Review Neural reflexes in inflammation and immunity Ulf Andersson1 and Kevin J. Tracey2 1Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden 2Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Manhasset, New York 11030 The mammalian immune system and the nervous system coevolved under the influence of infection and sterile injury. Knowledge of homeostatic mechanisms by which the nervous system controls organ function was originally applied to the cardiovascular, gastrointesti- nal, musculoskeletal, and other body systems. Development of advanced neurophysiological and immunological techniques recently enabled the study of reflex neural circuits that e n maintain immunological homeostasis, and are essential for health in mammals. Such re- ci flexes are evolutionarily ancient, dating back to invertebrate nematode worms that possess di primitive immune and nervous systems. Failure of these reflex mechanisms in mammals e contributes to nonresolving inflammation and disease. It is also possible to target these M neural pathways using electrical nerve stimulators and pharmacological agents to hasten l the resolution of inflammation and provide therapeutic benefit. a t n e m i The 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi- Loewi, identified the active agent as acetylcho- r CORRESPONDENCE e Ulf Andersson: cine was shared by Ilya Mechnikov and Paul line, which he isolated from ox and horse p x [email protected] Ehrlich for identifying the cellular and humoral spleens (Dale and Dudley, 1929). OR E basis of immunity. Although this represented a From that point forward, immunology Kevin J. Tracey: f [email protected] landmark celebration of two giants in the na- and neuroscience progressed on parallel paths. o scent immunology field, the shared prize also Physiologists came to understand that neural cir- l a stoked the ongoing controversy over which of cuits, operating reflexively, controlled the function n their two theories primarily accounted for pro- of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and mus- r u tective immunity. During this same period, an- culoskeletal systems, but there was considerable o other fledgling scientific field was entangled in resistance to extending these mechanisms to J e a different, but equally raging intellectual debate. immune system homeostasis. Immunity was h Neuroscientists, freshly armed with the ability to viewed as autonomous to the immune system, T visualize neurons using the staining methods of mediated by interactions between immune cells Cajal and further endowed with new concepts in a largely self-regulated system that could be of “synapses” and the motor cortex elucidated influenced by external factors, humoral media- by Charles Sherrington, argued whether the tors, and products of immunocompetent cells. fundamental unit of information transfer be- Until very recently, neither field paid much tween neurons was electrical or chemical. notice to direct evidence that the immune sys- The answer came in 1921 when Otto tem is functionally and anatomically connected Loewi placed two beating frog hearts in sepa- to the nervous system. rate saline baths: one heart he left attached to its The origin of meaningful collaborations vagus nerve and the other he denervated. After between these fields perhaps began with the observing that electrically stimulating the intact identification of the antiinflammatory action of vagus nerve slowed the innervated heart, he neuroendocrine hormones. Early animal stud- then harvested saline from this bath, and trans- ies established that adrenal hormones, produced ferred it to the denervated system. Reporting that a substance in the conditioned media © 2012 Andersson and Tracey This article is distributed under the terms of an caused the denervated heart to slow, Loewi Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license for the first six months after the publication date (see After six named the transferable agent “Vagusstoff.” Henry months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial– Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, as described at Dale, who later shared the Nobel Prize with licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/). The Rockefeller University Press $30.00 J. Exp. Med. Vol. 209 No. 6 1057-1068 1057 under the regulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis and reticuloendothelial organs significantly inhibited cytokine pro- adrenocorticotropic hormone, possessed activities that could duction (Borovikova et al., 2000b). Considering these find- be placed into two categories. One influenced fluid homeo- ings together with Watkins and Niijima’s observations, we stasis, and the other exerted beneficial effects against shock proposed that afferent and efferent signals transmitted in the and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical studies demonstrating the vagus nerve are components of an inflammatory reflex, a therapeutic effectiveness of corticosteroids in rheumatoid ar- neural circuit that modulates innate immune responses thritis won Philip Hench the Nobel Prize in 1950. This cata- (Tracey, 2002). This became the founding, prototypical lyzed investigation into mechanisms by which hormones and member of an expanding family of reflex neural circuits that other soluble mediators normally balance the immune system. maintain immunological homeostasis. These neural mecha- Work dating back to 1961 demonstrated that electrically nisms are essential to understanding immunity. stimulating the vagus nerve significantly enhanced the re- In the remainder of this review, we discuss illustrative ex- lease of acetylcholine from the spleen (Brandon and Rand, amples of neural circuits that modulate immune responses. 