Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Tokyo Bert Kappen and Stan Gielen (Eds) Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications Proceedings of the Third Annual SNN Symposium on Neural Networks, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 14-15 September 1995 , Springer Bert Kappen and Stan Gielen Dutch Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN) Geert Grooteplein Noord 21 6525 EZ Nijmegen The Netherlands ISBN-13:978-3-540-19992-2 e-ISBN-13:978-1-4471-3087-1 DOl: 10.10071978-1-4471-3087-1 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications -Proceedings of the Third Annual SNN Symposium on Neural Networks. Nijmegen. The Netherlands. 14-15 September 1995 l. Kappen. Bert II. GieIen. Stan 006.3 ISBN-13: 978-3-540-19992-2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study. or criticism or review. as permitted under the Copyright. Designs and Patents Act 1988. this publication may only be reproduced. stored or transmitted. in any form or by any means. with the prior permission in writing of the publishers. or in the case ofreprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. © in individual papers held by the authors unless indicated otherwise © Springer-Verlag London Limited 1995 The use of registered names. trademarks. etc. in this publication does not imply. even in the absence of a specific statement. that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher makes no representation. express or implied. with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. Typesetting: Camera ready by contributors 34/3830-543210 Printed on acid-free paper Preface This volume contains a collection of papers that were presented during the Third Annual Symposium on Neural Networks in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The symposium was held on September 14 and 15 1995 and was organised by the Dutch Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN). The symposium consisted of two parallel tracks. The scientific track is entitled Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. The term "Artificial Intelligence" is often associated with "traditional AI" methodology. Here it is used in its literal sense, indicating the problem to create intelligence by artificial means. When considering the possibility of artificial intelligence, it is important to realise that we would never consider such a thing without the example of natural intelligence. Therefore, design of artificial intelligence should take advantage of the biological solutions. This is the research field called neural networks. The aim of the scientific track is two-fold: to give an overview of new developments in neuro-biology and the cognitive sciences. These insights may lead to novel computational paradigms for artificial intelligence. Secondly, to give an overview of recent technical and theoretical achievements in robotics, vision and data modeling. Until recently the use of neural networks has been restricted to the academic world. However, over the last few years industries and businesses have started to become aware of the benefits of neural networks for commercial use. Their ability to learn by examples, to deal with noisy data and with nonlinear structures makes neural networks suitable to deal with problems where conventional computing fails. These abilities of neural networks result in various commercial advantages: such as for instance improved accuracy and system performance, the ability to automate previously manual processes, and reduced development effort. The ultimate proof of the commercial benefits of neural computing is given by the rapidly increasing number of applications. The industrial track is entitled Neural Networks in Practice. As is emphasised by this title, the industrial track presents working neural network solutions to real industrial problems. The aim of the track is to convince industry and business that neural networks provide solutions where other methods fail. To illustrate that neural computation is not restricted to any specific industrial area, the presentations have been selected from a broad range of application areas, varying from industrial process control to marketing and finance. Finally we would like to stress that most presentations concern applications which are at this moment in commercial use. This industrial track is one of the activities of the Stimulation Initiative for European Neural Applications (SIENA). SIENA is an Esprit project (EP 9811) whose objective is to accelerate the take-up of Neural Network technology in Europe through a program of activities with a specifically industrial orientation. vi SNN is a partner in SIENA for the Benelux, in a multinational consortium with other partners in the United Kingdom, Spain, France and Germany. We would like to thank the industrial program committee and our colleagues in the SIENA project for their invaluable assistance in the design of the industrial program. We would like to thank the scientific program committee for their help in the review of the scientific program. Finally, we would like to thank Elma Burg for her great help in the preparation of these proceedings. Bert Kappen Stan Gielen Organisation Scientific Program Committee: A. Aertsen (Jerusalem), S.I. Amari (Tokyo), J. Buhmann (Bonn), B. van Dijk (Amsterdam), R. Eckhorn (Marburg), S. Gielen (Nijmegen), T. Heskes (Nijmegen), A. Herz (Oxford), B. Kappen (Nijmegen), B. Krose (Amsterdam), V. Lopez (Madrid), D. Mackay (Cambridge), T. Martinetz (MUnchen), J. Taylor (London), W. von Seelen (Bochum). Industrial Program Committee: E. Auee (Arnhem), S. Hafner (Stuttgart), T. Harris (Egham, Surrey), B. Kappen (Nijmegen), W. Wiegerinck (Nijmegen), T. Willems (Oisterwijk). This symposium is organised by the Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN). InnovatieCentrum Midden-en Zuid-Gelderland (IC) and Vereniging Artificiele Neurale Netwerken (V ANN) collaborated in the organisation of the industrial track. The Foundation for Neural Networks (SNN) is a university-based non-profit making organisation that stimulates fundamental and applied research on neural networks in the Netherlands. The research program investigates neural information processing