingclearancefromInstitu- were characterized and antifungal susceptibility test was tionalEthicalCommitteeandwritteninformedconsentfrom doneagainstfluconazoleandamphotericin B. patients, 34 patients were assigned to either Group I Music Results: Non- C. albicans species accounted for majority of group (n¼17) and Blank CD Group II (n¼17). The patients episodes of candidemia as reported by our previous study. awareness level and depth of anesthesia was monitored by Patients in ventilators and foleys catheter along with old BIS(Bispectralindex),Fentanylandpropofolinfusiontitrated age were significantly associated with persistence of infec- toaBISscoreof50andneuromuscularmonitoringwasdone tion(P¡U¨ 0.05).Overallmortalitywas(65.8%)56of85incan- by Post tetanic count (PTC) in the Aductor Pollicis muscle. didemiapatients.Thetimeandthechoiceofantifungalsfor Vecuronium was repeated whenever a PTC count of 7 was the treatment of candidemia were significantly associated achieved, in both the groups. Music therapy or blank CD with the clearance of the infection (P¼0.01) but not with was played by earphone, in the patient’s ear in both the mortality (P¼0.23). 30% of the isolates showed decreased groups, from 30 mins before induction to till the patient susceptibility to fluconazole. wasshifted to theICU. Conclusion: There is a shift in the epidemiology of candide- Result: We found significant decrease in the cortisol levels mia and the timely institution of antifungals and combin- both after Sternotomy and after aortic crosscalmp release. ation therapy suggest the better outcome of the patients. In the Music group (Group I) which was 30% less than the Presence of azole resistances is a matter of concern in our BlankCDgroup(GroupII).Fentanyl,propofolandvecuronium isolates. requirementintheMusicgroupwerereducedby30%and25 %and 25% respectively, which were statistically significant (P,0.05) References Conclusion:IntraoperativeIndianclassicalmusictherapyef- 1 BeheraB,SinghRI,XessI,MathurP,HasanF,MishraMC,Candida fectively reduced the intraoperative stress (as revealed by rugosa: a possible emerging cause of candidemia in trauma reduced levels of cortisol) and reduced the requirement of patientsInfections2010;38:387–393 drugs(Fentanyl,PropofolandVecuronium)duringCardiopul- 2 SinghRI,XessI,MathurP,BeheraB,GuptaB,MishraMC,Epidemi- monaryBypass. ologyofcandidemiaincriticallyilltraumapatients:experiencesof alevelItraumacentreinNorthIndia.JMedMicrobiol2011;60: 342–348 References 3 BartonRC,Candidarugosa:anewfungalpathogenemerging,but 1 Bagchi,Kalyan.(Ed)(2003)Music,MindandMentalHealth.New fromwhere?JMedMicrobiol2011;Editorial265 Delhi. 2 TonyWigram,IngeNygaardPedersenandLarsOleBonde.Jessica KingleyPublishersPhiladelphia2002:A comprehensiveguideto Paper No: 68.00 musictherapy,Theory,clinicalpracticeResearch&Training. 3 Nisson,RawalN,UnossonM,Acomparisonofintra-operativeor postoperative exposure to music–a controlled trial of the Effect of Indian Classical Music (Raga effects on postoperative pain. Anaesthesia. 2003 Jul; Therapy)on Fentanyl, Vecuronium, Propofol 58(7):699–703. requirement and cortisol levels in 4 YaleUniversitySchoolofmedicine2003Effectsofmusictherapy. Cardiopulmonary Bypass 5 Sairam TV, (2004a) Medicinal Music. Chennai: Nada Centre for MusicTherapy Sandeep Kumar Kar1, Chaitali Sen2 and 6 SairamTV,(2004b)RagaTherapy.Chennai:NadaCentreforMusic Anupam Goswami3 Therapy 7 SairamTV,(2004c)WhatisMusic?Chennai:NadaCentreforMusic 1InstituteofPostGraduateMedicalEducation&ResearchKolkata Therapy India2I.P.G.M&RKolkataINDIAand3I.P.G.M.E&R 8 Lewis.AnesthAnalg2004;98:533–6 9 Yapici N, Tarhan IA, Kehlibar T, Coruh T, Arslan Y, Yilmaz M, Introduction: Indian classical music has immense healing YapiciF,OzlerA,AykacZ,BloodCortisolLevelsOnCardiopulmon- potential and considerable stress reducing capabilities ary Bypass After Methylene Blue Administration . The Internet which has been harnessed since the Mughal era. Music is JournalofThoracicandCardiovascularSurgery.2008;2. regarded as the medicine with no side effects. 10 Miller7theditionNeuromuscularmonitoringchapter47 ii216 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 Paper No: 69.00 Paper No: 112.00 PAI-1 and t-PA/PAI-1 complex potential Why so much fear to anesthesia? fibrinolytic markers for postoperative bleeding in cardiopulmonary bypass Horacio Bonchini patients HospitalEscuelaEvaPero´n,GranaderoBaigorria,Dpto.Rosario, Argentina Agnese Ozolina, Eva Strike, Inta Jaunalksne and Indulis Vanags Introduction:Thereareonlyafewoccasionsinthecourseof RigaStradinsUniversity,DepartmentofPaulsStradinsClinical a person’s life, in which one faces the biggest existential UniversityHospital,ClinicalPaulsStradinsClinicalUniversity problem of humanity, fear of death. This seems to happen Hospital,DepartmentPaulsStradinsClinicalUniversityHospital, when one has the need to undergo an anesthetic-surgical DepartmentofAnaesthesiologyandCardiacsurgery,Latvia procedure; it is then when the bare possibility of harm and death appears. And it compulsorily reminds us the finite Introduction: Excessive bleeding (EB) remains a serious natureof human life. problem following cardiac surgery. Bleeding after cardiac Objective:Toverifyifitistruetheobservationthatfearofan- surgery is multifactorial in aetiology but fibrinolysis plays a esthesia is generalized among our patients; and to define determinantrole. which would be the possible causes that more frequently Objectives:Wehypothesizedthatlowerpreoperativelevelof provoke this fear. Finally, it will be evaluated if they are Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) and lower related to the innate fear of death. Material and methods: ratio of tissue – plasminogen activator/PAI-1 complex A survey was designed to be answered anonymously, with (t-PA/PAI-1) after surgery maybe associatedwith enhanced eightquestion.Twowereopenanswers:thedefinitionofAn- fibrinolyticactivityandincreased bleeding. esthesiaandtowhathe/sheassociatedthewordAnesthesia. Method: A total of 88 adult cardiac surgical patients (mean The other questions were multiple choices. 