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Netherlandish Books: books published in the Low Countries and Dutch books printed abroad before 1601, Volume 2 PDF

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Preview Netherlandish Books: books published in the Low Countries and Dutch books printed abroad before 1601, Volume 2

Netherlandish Books K - Z Netherlandish Books Books Published in the Low Countries and Dutch Books Printed Abroad before 1601 Edited by Andrew Pettegree Malcolm Walsby K - Z Leiden • boston 2011 this book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data netherlandish books : books published in the Low Countries and dutch books printed abroad before 1601 / edited by Andrew Pettegree, Malcolm Walsby.   v. cm.  includes bibliographical references and index.  Contents: v. 1. A–J — v. 2. K–Z.  isbn 978-90-04-19590-5 (v. 1 : hbk. : acid-free paper) — isbn 978-90-04-19591-2 (v. 2 : hbk. : acid-free paper) — isbn 978-90-04-19197-6 (set : hbk. : acid-free paper)  1. benelux countries—imprints—bibliography. 2. netherlands—imprints— bibliography. 3. early printed books—benelux countries—bibliography. 4. early printed books—netherlands—bibliography. 5. dutch imprints— bibliography. 6. bibliography, national—benelux countries. 7. bibliography, national—netherlands. i. Pettegree, Andrew. ii. Walsby, Malcolm.  Z2402.n4 2011  015.492—dc22 2010041483 isbn 978 90 04 19590 5 (Volume i) isbn 978 90 04 19591 2 (Volume ii) isbn 978 90 04 19197 6 (set) Copyright 2011 by Koninklijke brill nV, Leiden, the netherlands. Koninklijke brill nV incorporates the imprints brill, Hotei Publishing, idC Publishers, Martinus nijhoff Publishers and VsP. All rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke brill nV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood drive, suite 910, danvers, MA 01923, UsA. Fees are subject to change. PRinted in tHe netHeRLAnds tAbLe oF Contents VoLUMe i introduction  ..................................................................................................................... vii Literature  ......................................................................................................................... xxv Abbreviations  .................................................................................................................. xxix Library Codes  ................................................................................................................. xxxi bibliography   A - J  ............................................................................................................................ 1 VoLUMe ii Abbreviations  .................................................................................................................. vii Library Codes  ................................................................................................................. ix bibliography   K - Z  ........................................................................................................................... 763 index of Printers  ............................................................................................................ 1407 AbbReViAtions Abbreviations used in bibliographical references AAF Ferenc Postma & J. van sluis, Auditorium Academiae Franekerensis. Bibliographie der Reden. Disputationen und Gelegenheitsdruckwerke der Universität und des Athenäums in Franeker 1585–1843 (Leeuwarden, Fryske Akademy, 1995) Adams H.M. Adams, Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501–1600 in Cambridge libraries (2 vols., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1967) bird d.t. bird, A catalogue of sixteenth-century medical books in Edinburgh libraries (edinburgh, Royal College of Physicians of edinburgh, 1982) bs biblia sacra. bibles printed in the netherlands and belgium. http://www.bibliasacra.nl/ bt elly Cockx-indestege, Geneviève Glorieux, & bart op de beeck, Belgica typographica 1541–1600: catalogus librorum impressorum ab anno MDXLI ad annum MDC in regionibus quae nunc Regni Belgarum partes sunt (4 vols., nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1968–1994) brunet Jacques-Charles brunet, Manuel du libraire et de l’amateur de livres, 5th edition (8 vols., Paris, Firmin-didot, 1860–65) Calepino Labarre, Albert, Bibliographie du dictionarium d’Ambrogio Calepino: (1502–1779) (baden-baden, Koerner, 1975) Calvin Rodolphe Peter & Jean-François Gilmont, Bibliotheca Calviniana: Les œuvres de Jean Calvin publiées au XVIe siècle (3 vols., Genève, droz, 1991–2000) Chambers b.t. Chambers, Bibliography of French Bibles. Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century French- language editions of the scriptures (Genève, droz, 1983) Claes F. Claes, Lijst van Nederlandse woordenlijsten en woordenboeken gedrukt tot 1600 (nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1974) danica nielsen, Lauritz, Dansk Bibliograpfi, 1482–1550; 1551–1600 (5 vols., reprint ed., Copenhagen, Kongelige bibliotek, 1996) dekesel C.e. dekesel, Bibliotheca Nummaria: Bibliography of 16th century numismatic books (Kolbe, Crestline, 1997) emden Andrew Pettegree, Emden and the Dutch Revolt: Exile and the development of Reformed Protestantism (oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992) eoL erasmus on Line database. http://www.erasmus.org/ Fb Andrew Pettegree, Malcolm Walsby and Alexander Wilkinson, FB. French Vernacular Books. Books published in the French language before 1601 (Leiden, brill, 2007) Franck Klaus Kaczerowsky, Sebastian Franck Bibliographie. Verzeichnisse von Francks Werken, der von ihm gedruckten Bücher (Wiesbaden, Pressler, 1976) Gardy F.Gardy, Bibliographie des œuvres théologiques, littéraires, historiques et juridiques de Théodore de Bèze (Genève, droz, 1960) Göllner Carl Göllner, Turcica: Die europäischen Türkendrucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts. I. Band MDI-MDL (berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1961) Goldsmiths  Margaret Canney and david Knott, Catalogue of the Goldsmiths’ Library of Eco- nomic Literature. I: Printed Books to 1800 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1970) Graaf bob and Maria emilie de Graaf, Petrus Apherdianus, ludimagister, ca 1510–1580 (nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1968) GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. http://www.gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/ HA Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim, A Bibliography of Anabaptism, 1520–1630 (elkhart ind., institute of Mennonite studies, 1962) Hamilton Alastair Hamilton, Bibliotheca Dissidentium: Répertoire des non-conformistes religieux des seizième et dix-septième siècles. Tome XXII. The Family of Love I: Hendrik Ni claes (baden-baden, Koerner, 2003) Heijting W. Heijting, De catechismi en confessies in de Nederlandse Reformatie tot 1585 (2 vols., nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1989) viii abbreviations Hollander A.A. den Hollander, De Nederlandse Bijbelvertalingen, 1522–1545 (nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1997) Horst irvin b. Horst, A Bibliography of Menno Simons (nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1562) IA Index Aureliensis Catalogus Librorum Sedecimo Saeculo Impressorum (14 vols., baden-baden, 1962–2004) ib Alexander Wilkinson, IB. Books published in Spanish or Portuguese or printed on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601 (Leiden, brill, 2010) istC incunabula short title Catalogue. http://www.bl.uk/catalogues/istc/ Keyser Maria Keyser, Dirk Philips, 1504–1568: a catalogue of his printed works in the University Library of Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 1975) Knuttel W.P.C. Knuttel, Catalogus van de pamfletten-verzameling berustende in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek (9 vols., the Hague, 1882–1920) LC Claude sorgelos, Labore et Constantia. A collection of 510 editions issued by Chris- topher Plantin from 1555 till 1589 (brussels, speeckaert, 1990) Linde Antonius van der Linde, David Joris: bibliografie (the Hague, nijhoff, 1867) P-F Jean Peeters-Fontainas, Bibliographie des impressions espagnoles des Pays-Bas méridi- onaux (2 vols., nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1965) Phalèse Henri Vanhulst, Catalogue des éditions de musique publiées à Louvain par Pierre Phalèse et ses fils 1545–1578 (brussels, duculot, 1984) RisM F. Lesure, Répertoire internationale des sources musicales. Recueils imprimés XVIe– XVIIe siècles. Tome 1, Liste chronologique (München, G. Henle, 1960) staedtke Joachim staedtke, Heinrich Bullinger Bibliographie. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der gedruckten Werke von Heinrich Bullinger (Zürich, theologischer Verlag, 1972) stC A.W. Pollard, and G.R. Redgrave, A short-title catalogue of books printed in Eng- land, Scotland, & Ireland and of English books printed abroad 1475–1640 (2nd ed., 3 vols., London, the bibliographical society, 1976–1991) stCH J.A. Gruys and C. de Wolf, A short-title catalogue of books printed at Hoorn before 1701 (nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1979) stCn short title Catalogue netherlands. http://www.kb.nl/stcn/index-en.html tb Paul Valkema blouw, Typographia Batava 1541–1600: repertorium van boeken gedrukt in Nederland tussen 1541 en 1600 (2 vols., nieuwkoop, de Graaf, 1998) Vaganay Hugues Vaganay, ‘bibliographie hispanique extra-péninsulaire. seizième et dix- septième siècles’, Revue hispanique, XLii (1918), pp. 1–187 Visser C. Ch. G. Visser, Luther’s geschriften in de Nederlanden tot 1546 (Assen, Van Gorcum, 1969) Voet Leon Voet, The Plantin Press (1555–1589): A bibliography of the works printed and published by Christopher Plantin at Antwerp and Leiden (6 vols., Amsterdam, Van Hoeve, 1980–1983) Waelrant Robert Lee Weaver, A descriptive bibliographical catalogue of the music printed by Hubert Waelrant and Jan de Laet (sterling Heights Mich., Harmonie Park Press, 1994) Abbreviations used in author and printer descriptions (ed.) editeur, éditeur, editor (tr.) vertaler, traducteur, translator ex off. ex officina haer. haeredes, opvolger, héritiers, heirs incip. incipit, koptitel, titre de départ, caption title tP titelpagina, page de titre, title page vid. vidua, weduwe, veuve, bidua, widow LibRARY Codes A01 Avignon (Fr), bibliothèque municipale Livrée Ceccano A02 Arles (Fr), Médiathèque municipale espace Van Gogh A04 Amsterdam (ne), Universiteitsbibliotheek Universiteit van Amsterdam A05 Amsterdam (ne), Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit A06 Aberdeen (UK), University Library A07 Angers (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A08 Alençon (Fr), Médiathèque de la Communauté Urbaine d’Alençon A09 Avranches (Fr), bibliothèque municipale edouard Le Héricher A10 Angers (Fr), Université Catholique de l’ouest A11 Angers (Fr), Archives départementales A12 Antwerpen (be), Museum Plantin-Moretus A13 Aix-en-Provence (Fr), bibliothèque Méjanes A15 Atlanta, GA (UsA), emory University Library A16 Amiens (Fr), bibliothèque d’Amiens Métropole A17 Arras (Fr), Médiathèque municipale A18 Auxerre (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A19 Aarau (sz), Kantonsbibliothek A20 Agen (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A21 Arras (Fr), Archives départementales A22 Abbeville (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A23 Antwerpen (be), Ruusbroecgenootschap A24 Ajaccio (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A25 Augsburg (Gw), staats- und stadtbibliothek A26 Argentan (Fr), Médiathèque intercommunale François Mitterrand A27 Antwerpen (be), stadsbibliotheek A28 Auxonne (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A29 Aurillac (Fr), Médiathèque communautaire François Mitterrand A31 Autun (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A32 Auch (Fr), bibliothèque-musicothèque municipale A33 Annapolis, Md (UsA), nimitz Library of the United states naval Academy A34 Antwerpen (be), stadsarchief A36 Alabama University Library, tuscaloo, AL (UsA) A37 Amiens (Fr), Archives départementales