Automation Ness iComms/aComms compatible ness D8x / D16x alarm Control panel Available with Navigator, Saturn or KPX keypad options InstallatIon & programmIng manUal 7.8.1 Revision Innovative Electronic Solutions NSW Ph 02 8825 9222 VIC Ph 03 9875 6400 QLD Ph 07 3399 4910 WA Ph 08 9328 2511 SA Ph 08 8152 0000 N55 D8X/D16X INStALLER MANuAL REV 7.8.1 January 2013 Document Part No: 890-007 For use with Ness D8x/D16x control panels V5.0 and later. WArNINgS & NotICeS Ness Corporation manufacturing processes are accredited to ISO9001 quality standards and all possible care and diligence has been applied during manufacture to ensure the reliable operation of this product. However there are various external factors that may impede or restrict the operation of this product in accordance with the product’s specification. these factors include, but are not limited to: 1. Erratic or reduced radio range (if radio accessories are installed). Ness radio products are sophisticated low power devices, however the presence of in-band radio signals, high power transmissions or interference caused by electrical appliances such as Mains Inverters, Wireless Routers, Cordless Phones, Computers, tVs and other electronic devices may reduce radio range performance. While such occurrences are unusual, they are possible. In this case it may be necessary to either increase the physical separation between the Ness receiver and other devices or if possible change the radio frequency or channel of the other devices. 2. unauthorised tampering, physical damage, electrical interruptions such as mains failure, electrical spikes or lightning. 3. Solar power inverters are a known source of electrical interference. Please ensure that this product and all associated cabling is installed at least 3 metres away from a solar power inverter and its cabling. WArNINg: Installation and maintenance to be performed only by qualified service personnel. CAUtIoN: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of used batteries in accordance with local regulations. ADSL NotICe: ADSL broadband data can interfere with the operation of your alarm dialler. It is recommended that a quality ADSL filter be installed as per the filter manufacturer's guidelines in premises with an alarm dialler installed. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Ness. Ness reserves the right to make changes to features and specifications at any time without prior notification in the interest of ongoing product development and improvement. © 2013 Ness Corporation Pty Ltd ABN 28 069 984 372 CoNteNtS PRODuCt FEAtuRES ..................................................4 SpeCIAL FUNCtIoNS NessComms Features ..................................................5 Send test report ..........................................................12 Installation notes ...........................................................6 Siren test .....................................................................12 Inputs and outputs ........................................................7 Panel reset ..................................................................12 Display software version .............................................12 CONNECtION DIAgRAM .........................................8–9 Keypad ........................................................................10 FACtory DeFAULtS Clear Radio Devices ....................................................53 operAtIoN Clear Memory ..............................................................53 Operation Summary ...................................................11 Clear Panel Options ....................................................53 Clear user Codes ........................................................53 HoW to progrAm Quick start Programming ............................................12 Output Expander options......................................54–55 How to enter Program Mode ......................................13 How to program using NessPD ..................................13 AUx oUtpUtS Aux1 output options ...............................................58-59 geNerAL optIoNS Aux2 output options ...............................................60-61 user Codes ...........................................................14, 15 Aux3 output options ...............................................62-63 