456 Patients age66+10years,48%men)whodidnotreceiveantifibrino- between 18 to 70 years old, were surveyed; xx were facing lytic prophylaxis were enrolled in a prospective study. Vari- scheduled surgeryand XXwere not. ables were collected preoperatively (T0); at admission in Results:48%answeredtheywouldbeafraidofanesthesiaif intensive care unite (T1), at 6 and 24 hours (T6, T24) after they had to be operated. 48.9% were worried the same by surgery. To allow comparison between patients, two groups the anesthetical act as by the surgical one. 75% of the were made according to 24-hour postoperative bleeding patients recognized they had never been interested in volume: group I.500ml/24h, group II ? 500ml/24h. Correl- getting information about how anesthesia is done. 68.8% ationofbloodamountwithroutinecoagulationtestsandfi- knew the anesthesiologist is a physician. Only 5% could brinolysis parameters (PAI-1, t-PA/PAI-1 complex, D-dimer) define correctly the word anesthesia. Those peopleyounger wereanalysedusingSPSS17.0aslinearregression(Pearson’s than 30 years old were more afraid of anesthesia; being correlation coefficient). Comparisons between groups were their biggest fear to feel pain or not to be asleep enough. done with two-sample t-test for continuous data, with chi- Thesamehappenedtothoseoneswhohadneverhadanan- square test for categorical data. The statistical significance esthetic experience. While those over 30, who had already wasdefinedaspvalue,0.05. been anesthetized, felt less fear. They were afraid of dying Results: Nine patients were excluded from the studydue to inthe operating room. surgical bleeding. 45% of patients (n¼38) had blood Discussion:Sincemostofthesurgicalpatientswereover30, loss.500ml/24 hours and were registered as I group. Post- and agreeing with the other studies on this matter, it could operative bleeding volume significantly correlated with the be inferred that the biggest fear of our patients is to die preoperative level of PAI-1 (r¼- 0.3, p¼0.009), with haemo- during anesthesia. Anyway, the group that expressed fear globin and platelet count at T6 after surgery (r¼20.42, tosufferpainbecauseofinsufficientanesthesia,wassurpris- p,0.001; r¼- 0.3, p¼0.02). Level of preoperative PAI-1 and ingly bigger than expected. What called our attention was t-PA/PAI-1 complex after surgery significantly differed thelittleinterest,ofthispopulation,toknowmoreaboutan- between I group (n¼38) and II group (n¼41): PAI-1 esthesia andtheanesthesiologist’s role. 19+8.3 vs. 29+13, p,0.001; t-PA/PAI-1 3+1.4 vs. Conclusion:Althoughthefearofdeaththatourpatientsface 4.2+2.4,p¼0.012.PatientsinIgroupshowedasignificantly whentheyaregoingtobeanesthetizedmaynotbealtered, higher level of D-dimers after surgery: at T1 - 318 vs. 228, weconsiderwemustreducetheunfoundedfearofnotbeing p¼0.05; at T6 – 333 vs. 234, p¼0.03; at T24 – 300 vs. 197, sufficiently asleep or feeling pain, by getting closer to the p¼0.007. patient to dissipate the myth of insufficient anesthesia. Discussion:EBaftercardiacsurgeryisassociatedwithdiffer- Thatwaywewillhave added comfortto ourpatients. entfibrinolyticactivity.Therearepatientswithalowerinhibi- tory potential for fibrinolysis who could benefit most from Keywords: Anesthesia;fear; pain; death antifibrinolytic prophylaxis. ii217 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 Conclusion: A lower preoperative level of PAI-1 and lower PAI-1 did not statistically differed between 3 genotypes. level of t-PA/PAI-1 complex just after surgery may lead to The highest level of t-PA/PAI-1 complex had patients with higher levels of D-dimer later on and could be used as fi- the 4G/5G genotype (4G/5G – 3.9+2.1; 5G/5G – 3.6+2.4, brinolytic system markers of enhanced fibrinolysis and 4G/4G – 3.1+1.8).Correlationwasfoundin4G/5Ggenotype increased bleeding tendency. between PAI-1 level and blood loss (r¼2 0.4, p¼0.01) and t-PA/PAI-1complexandbloodloss(r¼20.32,p¼0.04).Asso- ciation between PAI-1 and t-PA/PAI-1 complex (r¼0.5, Paper No: 133.00 p¼0.02) was observed in4G/4G genotype. Conclusions: PAI-1 promoter - 675 (4G/5G) polymorphism Influence of PAI-1 promoter polymorphism affectsPAI-1concentration,D-dimerlevelandbloodlossin- to fibrinolytic activity of patients after dicatingthatpatientswith5G/5Ggenotypehasenhancedfi- on-pump cardiac surgery brinolyticactivity. Agnese Ozolina1, Eva Strike1, Inta Jaunalksne1, Liene Nikitina-Zake2 and Indulis Vanags2 Paper No: 170.00 1PaulsStradinsClinicalUniversityHospital,Departmentof AnaesthesiologyandCardiacsurgery,Latvia2LatvianBiomedical Antiallodynic effects of curcumin in ResearchandStudyCentreand3RigaStradinsUniversity, inflammatory and postoperative pain Departmentof in rats Introduction:Lowplasminogenactivatorinhibitor-1(PAI-1) Myung Ha Yoon, Jeong Il Choi and Yeo Ok Kim and tissue – plasminogen activator/PAI-1 (t-PA/PAI-1) complex are associated with increased bleeding after DepartmentofAnesthesiologyandPainMedicine,MedicalSchool, on-pump cardiac surgery. PAI-1 levels are influenced by ChonnamNationalUniversity,Gwangju,Korea genetic factors. The PAI-1 gene promoter contains - 675(4G/5G) polymorphism. Introduction: Although curcumin, the major component of Objectives: Investigate effect of the PAI-1 promoter - turmeric, has recently been shown to have antinociceptive 675(4G/5G) polymorphism on PAI-1, t-PA/PAI-1 concentra- effect in some pain states, the effects on inflammatoryand tions andon bleedingvolumeaftercardiac surgery. postoperative pain remains to be determined. Thus, in the Methods:Ninetypatientswhodidnotreceiveantifibrinolytic present study, we investigated the effect of curcumin on prophylaxis were included in the prospective study. Study suchpain. was approved by the institutional Committee of Ethics. We Methods: Inflammatory pain was induced by a subcutane- obtained informed written consent from all patients for ous injection of 100¥`ıl of a 2% carrageenan solution into their inclusion in the study. Seven patients were excluded the left hindpaw. For postoperative pain, a 1-cm longitudin- duetosurgicalbleeding.Eighty-threepatientswereclassified al incision was made on the plantar aspect of the left according to PAI-1 genotype: 4G/4G (n¼21), 4G/5G (n¼42), hindpaw of anesthetized rats and closed with 5-0 nylon. 