1961; Leaders and Dayrit, 1965). By then, anatomy studies The discussion is not encyclopedic, but instead focuses on had already revealed the innervation of the spleen, thymus, prototypical neural circuits that interact with immune cells to lymph nodes, and even the bursa of Fabricus. Later advances maintain stable physiological responses and immunological in electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry, when homeostasis. We also discuss recent advances in understand- used to image the principle organs of the immune system, ing how neural and immunological information merge. revealed nerve endings in the vicinity of T cells, B cells, and macrophages. The origin of these neurons was traced to Immunological homeostasis and nonresolving inflammation nuclei residing in the brain stem, the sympathetic chain, and The functional operation of organ systems is maintained peripheral ganglion cells. Synapse-like structures formed by within a narrow, optimal range, largely under the control of nerve endings were found lying within mere nanometers of neural circuits that operate reflexively to adjust organ func- immune cells that express receptors for acetylcholine, cate- tion relative to an established set point. Reflexes fine-tune cholamines, neuropeptides, and other principle neurotrans- the functional output of the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, mitters. These incipient neural circuits attracted little notice respiratory, renal, musculoskeletal, and neuroendocrine sys- from the broader field of neuroscience, perhaps because it tems in response to alterations in the external and internal was not known whether information transfer from the ner- environment. “Immunological homeostasis” is also essential vous system could meaningfully regulate immune responses for health, because insufficient or excessive activity in the im- or how this communication could be studied. Immunolo- mune system causes disease (Tracey, 2007). During sterile gists also took little notice, perhaps because of the prevailing injury, ischemia, or infection, the activation of humoral and view that the immune system is autonomous, and that im- cellular immune responses protects against invasion, cleans up munity could be fully understood by studying the activities the detritus of tissue injury, and initiates wound healing and and interactions between its principle cells. repair mechanisms. These responses are normally short-lived, Neuroscience and immunology directly intersected in the and the resolution of inflammation is an essential component 1990s, when Linda Watkins made the seminal discovery that of immunological homeostasis. Abundant evidence indicates fever in rodents after intraabdominally administered IL-1 that nonresolution of inflammation drives the pathogenesis required an intact vagus nerve (Watkins et al., 1995a). This of sepsis, atherosclerosis, obesity, cancer, pulmonary disease, meant that action potentials transmitted in sensory nerve inflammatory bowel disease, neurodegeneration, multiple scle- fibers to the brainstem report the presence of inflammatory rosis, and rheumatoid arthritis (Nathan and Ding, 2010). substrates in peripheral tissues. Using sensitive neurophysio- Humoral, cellular, and neural mechanisms prevent non- logical techniques to record nerve fiber activity, Niijima resolving inflammation (Fig. 1; Nathan and Ding, 2010). traced the path of action potentials traveling in the vagus nerve Humoral, or soluble, antiinflammatory mediators have been from the liver to the brainstem, and showed that these signals studied since the discovery of the antiinflammatory proper- activated descending neurotransmission to the spleen, thymus, ties of corticosteroids. Deficiencies in glucocorticoids or the and other organs (Niijima et al., 1991, 1995, 1996). This new pituitary hormones that normally regulate their production paradigm established an essential early role for the sensory confer exquisite sensitivity to inflammation and infection nervous system in a fundamental mechanism of host defense. (Besedovsky and del Rey, 2000; Sternberg, 2006). Glucocor- At about this time, we were working with colleagues to ticoid levels rise early with the onset of inflammation or understand how a tetravalent guanylhydrazone (CNI1493) stress, providing important feedback signals to suppress significantly blocked cytokine release and attenuated disease in immune responsiveness and protect the host from the toxicity arthritis and other animal models (Bianchi et al., 1996). We and tissue injury caused by excessive inflammation. The discov- surreptitiously observed that an intact vagus nerve was re- ery of macrophage-derived TGF- as an antiinflammatory quired for CNI1493 to effectively inhibit cytokine release mediator that deactivates macrophages opened a new field in vivo (Borovikova et al., 2000a). To determine the under- focused on soluble negative feedback mediators produced by lying mechanisms, we electrically stimulated the vagus the immune system. (Tsunawaki et al., 