strategies for artificial behaviour, vision, pattern recognition and cognitive systems and various application areas. SNN collaborates with industry on neural solutions for their specific industrial applications. Currently, several groups from the universities of Nijmegen, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Delft and Groningen are participating. (Contact address: Geert Grooteplein 21,6525 EZ Nijmegen, The Netherlands, tel +31 80 614245, fax +31 80 541435, e-mail [email protected]. After 10 October 1995: tel + 31 243614245, fax +31 243541435.) InnovatieCentrum Midden-en Zuid-Gelderland (IC) is an initiative of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs to make knowledge accessible and applicable for small and medium-sized enterprises. IC operates on the basis of independent and individual advice. Also in the field of neural networks IC helps entrepreneurs of SMEs to investigate whether this technology can be useful in their specific situation. (Contact address: E. Auee, Bergstraat 35-4, 6811 LC Arnhem, The Netherlands, tel +31 85 458948, fax +31 85 459311, e-mail Ed_Auee.ICNN.ICNN [email protected]. After 10 October 1995: tel +31 264458948, fax +31264459311.) De Vereniging Artificiele Neurale Netwerken (V ANN) is an independent association. It offers its members (academics and industrials) an informal forum to discuss neural networks and their applications. The VA NN is the Dutch Special viii Interest Group of the International Neural Network Society and yearly organises 5 mini-symposia on practical applications of neural networks. To keep its members and others interested a year-book is published. (Contact address: D.J.N. Egberts, Julianalaan 35, 6721 ED Bennekom, The Netherlands, e-mail [email protected]). Contents NEURAL NETWORKS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Neurobiology -Orals Segmentation Coding by the Visual System -Neural Signals that Possibly Support Scene Segmentation R. Eckhorn ................................................................................................................. 5 Synchrony and Fast Plasticity in the Visual Cortex B. W. van Dijk ............................................................................................................ 13 Rapid Neural Synchronization: From Spiking Cells to Synfire Webs A. V.M. Herz............................................................................................................... 21 Dynamic Representations Provide the Gradual Specification of Movement Parameters K. Kopecz. W. Erlhagen and G. Schoner ................................................................. 29 Recording from Foveal Striate Cortex While the Monkey is Looking at the Stimulus J. Kruger.!. Bondar and H. Haan............................................................................ 33 Propagation of Synfire Activity in Cortical Networks -A Statistical Approach M.-O. Gewaltig, M. Diesmann and A. Aertsen....................................................... 37 Propagation of Synfire Activity in Cortical Networks -A Dynamical Systems Approach M. Arndt. W. Erlhagen and A. Aertsen................................................................... 41 Neurobiology -Posters Aspects of Spatiotemporal Learning in Artificial Neural Networks: Modelling Synaptic Membrane Currents Using SPICE Simulations J. Hoekstra and P. Mantel........................................................................................ 47 Possible Functional Roles of the Bipartite Dendrites of Pyramidal Cells R. Moller and H.-M. Grop........................................................................................ 51 The Role of Cerebellum in Motor Control F. Mechsner ............................................................................................................... 55 x A Point Process Approach to Cortical Networks s. Rotter and A. Aertsen........................................................................................... 59 Stochastic Resonance and Multi-Modal Firing Patterns in Single Neuron Models D. Linders and B. Kappen ........................................................................................ 63 Cognitive Modelling and Rule Extraction -Orals The BB Neural Network Rule Extraction Method F.R. Wiersma, M. Poel and A.M. Oudshoff............................................................. 69 Implications of Hadley's Definition of Systematicity N. Bakker ................................................................................................................... 73 The Binding Problem in Distributed Systems P.H. de Vries and G.]. Dalenoort............................................................................. 77 Integrating Symbolic and Sub symbolic Architectures for Parsing Arithmetic Expressions and Natural Language Sentences ].A. Tepper, H. Powell and D. Palmer-Brown......................................................... 81 Bayesian Strategies for Machine Learning: Rule Extraction and Concept Detection L. Martignon and K.B. Laskey................................................................................. 85 Cognitive Modelling and Rule Extraction -Posters Learning at Subsymbolic and Symbolic Levels A. Grurnbach ............................................................................................................. 91 The Construction of Evaluative Maps: Affective Computations in the Amygdala E.P. Fulcher ............................................................................................................... 95 Computation, Cognition and Neural Networks F. van der Velde........................................................................................................ 99 Automatic Speech Recognition Systems and Models of Human Word Recognition: A Comparative Analysis P. Wittenburg, D. van Kuijk and K. Behnke........................................................... 103 Language Acquisition and the Necessity of a New Neural Network Approach K. Behnke and P. Wittenburg .................................................................................. 107 A Neural Model of Visual Attention P. van de Laar, T. Heskes and S. Gielen.................................................................. 111