timers..........................................................................16 Aux4 output options ...............................................64-65 Vibration Sensitivity .....................................................17 Zone Assignment ..................................................18, 19 Enable/Disable hardwire zones ..................................66 Definitions. Day Zones, temp Day Zones, Home Monitor KPX Keypad options ............................................66 20 End Of Line Resistor options ...............................66 Zone to Output Mapping ......................................22–23 Various Options .....................................................24–25 AUtotIme optIoNS tamper/Keypad Panic Output Mapping .....................26 Autotime description and examples ..........................67 System Operation Shortcuts.......................................27 Realtime Clock programming ....................................68 Home mode output mapping .....................................28 Autotime programming .........................................68-69 Day mode output mapping .........................................28 Miscellaneous Options .........................................29–30 rADIo optIoNS Zone Supervision options .....................................31–33 Signal strength test .....................................................70 Misc. options ........................................................35–37 Ness Radio Interface ...................................................70 RADIO DEVICE PROgRAMMINg ..............................71 DIALLer optIoNS RADIO KEy PROgRAMMINg .....................................72 tELEPHONE NuMBERS ......................................38–39 Account Numbers .......................................................38 Serial Output options ...........................................73 Report zone alarms .....................................................40 Report zone restorals ..................................................40 ACCeSS CoNtroL optIoNS Report multiple zone alarms .......................................40 PROgRAMMINg ACCESS CARDS ............................74 Account No.2 zones ....................................................40 Access Control options .........................................74–77 Report Miscellaneous alarms .....................................41 Weigand Reader wiring diagram ................................78 Report Miscellaneous Restorals .................................41 test Call options ..........................................................42 remote operAtIoN Dialler format options ............................................43–44 Monitoring operation ...................................................79 CONtACt ID REPORtINg CODES ...........................43 Remote operation by telephone ................................80 Dialling options ...........................................................45 Area1, Area2 open/close reports ................................46 progrAmmINg optIoNS SUmmAry ............82–85 Siren Chirp, Flash options ..........................................46 Specifications and approvals......................................86 Other reports ...............................................................47 Release Notes .............................................................87 Enable test Calls .........................................................48 Installation Record ......................................................88 Mains Report Delay .....................................................48 Listen-in to dialler ........................................................48 Swinger Shutdown ......................................................49 Line Fault Monitor .......................................................49 Programming options specific to the D8x/D16x panels Remote access options ........................................50–51 version 6 and later are marked with the symbol. Required Rings ...........................................................52 All other programming options are valid for panels from version 5.0 to version 5.7 No Memory Warning zones ........................................52 See page 12 for information on how to display the panel's software version. D8x/D16x FeAtUreS • 8 or 16 alarm zones. OPtIONAL PRODuCt • Supports up to 3 keypads (Navigator, Saturn or LCD) • 56 user codes can be programmed to operate by keypad PIN, radio key or access card. • Optional NESS RADIO INtERFACE for fully integrated wireless security. • Programmable tWO AREA PARtItIONINg can split the panel into two independent areas plus a common area. • REAL tIME CLOCK with AutOtIME features - auto arm/disarm, auto aux outputs, time based user control. • 3 Door ACCESS CONtROLLER onboard with support for Weigand prox or Ness iComms fingerprint readers. Ness aComms • Supports mobile control using Ness iComms/aComms iPhone/iPad and Andriod apps and optional ethernet adapter. • Home Mode allows partial arming, (eg, perimeter security overnight). Ness iComms and aComms apps for mobile control of your D8x/ 16x • Day Mode feature allows daytime monitoring of fire doors, coolrooms etc. control panel from home, office, • Temporary Day Zone feature allows easy enabling/disabling of Day Mode. anywhere in the world using your • Keypad Panic feature. iPhone/iPad or Android device. • Keypad Duress feature. • Two button arming feature. ■ ARM, DISARM • Fire Alarm feature with different siren tones. ■ VIEW ZONE StAtuS • Highly flexible zone to output mapping. ■ EMERgENCy ALARMS • ONBOARD VIBRAtION SENSOR ANALySER with programmable sensitivity. ■ CONtROL tHE PANEL OutPutS use with Nessensor™ vibration sensors. (D8X/D16X V7.8+) • MuLtIPLE PROgRAMMABLE EOL resistor values from 0k to 22k (2k2 Requirements: resistors supplied). D8x/D16x V5.6 or later (V7.8 or later • Siren chirp and strobe flash on arming with radio key. to operate panel outputs). • Quiet chirps option on arm/disarm by radio key. Optional 101-244 Ethernet adapter, • True Dynamic Battery Test actively tests the battery under load every hour 450-185 RS232 cable. and every time a keypad code is entered. • 4 programmable auxiliary outputs. iPhone/iPad/Smartphone not • ENHANCED SERIAL DAtA input/output via RS232. included. • AutOMAtIC RESEt FuSES. iComms is a third party product • Programmable Reset Output lockout. which is endorsed by Ness without • 30 event memory from keypad. 80 event memory can be accessed using tech support. NessComms™. • Standard defaults to suit most applications. Emergency alarms must be enabled • Easy programming by keypad or NessComms™ software. in the control panel to be available in • All programming data is permanently stored in a non-volatile memory. iComms and aComms. • All inputs and outputs are heavily protected against lightning and high voltage supply transients. • Optional output expander. DIALLER • Full remote upload/download by PC and modem using NessComms™ software. • View system status and arm/disarm using NessComms™. • Remote control of outputs via telephone. • Contact ID Format - Two 14 digit phone numbers plus one “follow me” number. • Audible Voice format feature. • Phone line monitoring (activates output). • Dialler ‘Listen in’ option for installers. • Auto Test calls. • Pulse or DTMF dialling. • True dial tone detection. • Hex programmable client codes as required by some central stations. 4 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual Control Panel is sold separately. FREE SOFtWARE NeSSCommS powerful pC-based programming & operation software • Fast and easy installation programming • Arm & Disarm remotely with the Virtual Keypad • Live zone status mode • Download system logs, including extended D8x/D16x logs not accessible by keypad - up to 80 events • Database stores hundreds of clients • All relevant control panel manuals are installed with D8X / D16X DIreCt CoNNeCt On-Site NessComms SERIAL • Free For Trade users 450-185 Serial extension cable Serial cable Now the preferred programming tool for many installers, NessComms makes control panel programming as simple ...or 101-231 Serial to as ticking the boxes. uSB Adapter cable Connect to your control panels on site via modem and landline. If your standard modem is capable of 300 baud half duplex operation it may be suitable for use with ...OR Nesscomms. DIAL-Up via modem For the added convenience of on-site programming, D8x PStN and D16x panels also allow direct connect via serial port for Modem fast and easy access by laptop computer. the Ness 450-185 300 Baud Serial Cable is required. half duplex OPtIONAL PRODuCt MiniCENtRAL Part No. 106-125 to Clipsal C-Bus the Ness MiniCENtRAL C-Bus interface combined with a Ness D8x or D16x