5G/5G (n¼20). Data of fibrinolysis were recorded: PAI-1 Withdrawal threshold to von Frey filament application level preoperatively, D – dimer at 0h, 6h and 24 hours near the injury site was determined before and after the after surgery, t-PA/PAI-1 complex 24 hours postoperatively. drug administration. All drugs were injected The groups were compared concerning factors which might intraperitoneally. influence the postoperative bleeding: age, gender, body Results: After both carrageenan injection and plantar mass index, surgical parameters, hemoglobin, platelets and incision, the paw withdrawal threshold was significantly fibrinogen. Postoperative bleeding volume was registered as decreased in injured sites. Intraperitoneal administration milliliters 24 hours after surgery. Association between of curcumin at doses from 10 to 100mg produced antiallo- genetic polymorphism, fibrinolysis parameters and post- dynic effects in a dose-dependent manner in both pain operative 24-hour blood loss were analyzed using SPSS 18 states. (Student T-test, X2, Fischer’stest,Pearson coefficient). Conclusions:Intraperitonealcurcuminalleviatedmechanical Results: Patients with the 5G/5G genotype had significantly allodyniainducedbypawcarrageenaninjectionandplantar lower preoperative PAI-1 levels (17+10.8 vs. 24+9.6, incision. Thus, systemic curcumin may be a useful in the p¼0.04), higher D-dimer levels at 6h (371+227 vs. 232+ management ofinflammatoryandpostoperative pain. 184, p¼0.03)and at 24h (326+207 vs.209+160, p¼0.05) and greater postoperative blood volume (641+210 vs. Paper No: 195.00 432+167, p¼0.001) compared with 4G/4G genotype. Pre- operative PAI-1 level also statistically significantly differed between5G/5G and 4G/5G genotypes (17+10.8 vs. 27+13, Situation diagnosis of postoperative pain p¼0.004). There were no significant differences in blood loss between 5G/5G and 4G/5G genotypes. Complex of t-PA/ Cristian Humberto Bosio ii218 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 Pain is an “unpleasant sensory and emotional experience, dolor postoperatorio en un hospital de tercer nivel: situacio´n related to actual or potential tissue damage, or described inicial previa a la implantacio´n de un programa de calidad. Esp. in terms of such damage”. 1 Postoperative pain is a type of Anestesiol. Reanim. (2006); 53 :408–418. Available at: http:// www.sedar.es/restringido/2006/n7_2006/3.pdf. Visited in October acute pain iatrogenic through the surgery with him being 2010. excluded biological function. Today the consequences of 5 Zas-Ros BLa satisfaccio´n como indicador de excelencia de la poor postoperative management are known. 2,3,4 Satisfac- calidaddelosserviciosdesalud;Rev.Electro´nicaPsicologiaCien- tion is currently used as an indicator of excellence in the tifica. Available at:http://www.psicologiacientifica.com/bv/ quality of care and improvement programs are intended to psicologia-80-1-la-satisfaccion-como-indicador-de-excelencia-en- standardize quality pain care.5,6 The overall objective of la-calidad-d.html.VisitedinOctober2010. thisstudywastoevaluatepostoperativepainpatientsadmit- 6 GallegoJl,Rodriguez-de-la-TorreMR,GallegoVasques-GuerreroJC, ted to surgical wards and thus provide data to assist in the Gallego Gil M; :Estimacio´n de la prevalencia e intensidad del dolor postoperatorio y su relacio´n con la satisfaccio´n de los strategic policy planning for treatment and sizing the need pacientes. Rev. Esp. Soc Esp. Dolor. (2004); Vol 11 n.4. Available for furthereffortsto improve the qualityof care. In January at: http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?pid¼S1134-80462004000400 2011, a descriptive cross sectional study was done with 003&script¼sci_arttext.VisitedinOctober2010. patients scheduled for elective surgery who agreed to 7 Valent´ın-Lopez B, Garcia-Caballero j, Mun˜oz-Ramo´n JM, collect data in a survey during the preoperative and post- Aparicio-GrandeP,Diez-Sebastia´nJ;Criado-jimenez,OpCit. operative period. Also collected information on painkillers treatments prescribed. Were processed data obtained from the descriptive analysis of variables in examination. The Paper No: 199.00 study observed that 79% of respondents during the pre- operative (n¼44), thinksthatthe pain in the firstdays after surgery, is unbearable. 