1988). IL-10 was later nerve, and showed that driving action potentials into the implicated as another prototypical inflammation-resolving 1058 Refelex control of immunity | Andersson and Tracey Review humoral mediator produced by monocytes (Mosser and potentials to the brain stem nucleus tractus solatarius and other Zhang, 2008). The growing list of antiinflammatory media- nuclei that receive afferent information. Afferent neurons ex- tors includes soluble cytokine receptors, cytokine receptor press receptors for TNF, IL-1, LPS, and other products of antagonists, eicosanoids, and oxygenated and nitrated lipids inflammation. Incoming information from the immune sys- (Nathan, 2002). tem activates neural reflex circuits that underlie the behavioral Cellular mechanisms also prevent nonresolving inflam- and physiological responses associated with acute and chronic mation. For example, proinflammatory phagocytes switch to immune responses, including acute phase protein responses, an antiinflammatory phenotype that promotes tissue repair fever, anorexia, insulin resistance, chronic sickness behavior, rather than tissue destruction (Nathan and Ding, 2010). depression, and cachexia (Watkins et al., 1995b). TGF- and IL-4 stimulate macrophages to assume an alter- Sensory neurons propagate information very quickly, and natively activated antiinflammatory phenotype (Nathan, 2002; from discrete anatomical regions. These communication fea- Mosser and Zhang, 2008). Regulatory T cells and myeloid- tures enable the CNS to rapidly localize incoming infor- derived suppressor cells also limit inflammation. mation and transmit outgoing instructions to other organ The nervous system, which receives information from the systems. This is not possible with immune signals sent in the immune system in the form of soluble mediators and from form of diffuse humoral factors. It is helpful to remember that sensory neurons, also suppresses inflammation (Watkins et al., neurotransmission is ideally suited to correctively modulate 1995b; Tracey, 2007). Immune system molecules can cross system functions that deviate acutely from physiological set the blood–brain barrier by exploiting specific saturable trans- points. Humoral neuroendocrine mechanisms occupy more port mechanisms, by transcytosis across brain endothelial cells, important roles in establishing and maintaining chronic set or by entering the brain in regions that are devoid of a blood– point responses. brain barrier. Inflammatory cells can also cross the blood–brain The autonomic nervous system primarily regulates organ barrier. The binding of soluble immune signaling molecules homeostasis via reflexes that are comprised of afferent and ef- to cognate receptors expressed on central nervous system ferent neurons. Specialized afferent neurons initiate the reflex (CNS) neurons, astrocytes, and microglial cells produces cel- by responding to changes in the environment. Action poten- lular responses that change the activity of neural circuits in tials can be initiated in sensory neurons in response to changes brain stem and in hypothalamic nuclei, which control the in cytokine levels, pH, oxygen tension, and other molecular autonomic nervous system and the neuroendocrine system. and chemical changes in the milieu. Afferent signals travel to As in the aforementioned case of IL-1–mediated fever, af- the CNS along the vagus, splanchnic, and pelvic nerves; auto- ferent information can also arrive in the CNS from peripheral nomic pain fibers originating in blood vessels may travel with sensory neurons that are activated by immune mediators somatic nerves. The efferent or outgoing arc of the basic reflex (Watkins et al., 1995a,b). Sensory neurons propagate action circuit is comprised of nerve fibers that travel to the organs and use acetylcholine and norepinephrine as principle neurotrans- mitters. Physiologists, pharmacologists, and anatomists usually characterize autonomic reflexes as either “sympathetic” or “parasympathetic,” but this functional nomenclature is impre- cise. Henry Dale, one of fathers of neuroscience, argued strongly against the use of functional monikers to describe neu- ral circuits (Dale, 1954). He called for the labeling of neural circuits by virtue of their neurotransmitters (adrenergic or cho- linergic) rather than their function (sympathetic or parasympa- thetic). Indeed, the limitations are apparent in characterizing the neural circuits that regulate immunity, as they have com- ponents that are cholinergic, adrenergic, and peptidergic, and involve T cells and endothelial cells that are neurally controlled to secrete neurotransmitters that ultimately target macrophages and lymphocytes to alter expression of cytokines and cell surface proteins (Andersson and Tracey, 2012). It is not possi- Figure 1. Humoral, cellular, and neural regulation of nonresolving ble to neatly classify these as sympathetic or parasympathetic. inflammation. Nonresolving inflammation mediates the pathogenesis of many major diseases. Understanding mechanisms that reverse or prevent Neural circuits regulate immunity in Caenorhabditis elegans nonresolving inflammation has important implications for the develop- Direct evidence of neurons regulating immune responses can ment of therapeutics. Humoral and cellular antiinflammatory mechanisms be found in the nematode worm, C. elegans, an evolution- are perhaps the