control panel gives you full two-way C-Bus control and all the features and benefits of a powerful alarm panel. ■ Fully Clipsal approved C-Bus Enabled Product. ■ Controls up to 255 individual C-Bus lights or outputs. D8x/D16x Control Panel Includes full dimming, On/Off and toggle commands. V7.3 or later ■ true 2 way communications on the C-Bus network. ■ Connects directly onto C-Bus without the need for ad- ditional hardware such as a PCI Interface. ■ Many D16X events or status changes can control mod- ules on the C-Bus. ■ C-Bus trigger Control and Enable Control. ■ C-Bus events can control the D8x/D16x. ■ Multiple onboard SERIAL repeater ports means the D8x/ D16x panel can also connect to other serial devices while connected to MiniCENtRAL. OPtIONAL PRODuCt NeSS pD portable Download tool Part No. 106-017 Ness PD is the fast, easy and simple way to copy programming options from one control panel to another in the field - all without a computer. Ness PD copies and loads data from panel to panel using the READER header on D8x and D16x panels. Requires D8x/D16x V7.4 or later. Not ■ Stores separate data for one D8x and one D16x. compatible with 106-009 D16x C-Bus panel. ■ Ideal for programming service panels. How to use the NessPD, see page 13. ■ use Ness PD to store your default programming for even faster commissioning on site. 5 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual INStALLAtIoN proCeDUreS eSD WArNINg the main panel housing and keypad/s should be installed within areas that are (Electrostatic Discharge). protected by motion sensors or reed switches. A linen closet or cupboard are good Once properly installed, Ness control examples as these are generally located in the centre of the premises. Installing in panels are well protected from ESD. ceiling spaces or other areas where extremes of temperature may be encountered is However, take note of the following not advised. precautions during installation. Positioning of the movement detectors should be considered as the incorrect position the human body can generate static may cause unwanted alarms. Refer to the motion sensors' installation instructions. electricity when it is insulated from earth 1. Remove the lid and the battery from the base. - for instance by walking over carpet. 2. Securely mount the rear panel housing in a secure location. ESD occurs (and a small shock is 3. Run all cabling needed for the installation. sometimes felt) if an earthed metal object is then touched. 4. Insert the red PCB stand-offs in the housing and then plug the circuit board onto the stand-offs. See the ESD Warning on this page. the installer should be aware that if he generates static electricity while 5. Wire the sensors, sirens and accessories to the main board terminal blocks as per installing the panel and then discharges the wiring instructions shown in this installation manual. this static electricity into the internal 6. Fit the battery into the housing but DO NOt CONNECt the battery yet. components on the main D8/D16 circuit 7. Insert the panel tamper bracket leads as shown below. board or the keypad board, then ESD 8. Power up as described below. damage may occur. 9. Close the lid and program the panel as required. the circuit board should not be unwrapped until it is actually ready to be installed. poWer-Up proCeDUre to enter INStALLER PROgRAM MODE the first time, power-up with the PROg/tAMP Methods to avoid electrostatic build-up. link OFF. If TthELeEP PHORNOELgEA/Dt(ASuMppPlie dl)ink is ON and any other 24hr zones are unsealed on 1. use a foot strap, a wrist strap, power-up thCeo npneactntoeMl owdeil3l siomckmetediately go into alarm - reset the alarm via keypad or or a grounding mat. the aim is to connect the body to earth to remove powLeeard tsoho wsntoispfo rtAhuest raalilaaornmly.. N.OTAMPERSWITCH discharge static before it builds up. ALTERNATIVETAMPERSWITCHWIRING 1. CoNNeCt tHe bAttery FIrSt(.7 6O1b-0s0e2)rvCeol ocuor:rBrLeAcCtK polarity. the connection is a high resistance ForN.C.TamperSwitches a) the heartbeat LED will flash coSnutpinpluieoduwsithlyN etoss isnirdeniccaotveer scorrect operation. for personnel safety. N.CTAMPERSWITCH(SWI920)Colour:WHITE 2. If the above is not available, then it b) the Current Limiting globes should be OFF. If the globes are glowing, the is advisable to wear clothing that will battery connection TisAM Preversed. Immediately disconnect the battery and check the minimise the build-up of statDic.8MAINBOARD TpELoElPaHrOitNyE of the batte+r0y1V2 Vleads. 