78% of respondents in the post- Effect of single dose gabapentin on operative period (n¼55) expressed pain in the first 24 postoperative pain and opioid consumption hours following surgery, 54% of these, reported some following total abdominal hysterectomy: degreeofinadequateanalgesiaatthetimeoftheinterview. A Dose Finding Study We also found a significant relationship between greater levelsofpainandgreaterpatientdemandforextraanalgesic Anand Kumar dosesaccordingtoFisher’sexacttest(p¼,0.05).Thisstudy showedahighprevalenceofincorrecttreatmenttomeetthe Introduction: The multimodal analgesia involves the use of needsofanalgesiainpostoperativepain.Diclofenacwasthe different analgesics is recommended in current practice to drugmostusedin91%ofcasesandtherewasa80%over- providesuperiorpainreliefandtoreduceopioidconsumption doseofit.Onlyonecaseofopioidanalgesicsprescriptionas and its side effects. Gabapentin in different dosages has partoftreatmentwasreported.93%ofcaseswereclassified been found effective to reduce opioid consumption and de- as inadequate analgesic treatment because of: (i) lack of creasing postoperative pain. We designed this study to find extra analgesic dose prescription in the presence of pain minimumoptimaldoseofgabapentintobeusedwithpeth- (93%);(ii)overdosagewithNSAIDs(78%);(iii)inadequatean- idinein ourpopulation. algesia(62%); (iv)dangerous associations between drugs of Objective: To determine the minimum effective dose of thesamegroup(25%).Thelevelofpatientsatisfactionwith gabapentin for postoperative pain and reduced opioid con- analgesic therapy implemented by health personnel was sumption in patients undergoing total abdominal very high as evidenced in previous studies.7 It is recom- hysterectomy. mended that a committee of acute pain to make analgesia Methodology: After informed consent eightyseven patients protocols. Also the creation of a unit for pain to control the were included in this double blinded randomized control patients,monitortheanalgesicmethodsandteachingactiv- study. Patients were assigned randomly to one of the three ities forallthe staff involved. groupsto receive capsule gabapentin orally 300mg, 600mg and900mgrespectively,onehourbeforesurgery.Postopera- tively pethidine consumption, pain score and side effects of References gabapentin were monitored for 24 hours. Rescue analgesia 1 FinkelDM,SchlegelHR.Dolorpostoperatorio,conceptosba´sicosy wasgiven andmonitored. fundamentosparauntratamientoadecuado.Availableat:http:// Results: The groups did not differ demographically for age, www.sld.cu/galerias/pdf/sitios/anestesiologia/dolor_postop.pdf. weight and height. Mean pethidine consumption in all VisitedinOctober2010. threegroupswas331mg/24hourswithnostatisticaldiffer- 2 BolibarI,CatalaE,CadenaR:Eldolorenelhospital:delosesta´n- ence among the groups. The results support the use of daresdeprevalenciaalosdecalidad.Rev.Esp.Anestesiol.Reanim. 300mg single oral dose of gabapentin in reducing pethidine (2005);52:131–140.Availableat:http://www.sedar.es/restringido/ 2005/3/131.pdf.VisitedinOctober2010. consumption for postoperative analgesia Rescue analgesia 3 FinkelDM,SchlegelHR.Op.Cit. and number of goods and demands on PCIA data were 4 Valent´ın-Lopez B, Garcia-Caballero j, Mun˜oz-Ramo´n JM, also well matched with no statistical significance. The Aparicio-Grande P, Diez-Sebastia´n J, Criado-jimenez Atencio´n del groups also did not differ for side effects of gabapentin like ii219 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 nausea, vomiting, somnolence and dizziness, howeverextu- tothetrainoffour(TOF)andanalyzedwiththeIONMat0,1 bation wasdelayed in 900mggroup. and 2minutes. Conclusion: A single oral dose of gabapentin 300mg given Results:After2minutesoftheadministrationofsugamma- preoperatively is as effective as higher dose of dex,allpatients had aTOF.0.9. 600-900mgforpostoperativeanalgesiawithreducedpethid- Conclusion:Theutilizationofarocuroniumspecificantagon- ineconsumption. istwasefficientinpromotingthenormalizationofthemotor conduction-responsetothestimulioftheIONMinapredict- abletime. References 1 VandeVusseAC,Stomp-vandenBergSG,KesselsAH,WeberWE. Randomised controlled trial of gabapentin in Complex Regional Paper No: 228.00 PainSyndrometype.BMCNeurol.2004;4:13. 2 SeibRK, PaulJE. Preoperativegabapentinforpostoperativeanal- gesia:Ameta-analysis.CanJAnesth.2006;53:461–9. Pharmacologic interaction between 3 KYHo,GanTJ,HabibAS.Gabapentinandpostoperativepain – A intrathecal cannabinoid and cox-2 inhibitor systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Pain. 2006; 126:91–101. in bone tumor pain model of rats 4 DierkingG,DuedahlTH,RasmussenML,etal.Effectsofgabapentin Myung Ha Yoon and Jeong Il Choi onpostoperativemorphineconsumptionandpainafterabdominal hysterectomy:Arandomized,double-blindtrial.ActaAnaesthesiol DepartmentofAnesthesiologyandPainMedicine,MedicalSchool, Scand.2004;48:322–7. ChonnamNationalUniversity,Gwangju,Korea 5 RorariusMF,MennanderS,SuominenP.Gabapentinforthepreven- tionofpostoperativepainaftervaginalhysterectomy.Pain2004; Introduction: We evaluated the efficacy of nonselective 110:175. cannabinoid (CB) receptor agonist (WIN 55,212-2) and 6 DierkingG,DuedahlTH,RasmussenML,FomsgaardJS,MøinicheS, COX-2 inhibitor (DUP 697) on bone tumor pain in the spinal RømsingJ,etal.Effectsofgabapentinonpostoperativemorphine cordofrats,andalsotoexaminethepropertiesofdruginter- consumption and pain after abdominal hysterectomy: a rando- action between two drugs, further to clarify the role of CB1 mized, double-blind trial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004Mar; and CB2receptorson theeffect ofWIN55,212-2. 48(3):322 Methods: Bone tumor pain was induced by injection of 7 PengPW,WijeysunderaDN,LiCC.Useofgabapentinforperiopera- tive pain control – a meta-analysis. Pain Res Manag. 