most widely studied, and are covered in detail in other arily ancient animal that feeds on soil bacteria and is endowed reviews. As reviewed here, recent advances in neuroscience and immunology with primitive immune and nervous systems. Physiological have identified neural circuits that modulate the immune system. Under- standing these circuits will reveal mechanisms for the localized and rapid homeostasis and motor behavior is regulated by some 302 control of immunity with significant therapeutic implications. neurons and 56 glial cells that coordinate the response to the JEM Vol. 209, No. 6 1059 internal and external environment. The animal’s nervous sys- Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). These acetylcholine-synthesizing tem utilizes signaling molecules closely related to mammalian T cells, which express a CD4+CD44hiCD62Llo surface phe- counterparts including TGF-, insulin, and the neurotrans- notype, represent <3% of the total T cell population and 10% mitters acetylcholine, -aminobutyric acid, and norepineph- of the total memory T cell population. They produce IL-17A, rine. This early nervous system is sufficient to exert significant IL-10, and IFN-, but not IL-4 or IL-6, after stimulation with control over the activity of the innate immune response to plate-bound anti-CD3. T cell stimulation significantly en- infection (Aballay, 2009; Sun et al., 2011; Tracey, 2011). hances the capacity of these cells to produce acetylcholine. Neural circuits have therefore coevolved with, and influ- Acetylcholine-producing T cells are also found in lymph enced, the evolution of immunity, at least as far back as the nodes and Peyer’s patches (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). The invertebrate period. origins and fate of these cells during development and the response to injury and infection is currently being studied. Inflammatory reflex Acetylcholine released by these splenic T cells binds to In the inflammatory reflex (Fig. 2), a prototypical neural cir- 7 nAChR expressed on macrophages in the red pulp and cuit, exogenous and endogenous molecular products of in- marginal zone (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). In macrophages, flammation activate afferent action potentials traveling in the 7 nAChR signals down-regulate cytokine synthesis by sup- vagus nerve to the nucleus tractus solatarius, which relays the pressing nuclear translocation of NF-B (Wang et al., 2003, neuronal signals to other brain nuclei located in the hypothala- 2004). 7 nAChR-deficient mice are exquisitely sensitive to mus and brainstem (Watkins et al., 1995a, 1999; Niijima, 1996; nonresolving inflammation induced by endotoxemia or adjuvant Goehler et al., 1997). Efferent signals travel from the nucleus arthritis (Wang et al., 2003; van Maanen et al., 2010). However, ambiguus and dorsal motor nucleus back down the vagus the inflammatory reflex in these mice is significantly re- nerve, which terminates in the celiac ganglia (Berthoud and stored by passive transfer of WT bone marrow, indicating that Powley, 1996; Borovikova et al., 2000b). Stimulation of the that bone marrow–derived cells, and not neurons (which can vagus nerve activates adrenergic splenic neurons residing in the also express 7 nAChR), are required for the integrity of the celiac ganglion, which travel into the spleen and terminate in inflammation-resolving circuit (Olofsson et al., 2012). synapse-like structures adjacent to T cells in the white pulp Anatomical, functional, and molecular lesions in the (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). Norepinephrine released from vagus nerve enhance cytokine production associated with splenic neurons binds to 2 adrenergic receptor expressed on a nonresolving inflammation (Tracey, 2007). Under basal subset of T cells that expresses choline acetyltransferase, the conditions, the vagus nerve transmits tonic inhibitory activity rate-limiting enzyme in acetylcholine biosynthesis. that dampens the activity of the innate immune response to The inflammatory reflex is impaired in nude mice, mean- pathogen associated molecular products (Rosas-Ballina ing that vagus nerve stimulation fails to inhibit cytokine release et al., 2009). The inhibitory activity of the inflammatory in the absence of T cells (Rosas-Ballina et al., 2011). Strikingly, reflex can be enhanced by methods that increase the gen- the passive transfer of T cells expressing choline acetyltrans- eration of adrenergic signals in the splenic nerve. This has ferase, which produce acetylcholine, significantly restores the been accomplished experimentally by electrically stimulat- inflammatory reflex in nude mice. Thus, T cells provide the ing the vagus nerve, by electrically stimulating the splenic acetylcholine that acts as the terminal neurotransmitter nerve directly, or by pharmacologically activating the ad- to complete the inflammatory reflex circuit. Splenic nerve renergic splenic neurons using cholinergic agonists (Borovikova endings in the splenic white pulp form synapse-like struc- et al., 2000b; Bernik et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2003,2004; tures with T cells that express 2 adrenergic receptors and Metz and Tracey, 2005; Vida et al., 2011) The activity of the respond to norepinephrine (Felten and Olschowka, 1987; splenic adrenergic neurons can be functionally modified Figure 2. The inflammatory reflex. The prototypical reflex circuit regulating immunity is comprised of afferent and efferent signals transmitted in the vagus nerve in response to the molecular products of infection and in- jury, including cytokines, eicosanoids, DAMPs, and PAMPs. The activation of adrenergic neu- rons in the spleen culminates in the release of norepinephrine in the vicinity of T cells that are capable of secreting acetylcholine. Acetylcholine crosses the marginal zone and enters the red pulp, where it interacts with 7 nAChR expressed on cytokine producing macrophages. 