12VDCoutput 3. Handle circuit boards by the edges. Avoid touching any components on If the heartbeat LED doZe8s not flash s2tek2adilyZo oner 8cycleEsN oDffO iFnLteINrmERitEteSnIStlTyO tRhSere may be a tinh ep abrotiacrudl aars, athree ninotte gguraatreadn tceiercdu bitsy, pmroodbele mpr ewsitsh pth9e5 ein,i tpia9liCZ7s7eat i&o np o9f8 teh eto o2 ken2rbaosaZerod nae lml7 pemroogiTsrrhyfaeu. mldltyeofmpa ruorlitegnermagnmd eamodnfalbyidnl,ee riwrneeits lhIiosnataocsrhdtova aifcllaueleecoritsf op12r3kry2roe (dsg2i2ser0taof0armOvuah llmutsess.), .sTeheepErOogLrvaamlue their manufacturers to be safe from LDIiSagTnEoNstPicINs.SConntehcteann remove power byZ 6briefly remov2ikn2g onZoen eo6f the oNbpeatsiotstnepParn1ye2 ll9seEaa.redssu pthplieedn wrieth-c2ko2n1n%etcolte.r atnhceeM etalFilmresistors. ESD. 8Ohmhornspeahkeeratortbeat LED should nCow be flashing continuouslyC,o ploruorccoedee:dR etod, Rseted,pB l2ac.k,Brown,Brown. 45.. taaitdnoovsisso u tmcpacidholhilna saw riastmgiainobeli nksle n wrgttyhhh aeseilr tedoba uuwtoinicblod dbjre-k ueacinpfsto g tmroo LISTENRECEIVEReof u nswct oahthtr ikecRHcoIi n,nopEe tentaCgirondEfen eaIcaVrctlefEionR.Rrgadio lisJBPt1oOewnXLeItTNorA==Ku2dMpiSTa.Pawel ElmeatiRtrlhpetHt&deoolir,nnPena ekRloisaonrN.OrmfmfGdat RosltiAtcseaMtUntaaetteLertrIeNNK th oatN t hteH bea CZZZZpt2354teLrUyg is pcAhCark2222gkkkk.i2222 ntgh ZZZZecooooo nnnnCeeeerr2453uercretlny.t(NN ZNLOOO.iCRRmN.MM)EAADitLLEWiLLnVYYIICgRCOE LPISgNOENSGloEDbeZZsoo nnCmee ay glow slightlyZZ OONNEESS11--88 on the installation. installerprogrammode C (N.O.)DEVICES C AAUUXX21 AUX Z1 2k2 Zone1 AAUUXX43 A1-u4x.outputs 0V D8x/D161x2 VHDoCuoustpiuntfgordetectors.AutoResetfuseprotected. +120VV TAPR +12V 500mAmax.fromall12Voutputs. SERIAL SRREEs2RA3DIA2ELRserialport BSN(WWO.CHXI.TITCTCAEoHM)ntPaJ1EctRs MPOG KEYPAD+CDC1OAL2KMTV Rthee+CmDC OLA1lKiMT2odVv wabithle tlhide. sCclripew lesf tp srPaiodcrvoceived fisiesrsisdNoM3otE. nakSrteyxh Sfiy meoLpbCnruaoD dm sassKlerieddycpesua-.drine READ Cupontone3cNtieosnsfor RESET OUpRt3ox21x2NVesSscr1ea2mVeSrir(e1n0(01-0203-81,7120)0-004) E Weigandreaders R STR Upto2xStrobe Light(NOI-300) “HEARTBEAT”LED Constantlyflashes BATTERYLEADS SIREN Upto3xHornSpeaker,8Ohm (NOI-110) (supplied) BATTE RBLEADC+K 1AA7CCV 1(W7VhiAteC&Black) Ness17VACPlugPackBFbiaatstct ekurupyp. t ob a1t2teVr y7 Ahho lder. RY EARTH (Australiaonly) EARTH HEATSINK (Yellow/Greenstripe) BATTERYCONNECTION For12V7Ahbackup battery(BAT210) OPTIONALACCESSORIESFORD8X&D16X NessRADIOINTERFACE NessRELAYBOARD NessOUTPUTEXPANDER WEIGANDREADERINTERFACE NessSERIALCABLE PartNo.100-200 PartNo.106-013 PartNo.106-011 PartNo.106-012 PartNo.450-185 ToREADER TORECEIVER ToAuxHeader header ToSERIAL HEADER NI header 6 OVBlackRSSIBlueDATAWhite+12VRedNess DpsNvTo8otouhOrlxtewiNtTkpaOA eeREuUgC/srX:tee1Ne s.ElCaDdaslcyeNbucO1cABiyeUCttXa6rso2NtibhscCaxloeresd rNctiCfOreApooiUCskrXrnoo3NetssCsvruwnoiNdmclOiAtethpUCcursXah4NasoCn4istnelrng eel.oPllealUtoc0+AAAAabVysUUUUw1tXXXX2ereV4321nicaeToAuxHeaderl – InsConnectuptoonetaadditionalexpanderllation TMU+O12VIn12345678910111213141516anual16programmableopencollectoroutputs UrcReoepanadtndoe3eer3crsatIe(ndNdtdee2rvrseifasascst1hae0e.b11leoBBGWRB-0lrlperukhnndW1ttio4en)igaclaa3nndwbaey UtosaedPfCorfodrirpercotgcrPpoaoCmnrntsmeerciinatlg separatepowersupply. ortwowayserialcomms. INpUtS oUtpUtS Monitored Zones. 12 VoLt outPut the Ness D8x and D16x have 8 or 16 fully programmable zone A regulated 13.8 VDC output is available to power detectors inputs. (Monitored by end of line resistor). and other equipment. this output is available from two sets of Also, 1 x 24 hour External tAMP input. (Monitored by end of line terminals marked +12V and 0V. this output is protected by an resistor). 1 x 24 hour Box tamper input. (Normally Closed input. Automatic Reset fuse. Resistor is not required). A maximum load of 500mA may be connected to these terminals. end of Line resistor siren Each zone input must be terminated with an end of line (EOL) resistor the on-board siren driver will drive a maximum of 3 x 8 ohm horn unless the zone is disabled by option P125E. speakers (Ness Part No. NOI110 or 100-171 Internal Siren). the the default EOL resistor value is 2.2k (2200 Ohms). the EOL value will reset at the end of siren time (P29E) or whenever the panel is is fully programmable. Available options are 0k (closed circuit), 1k, reset, whichever comes first. 