2007 MRMT-1 tumor cells (1 x 105) into the tibia of female Summer;12(2):85–92. Sprague-Dawley rats under sevoflurane anesthesia. A polyethylene-10 catheter was inserted into the intrathecal space for drug administration. For pain assessment, a with- Paper No: 214.00 drawal threshold was measured using von Frey filament being applied to the tumor cell inoculation site. The effects ofintrathecalWIN55,212-2andDUP697wereinvestigated. The Use Of Sugammadex In Orthopedic Isobolographic analysis was used forevaluation of pharma- Surgeries For The Correction Of Idiopathic cologic interaction. And then, the role of CB receptors on Scoliosis With Evoked Potentials the antinociception of WIN 55,212-2 was determined with Monitorization selective CB1 (AM 251) and CB2 receptor (AM 630) antago- nists, and selective CB1 (ACEA) and CB2 receptor (AM 1241) Jorge Barrios Alarcon, Wagner Kouno, agonists. The expression of CB receptors and COX-2 in the Ricardo Ferreira, Oswaldo Cavalari and spinal cord was examined with RT-PCR and Western blot Luis Sergio Marques analysis. Results:Intra-tibialinjectionofMRMT-1tumorcellsproduced Sugammadex is a newpharmacologic agent utilized for the a bone tumor. Also, the paw withdrawal threshold was rapid reversal of non-depolarizing muscle relaxants. The significantly decreased (mechanical allodynia) in tumor purpose of this study was to demonstrate the possibility of developing site. Intrathecal WIN 55,212-2 and DUP 697 the use of sugammadex for reversal of rocuronium-induced dose-dependently increased the withdrawal threshold. Iso- muscle relaxation before the start of intraoperative neuro- bolographic analysis revealed an additive interaction after physiologic monitoring (IONM) during idiopathic scoliosis intrathecaldeliveryofWIN55,212-2andDUP697.Theanti- with somatosensoryevoked potentials(SSEP). nociceptiveeffectofWIN55,212-2wasantagonizedbyboth Methods: 20 adult patients, with a mean age of 34+10 AM 251 and AM 630. Both intrathecal ACEA and AM 1241 years, ASA I or II were involved in the study. They all had increased the withdrawal threshold. RT-PCR showed that the diagnosis of scoliosis and were scheduled for surgeryto CB1, CB2 receptors and COX-2 mRNA were detected in the correct their scoliosis with the use of SSEP. Immediately spinal cord of sham rats, while COX-2 mRNA, but not CB1, before the start of the surgical instrumentation and the CB2 receptors mRNA, expression was increased in bone startoftheIONM,sugammadexwasadministeredaccording tumor rats. Western blot analysis indicated that CB1, 2 ii220 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 receptors and COX-2 protein were expressed in the spinal References cordofshamandbonetumorrats,andnosignificantdiffer- 1 RoweR,CohenRA.AnEvaluationofaVirtualRealityAirwaySimu- ences were seen in the expression level between sham and lator.AnesthAnalg2002;95:62–6. bonetumor rats. 2 Rosenstock C et al. Qualitative analysis of unanticipated difficult Conclusions: Intrathecal WIN55,212-2 and DUP697reduce airwaymanagement.ActaAnaesthesiolScand2006;50:290–7 bone tumor-related pain behavior, and interact additively 3 MayroseJetal.UtilizationofVirtualrealityforendotrachealintub- with each other. The effect of WIN 55,212-2 is mediated ationtraining.Resuscitation2003;59:133–8 through bothCB1 andCB2 receptorsin thespinal cord. 4 GoldmannK,SteinfeldtT.Acquisitionofbasicfiberopticintubation skillswithavirtualrealityairwaysimulator.J.ofClinicalAnaesthe- sia2006;18:173–8. Paper No: 234.00 5 Blum MG, Powers TW, Sundaresan S. Bronchoscopy Simulator Ef- fectivelyPreparesJuniorResidentstoCompetentlyPerformBasic ClinicalBronchoscopy.AnnThoracSurg2004;78:287–91 6 CrawfordSW,ColtHG.VirtualRealityandWrittenAssessmentsof PotentialValuetoDetermineKnowledgeandSkillinFlexibleBron- Inexperienced doctors get remarkable choscopy.Respiration2004;71:269–275 skills in fiberoptic intubation after specific 7 LetterfromCamillaLindholmRasmussenCand.Jur. training in a virtual airway simulator Pernille Vaabengaard and Paper No: 240.00 Michael Seltz Kristensen Rigshositalet,Blegdamsvej,Afd2073,Copenhagen,Slagelse Local anesthesia for awake craniotomy Sygehus,Anaestesiafdelingen,4200Slagelse,Denmark Angel Mario Ruiz, Sandra Ximena and Jaramillo Jairo Moyano Introduction: It is very essential for anaesthesiologist to be incontrolwhendealingwithadifficultairway.Thereforestu- HospitalUniversitarioFundacionSantaFedeBogotaHospital dents need to be trained in this discipline. The sooner the UniversitarioFundacionSantaFedeBogotaHospitalUniversitario better. A somewhat newer method is the use of virtual FundacionSantaFedeBogota airwaysimulators. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to see whether The intracranial tumor resection on eloquent motorareas are completionofsimulatortrainingwithasatisfactoryandspe- at high risk of developing neurological deficit intrasurgery. cific endpoint could improve doctors ability to make a fiber Many anesthetic techniques are used to perform this surgical optic intubation significantly faster and more confident procedure with sedation or intermittent anesthesia Actually, thaninexperienceddoctors. notdescribedmultimodaltechniquescombiningregionalanes- Methods: This study was a randomized clinical study. Ten thesia, sedation and systemic analgesia in these patients. We doctors were included equally split between the control use a technique awake, consistent with the implementation groupandthesimulatorgroup.Fivedoctorsreceivedtraining ofacompleteblockadeofscalpplussedationandanalgesia. intheEducationalLabatTheUniversityHospital“Rigshospi- Objective: To assess the quality of anesthesia, reliability talet” in Copenhagen, Denmark. Within a week they had to neurologicalmonitoring andcontrolof anxiolysis perform a real fiber optic intubation on an anaesthetized Methodology: The study included 6 patients diagnosed with patient in the operating room. The endpoint was time tentorialtumorinneighborhoodtoeloquentareaswithradio- spendduring theprocedure. logicalsignsofintracranialhypertension.Patientswithoutpul- Results:Theffivedoctorsinthesimulatorgrouppracticedin monaryorcardiacpathologywithMidazolamwastitratedwith average54minutes+8minutesandcompletedbetween22 doses of 0.2 to 04mg / kg IV dose and remifentanil 0.03 to and33virtualfiberopticalintubations.Thentheyhadtopass 0.05 ug / kg / min plus and scalp block with lidocaine 2% a test with specific endpoints: time used (less than 60 WOE and bupivacaine 0, WOE 5% at level of greater and seconds), numberofcollisions (maximum 10) endeffective- lesser occipital, supraorbital and