A38 Aberystwyth (UK), national Library of Wales A39 Avranches (Fr), Musée A40 Antwerpen (be), Koninklijk Vlaams Muziekconservatorium A41 Amsterdam (ne), bibliotheek nederlandsch Historisch scheepvaart Museum A42 Alès (Fr), Médiathèque municipale Alphonse daudet A44 Aix-en-Provence (Fr), Musée Arbaud A45 Albi (Fr), Médiathèque municipale Pierre Amalric A46 Augsburg (Gw), Universitätsbibliothek A47 Antibes (Fr), Médiathèque communautaire A48 Aix-les-bains (Fr), bibliothèque municipale Lamartine A49 Auray (Fr), Médiathèque municipale A50 Aosta (it), biblioteca del seminario vescovile A51 Arundel Castle (UK) A52 Annecy (Fr), bibliothèque municipale Centre bonlieu A53 Audley end House (UK) A55 Angoulême (Fr), Archives départementales A56 Auch (Fr), Archives départementales A57 Agrigento (it), biblioteca Lucchesiana A58 Avignon (Fr), Archives départementales x library codes A60 Annecy (Fr) Archives départementales de Haute-savoie A61 Amsterdam (ne), Rijksmuseum A62 Angoulême (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A63 Aschaffenburg (Gw), Hof- und stiftsbibliothek A64 Avignon (Fr), bibliothèque des Récollets A65 Annonay (Fr), bibliothèque Médiathèque municipale A66 Amberg (Gw), staatliche bibliothek (Provinzialbibliothek) A67 Aarhus (dk), statsbiblioteket A68 Arizona state University, tempe, AZ (UsA) A70 Alba Julia (Rm), biblioteca diocesana batthyaneum (on deposit in bucharest biblioteca nationala) A72 Arbois (Fr), bibliothèque intercommunale A74 Arezzo (it), biblioteca città di Arezzo A75 Agen (Fr), Archives départementales du Lot-et-Garonne A76 Amherst, MA (UsA), Amherst College Library A77 Amsterdam (ne), Koninklijke Vereniging voor nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis A78 Aiud (Rm), La biblioteca Municipala Liviu Rebreanu A79 Ansbach (Gw), staatliche bibliothek (schlossbibliothek) A80 Annecy (Fr), bibliothèque du grand séminaire A81 Abbotsford House, Melrose (UK) A82 Albi (Fr), Archives départementales A83 Aubenas (Fr), bibliothèque municipale A84 Amsterdam (ne), bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica A86 Altamura (it), biblioteca dell’ente morale A87 Amsterdam (ne), economisch-Historische bibliotheek (on deposit at the international insti- tute of social History) A88 Aachen (Gw), bibliothek der technischen Hochschule A90 Aachen (Gw), stadtbibliothek A91 Antwerpen (be), Universiteitsbibliotheek A92 Antwerpen (be), Archief van de Vlaams-belgische provincie der kapucijnen A93 Atchison, Ks (UsA), saint benedict’s College A94 Albuquerque, nM (UsA), University of new Mexico Library A95 Admont (Au), stiftsbibliothek A96 Athens, GA (UsA), University of Georgia Library A97 Autun (Fr), société d’Histoire naturelle A98 Amsterdam (ne), Library of Faculty of Arts and Languages A99 Angers (Fr), bibliothèque de la cour d’appel A100 Amsterdam (ne), Koninklijke nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen A101 Aigen im Mühlkreis (Au), stift schlägl A102 Arcadia University, Wolfville, nova scotia (Cn) A103 Angers (Fr), bibliothèque universitaire Lettres et sciences A104 Alessandria (it), biblioteca del seminario vescovile A105 Acqui terme (it), biblioteca del seminario vescovile A106 Assisi (it), biblioteca del Centro di documentazione francescana A107 Asti (it), biblioteca del seminario vescovile A108 Ancona (it), biblioteca comunale Luciano benincasa A109 Aurich (Gw), ostfriesische bibliothek A110 Antwerpen (be), Rijksarchief A111 Antwerpen (be), Volkskundemuseum A112 Antwerpen (be), Universitaire Faculteiten sint-ignatius A113 Assebroek (be), sint-Pietersabdij A114 Amsterdam (ne), international institute of social History A115 A Coruña (sp), Archivo del Reino de Galicia A116 A Coruña (sp), Archivo Municipal A117 A Coruña (sp), Real Academia Galega A118 A Coruña (sp), Real Consulado, biblioteca (Fundación Pedro sánchez bahamonde) A119 Albacete (sp), Archivo Histórico Provincial A120 Albacete (sp), biblioteca Pública del estado A121 Albacete (sp), tribunal superior de Justicia

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