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0691 FM.qxd 3/6/07 5:37 PM Page ix Preface Netter’s Orthopaedicsis an essential text on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The need for such a book results from the commonality of these dis- orders, which are second only to respiratory illnesses as a reason that patients seek medical care, and their diversity, in that they comprise everything from injuries and infections to metabolic and neoplastic diseases. Patients with conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system present in many settings, re- quiring that virtually all health care providers be familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. This book, therefore, is intended for use by the many clinicians who will see these patients—students in medicine, physical therapy, and osteopathy, and residents in primary care, orthopaedics, family practice, and emergency medicine. The first 12 chapters of Netter’s Orthopaedicsare concerned with topics related to the entire musculoskeletal system, and provide principles that can be applied to the management of many disorders. The final 7 chapters are organized by region, and offer techniques of diagnosis and treatment specific to each region. Given the widely different backgrounds of the anticipated readers of this book, we have tried throughout to make the text as accessible as possible, pre- senting practical information in a clear and straightforward manner. Although the multiplicity and variety of musculoskeletal disorders may make learning this sub- ject seem daunting, an understanding of the anatomy and basic science pertaining to the mus- culoskeletal system, combined with fundamental principles of evaluation and treatment, can guide most diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Therefore, each chapter of this text begins with relevant basic science to lay the foundation for understanding the pathophysiology, diag- nosis, and treatment of the clinical conditions. Because knowledge of anatomy is crucial to the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions, this component of basic science has re- ceived particular emphasis. All of the authors owe a great debt to Frank H. Netter, MD, the medical illustrator who cre- ated the majority of the illustrations in this book. Dr. Netter’s legacy, and his importance in med- ical education, cannot be overstated. Through his art, Dr. Netter has been a mentor to thousands of physicians and allied health professionals. His precise and beautifully rendered depictions of the human body in health and illness communicate, as no writer can, the essential concepts of basic science and applied medicine that every student must learn. It was Dr. Netter’s belief that a medical illustration is of little value if it does not provide the student with an essential point that has application in the practice of medicine. Examination of any of Dr. Netter’s works in this book will demonstrate his dedication to that principle. Although much of Dr. Netter’s work is just as relevant today as it was when he created it, new techniques and procedures developed since his death in 1991 have caused us to call upon the talents of his successors, particularly John A. Craig, MD, and Carlos A. G. Machado, MD. As will be seen from their work, these artists, trained in the Netter tradition, faithfully uphold the high standards that Dr. Netter set. The authors and illustrators hope that Netter’s Orthopaedicswill be a valuable resource for the many individuals who care for patients with these often complex and challenging conditions. Walter B. Greene, MD ix 0691 FM.qxd 3/6/07 5:37 PM Page xi Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge the staff at Saunders who worked on this book and, in particular, Paul Kelly and Greg Otis who coordinated the development of this project, Jennifer Surich who managed the editorial process, Jonathan Dimes who directed the art program, and Marybeth Thiel for providing assistance and support throughout all stages of the project. I would also like to thank Mary Berry, development editor. Their extraordinary patience and skills were pivotal in this publication. xi 0691 FM.qxd 3/6/07 5:37 PM Page xiii List of Contributing Authors Walter B. Greene, MD Derrick J. Fluhme, MD OrthoCarolina Associate Partner Charlotte, NC South Hills Orthopaedic Surgical Associates St. Clair Hospital Roy K. Aaron, MD Pittsburgh, PA Professor Department of Orthopaedics Freddie H. Fu, MD Brown University School of Medicine David Silver Professor and Chairman Providence, RI Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD, FACS Pittsburgh, PA Professor and Chairman Department of Orthopaedics Barry J. Gainor, MD Indiana University Professor Indianapolis, IN Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics Judith F. Baumhauer, MD Columbia, MO Professor of Orthopaedics, Chief of Division of Foot and Ankle Surgery Lawrence C. Hurst, MD Department of Orthopaedics Professor and Chairman University of Rochester School of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Dentistry Stony Brook University Rochester, NY Stony Brook, NY Philip M. Bernini, MD Lee D. Kaplan, MD Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor Department of Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedics Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center University of Wisconsin Lebanon, NH Madison, WI Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhD Keith Kenter, MD Assistant Clinical Instructor Assistant Professor and Director of Resident Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Education Brown University School