1.5k, 2.2k, 3.3k, 3.9k, 4.7k, 5.6k, 6.8k, 8.2k, 10k, 12k and 22k. See this output is protected by an Automatic Reset fuse. programming option P129E. str tAMP – tamper input A latched 12VDC output for connecting strobe lights. the tAMP input must also be sealed with an end of line resistor. this this output will reset after 72 hours (3 days) or when the panel is input is always a 24hr input. the EOL value programed by option disarmed. (D8/D16 versions prior to V4.5 allow indefinite strobe p129E also applies to the tAMP input. operation, until the panel is reset). AC inPut terMinALs A maximum of 2 x 1 Watt Strobes (Ness Part No. NOI300) can be these terminals are for the connection of the Ness plugpack. the connected to this output. Ness D8/D16 requires an AC transformer rating of 1.4 Amps @ 17V this output is protected by an Automatic Reset fuse. AC minimum. (Ness Part No. POW215) reset eArth A 12V DC output for connecting Ness sirens, piezo sirens or For maximum protection against damage caused by lightning strikes, relays, etc. this output will reset at the end of siren time (P29E) or connect a good earth to this terminal. Alternatively use the Earth lead whenever the panel is reset, whichever comes first. from the plug pack. A maximum of 3 x 12V piezo screamers (Ness Part No. 100-238, BAttery 100-004) or 2 X Ness Piezo (Part No 100-172) can be connected to these terminals are for the connection of a sealed lead-acid this output. rechargeable 12Volt battery. Charge current is limited to 350mA. the charge voltage is factory preset at 13.8V. Note: A 12 Volt sealed this output is protected by an Automatic Reset fuse. lead acid rechargeable battery must be connected for correct panel AuX heAder operation and to ensure the Siren, Strobe and Reset outputs operate the Aux1 to Aux4 outputs are open collector outputs (switch correctly. negative) which can supply a maximum of 100mA. Each Aux the panel will shut down if battery voltage is below 11V and mains output can be programmed to perform several different functions. power is off. the header also provides a 12V DC output, max. draw 100mA. See program options P141E to P144E. Observe correct polarity when connecting the battery. (Ness Part Number BAt210 12V 7Ah battery) rs232 seriAL Port two way RS232 serial port for interfacing to a PC or external Current LiMiting gLoBes automation products. the serial data is 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no the current limiting globes serve to regulate battery charging current. parity, 1 stop bit. Developer's kit available on request. When the battery is fully charged the globes will not glow. the globes will glow slightly when recharging the battery after a short Prog/tAMP – Program Link & internal tamper input power outage. If the globes glow very brightly the battery is drawing the PROg/tAMP link appears on the two pin J1 header. excessive current and may be faulty, or the battery is connected in the PROg/tAMP link has two purposes: reverse. Check the connections or connect a charged battery. 1. to enter Installer program mode on initial power up. Power- up with the PROg link OFF. the PROg link (or Box tamper lead) must be ON in operating mode. 2. box tamper. When used with the Internal tamper Lead RED+ 12V7AhSealed (supplied), PROg/tAMP serves as the 24hr tamper input for the LeadAcidBattery panel’s internal tamper switch. Replace the PROg Link with the Box tamper Lead. Connect the BLACK Internal tamper Lead spade terminals directly to the terminals of OBSERVE the internal tamper switch (supplied). An end-of-line resistor is CORRECTPOLARITY NOt required on this input. YRETTAB When PROg/tAMP is used for Internal tamper, powering up with the panel’s cover open will enter Installer Program Mode. CurrentLimiting Globes SIreN LoAD. A maximum output of 2.0A continuous is HE available from the SIREN and RESEt outputs and 200mA A TS from the StR output. IN K Recommended maximum power load: 3 x Horn speakers (SIREN output) oUtpUt FUSINg. the 12V outputs, Siren, Reset and 2 x Strobe lights (StR output) 2 x Ness Internal Sirens (100-172) (RESEt output) Strobe outputs are protected by Automatic Reset elec- tronic fuses. these outputs will automatically reset once Note: (This assumes no more than 500mA is being drawn from the the overload is removed. 