7 nAChR signal transduction suppresses the synthesis and release of TNF, IL-1, IL-18, HMGB1, and other cytokines. 1060 Refelex control of immunity | Andersson and Tracey Review by either preganglionic neurons arising on the sympathetic causes increased heart rate. Heart rate variability (HRV), one chain, or by signals arriving there from the vagus nerve method used to quantify the strength of vagus nerve signaling, that terminate on interneurons residing in the celiac gan- has been standardized and applied in numerous studies (Sloan glion that can modulate the signals arising from the sym- et al., 2007a). These clinical results reveal a significant correla- pathetic chain. tion between depressed vagus nerve activity and increased Detailed functional mapping of this pathway has also morbidity and mortality in nonresolving inflammatory dis- been aided by studies in which the vagus nerve was tran- eases. For example, mortality rate in severe sepsis was 60% in sected and electrical stimulation was applied to the distal those patients with decreased vagus nerve activity at admission segment. This efferent signal significantly enhances spleen to hospital, as compared with 0% mortality in subjects with norepinephrine and acetylcholine release, and suppresses higher vagus nerve activity (Pontet et al., 2003). Trauma cytokine production (Borovikova et al., 2000b; Bernik et al., patients with vagotomy had significantly increased mortality 2002; Vida et al., 2011). Moreover, after vagus nerve transec- and septicemia as compared with a cohort of injured control tion, the adrenergic splenic nerve can also be activated by patients matched for age, sex, co-morbidities, concurrent cholinergic agonists that target the celiac ganglion. In ad- splenectomy, and other factors (Peterson et al., 2012). dition, adrenergic neurons in the spleen are modified by Numerous studies of HRV in rheumatoid arthritis revealed the onset of inflammation (Straub et al., 2008). Splenic significantly reduced vagus nerve activity in patients as com- neurons degenerate during the onset of adjuvant arthritis pared with controls (Evrengül et al., 2004; Goldstein et al., in rodents, and maximal loss of splenic neurons occurrs 2007). These clinical studies have not established a causal rela- just before the onset of maximal inflammation. The func- tionship between impaired vagus nerve signaling and disease, tional outcome of this denervation is an absence of the but this hypothesis has been proven in numerous preclinical tonic inhibitory influence of the inflammatory reflex and animal studies. In the future it should be possible to address an exacerbation of inflammatory responses similar to that causality in prospective studies of vagus nerve modulation in seen after transection or chemical ablation of the splenic nerve humans (Table 1). An intriguing possibility is that vagus nerve (van Maanen et al., 2009a,b, 2010). deficiencies might be reversed by vagus nerve stimulation, by Experimental tools that have been used to map these neu- administration of 7 nAChR agonists, or by physiological ral circuits to the immune system include electrodes, which methods that enhance vagus nerve activity, including aerobic directly stimulate the neural components of the inflammatory exercise, acupuncture, meditation, music therapy, and bio- reflex (vagus and splenic nerves), pharmacological agonists feedback training (Table 1). Clinical trials of an implanted vagus that target 7 nAChR to deactivate macrophages, and phar- nerve stimulator in rheumatoid arthritis are in progress, and macological agonists that target muscarinic acetylcholine (M1) other indications may be studied in the future. receptors in the brain to up-regulate efferent vagus nerve activity (Pavlov et al., 2006, 2009). CNI-1493 is an M1 ago- Exercise gateway reflex nist, a fact that explains the original unexpected discovery Neural circuits modulate adaptive immune responses. For that CNI-1493 activated the vagus nerve to suppress inflam- example, during the earliest stages of experimental allergic mation in vivo (Bianchi et al., 1996; Borovikova et al., encephalomyelitis, the murine model of human multiple 2000a). M1 brain cholinergic networks can also be activated sclerosis (MS), CD4+ T cells primed to attack myelinated by administration of ghrelin, oxytocin, or centrally acting neurons cross the blood–brain barrier in a specific anatomical acetylcholinesterases. Each of these agents significantly stimu- location, entering the spinal cord at the level of the fifth lum- lates vagus nerve signaling and reduces cytokine release. bar vertebrae (Fig. 3; Arima et al., 2012). The dorsal blood Patients with autoimmune disease and nonresolving vessels in this region express CCL20, which is up-regulated inflammation develop significantly impaired vagus nerve sig- by