of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Providence, RI University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH Susan V. Bukata, MD Orthopaedic Research Fellow John D. Lubahn, MD Department of Orthopaedics Department Chair University of Rochester Medical School Program Director Rochester, NY Department of Orthopaedics Hamot Medical Center Michael G. Ehrlich, MD Erie, PA Vincent Zecchino Professor and Chairman Department of Orthopaedics Brown University School of Medicine Providence, RI xiii 0691 FM.qxd 3/6/07 5:37 PM Page xiv List of Contributing Authors Vincent D. Pellegrini Jr., MD Peter G. Trafton, MD, FACS James L. Kernan Professor and Chair Professor and Vice Chairman Department of Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedic Surgery University of Maryland School of Medicine Brown University School of Medicine Baltimore, MD Providence, RI Michael S. Pinzur, MD Edward D. Wang, MD Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Assistant Professor Rehabilitation Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Stony Brook University Hospital and Health Rehabilitation Sciences Center Loyola University Medical Center Stony Brook, NY Maywood, IL D. Patrick Williams, DO David T. Rispler, MD Clinical Professor Assistant Professor Orthopaedic Residency Program River Valley Orthopaedics Hamot Medical Center Michigan State University Erie, PA Grand Rapids, MI David J. Zaleske, MD Randy N. Rosier, MD, PhD Surgical Director, Orthopaedics Wehle Professor and Chair Department of Orthopaedics Department of Orthopaedics Children’s Hospitals and Clinics University of Rochester Medical School Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN Rochester, NY xiv 0691 ch 01.qxd 6/3/07 11:20 AM Page 1 one Embryology and Formation of Bone David J. Zaleske, MD 0691 ch 01.qxd 6/3/07 11:20 AM Page 2 Chapter 1 A n understanding of embryology facilitates the study of postnatal anatomy and the treatment of patients with congenital malformations. Furthermore, as research elucidates the fascinating but complex embryologic process, it has become clear that many genes and transcription factors involved in movement from the genome to a three-dimensional organism are phyloge- netically conserved. This complex and highly interactive process includesnormal cytodif- ferentiation and morphogenesis, and it isrecapitulated, at least in part, in the healing of injuries.(Note:Boneistheonlytissuethatregeneratescompletelyafterinjury[fracture].) Abetterunderstandingofdevelopmentshouldallowmoreprecisetreatmentofmanyill- nesses and, ultimately, tissue engineering with regeneration of specific organs. CELL DIVISION AND THE MAIN disc (gastrula). Mesodermdevelops from two EMBRYONIC PERIOD thickenings of ectoderm. The primitive knot (node) forms a midline cord of mesoderm, The 9 months of prenatal human develop- known as the notochord. This primitive ment can be divided into a period of cell streakgives rise to the rest of the mesoderm, division (weeks 1 and 2), a main embryonic including the cardiogenic mesoderm, which period (weeks 3 to 8), and a fetal period (en- separates and is located in front of the compassing the last 7 months). Approxi- oropharyngeal membrane. Gastrulation is mately 60 hours after fertilization, the zygote complete when the mesoderm condenses has progressed to a morula(“little mulberry”), into three, initially connected columns that a ball of cells that continues cell division as it flank the notochord: the paraxial columns(fu- travels through the uterine tube to the uterine ture somites), the intermediate mesoderm, cavity; it transitions to the fluid-filled blasto- and the lateral plates(Figure 1-2). Mesoderm cyst at approximately day 5. The blastocyst that surrounds the columns becomes mes- develops an inner cell mass (embryoblast) enchyme, the loose embryonic connective and an outer trophoblast as it adheres and tissue that surrounds structures. then is implanted within the posterior wall of Shaping of the embryo involves bending of the endometrium of the uterus. By the end of the amnion around and under the gastrula week 2, the embryo is a two-layered cell disc (Figure 1-3). Concurrently, folding of the ecto- of endodermand ectoderm(Figure 1-1). derm initiates development of the nervous The embryonic period progresses from gas- system, and somitesin the paraxial mesoderm trulation to folding of the embryonic disc and initiate development of the axial skeleton. eventual formation of the primordia of all or- The gut is formed from a tube of endo- gan systems. It is a very dynamic period of de- derm. The lateral plate extends and splits to velopment and morphogenesis, in which form the lining of the coelomic cavities. The masses of cells coalesce, migrate, and re- superior portion of the lateral plate joins with model (programmed cell death is included). the surface ectoderm to form the ventrolat- Because this is the most active phase of dif- eral body wall somatopleure, which ulti- ferentiation, abnormalities of development mately develops into the skin, connective tis- that occur in the embryonic period usually re- sue, striated muscle, and bone in the limbs sult in major birth defects. The cardiovascular and some parts of the body wall. The inferior system is the first organ system to function at portion of the lateral plate joins with the en- day 21/22. At that time, the embryo is too doderm to form the splanchnopleure, which large for diffusion to satisfy the nutritional forms the walls of visceral organs and their needs of the embryo. suspending mesenteries. Gastrulation is the production of meso- The mesodermal notochord and the parax- derm during the third week that changes the ial columns induce ectodermal tissue to form bilaminar embryonic disc into a trilaminar the neural plate, thus beginning the process of 2 0691 ch 01.qxd 6/3/07 11:20 AM Page 3 Embryology and Formation of Bone Figure 1-1: Cell Division: The First Two Weeks Early morula Four-cell stage Myometrium (approx. 