inferior trochlear and man- ness (greater than 80%). Doctors in the control group were dibular nerves. Antiemetic prophylaxis. We evaluatednausea, significantly slower to FOI compared to doctors who joined vomiting and respiratory depression, cooperative patient, oc- the simulator group. Using Mann-Whitney test finding a currenceofneurologicaldeficit,andpostoperativepain. p-value ,0.05.Themediandifferenceis266and95%confi- Results: All patients were partners (in our scale level of co- denceinterval[232to 542]. operation was good) and were able to perform adequately Conclusion: The use of the virtual airway simulator should neurological assessment. The average operative time was become a compulsory part of educating the first year resi- between 1–5 hours, the most common tumors were dents in the management of difficult airways. The doctors gliomas located in eloquent 50% air and 50% in motor can gain significant better experience in the use of a fiber areas. Neurological changes were monitored during surgery opticscopebeforemeetingapatientintheoperatingroom. in48%ofpatients.Adverseeventsattributabletoanesthesia weremoderatehypercapniain16%withoutotherassociated ii221 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 complications. One patient (16%) showed a complication plus 1 MAC of desflurane On arrival to the postanesthesia transoperative, presented a focal motor seizures, which care unit (PACU), each patient received a PCA pump pro- yielded spontaneously. 84% of patients does’t require sys- grammed to deliver an initial morphine bolus of temicanalgesics in thefirst6hours postoperative 0.05mg.kg-1 at 7min intervals if pain was more than 60 on Discussion:Theimplementationofthistechniqueaswellas the VAS. On discharge from the PACU the pump was repro- being innovative in neurosurgical patients turns out to be a grammed for a morphine bolus of 1.5mg and a 7min safe technique to avoid the continual changes in patient’s lockout interval and no background infusion. The primary anesthetic depth and therefore hemodynamic changes to a outcome measure was pain relief and patient satisfaction patient with intracranial hypertension should not besubject which evaluated by using 100mm VAS (0-100). Secondary toalterationincerebralautoregulationandthelossofcom- outcomes were morphine consumption, and side effects in- pliance, so we recommend the use of this technique in a cluding nausea, vomiting, pruritus, sedation, fatigue and re- properpatientselectioninrelationtoanxietyandpreexisting spiratory depression. Outcome measures were recorded by comorbidities for resection of tumors that allow continuous the same trained nursing staff. at 30min., 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 neurologic payment in intra-and postoperative . We saw and48hpostoperatively.Inapilotstudy20patientsenrolled thesamemannerasthepatientshadadequatepaincontrol toGOSunderGAconsumedanaverageof57+21mgofmor- Conclusion:Blockadeofthescalpinassociationwithmidazo- phineinthe first 48hwithPCA pump.Toachieve aone-third lamandremifentaniliseffectiveandsafeforadministration reduction of opioid consumption with an a´ error of 0.005 in awake craniotomy for tumor resection in, allowing andapowerof90%,weneeded26patientsineachgroup. optimum collaboration and neurologicalassessment. Results: Fifty six women (28 intrathecal and 28 plasebo) completed the study. No differences were noted with respecttoage,weight,height,timeofsurgeryandoperation Paper No: 273.00 typebetweenthegroups.Significantdifferencewasdemon- strated in morphine consumption(19.25+13mg and The effects of intrathecal morphine on 54.23+22mg in group 1 and group 2 respectively) and patient-controlled analgesia morphine fatique scores. Satisfaction scores and side effects were similar in both groups. Conclusion In conclusion, 0.3mg consumption, postoperative pain scores intrathecal morphine in gynecologic oncologic surgery and satisfaction in patients undergoing couldimprovepostoperativeanalgesiaandreducemorphine gynecologic oncologic surgery under consumptionwithout anyserious sideeffects. general anesthesia References Inci Kara, Seza Apiliogullari, Bahar Oc, 1 JemalA,SiegelR,XuJ,WardE.Cancerstatistics.CACancerJClin Jale Bengi Celik and Ates Duman 2010;60:277–300 SelcukUniversity,SelcukluMedicalFaculty,Departmentof 2 Chen LM, Weinberg VK, Chen C, Powell B, Chen LL, Chan JK, AnesthesiologyandIntensiveCare Burkhardt DH. Perioperative outcomes comparing patient con- trolledepiduralversusintravenousanalgesiaingynecologiconcol- Introduction: Gynecologic cancers represent a major health ogysurgeryGynecologicOncology115(2009)357–361 problem among women(1). Gynecologic oncologic surgery 3 Kehlet H, Holte K. Effect of postoperative analgesia on surgical outcome.BrJAnaesth2001;87:62–72 includes a wide variety of surgical procedures. (2). Post- operative pain is a majorconcern in these patients because it affects multiple systems and induces physiological, im- Paper No: 275.00 munological,and psychological changes(3) Objectives:Weaimedtocompareintrathecalmorphineplus Heterotopic cardiac transplant patient-controlled analgesia with patient-controlled anal- gesia alone on morphine consumption, pain relief and Nelson Ruiz and Claudio Burgos patients satisfaction after gynecologic oncologic surgery (GOS)undergeneralanesthesia Introduction: Heterotopic cardiac transplant is avalid alter- Metods: In this double-blinded, randomized, controlled native:(i)whentherecipientisaffectedbypulmonaryhyper- study, 60 women undergoing GOSwere allocated to receive tension secondary to his left chronic cardiomyopathy and either intrathecal morphine 0.3mg (Group 1) or placebo thereisimminentriskofacuterightventriculardysfunction; group(Group2).Fortheplacebogroup,theskinwaspunctu- (ii) in patients with heart disease with healing possibilities