12V device outputs). 7 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual D8x CoNNeCtIoN DIAgrAm TELEPHONELEAD(Supplied) ConnecttoMode3socket LeadshownisforAustraliaonly. N.OTAMPERSWITCH ALTERNATIVETAMPERSWITCHWIRING (761-002)Colour:BLACK ForN.C.TamperSwitches SuppliedwithNesssirencovers N.CTAMPERSWITCH(SWI920)Colour:WHITE TAMP 0V TELEPHONE 12VDCoutput D8MAINBOARD +12V Z8 2k2 Zone8 ENDOFLINERESISTORS C Thedefaultendoflineresistorvalueis2k2(2200Ohms).TheEOLvalue 2k2 Zone7 isfullyprogrammablewithachoiceof13resistorvalues,seeprogram Z7 LISTENPINS optionP129E. Diagnostics.Connectan Z6 2k2 Zone6 Nesspanelsaresuppliedwith2k21%toleranceMetalFilmresistors. 8Ohmhornspeakerto C Colourcode:Red,Red,Black,Brown,Brown. LIS listentodiallertones. Z5 2k2 Zone5 TE ZONEWIRING ZONES1-8 N Z4 J1LINK 2k2 Zone4 NORMALLYCLOSED Zone RECEIVER RHcoInopEetentaCirondEfeneaIcaVrctlefEionR.Rrgadio PBoOwXeTrA==uMpTSPaweEmaiRtlhpe&delir,nPnakRloaorOrmfmfGatRoslAtseaMtntaetteeLrINK CZZ23 22kk22 ZZoonnee23 N(NO.CR.M)ADLELVYICOEPSEN ZonCe ZONES1-8 installerprogrammode C (N.O.)DEVICES C AAUUXX21 AUX Z1 2k2 Zone1 AAUUXX43 A1-u4x.outputs 0V 12VDCoutputfordetectors. Maximum 3 keypads per system. +102VV J TAMPPROG +1D2AVT 500mAAmuatox.Rfreosmetafulls1e2pVrootuetcptuetds.. 1 SERIAL SREs2R3IA2Lserialport BSNWO.CXI.TTCCAoHMntPaEctRs KEYPADCCOLKM +CDCOLA1KMT2T V (((WBB (llRauheceitkde)))) READER (WHITE) +12V navigator keypad*Saturn keypad KPX keypad READ CuWpoentigonae3ncdtNioernesasfdoerrs. RESET UOpRt3ox21x2NVesSscr1ea2mVeSrir(e1n0(01-0203-81,7120)0-004) E R Also used for Ness PD Portable Download tool. STR Upto2xStrobe Light(NOI-300) “HEARTBEAT”LED Constantlyflashes BATTERYLEADS SIREN Upto3xHornSpeaker,8Ohm(NOI-110) (supplied) BA BLACK 1A7CV TTE RED+ AC 1(W7VhiAteC&Black) Ness17VACPlugPack *navigator keypad is compatible RY EARTH (Australiaonly) with D8x/D16x control panels EARTH version 7.0 or later HEATSINK (Yellow/Greenstripe) BATTERYCONNECTION For12V7Ahbackup battery(BAT210) Optional Accessories for D8x & D16x AuX header AuX header RECEIVER #the Weigand Interface and Ness PD SERIAL header bheoathd ecro. nWneeicgta tnod th Ine tRerEfaAcDeE mR ay be RhEeAaDdEeRr# header NI temporarily disconnected to use the TUO Ness PD. +12VIn OVBlackRSSIBlueDATAWhite+12VRed 3 2 1BBGWRBlrlerukhnndt RhEeAaDdEeRr# DOWNLOADPORTABLED8X / D16X 106-017NESS PD PCp Soertrial 0V+12VAUX4AUX3AUX2AUX1NOCNCNOCNCNOCNCNOCNCAUX1AUX2AUX3AUX4 Connectuptooneadditionalexpander 12345678910111213141516 100-200 106-012 Weigand 106-017 Ness pD 450-185 106-013 relay board. 106-011 output expander. Ness radio Interface. Interface. portable Download Serial Cable. Provides 4 relay Provides 16 programmable Provides connection tool. Allows easy used for two-way outputs suitable for open collector outputs. for up to 3 addressable on-site copying and serial comms or switching low voltage See page 54. Weigand Readers (Ness re-loading of D8x/ direct connect to accessories. 101-014). D16x programming a PC. See page 78. options without a PC. the Relay Board and the Output Expander Board connect to the Aux header on the D8x/D16x main board but you cannot Requires D8x/D16x connect both at the same time. If required, the Relay Board version 7.4 or later. can be driven by outputs from the Output Expander. 8 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual D16x CoNNeCtIoN DIAgrAm TELEPHONELEAD(Supplied) ConnecttoMode3socket LeadshownisforAustraliaonly. N.OTAMPERSWITCH ALTERNATIVETAMPERSWITCHWIRING (761-002)Colour:BLACK ForN.C.TamperSwitches SuppliedwithNesssirencovers D16MAINBOARD N.CTAMPERSWITCH(SWI920)Colour:WHITE TELEPHONE TAMP 0V LISTENPINS 12VDCoutput D8lisiOateghnnmotoshtdoicirasnl.lesCrpoetonannkeeescr.ttoan Z16C +Z182V Zone8 Z16 Zone16 ENDOFLINERESISTORS C C ZONES9-16 Z14Z15 ZZ76 ZZoonnee67 Z14Z15 ZZoonnee1145 TvTahhleeuedEeOisfLa2uvklat2leu(ne2d2iso0ff0ulilOnlyehpmrreoss)gi.sratomrmable LISTEN JC1onPnRecOtGin/tTeArnMalPtaLmINpKer Z12Z13CC CZZ54 ZZoonnee45 Z12Z13C ZZoonnee1123 1wsNe%eiteshtspoarploecarghnaroneailcmcseeaoMorpefeti1stoau3nlpFrPpeil1lsmie2isd9rtoeEwsr.iitvshatol2urkse2.s, RECEIVER RHcoInopEetentaCirondEfeneaIcaVrctleEfionR.Rrgadio ltPoPehforaefowdtgsoeoruraerpmunpleptlaieeMvwrdeoIijtndluhisenmtt.kahpeleedlerl.wrinikth Z11Z10C CZZ23 ZZoonnee23 Z11Z10C ZZoonnee1101 