neural signals in response to sensory neuron activity from naling, which accelerates the progression of inflammation the soleus muscles. Thus, suspending the mice from their tail and prevents resolution (Tracey, 2007). Vagus nerve signal- to eliminate gravity-dependent activation of the sensory neu- ing to the spleen “reprograms” leukocytes and attenuates rons significantly reduced chemokine expression at that their migration to joints affected with synovitis (Saeed et al., specific lumbar level and prevented the entry of pathogenic 2005). Studies of collagen-induced arthritis in 7 nAChR- T cells into the spinal column (Arima et al., 2012). Contrac- deficient mice confirm that synovial inflammation is mark- tion of other muscle groups was associated with up-regulation edly increased compared with WT controls (van Maanen et al., of CCL20 at other anatomical locations, a finding that is 2009a,b). Furthermore, in WT mice with collagen-induced consistent with the somatotopic organization and development arthritis, treating with 7 nAChR agonists or electrical vagus of neural circuitry in the nervous system. nerve stimulation significantly ameliorates arthritis activity The muscle contraction–dependent reflex circuit that and tissue destruction. gates the entry of pathogenic T cells has several components, The measurement of deficient basal levels of vagus nerve including the sensory neuron that relays afferent signals to activity in human disease has become an area of great potential the brain stem, cholinergic efferent neurons that descend from interest. By analogy to the tonic inhibitory influence of vagus the brain stem in the sympathetic chain, and adrenergic neu- nerve activity on heart rate, depressed vagus nerve activity rons that deliver the terminal signal to the endothelial cell JEM Vol. 209, No. 6 1061 Table 1. Correlation between human activities/conditions and vagus nerve function. Activity/disease Vagus nerve function Reference Aerobic exercise Increase Sandercock et al., 2005; Jae et al., 2009; Earnest et al., 2012 Meditation Increase Peng et al., 2004 Acupuncture Increase Haker et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2011; Biofeedback training Increase Cowan et al., 1990; Nolan et al., 2005 Relaxation training Increase Sakakibara et al., 1994; Terathongkum and Pickler, 2004 Diet-supplemented fish oil or olive oil Increase Christensen et al., 1999; Holguin et al., 2005; Berbert et al., 2005 Sepsis Depressed function coupled to Pontet et al., 2003; Barnaby et al., 2002; impaired survival Kessler et al., 2006 Acute myocardial infarction Depressed function coupled to Lanza et al., 1998, 2006 impaired survival Cardiovascular disease Decrease Villareal et al., 2002 Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, Decrease Lindgren et al., 1993; Stein et al., 1996; SLE, sarcoidosis Laversuch et al., 1997; Evrengül et al., 2004 Head trauma Decrease Biswas et al., 2000; Su et al., 2005 Depression Decrease Kemp et al., 2010; Obesity Decrease Minami et al., 1999; Akehi et al., 2001; Facchini et al., 2003 Aging Decrease Zulfiqar et al., 2010 (Tracey, 2012). A similar circuit, termed the “exercise pressor inflammatory cells to discrete anatomical regions and reduce reflex,” is activated during exercise by stimulation of mecha- inflammatory burden in vasculature is particularly compel- noreceptors and metabolically sensitive chemo-receptors in ling (Sloan et al., 2007b; Thayer and Fischer, 2009; Wilund skeletal muscle (Kaufman and Hayes, 2002). Arrival at the et al., 2009). brain stem of sensory input from muscles increases the activity of cholinergic neurons descending in the sympathetic chain. Neural circuits in antibody responses Because adrenergic neurons project to endothelial cells Recent evidence revealed neural mechanisms that regulate in numerous anatomical regions that can become inflamed, B cell trafficking during maturation into antibody-secreting additional neural reflexes may modulate the onset of immu- cells. The antibody response to Streptococcus pneumonia, which nity and inflammation resolution at these other locations. For is T cell independent, is initiated by the appearance of phos- example, chronic cardiovascular fitness is associated with phorylcholine in the spleen and culminates in the accumula- enhanced vagus nerve activity and decreases in TNF, IL-6, tion of antibody-secreting cells in the red pulp. These cells and C reactive protein, in agreement with the reduced release antibodies into the splenic venous circulation. Electri- metainflammation underlying atherogenesis in blood vessels. cal stimulation of the vagus nerve, or administration of nico- The paradigm that exercise can influence trafficking of tine, significantly impaired the migration of B cells, such that they accumulated in the marginal zone (Mina-Osorio et al., 2012). Moreover, electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve caused B cells, neutrophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells to accumulate in the marginal zone, rather than travel to the red pulp, as compared with unstimulated Figure 3. Gateway reflex. Neural signals arising from soleus muscle contractions travel to the brain stem, and then descend into the sympathetic chain to the lumbar 5 level. This regulates the activity of adrenergic neurons that modulate the expression of CCL20 by endothelial cells, providing a crucial