redwiththedentalneedle,butitwasnotadvancedbeyond and no long lasting mechanic assist devices available; and the subcutaneous tissue. Monitoring and anesthesia were (iii) whenthe donor hasamismatch higherthan20%. standardized.Anesthesiawasinducedwith2mg.kg-1ofpro- Objetives: Describe the surgical procedure and the experi- pofol and 2mg.kg-1 of fentanyl. and 0.6mg.kg-1. of rocuro- enceof thisdepartment. nium. After tracheal intubation, anesthesia was maintained Material and Method: We studied eleven patients whose with a mixture of air (0.5L/min) and oxygen (0.5L/min) prevalent pathologies were idiopathic dilated ii222 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 cardiomyopathy,hypertensivecardiomyopathy.Sinusrhythm Objective: Evaluation of sugammadex effectiveness in fast was predominant in most cases. The average waiting time trackextubationprotocol(60-90min)ofpatientsundergoing was of 271 days. Eight transplants were elective, one cardiac surgerywith cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). urgent andtwo emergencies.Thetechnique: Materials and methods: From February to August 2011 DonorRecipient:PulmonaryArteryRightAtriumLeftAtrium twenty patients, 12 males and 8 females undergoing Left Atrium Aorta Artery Aorta Artery (end-to-side) Closed cardiacsurgerywithCPBwereenrolledinthefasttrackextu- VenaeCavae bation protocol. The age ranged from 25 to 61 years (mean age49,4+5,3),andmeanweighwas74,3+6,7kg.Eighteen † Donor LVejectstowardsAo, inits diastole. patientsunderwentvalverepair/replacementsurgeryand2- † RecipientLVejects duringdonor’s diastole. combinedvalvereplacementandCABG.MeanCPBtimewas —if this is not the case, there will be blood stasis with 78,9+10,4 (50-129) min and aortic cross clamping was arrhythmias, displacement of interventricular septum, 62,1+8,2 (38-111) min. All patients had anesthesia thromboembolic phenomenon, cardiac arrest. In order to induced with midazolam (0,1mg/kg), propofol (1,0–1,5mg/ achieve the above, both hearts were synchronized with 2 kg)androcuronium1,0mg/kg.Formaintenanceofanesthe- dual-chamberpacemakers (DDDR). sia before, during, and after bypass, all patients received a Pacemaker-1: ABEE connected to recipient’s RA VBEE con- continuousinfusionofrocuronium(0,4mg/kg/hr),12received nected to donor’sRA sevoflurane and 8 propofol. Analgesia was maintained with Pacemaker-2: ABEE connected to recipient’s RV VBEE con- fentanyl (3,1+0,2mcg/kg/h). At the end of surgery 4mg/kg nected to donor’sLV sugammadex was administered for reversal of rocuronium. Another option is using one pacemaker (DDD). Pacemaker-1: Central hemodynamic parameters, level of neuromuscular ABEEconnectedtorecipient’sRVVBEEconnectedtodonor’sLV blockade(TOF),BISindex,recoveryofspontaneousbreathing —with this we are able to: Simplify synchronization and AV and time to ensure full recovery before extubation were interval programming Userecipient’s sinus node to manage monitored. both hearts Improve ejection times Reduce costs Control Results:ThroughoutsurgerymeanTOFlevelwas0,17+0,03 through hemodynamics and transoesophageal (0,1-0,2). BIS index was 32+6 (30-40%) during surgeryand echocardiogram gradually increased after stopping sevoflurane or propofol Results:Ofeleventransplantstherewere2deaths – onedue andreached67+3(65-70%)atendofsurgery.Aftersugam- tohepatopathybecauseofalcoholismandoneduetoacute madex administration patients regained consciousness, vascular rejection. breathed spontaneously, were alert, central hemodynamic Discussion:Theheterotopiccardiactransplanthassomedif- parameters were stable and TOF increased to 0,9 within 5 ficulties such as incorrect synchrony if donor’s heart rate is minutes. All patients were extubated in the operating room higher than recipient’s one; supraventricular arrhythmias of within 57,0+10,4 (30–120) minutes after injecting sugam- recipient’sordonor’sheart.Whenchoosingonepacemaker, madex;theyweretransferredtoICUwithgoodspontaneous thedonor’sheart,whosesinusnodewaselectrocoagulated, breathing, stable cardiac function, and good biochemical allowsthenativehearttoachievesynchronyattheventricu- analyses. Mean ICU stay was 18 hours, one patient needed lar level, generating a physiological synchronysince the au- apacemakerandstayed inICU for48 hours. tonomous nervous system is preserved and acts on the Conclusion:Administrationofsugammadexwas effective in cardiac rhythmof therecipient’s heart. fast track extubation of patients undergoing cardiac Conclusion: In the world there are more than 100 people surgery withcardiopulmonary bypass. with two hearts. Our experience, the only one in Latin America, shows that heterotopic cardiac Tx is a valid therapy when there is more than 10% donor/recipient mis- Paper No: 374.00 match orsevere pulmonary vascular resistance. Concept of total myocardial protection by Paper No: 298.00 sevoflurane during cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: preliminary results Fast track protocol of extubation after Vladimir Pichugin1, Nickolay Melnikov2, cardiac operations with cardiopulmonary Alishir Gamzaev2, Olga Shirokova2 and bypass: the role of sugammadex Alexander Medvedev1 Vladimir Pichugin1, Victor Bober2, 1NizhnyNovgorodStateMedicalAcademy2NizhnyNovgorod Mikhail Bodashkov2, Victor Prytkov2 and CardiacandVascularSurgery Leckwantee Rittoo1 1NizhnyNovgorodStateMedicalAcademyand2NizhnyNovgorod Introduction: The protective properties of sevoflurane on CardiacandVascularSurgery myocardium have been attributed to anesthetic pre- and ii223 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018 BJA AbstractspresentedatWCA2012 postconditioning. Clinically this effect is enhanced when Undergoing Coronary Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass Are sevoflurane is administered throughout the surgical proced- Related to the Modalities of Its Administration// Anesthesiology ure (De Hert et al., 2002; De Hert et al., 2004; Cromheecke 2004;101:299–310 S. et al., 2006). When the aorta is cross-clamped coronary 3 Stefanie Cromheecke, Veronik Pepermans, Ellen Hendrickx, et al. CardioprotectivePropertiesofSevofluraneinPatientsUndergoing blood flow ceases and sevoflurane cannot be delivered to Aortic Valve Replacement with Cardiopulmonary Bypass// Anesth myocardium. To address this problem we propose the use Analg2006;103:289–96 of ante- or retrograde coronary perfusion. In some studies 4 NaderND,LiCM,KhadraWZ,ReedyR,PanosALAnestheticmyo- sevoflurane 2% was added to the cardioplegic solution cardial protection with sevoflarane//jJ. Cardiothor. Vasc.Anesth.