CRoedlo,uRrecdo,dBel:ack,Brown,Brown. C C 12VDCoutputfordetectors. +AAAAUUU1U20XXXXVV4231 AA1-Uu4xX.outputs 0VZ9+12V +Z01V12V Zone1 0VZ9+12V Zone9 5A0u0tomRAesmeatxf.usfreomproatlelc1t2eVd.outputs. TAPR DAT SERIAL SREs2R3IA2Lserialport BSNWO.CXI.TTCCAoHMntPaEctRs MPOG KEYPADCCOLKM +CDCOLA1KMT2T V (((WBB (llRauheceitkde)))) Mpearx simysutmem 3. keypads READER (WHITE) +12V navigator keypad*Saturn keypad KPX keypad READ CuWpoentigonae3ncdtNioernesasfdoerrs. RESET OUpRt3ox21x2NVeSscsr1ea2mVeSrir(e1n0(01-0203-81,7120)0-004) E R Also used for Ness PD “HEARTBEAT”LED Portable Download tool. Constantlyflashes STR Upto2xStrobeLight(NOI-300) BATTERYLEADS SIREN Upto3xHornSpeaker,8Ohm(NOI-110) (supplied) B BLACK AC A 17V TTE RED+ AC 1(W7VhiAteC&Black) Ness17VACPlugPack *navigator keypad is compatible RY EARTH (Australiaonly) with D8x/D16x control panels version 7.0 or later EARTH HEATSINK (Yellow/Greenstripe) BATTERYCONNECTION For12V7Ahbackup battery(BAT210) SIREN WIRING (D8 & D16) EXTERNAL INTERNAL ALTERNATIVE 12V SIRENS: 100-172 Ness 12V Internal Siren NESS D8/D16 N.O. TAMPER SWITCH 100-238 Top Hat 12V Piezo Screamer CONTROL PANEL (761-002) Colour: BLACK TAMP Ness Panel & Noise KITS C 2K2 are supplied with the HORN 100-238 Top Hat screamer RESET SPEAKER SISRTERN RED BLACK (NOI110) BLACK RED The terminal block should STROBE LIGHT be mounted inside the (NOI300) siren cover. © 2004 ness Security Products 9 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual KeypaD keypAD DISpLAy INDICAtorS IN operAtINg moDe keypAD ICoN oFF oN FLASHINg DISpLAy ZoNeS Zone is sealed. Zone is unsealed. Zone is in alarm. 1-8 (or 1-16) Zone/s are unsealed. Ready to Arm OK or Power fault. or Panel is armed. READY TO ARM or phone line fault. Panel is disarmed, Panel is armed, ARMED or Area 1 is disarmed, if or Area 1 is armed, if using Areas. using Areas. Area 2 is disarmed. Area 2 is armed if ARMED using Areas. Home Mode is disarmed. Panel is armed in Day Mode enabled, (see HOME Home Mode. page 20). Normal. Memory mode New alarm/s in memory. selected. MEMORY the instructions on this page relate to Normal. Receiving a radio A Radio Key or other Ness Saturn and KPX keypads. signal. (If radio fitted.) radio device has low Refer to the Ness Navigator user's battery. manual for operating instructions specific Normal. Internal tamper: Double to the Navigator touch Screen keypad. Flash with long pause. External tamper: Steady TAMPER flash. keypAD beepS Normal. Zone/s are Excluded. beepS meANINg EXCLUDE Any key press. Normal. the backup battery 1 BEEP is low. LOW 3 BEEPS Valid Command. BATTERY Normal. Mains power is off. –– 1 LONg BEEP Error. MAINS OFF ..10.. 10 BEEPS Mains Power is off or Panel Battery is low Normal. user Program Mode. Installer Program Mode. or A Radio Device PROG has sent a low battery signal Normal Dialler is on line. Phone line fault or or telephone Line Fail LINE failure to communicate. has been detected. An Autotime action is ... ... ... Constant SLOW beeps due to begin. keypAD DISpLAy INDICAtorS IN memory moDe keypAD ICoN memory eVeNt An Autotime action . . . will begin in one Zone numbers 1–8 or 1–16 Zone alarm Constant FASt beeps minute. (no icons displayed) Panel Disarmed ARMED Panel Armed (or Area 1 Armed) DISPLAy tESt ARM2 Area 2 Armed to display all available keypad icons MAINS Mains power failure press and hold the button for at least BAttERy Low Battery 2 seconds. All icons will be displayed tAMPER + 1 Internal tamper alarm while the button is held down. tAMPER + 2 External tamper alarm Display test can be activated at any time EXCLuDE + 1 Panic alarm either in operating mode or any program mode. EXCLuDE + 2 Medical alarm EXCLuDE + 3 Fire alarm NuMBER OF KEyPADS LINE telephone line fail up to 3 LCD keypads can be connected RADIO, EXCLuDE Radio Key Panic alarm to a panel. RADIO, BAttERy, ZONE Radio Device battery low, (Device number is indicated by zone lights) RADIO, BAttERy, ARM Radio Key battery low, (Radio Key number is NOt indicated) CABLE LENgtH RADIO, tAMPER, ZONE Radio Device tamper alarm (Device number is indicated by zone lights) the maximum allowable cable length is RADIO, HOME, ZONE Radio Supervision alarm (Device number is indicated by zone lights) 100m (total cable length to all keypads). HOME, ZONE Wired Zone Supervision alarm (Zone number is indicated by zone lights) 10 Ness D8x / D16x Control Panel – Installation Manual