control mechanism that gates the entry of pathogenic T cells into the CNS. 1062 Refelex control of immunity | Andersson and Tracey Review controls (Fig. 4). The net effect of this neural regulation is conserved hyporesponsiveness to dietary antigens, and to the that antibody titers to specific antigenic challenge were sig- well known influence of nutritional content on innate immune nificantly reduced. These findings have important implica- responses (Tracey, 2005). Clinical studies of vagus nerve sig- tions, because prior studies of neural interactions with spleen naling indicate that dietary consumption of fish oil signifi- lymphocytes in vivo have not used nerve stimulation to ad- cantly enhances the basal vagus nerve activity, which has dress mechanisms of immunity. It should now be possible to been proposed as an antiinflammatory mechanism to enhance study these mechanisms in the context of specific reflex cir- resolution of inflammation (Christensen et al., 1999; Berbert cuits that are activated by antigens and the innate immune et al., 2005; Holguin et al., 2005). response to invasion. The resultant efferent reflex signals reg- ulate B cell trafficking and influence the nature of the adap- Immunosuppressive stroke reflex tive immune response. Pneumonia and other infections are a major cause of morbid- ity and mortality after cerebral infarction (also called stroke). Dietary antiinflammatory reflex It has been suggested that stroke survivors are “immuno- The gut is richly innervated by cholinergic and adrenergic supppressed,” but until recently the underlying mechanisms efferent neurons, and its sensory neurons deliver nearly con- were unknown. Two studies shed light on the neural circuits tinuous information to the nervous system. Mechanoreceptors that contribute to immunosuppression after stroke, with are activated by bowel distention, and chemosensitive recep- important therapeutic possibilities. tors are activated by bowel contents. Neither the commensal In an animal model of stroke, surviving mice exhibit sig- flora of the bowel nor dietary contents elicit significant acti- nificantly increased susceptibility to spontaneous bacterial vation of immune responses. Recent evidence indicates that sepsis and pneumonia (Prass et al., 2003). This occurred in neural signals activated by the consumption of dietary fat ac- association with extensive lymphocyte apoptosis, and a dis- tivate the inflammatory reflex. Specifically, dietary fat ingestion tinct shift in cytokine production from a T helper cell type 1 stimulates signaling through cholecystokinin (CCK) recep- (Th1) to Th2 profile. The risk of bacterial infection was sig- tors, and these signals are relayed to the CNS (Luyer et al., nificantly reduced by transfer of WT, but not IFN--deficient, 2005). The arrival of these incoming signals activates effer- T and natural killer cells on the first day after stroke, or by ent vagus nerve signals, which inhibit the production of TNF administration of propranolol to inhibit adrenergic signaling and IL-6 in response to endotoxin or hemorrhagic shock. (Prass et al., 2003). Thus, an adrenergic-mediated defect in Administration of pharmacological antagonists of 7 nAChR lymphocyte activation induces the immunosuppression that or of CCK, or transection of the vagus nerve, abrogated the increases susceptibility to bacterial infection after stroke. protective effect of high-fat nutrition. The potential impli- Quite recently, adrenergic neurons projecting into the cations of this nutrition-activated pathway may extend to liver, which regulate hepatic invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, were implicated in promoting systemic im- munosuppression after stroke (Wong et al., 2011). The mechanism was revealed by depleting hepatic adrenergic nerve terminals, and pharmacologically blockading -adrenergic receptors with proprano- lol; both interventions significantly modulated iNKT cytokine production and reduced immuno- suppression, bacterial infection rates, and mortality. These measures failed to protect mice that were deficient in iNKT cells, and direct administration of norepinephrine into the liver of WT mice worsened the immunosuppression and bacterial infection rates. Thus, it appears that iNKT medi- ated immunosuppression after stroke is regulated by the adrenergic neural circuit and shifts cyto- kine production from a Th1 to Th2 profile. It is Figure 4. Neural influence on B cell trafficking and antibody secretion. (A) Stimulation of vagus nerve signals stimulates the adrenergic splenic nerve. This leads to accumu- lation of CD11+ B cells in the marginal zone and decreased antibody production. (B) In the setting of diminished signaling from the vagus nerve to splenic nerve, antibody-secreting CD11b+ cells traverse the marginal zone and enter the red pulp, where they release antibodies into the circulation. JEM Vol. 209, No. 6 1063 plausible to consider whether neuromodulation to diminish reduced within 24 h after the administration of anti-TNF, signals to the liver, or pharmacological agents that act on even though composite inflammation scores that included these pathways, can prevent bacterial infection after stroke. levels of C-reactive protein did not improve for at least 24 h. The implications of these results may well extend beyond the Strikingly, similar findings were obtained in TNF transgenic phenomenon