- (Nader N.D. et al., 2004; Nader N.D. et al., 2006) but there 2004.-Vol.18.P.269–274. were no conclusive data concerning its effect on the hypo- 5 Nader ND, Karamanoukian HL, Reedy RL, Salehpour F, Knight PR thermicmyocardium. Inclusionofsevofluraneincardioplegiareducesneutrophilactivity Objectives:Toevaluatetheeffectivenessoftotalmyocardial during cardiopulmonary bypass// J. Cardiothor.Vasc.Anesth.- 2006.-Vol.20.-P.57–62. protectionbysevoflurane(TSMP)duringcardiacsurgerywith cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB). Material and Methods: After ethical approval and written Paper No: 377.00 informed consent TSMP was used in 5 patients undergoing valve surgery (replacement ofmitralvalve – 2;replacement of aortic valve -1; mitral and tricuspid valves repair -2) with Cardiac surgery in patients with normothermic CPB from July to August 2011. The study heparin-induced thombocytopenia included 2 males and 3 females aged 36 to 62 years Miomir Jovic, Dusko Nezic, Branko Calija, (mean 47.4+5.9) with an ejection fraction ranging from 20 Milorad Borzanovic and Aleksandar Knezevic to 40%. TSMP was achieved by administering sevoflurane throughoutwholeprocedure:forinductionandmaintenance DedinjeCardiovascularInstitute,MedicalSchool,Universityof of anesthesia in pre- and post bypass periods. During CPB Belgrade,Serbia sevofluranewasadministeredviaavaporizerwhichwascon- nected totheoxygenatorgas supplyline. Allsurgerieswere Introduction:Heparininducedthrombocytopenia(HIT)isco- performed on “the beating heart” with constant antegrade agulation disorder in patients treated by nonfractioned or retrograde coronary perfusion. For coronary perfusion heparin or (rear) by low molecular weight heparine bloodenrichedwithsevoflurane(2-3vol%)fromoxygenator (LMWH). In the most patients (pts) nonimmune form of wasusedthusallowingconstantsupplyofsevofluranetothe HIToccurs,characterisedbyamilddecreaseinintheplatelet myocardium even during aortic cross clamping. Mean CPB count and is not harmful. The second type, immune- time was 68 +14min. and aorta cross clamping was 53 mediated HIT, occures much less frequently, thrombocyto- +16minutes. penia is the first clinical sign followed by reduced number Results: Dobutamine (2-3 mcg/kg/min) was used in 2 of platelets, less then 100 000 mm3 or reduced number patients. All patients underwent early extubation in OR more then 50%. Sometimes, reduction of platelets number before transfer to ICU. The post operative levels of CK-MB mightbeless(30-40%).In20–50%ofptsthrombocytopenia were lower than in non TSMP group. Three hours after is severe and often associated with thrombo-embolic and surgery CK-MB level in TSMP group was lower by 38,1% haemorrhagic events. Usually, 5–15 days after the first ad- and 13,3%; 8 hours after surgery lower by 45,9% and ministration of heparin, immune-mediated HIT occures. 27,7%; 24 hours after surgery lower by 42,0% and 32,6% Heparin forms antigen complex with pletlet factor 4 (PF4) and lower by 29,7% and 17,4% 48 hours after surgery that is released by platelets. Specific antibodies, formed compared to propofol(12 patients) and sevoflurane(11 against complex heparin-PF4, bind to this complex and patients) groups respectively. Normalization of CK-MB destroy the platelets. The desruption of platelets, stimulate level was registered earlier in TSMP group (within 24 the formation of new blood clots with consequence of hours), in propofol (more than 48 hours) and sevoflurane deepveinthrombosis,pulmonaryembolism,orevenmyocar- (in 48 hours) groups. dial infarction orstroke. Conclusion:Ourtechniqueimprovedmyocardialprotectionin Objectives: HITmight be life-threatening in patients under- high riskcardiac patients butlarger prospective randomized going open heart surgery, due to thromboembolic events, trials are needed to definitively assess the cardioprotective thrombocytopeniaandbleeding.Ifcardiacsurgerywithcar- effects ofthistechnique. diopulmonary bypass (CPB) is necessary, anticoagulation therapy will be based on usage of danaparoid or direct References thrombininhibitors. Methods: Female patient was switched from per oral anti- 1 StefanG,DeHert,PieterW,tenBroecke,ElsMertens,etal.Sevo- coagulanttherapytolowmolecularheparintherapyprepar- fluranebutNotPropofolPreservesMyocardialFunctioninCoronary SurgeryPatients//Anesthesiology,V97,No1,Jul2002 ing for reredo mitral valve replacement due to endocarditis 2 StefanG,DeHert,PhilippeJ,VanderLinden,StefanieCromheecke andartificialvalvethrombosis.Innext10days,thrombocyto- et al. Cardioprotective Properties of Sevoflurane in Patients penia was obvious (Tr 302 000 mm3 to 11 000 mm3), and ii224 Downloaded from https://academic.oup.com/bja/article-abstract/108/suppl_2/ii215/2919735 by guest on 30 January 2018

vascular centers of the world, due to their undeniable Bonnet F. Fast-track anesthesia with remifentanil and spinal anal- low-dose intratecal morphine in coronary artery bypass surgery. J Card Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. developing site.
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