80 hr) (approx. 40 hr) Two-cell stage (approx. 30 hr) Endometrium Advanced morula (4 days) Ovary Blastocyst (approx. 5 days) Fertilization (12 to 24 hr) Developing Early implantation follicles (approx. 61/2 days) Mature follicle Embryoblast Discharged (inner cell mass) ovum Extraembryonic mesoderm Yolk sac Endoderm Exocoelomic cyst Ectoderm Amniotic cavity Connecting stalk Cytotrophoblast Extraembryonic Syncytiotrophoblast coelom Endometrium Approximately 15th day neurulation; this plate then folds and invagi- neural tube and notochord into the somato- nates to form the neural tube. Closure of the pleure. Bone development of the axial skele- neural tube advances cranially and caudally. ton begins with mesenchymal condensations As the neural tube invaginates, ectodermal in the sclerotome. Cells from the mesenchy- neural crest cells from each side are joined to- mal primordia differentiate into chondro- gether. Later, some neural crest cells migrate blasts, which become the cartilaginous pre- to form other tissues (Tables 1-1 and1-2). cursors of the axial skeleton and bones at the base of the cranium (Figure 1-4). Enchondral HUMAN AXIAL SKELETAL ossification converts these cartilage tem- EMBRYOLOGY plates into various bones. Most bones of the The axial skeleton includes the vertebrae, skull and part of the clavicle develop through ribs, and sternum. Its development is initiated intramembranous (mesenchymal) ossification by paired condensations in the paraxialmeso- with direct formation of bone in mesenchyme derm—the somites. Each somite differentiates derived from the neural crest. into a sclerotomeand a dermomyotome. The At each level, the somites migrate ventrally sclerotomes separate and migrate around the to incorporate the notochord and dorsally to 3 0691 ch 01.qxd 6/3/07 11:20 AM Page 4 Chapter 1 Figure 1-2: Gastrulation Formation of Intraembryonic Mesoderm from the Primitive Streak and Node (Knot) Ectoderm Oropharyngeal Amniotic cavity membrane Notochord Primitive knot (node) Primitive streak Extraembryonic mesoderm Endoderm Migration of cells from the Yolk sac primitive streak cavity to form the intraembryonic Cupola of mesoderm yolk sac Oropharyngeal membrane Spreading of intraembryonic Notochord mesoderm Paraxial column Cloacal membrane Appearance of the Intermediate column neural plate Lateral plate cover the neural tube. The precursors of the trum) of the atlas fuses tothe C2 body and be- axial skeleton have formed by the fourth em- comes the odontoid process (dens). Parts of bryonic week. Somites undergo rearrange- the somites may fail to segment, migrate, or ment by division into superior and inferior rejoin appropriately. This failure is the basis halves; then, adjacent superior and inferior for congenital scoliosis, which may be associ- halves join together to form single vertebral ated with ribfusion at single or multiple levels bones (Figure 1-5). Thus, the vertebral arte- (see Chapter 13). ries are relocated to the middle of the verte- Skeletal Muscle and Peripheral Nerve bral body. Vertebral bodies, the posterior bony arch, Embryology and vertebral processes have a similar pattern Similar to the somites, myotomes are of formation with various dimensions and nu- paired and segmented. Each segmental my- ances (refer to Figures 13-2and 13-4 in Chap- otome is innervated by a spinal nerve. The ter 13). Development of C1 (atlas) differs dermatomes divide into an epimere—the from that of C2 (axis) in that the body (cen- small dorsal segment—and a hypomere— 4 0691 ch 01.qxd 6/3/07 11:20 AM Page 5 Embryology and Formation of Bone Figure 1-3: Folding of the Gastrula and Early Development of the Nervous System Midsagittal section of folding gastrula Cross section of folding gastrula Notochord Amnion in gastrula Amnion Neural plate Connecting Oropharyngeal stalk membrane Extraembryonic mesoderm Intraembryonic Cardiogenic Allantois mesoderm mesoderm Cloacal membrane Yolk sac Yolk sac Notochord Vertebrate Body Plan after 4 Weeks Somite sclerotome Intermediate mesoderm: surrounds the neural Neural crest Embryonic endoderm Nephrogenic ridge tube and notochord to Neural plate forming gastrointestinal Nephrogenic cord form vertebral column forming (gut) tube Genital ridge neural tube Spinal nerve Splanchnopleure Somite Somatic mesoderm (endoderm plus Dermomyotome of lateral plate lateral plate Aorta Intermediate mesoderm) Dorsal mesoderm Somatopleure mesentery Intraembryonic Amnion tucking (ectoderm plus Ventral coelom around the sides lateral plate mesentery mesoderm) of the folding Gut tube Umbilical Notochord embryo cord Splanchnic Yolk sac (stalk Amnion against mesoderm just out of the chorion of lateral plate plane of section) Hepatic Dermomyotome Amniotic cavity diverticulum Yolk sac stalk of somite and allantois Neural tube within the above notochord Septum umbilical transversum Sclerotome cord of somite Intraembryonic Intermediate coelom mesoderm Amnion surrounded by Embryonic Amnion pressed surrounding lateral plate gut tube against the chorion mesoderm the umbilical Yolk sac stalk cord compressed into umbilical cord Dorsal Views Neural Somites Cranial plate appear neuropore (day 20) Neural Early Late groove closure closure of neural of neural tube tube (day 21) (day 22) 1.8 mm 2.0–2.1 mm Caudal neuropore Week 3 (late) Week 4 (early) 5

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