of cerebral infarction, to other CNS lesions as- mice with arthritis, in which anti-TNF mediated a rapid im- sociated with immunosuppression, including head trauma, provement of mechanical hyperalgesia in a von Frey filament Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases, and severe test; this was associated with significantly attenuated spread- sepsis survivors. ing of BOLD signals in the somatosensory cortex (Hess et al., 2011). It therefore appears that TNF activates neural signals Neural circuits in cytokine-mediated muscle wasting to the CNS, which converge on pain circuit neurons, and Sensory neurons express cytokine receptors (e.g., type I and that these circuits are interdependent or perhaps overlapping type II TNF receptors and IL-1 receptors) and Toll like re- with neural circuits that influence inflammation resolution in ceptors. Activation of IL-1 receptors in the brain is sufficient the affected joints (Diamond and Tracey, 2011). to accelerate catabolism in skeletal muscle (Braun et al., 2011). Adrenalectomy prevented the expression of a distinct gene Neural development set in skeletal muscle of animals with increased brain IL-1 Neural circuits that regulate immunity evolved in response levels, indicating that signaling pathways initiated by in- to products of immunity to infection and injury, and are di- flammatory mediators in the brain contribute to peripheral rectly relevant to the developing fetal brain. Autoantibodies muscle wasting. Evidence that elevated levels of TNF in against double-stranded DNA, found in a significant per- brain accelerate skeletal muscle breakdown was obtained in centage of women with autoimmune diseases, also bind the mice that received brain tumors genetically engineered to N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor with functional secrete TNF (Tracey et al., 1990). Compared with animals consequence (DeGiorgio et al., 2001). In a murine model bearing leg tumors with comparable serum TNF levels, the of systemic lupus erythematosus, high titers of anti-NMDA rate of skeletal muscle protein loss was significantly higher in receptor autoantibodies in pregnant dams entered the fetal animals with brain tumors expressing significantly higher brain resulting in abnormal development of neural circuitry levels of intracerebral TNF. Together, these results raise and offspring that were cognitively impaired (Faust et al., the intriguing possibility that neural circuits, in part by sig- 2010). These autoantibodies were functional, because they naling through the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, occupy a exerted agonist activity by specifically binding to the extra- critical role in the development of muscle wasting that is cellular domains of the NR2A and NR2B subunits of the ubiquitous in chronic inflammatory diseases. glutamatergic NMDA receptor. Direct administration of these antibodies into mouse hippocampus caused significant TNF-mediated neural circuits in arthritis neuronal death. Moreover, expression of these antibodies in Cytokine mediated neural circuits that drive inflammation pregnant dams caused apoptosis of NR2A-expressing neu- have been described in adjuvant arthritis. Unilateral antigen- rons within the fetal brainstem and loss of viability of female induced arthritis in the rat knee induced macrophage infiltra- pups (Wang et al., 2012). This maternal antibody-dependent tion in the lumbar, but not thoracic dorsal root ganglions, neural mechanism of fetal death is consistent with the ob- and enhanced expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 served live birth sex ratio in SLE pregnancy. The implica- (VCAM-1) in vessels of the lumbar ganglions (Segond von tions of this work provide a direct link through which Banchet et al., 2009). Administration of anti-TNF antibodies antibodies sculpt neuronal circuitry in the developing brain reduced both VCAM-1 expression and macrophage infiltra- (DeGiorgio et al., 2001; Kowal et al., 2004; Lapteva et al., tion, and significantly reduced the pain threshold (measured 2006; Faust et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2012). by mechanical hyperalgesia) in the affected joint and the un- Microbial colonization of the gut may also influence neu- affected contralateral knee. Intrathecal administration of anti- ral development. Germ-free animals show increased motor TNF significantly attenuated the severity of arthritis and activity and reduced anxiety compared with mice harboring reduced the signaling through adrenergic neurons (Boettger a normal gut microbiota (Heijtz et al., 2011). These findings et al., 2008). Thus, TNF can drive neural signals that modu- correlate with gene expression patterns in brain regions that late inflammation in a specific anatomical region. regulate motor function and anxiety. Reconstituting the gut Clinical experience in treating rheumatoid arthritis pa- microbiome in germ-free mice reversed the behavioral and tients with anti-TNF reveals that patients frequently receive gene expression patterns, revealing that microbial coloniza- significant pain relief within a few hours or days after first tion mediates signals to the CNS that influence the devel- dosing, a time frame too early to be explained by inflamma- opment and function of neuronal circuits. It is likely that tion resolution. 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